The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, November 26, 1897, Image 3

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THt MOKITOP, PUBLISHED EVERY B <Cr/ TOWN OK MORGAN. Mayor—L. G. Cartledge. Beck, • Wardens—J. J. T. W. Tinsley, L. G. Cartledge and G. W. Colley. Clerk—T. W. Tinsley. Treasurer—S. T. Clayton. Marshal—E. P. Richardson. Our Clubbing Rates. The Monitor and the Weekly Consti¬ tution one year for §1.50. The Monitor and the Southern Cul¬ tivator one year for §1,50. CHURCHES. Baptist Church—Rev. Z. T. Weaver, Sunday pastor. Preaching every third and Saturday before. Sunday-school M. every Sunday at 10 o’clock a. m. J. Newton, Superintendent. M. E. Church—Rev. F. McCullough, Pastor. Preaching every 1st Sunday at 11 o’clock a in. Sunday-school every Sabbath at 3 p m. L. G. Cartledge, Su¬ perintendent. MASONIC. Reuben Jones Lodge No. 388. F. ft A. M., meets every first and third Saturdays In each month at 2.30 p. m. J. T. Stewart, W. M. Sidney Paul, Secretary. Joe Collier came iu town last Monday. Clever Jim Plowden was seen in Mor¬ gan last Sunday afternoon. Don’t send your job work to Ma¬ con or Atlanta when you can get it done just as cheap at the Albany Penny Press. Rev. F. McCulloughs, of Leary, was here last Sunday afternoon. Miss Maggie Davis, of Whitney, visit¬ ed friends here last Monday. Moments are useless if trifled away; and they are dangerously wasted If consumed by delay in cases where One Minute Cough Cure would bring relief. Mrs-S.T.C)ayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur¬ ner, Edison. Prof. Jenkins was here last Su and attended divine services. Tax Collector C. J. Davis spent last Monday in the city on business. To heal the broke,n and diseased tissues, to soothe the irritated surfaces,to instantly relieve and to permanently cure is the mis¬ sion of DoWitt’s Witch Hazle Salve. Mrs. S. T. Clayton,Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Frank Dunn came in town last Sun¬ day and attended divine services. ^ Miss Jessie Parkins, of Dickey, was in Morgan last Monday shopping. Small precautions often prevent great mischiefs. DoWitt’s Little Early Risers are very small pills in size, but are most effccrive in preventing the most serious forms of liver and lung troubles. They cure constipation and headache and regu¬ late the bowels. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Mor¬ gan; P. E, Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. Emmett Kenny came over last Monday on his bicycle from Bronwood. Mr. B. Isler, of Leary, was shaking hands with his Morgan friends last Mon¬ day. Burning sores, ingolent ulcers and simi¬ lar troubles, even though of many year’s standing, may be cured by using Dewitt’s Witch Hazle Salvo. It soothes, strength¬ ens and heals. It is the great pile Boyd, cure, S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. W. n. C. Cunningham, of Leary, made a short business trip here last Monday. ■Y-- ^Clever Ben Mourns, of Cnthbert, vis¬ . ited his uncle, Judge A. I. Monroe, last Saturday and Sunday. No man or woman can enjoy life or ac¬ complish mucch in this world while suffer¬ ing from a torpid liver. DoWitt’s Little Early Risers, tho pills that cleans the or¬ gan. quickly. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leaiy; Henry Turner, Edison. Misses Claudia Sauderlin and Genie Tinsley and Messrs. Selma Davis and Si. Monroe took a "sight seeing” trip to Leary last Sunday afternoon. T e "Bicyclist’s Best Friend” is a fami¬ liar name for DeWitt’s Witch Hazle Salve, always ready for Immergeneies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieves and cures cuts, bruises, salt rheum, ecema, and all affeotionsof the skin. It nevoi fails. Mrs. