The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, October 29, 1897, Image 2

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THE MONITOR. By the Monitor Publishing Company- W. ('. THOMAS, Editor and Rub. KATKS Of srHSCKIl’TION. i ha' copy one year >l f >0 . . < >nn copy six months . . 60 I )ih» copy three months . . 2 ', Advertising rat made* known on flp- plication. KuUued at the Post Office at ... Morgan as second-class matter. - MORGAN, GA., OCT. ‘JO. 1897. ___ Salutatory. With this issue the MViSnoi: passes out of the hands of T. P (Jreen into the ufiilorsignecl. 11, changed hands last Monday, the 2.7th, Inst., and Mr. (freon is no more connected , witii . , the ■ , paper m any W inlo , , 1 , - inannor. am o a stranger in this locality, I intend to keep the paper up to the standard, and will spare neither time nor money in the upbuild of tho Moni¬ tor. In the way of an introductory for myself will state that 1 was al most raised in a printing office, and havo had experience in reportorial work, and by those accomplishments no ono need fear that tho paper will ever go down; if any change, it will be built up to a higher standard. I will unceasingly work for the best in¬ terests of Morgan and Calhoun conn t.y, and with tho aid of the public J intend to publish the newsiest paper over gotten out in Morgan. Hoping to receive a share of the public patronage, I ain. Your servant, W. C. Thomas, Felitor and Publisher. To My Friends. To the many kind readers of the Monitor I wish 1o say good-bye for a while. 1 have sold the paper to Mr. W. (’. Thomas, a good newspa¬ per man and a thorough gentleman, and hope and trust that the citizens of Morgan, and the public generally, will treat him as kind as you did mo. ] built up the paper on borrowed capital and was compelled to soil it to pay my debts. 1 part, with the paper and the people of Calhoun county with regret, but think 1 have done the best for all concerned, and know that I have left the enterprise in good hands. If the patrons of the paper aud the people of Calhoun will do their duty Mr. Thomas will do his and give yon a good paper. Tinsley & Co., V.. ’(i! \ afl’Aige fun! Thornton & Co., I wish to say that I sincerely thank them for their kind- ness, aud that in giving me their as- sistanco this year ihoy will lose noth- nig. The Monitor is a good paper and tho people of Us territory should fool proud of it and support it. May prosperity attend , it . and , . readers, , its T. P, Green. Impoilant Nolieo. Having purchased the Monitor ’ I deem it advisable, ... „»■ no one «>!•; will ho allowed »»—I...... to collect or receive cash for this paper but Mr. Noel Mathis and myself, 1 have employed Mr. Mathis to do most of my Collections and a receipt bv any other than lie or myself will not be acknowledged by mo at nil, dated after Monday, Oct 2;7, 1897. Mr. Mathis is likely lo call on you in a lew days for money will'greatly you owo tho paper, and you oblige me by being prepared to meet him, Dishing you all success and a newsy paper, 1 am. Yours to serve, \v. c. Thomas. V e move that Albany and Ameri- eus declare war against each other. B< tn towns are jealous, and every time one gets anything ot a dam- aging nature on the other, it is used " ith a vengeance. There seems to be “hot times” between them now. Americus’ chief of police circulated a report that Albany had two cases of genuine yellow lever, and now the Penny Press denounces him as a liar in the first degree, If things keeps on “There will be hot times in the old town,” etc. D hat has become of tho artesian well question? lias the subject fallen through! We need one and let’s have it. It will add wonderful little improvements to ihe health of our city. Here ^« stand, black and dirty, with a “broken” shirt aud minus one suspender, but we have a brand new pair of scissors and the people are snie of getting a readable paper. . Not long now until the snor 2tn> n will ... be . given thte privileges o! t ‘,-^ •woods, then they will bo happy. Nilvetloii Siiorl Slop*. Cool nights makes n fellow fool pood, i Barfo Dvor went to Morgan Inst Fri- day and came hack somewhat out of order. I'\ Smith is off on business nnd a certain young lady fieums ho sad. AVcef) i not, kind friend, fur CiiarlcH will return ! noon. 1 ho young people of Bclhleliem or- ; gauized a^itemry society at Clever J. A. i Knighton's home lust Wednesday J night , wi-li Mr. Homer Hall ,, as president. J lie ! sovieti- has onr best wishes. They met at Mr. John U.