The Morgan monitor. (Morgan, Ga.) 1896-????, December 10, 1897, Image 2

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. bur city spent Monday soil returned to on last Saturday .oral days in the McDaniell is spending in'the city, tho guest of Mrs. w 11. Cunningham. Hi Monroe was in cur burg Wed¬ nesday. Sunday is preaching dav at. the Methodist church by tho pastor, Rev. F. McCulloughs. Airs. Vashti llabun and Miss uric Adams, of Milford, was in / city Wednesday shopping. Miss Clara Johnson, of Albany, is ie guest of .Mrs. James Keel, of this dace. Geo. W. Tillman was up from Milford Monday. The Leary High School will open Monday the 10th, inst., with J.' L. Burnell as principal. Let everybody send in their children and see if \ve can’t have a good school. Mrs. A. J. Dixon treated a large number of her friends to a big dining last Tuesday. Yo scribe was not one of the lucky ones, Wasn't that awful? Miss Lillian Griffin is spending this week with homo-folks. I saw iu the Leary locals of the Courier last Week where N’importo was chewing tho rag because he failed to get an Xmas present. Now, brother, there is 110 need of that, as I did not do much better than you, for I only got a box of R. R. snuff. Now keep quiet and perhaps you will come in next Xmas. As perhaps you will be better looking than you are now. That has lots to do with it; please don’t got mad at what 1 wrote. This being my first letter to Monitor and also my first in writing to a newspaper, I guess 1 had better hold sip this time, and try again later. So if you all will excuse mistakes, bad writing, pencil and paper I ■—‘ n close by wishing every reade* Monitor a happy prosy ear. gu- 1 you Ivlondike fever her joveu cure, which is vo v the McPher- son, Kan., 1st,.-.mean: “Pick out a morning when the mercury is below zero, shoulder a pick and go iuto the woods before breakfast, dig a hole 1G feet deep, como back to the house at night and eat a piece of stewed buffalo robe and sleep in the wood¬ shed. Repeat the dose as often as necessary. Trying to like people is often an exhaustive effort; and a time may come when we find that we can no longer put upon ourselves the force necessary to keep it up aud con¬ summate it. The Cuthbert Liberal-Enterprise is dealing its patrons a good hand. Locally, it is one of the best in the state. Editors Moye and Morris are hustlers “fioin your heart.” ^ Seeing a fellow walking home V from church in a procession of peo pie is no sign that he has beeu there. Have you planted your oats yet? You had better do so as early as «- uible. if you havejnot planted. .iicavor to benefit ...a we will be improved R. C. Pool. We call a time-piece, carried on the person, a “wateh”-^-as though it were sot as a watch over ns, to take note whether we are wasting out¬ turn e or using it well- It ought at least to help up out watching in this vital respect. The Blakely Observer now comes out twice a wook( Monday and Thurs¬ day,) Editor Powell is a hustler and Blakely should be proud of him. The editor of The Quitman Free Press has visited James Tisou’s farm iu the northern part of Brooks county. He is a successful! farmer in other lines, but tho most striking feature of his entire farm is his syrup crop, Air. Tisou planted this year eighteen acres in cane. He has made from his patch three hun¬ dred barrels of syrup. Ho lias sold and delivered one hundred barrels at 20 cents per gallon, which netted him $650 in round numbers. If succeed in finding a market for the remainder of his crop at the same price, which can bo easily done, he will realize from his eighteen acres the sum of $1,950. The entire crop, for fertilizers, work, making and bringing to market, will not cost him more than $600. This leaves Mr. Tison a clear profit on the eighteen acres of $1,350. Mr. Tisou, this year, has been at considerable extra expense in putting iu a new mill, evaporators, etc., and the profit on his next year’s crop will be oven greater than it has been this,,year. ltrooks county is the home of Georgia simp, and what Sir. Tison has done is only un example of w hat others can and are doing there. The merit of Rrooks county sirup is each year making a wider market for it, and tho prospects are that the price*vrill be eveu! hotter in the future than it is now.—Ex Alway look oir the bright side of things—and if you'are buying them it would be well t© ,|ook on both sides. You can never tell whether a girl likes to bo kissed or not unless y get it from her own lips. Women have one advant, men. They can wearstra winter without comment. t Has Something Special Calhoun County Purchasers. He is still in the merchandise business and will offer you some good bargains in the near future. So WATCH OUT FOR IT! is .. fe B B I 9 Will ® sils®0i R m mm MORGAN, GEORGIA. / Arlington Oil and Fertilizer Cot, jtyPDGVCNQ, - GS0IIG34 MU lift following brand§ %eriHher for sai^i!(is s^asem Carter's Formula. Complete Fertilizer: Arlington High tirade, Complete Fertilizer; Our Favorite, Complete Fertilizer; Arid; Acid Phosphate; Murat* of Potash; Kainit; Cotton Seed Meal. above brands we can furnish anything in plant food that .r farmers will want. We can and will meet legitimate jet our prices before buying elsewhere. GTON OIL AND FERTILIZER CO ARLINGTON, UEOKCf.1. $ V v- & m 059 S"? m a »•) m n v j: /i m I. TINSLEY AND C0„ tire Line of General Merchan¬ \ dise at GOST. insists 0 f almost anything you may need, We invite your attention to our mammoth stock of ml, . fVks fj>«5 f^ah a §mM ’Mine. PS©© SHOCKS, And all kinds'of farm implements to be §®*§ 7 m i ICB tosx&aa Ms&sm ers m 09 ■H ■ * 6*0' 1 ■x-saai * \ / = W. fi. FELDER & CPt GEORGIA. _ m fesi; pBHP PSES m . H - »> H wm e. m i 4E im&\ ) r f D r ; 'I C I e re Three Piece Solid Oak Bed¬ room!.* Suite $14 50 to $G0 00 Dressers- 4 50 to 15 00 Washstands 1 50 to 7 00 Bedsteads 2 00 to 15 00 Sideboards W ardrofoes 25 00 to 35 00 12 00 to 30 00 Book Cases 3 00 to 5 00 ExtensidinDiningTable 5 00 to 10 00 Chenille Table Covers 50 to • 1 50 Bed Springs 2 00 to 2 50 Mattresses 3 50 to 6 00 Blankets 1 00 to -- 4 50 Comforts 1 25 to 2 00 Trunks 2 50 to 10 00 Linoleums 78 to 85 Oil Cloths i 47 to GO Carpets Matting_ 49 to 1 25 12 1-2 to 50 Brushes, We which are sole 1 we agents guarantee for the to,OUTLAST NYu-lfera Brooms dozen and Scluhbimr a corn brooms. 1 remember Anything that else you want in the Furniture or HousefurniahW ^ lina we have got it, and at correspondingly low prices. ’ S. FELDER & CO. ) / ALBANY. GEORGIA- \ / R u gs $1 25 to $3 00 Pictures 1 25 to 5 00 Easels .i 1 00 to 1 50 Portiers (pair) 1 50 to 4 50 Curtain Poles -;4. 50 to 1 00 Serenes f 3 50 to 5 50 Shades 25 to 50 Center tables \ 85 to 150 Work Tables *~* Blacking Cases V Clocks co. 5 00 Hat Racks o Rocking Chairs V ] 15 to 16 qq Children’s-Rocker'S . 50 to 1 25- Chairs 3 1 25 ;/ ■ M Kitchen Safes 50 to <■> t r~ ' CO ' 10 Kitchen Tables I-* •/to to Baby Cradles to Cn