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. Mr. Will Eubanks, an old Morgan boy but now of Dawson, visited borne folks here last Sunday. Will’s many were glad to see him and hope that he will come more often in the future. Certainly you don’t want to suffer with dyspepsia, constipation, sick headache, sallow skin and loss of appetite. Little Early 1 ou have never tried DoWitt’s Risers for these complaints or you would have been cured. They are small pills but great regulators. Mrs. b. 1. Clayton, Morgan, P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Tur¬ ner, Edison. Au exchange says a little girl who had beeu taught to pray for others and any thing she wanted, wound up her prayer as follows: “And now, Oh, God, ta'ko good care of yourself, for if anything should happen we would on ly have Mr. McKinley to help us, and he ain’t doing near as well as wo expected. Wedding invitations at the Albany Penny Press. Yellow Fever Prevented. There is only one sure way of continuing their use. The tried and ed safeguard against yellow fever is place your faith in CMCUefe 10c, 00c, all druggists, ALL SORTS. —Said little Willie Reese one day, “I think it would be cute To hide this chesnut bur uwny In mamma’s Sunday boots.” His mamma found it with her heels, And little Willie Reese Cannot sit down, but eats Ins meals Off the mantlepiece. —Sunday schools were largely attend¬ ed last Sunday. —The matrimonial market is boom iug in Calhoun. Prof. Short made bis pupils bappy yesterday by giving them holiday. — Marshal Richardson has been bnsy this week with street tax delinquents. —A large drove of wild turkeys was seen between Morgan and Arlington this week. —The farmers in this section are wishing for a cold wave in order that they might kill hogs. —Attention is called to the change in advertisement of C. M. Cheney, of Shell- man, in this week’s paper. —Rend Mr. S. N. McGnirt's adver¬ tisement. He has made several changes and you will profit by reading it. —A letter from the Misses Nelson, who left here last week for Meridian. Miss., announces their safe arrival at home. —Squirrel hunting without a dog is not as profitable now as it was one month ago. Acorns have about all fallen on the ground. —Rev. Z. T. Weaver, pastor, preached two able sermons at the Baptist church last Sunday. The weather being per¬ fect a large congregation,was present. —Teachers of the county, bear in mind the meeting of the Teachers’ As¬ sociation at. the court bouse to-morrow (Saturday.) It is hoped that all of them will be present. —A sweet, demure little Morgan beauty says she thinks every girl should cultivate one Lordly attribute—that of loving a cheerful giver. Especially about Christmas time. —Dancing is said to be the "poetry of motion.” How about the girl who waltzes like a cow, and goes through the square dance like a horse paw ing for a soft spot in the floor of his stall. —Mr. P. C. Mote captured the prize last week when he brought to town the largest cat-fish seen in this section in a long time. The fish weighed 8 pounds, and measured 26 inches, and was caught in the Paehitla oreek. -Prof. O. E. Mattox, of Columbus, was here last Sunday and rendered some fine music to the Sunday school attends ants last Sunday. Prof. Mattox pro¬ poses to organize a vocal c'ass here some¬ time in Ihe near future. —About tho largest stalk of sugar cane wo have seen this year was brought in town this week from Mr. T. Stewart’s plantation. It was not very long, only measured 5 feet, but the middle joint measured 3 inches in diameter. —There came very near being a seri¬ ous conflagration at the Newton House last Tuesday night,. A lamp in one of the boarder’s room exploded and was just getting in a good way for doing damage when one of the occupants of the house threw it out the window. —A party of four couples went out to the Plowden-Mausfield cane mill at Dickey last Tuesday night and it is needless to say that they enjoyed them¬ selves, for that goes without saying. If those Plowden boys can’t make you have a good time you had better stay at home. —The doors of the Grilfin House, at Leary, were thrown open to tho young people ot that vicinity last Friday night. Quite a party from Morgan went over and took part y the dances. Those from Morgan wy . Misses Genie Tins¬ ley, Claudia t jderliu, Susie Davis, Nettie Dozier and Dora McDuniell. Stags: W. S. Short, Sim Eubanks, Si. and Jim Monroe, Paul