-own’s next, Wednesday night. Alt are invited to attend. The prayer meeting at Mr. Smith’s tie! Sunday "an largely attended by flic people. Among the visitors acre Aliases Minnie and Docia Diles, of Lodrick, and Me^sr-i John Sauls mul Turner, of J)o- Miss Mamie Pruett attended preach- *“* 11 ' N, ; w Li S ht >*'..1 took dinner with Miss Elia Meijuirt. We AI tended (lie Association at Now , jigllt , nst Su , un)liy ullfl „ RO ,, 1 many oh] acipiniulauces and spent the day pleasantly, especially about dinner time as all hungry folks fared sumptu¬ ously. Among the crowd was out new editor. He looked like lie needed some- thing to cat. 1 would suggest that some one send him a bushel of potatoes. l or lull particulars about III* croquet party last, (Saturday afternoon call on Mf-ses Emmie (Smith and Alice lint-field. Mr. ill and George Bias visited some one near Loderick lust Sunday. l’reston Stevens is on a visit to home- folks this week. Every body come out to l)w prayer meetings on Wednesday nights nt the Now Prospect church. Preaching at Bethlehem next Sunday, the 5th Sunday, liy the pastor, Uncle <!. Martin. Horse trading will soon bo the order of I ho day. J. T. Aycock lining the champion, anybody wishing to swap will do well to see him, ns he lias fine stock. Miss Love Curry, of Bethel, visited her cousin, Miss Bello Dennis, last Sun¬ day. Mrs. A, M. Wooten and daughter, of Beunavista, visited Mrs, M. A. Young one day last week. Mr. (3. E. John, is erecting n hand¬ some new residence. What does that moan, Doll? Fikst Babe, Folks Hems. (will!) HOSE.) Mrs. Mary Taylor, one of most estimable matrons, vi ited relatives here last week. Haiti Saxon mid Joe Blanton are very happy over the arrival of a fine hoy each of their respective homes, Mr, and Mrs. Hawke, of Messrs. Proette and Edwards, of Pruett- ville; and Mr, iv. M, Btevena and moth or, of Silvevton, were ike guestH of Mr. and Mrs. O, J. ^fi'Rtey^rvwted her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. Drink water, lust week. i Mi- and Mrs. I. VV. Rico visited relit- fives in Randolph last Sunday. Mrs. Sosie Bellow, of Tifton, visited relatives here last week. We always ex- 11,11,111 0011,1111 welcome to this most offa ble ,ady ' Hask. ofBelhel, was the gnest of her consul, Mrs. Ida Braswell last week ’ Clever v lorii iionii John ,v\eia,_ \vera ot Tiftm, niton, spent t last week with tho home folks. John inis such a bright, happy face, ’tis quite “'vt'VTV""'' i Irs. Bello Ilays, of Enigma, - - visited sr M,a ....... o,,,c H o„. b.«, most charming young ladies, was gaost of Uio Misses Blewart last week. Mr. and Mrs. West, from near (Shell- limn, visited the latter’s brother, (}, A. Bice, last Saturday. The Martin Free Will Baptist Associa tion convened v ith Now highs church the latter part of last week. There wore many visitors from far and near, ami many were the happy greetings ex- l5lwu R , 'd friends whom this occasion desist, I'* 1tU ' aw " ‘ogother, and but, l will for some ono looking over ni shoulders - remarks, “the editor was there.” As Hie boys in the debating so* ciety used to say, “1 I) leave the floor for a better speaker.” N '" r Jjlgh ' Hl ' Uoul °P l ’ ,,ed ,:lst Monday F-Di'i ' Bi" i’* f oLelu5on Rt Uu “ that he may accomplish much good oml oar lead most aright earnest prayers that ho 'may in paths of duty, diligence and love for all tlmt is good, those little “'w’ 5 intrusted in his care. '1 he Macon Telegraph calls upon the Georgia Igislatnro to investigate the Atlanta Constitution’s charge that “members of the legislature, the judges solicitors, sheriffs, ordinal’- ios, commissioners and grand juries I (in the counties whose convicts are leased) are guilty of a more serious uimo than any of iho convicts who ! are serving o it misdemeanors." The j Telegraph is right. The good name of the state should be cleared ; Albany and Thomasville are now connected city is happy. by telephone and (he lul- ter Yellow Fever Prevented, There is only one sure way ot prevent- * ingyll' 1 ' fever Destroy the genus of the dis. use by using tasearets, ko! t'nudv ! Cathartic, and!:*.!, the astem ■ eonttnuiiif- their life. The tii.