The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, October 22, 1897, Image 3

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THE MONITOR kt i | PUBLISHKD EVERY FRIDAY. K WTO Of JIOKKAN. Mayor— L. (1. Cartk«dge. Wardens—J, J. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartlcdge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley, Treasurer—8. T. Clayton, Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Onr Clubbing Hates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year forSJl.50, CHURCHES. Baptist Preaching Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, and pastor. Saturday every Sunday-school third Sunday before. every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m, J. M. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. P. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at II o’clock a m, Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m, L. G. Cart ledge, Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388, E. & A. M., meets every first ami third Saturdays (n each month at 3.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W, M. Sidney I’.vcl, Secretary. The price of cotton is climbing up a little. Judge 1, J. Ragan is still confined to bis bead.___ Woolen Dressgoods in all stvles from Sets, up at Bostwick & Tooles. Trimmings to match. 10-tf. ** Mr. J. M. McDaniel is now with Mr. J. A. Thornton, The Association convenes at New Light church today. Moments are useless if trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted if consumed by delay in cases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring relief. Mrs-S.T.CJayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur¬ ner, Edison. —\ m ' r< this Mr. John jVvera, of Tifton, spent week with the home folks. Lewis Nix is suffering from the bite of a rattlesnake, so the boys say. Very best Checks 4 and 5 cents, Fruit of Loom Bleachings at 7cts. at Bostwick & Toole's. Mr. B, T. Elder is placing new brick pil'ars uuderneath bis residence. A strong delegation of the Morgan boys went np to Albany Monday. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe the Irritated surfaces,to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mis¬ sion of DeWitt’s Witch Hazle Salve. Mrs. S. T.,Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd,.Leary* Henry Turner, Edison. ------- Misses Cullie and Wick Nelson are visiting friends in the country this week. Nath Cartlcdge says he hopes that that Pinetree railroad will strike Morgan. Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Trunks in endless variety and at positively uumatchable prices at Bostwick & Toole’ 8, Leading merchants for this sectionl Ed. Thigpen was over from Arlington yesterday and says tliat the town is rap¬ idly being rebuilt. A hard battle was fought at the polls Thursday, but everybody seemed to be in the best of humor. If you have ever seeu a little child in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or tickling if you have been annoyed by a constant value in the throat, you can appreciate the of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives P. quick relief. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; 1-;. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. G. W. Colley is seriously think¬ ing of painting and otherwise improving his Dr. Roberts’ place. The arrival of delegates to the associa¬ tion at New Light church made things lively in Morgan yesterday. Burning sores, ingolent ulcers and simi¬ lar troubles, eyeu though of many year's standing, may bo cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazle Salvo. It soothes, strength¬ ens and deals. It is the great pile Boyd, cure. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. D. It. Stewart shook hands with friends in Morgan Tuesday. Wish lio was a Calhoun county citizen. The smokehouse of Mr. G. M. Davis was robbed Tuesday night of six hams, a jar of lard and a side of meat. Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They aro small pills but great regulators. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan, P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur- uer, Edison. The editor lost a bundle of cloth Tuesday night. The finder should give it to him, for he has not a rag to spare. Little Miss Willa, daughter of Mr. 1. A. Griffin of tho Cordry neighbor¬ hood, we arc sorry to learn, is quite sick. One cent a piece given for Arbnckle coffee signatures by Cooper Dozier. Dr. W. D. Cheney has laid down the material for the repairing of his residence in East Morgan, and the work will soon be under way. Marshal Richardson""had"bis hands full Saturday night, but then the right of man is generally on the right aide the “sycamore tree.” Moronn Morgan has nas the ins best delegation “ of yonn/men of small city tlie hontli. , any in In Mairity, friendship and manliness onr boys arc hard to beat.