The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, November 05, 1897, Image 3

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1 monitor. PUBLISHED —t:. „ ,.toy. y. L\ y- LRY FRIDAY. 4 % > TOWN OF MORGAN. Mayor—L. Wardens—J. G. J. Cart Beck, ledge. T. W. Tinsley, f r L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—8. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Clubbing Rates. ! The Monitor aud tile Weekly Consti- 1 tn’fio’B one year for $1.50. : The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator ‘One year for $1.50. CHURCHES, Baptist Church—llev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor. Preaching every third Sunday •and Saturday before. Sunday-school ■every Sunday at, TO o’clock a. m. J. M. 'New ton, Superintendent. .M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, -e-Pnstor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 1 i II o’clock a m. Snuday-scliool Cartledge, every Su- Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. * periniendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388. F. & A. M.. meets every first and third Saturdays in each month at 3.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. StDNVY Pa ' CTj , Secretary. Mr. J. L. Avirett. of near Cord ray’s Mill, was here Tuesday. Judge Calhoun, of Arlington, paid Morgan a visit last Tuesday. Clayton has the bast men’s shoes to be found in the state for the money. Dr. J. B. George went over to Now- to attend court this week. Judge Cartledge and Joe Daniel wont to Newton last Monday on business. 4-4 Waymaiwille Sheetings at bets. Bbstwick & Toole’s, 30 tf. Arlington. Editor W. W. Fleming, of the Courier, was in town on business last Tuesday, Postmaster J. O. McGuirt, of Folks, transacted busiuess in Morgan last Tues¬ day. __ _ Boys’ and men’s shoes, all styles and sizes, cheapest on the market, at Clayton’s. Mesdames J. L. Boynton and Rogers, ■of Dickey, were here last Monday shop¬ ping, ______ Mr. Ollie Jordan, of Buford, Ran¬ dolph county, was iu town last Monday on business. If you wait too long yon will be too late and will not get the advant¬ age of* my bargains in millinery. | Everything at cost, Como now— 1 now is the accepted time. Colley. Mrs. G. W. Miss Claudia Sanderlin and Mr. Selma Davis were two Morgan visitors to Shell- man last Sundry. Mvs. Cordray. widow of the late Mr. J. A. Cordray, of near Blufftou, was here last Monday. Woolen Dressgoods iu all st,vles from Sets, up at Host wick & Tooles. Trimmings to match. 10-tf. Mr. S. T. Clayton has returned from ,'Columbus where he has been for t wo or three days on business. Mrs. Dr. Griffin, of Leary, was in Morgan last Monday, stopping with her father, Mr. Jack Riley. To heal the broken and diseased tissues, to soothe the irritated surfaces,to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mis- xion of DeWitt’s Witch ilazle Salvo. Mrs. S. T. Clayton.Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner. Edison, Mr. W. T. Coleman, of Cnthbert, ■came over Sunday and spent the first part of the week in Morgan. All my stock is new and up-to- I date. Everything was bought for the fall trade, and are now being sold at actual New York COST. Come early and be on time. Mrs. G. W. Colley. Mr. T. J. Tinsley and little Miss Rosa Thornton went up to Cnthbert last Sun¬ day to visit friends and relatives. This is the last chance to get up- to-date millinery goods at actual New York COST. I mean what I say as I am going to quit the busi- —-Bess. Your gain: my loss. Mrs. G. W. Colley. Messrs. L. F. Short aud Robt, Fulton, of Shellman, was in town last Sunday visiting the former’s brother, Prof. \\ . H. Short. _ Cla' ton does the leading business of Calhoun county, that’s tho reason he sells goods so cheap, lie is a leading man. See? Mrs. Mattie Thornton spent last Sat¬ urday (in Cnthbert, visiting relatives, She was accompanied l>y Miss Claudia Sanderlin. _ Burning sores, ingolent ulcers and simi¬ lar troubles, even though of many year’s standing, may be cured by using DeWitt’s Witch Hazie Salve. It soothes, strength¬ ens and heals. It is the great pile Boyd, euro. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Deputy Sheriff Selma Davis went over to Arlington last Monday and brought over a prisoner and assigned him qnar- tors at Hotel do Davis. Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspopsla. constipation, sick headache. eallow skin and loss of appetite. You Ifftvo never tried DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for these complaints or you would have beun cured. They aro small pi but regulators. Mrs. S. ( T. Clayton, great Boyd, Leary; Henry iur- Morgan, P. E. tier, Edison. i Shot Front Ambush. 