-d and test uudauam-t yeliow lew* (. Ca8 ‘ ?4Wt *’ ilJc -V- . \>n* From »w Light 1 Friday morning dawned bright a ! and beautiful day and by 9 o’clock i the beautiful grove that surrounds ! Xe -"' Light church was filled, with people who came to the Association, i At tin* appointed hour Iiev. Mr. j j .Moody, of Bain bridge, preached the | introducfoty sermon to a large 1 appreciative congregation, and a moio powerful ,r ,. sertnan , was never j ,,fctene . ? , '°' . Af,ftr .„ . 1,10 8CTVlce8 C0U ' ; Kiogatton repaired to tile where dinner was served. There they founil a table ladened with everything that was good, of which everybody partook heartily. After dinner the congregation returned to the church where a few hours was spent in transacting business. Everybody seemed to enjoy them¬ selves, and a more enjoyable session of the Martin Association was never hold, judging from the great “send off” Brother C. (’. Martin gave the people of this place, and we think he knows wherein he speaks, as he visits the Association at different places. Our school opened last Monday in full blast and everything is moving on nicely. Prof. McLendon is push¬ ing things through. By the hearty co-operation of our people and other necessaries we will no doubt have a fine school again at this place. Mr. J. P. Lon and wife, of Dover, was the guest of Air. C. B. Weaver last Sunday. Plow Boy. The improved business conditions which have followed the refusal of the people of the United, States to adopt the free coinage of silver are not more apparent anywhere than in tho Treasury of tho United Spates, where offers of gold are now being rejected. Not for years has this condition of affairs existed at tho Treasury until in tho past few weeks, during which time orders have been issued to tho subtreasurers to make no effort to make further accumulations of gold and within tho past few days the department has refused offers of shipments of coin from Ban Francisco in exchange for other currency upon t.ho ground that it has all tho gold that can possibly bo needed for tho operation of the treasury or the pro¬ tection of its credit. The Dalton car robbery case, of which waiter Bohannon was convicting principal figure,closed eighteen Saturday men. nine for robbery and nine for receiving goods. This was probably the largest most complicated car robbery case ever triaA -.......... two weeks to dispose of it, and it cost the Southern railroad fifty thousand dollars. Among Hie number convicted were men who stood high in Hie business, political ami social life of a thriving little city, We hope that tho sqecoss that crowned every effort of justice will be a lesson to other car pirates that sooner or later their sins will find them out. and l lwt justice will prevail. m that , , Editor 777T— *“r Braun ------ episode — has given co-education a decided black- | ***■ 1 be accusation . that the leading j co-education west is “a manufactory institution of of the ministers south- ; | and magdalen” does not tend to : i •*«»*- ::;';Ti 1 ''A; *• »**««- ;i A 1 ”L s b , ./ ’ 'A ' ,, x A, "> '“ US ' J 1 be Hrann episode is . certainly . a very j D'durtimato one. Tho prohibitionists of New York are this year using toilet soap in their . Lakes , of the eam l’ a 'S n - commodity bearing temperance legends are being distributed gratis to attendants upon prohibition meetings. This is the j j first intimation — hard to accept that the prohibition in New York is ; largely made up of tho “Great Uns washed.”