Dozier, Selma Davis, Joe Collier, Arthur Plowden, Tom Elder and a Monitor scribe. —Why can’t we have a debating so¬ ciety in Morgan? Such an organization would be both instructive and amusing to our young people, besides bringing out the latent logic and eloquence which abounds, we are sure, in the omniums of the young men of this town. As the poet sublimely puts it: Full many a “Jim” is born to blush unseen And eloquence waste upon the desertah; Because we have no “Demosthenean” In which he’d gladly rip and tear. We understand such a thing was in existence here at one time, and why can’t we have it again. Get a move on yourselves, young men, and let's have some fun. —Young people, liow about an enter¬ tainment in Morgan Christmas or near that date? Morgan has good talent and no doubt she could put up a creditable appearance, A small admission fee could be charged and the proceeds, above expenses, could go towards paying off the debt of our school house. That would be a good work and we feel sure there is not anyone in Morgan who would refuse to take part or aid in mak¬ ing the entertainment a success. Sev¬ eral of our young men have been dis¬ cussing the matter, and if anything is to be done, it is time they were making a move of some kind. Christmas is far off (less than one mouth.) Suppose those who feel interested in the matter are willing to aid the workers, meet urd!y Mght at in S 8 or ,0 8 a o 0 ’clX b «nd t ^ cre they could discuss the plans, adopt m . der U)e pla y. Com? out aud lend 1 Hymenial. On last Sunday morning at 10 o’clock at the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Maury, near Bethel, there occurred a happy marriage, M r. Cephus Ragan #nd Miss Mary Manry being the con¬ tracting parties, Rev. Mr. Benson spoke the words that united the happy couple together. After the marriage the bride and groom went to church and from there they went to the home of Mr. Ragan’s father where a sumptuous dinner was served. The Monitor ex¬ tends congratulations. The Albany Pennv Press does the neatest and best job work of any printing establishment iu Southwest. Georgia. Prices are reasonable and those who have any work in their line will do well to send it to them. —Married, at the home of the bride’s parents, near Edison last Wednesday, Mr. J. S. Eubanks, son of Mr. Columbus Eubanks, near Edison, to Miss Lillie Strickland. The contracting parties are very popular throughout the country and they have the best wishes of their many friends. Yellow Fever Germs- breed in the bowels. Kill them and yon are safe from the awful disease. Casea- rets destroy the germs throughout the system and make it Impossible for now ones to form. Cascaretts are the only reliable -afe guard for young and old against Yellow Jack. 10c, 25c, 50, all druggists. An exchange calls attention of superstitious people to the fact that the United States silver quarter of a dollar contains upon it thirteen stars, thirteen letters in the scroll which the eagle holds in his claws, thirteen feathers iu its wing, thirteen feathers in its tail, thirteen parallel lines on the shield, thirteen horizontal stripes, thirteen arrowheads and thirteen letters in the words "quarter dollar.” Give the Albany Penny Press a trial on vour next bill for letter heads, note heads, bill heads, state¬ ments, envelopes and wedding invi¬ tations. Everything guaranteed as represented. If you have ever soon a little child In a paroxysm of whooping cough, or if you have been annoyed by a constant tickling In tho throat, you an appreciate the value of One Minute Co ,gh Cure, which gives quick relief. S. T. Clayton, Morgan; P. E. Boyd, Leary; Henry Turner, Edison. List of Jurors- Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn to serve at the December term, 1897, Cal¬ houn Superior Court: GRAND jurors. J. B. Lofton, J. R. Mills, B. E. Boyd, G. B. Perry, J. A. Riley, W. U. Turner, •T. E. Lawson, G, W. Eubanks, Sidney Paul, Jas. T. Conley, T. J. Beard, D B. Jones, Jr., M. N. Killebrew, Jno. A. V. IVard, Harper Daniel), B. Isler, D. L. Wooten, A. I. Monroe, E. G Jordan, T. E. Plowden, Wm, Manry, Henry Turner, Jesse E. Mercer, W. A. Bepkcora, J. W. McClendon, C. A. Costen, M. A. Bunch, C. II. Tanner, T. L. Stallings, 8. N. McGuirt. TRAVERSE JURORS. 