The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, October 15, 1897, Image 3

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PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. TOWN Ol MOKOAS. Mayor—L. G. Cart ledge. Wardens—J. J. Beck, T. W. Tiusloy, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year tor81.50. CHURCHES. Baptist Cbnrck—Rev. Z.T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school M. every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. in. J. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a in. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p in. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, F. & A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays in each month at 2.30 p. m. J. X. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. Votes and Thomas' candy were in de maud yesterday. Woolon Dressgoods in all stvles from 8cts. up at Bostwick & Tooles. Trimmings to match. 10-tf. Can any one tell who the “great mo¬ gul” of Calhoun is? Moments are useless if trifledaway; and they are dangerously wasted if consumed by delay hi cases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring relief. Mrs-S.T.Clayton, Morgan ; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur¬ ner, Edison._ The Monitor is nearly two years old. All rumors to the contrary. Very best Chocks 4 and 5 cents, Fruit of Loom Bleachings at 7ets. at Bostwick & Toole’s. Morgan and vicinity was visited by refreshing showers Sunday and Monday. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe the Irritated surfaces,to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mis¬ sion of DeWitt’s Witch llazle Salve. Mrs. 8. T. Clayton,Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Morgan has the prettiest postofficc olerk in the state, and she’s a “Pet,” too. _ Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Trunks in endless variety and at positively tiumatchable prices at Bostwick & Toole’s, Healing merchants for this sectioul The Georgia Pine Railway will miss the garden spot of Southwest Georgia if it misses Morgan. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac¬ complish mucch in this world while suffer¬ ing from a torpid liver. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the pills that cleans the or¬ gan, quickly. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leaiy; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Layton, of Arling¬ ton, was the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Colley, Wednesday. 11 you have ever soon a little child in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tickling In the throat, you can appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives P. quick relief. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan; E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. The hungry editor of this paper feasted <on “’possum and taters” Sunday at the hospitable home of Mr. Cliff Cheney. Burning sores, ingolent ulcers and simi¬ lar troubles, even though of many DeWitt’s year’s standing, may bo cured by using strength¬ Witch Hazle Salve. It soothes, ens and heals. It is the great pile Boyd, cure. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison, _ MissT. F. Davis, a charming young ladv, daughter of Mr. G. M. Davis, paid the Monitor a pleasant visit Wednesday morning. _ Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers for these complaints or you would have boon cured. They are small pills but great regulators. Mrs. 8. T. Clayton, Morgan, P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur¬ ner, Edison. Several of our young men nre think¬ ing seriously of joining the U. S. army or navy. Gentlemen of Morgan, you are mak¬ ing a serious mistake by not sinking that artesian well. Yellow Fever Prevented. There is only one sure way of prevent¬ of ing yellow fever. Destroy the germs the disease by using Cascarets, Candy Cathartic, and keep the system clean by continuing their use. The tried and test¬ ed safeguard against yollow fever ls> to place your faith in Cascarets. 