Arlington advance. (Arlington, Ga.) 1879-188?, March 04, 1881, Image 2

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rt I ; rib 1 1 ! 'j a ■T. E. FRIDAY. Til F.l (h We w ill send Savannah tit for $3 c o h It i: w 1 1‘ 1 1 - = c From I P ;: that th s haul is iu tion ov. ii 1 <r to era on the part Some of-the ingtnn kicked fieu. Hherra'.m fo ( oummml military proc' today. One of the House is to be thousand dollar It is donated Mrs. Hayes for keeping Ilouse for four Near strawberries are 1,000,0t)0 ped north. potatoes, which bur rota Then acres of numbffl- iu peas & Nashville that, Co points South of Montgomery The cause roads have belong* to the off supplies of - this section. The trial!; oi , Carolina, for H iu a duel, was by it mistrial, lmvo stood four fqr victory for the - „.. l *“r «n acqujjA ! i % iiiHii,, :# ..... (.'.■-Saiy f.irjihe ~ nndiovery oath not to put ■ tide except od prescription, tieing one can buy flavoring sician’s According to woman suffrage vote to any girl who is married law provides age of twenty ed in that preereding any election, born or United States, widow or the born or a United States, vote at any The largest world is not iu have it, but is Ala., mar the toius 250 acres, 000 worth of and 'cultivated brother of the came to tins twelve years ago, worn-out cotton verted into this chard, and is early peaches in ho receives tlfe getting ness. Thirty years Ireland for oue child, with her successful ou the vested his money His wife and Mary married a moved to living iu a poor the miscarriage her moving at father they lost % and each VA X ri Petition far r. the March to.x I Editors. we j trong MAR j onr most __j planters and i' »t : eluce Onr c re I'letniug to 1; i’,i it la Calhoun Sup regular lit? Advance - nd the lamly a good Y-nrs t'.veivc =r toullu been unusually | thus far, VVf: ;r = that I pitions far out 10 bcgiv .T T- ice lb ! fo date we can Departm> t. had but aO'he'fii nppcnra j ( pen weather, E'ind L‘-;U'U ■ in In - arc informed pr •<* of di.out gru- j planting istrnet t f their lend i e-er. sa .v the members. behind, A at AVitsh- i lost time now, rumpus i/a ani: ■ I loss to our id G> u. Field If t! of Ukt <lt visions m the | °f t-JjQ planters id the inauguration ! bt not that |‘^ j universal. O * 11 of the White ! ' <m * 8 ^ o0< whl, a tluee | cons.>q«eully of Mrs. Hayes, I j expense. therefo,,p 1k M ’ ! e, ’ 8 the ladh s, who think ’ some memoml j • fc ** 0, » out of the White ! jonrn the S. C„ Superior Court. 250 acres of cultivated, fr in which Defeat of the of berries will bo ship¬ am 1,500 acres of The will turn out 60,000 candidates thorp me about 300 election in that and about the same work: beaus. “I’liil 22ml the Louisville terday, by oue issued a notice well managed would Vic received for times sweep or east of the old (lag further uotice. disgusted is that the other over what has to return cars that citadel of AN. This'will out To-day,the aud com from seizing the reach by the Col. Cash,'"of popular South three important killing of Shannon, ally City ho t. Saturday Office, giving jury is reported to dous leverage for conviction and of This is virtually n would h? duelling -putty, ns) 1 moral effect of e.xp' -fled. • tory. it will l ”~ g a m throng bout J-"" M Jt*le jnid r»l firrew, hi . aefif if is u'ec- i-'ffeets U1: u (I. ifr ifj|tbe patient, P lllfl la ia to take r a simitar Abut reach to up or sell any such nr- j csylvani.i, That reault, written or printed, signed, of a prac ml, gives the lie Under that law no sertion, after cologne, or that the people' upon a phy¬ had declared in principles for all Murray, the people can, in a law of Utah gives tin massive a it is evident, »vvelve > ears of age of profound n Mormon. The corrupt every woman at ihe al polities, they years, who has liv-1 from power at six months next I stupendous general or special uation. If naturalized in the little too much who is the wife, rest light-r of a native may citizen of Hu- off like the bo entitled to The Eatoi’ton in tlje territory. have had orchard in the combe in ns the papers amount of Chambers county Now, what: we line. It eou- business in has yielded 870,- webs , are It is owned sight into the Mr. John Parnell, a is obtained, it Irish agitator. He that that some ten or are foolish and bought an old ment in order which he con¬ maybe immense peach or¬ O: e clear the first to have itics is worth a market, for which sp,-liters. Let prices. He is ness men to wealthy at the busi j * will ier - By longer no James the criminal Boyle left those who now with his