—Columbia Register. Let’s everybody pul! together for the railroad to come through Morgan. \y 0 are sure that it will come witli- in two miles of Morgan, but wc want to oomo tbro "B h M »W ^ 'f , ' vo, '. vba 'l v " ill come together and oxer * ; fbeir best efforts we will be slll ' e ,0 get it. Everybody for the the railroad, The first dusky damsel to apply for license to practice medicine in Georgia, was before the state board l -'f examination Tuesday. She is very astute, and will probably prove a credit to the new women and her color—Henry County Weekly. CoUon ha3 U)e buye * RnJ Wf8 guessiug and the present price is puzzling the best, of them. One pound of cotton now will not even buy a glass of beer. The yellow fever scare is becoming general alt over the state. Every little town that, can get enough men to qnnr- au tine are shotting visitors from infected districts out. 77 c have often ~ heard ~ the expression j ......., ;uu1 h'M* *. grandiua ( u I •' - was **<«’.. Iml we think that every- bodv,^ RL'Rdma u„a b*by wa« at tho i *- T j 1 1 J !- 9 j j If You Want to Be Inter ested Next Weel V T « ■ i ■ 02 □3 ■ | a Additional Locals. Rend the new advertisement Mr. -T. M. Newton elsewhere. J ably he can interest you in brick. ------ ! Clothing, endless Shoes, Hats and Trunks >n variety and at positively umnatchahh* prices at DoM WICK A 1 DOLES, Leading merchants for this section! The T~ tram j from Columbia passenger to Alb „„y had nn accident at Arlington last Sunday which caused a delay of about four hours. While the train was at almost full speed it ran into an open rr, r mm ' sszjs was hurt and but little damage done to thetrain T e “Bicyclist’s Best Friend” is affami- liar name for DeWitt’s Witch Hazle Halve, abvnys ready for immergencies. While a specific for piles, italsoiristantly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, ecoma, and all affections of the skin. It nevei fails, Mrs 8. T..Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Onr High School is fairly booming. There were six new pupils added to tho roll this week, making a total of sixty- six. Those enlisting are: Messrs. David and Charlie Flowden, sons ol Tax Receiver Tom Plowden. of Dickey; Miss Mattie Aycock, daughter of Air. Pomp Ayeyek, of near Hhellman; Misses Bessie aud Genie Eubanks, of near Morgan, Mr. Cicero Mathis, of Whitney and Mr. Jack Williams' little son. Prof. Short ivi|h his splendid corps of teach¬ ers are receiving great encouragement from all of our neighboring towns. Yellow Fever Germs- breed In tho bowels. Kill them and you aro safe from the awful disease, C’asca- rets destroy the germs throughout the system and make it impossible for now vines to form. Casoaretts are Hie only reliable -afe guard for young and old against Yellow Jack. 10o, 2oc, 50, all druggists. There is a preacher up in New Jersey, John Angelo by name, whom all the world should delight to honor. A yoar ago his conference gave him a charge. Ho preached for a twelve-month, and although a salary of $350 had been prom • IseU him, ho received not a cent. Yet he owed not any man when the year was out. and so reported when conference met again. The moderator asked him how he managed it. “1 worked with my pair of good arms and hands,” he answered. ••1 dug cellars ami ditches, worked gardens eul , hay , with ... a plain , . grass hook, hnckatera' wagons and did any other work that was honorable amt earned a dollar. ’» Noble John Angelo: Would to Rod t I io re 7vcro u:ore like you. WHERE HAVE YO BEEN 1 , BUD? | To Clayton’s? Not this week. Tinsley’s? Not this morning. D.mieils? No, sit, i I am just from ! £ ,2 : Wi fri ■ 4 u / C OVERLOADED S.N.McGuirt. Where I get 36 inches to the yard and 16 ounces for one pound. Yes, and 9 pounds good coffee for a, ' 8 pounds Arbnckle coffee, l nn 185 lbs. sugar, t' i,in 1 '”. 18 lbs. good rice, TOO 50 ibs. pearl grits, 1.00 16 boxes potash, for 1.00 Calico and checks, per yd., 4 and 5cts. 20 qunces soap for Be 780 matches, r Best Mccoboy snuff, per pound, 45c lard and meat, „ 10 • Meal and corn, 00c Best flour, per bbl., Ladies and gents shoes, Too. to 1.85 Loaded gun shells, 3 boxes for 1.00 Well, it would take up too much fo ment ion all, so come to see me before you buy, aud I'll please you or try. Bring me your eggs at 15cts. per doz. N. N. McULIHT. 