10c, 25c, 50c, all druggists. Si McGuirt says things are getting lively around Morgan—that a poor Ne¬ gro is killed every week, and that the New Light church turns out a member every conference. The following personals are from Tuesday morning’s Albany Herald; Mr. W. C. Thomas, of Morgan, spent yesterday in Albany shaking hands friends. Judge J. J. Beck, of Morgan, after business in Dougherty court yesterday. Judge L. G, Cartledge, of Bliook hands with friends in the yestealay. ML’ B. T. Clayton, a prominent chant of Morgan, spent yesterday in city, SQUIBLSTS' Composed, Compiled, Set np ami Other¬ wise Arranged by l-'itzduotUe. When a tree leaves where does it go? When a man is prosperous his friends see him afar off; but when he gets short his friends get short-sighted. The woman who can look at a hole in a newspaper without wondering what was cut out is yet to bo born. “An off-year in politics is now of little use; (here are always some to stir the devil if we will play the goose,” It lias been suggested that the autumn leaves turn red because of the trees standing around with bare limbs. Our editor says the word “flee,”—a flee dog—is not in the dictionary, Will some kind brother inform me as to the origin of the word. While strolling along a public higli- way last Sunday I came to a big gate at the end of a short lane. On the gate post was nailed: “No tresspassing on these premises. ” Looking over the fence 1 saw a large persimmon tree ladened with luscious fruit. But, alas! a poor country editor is not allowed even the privileges of the forest to satis¬ fy his hunger. We are under obligations to Editor Green, of the Morgan Monitor for a copy of hia paper. Bro. Green gets out a clean, newsy sheet and has a corps of vigilant and wide awake correspondents which is evidence that the Monitor has a wide circulation.—Benevolence cor- respondent Liberal-Enterprise. Thanks, Brother, me and the editor, with the inteligent assistance of our correspondents, are doing the best we can. Just three weeks from to day the Bethel Association convenes with Reho- heth church, about one and a half miles from Shellmau. This is one of the first churches we ever heard of and strange to say, that although we have resided within the bounds of the church, yot we have never made her a i isit, and as we are one of the representatives from Be¬ nevolence, we think we will attend the session of the Association if not hin¬ dered.—Benevolence correspondent Lib¬ eral-Enterprise, Oct. 8. Go by all means, which yon should have done long ago. Once more the wages of sin has been paid with death. A wayward career has found the logical end, and there is “One more unfortunate, Rashly Weary of breath, Gone importunate, to her death.” If the error would profit by experi . no.- the lesson afforded hero would regenev- ate the world and every Magdalen fall at the feet of the Savior. Hie flower of womanhood would never wither again under the feverish breath of sin; but human perversity is strong, We can only hope that the force of example, the inevitable end of wrong-doing, may not ba entirely in vain.—Angnsta Her¬ ald. Small precautions ofton prevont great mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are very small pills In size, but are most effectivo In preventing the most serious forms of liver and lung troubles. They cure constipation and headache and regu¬ late the bowels. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Mor¬ gan; P. E, Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Joe Madison, a worthy, hard-working Negro mau, a cropper of Mr. Frank Cheney, went coon hunting about 2 o’clock Wednesday morning. He was accompanied by his two little boys, and the dogs soon “treed” a coon in the swamp just back of tho Sibley place and about a mile from Joe’s home, Joe soon felled the tree, and during the ex¬ citement the father missed one of his boys—John—a lad of twelve years. He called to him several times, and then began to search for him. The old father fonud his boy ernshed to death under tho trunk of the tree. What a sad ending of a smart hoy. The parents has the syampathy of the Monitor in their deep grief. The Monitor was missinioraed last week as to tho death of Mr. Earnest Peavy, of Randolph county, and this paper, together with hri many friends, arc thankful to God that ho is yet alive, or was last W ednesday night. His con- dition is very critical indeed, and it is very doubtful that ho can survive many days longer, and his relatives and friends cau only trust on the will of his Maker. Mr. David Goff died at 1 o’clock Sat¬ urday afternoon at his home oa the Ri¬ ley place a few miles above Morgan. From what could be learned Dr. Goff died from an attack of billious colic. Ho was a good physician and an upright citizen and will be greatly missed' by the community in which he resided. Prof. O. F. McLendon paid our office a call Tuesday and informed the Moni¬ tor that the New High School will be opened next Monday, Oct. 18th. Pat¬ rons should take notice and send in their children the first day. WANTED—500 Arbucklo coffee sig¬ natures by Cooper Dozier. Colonel and J. L. Boynton, of Dickey were in Morgan Wednesday. Mrs, Boynton came to our town to do some shopping, and no doubt is justly proud of her beautiful span of blacks. I believe that if our editor’s many friends knew how sadly in need of money our editor is, and how hungry he is, they would come to his rescue. But he just won’t dun people. Our school is just a humming and will soon reach the high water mark. The attendance is better than ever ha.