The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, November 12, 1897, Image 2

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THE MOfllTO 1 By the Monitor Publishing Company w. a tiiomas, i; ; v-: il%tes or i;m itnuioN. One copy one y* ir •y * One copy Fix. umnO?-- ; 0 i)no copy three mouths . . Advertising rates made known on a; - plication. zr rntererl eocoiid-clues at the Post OiTi at. Mmg.ui a mail matter. ! MORUAX, <t A., xov. 12, !h;t7. A'lllow fever wove is gt snore oneouraging. I \ Our county officials , are , hut-Urn, , ■ especially the sheriff. | Baldwin county will have a j-.rohi ; bition election on November J7th. t Mark Hanna has discovered that ho is not the only potato on the vine. ! It is now almost a settled fact that | Morgan will get, the railroad. Oar 1 citizens Arc not dead. You can al- : most hear the whistle. j Marshal Blanco says ho will soon , have Cuba “paecHiod/’ That’s what Woyler said, but ho found out that, I it was easier said than done. The demand for rye is evident that a larger area than usual is being de¬ voted to this ciop. Many acres have been sown in oats and a few tri wheat also. The Legislature has passed a law prohibiting the brutal game of foot¬ ball iti the state, thereby taking that sort of sport out of tho state entire¬ ly. Good for the Legislature. There is not many farmers in tho South who will plant all in cotton next year for they will not have the cash to do it with, and credit has about, played out. Raise corn and hogs. Hon. Ed. L. Wight, mayor of Al¬ bany, is out for tlie presidency of the •Senate and no doubt will be elected According to tho rotation plan Dougherty will scud up her man this time. When Morgan gets the railroad and her artesian well, you will her build up; you will see couio Lore and locate, and then will have the leading town in south west Georgia. The statment is made in Atlanta Journal that thru? of the flour sold is mixed with corn weal; that, “white dirt” or talc is used also, and that some millers ej-Ind corn cob with the corn. The negro ward of the State Lu natic Asylum at, Milladgevillo was destroyed by lire last Tuesday, Ma¬ con’s (ire company responded and saved the other part of the asyl urn. Tho inmates all escaped. Tiie (Senate killed tho Turner pro¬ hibition bill by a vote of 23 to -IS. After seeing that, the bill was g in,; against him, Senator Turner made a move to postpone, it for further con- sidoration, but ‘he motion was lost. Don’t be pessimistic, Attend strictly to your own business and let that of your neighbor’s alone and you will have better success. Yon have a day’s work every day at your affairs, without, “monkeying” with other people’s, Senator Hanna accounts for the Republican breakdown in Ohio by- saying that “good times have made the people careless,’’ ]t is strange that good times or any other sort of times should put ginger into tho Democracy while operating as an opiate on tho other fellows. -Albanv Ilera’.d. A rural citizen of Georgia who was shout to be placed on jho jury in a murder case, was asked by a lawyer: “Would yon hang a man on circum¬ stantial evidence?” The would be juror looked thoughtfully f 0 r a mo- meni. and replied:."Well, sir, 1 has hung a many oE ’em on a good deal loss.”—Ex. Policeman J. T. J. Ponder, of the Atlanta'police force, was shot down last Monday night by a thief and an assassin while discharging his duty in trying to arrest tho offender of the law. Tho assassin is known to be a white man, but the officers are not sure who tho guilty party is, 8 1- mug I several arrests hav>- bon made. ‘•FWmv or mv part, v *•••!- sum ( ..„*n,.l - , lugersol, the other day, “I envy the man who bus lived on the broad Hert s (lorn lhs bovhn..,!. cultivates the li. Ids w<.....i„ . j';,"'” •woe tn «.t j, - to : c-nd : om - .it !;, 'L”-"....... * ......