The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, October 29, 1897, Image 3

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i flEMW PUBLISHED EVERY ' I -A • TOWN OK MOKGAX. ■Mayor-— L. (I. Cartlodge. Wardens—J. .T. Beck, T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk-T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Onr Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for $1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one yearfor$l,50. CHUBCI1ES. Baptist Church—ltev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday and Saturday before. Sunday-school every Newton, Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. M. Superintendent. M. E. Church—ltev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. L. O. Cart ledge, Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. • Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388. F. & A. M.. meets every first and third Saturdays fit each month at 3.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paue, Secretary. Judge J. L. Boynton has returned to Atlanta, .’Possum and "tatera” are all the fash¬ ion now. Clever Joe Waxelbaum, of Macon, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Selma Davis is again confined fc his room with fever. Arlington was well represented in Morgan last Sunday. 4-4 Wavmanville Sheetings at. Sets. Bbstwkk & Toole’s, JOtf. Arlington. Mr. Joe. Collier spent last Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Newton. Mr. 0, H. Gee is now behind the counters of Mr. S. T. Clayton. Will Lash, of Miller county, was one of the visitors who at the ’Sociation. Miss Wick Nelson is visiting Miss Belle Dennis near Shellmau this week. If you have ever seen a little child in a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you have boon annoyed by a constant tickling in the throat, you can appreciate the value of One Minute Cough Cure, which gives quick relief. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyal, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Messrs. Jim and Tucker Cnrvay came in from Bethel last Monday on business. Mr. Dan Stewart, of Sheliman, was in town transacting business last Mon¬ day. __ Mr, Will Garrett, of Tilton, was shak¬ ing bauds with his Morgan friends this week. Divine services were well attended last Sunday owing to the beautiful weather. _ Woolen Dressgoods in all stvles from fiefs, up at Bostviofe & Tooles. Trimmings to match. 10-tf. Mr. J. O. Morris, of Hilton Station, paid tho Monitor a pleasant call last Tuesday. Messrs. Henry Turner and John Ward and Oapt. John Webb, of Edison, were here Tuesday. If yon want the Monitor to be newsy fell us all the news you know that will do for publication. *- ----------* Burning sores, ingolent ulcers and simi¬ lar troubles, even though of many year’s standing, may bo cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazle Salvo. It soothes, strength¬ ens and heals. It is the great pile cure. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E, Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. Ed. Thigpen and sister, Miss Clara, of Arlington, attended divine services here Sunday. Mrs. T. Stewart and her charming daughter, Miss Neever, were visitors in Morgan last Monday. Misses Pearl and Gertrude Merritt, of Shellmau, were the charming guests of Miss Susie Davis last Sunday. Very best Checks 4 and 5 cents, Fruit of Loom Blenehings at 7cts. at Bosh wick & Toole’s. Mrs. Hattie Roberts, , formerly , of this place, , but , , of f Dawson, .. . visiting . ... now is her father, Dr. W. D. Cheney. ----------- Olever Irvin Olhff, one of Arlington s most popular , . ,, Morgan young men, was in lust Sunday strictly on “business.” Quite ^ a number of delegates from Morgan went over to blieihnan this . week to attend the Missionary Baptist Association. —- Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. You have