-: becu for the full term, Y; 14 LV & I nP 5 f Mm Fhis Space —IS RESERVED FOR--- . N. Daniel!. Who is doing everything in his power to please his friends and customors. If you owe him anything, pay up; if you want cheap goods for the cash, see him. A 3 ' t, f oHi vY’i Ap m : iu XI -r: A m 1 M \ M P- |Wr CLEAR! ■ - SAL1 r t> Having decided to quit the business, I will sell out my entire stock of millinery goods at cost. 1 Mean At Cost! And thoso who intend to buy thing in the Had better come to see me. mean business and will sell entire new stock, consisting of bons, bats, perfumes, plumes, ers, etc., cheaper than you can In New —This is a chance of a lifetime— I MUST quit business and must I out. Your luck, my ■ So come ami see. MRS. G. W. COLLEY. Morgan, G r * CLAYTON IS mm/ .V *'. , V r 1 / \ £ : \ I 1 : -3 V \ *2 Mo wonder she is alarmed. Such low prices as rules at Clayton’s will scare any one who has been paying to much for their goods. Go to see him. DO TO (’LAYTON'S ? \ '1 FINE CAPES. Ladies’ Capes and Cloaks of the latos styles and patterns from 75c to $6. 8 Til ■l.. Ready-made suits, boys and men. from 75cts to $5.00. Don’t sleep until vo u see him. m iUYTONJj © All the latest makes and styles for men, women and children from 25cts to $5.00. Overstocked—come and get them at your own price. ■{£ You can’t fool the ladies when yon sell them shoddy dressgoods, and this is the reason our trade is so good in this line. Our stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Fall and Winter Goods of every quality is cndloss, and the woman is not yet born who cannot bo pleased in this line. JApGo to CLA YTON’S for anything and everything a human could wish for or need. 231 Cotton is low, but wo sell tho goods, and wo can’t begin to give you an idea as to our large stock of General merchandise or the prices at which they are being carted off every day. ISP"We make no specialties for every article in our store is going especially low prices. Come and be convinced. m i l Clayton, & Wi © 9 HVrA-KT-A-G-EIR. C.MN.DY c GATJ1AP <8i < BW . §/F WJ'-'A 25* rcO S3* ^IBS! ME ORiftSUTS All .....<ia*«;arets tafIMj pood. Jf A t thorn am like candy. They ro- movo any Lad tnsto In tho mouth .leaving GATHM715 tho breath sweet a perfumed, it tako is a roal pleasure to athem inatead of nau- aeatliR? liqulda or oauuon-ball puis. .....CASCAJKKTS m o purely vegetable j min and contain no tnor* { carl Jal or other min* VEOETABLE eral 1 poison. of tho They lat* aro d mde cm 0dl«B (il»COT« tXa and are r scion* togothor u co in b D11 i a a 11 o n nover boforfl pnfc in any form. .....CAS0AUET8 fsjiHra r. re n / tic. That A^iisEPTis flouring in tho atom* LAXATIVE ISSit.fiirfn kill dis* bovroia and ajJ i rpi>ai<i "tm 0aBO germs of any kind that breed and feed in tho ayeieui. .....CASCAKKTS tone the Btomach and LIVER bowels and Btinruh ate the lazy Jlvor, zm__ ak- inff it work: vigorous healthy v condition, m u k l n g their action easy and natural. c* arc new, unlike anything r,r (V (V that’s sold, and infinitely if pleased superior. <anar »a p 10c box to-day, boxes, not get ls| B.“““S Th « your money back! Larger 25c or 50c on < ’' Sample and booklet mailed free. Imitations i 8 TERUMQ REMEDY GO.. CMtCAGOt MONTREAL, OAN. ( New YORK. 233 ai cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded Makoa \reak me J sirouff. Sold arid cdft ran teed by all dru^i'Iats. Got bookie: Tax Collector’s Notice. Providenco permitting, 1 will be at the following places, on tho dates named, for the purpose of collecting .Stato and County Taxes for tho year 181)7 : Morgan, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 22. Cord ray, feept, 28, Oct, 26, Nov. 23. Leary, Williamsburg, Sept. 29, Sept. Oct. 27, Nov. 24. 30, October 28, Nov. 25. Arlington, Oct. 1 and 29, Nov. 26. Edison, Oct. 2 and 30, Nov. 27. Pruett’s Store, Nov. 1C. Folks, Nov. 17. Jonesville, Nov. 18. Maury’s Mill, Nov. 19. Will he ut Morgan during court week. Books wi;l close promptly on Dee. 20. V. .J, Davis, Tax Collector Calhoun Co. CY V ki— 1 F 8 'I mo. S3 m y o^- LL ,C-Sk—./ I fj 4) u V/ m, J Cj J y M 1 i ; '■v_ r i / ' |7» .wpr,. ,■■■ Father time lias decided that high have ruled long enough, and Clayton now selling clothing at prices which w I] make you weep with joy. Sec them. .....CJ A 0C.1KETS lncrenso tho How of milk In nursInRiuoth- BOON m ors. A tH'iiot onion by tho mother makOB her milk mildly purp- MOTHERS ntlvo and lias a mild butcertoirj effect on the baby, the only babe-ln-arms. safe laxative