1 «>n» parties coming to Moreau from j Arlington this nook it was Warned that | Mr. Julian King was killed last Sunday uiglii by unknown parties on the Jones’ place, just inside Calhoun county. To begin at the beginning, the partic¬ ulars as beat we could learn them are as follows.; Mr. Julian King is overseer on the T. ! F. Jones’ plantation, down near the j Mr. line King of Calhoun and Early counties. , had visited his home between j Blakely aud Ft. Gaines, and it was w hen he returned to the plantation that he was shot. Mr. King had unhitched his horse, turned him iu the lot and as he put the bridle on the lot. gate post some one shot him through the stomach with a pistol. At the report of the weapon Kiug fell over against the fence his head catching in between two rails that were driven up beside the fence, and in that conditioh he expired before assistance arrived. Several of (he farm hands rushed to the barn at the report *of the pistol only to find that, their overseer was a corpse. While it is not known who the guilty party or parties are, there are three men under arrest and they will have to con¬ vince the proper parties that they are innocent, before they will be giveu their liberty, The three meu, Jack Ingram, white, John Bailey and Jesse Handy, both negroes, all laborers on the planta¬ tion, arc now m the Morgan jail await¬ ing developments. The cause which led up to the arrest of the three men are, first: Jack Ingram, the white man, was the first person to i King’s side afier lie was shot, aud it was also found that, Ingram had a pistol with one chamber emptied but the cart¬ ridge hull had been extracted. John Bailey made the mistake of his life when he secured one of the plantation mules aud proceed, d to make himself scarce in that part of Calhoun comity. A party of men went immediately iu search of little Johnnie as soon as it was discov¬ ered that he was missing. Their search wasn’t very lengthy, however, before their man was found. The reason Handy is now boarding with the county is that he had a fuss with Mr. Kiug about two months ago and used lan¬ guage that was not at ail becoming to the occasion, and it is said that Jesse made some very bad threats. All of which Jesse is lively to be sorry of at present. On Monday morning the coroner im¬ panelled a jury and went to the sc«ne of the murder to hold an inquest. Up to the time of going to press the jury had not turned iu lHeir decision. A lady went into Mrs. G. W. Col¬ ley’s millinery stove last week and bought a hat, which she said was the cheapest and best she ever saw for the money. She bought it at cost, that was the reason. You can get one just as cheap and just, as good. If you don’t believe it go ami see. Mr. David Wimberly Is Dead, Mr. David Wimberly, son of Mr. J. G. Wimberly, died at his father’s home, twelve miles east of Morgan last Tuesday morning at 9 o’clock, from hemorrhagic fever. He had beer, sick only a short while, feeling the first symptoms of the dread disease last Saturday afternoon. In publishing the death of this noble young Christian gendemar it brings sad¬ ness to the hearts of everybody who ever knew him. Ilis perf, cted life aud honor claimed for him friends that were lasting. It was known early Tuesday morning that the soul of this young man was soon to leave this earthly sphere and wing its way to bright realms of peace aud happiness at the throne of God. The remains of Mr. Wimberly was in¬ terred in the New Hope jeemetery Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock, Rev. Mr. Ballard, of the New Hope Methodist church, of which Mr. Wimberly was a member, conducted tho last sad rites, The Monitor extends to the sorrow¬ ing relatives of the young man onr deep¬ est sympathy iu this, their saddest afflic¬ tion. Remember that we handle every¬ thing in tho mercantile lino, and are putting them out bargains. to our If customers don’t at unheard-of you believe it come and see for yourself and be convinced. S. T. Clayton. A Small Blaze. At exactly 10:12 o’clock yesterday (Thursday) the alarm of fire was given from the dwelling of Mr. G. H. Dozier. In less time than it takes to till it, Morgan’s bucket brigade was on the scene with a number of buckets and several lire extinguish¬ ers and went earnestly to work. It only took about fifteen minutes to put out the small blaze, which had caught from tho stove flue in tho kitchen. The damage will not ex¬ ceed $5. The house is owned by Col. Dunn. Mrs. Dozier asks us to extend to those who rendered their services at the fire her sincere thanks. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DeWitt’s Little Early Kiseis are very email [fills in size, but arc most effective iu preventing and lung the troubles. most serious '1 forms of liver hey my() constipation and headache and regu- ; lat() the bowels. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Mor- j Wlll . p. E, Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, ; Judge James Griggs and wife passed . ulu * j Morgan b last Tuesday from New- 1 ton eu route to their home iu Daweon. ALL SORTS. —Dollars and sense don’t always go together these days. —Wise indeed is the man who know bow little 1 he knows. •—Delinquents, we ate not of wood, ISring us a load on subscription account, —The weather last Monday and Tues¬ day msde-'a fellow feel like he didn’t care if he did. — This scribe is suffering from a severe attack of jaw ache. Probably it is from t lie lack of exercise. —Don’t grumble when your wife grows fat. There's all the more of her for you to love and obey. —If you want to succeed,make it a rules to stop looking after other people’s af¬ fairs and attend strictly to your own’. —There is a hippy event of a rhat-Hmo- irtal nature billed to come off next Wednesday near Morgan, so wo are told. —An exchange says: Do not let want, of success depress you; but struggle on. Labor bard,'continuously and you will win in the end. —Be sure you are right; then be cer-: tain you are sure; then be sure you are! certain, and if you are still in doubt, don’t “go ahead,” —Some people think more of their nonsense than of their sense; cultivate it most diligently, air it most frequently, and cling to it longest. —If husbands would always let their 1 wives have the last word, quarrels would be shorter; if they would alw ays let them have the first word, there would be fewer quarrels. —The addition of the bay window, or alcove, at the Methodist church, which is being put in now, will add \ ery much to the appearance cf the already hand¬ some building. -—Business was exceptionally good in Morgan last Saturday, and it, is plain that our merchants arc selling goods at rock bottom prices. Look over the ad¬ vertising columns of the Monitor and find out who the hustling merchants of tire-county are. —To ascertain the freshness of an egg, without breaking, hold it before a strong light and look directly through the shell. If the yolk appears round and the white surrounding it clear, the chances are that the egg is fresh. Or you may drop it into water; if the egg sinks quickly and remains at the bottom it is in all proba¬ bility fresh, but if it stands on end it is doubtful, and quite bad if it floats. The shell of a fresh egg looks dull, while that of a stale one is glossy.—Ex. Mrs. G. VV. Colley is rapidly re¬ ducing her stock of millinery Peo¬ ple seem to realize that this is a rare opportunity Mrs. Colley is offering for those wishing to buy anything in her line. Go and see her before it is too late. Remember she is selling everything strictly at cost. A Strange Death. The lifeless body of Dan Bacon, anegro of \\ Uliamsburg, was found in the Pa- cliithi swamp about three miles south of Morgan, last Sunday morning. From what could be learned Bacon and a lii-lle negro boy went into the swamp on Saturday afternoon to catch a hog that bad gotten away and was thought to have been in the swamp. Two or three hours alter going into the swamp tho negro boy returned to Williamsburg alone and re¬ ported that Bacon had bveu killed by a tiog. Several parties went in search of the supposed dead negro but returnod without finding him. It seems that tho boy could not go back to the place where he left Bacon. On Sunday morning the the soareh was resumed and Bacon was found near the mouth of Boggy creek lying on tho ground near a largo clay- root,dead. On outside investigation proved that he did not have a single scratch on his body, but on close examination It was found that Ills neck was broken. It Is supposed that Bacon was in the act of striking tho hog with a pole when his foot slipped causing him to fail backwards and breaking his neck. Joe Daniell, J. P., impianellod a jury and went to the swamp and held an In¬ quest. The verdict was that he camo to hts death from Internal injuries caused by a fall. A complete line of furniture, ai. stvles, such as Lounges, Suits, Dress¬ ers, Springs, Mattresses, Chairs, etc., at prices to suit Bostwick the people Toole’s. at <& Judge A. I. Monroe held the usual proceedings of the Ordinary’s Court last Monday. There was no business of any special