- Polks llems (wild liosn.) Mrs L. I>. Emmoinnm, of Dawson, Misses Belle Di-uuia mid Wyek Nelson visited Mm, I lizzie Weaver last Thurs¬ day. Miss Minnie, Collins, one of Ran dolpli u faiiist ohitrmiTS, visited relatives and Lit mis here tho latter part of last week. Wo always welcome hor iu our midst, Mrs. Cora Colley and Miss Claudia Siiidei'lhi came out to Mr. J. ’j’. Btow- art’u Iasi Thursday afternoon to partic-t- ] eh- in the festivities of cane grinding. We arc always glad to lmvo those two most charming ladies visit us. Mr. (twin 11 id, from n il-Oglethorpe, is viidtu’t; Ijis aunt. Mrs. J, O. MeGuirt. C. T. Haw lio and M. L. Rice visited fair ones near Sinsllmun Inst Sunday. Mr. J, (). jMi-Uiiirt was called to Dover last (Sunday to the bedside of his littU grandson, Jimmie Woods, who is seri¬ j ously ill vifh pneumonia. Wesiueoacly Lust Hull !l> precious little oue may be • “pared to the fond parents. •Mrs J. f, Stewart ami little daugh¬ ters, Ty oi and Cola, spent last Saturday at Mr. D. K, Stewart’*. Borne one went into and burglarized Mr. Geo. Sellar's house one day last week. Several articles were stolen from a trunk. It is supposed that the thief entered through the window as there were tracks on tlm outside, seemingly where he jumped from the window. Mr. Sellars will use ovory effort to Jiud out the thief and we hope he will succeed. \\ edding invitations at the Albany Penny Press. * Last \\ odnesday afternoon at fi oclock at the bride’s parents near Puthbert, Mr. E. M. Kenny united in marriage to Miss Emma Batidetiin, Lev. t'. Z. 1>’. Golden, offi¬ ciating. Doth the bride and groom are very popular in their community and they have a number of friends in Morgan who will join tho Moni¬ tor in wishing for thorn a long and happy wedded life. •Saturday will bo the last chance to have your photographs taken by \Y. M. Adams, tho ariist. Mr. Mr 1 Phil hi!I. b u, asth ;,i died ri last i . -r luosday , at his homo in Leary, of hemorrhagic fever, Mr. Smith had lxten sick for some time. Ho leave* tt wife and n munk-r ,.f friends to numru his death, i le icimtins of Mv. mint!, were interred 1 m i,Us!:; -'' afternoon. TU< ; im.-.-st fmmnd eortegc cv. r s,vn i., Wy timicl out » h mor to theyoun ; - was Mended ,i; ’-. v - :m*I it "as indeed n -ad day ■» L<.i--. 1 ' • 1 IV A i-« I no.. I . 1J ptJbHt xni -.its l)t liiifil. Tiu'fc *r<‘ ft ;uiong tjiO (' 1! 11! Tin co tv; \ imr it nave •(‘j at)oru.tC tilhiMlt't aci«i*e> .\wd wow ORg to Hi*« <1 M V r*s o> bJavpg, who will bo !* by 1 HU ioi oKu* (lucugo po- ;?:o>o vp-iuois will all bo OQ t rippot] with lire arms er.d livi within a galling gun stock ml' Ti It? Atlanta 1 ons-titution in fjul tig the fiitiefc witiils up ’.villi the f<Tow A,,,., in"- i l)Oits;ind«i , of ... American*, . W'ltfe . . Uu.rou nds of vornen nti.l ehiklven dr'jx'iiileDt vtpoli llieiti for Knytport. an to be tilt iH-d out of etn]*!ovn)<‘nl. 1 C ..1 out of their homes in the cold ■and pitihswinter, to go starving or begging as they may, .while their t) | ar( l\ VO to lie taken by Chinese. slaves, imported for tin* express degradation of whins labor! This slave:-, are to be guarded bv outline gnus and a r< gin.out of police. Shot and shell and canister awaits the u of tho trctnblfht? Ameri. - cans, if they should venture to come within sight for negotiation. *Nol only tin---, but tho information b given that another thousand of slavish laborer,-* arc to bo imported up n tho* success ef tho present Then we will bn pr - seii't-d witli a sight of white Ameri cans, men, women and children, crying for bread, as tho pitiless winds of tho great l.iko region rutlilosaly pelt, llu-ir forms ax they wander through the valleys of northern Illinois. Tho stars and stripes will be run up over the worse than con¬ vict camps of slavish Chinese, work¬ ing for starvation prices and pro¬ tected by the American uniform, while all around them will bo mounted tlie frowning gat lings to mow down those very men who voted for Mr. McKinley last fall. “There is republicanism! Take it, «izo it up, measure it and pass your judgement upon it! Don’t send your job work to Ma con oi Atlanta when you can got it done just as cheap at, tho Albany Penny Press. V'V’v J’.Mii N(*'.V L!