wife and another child, Maty Whether it be Ho was very to make free gold fields, and in¬ issue, one thing to great advantage mind, and that died in Australia. gained by a named Gieu, aud IS.Si ii it dots where she has been ough reform of of Philadelpia. By some, the unjust and is letters incidental to It country time tional debt is same as her from our of each other, tion, it will wait the other dead. long as the the Adjournment cf of Superior Wo copy the 1 No. 16, <d there are being some i tilizers, issued gotten up by some of of Agriculture and sneer 1 February 10th citizens to in¬ those of our Judge, AVm. O < i crtiliz the March term of I n ueis arc Court over until t e fertilizer, or term. This is < er 1 or com post m the right direc- | both tin me just passed Ins j analysis 1 the Spring. or attach to and very ren ■sted j labor. y suy Umt or Of er two weeks of fair. the i>r,nr:mt( c >nsociuent ly. vve tor’s tug some of our oldest that tliey rarely, if | can save a fair operat ions so badly brand of or even one day’s and have it cause irreparable merit int rests. j dittoes are men t was left to a vote j j 1. The of ibis county, wo j ^ ore an y 0 | it would be almost, j__ R atanll county’s financial con- (> f t |,« Maino ^ our J ' * 3 <: * < al ’ I tity is are at no unusual ; b-lof u..ui> others, | whole lot, • ,l,e ' jetition wi!1 1,(; ! •2. Tin r. very JndseFleailiiR under these cirenm- to ud- | not. grind ov Calhoun titles taken term of and from the quinine bottle, Ring in Phila¬ it with was. 3. Attach a Bulletin, whose j iug the correct defeated at the recent j name of the says of Tuesday’s teed analysis ages), an I the went Democratic, whom the yes¬ Also attach to those wild, surges of inspector’s tags that some¬ fertilizer. communities, and 4. Let the was hauled down by a of in 1871, again floats presence long been the great be placed in the Republicanism. ted party for party, skillfully Then, after put within its farmer has ooudition of tilizer was not has captured the ted to he, let of the Mayor- Department, and the Tax sonic reliable that party a tremen¬ by express, the entire overthrow analyzed in Philadelphia, if The. above to undervalue the ed accessary for Democratic dealer on the a vic¬ the whole undoubtedly ha felt to , njjsa, and jjSL b»> ■wwu of fair^s fii me A' n *ts wri’tfi- the faruv-r. not only in its Welfare of Piiiladd- still greater interests The Wreck borders of Pen Cincinnati As I drove the Courier Jour Garfield to the Republican as¬ ed, I saw at the in November, al Hotel a the United States out over the favor of Republican scrongjaw-i, to come. If the ly and parted lnur; few weeks, overturn fastened, in the country, had four years noted electoral under the pressure Clifford, of the with high-handed memory gone; methods iu nation¬ that he is not hurl that party nation. He is room, watched with all its wife that ever a for self perpet¬ she is so takes aboard a would not know his party fast si toe this her brilliant that they will be out ago the invalid of the nurse aud the hulls of the says, “We into fact s that in politics, bun¬ altnongh they and tremendous friehds, lie a said, when in politics.— j J him; iu a few in the South is after him, aud When tlio cob resistance, | ut .° away, and , a true in- -sits—K-cnpied whilo the of government thestreets; immediately seen know of is business. Those leader comes up who new race of rear a govern¬ which he was an business interest ed public man, and developed.— the nation's business man in pol¬ thousand buncombe When it South .send busi- practice the to represent be depended such a course, she ahead of the cause to bemoan iu the way of of many of have been her.” portioomeut bill. ♦ red to a not the true polioy can members of a Democratic party as to admit ot t very dear to our arrangement has that little will bo part of the triumph in possible the carry with it a thor¬ mint m>1 Ov present burthen- That was the unequal tariff sytem. start, but it was wait, nntill the na¬ time to get the before it is relieved tariff for protec¬ nuitcd. The doomsday, debt for so ly passing aa is a pretext to everybody but SJBECTJSP3BW33 ii XLVL'i to Farmers. The Local from circular of commercial fer- Port A PP‘ the Commissioner Tile columns' ?b • State of Georgia, ; li.shei tuck for the benefit of | w! , to S i a:ie i > ' who use commer- 1 benefit most Every } ,, p II vis d not to buy any ; ve a for eoropoiiuding and same, unless it has j house, every n< guarante n facto ring Ii p,. ; .tor’s ti-.g upon I ! - : w ho inesK all farmei are i Viuue of pi,.pei the — I reflectiae mind ^ n: » «*. I «* 1 - OUfc both ! 