never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills bat groat regulators Mrs. 8. T. Clayton, Moigan, 1. L. Boju, Leaiy, naiKj lur- ner, Edis on. Misses Inez Chaney, Floreid Satter- white and Leila Fulton, accompanied by Messrs. Emmett Fulton and KuffHelmn, represented Arlington in Morgan last Sunday. ------ Small precautions often prevent, t great f mieehiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Kigels are very small pills in size, but are most effective in preventing the most serious forms Peonstipatlon of liver and lung troubles. They cur and headache and regu- lalf (he liowel Mrs. H. T. Clayhm, VIor- gam F. E. Bovd, Leary: Henry Turner, Edison. i ALL SORTS. j Did yon know that faith, hope and ! charity ail begins wilh “a”? | founde 'Hie barque of matrimony will always i r in the sea of contention. Nansen is (o get'SCS,000 for fifty lee- ! lures. I'll make fifty for the same price. -II! those who believe there is fun in editing a newspaper are invited to give it a trial. Prof. Short is anxious to know if any¬ body within his acquaintance ever saw a pillow slip off the bed. Please come in and pay your subscrip¬ tion. You have the money and we need it. Come on now, friends. That was a jolly crowd of serenade! - .? last Saturday night and the music was extra good. Come again, boys. When a man says he wants a dollar, and wants it bad, he doesn’t necessarily mean that a counterfeit is preferred. An old colored lady was walking along the square of Morgan recently and noticed a sign hanging out which read: “Boots blacked iuside.” the old lady stopped and looked at it for a moment and said: “Law, I woodeut wash dens socks.” A New York merchant advertised, the other day, for ten ugly girls as clerks, and he received over a hundred appli¬ cations for the positions. Such an advertisement would net have been answered in Morgan. We j don’t have ugly girls here; and, if we did, they’d have too much pluck to own j up to the charge. * it lakes a rich man to draw a check, A pretty girl to draw attention, A horse to draw a cart, A porous plaster to draw the skiu, A toper to draw a cork, A free lnneli to draw a crowd, • An advertisement to draw trade. There was quite a little excitement in Morgan last Tuesday when it was re¬ ported tba‘ a ease of yellow fever had developed in Arlington. An investiga¬ tion of the report pro\ed that it had no foundation. Buck reports are calculated to do a town great damage, and care should bo taken when speaking on such subjects. In the London Lancent an eminent physician says that after a long ride on the bicycle lie experience “puraesthesine in the fourth and and fifth fingers, with impaired sensibility, and paresis in the interrossei lmnuricals and the addueafor policies,” Morgan bicyclists who have felt any of the above sy mptoms would do well to stop riding for a few days. An exchange perpetrates this one: “Beware!—Ladies, don’t read this: •pnoq .ioq no purls O] piiq oqs jp .‘Aioqoiuos ii pe poS s.eqs .wouq o 1 pi:or ,fpiw.i[u syiqs mood Bjqj, ‘Supiprej e op spuoo uap .oSbav iloav Aiojij •Asoqs u jo piq pswo; aqp spo8 aqs jj ‘M oqotnos pwo pi pup li.oqs poq noi pi\j£ bwomioi pou iqSuo aqs Susqjomos e,pp ‘UBiuo,w w Siijqp.Cuu s.s.iaqj jp Dili you read it?” Visit, the schools, patrons. Your presence will express the interest yon should feel in the cause of education, and flic watchful care yon should have for tlie right development of your chil¬ dren. Be sure no right thinking teacher will feel other than glad to see you. Half the fault-finding in communities grows out of ignorance of the. real man¬ agement of the school, Be it said for the teachers at large, that, with few ex¬ ceptions, which prove the rule, they are conscientious and labor for the elevation of piupils and communities, Help by your confidence the right and might of their endeavor, and encourage bv cor¬ dial approval what