The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, November 12, 1897, Image 3

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HI f^rr^ 3 PUBLISHED EVERY FK L <in{^C ^ 1 'OS-’jSSviA'vS' OBBBSBUMes. jtsce ssaHxssssnts^gRss e, ttnnr TOWX OF MORGAN. Wardens—J. Mayor—L. G. Cart 1 edg<\ J. H. ek. T. W. Tinsley, L. G. (’artledge- ami '< \V. Colicv. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Cinbbht!? Rates. The Mositob and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for- .-‘1.150. The Monitok and the Southern Cnl- tivator one year forSl.50. CHI liCHKS. Baptist Preaching Church—Kev. Z. T. Weaver. <and Ipastor. Saturday every Sunday-school third Sunday before. 'every Sunday'at. 10 o’clock a. m. J. 51. Neivtou, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Ilex. F. McCnlSongh. Pastor. Pleaching every 1st Sunday at Si o’clock a m. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge. Su¬ perintendent. itt.lSOXK’. Reuben .Tones Lodge No. 388. F. & A.. 51.. meets every first and third Saturdays in each month at 2.30 p. hi. J. T. Stewart, W. 51. Sidxet Pact,, Secretary. .. , - - - . J,.. r Cane boilings will bo all tho “go” next Week. Mr. Frank Olfeney, of SheVhnan, worshiped here Sunday. • Mr. Noel Jiathis went over to Blakely last Monday on business. We have one of the most skilled artists in our city that has been here for years * lie’s an expert. Morgan was well represented at the •d&uce in Leary last Friday night. 5Ir. G. M. Davis was m town Thursday and tickled us with a wagon wheel. Clever Ben Taylor, of Arlington, was in town last. Sunday “prospecting.” Moments are useless if trifled away: and they aro dangerously wasted if consumed by delay in cases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring relief. Mrs-8,T.Clayton, Morgan ; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur¬ ner, Edison. Mr. Gus. Locket, of Cuthbert, was here last Sunday visiting “friends.” Handsome Frank Dunn attended di¬ vine services m Slorgan last Sunday. 5Iiss Sara Hammond, of Leary, visited 3Irs. Joe Daniell iu 5Iorgan last Sunday, To heal tho broken and diseased tissues, to sdotho tho Irritated surfaces,to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mis¬ sion 9t DeWltt’s Witch Hazto Salvo. 5lrs. S. T.,Clayton,Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison, Morgan has the prettiest lot of girls of any town twice its size iu Hie South, Prof. Short and Charlie Weaver went over to Cuthbert, last Tuesday to siiteud court. Watch for the advertisement of W. A. Johnson & Co., of Albany, in next week’s issue. If you have ever seen n lltilo child in a KNStASA in tho throat, you can appreciate tho value •of One Miniito Cough Euro, -which ^ivc-c* quick relief. S. T. Clayton. Morgan: P. E. Boyd, Leary-, Leery Turner, Edison. Mr. Will Huberts, iff Dawson, cam.: over last Sunday. “There's a woman in the ease.” J. E. Mathis and Will Glower wont over to Dawson last Saturday and re- turned Sunday. See the card of the Albany Marble and Granite Works, in another column ..of this week’s paper, lar Burning sores, lngoient ulcers and simi¬ troubles, even though of many year’s standing, may be cured by using DeWilt’s Witch Hassle Salvo. It soothes, strength¬ ens and heals. It Morgan; is the great pile cure, 8. T. Clayton, P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. S. E. Bridges, of Jlillford, made ns smile last Monday with a dollars’ worth of palm grease. There was a large attendance at both the morning and afternoon Buuday school services last Sunday. Leary was represented in Jlorgan last Sunday by 5lessrs. Howard Whitaker, George Smith and Biff. Isler, Small