1‘ Cal s iiud 111" qi "h and I as well as to do J 1 the ,, town , of any msj.c-.-.t !iav • Dura which ho pnrehasc i j t ,e vnla" of at the I) part- j desirable if the following con- „..t with: ruling political should be taken be- j ! trade, it fertilizer in distrilmted it wives you fioiu each package- danger, if or if a larm- qnan- iage", ami from a MiflE-ieat imm-| local i-ressns to fairly rt.pns lit the people; .-eri! log for it thoroughly mis (but theso sni packages dl quau Tile different ham till a common en door cork, and seal utes after a seven feet to (he bottle sbovv- down at the of the brand, the fowl running the guaran¬ soared upward, taken from the pack¬ attack, this of the dealer from which it caught was purchased. The little one bottle one of the sistance, and applied to the captor, but bo done in the ceased, and and the sample Before rising hands of disinteres¬ the ground the a way, find the keeping until wanted. tened to it, the crop is viatic, if the sustaining bad to believe the fer¬ soared up with as it was represen¬ was given by sample be sent to this j the scene, and by the hind of after. party, or and it will be “A factory charge. to the Newnan are consider¬ timate of the the- protection of the saved to the hand, and to give cotton at home that character pitfs nnnnaliy down the which, R.u? be of little value . U> 'bagging and ning cotton for the a Great Man freight 1 , “The the avenue after ally for ten declared duly elect¬ enough in the of the Nation¬ our entire face, looking vacantly would double A pale face, with material, cheeks anil smooth- ally window was closed value of land there he sat, who much more.” been one of the commission—Justice A Cough, Bench—his be siopped flue mind so feeble in an Incurable to dictate his resig¬ sumption. a prisoner in hi* are certain to by the dearest Bronchitis. had. They say sumptive and that her friends thirty years she has aged so recommended has fallen on ways give A few days are not new from the care been tested by out through for nearly an did looking pitifully have not remember, am ong the few the faces of old age. Public going to court, he them to clear of them detained Sold at twenty his nurse was where. him back, without room, and there he According to what; vagaries?— publican, when crowd surges through as goes hack on who sh ill ever engaged, they while a new the Presidency; a and let him possess the land in honored and a mark¬ Jus. Morgan, a'great place in a seven year but yest. r lay. knit a pair of s -- quilt of six to a matter of emar can always j to’get a long way Something V practice seems to with tue up THE It has been refer¬ and the Remibli- Contains Local, committee aresueh “ndForeigbn - - that ,, the ., ers intend to . impression in South. been made on the j 810.00 we send to render im- The of an apftortion fA : n Contains , • all ,, the ,, present t Congress. } | condensed form, party purpose at the : in the South for difficult for a ! 80.00 per on that s jj e : ^E5-> mi three of immediate- j The Daily and bill is apparent j full Legislative partisan has ' 1)015 >’ is in Its necessity to ! .4 gents fastest Poonb rcopie, I bins. Prices al Publishing mari-Sm of a paper are the trade, and 4lie parties : Mothers ! them tor thoir , . , > -Ai© . yon fiistu , . spfCLu to pay for the same. ; ; of your rest . ... . . , 1 and crying with citizen of a place j ftf cutt j B g in seeing bis town > unf | pe t, a bottle improve; every new ' SOOTHING aid, ever • new roan-| the poor liit.c erected,every i depend upon ri.lmccfc* the I ahontit. or-.-nt-d, j vv ] l0 has'ever ill oar midst. Every j at once that it knows this to bo true and give rest to adds '»*■«-» much to the tw j Sjrt i* gen- ;i jj na . :eHi nlK ] prosperity of the place, j 13 the s (he l'emitation of I anb best , T It , benefits , A. all «. who I in the United enhances t „ u .the place; j besides being n | •*2 (T'l,. " convenience, even if **2* £i mtm oi (WjEarrd iMlj r power. It increases against imposition, In a previous loi-s, it war us you of owe us, we out d;ff r--nt ad van- wbie 5 your profits. Tib- That time is power that moves the More support it by sub- j y, T e do not paying for it. • «*■ - - - EXTEND M»i. w the child in the kitch¬ aud we A few min- RESPECT eagle, measuring j tip to tip, swooped Come at once covitv. The eagle . r up before a new one can begin. : soon made another ts. i upon the infant, febll-tf & co. its talons and beak. TTjga ggssjarj a desperate re¬ / rather