you see is commenda¬ ble. Do not find fault if the three ll’s are not taught quite after the method of your day, for if the teacher in charge of your school is not in advance of the one who taught you, how can your sou and daughter attain that height of culture and intellectual strength you fondly hope possible to them? Do not con¬ demn new methods, but study them, and see if they do not economize time and life, remembering “The mill cun never grind again »ith the water that lias passed.” A Flying Machine. If has been tried time and again but this time it proves n success. Tho machine is controlled perfectly. , U can , be stceieel , , with or against . the , * wilu «‘ J t " 511 mako a Ul F r ' ext week beginning, or making its assen- tion, . at L.aytoirs „ , popular , storo and . " ,11 drop a shingle , at each home. the shingle will bo printed tho great , , bargains to , , be found c at ,,, Clay f ft * ton *• Pnces . cut , to death and bar- 2 ;ims to ° "dinerous to mention. Specialties on ladies’ cloaks. And siloes to nr, e from too ., smallest ,,, , ml . , ant t0 a Jf 0 . 12 man. Como ,, aim . see the ,, machine , • next , Saturday. Don’t forget the T , )ose who can ,. come thilt day kecp your eye turned upward to watch *- 01 ' ma chino and think of the bargains at Clayton’s. A complete line of furniture, al. stvles, such as Mattresses, Lounges, Suits, Dress- or.-, Springs. suit tho people Chairs, etc., at ..rices to at BOSTWXCK Tool E*S _ „ , f .. , . . , ! '' 11 account or no rusn in ms dus- , _ this week, Mr. I nirtian mess i-iusmy was unable to prepare his ad for this W eek’- riane: 1 . .uid asks hi . 1 natrons watch . ,. . it week. , i lb iOV next ..U-UH'JOKiX —First Miner—How’s business at Klondike? Second Miner—picking up. —The pestiferous house-11 y is preparing ■to hibernate, and the bald headed man rejoices. — “The laziest men, ”says a piiloso - pher, “are lltose who never got tired j doing <>ne thi,1 6> to -' vitt ’ Nothing.” J | got —Doctor slight touch (to female of fever. patient): Your You’ve tongue a has a thick coat— Patient (excitedly): Oh, doctor, do tell me how it fits! —Abnormal—“What is your idea of a strong minded woman?” “Well, she is a woman who can look at a photograph of a baby without saying, ‘Oh!—how entel’ ” —Slie is certainly stuck-up, “ said the billy goat “Yes," replied his mate; ‘‘let's take her down a bit - ” Whereupon they preceded to chew the poster girl off the fence. -John: _ “Never „ min.l; . , _ I . to am the gold fields next spring, and when I comeback rich I won’t know you.” Jim: “And if you come back broke, I won’t know you. ” —Circus Manager—“So you want to be a tight rope walker? Ever had any experience?” Applicant—“I’ve been a bookkeeper for years.” “What’s got to do with it?” “Well, I’ve learned to keep my balance.” —First Boy: Give my the definition of “responsibility." Second Boy: “Yon see, it’s this way: if you have two but¬ tons on your pants and burst one off, all the responsibility is on the other one. —Willie: Pa, will you buy me a pair of roller skates? Pa: A pair of skates! Wlmt do you want with a pair of skates? Willie (disgusted): What do 1 want with ’em? Say, pa, you never used ’em for boxing gloves or oil stoves, did you, when you was a kid? —Two dusky small boys were quarrel¬ ing. One was pouring forth a torrent of vituperative epithets, while the other leaned against a fence, and calmly con¬ templating him. When the flow of lan¬ guage was exhausted, he said: “Am yo’ t’roo?” “Yes.” “Yo’ aiu’t got nullin’ mo’ toe say?” “No.” “Well, all dem t'iugs vvhad yo’ called mo yo’ is.” —Little Girl: Mrs. Brown, ma wants to know if she could borrow a dozen eggs. She wants to put ’em under a ben. Neighbor: So yon have got a lieu setting, have yon? I didn’t know you kept hens. Little Girl: No, ma’am, we don’t; blit Mrs. Smith’s going to lend ns a hen that’s goin’ to set, an’ ma