Arlington advance. (Arlington, Ga.) 1879-188?, April 15, 1881, Image 2

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^jitta A 11 J Al/ "pvxr V At'L. 4 Vpi; > A RhISQ TON, OA. ~FltIL>AY. APRIL 15 18*1. HI * P lt^t"’* y ^’s f0 N' w*!'a|'c' l, a! «w» Ad. vertUini: Bureau(|0 Spruce Street.) where Advertising - contracts «-»>» be made tor it i„ .VEVV VOKK. — We will send tlie Advance an t the Sttvauoal, Weekly Notes twelve months fur $3 00 CaSil The legislature of Tennessee has do cided that the state debt must be paid, 1870 the increase in the ared p<*in!atlo(i lias been 35 per cent, in the Umt>d States. The increase Miaou g the whites Las heeu 35 per ■cent. A Washington correspondent say* the deadlock in the Senate does not •eem to bother the President. He continues to send in nominations as though tliatbody transacting ... « busi i was W*- ▼The flag I which Texas presented to <!«..» oeratfe majority four years afo, has Itwti returned to Texas. The Dnn- °“*“ c mnioritv ® a ^ Mty in ‘ Texas last V election [ was 90,000, in Georgia f . only , about 40,- 000 . All the parties arrested for compile liy in Ihe murder of the Czar have been tried and convicted and senten¬ ced to death by hanging. In the case of Sophie Piefosky the sentence must be confirmed by the Czar, us she is of noble birth. Another large boquet ornamented the desk of Seuutor Hill, ,f Georgia, on Moudtiy. It wus sent from the Democratic students of the Deaf Mute College hr U testimonial of thu “manly stand” taken by Mr, Hill in the pend¬ ing controversy. The people of Jacksonville have a* Inst succeeded in defeating the ltepub licun ring that has for so long ruled that city. The ticket elected is known m the “People’s Ticket,” but was mjpportod by the Demooats and all the better cla-sof Republicans. Tin re ia much rejoicing over the election MWoug the good people. The Barnwell (S.C.) I’eopU ‘says: “W« are reliably informed in some Mentions of the country, Colored la- borers areenrolhig themselves in la¬ bor league* mid pledging themselves to work for no white man after the preeent year for love, money or mi In terest in crops. They prefer renting land and getting advances.” At the railroad depot in Washing city, an attempt was made to rob Dr. Hnygood. when lie was on hi< way to liaonn with the $50,000 donation of Geo. I. Sooey to Wesleyan Female College, at Macon. -In effort was made to foroe n satchel, containing the gift, from his bauds, lint failed.- Hi* purse containing about $125 wps etoleu from him. however. A correspondent writes that the fol¬ lowing receipt comes from Dr. Elliott, a aou of the late Bishop Elliot, of ( a., who says it is a preventive of scarlet fever and everywhere tbn disease lias been contracted it modifies its severity jf lf tjikcn- taken Olio One ounce outue of of snluhito sulphite of of so so «hom tu three pints water. A #til three times a day for children and * tablespoonful for adults. Advices from Augusta are to the 4ffret that, it is now believed there that __ *n sliWnno allunoe between uet\\*en the me Central ueiutai Rail- rmii tpoad of Georgia, tlw Georgia Railroad sind the Louisville and Nashville sys- tein 1ms been consumated. While there there will wi 1 be he no no consolidation consolidation of r stoek u ck i^e «nk,iie system will >. m n effectually under one management ifrom the West to Savannah and Churls- .ton and intermediate cities. In the hope of having some effect the Democratic Senators, interes- ted parties are circulating with great industry sUtement* that if tits present contest iu the Senate it prolonged much longer the President w 11 cal! an extra session of Congress. A dwpjUch "The Democrats care nothing about tins; that *t is not their party which can suffer bj'an extm session of Congress and , if .. the ., ,, Republicans __ want . ope they .. have not the least objection.*’ The Annual convention «f the Georgia Teachers’Association was to ooBveue at Atlanta on the first day in May. As the National Associ- aUou meeta in that eityon Jul% H has been thought best tliat the meeting of the State Convention be held at the same time and place. NotiCH .. 