for the i .... C2ASOAICKTH awwB><g u g weig g»«i aro liked by thoehiJ* (Iren, and They tu«to good, PLEASE fe'ood wind-colic do end stop I THE CHILDREN all kinds of pnvn- »ltu« that livo in tho bowels of tho growing child. ...C!AH<!AKKTB» n , taken patiently,por-■ I, Blstontly.aroguaran* Med CUKE to cure any cur,e of constipation, how no matter old and ?. £UA?.AKTEED obstinate, or put chase money will bo cheerfully refunded by your own druggist. .... CASCARKTfil a-raBOtd by all drng- gists for lOc, ft UEAi SrIImL* TU «Oc ft box, ftCCo>*(l-U b ia in« to Bixe. A their? lOc a t box will prove J? 55/ wILR E & ft nierltand put you on $ the right and road to > per- pe (♦ : oct lion'J pormano nt health. rlslt delay. T. BRISCOE, PHYSICIAN AMD lUlUl MORGAN, GA. Ursidbnck South of Public Square, j 1-17 tr Yailow Jack Killed. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills Yellov Jack wherever they find him. No om who takes cuseurutes regularly and sy.v tematleally Is in danger kill from Yellow tho dread!u fevei disease. Cascarets germs in tho bowels and prevent new oner from breeding. 10c, 25c, 50c, all drug gists. llostwick & Toole are the leaders in low nrices in this section. See foi yourself. MORGAN HIGH SCHOOL I WSs ■ '•> n,. & t •a mm "i st i ■ i ms mm. ■p Pi m 3S§ Wm . csPssIK .v_-? ■ ■ •sm7ar<r^sttSat/S* Fall term opened September 27th. and will close December 20t . This school is no longer an experiment, but a reality, it is thorough in its instruction and strong in its discipline. Our aim is to prepare boys and girls for college, or to give those who cannot graduate a practical educa lion. For rates of tuition or board apply to the principal. W. 8. SHOUT. Principal. MItS. L. W. IJOZIEK, Assistmt. pcwKta ■i m ■, i«! ri 1 *{j iScfit: BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS. A lazy man will not look after hisj interests, and this “willful waste brings woeful for yourself want.” Now if you are oa the alert and seek to do iho best you can and those committed to your care you will not spend a dollar of till see our stook and Change of Schedule; We will adopt tko SPOP CASH system on September 1st, and will sell goods lowor than over. Don’t fail to call on us when you want to buy anything for tho house, kitchen >r farm. Wo will save you money. J. B. PAYNE & CO.. BILL,XVt,fX. 1ST, Cl 3 M B 14 LADIES, C'JcLri v ~- S f MEN. •-V; i ■ lL.„ .3 Young S&rr irrr jp J 7, zB People! “W --YOU HAVE GOT TO BUY"- DRESSGOODS. So wiiat I «ay below D of vital interest to you, your pocketbook, your comfort, and your pleasure. Don’t miss reading it,. f A 1Y rUC ^ c0l| l'-l make a Li/vlJljDO, column talk with you about my uneaqullcd Lino of DREKSGOODS, 1 have the greatest variety of the prettiest, latest and best Dressgoods which have offered for your inspection in a long timo. Come and see them ; I am anxious to show them to you, and this is the only way you can got a correct idea of them. Calicoes 5cts. AB()U r i’ SHOES. I am waging war on shoo dealers who sell ROTTEN SHOES, and my Ladies’ $1.50 Dongola is one of my most powerful weapons. It is equal in every respect to any other $2.00shoo. We guarantee them to be. [ am selling a line of shoes at 50ets. But then I have all kinds of good shoes, mad© by the Hay .State Shoe Go., whose name is a guarantee of quality. I name only a few, because the straws show which way the wind blows. tlF uRwisHiwsKiOons 'of all iKiupsl) For everybody. Como and see for yourself. Yours, ■A BHfEX-JLAiIA.lSr, GCA-, See J. B. Payno & Co.. Sbetlman ( Ha., when you want Hardware, Ma¬ chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linsood Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, Tniwarc > Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., et I » They also have a full assortment et' Caskets and Coffins. Call on them and save money. MEN! I CLOTJES have the suit of that will fit you, suit you and a^roo with your purse. You have nearly a storo full to select from, made by Sloss Brothers of Baltimore, the best tailors of America. They fit bettor than any suits wo have over soon— fit just to perfection—and in quality of goods and workmanship they are far superior to any. Wo are now selling some $10 and $12 suits for $8, and $15 suits for $11. Wo have Negligee Shirts for you at 50c. up to very hue shirts for $1.25—regular $2.00 shirts. I >ut then wo have shirts of all kinds and i prices, Como and take your choice. AS TO SHOES. My line of Gentlemen’s Shoes aro talked about too much to need any comment, hut will mention my Bay Stato Shoes that I am selling at $2.50 and $3.00. Don’t miss seeing them. notions;" I have everything in the way of Notions, and especially want you to see my HOSIERY. In a word I have