The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, October 01, 1897, Image 3

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THE --^ MONITOR, - y - * ' ■■ - - • ■ : —-— ■•PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY'. B Nj7 G3&42& TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. \V. Colley, Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton, Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. Tbe Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one yearfor$1.50, CHURCHES. Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school Newton, every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M. Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 31 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. Reubon Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays In each month at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. Frank Dunn was in town Sunday. Boom your business by advertising. For odd pants iu odd sizes go to Clayton’s. Divine services were well attended last Sunday. Ask to see Block’s Shoes, at Clay¬ ton’s. Bill Bozeman, of Dover, spent Sun¬ day in town. Bostwick & Toole are the leaders in low prices in this section. See for yourself. Not so very long off now until the duck will be coming South. Clayton is overloaded on shoes— wants the cash. Mr. Truman Tinsley spent part of this week in Cuthbert on “business.” For nice dress goods Clayton’s is the place. Dr. Mclfc Ragan went to Dawson on professional business last Monday. from Woolen 8cts. pressgoods at Bostwick in & all Tooles. stvles Trimmings lip match. 10-tf. to Mrs. Dr, Kendrick, of Dawson, is vis¬ iting her sister, Mrs. Fannie Cartledge. All kinds of dress linings and trimmings at Clayton’s. Oscar Lash, of Dover, came over Sun¬ day and spent the day with the home folks. _ Very best Checks 4 and 5 cents, Fruit of Loom Bleachings at 7cts. at Bostwick & Toole’s. Skellman was represented in Morgan last Monday and Tuesday by Dr. L. D. Baggs, __ Ho to Clayton’s for the famous Callaway shoes. Best woman shoes on the matket. Mr, Selma Davis spent Sunday in town visiting the home folks and ‘‘others.” 4-4 Waymanville Sheetings at Sets. Bbstwick & Toole’s, 10-tf. Arlington. Miss Cully Nelson went over to Cuth¬ bert last Sunday where she spent several days with relatives and friends. Moments are useless if trifledaway; and they are dangerously wasted Minute if consumed Cough by delay in cases where One Cure would bring relief. Mrs-S.T.Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Heary Tur¬ ner, Edlsom___ Oscar Jones, colored, is now be¬ hind the bars charged with simple larceny. Sheriff Davis went over to Cuthbert after him Tuesday. If you have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you have been annoyed by- a constant tickling In tho throat, you can appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P.' E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. A sad eyed man was heard to remark yesterday morning: “The melancholy days have come, The saddest of the year, And it takes a pound of cotton To buy a glass of beer.” No man or woman can world enjoy life or ac- complish muech in this while suffer¬ ing from a torpid liver. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the pills that cleans the or¬ gan, quickly. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leaiy; Henry Turner, Edison. Miss Katie Whitlock, w ho has been here for a week’s visit to Mrs. Joe Dan¬ iel, returned last Monday to her home in Leary. Miss Whitlock made many warm friends while here who hope to have her with us again soon. Yellow Fever Germs- breed In the bowels. Kill them and you arc safe from the awful disease. Casca- rets destroy the germs throughout the system and make It impossible for only now ones to form. Cascaretts are the reliable -afe guard for young and old against Yellow Jack. 10c, 25e, 50, all druggists. An Indiana girl has invented a lamp that will go out precisely at 10 p. m. Now, if she will let