importance transacted. Tho only thing worthy of note was that Henry Turner applied for letters of administra¬ tion on the estate of the late W. U. Tur¬ ner. At this point the court adjourned. Moments are useless if trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted if consumed by delay in cases where One Minute Cough Cure Morgan; would P. bring E. relief. Mrs-S.T.Claytou, Edison, Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur- nor, County court convened in Newton, Baker county, last Monday morning, with Judge H. 0. Sheffield, presiding. It lias been largely attended by a num¬ ber of Calhoun county people. All their busiuess will be finished this week. The very latest and best goods iu the millinery lino at COST at Mrs. G. W. Colley. Come before every¬ thing is gone. Mr. T. A. Mathis went to Ivey’s Mill last Tuesday on busiuess. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac- complish muceh in this world while suffer- ing from a torpid liver, DeWitt’s Little Early quickly. Risers, the S. T. pills that cleans Morgan; the or- P. gan. Clayton, | E. Boyd, Leaty; Henry Turner, Edison. ! 1 lie Study j j Of H 71 jconomj r Is the First Step towards solving the great money saving problem, Four own interest demands it, and this store proves the way for ift. The good's -and the prices are bore to be Compared and Judged! We want to be studied; flic more wo are studied the more business we do. Every investigation unfolds the powerful principle upon which the foundation of Our success Is Built. Fvico fairness to all-, indifferent service to nolle. It’s upon these grounds we hope to deserve and main 1 ain the support of a public studious of its own economical interests. This winter wo have an abundance of Fall and Winter UNDERWEAR For men, women and children. Separate garments and combined suits. All cotton, mixed or all wool. The garments Are llight, The prices are right, because they wore bought tight, Como and see what good garments you can get for a small amount of money-. 8. T. Clayton, .A-GKEIt. ANDY CATHARTIC At MQQJ ViMh CURECOHSriPATiOH 10 * ft mm ALL 25* SO* • Hi DRUGGISTS CA8CABETS tattle llkoeiiml}\ Rood Ent them CABBY bad Tho.v re¬ move any tasto In the mouth,leaving CATHARTIC the breath sweet and perfumed. Jt take Is a J real pil'ls. pleasure L< ’ Ud ' to ^ nUU seating liquids or cannon-ball ■ ......C AttUAHF/Tfi » DllSSTI V fine land imrely contain vegetable no raer- I L n/RCkl Icurial other min- or I .. _ lerttl poison. They P VhftPTAPI VbUiilNSbk F A Iost :tro remedies diiide of the discov¬ hit* er e rod amt are ft scien- tliic CO m bl nut 1 o n nover before put together in any form. .....OA8CABET8 <* are antiseptic. That Hn l&STKOET&TIf* fl latr I III A A digested means they fond stop from urn ft v a LAXATIVE _ X h souring in the 8 to III * » -oh. " :i prevent fer* # V mentation in the & v £ a ojimo bowels germs and kill of any dht- s kind that breed and feed In the system. ......CA8CAKETS the stomach LIVER | fl tone howelHandFtlmulnto and X Xlng the lazy liver, muk- It work. They STIMULANT how- ....... Vig < nous healthy ditlon, making their action easy and natural. Don’t judge GASCARETS by 0 sold, and you have tried. They are new, unlike anything else that’s infinitely superior. s Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get genuine. The your money back! Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. only Bevvaro cf Sample and booklet mailed free* Address imitations ! 8TEHUNQ REMEDY CO.. CHICAGO : MONTREAL , CAN .; NEW YORK . 238 NO-TO-BAC cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded. Makes weak rnen strong. Sold aud guaranteed bj alt Uruggisut. Got booklet. Tax Collector’s .Notice. Providence permitting, 1 will be at the following places, on tho dates named, for the purpose of collecting State and County Taxes.for the year 1897 ; Morgan, Sept. 27, Oct. 2u, Nov, 22. Cordray, Sept. 28, Oct, 20, Nov., 23. Leary, Sept.. 29, Oct. 27, Nov. ‘H. Nov. Williamsburg, Sept. 30, October 28, 25. Arlington, Oct. 1 and 29, Nov. 20. Edison, Oct. 2 and 30, Nov. 27. Pruett’s Store. Nov. 10. Folks, Nov. 17. Jonesville, Nov. 18. Maury’s Mill, Nov. 19. | Will be at Morgau during Court week. Books wi[! close promptly J. on Davis, Dee. 20. C. Tax Collector Calhoun Co. .....CASCAKETS Increase tin? Hxnv Of mllkin iiiir.slriRmoln* BOON FOB ers. A tablet eaten by the mother makes her milk mildly purg¬ MOTHERS ative at and has a mild hiit certain eiTect ?!Te Pn tho baby, the for only babe-ln*ui'hi8. a mmm a safe laxative tho .... OA8CAKETS lire liked by tho chi I* d run. They la a to PLEASE good and