precautions often prevent, great mischiefs. DeWltt’s Little Early Risers effective are very small pills in size, but are most in preventing tho most serious forms of liver and lung troubles. They' cure constipation and headache and rogu- late the bowels. Mrs. 8. T. Clayton, 51or- gan; P. E, Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. Thos. H. Rogers was iu Morgan last Tuesday and left a dollar’s worth of Uncle Sam’s currency at our disposal. W. 51. Adams, the photographer, of St. Louis, lias been in the coy all the stopping at the Thornton House. Yellow Jaok Killed. Cascarets Candy Cathartic kills Yellow Jack wherever they find hint. No one who taken coscarctes regularly and sys^ is in danger from tho dreadful Cascarets kill Yellow fevei germs in the bowels and prevent new onus from breeding. 10c, 25c, 50c, all drug- gisis. Prof. Kenny, of the Wooten school house, about three miles north of 31of- gan, was a visitor to lire city last Sunday. Yellow Fever Prevented. There is only one sure way of prevent- of ing v<Silow fever. Destroy the germ-■ the disease by using C.u~< ;*i<-ts, Cathartic, and keep th“ system clean by fontiniiing their use. Tho tried and ed safeguard against yellow „ fever i* , place your faith in Cascarets. ■ -(-, , 00c. all drugff! > il jU FAILED. 1 / V cctk very near being U»e • seune of !Uiotl) ®' lynching last Tuesday morning, . anil but for ttfe prompt action Of our effiutmt sIktHY lhove would, ig all probability Imve been tlifpo lifeless I bodies Swinging from a limb of some I | tree near hove on Tuesday at day-light. Since I lie killing of Mr. King, on the Jones’ place, last Sunday night one week I ago, there lias been the wildest feeling j I among the people of that scetiou, and many are anxious to get hold of the guilty party and send him to the laud ! beyond over the Hemp rente. Sheriff Davis is well aware of these facts and he is on the alert to save these prisoners from tlie clutches of an angry mob. IIo lias been expecting an attempt of tin-, kind ever since King was killed, and he lias kept his eyes open to avoid this accomplishment, upon the .part, of the mob,-should they come. On Monday morning he “got wind” of a move that a mob was organizing a few nvites from town for the purpose of swinging up the three negroes who are held for the assassination. Sheriff Davis knew that an attempt would be made Monday or Tuesday-night, and to be iu time ho secured a conveyance and chained the negroes together and carried then over to Dawson for safekeeping. Sheriff Davis was on time, however, as the mob eatae Monday night for their men only to find that they had left town. After finding that their men was not here they left, going out the western end of town, mad and 'disappointed. It is understood that there were between 100 and 150 men in the crowd. Sheriff Davis saved these same men by only a few hours when lie removed them from Arlington here, He was compelled to slip them out of town and had to walk through the woods for nearly four miles to get his prisoners away from the angry lilob. As the mob has failed the second time at lynching these negroes, probably they will give up their intentions and let the law take its comae. One thing sure, they will be daisies if they get ahead of | onr sheriff. The boys say that in eases like this lie sleeps with one eye opeu. That King Killing. Tho mystery of the assassination of Mr. King about two weeks ago, partion* lars of which the readers of the SIonxtob are fatniliiar, remains nnsolyed, although the officers are working hard to bring out the true facts of tho case. .Jack Ingram, the white man arrested last week was