heavy for its the child's efforts > eagle rose with it. than four feet above y diaper-pin gave P As talons being fas¬ fell to the ground while the eagle PAINTS, diaper. The alarm uiuse who came on OILS. "•S-CiSSk---— bird was shot suuu GL VSS, PraipiiD ' : PUTTY. has written a latter CAPEFt’LLY giving his es¬ —o— COMPOUNDED which would be All the popular AT ANY TIME, from by the manufacturing seed. Ha Patent Medicines fiiflii or Day. saving at, SiivIrflRtin Ixjqu in flock. fedlowat -?9,000,000; in gin¬ beating and losing 83,000,000; in He says fuither: of 833.000,000 annu¬ 1 ^0 STO would bui'd factories to manufacture crop; besides, it value of the raw to and our it, wealth creasing annu¬ the SrSOSGE So J3WJ2XX., other property as ARLINGTON, GEORGIA. <X> * or Sore Throat should frequently results Disease or Con¬ fw8aty« Years® EKpsplensQ la lbs Bronchial Troches relief in Asthma, Graduate of the Maryland College of Catarrh, Con¬ Prepares all Pharmaceutical Preparations and Diseases.. For strength and purity. Troches have been Other drugs selected with great and purchased from physicians, and al care satisfaction. They aud sold as low as a man can, to deal honest and pay his untiled but having aud constant use Fins Cigars and Tobacco a generation, they well-merited rank remedies of the and singers use GUANO! strengthen the voice. cents a box every¬ ogtlo ly Washington lie- BUY THE young man in Tex¬ girl to whom he is I offer to the planters of Calhoun and adjoining him to a tree well known aud long tried Fertilizers, which, by with the country. peated experiments on the farm are PROVr.N up Harris lias E. Frank Coe's Ammo. Bone Superphosphate, county, Middling Codon. % daughter who has] Pendleton's Compound—Payable vi 480 pounds and pieces. pieced u» aj Whanu's Plow Brand Raw Bone Middling Cotton. Arid, Phosphate— ! Whann s Dissolved Bones, or FOR Middling Cotton. CT3 feblS-Gw W. P ONE YEAR. i State, National ^ f 0 §E TO YOU I 9 and the publish- it the best weekly JJ a club of ten and I sell copy fi;ee. During the present season we shall Phonograph : of ,,,, the dav , 1 THE ORIENTAL in a wh Enviable Merited and is the best paper I ‘ ch has attained an and Reputation as a price. Terms: _! I'-BR. We will also act as agents for for GO six cents months; lor THE GEORGIA which is rich in AMMONIA, DISSOLVED TONE and weekly will contain Can give references to some of the most reliable and reports when that tion as to the quality of the above Guano. TERMS and Daily edition for the best ana Ajjlicalios Piclorai Books and Bi¬ 33 per cent. Nation¬ Atlanta, Ga. f'i EORGIA, T. yjas, John non, on the ! J Mothers !!! Ordinar\\ X 0 ?,’ deceased, in his . night . , , . . orokon . <it L non entered on record, a sick child suffering (stored Sarah Jane Ihe excruciating pain therefore, to cite a If so, go at once show cause, if any MRS WINSLOWS minisfra! °r should suilerel It. immediately will relieve | Morgan, there is no mistake | febll-2m nota it, who mother will on earth tell | I -------- not I j jsTf-gj i regulate the bowels, [• ou the A other, and relief ''“"*** A at thing t else Capital start you. ¥12 a at‘borne by the to the taste, and boys and srirTs of one of the oldest t(jr us.. Now is physicians and nurses your whoie time Sold every where. spare moments. ootlS-ly work pay you nearly as . can iail to engaging a! once. "f T free. A great lAhvi w tJSntx£ min money easily A i u c e era (IJTT- bkhk I > notice to parties who Pet- THIRTY DAYS in OOMBINED could be made.—• ; ■ j - ■ Expired. I -E.l to sue. and tlier fore Will be Hailed M TIME YET a ©up BAYS ss qysUteh. Flower-Seeds wo less, onr delinquents will liCcovcrm" til© largest 3 in This NOTICE , PETES settle. We cannot y 35 Oortfs ndt d-- j — ~ \ ms TL Arlir w Ruling' ARL Gin COKN Meau Flouu Bacox- Salt Buttf.k OlIlCItE> Hides J Tallow Beeswa: Beef Mutton Eggs,... ARLING Moots u each i W. T.: a. m. c Jno. W H. K. r . IV. H. H. M. ( E. C. E Geo. V. RAIL P.C Leaves ed) at 8.-0- 11:05 a. ni Leaves ed) at 4 t 7:10 p. m. W © s b: Calico, S all kin you, flic CL We Bacon, Fl< and every DEFY C liG'/AVi season on know to b not sell to a full an Good seci jan7-tf Drawn of Calhou T Briscoe I B Dong’ G R Colie T E Plow E Bass Win Godv E H Mun J II Corar C. M. Dai John Web E E Davis W T A Beck Joe Lame T H Roge W P Pern C H Tann E Miliner Simon Wo Thomas M W r m Jarvis W J Iluttf Becton Isli Joe Jordai JTB Fail J D Jernig A C Sande W H Rees- C C Locke W O Butk P S Barbr. Perry Beni Rufus Mot J B Turuei A true e: An ordin rigidly en simple d— stronger sw - fyt r p