0. II. Parker, O. A. Sutton, S. J. Massey, Dunkin Davis, •las. L. Monroe, C. W. Cheney, T. J. Davri, C. W. Davis, Win. Hawke, II. (). Hodges, S. W. Manry, J U. Rogers, W. F. Lawrence, C. C. Mansfield, 0. G. Bostwick, R. E. McDaniel, J. W. Timmons, G. B. Worsham, C. G. Joiner, C. J. Boynton, J. S. Collins, J, C. Glower, J. H. Futch, J. H. Hudgins, Arden Keel, II. B. Jordan, W. E. Clements, A. S. Calhoun, T. R. Hammond, A. J. Dixon, J. F. Griffin, B. F. Merritt, Jno.T. Dyer, G. O, Riley, Thos. A. Griffin, J. F. Whiggins. GEORGIA— Calhoun County;— I certify that the foregoing is a true ex¬ tract from the minutes of Calhoun Super¬ ior Court. This, Nov. 5th, RAGAN, 1897. W. J. Clerk. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, BUD? To Clayton’s? Not this week. Tinsley’s? Not this morning. Daniell’s? No, sir; I am just from i.l // c OVERLOADED S.N. McGuirt. Where I get 36 inches to the yard and 16 ounces for one pound. Yes, and 9 pounds good coffee for 81.00 8 pounds Arbuckle coffee, 1.00 18) lbs. sugar, 1.00 18 lbs. good rice, LOO 50 lbs. pearl grits, 1.00 16 boxes potash, for 1.00 Calico and checks, per yd., 4 and Sets. 20 ounces soap for 5c 780 matches, 5c Best Mccoboy lard snuff', per pound, 45c and meat, 7c Meal and corn, 00c Best flour, per bbl., 6.00 Ladies and gents shoes, 75c. to 1.85 Loaded gon shells, 3 boxes for 1.00 Well, it would take up too much space fo mention all, so come to see me before you buy, and I’ll please yon or fry. Bring me your chickens; 15cfor fryers and 20c for hens. 1 Bring mo your eggs at 15cts. per doz. S, >\ XcGUlBT, The Stud) T Of iicononij r Is the First Step towards solving the groat money saving problem, Tour own interest demands it, and this stors proves the way for it. The goods and the prices are hat e to bo Compared and Judged! Wo want to be studied; the more we are studied the more business we do. Every investigation unfolds tho powerful principle upon which tho foundation of Our l success Is Built. Price fairness to all, indifferent service to none, grounds we hope to deserve and maintain *'■ studious of its own economical interest- nave an abundance of Fall and Winter Uk JEAR For men, women and children. Separate garments and combined suits. All cotton, mixed or all wool. The garments Are Bight, The prices are right, because they wore bought right, Come and seo what good garments yeu can get for a small amount of money. 8. T. Clayton, 2rf:j±.jsrjK.<3i-Ett- C.M. CHENEY tl Q| Wa ■FOR smmam ( j a s li t- Grandest and Largest Sacrifico of clothing ever known in Southwest Georgia. Commencing from TO-DAY, AND LASTING UNTIL JANUARY 1, Or until closed out- Profits Not Considered. All new of the latest styles. Suits from $3 to $25. Going out of the clothing business and will sell you a suit auy way. So come while stock is in shape and secure a perfect fit. MY LIME EMBRACES The well known linos of Sohloss Bros. & Co., ILunborgor & Co., and all tho best manufacturers. * YOURS VERY TRULY, C. M CHENEY. . SHE XjXjXvI-A-XnT, GhA. MORGAN HIGH SCHOOL V«s>t s , s . ;; t£*. , ' V ■ - '«a ■ > 4-**' * & V ..' ’ •'. i" * m ==7 {•:' 3 r. g==^ ; r •! ► -r E: BUS ‘i m m BISji] !■>■ irx t: Safe tjjggtj — II j 1 % M k-0 ra§b£-" ! *•— ' :. ■ ,v:«,r- - - fa =?!* -, ,: .. i£L ~“==^ »— ——-aSI_^ —rz— ' — —z ■nr7r&F?3& , ££xfc NI u, tLG*.., .