her genius expand, siys the Savannah Press, aud invent a new papa, who will go to bed at nine, a dog without tee th, and a little brother who is deaf and dumb, the course of true love may eventually run smooths, i squislbts- I j Composed, CdtnpiUd, Set up and Oilier- A*m« K «a bj i*tt«i«Kite. ‘ 'Tins fools will novel 1 be dead; I will tell yon the reason why; The yon up ones they grow up Before the old ones die.” Rich, says there is money in bicycles for the other fellow. Our clever little Cobler says he is now saving people’s “soles.” Where God forgives, he gives. Where he forgives siu, he gives eternal life. Our handsome new academy is not Short on anything—not even pupils. “Mind yottr own business—or employ a typewriter,” is the latest business motto. I have a sister-in-law in Randolph Who has ordered a new set of teeth. When they are delivered I shall claim a kiss J Before a man “hits the nail on the head,” he should be sure it is in tbe right place. Jim Monroe is always gassing about his piscatorial achievements, but I never see any fish. Dr. Briscoe has been limping around considerably this week, suffering with a stone bruise on the knee. A lover with a tall sweetheart may speak of her, in Milton’s phrase, as than about managing our own. Is there a more inexact phraso than the common one, “to catch a seeing no mortal in his senses ever in quest of one? A dog barking at the noise of a storm £tr=:^ this is a striking figure for the man who sets himself in opposition to the right¬ eous purpose, government and dence of God. September failures have thus far been extremely light. The liabilities of fail- ing manufacturers, according to Dun’s Review, during the first two weeks of September, amounted to only $904,178, against $4,246,14.8 in the corresponding weeks of last year. Some men make their hearts refriger¬ ators, as it were; and no warmth of love around them takes away the inward chill, and that chill, little by little, takes all the warmth out of their own love. Oh, if these soul-refrigerators might only and always be seen and shunned, before we form alliance with them! This whole pitiful business of trying to make things that are unequal in nature and commerce equal by law, and of giving encouragement to politicians to rant about it, when the known result is to delude large numbers of people, put the currency in peril and paralyze busi¬ ness, should receive no countenance from persons of intelligence and respon¬ sibility.—Exchange. A certain young lady of Morgan told me that she knew a certain young man, not a 1,000 miles from Morgan, who, when retiring at night, would place matches and lamp on a table near the bed, place his heavy walking cane and a double-barrel shot gun on the other side and put his revolver under his pillow. Nothing was said about how tight tbe windows and door were fastened. Experience Account Is again turned to and another entry made by several of Morgan’s merchants and a few private citizens were also “touched” by a “slick duck” who has just made his departure “by the light of the moon.” It will bo remembered by nearly all of Morgan peo¬ ple that J. L. Willis, the painter, who came here several weeks ago and formed a copartnership with Mr. N. L. Mathis, and advertised and boomed his busi¬ ness, and has been doing odd jobs ever since he came. He secured board with Miss Sallie Riley, and, when ho left, he owed for two month’s board. Willis seemed to be a “slick artist” all round as he bought a bicycle from Marshal Richardson and gave a mortgage on it as security, and before his departure he sold the wheel and now there is a warrant against him for cheating ancl swindling. When last seen he was headed toward Dawson. County Court. Our county court met Monday morn¬ ing, Judge Keel presiding for the first time, but from the quick way in which the business was transacted you would have thought he was a veteran. The case of the State vs. Ed Andrews charged with a fondness for a pistol was found not guilty. Case