3 AFTER A COM¬ PLETE AND V3— * ex? I- IW (I Apr A Tliorougli Investigation I AM BATI8FIKD THAT THE GOLD WIRE JEWELRY Maui, act ;rcd by Mr. D. T. ELDER \ of is the Ladies’ besi and on the 'market. Ail designs 1 Gents’ Jewelry Call on him at T. J. Tinnier & Co.’s and inspect 1o his fine assortment, the goods aresum sell. Come to see me. D. T. ELDER. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Brick for sale I hare several different qualities of brick for sale at $4, $4.50 and $-7 per 1,000. Come quick be¬ fore they are all gone. 10s29-3m J. M. NEWTON. PETITION FOR AMENDMENT OF CHARTER. GEORGIA— Decatur County. To the Honorable Secretary of the State of Georgia: Tho petition of the Georgia Pine Rail¬ way, a corporation under and by Hie rail road laws of said State, respectfully shows that it desires to amend itseharter, to-wit: First, that it desires to extend its road from Damascus in Early county, or from Ailing ton in Calhoun County, to Dawson m lerrel) ,, co^nt of said state ( Second, that • , ' the general direction - of said road will be North. Third, that tho distance from Arlingt on to Dawson is twenty-eight miles, and the distance from Damascus to Dawson is thirl y-eight miles. Fourth, that its increase of capital stock for said increase of mileage will be three hundred and four thousand ($304,000) dollars, and that they intend in good faith to go forward without delay to secure sub¬ script ion to said capital*stock, construct, equip, maintain and operate said railroad. Fifth, that when their charter is so amended said Georgia Pine Railroad shall extend from Bainbridge, Decatur county, to Dawson, Terrell county, and that the distance will be sixty-eight (08) miles, and the general direction will be North. Sixth, that thoy have given notice of their intontlon to apply for said amend¬ ment in the newspapers in each of the counties in which tho sheriffs’ advertise¬ ments are published, through which said road will run, as extended, to-wit, the counties of Early, Calhoun and Terrel! onea a week for four weeks before the filing : ot (his petition. The Geoi'jsria Fine ILifhvav Co. J. F. iViu.t.on, October 12. 1857. President. J Dr. J. B. George went up to Macon last Monday to attend the annual meet¬ ing of the Grand Lodge of Masons held in that city this week. No man or woman can enjoy life or ae-1 eomplish mucch in this world while suffer- mg from a torpid liver. DeWitt’s Little Early Kisers, the pills that cleans the or- gar, L. Bo.yd, quickly; Leaiy, B. T .enr; riayton, turner, Morgan; Edison. P. - 8Jio Misunderstood* Many singers fail to realize the im¬ portance of distinct enunciation, and the charm of a beautiful voice is often lost by the listener who is vainly strug¬ gling to catch the meaning of the song. A young Woman who considers her¬ self an admirable ballad singer one day received a severe shock from the crit¬ icism of an old lady who had formed one of her audience. Among other bal¬ lads the singer had rendered “Rory O’More’’ in her best style aud had re¬ ceived much applause. a ’ h e °’ d ^ NXTf iu tho front Keat . the ht:tlc !u,!1 where 111 the enter- tainweut was given, looked at first puz- zled and then distressed as the familiar song* proceeded, and at the close of the concert she waited to speak to the young woman. “My dear,” she said in a quivering voice, “I remember when ‘Rory O’More’ first came out. I have nevei been a siuger myself, but have always been interested in music, and I am sure I never heard tho words as you sang them tonight. I am not deaf. My hear¬ ing is unusually good, but will you tell me where you get your authority for singing: He poulticed Hie hock, Ami ghe salted it down ? For, though I cannot remember the original words, I am suro they were not liko that. ” The young woman’s face was crim¬ j son as she showed the old lady her copy of the song and pointed to the words: Ho bold as the hawk And she soft as the dawn. —Youth's Companion. S. T. CLAYTON’S LIVERY, RALE and STABLES.its! m, feed Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Prices. --- "WTRTEIxr 11ST TOWN Take von” vfock to my