released. He was only suspected because of the empty* cartridge in his revolver, and he proved that ho had discharged the cartridge as he stated at first and he was released. General Gee Lee Fisher, a negro well known by all tho officers of Calhoun county,: and who is an all-round crook, is now quartered in jail with the other two negroes who are still held for the same crime. Fisher seems to be at home in the look up. This is the fourth time within the last, twelve monihs lie lias been one of Sheriff Davis’ boarders, Coroner said they had gathered enough j sufficient suspicious cireumr taiiees to ..... .. ..........« lil " j under arrest, A coroner’s warrant was i issue;! for-the throe men under arrest | j md delivered to the.sheriff Who is acting ° j cording ... io . instructions. . a coroner *s Tho Albany I’entiv Press does tho neatest and best job work of any printing establishment in Southwest Georgia. Prices are reasonable and those who have any work in their line will do well to send it to them. Negro Man Shot Down. It is just as near impossible for a lot of negroes to get together on Saturday night and have a “supper” without hav¬ ing tlio usual fight or shooting scrape as it is for one of the same color to resist the temptation of passing a cane patch on a dark night without ridding the patch of several stalks of the delicious plant. Last (Saturday night at the Clement’s place, four miles south of .Morgan, a supper was given by the negroes and a large crowd was present to partake in the festivities afforded on such occasions. As usual with these suppers some one has to have a fight or shooting scrape of some kind before they can break up. Last Saturday night it was unusually late before this part of the program came in and It began to look to those present that they would have to dispense with this act. At just about 2 o’clock, Sunday morning a pistol shot rang out upon tho still air from a group of negroes congregated near where the supper was hold and upon investigation was found that Gus Hamilton had shot Dock Hawkins through the heart. At tho crack of tho pistol Hawk!nd fell and never spoke a word. Hamilton went to Me homo and retired as if nothing had happened. He bad been there cnly a short while, however, before Messers, J. D. Holloway and B. VV. Goo, came and arrested him. No coroner's Inquest was held as there wore several eye witnesses to the shooting and all say that Hamilton did it, although ho bitterly denies it. When a lady buys one of those cloaks at Clayton’s she is satisfied because and of tho good quality of the goods reasonable price. Onr school was interrupted last Tues¬ day and Thursday on account of Prof. onoit hating to ,co to Cuthneit .. to attend , court. Send your ;ob work to the Albanv Benny Press it . want . it .. done ■, you iu » • • \ LL SO; 3 l ■ TS. •Wilil Hose at Folks gets belter ! ever;- nook. —The young people are beginning to ; make preparations to have several old | i times dnlices in the near future. I — A party composed of about fifteen j mon from S,,ml< * r 0011 nt y. P ass0li i thvough Morgft « last ' Tnpsi ' la y in covered j Wa —Onr S ons on New their Light wa ? to correspondent tlw « n,f I ex- j P ro ® ,< * s tins hD views on Utter, the dispensary it-is .pies- ! ' n week s a timely ‘H'licle and is good advice to young Wen. —Wild turkeys seem to ho plentiful in this section. Last a cek Mr. Miles Webb went out to the Griffin place and killed three at one shot. He secured four for his day’s hunt. —That was a jolly crowd of girls who steered an old cart drawn by an ox last Monday and proceeded to take in the town. Only eleven were on the cart at