of Edmond Brown, assault and battery, was settled by the court. He had whipped one of his children most too hard. Goodson and his sister charged with an assault and battery on J. M. Gore was found guilty and given $5 and costs or six months on the chain gang, the former being paid by Mr. C. J. Davis. Aster the business of the court was over Judge Keel commenced to inves i gate as to costs collected and how much should be charged in each case, saying that he had not beard a case tried in full for ten years and he wanted to lamilliar- izo himself with the cost question, a source of much trouble and a great deal of talk. We hope that Judge Keel will hold out as he began and you will hear no more trouble about the courts. Take Notice. We received a letter last Monday from Mrs, J. F. Jones, at Milford, Ga., ask- ing us to announce to the public that she has become her own free agent and transact all business in her own name, Mrs. Jones is one of Millford’* most «'c- cessfulmerchants, SOW, DON’! FORGE! TO GO T0 m> <£f m \ 0, ( Ai>" J V i ;/(()' / \ —7 1 m Y. Iff Vi i _Lf ¥ 11 i/> of ■d L1J I i§ JL | ! mm H i : JL, n rr P 1 1 ' I ; ?/ I w* 4 1 CJJLAYTON’S For your winter Drossgoods for yourself and family. Y r on know ho car¬ ries the largest and most complete Hue of GENERAL MERCH¬ ANDISE to be found in this section, and when you examine the goods and get his prices you will ths Secffit ol His Success! * * —-— rArATr'rr'lf'l r' II H Si fill OTTHP rp IIS /~\ DU I I A i mt | |—I I I 1 rx p t i. K J \J \J 1 A JL/ JLj j \ I 1 1 [ : T b ^ A \ r H T'' | K ) T bSrl > L' I 1 GROCER / ^ T ) / \ / ' } ^ I ) I 1 ES T'*'C'' : 1 r | Buy Goad Clothes from will his guarantee a goods man to who ;r.o ^rs e ! There is no sense in worrying you with a long talk, so look to your own ■by calling and trading with—— S. T. Clayton, C.M.C i ■ ;|]v> W *o. LADIES, ! M BN. /TAZ -> i Young R ffi •/ People! -YOU HAVE GOT TO BUY- Drygoods,Clothing,Shoes,Notions, DRESSGOODS. So ivhat I say below is of vital interest to you, your pocketbook, y° ur comfort and your pleasure, Don’t miss reading it. J ^ J j ! JJ ^ I could make a J ’ column talk with y ou hbout my uneaqullcd Line of DRESSGOODS. I have the greatest variety of the prettiest, latest and best Dressgoods which havo been offered for your inspection in a long time. Come and see them; I am anxious to show them to you, and this is the only way you can get a correct idea of them. Calicoes 5cts. ABOUT SHOES- I am waging war on shoe dealers who soli ROTTEN SHOES, and my Ladies’ $1.50 Dongolil is one of my most powerful weapons. It is gq ua ] in every respect to any other $2.00 shoo. We guarantee them to be. I am selling a line of shoes at But then I havo all kinds of shoes, made by the way btate Co., whose name is a guarantee of quality. I name only a fow, because tho straws show which way the wind blows. flf uiroiSHiHG I fi OCDS OF For everybody. Come and see for yourself. Yours, C.M. Cheney, j I MEN! I CLOTHES have tho suit of that will fit you, suit you and agree with your purse. You have nearly a store full to select from, made by Sloss Brothers of Baltimore, the best tailors of America. They fit better than any suits we have ever seen— fit just to perfection—and in quality of goods and workmanship they are far superior to any. We are now soiling some $10 and $12 suits for $8, and $15 suits for $11. We have Negligee Shirts for you at 50c. up to very lino shirts for $1.25—regular $2.00 shirts. But then we have shirts of all kinds and l prices. Como and tako your choice. AS TO SHOES. My of Gentlemen’s Shoes are talked about too much to need any comment, hut will mention my- Bay State Shoes that I am soiling at $2.50 | and $3,00. Don’t miss seeing them NOTIONS- I have everything in the way of Notions, and especially want you to seo my :KCOSi:E:R-5r. In a word I have : S. T. CLA LIVERY, SALE an!) FEED STABLES. Nice Turnouts—Day or Reasonable Pi ices. :-r 'WfctEJST I3SI ’T'O’WlSr Take yout* stock to my Stables to be cafed 