1*therefor .. .. give i by t io ec- retary. Mr. S. C. Caldwell to the members of tlie Georgia Teachers' Association and to these of the pro * fosion • throughout the .State ~ that the .AUlMial convention will be postponed ifrooi May until July 19th. The Trne Cause of The Deadlock i n The United States Senate. Washington', April 5,—The Dem¬ ocrats of the Senate have pretty well tletermined that, come what may, (hey Will pot consent (0 till! election of Gorham and Riddleberger as ,SVcre- tary and Hergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, if continued ivsistanc - < can prevent that consumaiion. These two candidates are Tcganled ■'« representing a corrupt bargain by « hicli the republicans proenred eon- t1 ’" 1 ‘> f the committees. Gorham was the negotiator of this coalition and his reward was the nomination for Secretary Riddleberger is the recognized lieu tenant of Mahone who appeared pub- ]idy on the floor of the Senate to aid in furnishing references who the 1st- ter made his recent speech. He is j•>« «««><* of the biU by which one- thud of the State debt was repudiat jj ie p a ytn«*ut of the remain- in * two-thirds was made insecure auit uncertain JPStSSgSZffgS adhere £ . u|nr session if the Republicans to tbe-,e caucus nominees, it is not !l question whether vvliat is called ‘ a constitutional majority.” obtained by |he CuStiuK V ote of the V.c-Preside ..t stiid! prevail, but whether a venal tmde shall be carried out by the con- Kent of one-half of the Senate. Opposition can easily be overcome by the Republicans putting tip candi¬ dates who are not tainted in any way with this foul jobbery and who deserve public confidence. Until they adopt this wi-e course, the Democrats will prevent the completion of the con- tiact.— Few York Sun. An elopement took place Banda ■< evening in the village of East Humi ton, which had a sill termination,— Th r young woman, 18 years of age, Was the daughter of a highly respected lesident of the village. She was pet of the family, owing to her deli¬ cate health, and was especially cured for. The young man, who is said have a wife, also lives at the village. The two went to Sag Harbor, wln they were married. As they were leaving the minister’s house they arrested by an officer, uho took young woman home and allowed voting man to go. On Monday girl’s father, while relating the to a justice of the peace, was so over¬ come with grief that lie fell to the | floor in H fainting fit, and died before medical aid could be summoned.— New York Tribune. An Atlanta correspondent of the Columbus JSnquirer’Sun a iy&: I notice that some of ihe State exchanges don't believe that a $100,000 daily is to be started in A Junta at no very d stunt, day. But L tell you positively that such is the case, and the enterprise is to lie Licked by strong men with plenty of brains and life. It will he a live sheet. Atlanta has tins promise of hdoi her big cotton factory, and it is whispered that all ti.e stock has been suliaciiled and the presidency tendered Mr. Samuel Inman, and that everything depends upon his accep¬ tance. If lie concludes to take the position the factory wi 1 be elected during the year. The matter 1ms heeu kept exceedingly quint, for the reason that should Mr. Inman decline, the capitalists interested will not care to venture. They tire putting glucose in the beer now in New York instead of malt, and it is doing iui more harm ' ban if could possibly do in sugar k Hii .he Gel man sections of New \ cn where the men dnnk fifty glasses of beer a day, they will accumulate enough glucose in a year to kill them. The matter has been culled to the at- lection of the New' \ oik Legislature, and some very energetic steps will be ^ lke “ to stop tins adulteration. Every . brewer nsing glucose m the manufacture of his b/er must adver- tase this fact, and all kegs of this adul- terat> d beer must have the wami /g word “glucose’ pasted on it in large ® u P ,ta ^ letters - a<I ' llte l: '' t , (>u sche me will therefore, probably . die c.u early death. A ,' „^ - a ; , se’vlml r , out trenches at the fairgrounds filled with thousands of paper bugs that contain earth in which he has The'ptiper e^oSoT bags bold about one quart. The trenches containing the one“deep, bugs are about feet wide and A layer of cotton seed is placed at the draw St?