-J- 1 ; • Mil V - -- _■_ Fall term opened September 27th, and will elose December 20i . This school is no lpliger an experiment, but a reality. It is thorniurh in i - instruction and strong in its discipline. Our aim is to propate hoys and girls for egllege, or to giro those who cannot graduate a practical ed tion. For rates ot' tuition or board apply to the principal. W. S. SHOUT. Principal. MRS. L. W. DOZiEH, Assislani. If, AZINESS S IN COBWEBS AND FREQUENTLY ENDS IN CHAINS. A lazy man will not look after his interests, and this “willful U ;,»> brings woeful want.” Now if you are op the alert and seek to do tie- h. you can for yourself and those committed to your care you will not .pend a dollar of your money till you see our stock and get pur prices. Change of Schedule. We will adopt the SPOP CASH system on September 1st, and will sell goods lower than ever. Don’t fail to call on us when you want to buy anything for the house, kitchen or farm. Wo will save you money. J. 15. V AYN E & CO •« SHELLMAN, £x- A.. vahcQJv&by /Qandy cathartic ^^curecohstipatiohT^ .....CASCARETH tiiHto (food. Knt them CANDY like movo candy. any bad 'JL’hdy tristo ro* In tliomouth, leaving CATHARTIC tlio perfumod. breath sweet It In a ml n I real pi earn to totuko *** them Instead of nn u- Beating llqulila or cannon-bull pills, .....€ A SCA SC ETS PURELY tire ml purely veirelnMo » eontnln no mer¬ curial or other mln- VEGETABLE iLlSlS^S !ilie d r. ml are a am Ion* beloro com. h l .. n a tl .0 11 never put together in any form. •.....(INCA KRTM _ ANTISEPTIC J,TiS!rtef 0 Rio nnilsepUc. That I I 0 C!; UWATIVE souring in the stom- trr I m«n,„t , | 1 ,m V0 "in Z kind r that r-y breed and feed in the WZ system. »1 i .....CAHCAItETS 0> toiiO tlio atoiiincli and " S L.ID&IS rjsrp I H bowelsaud the lazy liver, stimulate mak¬ f ing It work. They wi E IHIUt.HH flMT 1 \| eia strengthen and putthem tlio bow* Into nro ns h e a I t h y their action and natural. oonciiUon. , making easy r unlike anything else that’s sold, and infinitely superior. “WSS Try a 10c box to-day, if not pleased get oniygonufno. Vour money back! Larger boxes, 25cor50c. Bowaro of oamplc and booklet mailed tree* Addre$& imitations I 8TERLINQ REMEDY CO., CHICAOOi MONTHCAL. NCW YORK. a«« IYO-TO-BAC cures Tobacco Habit or money refunded Makes weak v . strong. Sold aud guaranteed by all druggists. Got book?-*'- LOOK HERE, AFTER A COM¬ PLETE AND oi A, aim . Uli t^-4- A Thorough Investigation I AM SATISFIED THAT TI1E 0-0XjX) wire J EWELRY Manufactured by Mr. D. T. ELDER is I lie best on the market. Ail designs of Ladies' and Gents’ Jewelry. Call on him at T. J. Tinsley & Co.’s and inspect ins fine assortment, the goods aresnre to sell. Come io sec me. D, T. ELDER. See J. B. Payno 9c Co.. Sh■•liman. Ga., when you want Hard war*, 'la- chine Oil, Cutlery, Stoves, Lin*. -1 Oil, Paints, Axes, Guns, T : nwar-, PistolspSaws, Ammunition, etc., etc. They also have a full assort un i-, Caskets and Coffins. Call on tiwu and save money. ..CA8CARETS I Ihcronne the How of nil Ik In iiii thIi immoth- ec FOR era. A tulilet eaten by the mother her milk mildly ban putg- MOTHERS ntlvu and a mild J but cor tain effect on the baby, the only safe laxatlvo for tl 10 habo-ln-arms. .... OA8CAKET8 r. i o liked by theclili* A nren. pood nml They do iiimoJ good, PLEASE flop wlnrt-eoJIc anil Cramp", nn< d kill aid THE CHILDREN drive olT wc >rru a. and • all kinds or of para¬ * sites (hat live In the bowels of the growing child. taken ...CAHr'AKETS, patiently, ip- per- reguarnn- CURE •cod to cure any on so of constipation, no H aStfiltr^S^J chase will GUARANTEED nnmoy bo l cheerfully by refunded ’Mr* C your own d rugglst. .... CA8CAKET8 0 are so id by all drug¬ gists for lOc. SA.ic, HEALTH 1 fiOe a box, accord¬ ing box to size. A lOc t will prove their FOR 10 CENTS merltand put you on feet tlio fight road to per- a ml permanent ******** ___ health. Don't risk delay. Brick for sal i V. » I hare several different qualiti- •» of brick for sale at $4, iHuh amt $5 per 1,000. Cotno quick be¬ fore they are all gone. 10-29 3m J. M. NEWTON. rhornton House 1 , 1yroR.a A.1sr, oeohgia . Now house, new furniture, eve thing for comfort, moals at all )u>nn» of the day. Second to none. l>at*. f $2.00 per day; I reasonable rati * In the month. also will sell ice C'l *• ill! on Saturdays through the ice »■•«. son. MiiS.J. A. THORTON. SHOE SHOP -AT- LEARY, GEORGIA. It. M. Flowers, a first-class shoe enrj harness maker, will thank you fo; m-y work sent him. Manufacturing ami re, pairlng'dono good at lo\y figures. SviuJ your shoe and harness work to R. M. FLOWERS. out Ul-iimJ Leary da.