■■■;■{.. nucli about t ,ii(‘ our j In,' to* [M r. '■'iulc.i that I would write, thi > week, hA vie ■ Oil tV -oVi’r-cf. if drunktuineA* amt liquor drinking U> j ho country- 1 own3 )<1 cities jnciva- for the iv-jj Kvo yc;im sv- it Jut for tho ]KV visit wol become of our {•outers'? 1 . * jut* rnoro poouh* who gni rlruitk < >u fho ao-.willed social 'I'inkc, a*; heer. «?Mor an.] otbop intoxieafi;;r A jink made cow by the barkeeper, th<i , there wrtS a few years hack, Besides ihere are new drinks hfilhg hitforlueed t‘ii< h year, and ('--pe.e.iiilly for social drink. 'Off. How much better our cotuitry tvould jJiei/we the sale of had allintoxicaUng a law thai drinks would* itti-ouvhr prohibit Uut oil!-land. Rut if we can’t get, rid of j the tiiiomii.ablo stuff, wouldn't it l.e bei- j!• have the dispensary and do away I w * t, » drinks; this slip- i>t>* w«> #«»« aronm! (as so many do) by having-ft sold at a place open to the world*! 1 1 dare say that, if it were so. the young man who allows the effects of whiskey to overpower Ids pride would sbrink from going In and gating his drink where his mother or sister could see him. There arc young men a!] over our land who jinse-ss blight faces and who will suffer their pride, their good training, butchered up just, for the sake of a friend’s Intluonco, who not only exemplifies the. teaching , of tho devil, but who tramples tho sweet and pure teachings of that mother who would lay down her life for him. Jf all tho crimes of our country w < iu traced up, wo would lind that whis¬ key was at the bottom of iroro than one- haif of them. Homo may say tho disprns . ary benefits only one town. every town have her own dmpei.sury. if it benefits only one that is men* than it, is doing now. Instead of reaping benefit we reap trouble, ourses upon curses, and if we are obliged to have it, why not have It decent? Boys, have courage to sky no. if you continue to drink it will ruin you mental¬ ly, physically and iinancWly. Girls, bo- ware of boys who ever take the social glass, for It might bo that tnoy may 1111 a drunkard’s grave. it isn’t tho last drink that makes the drunkard; it is tho lirst. A dispensary does away with all social drinking, and if men will buy it, then they can got It, pure just as tho gov¬ ernment turns it out. Mr. A. A. Locket, one of Cuthhert’e most highly esteemed boys visited friends hero Sunday last. (.'ana grindings are hi full blast now, and the young people of Ups section seem to enjoy them to tho very utmost. The farmers urn having beautiful weather to gather the top crop of cotton, which is beginning to open. Give tlie Albany Penny Press a trial on your next bill for letter heads, noto heads, bill heads, state¬ ments, envelopes Everything and wedding invi¬ tations. guuiauteed as represented. A Sudden Death. 31rs. KAY. Bostwick died very sudden¬ ly at her home m Arlington last Friday morning about 9 o’clock. About 8 o’clock Mrs. Bo-twick left her Uomu and went up town shopping and returned in about an hour. It was when she was entering her house that she fell dead. Physicians were imme¬ diately summoned but their services were not needed, as she was dead before tlmy reached her. The, physicians held a post'Ynortem examination and decided that she came to her siuhfen death from iippoplexy. Mrs. Bostwick has a lui in- h-er of iricmls in this section who will learn oi her death with the deepest re¬ gret. Mrs, Bostwick was about GO years old. Host cloak overseen in -Morgan at (“aytou’u. ti Gardner, the man who came to Morgan about ten days ago, and who '. as styled by some us u tramp, died at the Poor Farm last Tuesday morning from the lack of medical attention as well as other attentions lie needed but didn’t get. Gardner came