- SQUIBLETS- Composed, Conipiltd, S«;r up ami Oihci*- ui-se ArrcuagtMl l»y Fitzcloodle* I think Rev. Mr, Weaver hit some of the hard eases of Morgan a pretty good rap in his Sunday morning s sermon. Mr. Bob, Colson was compelled to bang out some of his best clothing for an airing Tuesday .morning. On the road from Williamsburg to Morgan Monday night he ran up with some per fume of the pole cat variety, hence the airing. It is all a mistake about our editor being dead from tiic effects of a “cracked skulL”—he was too hard headed. It is dangerous for a piece of hard wood to come violently in contact with said head for fear of injuring tire wood and wielder. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers are very small pills in si ;e, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms of liver and lung troubles. They cure constipation and headache and regu¬ late the bowels. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Mor- gan; P. E, Boyd, Leary; 1 leery Turner, Edison. 1 Went to Leary. Last Saturday morning the writer was asked by Mr. Tom Plowden, our clever county treasurer, to take a seat in his buggy for a visit to Leary. On our way we talked stock law, county politics and a heaps of things too numerous to meutiou. At Leary Mr. Plowden dropped, me and I sailed in to see my friends and hustle for Calhoun’s paper. I called on Dr. Terry and learned that on last Friday Charlie Anthony, a colored youth, accidently shot a little Negro girl through the shoulder. The wound was dressed by Dr. Terry, and is not considered dangerous. Said accident happened on Boyd’s Holt place. I went in to see Captain Boyd. You know he is always busy, but never fails to spare a moment to his guests, lie told me that he had just lost one of his fine matched gray horses, but ho took consolation in the fact that the Morgan district had cauied the stock law by a safe ma¬ jority. After buying two pair of shoes on credit from one of the Cap¬ tain’s clever and wide awake clerks, I hunted up Dr. Griffin and began negotiations for * linnet'. Doe knew I was “strapped’ and made me feel good by saying “.lie Griffin house always finds it a pleasure in giving a newspaper mau a square meal, .es¬ pecially our county editor.” So at I lie proper hour, in company with Dr. Griffin, I was soon seated at the table. After partaking of all the breads, meats and delicacies of the season that within my power lay, I was shorn around the premises. The Griffin House is o .e of the most popular hosieries in South Georgia, and upon the pages of its register can be read the names of people from ail quarters of the globe. Mr. Dolph Hammond had just re- turned'from Macon and could not talk advertising for telling me about the carnival. Clever Sid Keel wanted to pay me for an advertised letter list, but I ins formed him that our editor never took money from a postmaster. l T ou alTknow that Tom Jordan had to mix me up one of his favorite bev¬ erages, for he said I could not “navi¬ gate” without it. Mr. A. J. Dixon and his clover clerks were hustling for the niekles and dimes, while Mrs. Dixon was her millinery business. The Leary people like the Moni¬ tor and love our editor, but they just won’t advertise. Fit/,doodle. Yellow Fever Prevented. There is only one sure way of provont- ing yellow fever Destroy the germs of the disease by using Casearets, Candy Cathartic, and keep the system clean by continuing their use. The tried and test¬ ed safeguard against yellow fever is to place your faith in Casearels. lOe, 25c, •50c, ail druggists. Council Meets. From Mayor L. G. Oartlege we learn that at a council meeting hold last Friday preparations were made for the bill or¬ ganizing a dispensary in Morgan, and Col. J. J. Bock, G. W. Colly and T. W. Tinsley to be named as tho hoard of commissioners to organize and start the enterprise, they to select and employ a clerk, and to be empowered to elect their own successor. This is a movement that the Monitor, together with almost the unanimous voice of our citizens, wish to sec carried through—a well regulated town dispen¬ sary put into operation as soon as pos¬ sible. Orders were passed to payJ.A. Thornton $250 on the school house con- tract.the new house having been accepted by the building committee, and to pay for the painting of the house, a sum of thirty dollars. Our conucilmcn arc working harmoui- onsly for the improvement of the the town, this years work Indy demonstrat- ing the fact. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac- complish muccli In this world while suffer- | n g from a torpid liver. DeWitt’s Little KllI . ly insert, tho pills that cleans tho or- gan.’quickly. Boyd, Leaiy; 8. Henry T. i3.a;lnn, Turner. Morgan; Edison. 