1. Ik AYCOCK, ;- m ‘ w w I am now setling my summer stock of MiHinery at greatly reduced prices to make room for my fall and winter stock. If you want real ' RB fl! 3 35'“ alflS 0 Call on me while in Mmgan. , I carry a full line of Millinery. and can gwe you prices on this class of goods, especially Hats, never drained of. MRS. GEO. W. COLLEY. FHH S.N.McGuirt. .11 I 7l $ t-JS c OVERLOADED Where I got for cash— 9 pounds good coffee for $ 1.00 7 pounds Arbticble coffee, 1.00 18 lbs. white sugar, 1.00 18J lbs. good vice, 1.00 50 lbs. pearl grits, Best White Label Lard, 7jets. Best white meat, by the side, 75ots. Sheeting and checks, per yd, Sets. Ladies and gents slippers, 75c. to 1.50 Ladies and gouts shoes, 75c. to 1.85 Best flour, per bbl., 5.40 Giant Mceoboy snuff, per pound, 45c potash, 16 boxes for 1.00 Gooseneck Hoes, 30e D. & H. Scovil hoes, Nos. 1 and 2, 40 and 45cts. Globe Fruit Jars, per doz., 75c Meal and corn, per bushel, 65c FIFTY SHEETS FLYPAPER, 85,•, “Wild Rose” toilet soap, per doz., 45c Highest market price paid for eggs. Bring me all yon have for sale. The arc now worth 12J cents. I am yours, thanking yon for your patronage in the past and wishing to have it in the future, S. N. Mt QUIRT. LOOK HERE, AFTER A COM¬ PLETE AND W si £2* -1 mr- U v/BrN V <C re k Thorough Investigation I AM SATISFIED THAT THE GOLD WIRE J EWELRY of , Ladies' and Gents’ Jewelry. MSS Call on him at T. J. Tiush-y ,v Co.’s and inspect bis fine assortment, the goods are sure to sell, Co ne to see me. !) T ELDER 3NW* r^J^i^fi5SC352E2Se r5r^r *5*SJ* MORGAN HIGH SCHOOL. , 1 H ->* - - {■-, ijyi^ BP m if & m ■«fv: .-:??■ 'fr-. is ffi S5L •an: ' ' -' ■■ * • «*!f V W~ Pal! term opened Soptember 27th, and will close December 20tT school is no longer an experiment, discipline. but a reality. aim It is thorough in it-.-, instruction and strong in its Our is to prepare boys and gitls For college, or to giro those who cannot graduate a practical cd Git • tioti. For rates of tuition or board apply to the principal. W. S. SHORT, Principal. MRS. L. W. DOZIER, Ass slanl. LAZIINES m BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN Oil YIN’S. brings A lazy man tvill not look after Lis* interests, and this “willful waste woeful want.’’ Now if you are oh the alert and seek to do the !>••<!■ you can for yourself and those committed to your Caro you will not spend a dollar of your money (ill you see our stock and our Change of Schedule. Wo will adopt tho SLOP CASH system on September 1st, and will sell goods lower than over. Don't fail to call on us when you want to buy anything for the house, kitchen or farm. \Ye will save you money, J. B. PAYNE & Co.. esKCBTiXiTM A.3ST, C3- A.. ANDY CATHARTIC robcoAelb CURE CONSTIPATION 10 .* ALL 25* SO* DRUGGISTS .»». CASCA H KT» taste Rood. Knt them CAKQY like move candy. any bud They tnsto re* In the mouth, /cnvln ring CATHARTIC tho perfumed. breath sweet,. It Is and a real pleasure to tako seating liquids them instead of nitu 1 or cimnon-bull pills. .......CANCAUKTS j PURELY i>I ami ’d purely c(jntain YCKutahlo no mer¬ curial or other min¬ j VEGETABLE eral poison. They are made of the lat¬ est remedies discov¬ ered and are ft Helen* nbvor before put together tiflc com b 1 nu tl o u in any form. .....CAM!A It ET8 are n ntlpoptlo. T’Juit ANTISEPTIC ' 'iigoauid'tood^From LAXATIVE souring in the mom- mo {ft hoi vo Is in id kill dls- kind u that breed and food in germs of uiiy the j Bytttein. ... .....CAM’A 11ETS tone tho stomach n nd um howolsttiiil stlmulaio tho lazy liver, mak¬ ing If, work. They si STIMULAHT RM-emrtl dsn if*then nil put them tho bo Into vigo rims li (Miltlir '*■* cond itlon, m uking tltolr action easy ami natural. ./■Don't judge CASCARHTS by other medicines you have tried. They are new, unlike anything else that's sold, and infinitely superior, rfTSFFr m&M --ngasi'-v oSyteSufne. Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased fret WSMwM X out money backl Larger boxes, 25cor 50c Bowaro of oample and booklet mailed tree* Address imitations J STERLING REMEDY CO., CHICAOOI MONTREAL, CAH.j NEW YORK. 230 NO-TO-BAC cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes weak m**n Btroiif*. Sold and L r uaraiiteed by all druggists. Uet bookl.-t. N F;W a r) VEItT 1SF31 ENTS. LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that at tho re¬ quest and petition duly signed by about forty of tho citizens of Morgan, It is my Intention to Introduce at the approaching session of the legislature of Georgia and apply for the passage of a bill to bo enti¬ tled “An a«t to establish', maintain and regulate Calhoun a dispensary in the town of Mor¬ gan, county, On., for tho sale of ardent spirits, malt liquors, wine, elder and other intoxicants, and to establish and porpetuato a board of commissions for the management of said dispensary, to be Morgan, styled Georgia,” “Dispensary Commissioners of and to authorize tho mayor and council of said town to pass all ordinances to carry out the purposes of this act and i > provide suitable penalties for violations of many of its provisions and to authorize said Board of Commis¬ sioners to borrow money or pledgo the credit of the Board to inaugurate said Dispensary for and to purchase the first stock the same, and for other purposes. J. 8. BOYNTON, Wept. Representative Calhoun county. 22, 1807. COM MIS ION ERS' SALE. GEORGIA—Cauhocn County. V4/ ’V ILL be sold for cash at public out- (* r y on the first Tuesday in Octo¬ ber next, before the court house door in tho town of Morgan, the County Poor I Farm, consisting of one hundred and a pz 16! in the Third district of said county. County Commissioners reserve tho right ■ 1° accept or reject bids. J. J. Raman, Com. K. and K.. < \ O, Ga. See J. B. Payne & Co.. Shell man-, Ha, when you Want Hardware, Ma¬ chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed - Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, Tin wary, Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc,, on-. They also have a full assortment of Caskets and Collins. Cali on tlu-m and save money. .....CASCAHETfl tlio How of Jiillkln iini'Hlhmnotli- BOOH FOR ev». A tivLiub onion lier hy the milk motlicr mildly makes hut ative certain ancl IntH efTuct a purg¬ mild MOTHERS Hie on tho baby. only r ' fiafo jitxatlvo for the babo-lruarms. CM SC All KTS i a ro liked hy theclill- en. They taste PLEASE Kootl and do good. « Htop wind-colic ami iiii | cramps - , and kl II a THE CHILDREN drive oir r won; u b. a a. kin ()» of pm ,(I 'i .1 I'll.ea Mint live In the i bowels of tho growl ng child. taken ...GASOAJtETH, patiently, Hintently. per- areguaiiin* CURE teed to euro any on ho of matter constipation, bow old and no d GUARANTEED chase obstinate, or pm r money will ho cheerfully by refunded your own drugglBt* .... CARCABET9 nre soul by nil drug¬ f»Oc gists for l»o, c*; m LTrl ft box, acconl- Ing to Bl/, 0 . A their 11>c box will provo TuH 10 GEttTS tnerlfcand put you on fect l lie right rond to per¬ and permanent ***&*»« health, llon’t risk, delay. Tax Collector’s Notice. Providence permitting, I will bo at tho following places, on tho dates named, for tho purpose of collecting State and County Taxes for tho year 1897 ; Morgan, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 22. Oordray, Sept. 28, Oct, 26, Nov. 28. Leary, Sept. 29, Got, 27, Nov. 84. Williamsburg, Sept. 30, October 28, Nov. 25. Arlington, Oct. 1 and 29, Nov. 26. Edison, Oct. 2 and 30, Nov. 27. Pruett’s Store, Nov. 16. Folks, Nov. 17. Jonosvillo, Nov. 18. Maury’s Mill, Nov. 19. Will be at Morgan during court week. Books wi(l eloso promptly on Dee. 20. C. J. Davis, Tax Collector Calhoun Co. Men’s Bliocs at $1.00, at, Clayton's. Notice. Professor Short informs Tims Mot- Ton that school will open September 27 without fail. By request of the patrons and trustees, the Professor postponed the opening of school one week only. Bund in your children. T. BRISCOE, msmu AH #u r s e o S' MORGAN, GA. Hksidknok Booth ok Pimt-.o r'QUArv, I T 11