into the county about Uveutv days ago, making his first appear^ mice at Leary. Ho was afflicted with a largo cancer in tho abdomen and needed medical attention bad. IIo was offered free service bv one of Lom-y’s physicians, but Gardner seemed indifferent, about receiving it ami soon left Leary and landed hero. lie was immediately carried to tlie Poor .Farm and given the best service possible under the clroum- stances. It vis not our desiro to criticise tho public for this negli- genee, but \v« Jo want to say one thing, and that is this: It certainly looks bad for Morgan and her good people to know that one, whose life is just as sweet and precious to thorn as cur’s to us, lias died riMit herein our midst from the l-mk ‘ “ Tf general Attention, such as food, medicine, clothes and other things needed for a person in this man’s condition. It was not generally known that this man was in such a condition, but U was known bv i fow 1 a " i • ’ ’ , bh ‘ m ° th( 1!1 f«. telling 0 ;";","' ,h f f oor ni:u, '* s ‘*ohaif. ! hrmtutns don’t let this happen Auin, W atcli on! for such eases i,-»dv to: iaim , eu, , vv>-. - ■ A Lc(Ut From lillum. 'OS. I v. lit • According to promise I will try and Hriti-^i . i few items from Hilton. This is a cliarming little town with a j .'-”'0,1 many inhabitants. Ji-iviug two il« , t and Hr jt f ist. Wo ; have a I school with Kev.C. C. Lowe j u* {ji’mcMpiii. The jtca-k ;ny is now being ' r-.'iiovuted mid painted which "ill add ninoli to the looks of ntir Hit ip town. "'<• have two good Sunday schools: one a ‘ ^ U) Melhodist in the morning and the ' o! her at the BHjttist in She aft' nsoou. Rev. C. C. ! tie has-moved his family here from Damascus. They have » cordial welcome iu oiu- voalsC We need move, good people here who are alway s hearti¬ ly l'-eeivud. Cane grindings lmr just started down hen.. We. have had some little sickness of lute but <Ci » general thing the jilace is very healthy, only a fmv cases of billion s fever being here, at present. Ye serilie took a (rip to the new bridge last Saturday af'eruoon in company with Mrs. Clipper and her interesting family, who have been stopping here this week. Mr. Clipper 1ms been repairing the rail¬ road bridge, but we are sorry to say that Mrs. Clipper will leave soon for her home in Union Springs, Ala. Messrs. W. B Morgan, R E. Cox and I’, ft. Rate went on a limit to the Porter Pond. They brought the news that they lead killed thirty squirrels and a number of birds. Mr. Tlntd Sauls spent a portion of last week here on business for Mr. William Smith. Mr. P. if. Pate will leave soon for Ashford, Ala., where lie will spend a few days. Miss D^jlla Odum returned home from Columbia lust week and reported a nice time. On last Monday night a colored woman was walking by the railroad and I he passenger train struck her on the arm causing a fracture just above the elbow. Tho train earned her to Colum¬ bia for medical attention. Mrs. J. M, Pato was very sick last week, but we are glad to stale that she is greatly improved at this writing. Mrs. Cora Cox has been quite sick, T am glad to state that site is much im¬ proved. Mr. Tom Radncy, of Ashford, Ala., was over Sunday on “important busi¬ ness.” He is always welcomed, M.r. S. W. (tool, of Preston, passed through the city last Sunday eu route home after a prospecting tour of Ala¬ bama. The young people of our little city are tinder many obligations to Mr. J. O. Jackson for tho pleasures of Thursday night. He knows just “exactly what to do to make a crowd enjoy themselves. Promptly at 8 o'clock the lever car was put on tho track and “all aboard” was lienrd and in less timer-than it takes to tell it tlie crowd was landed safely at Mr. A. P. Bus.:: jus cane mill. They didn’t do much to tlie mne and juice, but what they did do was a plenty. Homo of thn boys ray they may recover from crank¬ ing that car but will never look like any¬ thing. Those taking part in the