one time, and the poor old ox caught— the whip. — Sheriff Davis found out that the Bible says you should shun the very ap> pearance of evil, and our plucky sheriff certainly shunned the crowd last Mon¬ day night when he carried the three prisoners out of the clutches of the mob. Weil done thou good and faithful ser¬ vant. — We are pleased to acknowledge the receipt of a letter from Hilton published in another column of this week’s issue. We are promised a letter every week and this is the beginning. If onr correspou- I dent “holds out” as well as this one, Hilton letters will he watched by our readers with deep interest. —That ever obliging and courteous gentleman, 31 r. T. Stewart, entertained quite a crowd of Morgan young people at his home, about throe miles north of town, last Monday evening, at a cane boiling. To say that every one, had a nice time would be mildly expressing it to say the least. 5lr. Stewart certainly understands how to entertain a crowd of young people. Take Warning! The reported discovery of rich gold in Alaska has started thousands of Klondike people from this country to the regions in search of this precious metal. It is an adventure that will make the level headed peo¬ ple hesitate for a moment on account of its dangers from starving, freez¬ ing and other things to encounter before reaching the gold field. Now, we are after giving to the people ami of this locality a little advice save them from this dangerous trip. There is a gold mine right here in Morgan—at Clayton’s. He will put into yout pocket money already coined and stamped. He will keep you from starving;- keep you from freezing, and save you dol¬ lars and cents on every purchase you make from him. He has everything in the winter wear cheaper than you can get them anywhere else. He has tho prettiest and cheapest cloaks I over brought to Morgan, (to and see them, Tell iUr. Clayton your wants and he wi.l see that they are attended to. Clayton’s is the place. Air. T. R. Hammond, Leary’s leading merchant, has planted an ad¬ vertisement in the Monitor, and Rili have something interesting to tell our readers in next week’s pa*- per. Wntch out for it. See Clayton’s lino of jioaks. They are beauties. The people of Morgan had the pleas¬ ure of listening to an able sermon last Sunday by Rev. Mr, McCulloughs, of Leary. The day was a beautiful one, and a large congregation turned out to boar this good man talk. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, BUD? To Clayton's? Kot this week. Tinsley’s? Not this morning. Darnell's? No, sir; I am just from 1 3 A I ■ it 4 V i - — •m rV \S> ' ,rf^ / / e OVERLOADED S.N. McGuirt. Where I get 3fi inches to the yard and Hi ounces for one pound. Yes, and t) pounds pounds good Arbncltle coffee coffee, for $1.00 8 1.00 18J lbs. sugar, 1.00 ’18 lbs. good rice, 1.00 50 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00 10 boxes potash, for LOO Calico and checks, per yd., 1 and 5ets. 20 ounces soap for F/c 780 matches, Cc Best Mccoboy lard snuff, per pound, 45 c and meat, 7c Meal and corn, Otic Best flour, per bbl., 6.00 Ladies and gents shoes, 75c. to 1.85 Loaded gun shells, 3 boxes for 1.00 Well, it would take np too mneb space t'<; mention all, so come to seo tne before you buy, and I’ll please you or try. Bring me your eggs at loots, per doz. S. N. McGliUT, *'■ i _l 81: .4 KU J. 63 S:A A t IL A. i ©/ | * ' ICfonojin Ut r hi - 11 U'irst i in ti u Step towards solving the great money saving probl'ojn. i onr own interest demands it, and this r.lot-3 proves the way for it. The goods and the prices are here to be Com oared and luted! ’ W c want to bo studied; the more wo