flo good, atop wind-colic ftitd cramp* 1 , and kill and THE CHILDREN drive otT worm a. and nil kinds of pnra- f* 1 ipb flint live In the bowela of the growing child. ...CAHUAKETN, taken patiently, per- Ri.stently.nregunrnn- h-etl CURE to Cure any case oT constipation, no matter how old and 6UARAHTEED obstinate, or pur- v t) chn so money will bo die erfully y reftuuled by your c w n druggist. .... CASCABET8 are soid by .uJJ drug¬ gists for lOc. 8tk, HEALTH fiOt: a box, fcecpnl- Ing tn fti7.e. A 1 Oe box will prove their FOR 10 CENTS merltnt'd put you on the lIght road to per¬ * fect and permanent buul th. Han’t rlak delay. T. BRISCOE, PHYSICIAN kn mmN> MORGAN, GA. Rbbwbxcb South ok Pi-juju Sqimiik. 1-17 Yellow Jack Killed. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills Yellow Jack wherever they find him. No one who takes regularly and eys* temttUealiy is in danger from the dreudhil disease. Cascarets kill Yellow fever germs in the bowels and prevent new ones from breeding. 19c, 20c, GOe, all drug¬ gists. Bostwick & Toole are tbo lenders j in yourself, low prices iu this section. See for ] I MORGAN HIGH SCHOOL. — ■■-T-.-.xa. ■ .*-T "1 %V", i. . <*.***, - .v-;*r ■S’f -to;* MM mm f . WmHm I m k ‘ Wi mm Ja&wwff 1 m U1 l r - mini xtSto. v--. - 111 mm* I ISgEz. m V Fall term opened September 27th. and will close December 80th, This school is no longer an experiment, but a rehlity. It hi thorough fn m instruction and strong in its discipline. Our aim is to prepare boys and girls for college, or to give those who cannot graduate a .practical cl UmI Lion. For pates of tuition or board apply to the principal. W. S. SHORT, W. Fi inhipfti. AnsNRhR. HRS. L mzim, A LAZINESS BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS. A lazy rran will not look after his interests, frin'l this “willful v’asVr- brings woeful want,” Now if you are on the alert and seek to do tlm spenA !m-A. yon cun for yourself lin'd those eoWin’itted to your cate you will not a dollar of your money till you see our stock and get oiir prices. (Ihaugo of Schedule. We will adopt the SFOP system on September 1st, and will sell goods lower than ever. Don’t Inil to call on us when you want to buy anything for the house, kitchen or farm. Wo will save you money, J. II. PAYNE & CO,. telECEJLIbJUCAA^;, G3-A.. C.S.CHENET. & LADIES, 2T3 Sv MEN. / -2 U V*5 YoilllF =31 w People 1 - --YoU iIAYT, COT TO BUY-- DBESSGOODS. So wliat 1 say balow ik of Vila! intents! to you, your pocketbook, your comfort and your pleasure. Don’t miss reading it. LADIES, I could make a column talk with you about my utifcaqulled Line of DRESSGOODS. I havo the greatest variety o pietliext, latest and best Dressgoods which havo been offered for your inspection in a long time. Come and see thorn • I am anxious to show them to you, and this is tho only way you Can get a correct idea of them. < alicocs nets, ABOUT SHOES' I am waging war on shoo dealers who sell ROTTEN SlIOEH.and my Ladies’ $1.50 ILmgolais one of my most powerful weapons. It is equal in every respect to any other $2.00shoe. \V<: guarantee them to be. I am selling a lino of shoes at 50cts. But then I have all kinds of good shoes) made by the Bay State Shoe Co,, whose name is a guarantee of quality. I name only a few, because the straws show which Way the wind blows. DB^»R HiSKiHC~lR00DS~~0F ~ALL~l K »iPS|D For everybody. Como and see for yourself. Yours; C. VI CM EN EY. See J. 15. Fay no & Cot, SlivYlmeVi Ga., when you want Hardware, Mu- ohine ’Oi,, Cutlery, Stoves, Fins..... I Oil-, Paints, Akcs, Guns, T : nwai' \ Pistols, Saws, Ammunition, ete., et- s They also have a full assortment ■ i Caskets »ml Collins. Call on tl era aud save money. MEN! I have iho shit, ■>? CLOTHES that will fit von, suit you arid itgriF with yottr purse. You hn’vb nhidl\ -S storo full to select froirt, in ado by 81oss Brothers of Baltimore, the best tailors of America. They St bi tn f than any suits we havo ever soon -- lit just to perfection—anti in qualiiv of goods and workmanship they far superior to any. We ato lib'* selling some $10 and $12 suits tor $8, and $10 suits for $11. Wo have Negligco Shirts for y< R at 50c. up to very fi’no shirts for $1.26—regular $2 00 shlris. tiu 1 (hen wo have shirts of all kinds and prices. Como and t;ik'o yblit choice, AS TO SHOES. My lino of Gentlemen’s Shoes ars talked about I no much to m'od ai.v commen t, hut will mention tny Bav State Shoes that 1 am selling at $2 5d and $5.00. Don’t miss seeing them NOTIONS- I have everything in the way h? Notions, and especially want yoh <u see my I5CDSXE35t~sr- In a word I have j