enjoy¬ ment were Messrs. J. (). Jack,son. Hurry Adorn, Ed Lowe, J. N. Floyd and B. B. Baldwin. Mieses Maggie and Neal Lowe. Bcaniah and Alice Sessions, Della Odom ami Etta Sloppy. Quito a jolly crowd left Wednesday for St. Andrew's Bay, Phi. The party consists of Messrs. Tom Jay, Lonnie Dinette, Wallace Slappy, Idas Jay and George Tubb; Me-sdames J. T. Jay and J. C. Chancy and Alisa Minnie Slappy. They will lmo wonders to till of camp life an they will bo nearly four days on the road. Auo'Aiua. List of Jurors- Gnmd and Traverse Jurors drawn to serve at tho December terra, 1897, Cal¬ houn Superior Court: OIlAN'D JUKOBS. J. B. Lofton, J. K. .Mills, P. K. Boyd, G. B. Perry, J. A. Riley, W. U, Turner, •I. E. I aw son, G. W. Eubanks, Sidney Paul, Jas. T. Conley, T. J. Beard, D. B. Jones, Jr., M. N. Ivlllobrow, Jno. A. V. Ward. • Harper Danioll, B. Isier, 1). L. Wooten, A. I. Monroe, E G Jordan, T. E. Piowden, Will. Maury, Henry Turner, Jesse E. Mercer, AY. A. Beckcoro, J. W. McClendon, C. A. Costen, M. A. Bunch, 0. H. Tanner, T. I„ Stallings, S. N. AleGuirt. TRAVERSE JURORS. 0 . II. Parker. O. a. Button 8.J. Massoy, Dunkin Davis, L. Monroe, c. W. Cheney, I’ J- Davi.. C. W. Davis, J R- H G. Ilodgos, elS N * v L. C. Alansflold, „ ,, T' H “ sUvkk R. E. McDaniel, ’ J. \\ . Timmons. G. B. Worsham. 0. U. Joiner. C. ,T. Boynton, J- 8- Collins. J, C. Glower, J- H- Patch, J. II. Hudgins, :\ r , A. H- B- Calhoun, .Ionian. • .. - * * ..nmmom- A. J. Dixon. J- K (•nmn. B. >. Merritt. Jno.T. Dyer, 0.0 HUey. Hms. A. Griffin, 1- 'Higgins. GKOKGIA- Gauioi n Corxtv:— l certify that tlie foregoing i* a true ex- SSicu,,!,. - t TAIL MIL. St Ipi *f|j I I®1 O# It 111 JSJBl uw a al? '*'• mm fjjjg MBi ' ***<*-* ' It is not our stylo to ict otlu r pe ople get ahead of ns. ’We have worked hard and faitlii'ul to accomplish our highest mark with our customers. Our greatest desire being to lead them all in our CLOTH I \ T ( J 'A )epartment! And to put the prices on them in touch of everybody. When we buy goods, we get them at hard time prices and we are going to give our customers the benefit of the Gl 4 n and I 1 & Y ijm s Pm pm 55 j - U : I JliU I illitik) 3 That motto alone has won for us a good reputation; and our eustotfters finding out that our prices arc down ou everything is tho reason we LEAD EVERYTHING WINTER UNDERWEAR—the best ever brought to Morgan and are going at greatly reduced prices, Con¬ vines yourself by giving us a call. mxi m a a i ISl$LKa r 3 % till Hi II l a - TU5** IP * Iti, it |f 0 © o p 3 Learv J ~A iCOFQ'R J (•) j i ami HH i L us ■! space Hex v s. SL Evil u® lit! IPtfi ■ Si % Ef? iii £J ; c ni wi WM r 9 Leary, Georgia. Additional Locals. Messrs. Joe Collier and \Y. S. Short went over to Newton last Friday and returned Sunday night, Of course “business” was their object. Last Sunday afternoon at tlie bndeS parents in Baker county, Mr. James B. Edmonds was united in matrimony to Mi** Eva Eubanks, Rev. G. T. Embry officiating. The happy knot was tied in the presence of otilv ,? a few intimate , , ° .... v ... ntIU ) s ° . cor ‘ me . mg p -u- ies. Misse* CttUie and Wyck Nelson, who have been spending tho summer here visiting friends and relatives, will leave (Saturday) for tlicir home in Steridian uumG Miss The E,n Mi-s, MmYahiff - 'noHou i of t K , u whoh. pc that, it will not be long before they will aenin ° visit our littG ‘ ....................... K1.. U are safe from the awful disease. Cn-<-»- ■ f PP.C - f. 3 3 iCK A.L CARDS. J. J. BECK,, .::s;:k'S8 Iv^OXRO-JN.JNr, mmhia, G-^iv. Will premier in 'all the Courts, State -if-l Federal. Piompt attention given to ill business entrusted fo Ills care. Col 1 i lections a specialty. 1-17-tt L.D. MONROE. .^nWATI-VW, MjRGAN.UA. Practices in the Courts of tho Albany Circuit, &o 1-17-tf L. 0, (AUITLEDOE, ; A-TTOSNEI’ - afA.T LAW MORGAN, GA. Practices in flic Courts of the State. Special attention given to collections. 