thought if jou’d lend us some eggs we’d find a nest ourselves. The New Light Association. From the Morgan Correspondent to the Albany Daily Herald of Tuesday. Morgan,Ga.,O ct, 35. —Our streets have been alive With strangers for the past four or five days, and our town has carried the air of a city. It has been estimated that at least 4,000 people have passed through here eu route to the Association, held about three miles north of Morgan, siueo last Friday morning. The eleventh animal session of the Martin United Free Wilt Baptist Association began last Friday at the Freo Will church north of Morgan. The opening sermon was to have been preached on Friday morning by W. A. McDonald but in his absence the Rev, Mr. Moody, of Iron City, Deca¬ tur county, filled his place with credit to himself and the managers of the associa¬ tion who selected him. The closing ser- mond was delivered by Rev. 0, V. Martin on Sunday morning, (yesterday.) Mr. Martin is certainly an eloquent di- vino, and those who were luekiy enough to secure standing, room within his hearing were congratulating themselves after ser¬ vices. There were fully' 3.500 people present at Iho first two days’ faceting, and as yes¬ terday wasSunday a great ma ny more peo¬ ple went who could not get away from their business either Friday or Saturday, and fully 3,000 witnessed tho closing exer¬ cises. This session is eousidoreff by the niau- agement the most successful meeting ever held since the organization of the asoeia- tion. Each day a sumptuous dinner was spread on the grounds and all wore invited to participate In this part of tho program. Everybody will look forward to the meeting next year with great eagerness. ’Luficd. Thore was soldi)nized in marriage at the residence of Dr. K. Mclv Ragan ou Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Mr. Walter Ragan to Miss Cullie Stewart, Judge W E. Harvin performing the ceremony. Both parties stand . , high , . , m . 11ns . comma- mty. 1 lie Monitor extends to the happy couple its best wishes. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe the Irritated surfaces,to instantly relievo and to permanently cure is the min- «lon of DeWitt’s Witch Hazle Halve. Mrs. S. T. Clayton,Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. fourth Quarterly Conference of tho Leary circuit met with the church at Mor- gan (m JaBt Saturday and Sunday, J. O a. Cook presiding older, was present and preached throe tine sermons. We did not a “o financial condition of th, c ur ' '. J ." ’ wl ' Tf 8 .'V' ol 5 ' \> h “ w about “ lmsU)r oom - ? f iete,i v ’ hls 8ecoml M M^ullough >' Rtu ' * roua wbftt we know, ail would be i ed wore he returned for another year. i ................ Moments are useless if irifledaway: they are dangerously wasted if con.-nmod 1 by delay in cases where <Jim Minute . Cure would b:ing H;ie«. .M !' • ::>n i Morgan; F. L. Boyd. Leaiy Hfiiirv i ur I ner, Edison. CLA YT0N iS j j ! Y, A \ WfSf \ M A ^ KJ \ J #- at / I No wonder she is alarmed. Such low prices as rules at Clayton’s will scare any K, onQ wfco , tng been wlnjs much foi . ooJs Go , 0 sc0 him , ~ GO TO CLAYTON'S 1 FOR LA DIE’S | FINE CAPES. Ladies’ Capes and Cloaks of the lutes styles and patterns-from 75u !o $6. Go to Clayton’s for Fine Clothing. Ready-made suits, boys and men, from 7-lets to $5.00. Don’t sleep until yon see him. _ ( Ol ID! ii ft! 6 L'l 3 SHOUT® AlHhe latest makes and styles for men, women and children from 25ots to $5.00. Overstocked—come and get them at yoiu own [nice. ^ ( ROTOl ff uWTQH ; S~FORpESSGOPDSi) You can’t fool the ladies when you sell them shoddy dressgoods, and this is the reason our trade is so good in this line. Our stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Fall and Winter Goods of every quality is endless, and the woman is not yet boru who cannot be pleased in this line. HeSTGo to OLA Y TON’S for anything and everything a human being could wish for or need. OrljTOoUon is low, but we sell iho goods, and we can’t begin to give yon an idea as to our large stock of General merchandise or the prices at which they are being carted off every day. OpWe make no specialties for every article in our store is going at especially low prices. Come anil be convinced. 