1 E. I L o o k cry uV This oo c •IS RESERVED FOR . N. Da nidi. Who is doing everything in his power to please his friends and customers. If you owe him anything, pay up; if you want cheap goods for the cash, see him. mB 4 V 7% if m 4 f! dyM. rlii IT i! J/ Wa r J J 1 1 mj. M Iff ^T*_ 5= 4' ' i* % 4 t. ?; JlmMB a '* CLEARING A > - j Having deciileil to quit the business, I will sell out my entire stock of millinery goods at cost. I Mean At Cost! And those who intend to bay any¬ thing in the Millinery LINE Had better come to see me. I mean business and will soil my entire new stock, consisting of rib¬ bons, hats, perfumes, plumes, flow¬ ers, etc., cheaper than you can get In NewYorl / —This is a chance of a lifetime— I MUST quit business and must sell ® l,t ’ ' ’'" r I"‘ ;k my misfortune. . . So come and see. MRS. G. \V. COLLFY, Morgan, Ga. CLAYTON IS Mwtfl mm 7 vfm y^W\ I. i n ** l Mi / : Xo wonder she Is alarmed. Sm-b low prices as rules at Clayton's will scare any one who lias been paying to much for tlicii goods. Gfo to see him. GO TO CLAYTON’S-- FOR LA DIE’S * FINE CAPES. Ladies’ Capes and Cloaks of the kites st-ylss and patterns from 7f>« to $(i-. Go to Clayton’s for Fine Clothing. Ready-made him. suits, boys and men from 75cts to $5.00. Don't sloop until you see (Hi II OESIlCin® All the hitest makes and styles for men, women and children from 25ets to $5.00. ‘Overstocked-—come and get them at your own price. rg o TO IQ lAYTOW S FORi PfSESSfiOOPSfl You can’t fool the ladies when you sell them shoddy dressgoods, and this is the reason our trade is so good in this line. Our stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Fall and Winter Goods of every quality' is endless, and the woman is not yet born who cannot be pleased in this line. 85iPGo to CLA YTON’S for anything and everything a human being could wish for or need. £-df 'Cotton is low, but wo sell the goods, and we can’t begin to give you an idea as to our large stock of Genera! merchandise or the prices at which thoy are being carted off every day. GF'We make no specialties for every article in our storo is going at especially low prices. C®me and be convinced. S. T. Clayton, Jvovasr-A-OEi?,. rake 'fTJANDY CATHARTIC i s i i eURfCOHSTIPATIOH ro i a? SI ALL 50 * CAHGY CATHARTIC ■ or cannon-ball plus. .....CmOAKETS PURELY ava and purely vegatfiUlQ contain no mer¬ curial or other min¬ VEGETABLE eral poison. They are rimdo of the lat¬ est remedies dlscor- fired amt »ro a scion- before comb Inal lo n never put together In nuy form. ANTISEPTIC UKATIVE kind that breed and feed In ( , RSO gf ., •ins of any the ay stem. LIVER STIMULANT their action easy ami natural. are new, else that’s sold, and infinitely I Tho SaPsSl ?S©B»s9 on Beware 'y sonuino. of imitations ! NO-TO-BAC euros ’JDibit or nioucy Million weak im*n (strong- Sold and t'iuirant.ecd by all dniggiMts, Got booklet Tax (ffiilector’s Notice. Providence permitting, I will be at the following places, on the dates named, for the purpose of collecting State amt County Taxes for tho year 1897 : Morgan, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 22. Cord ray, bepf, 28’, Oct, 20, Nov. 23. Leary, Williamsburg, Sept. 29, Oct. 27, Nov. 24. Nov. 25. Sept, 30, October 28, Arlington, Oct. 1 and 29, Nov. 2(1. Edison, Oct. 2 and 30, Nov. 27. | Pniett’s Store, Nov. 10. I Folks, Nov. 17. ! Jonesville, Nov. 18. Maury’s Will Mill, Nov. 19. Books wijl >»« at close,promptly Morgan during court week. on Dec. 20. I>a vt k, I "l ax Collector ( all olio <5>. .....CAS CM KETS fABte pood. Eat them like candy. Thoy re¬ move any bj\d tn*te tn the mouth, loavlne tho 3 brentii sweet and perfumed. It Is a real pleasure to take them Instead of nau- .....cascaketn | ft re n rj tlae ptic. T h a t JESS {Tustod ,us ttmy food stop tm- from ach, Rourlnjfln tho stom¬ fer¬ pro vo fit mentation tn tlie bovrohi and kill dls* ..... i'AHV.A KEIS tone the si.onmeh and bowels and sLimuInte tho lazy liver, mnk- l UK tt work. Thoy Mroturthou nut the Imw- ids and put them 1 nto vlRorous h iMilUiy Y Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get v your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c, ^ r Sample and booklet mailed free* Address STERLING REMEDY CO.. CHJCAQOi MONTREAL, GAM. I NEW YORK. 238 ■ 9- r>\ 'A? /> / f C-c 7 -/-if I I 1 j J ! '■ t/i ; i .1 ! Vi 3 K ' ' y' i Father time has decided that high prices have ruled long enough, and Clayton is now selling clothing at prices which w If make you woop with joy. See them. .....OASCA RETS incroaso tho flow of mtllctn nursing moth¬ ers. a tablet onten by her the mother mildly makes milk purg¬ ative and has a ml id but tho baby, tho only i salo laxative for the babe-lD-aruis. <!A St’AllKTH rre likurf by Umchil¬ dren. 