1-17 tf J. B- GEORGE, PHYSICIAN AND ST DC CON MORGAN; GA. OtTieK and Residence on Main Stubs* 1-17 tf K- MCK. RAGAN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON s Morgan, ga. Office and Residence Mouth of Court House on Public Square. 1-17 tt T. BRISCOE, rEHISlM AO m&EDft MORGAN, GA. Residence couth of Public Squabs. 1-17 tf SHOE SHOP. SHOES. Harness, &o. repaired in neaf and workman-like manlier. charges reasonable. Shop North-west corner pub¬ lic square. Shoos made to order. I also repair all kinds of tin ware.' S. M. LASH. The place to buy the finest Marble and Granite Monuments and Slabs is n't Tb§ L ] mj Mj ud Unoite ,? Ms> Write naming price you want to pay and I will do the rest. W. H. MILLER, PROP, CONSUMPTION CAN be cured. U A. Slocum, M. 0., the great chem* ist ( and scientist, will send free, to the afflicted, three bottles of his Newly Discovered Remedies to cure Troubles. Consumption and all Lung Nothing could be fairer, more phyl ;Oi thropto or earv more joy to the afflicted, than the offer of T. A. Slocum, M. 0., of Now York city. Confident that ho has discovered a re- liable cure for consumption and all broil, chail. throat and lung diseases, general decline and weakness, loss of flesh and ail conditions of wasting, and to make its grout; merits known, he will sand, tree, three bottles to any reader of the MonitoK who may bo suffering. Already this “new scientific course of medtoine.” has permanently cured tlioua anils of apparently hopeless cases. 'the Doctor considers it his religious July -a duty which he owes to humanity, to donate iris infallible cure. lie has proved the dread consumption to be a curable disease beyond any doubt, and has on file in his American and Euro¬ pean laboratories testimonials of experi¬ ence from those benefited and cured, in al! parts of the world Don’t delay until it is too late. Con¬ sumption, uninterrupted, means speedy and certain death. Address T A. Slocum* U. C., 9« Pine street, New York, and when writing the Doctor, give express pud post- offlee address, and please mention reading this article io tlie Monitor THORNTON & CO- Wants Your Trade. This popular firm has moved into their new store. They carry a f foil line of staple and family gro¬ ceries. tobaccos, whiskies, wines, dry goods, etc., which they an selling for cash as eh -up or cheap¬ er than any retail concern of the kind in this section of country. This is just a notice—their goods advertise themselves. THORNTON & CO*. Morgan, Ga* S. T. CLAYTON’S LIVERY, RALE and m FEED (STABLES, Nice Turnouts—Day or Night—at Reasonable Pi ices. "WTE-iEISr XET TO'WJSr x-S Take your stock to my Stables to bo cared for. I- P>. AYCOCK, :- MANAGER. r,ax Collector’s Notice. rroviJence permitting, I will be at the following places, on the nates named, for the purpose of collecting Ktate and ( ^SS 1 7^27^?^% \ Cordray’.b'ept. 2s! Get 10 Leary, Williamsburg, Sept. 29, Oct. 27, N-.v. 24. Sept. 30, October 28, !*; it’oA’"”- 27 - Polks Nov 17 ........ ...... ... ..... wrA* Tax Collector : i Ualboutt Co. Onr scribe went over to Alliany last Saturday to talk advertising to her mer¬ chants and explain the advantages the Monitor is offering to business men for the fall trade. As u result of the vi-it Albany is now represented in onr columns. Her merchants are not sleep. Eaton nal1 ' . .. ful ^ateof the uobilityoT EnglaTd is Eaton Hall, but few seem to know of the vast extent of this splendid home of «ie Dak® and Duchess of Westminster. So uvancTolvs are the rooms that 60 suits are set apart for visitors alone, jj. j s on jy ou t jj e occasion of a royal that the true size of this beautiful duchess oYafone or 'have only osinal! house party, they prefer to occupy a house which is attached to the hall. --- — ■* „". 1 see any souse in that Ba y, 3 “ 8 thilt luv( ’ ' au Shs at locksmiths. ” y ° u coiikln t.. Well, it is bocauao . r _ Cltil'lCO of a Life fillip ...... - “ ta '- ‘’"H t miss this chance.