Stal.ib'sto I,,- cared for. i. 1). AYCOCK, MANAGER. M tlIBE1 , A. Slocum, M. C.. the great chem¬ ist .and scientist, will send tree, to 1 I 10 afflicted, three bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to cure Consumption and all Lung Troubles. Nothing could Do fairer, more phylan- or vary more A. joy to the afflicted, the offer of T. Slocum. M. of York city. Confident that betas discovered a rc- cure for consumption and all bron- throat and lung diseases, general and weakness, loss of flesh and'nll of wasting, and to make its merits known, he'will send, free, bottles to any reader of the Alosmus may be suffering. Already this “new scientific course of has permanently cured thous of apparently hopeless eases. The Doctor considers It his religious donate duty which he owes to humanity, his infallible cure. He has proved the dread consumption be a curable disease beyond any doubt, has on file in his American and Euro¬ laboratories testimonials of experi¬ from those benefited and cured, in all of the world Don’t delay until it is too late. Con¬ uninterrupted, means speedy certain death. Address T A Slocum, “ 9K ^ute street. Now York, and when 'J t * n address, K ^e Doctor, and please give express mention pr reading d post- article io the. Monitor SHOE SHOP. SHOES. Harness, &c. repaired in neat workman-like manner. charges Simp North-west comer pub- square. Shoes made to order. I also all kinds of tin ware. S. M. LASH. - K- MCK, RAGAN H1SICIAN AAi) M RiifLOV, MORGAN, GA. and Residence North of Court House os Punuo Square. 1-17 tf L. D. MONROE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AI'.'RGAN, HA. Practices in the Courts of the Albany Circuit, &c 1-17-tf THORNTON & CO- U'mils Your Trade. This popular firm has moved into their new store. They carry a full lino of staple and family gro¬ ceries, tobaccos, whiskies, wines, , dry goods, etc., which they are selling for cash as cheap or cheap¬ er than any retail concern of the kind in this section of country. This is just a notice—their goods advertise themselves*. THORNTON & CO-. Morgan, Ga, J. B- GEORGE, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, MORGAN, GA. Hymn and Residence ox Main Sturm tf J. J. BECK, train m mum u law, dVrOS-O-AAIsr, G-AY, Will practice in all the Courts, State and Federal. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted fo his care. Col¬ lections a specialty. 1-17-tf L. G. CAKTLEDGE, ATTORNEY AT LAGW MORGAN, GA. Practices in tho Courts of the State. Special ^ attention given to collections. 1-17 tf LOCAL LEGISLATION. Notice is hereby given that at the re¬ quest and petition duly signed by about forty of the citizens of Morgan, it is my intention to introduce at the approaching session of the legislature. of Georgia and apply for the passage of a bill to be enti¬ tled “An act to establish, maintain and regulate a dispensary in the town of Mor¬ gan, Calhoun county, Ga., for -tho sale of ardent spirits, malt liquors, wine, cider and other intoxicants, and to establish and perpetuate a board of commissions for tho management of said dispensary, to be styled “Dispensary Commissioners of Morgan, Georgia.” and to authorize the mayor and council of said town to pass all ordinances to earn nit the purposes of this act and to provide suHable penalties for violations of many of its provisions and to authorize said Board of Commis¬ sioners to borrow money or pledge the credit of the Board to inaugurate said for Dispensary and to purchase the first stock the same, and for other purposes. J. L. BOYNTON, Sept. Repiesentativo gaIIiouu county. * S3, 1897. SHOE SHOD -AT- GEORGIA. R. M. Flowers, a first class shoe and harness maker, will thank you for any work sent him. Manufacturing and re¬ pairing done good at low figures. Send your shoe and harness woik to lb M. FLOWERS, oct 21-3m. Leary Ga. ihornton House, IVEOJRO AISr, GEORGIA. New* house, new furniture, eveiy- tliing for comfort, meals at all hours >>f the day. (Second to none. Rates, $2.00 per day; reasonable rates by the month. I also will sell ice cream on .Saturdays through tho ice sea- sou. MBS. J. A. THORTON.