'J’liey t a f* t o K<iod and do good, stop wlnd-oollc Sind S3 cramps, •m and kill a diive off rrornm, and all kinds of *>ltes that live in tho bowels of tho child. taken ...CAStAKETS, aUtontly, imtiontly.per- are guar ran- K»od to cure any c UB9 of constipation, no matter bow old mid obstinate, chase or will pur¬ 1 cheerfully money refunded >d by your own druggist. .... EAM.M ISfr/l'S ttratoid hf' nil drug'-A K gists for 10 c, %.»<■, ^ fiOe a box, a coo'd- I UK to size. A 10 c box will jhovc their metltuMd put you i cm tlie rIglit roiid to per- feet and heal Lit. Ilon’t rlak tlel&iy* T. BRISCOE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON- tan. 1 4 s„, T Yellow Jack Killed, .lack tw Oniidy (!atharl;f(? kilfft Ycillow wIioiovDi' 1 hoy lind Mm, No one who tftkOH CiiHcnretiw rogiilarly and By. 1 - - I UmmlJcally in in dangor from ilio droudfui dlMCL-.Ba, (J.'iKcarot*? kill YHJuw favri -T’i'.ds in (Id* bo we I m and [irovenf new onch from bp ■ dih^. 10c, SJoc, cOc, all druK ! Bostwick & To,,!,, arc the leadu! I in loov prices in this section, See f, r yourself. BOON FCR MOTHERS PLEASE THE CHILDREN S CURE C' GUARANTEED U wrr n * u w HEALTH •> FOR 10 CENTS MORGAN HIGH SCHOOL. :r ■kfe <i tyi- -■' ■% Jmmmm a t U .Hvr V ^4 steal ....... "aSsSf’-fe mmmi IlllftSi •- .. 1 : Yi _________ Sa*vj'j L r - i?- mm r ■~*A ' .n r . ■ ... ----- . ■ . "W WrtMifoaWJ j... Fall term oponod September 27th. and will close December jHOth-. This school is no longer mi experiment, but a reality. It, is thorough in its instruction and strong in its discipline. Our aim is t-o prepare boys un i girls Tor college, or to give tlioso who cannot graduate « practical educa¬ tion. For rates of tuition or board apply to the principal. W. S. SHORT, Principal. MRS. 1,. W. DO/IER, AssiStiinl. LAZINESS BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CliYlNA Kings A lazy Iran will not look after his iiitel-ests, and this “ivilll'ltl waste woeful want.” Now if you are on the ak-rt and seek to tk> the le d, you dollar can for yourself and those committed to your cam you will lint spend a of your money till you see our stock and get our prices. Change of Schedule. Wo will adopt the SPOP CASH system on September 1st, and will sell goods lower than over, Don’t fail to call on us when you want to buy anything for the house, kitchen or farm, Wo will save you money. J. 15 . PAYN 15 & CO » % C.M. ■ CHENEY, / -v% ■v LADIES, if "yvj' m MEN. «Sf jml i i ILM Youm 4 / ■2T IfA HR o ft W A :* People! i -- A’lHJ HAVE got to buy—* Drygoods,Clothing,Shoes, Notions, DRESSCjOODS. So wliiii I say liolow N of vilal interest 1o you, your pockotbook, your eomfoit and your pleasure. Don’t miss reading it. LAD! HIS, I could make a column talk with you about my uneaqulled Line of DRESSGOODS. i have the greatest variety of the prcllicsl, latent alul best Dressgoods which have boon offered for your inspection in a long time. Como and sec them ; I am anxious to show them to you, and this is the only way you can get a correct idea of them. Calicoes ocl.s. ABOUT SIIOUS. 1 am waging war on shoo dealers WHO sell ROTTEN SHOES, and my Liitlit's’ $1.50 Pongolti is one of my most powerful weapons. It is equal in every respect to any other $2.00shoe. We guarantee them tube. I am .soiling a lino of shoes at fillets, But then 1 have all kinds of good shoes, made by the Bay State Shoe Co., whose name is a guauinteo of quality. I name only a few, because the straws show which way the wind blows. tlFaR NiSHiG l BOQDS OF ALL i K lNDS lD For everybody. Como and see for yourself, Yours, C.M.Cktiev, Si I.I.'L.I,JwC.a-X<r, O-.A,, See .T. B. Payno & Co.. Hhellman, Ga., when you want Hard ware, M i- chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, Tuiwar- , Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., <it»-. They also have a. full assortment of Pas It els and (’rtfliu3. Call on Uuin and save money. MEN! I have the suit of (JLOT l EM that will lit von, suit yon mid agi with your purse. You have nearly a store full <o select from, made by Sloss Brothers of Baltimore, the Lest, tailors of America. They fit heller than any suits we have ever seen— fit just to perfection—and in quality of goods and workmanship they me far superior to any. V r e am now soiling some $10 and $12 suits for $8, and $10 suits for $1 i. Wo have Negligee Shirts for you at 50c. up to very fine shirts for $1.25 regular $2.00 shirts, Bm, thou wo have shirts of all kind and - prices. Como and take your choice, AS TO S1IOKS. My lino of Gentlemen's Shoes nvo talked about too much to need anv comment, hut will mention my Bay State Shoes that I am selling at $2 50 j and $11.00. Don't miss seeing them. i NOTIONS- i have everything in the. way of Notions, and especially want you to see my KOSlEftX! In a word I have