8 * To Clayton, a ANDY CATHARTIC jabc ML afitJtJr-. CURE CONSTIPATION 10 4 m .. ...... r - T --. ^ yi Baj ALL 25 * SO * mm* DRUGGISTS S *.....CASCAHETS t f© Kood. JSnt them • • h GMI0Y Ci like cumljr. They re¬ II tun ive any bnd tusto In tliu the moutli.leavlni? CATHARTIC broiiti! sweet and perfumed. It Is take a real plensuro to Beating liqi iiem in?lead of nuu- uua ur cuiiJton-b all pilis. .....OA SC A K F I S are purely vegetable PURELY curjaj nod contain or other no iner- min¬ | VEGETABLE eral poison. They are made of the lat¬ ent remedies diseov- cred mid aro i a F< tien- —-— ■■ — -1 i t i <; co mb in u 11 o n never before put tonetber in any form. .... C A MCA Itl/IS are nuUtmptle. That AHTISEPTIS ditfosted niotniM they food h top iroat ii ii- ronrlnp in tho Ktoin- LAXATIVE 2 w ach., mentation prevent In for- the t bowelM and kill di.— kind that breed feed tii 8 of any und ia the sy: atom. .....(A S< A 1CI7I S f o.lO till! si omacli Btimulu a ad LIVER bo WO 18II ll(l nie the ia/.y liver, iimk- ak- I cl It work. Tlcy S^*®*********! STIMULANT tl,l,lrttoUl *' Yakillg ”‘ ' a,,< ,atur,u ' -SDon’t judge CASCARETS b/ other medicines you have tried. They are new - unlike anything else that’s sold, and infinitely superior. 1 fW Fry a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get WM i 1 he y0 urmoney hack! Larger boxes, 25cor 50c. 1 on B '^Sreo] 0 ' Sample and booklet mailed free- Address imitations ! > STERLING REMEDY CO.. CHICAGO; MONTREAL, CAN.; NEW YORK. 23B ! NO-TO-BAC cures Tobacco iDibit or money refunrifol. Makes weak men I .strong. Soio and uuunmux-d ny ail dru#i'i:ua. Get booklet Tax Collector'* Notice. for the purpose of collecting State Dounty Taxes for tho year 18D7 : Morgan, Hejn. ‘27, Oct. 25, Nov, 22. Cord ray, Hipt. 28, Oct, 2G, Nov. 23, Leary, Sept, 20, Oct. 27, Nov. 34. Nov. Williamsburg, Sept. 30, October 25. Arlington, Oct. 1 and 21), Nov. 20. Edison, Oct. 2 and 3U, Nov. 27. Pruett s Store, Nov. Jrj. Folks, Nov. 17. Jouusviile. Nov. 1H. Maury's Mill, Nov. 10. ’ Will In: at Morgan during court Looxa tvijl c.okc proaj.tly on Dee. ”’J. Davis. 1 lax Collector Calhoun Co. ! O ; 'i ! 1 LJ s) IT n Kb/ W\-Vi \ ! I ■<: . osf CS"- __ j Father Ume has decided that high prices have ruled long enough, and Clayton is ji'.ow selling clothing at prices which will make you weep with joy. See them. .....CJASf’A ItF/I’H | incrons© tho flow of the sasirt I hy her inotliOi’iuakcH K ?/ milk mildly j>ur«- f Huy MfiTUCRC 8 S1I.8T * atlve au«i u«« a mild ot hut curtain effect on ♦) the huhy, the only safe iuxntivo for the babe-In-urms. .... ih\ SCI A It ITS M me liked by iho chi DA dren. They taste ll gja t*cr r KOod ami do gootl, M S rtk.r.(RaC t , stop wlod-eollc and ,',;;i| ;iuv,V > ,iif\v‘<!n,!!,!5 , THE CHILBREH /<| all kinds of pnrn- ♦> sites flint live in the - bowels of the growing cliild. ... 4 ' A Mh\ IK I”I N, ■ str&*9?ngxgt w taken f»at,lenUy, j»ei- « (i CURE ti'Od to euro any ease <if couldJpntlon, no h matter how old and Ti GUASbiMTEED fiiisilnato, huso or will par- he v f money v dice if n II y ref uiuied by your own draugist. .... i'AStW KF.T’8 me r.oid by all drug- fc Fists r»<Ve for box, SOc. ftccied-A i) HEALTH a in it to Hi/.e. A JOe k box will prove their " j FOR fO CENTS | merit,a "(I pm , VO ,, ;: n the i t. VGHI I to fuel and permanent health. llou'l risk tleluy. r j’ BRISCOE ttritteiR. msiciM an MORGAN, (1 A. | ItesiuKxce South or Fhbijo Squahk. ’ 1-17 tf Yellow Jack Killed. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic kills Yellow Jack wherever they lind him. No one who lakes eascareles regularly and nys* teiuatically is in danger from tho dreadful, disease. Cascaruts kill 4'el low fevei 'elms in the bowels and prevent new ones j ! from breeding. 10c, 25c, 50c, all drug- -> < a 1 liustwick & Toole arc the leaders in io v price? in this section. Lee for i yonruolf. HIGH SCHOOL. ...» '<——- - ; . oAAYAr'L'C l ^ VV.’,- Jig «P- x=.;: I rIe 1 I u 41: m ii‘ Wfpv . Fall term opened September 27th, and will close December 2!)t . This school is no longer an experiment, but a reality. It is thorough in i>, instruction and strong in its discipline. Our aim is lo prepare i«ns an I girls Cor college, or to giro those who cannot the graduate a practical ed If.I tion. For rates of tuition or board apply to priucinal. W. S. SHORT, Principal. MILS. h. \\. DOZIER, Ass’s) ml. maryanw wB i a.- sn&esBH i ili MUSS BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS. — A lazy trail will not. look after his interests, and lids “willful waste brings woeful want.” Now if yon are on the alert and seek to do the lw>*ti you can for yourself and those committed to your earn you will not .-pend a dollar of your money till you see our stock and get our prices. Change of Schedule. Bee J. B. Payne & Co.. Shelinia"', On., when von want Hardware, M i. We will adopt the SHOP CASH chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed system on September 1st, and will Oil, Faints, Axes, Guns. Tuiwar , sell goods lower than ever. Don’t Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, etc., cf.•. fail to call on us when you want to They also have a full assortment >>f buy anything for the house, kitchen CaskHs it,iid Coitius. Gallon them or farm. Wo will save you money. and save money. J. B. I’A YN L Si CO.. S FTE r^LTVr /Alxr, O- fk.. G. 1 H.CHENE 7 0 x njl -Vv d Xh % i. LADIES, 4 as* 3 L„ MEN.; m \l/ Young — ttv* % ) 7/.fc~ ?■ 4 — YvAr have got to buy— Drygoods,Clothing,Shoes,Notions, J)BESS(i()01)S. Ho (vliiif I say below is of vilal ilRerosI l<t you, your pockelbook, your comfoit and your pletfsure. Don’t miss reading it. LAI) IES, I could make a column talk with you about my uiioaqulli d Lino of DltLSMGOOPH. 1 have thegreatist variety o f proUicsf, lnl.rsI and best ProssgoodK which liavo been offered for your inspection in a long time. Come and see them ; 1 tun anxious to show them to you, and this is (in-only way you can get correct idea of them. Calicoes, nets. ABOUT SHOES- I am waging war on shoe dealers who sell ROTTEN SIIOIOH, and my Liidics’ $1.50 Dougola is one of my most powerful weapons. It is equal in every respect to any other $2.00shoe. We guarantee thorn to be. I am selling a lino of shoes at 50cts. But then 1 have all kinds of good shoes, made by the Bay MUito .Shoe Co., whose name is a guarantee of quality. I name only a few, because the straws show which way the wind blows. tlilt-UR NiSHlHBl ^ OODS OF ALL j j (lN3Si!D For s for yourself. * e\, rybody. Come and see Yours, C.M.Ckeney, MEN! I have l\io suit, of (JLuT IES that will fit vou, suit you and agvro with your purse. Y r ou have nearly a storo full to select from, made by Sloss Brothers of Baltimore, tlu> best, tailors of America. They fit better than any suits wo have over seen— fit just to perfection—and in qualify of goods and workmanship they sin far superior to any. We are now selling some $1.0 and $12 suits for $8, and $15 suits for $11. Wo have Negligee ,Shirts for y. a at 50c. up to very S»o shirts fur $1.25 -regular $2.00 shirts, But, | Ul<m wo tmve shirts of all kinds and ■ |>vices. Como ami take youi choice. £ \s r ro SHOES. My line of Gentlemen’s Shoes are talked about too much to need any 00mmentj hni ivin mention mv Bav St , lto Shoes that 1 am selling at $2-50 | and $3.00. Don’t miss seeing them. NOTIONS- I have everything in the way of Notions, and especially want you to see my PiO SIE &'■¥'- In a word I have