are studied the more business we do. Every investigation unfolds the powerful principle upon which the foundation of s> © : ‘ S3 Ja.JL IL • P''ice fairness to all, indifferent service to none. It’s npo.n those grounds wo hope to dosowe and maintain tho Support of a public studious of its own economical interests. This winter we have an abundance of Bn O ■Jl a iiiniirn M i For men, women ahd children. Separate garments and combined suits. All cotton, mixed or all wool. The garments i\F0 Jiisrir ITfe, © T "w Tlfe prices nrq right, because they wore bought right, Come and see what good garments you can get for a small amount of money. ¥ n \ g 6 A MJ 9 IVTAKT-A_G3-E]R.- m ■ ■ i • J • k A ifi y- m. 1:11 ■ iff m\r I m % !> LGiT 8- FV l H j A. J ^ 'A/fi \%\ MEN. iu i V ? YollllE ZzEfel o rfpsyV K fh. A ) m A -Yuli HAVE GOT TO BUY- •A. .1 a i Ml (i 61108 twuOilS DRESS GOODS. So wiiat I say below is of vital Interest to you, your pocketbook, your comfort and your pleasure. Don’t miss reading it. . couol ,, make . UHILUjO, I A HI column talk a | with you about my unoaqulled Lino of DRUSSGOODS. I have tho greatest, variety of tho prettiest, l si test and best Dress goods- which have been offered for your inspection in along time. Come and see thorn ; I am anxious to show them to you, and this is the only way you can get a correct idea of them. Calicoos Sets. ABOUT SHOJCS- I am waging war on shoo dealers who sell ROTTEN ,SHOES, and my Ladies’ $1.50 Dongola is one of my most powerful weapons. It is equal in every respect to nny other $2.00shoe. We guarantee thorn to bo. 1 am selling a lino of shoes at 50ets, But then ] bavo all kinds of good shoes, made by the Bay Mtate Shoe Co., whoso name is a guarantee of quality. I name only a few, because the straws show which way the wind blows. iy I or everybody. Come and soo for yourself. Yours,j C. M CHENEY. si-iEx-i-!Ev!r-A.2sr,.a--A. MEN! I (JLOTJES have the suit of that will fit you, suit you ,and agree with your purse. You have nearly a store full to select from, made bv Sioss Brothers of Baltimore* tho best tailors of America. They lit better than any suits wo have over .scon— fit just to perfection—and in quality of goods and workmanship they far superior to any. We aro ium selling some $10 and $12 suits for $8, and $15 suits for $11. Wo have Negligee Shirts for yon at 50c. up to very fine shirts for $1.25—regular then $2.00 shirts. But we have shirts of all kinds and prices. Come and take your choice, AS r UO SHOES. Mv lino of Gentlemen's Shoes are talked about too much to need any comment, hut will mention my Bay State Shoos that I am selling at $2.50 and $3.00. Don’t miss seeing them NtrnoNS- I have everything in tho way of Notions, and especially want you 1o soo my HOSIER’?. In a word I have 1 — - • • ! MAOP Mu hi* A M 11 1 !GM SCHOOL. M w.-aa 1 -V . j a m*. - ■ r - f . m m .4 HB? wm iSi A :*¥ A*j /.Ml o!* •“ **'*• *• K< 4. V - Fall term.opened September -27th. and will close December 201. . ThU school is no longer an experiment, but a reality. It is thorough in >’•• instruction.and strong in its discipline. Our aim is to prepare boys and girls tbr college, or to give those who cannot graduate a practical ed *1.1 lion. For rates of tuitipn or board apply to the principal. U\ H. SHORT. Princiiml. 31 UN. L. W. DOZIER, Assist,ml. ! ■ ■ I„ II a m w <■ JiMl SiMiill Sal sal BEGINS IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS A lazy iron will not lock after hi:, this “willful v aste liringK woeful want!’ Now if yon are on the alert ami seek to do the l•••4. you can ior yonisoil and ihosr committed to \our care you will not. • peud a dollar of your tnoiiey till you see c«V Mock ami get our prices. ('hiHiffC of Schedule. Wo will adopt the SPOP CASH system on September 1st, and will sell goods lower than over. Don’t fail to call on us when you waht to buy anything for the house, kitchen or farm. Wo will save you money. J. 15 . PAYNE &CO.. SHBLLMA.N, G-A._ GAIS1ARTIC immkim ALL i fSBrtSX? ........ VA HIM 12 F.TH 0 ANDY 3 tMHfcb like fowl. Kiit them candy. bn»! They ro- itmvo nny t:>Ht In thomoiitii.I(’:t y!b CATHABTia Jim! \t tU<) urn o(i. I i !i tiivcot H iii tt ml feo a ■<S#&x9nfr*»«S*a then lilonMiro Kteiiii :t» U'lulda t In rm u* oretumoit-hall \ oil .....<’ •; ■ :«: *, • 7 ".7' A <4ti ro lmriilv vtipiUtltlQ PURELY "A.?,,','.;...... . ; VEGETABLE putt.ufe-otl:,;.- in . ■ ' j«a»85trSWft. jJSwJEt.- rfTtos i j wi- > ■> tend t i/Ul ismtw nil# in tho Mto/J e 'iiij Idiw (j I y, Jrtlt bl’L-l.lI Rliii fl'vBl ill iy 1 ; , Mhj i I tMitnch Lt’/ea /A liw >»■!( <*i y-CT : am; ............... Th- TTYct . IAhI t h',,:, 1,7,.', . 4 Vi4*(H'ottP, )i e it | | It action fuid ("iitiUltni, maki.ii easy uutuml. Don't jurlog G.1S« ’ ly . i, ;rmedicines you have tried. They new, unlike anything ■ that's sold, and infinitely superior. } '.fry i fCc box to-day, if not pleased ’get ThO your money and back! booklet Larger boxes, 25c or 50c. Sample mailed free- Address imitations! ’ TL-. * • C .VA D/ GO.. CHIf;.-..50| '..ON i b'l.'.L, OAH. i NRW YORK. 2.111 ® . # •Ua p. 'i'“. i-fco cnaiaiiUiod or mon. y refunded. Makoa- woaW meii. " .Sold and by all druRgiats. Got u Vi .-y . i:"l^ booklet- im HLalE, AFTER A COM- PLK'FE AN!) I a*? III f n jM€L i I 459 A Thorough Investigation I AM SATISFIED THAT THE Q-OXjX> WIRE sJ EVVELRY Manufactured by Mr. I). T. EldlElt is the last on tho market. All designs of him Ladies’nuil T. J. Tinsley Gouts' Jewelry. Co.’s,and Call inspect on at .t bis fine iv (ovtment, the goods aro sure to sell. Ootnc to 300 mo. U. T. ELDER. Hoc J. ]). Pavne & Co.. Sheilimi'i, when you want Hardware, Mw Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Linseed Paints, Axes, Guns, T ; invar-; Saws, Ammunition, ete., id also have a full assortment of urn! Collhw. Call bn tl'i ni 1 save money. ' TO ;:a’!;;| -..... in I a‘Tn BQ0?4 FOR - H.v the iiiotlif :• mnl'-OH bin. ;A N.AAIf i In e'Hv.'t on v MOTHERS 1 A 1 v ti;. , 111 i y il »n fe 5ft x t i v i) for Id' io babo*ln-arma. .... I'.Wfi.lttm 'b. big liked Uy the cliU- . ‘I 0(1 n. (Uid '!'1 1 <■ do y In Mo 2 | PLEASE . im! * ami cinmD S . . Mid ni kill am! THE CHILDREN 1 l i'/f elf if worm i H. I' i d "i d HI I cl” of ton Lmwo) growing child. ... 'd.v. : S- p/S’N, t ■&■*&*» ■&&** »■«** Itil; on pul k-iitly. -. I’d - ( i iD'AiGnv I ti «y curt’ • any [' till I'll 11- | ) CURE on bo !|l GUARANTIED ! ' .■“SO inonuy r. bo v> I (in. :-t fiiliy rufuiKtod »*£*»•«* .'.il (’ir .kfN'bt. ... I’GfX SKI (l- HEALTH .* a. , ROD* I’ ■ I. ■ ;V^’fS! 'Gil i’< .;<! tfi 'h FGB10CEHTS J A . r . i Min'; f. •. i.!tit‘;jt| » 5 hcuiUt. ri*k delay* Brick for sale f have several different qualities A' brick for Siileat $1, $4 50 and $5 per 1,000, Como quick be¬ fore obey are all gone, 10-20 dm J. M. NEWTON. - lornton House, MOBG AW, GEORGIA.. Sow house, now furniture, eve y- i i.■., . , siilort, niealrat all hours of the day. Second to none. Bat ex j $2.00 per day; reasonable rates b> the month. I also will soli ice cri-ani on Saturdays through the ice xb.c son. MRS. .J. A. THORTON. SHOE SHOL* —AT- LEARY-, GEORGIA. li. M. Flowers, a llrst-elass stibii and hariios::.maker, will thank you for aiiy work sent him. Sfnnufactmlrtg and re- pairing done good at low figures. Send your shoe and harness woik iti R. 51. FLOWERS. oct !?1 3m, Leary C,*;