^‘SSSS.'S and then m the moisture, paper bags are packed in closely together, where they will remain until the new cotton plants get to be eight to fen j ncbea Rigp. Then the paper bags ; each containing a plant, will be taken and transplant^! in a field near by. _______________ ________ Colored men are represented ns having handsome farms and valuable of rattle J n Texns ; Senator , , and is estimated to be worth 850.000, He is also an educated man. While a slave in Virginia he reading and writing by bis mistress. She wus made very poor b y (j ]e wftr> .„ u { | 1P ^|, e „ sbowe ,l his appreciation of her instruction in former days by supporting her in her adversity until her death. On her daughter’s wedding ^ cDv he sent a ,, vesent nf a thou nd . do n ar cheek, The whole of his property has been acquired iu Texas. GEORGIA NEWS. AMONG THE EXCHANGES OF THE STATE. There is a woman’s rights club in Atlanta. For-ylli hiijj a S20,<X)0 fire on Sat- ■ 1 ' night; insurance $12,000. The Free J’rexn thinks Quitman is the rno»t temperate town in the State. , ; I; is rvdieted ti nt small pox will sweep the country as an epidemic this spring. The Gnlf House, at Thomasville, has bs -irio d to Mr. Janies Watts for •So. 000. Two hundred and fifty thousand colored children are a.tending school in Georgia. The proprietors of tlio Quitman Free F have pm chased it new press, and wiH son > eulmve. Our North Georgia exchanges sty Hie fruit crop in that section is a “gone fawn skin.” The last issue of the Darien Gazette emit,,ins ,m interesting sketch of John Triplett, the clever editor of the TI,o:rrasvill , Times. If is f . s(irnj(teil that over a million dollars worth of pr>p*-rtv was destroy- * ^ 1V ** 'r -loen^es 1 ™ oie lt,_ - 1,v ,hfl O rdinary of Clratl,am 'Y’’ 1 " v dnnncr l 10 ln ?' lfc l r M,trc 1 ‘"-ty-one wen- issued to negroes, Mrs U. L. Weston, consort of Mr. U. I,. Weston, of the Dawson Jour- nr.d, died at the residence of her Dth- er last r eek. She w;i, an excellent lady and a devoted wife. Bfo W es- ton 1ms onr condolence in this great loss. The senior editor of«»lie Cnthliert JZntsrpcissc came very near losing his dwelling by lire last week. The fire, when discovered, was on tha roof of the kitchen, but fortunately for Mr. Cooper the gallant boys of the Grange Institute discovered the danger in fitne to save him, by good work, the loss of his dwelling, perhaps. Tito cold weather seems to have played the mischief with fruit nil over the state, nearly, judging from the re¬ ports'of onr exchanges. The famous Leconte pear. s - > abundantly grown in Thomas county, especially, have been seriously damaged and onlv n v i v small crop will be rais'd. But b!aikber,i''S are still in sight, and the average Georgia editor is contented. An unfortunate aeeident happened Tuesday to Miss Ida Lewis,a daughter of Mr. .Taeoh Lewis, who lives near Rowland Springs, in Bartow county. She was preparing some dve and im¬ mersed a small boffb-of sulphuric acid in some boiling water, when the bot¬ tle exploded, throwing the acid in the young lady’s face. One of her eves has Imon entirely put out and her face is terribly disfigured. We learn th«t. a negro', who Is Iv blind and barely able to rend and write, has been appointed Snndersville. postmaster in the progressive town of Ho lias not yet been able to make his bond, and the office is still under the charge of the old postmaster. This is indicative of the policy of the new ad ministration. Tlio South need , - xp - c , no f tvors from that quarter. For one- we shall never ark p»y .—Sparta hh maelile. It, will he remernbeted that in Oc¬ tober List. Lee county contributed one of the loveliest, of her sex ns the wife of a missionary to China. This bright intellect, we learn, has lost its efful- louiey . Mrs. Altman McLain, wife of Kenneth McLain, has lost her mind, and her husband is uow on his return with her from China. We have heard no particulars, but extend our .sympa¬ thies to all who have an interest in the sad event. —Amerieits Recorder. Several days ago JolmnieWest- knmk ( ,f this pluce—a lad of about lW( ,ive years was running some stumbled cows aiVO ss an old field when he a n(f i^ime very near falling headlong in toa deep uncurbed old well. He , VI1S Vt>r y badly frightened, and on his returntothe houserelatedthecircuro- 8 t a oce to hi« parents telling them of the scare he lmd received. A few days ,.f[ Pl .,yirds it whs discovered that his t „ rnt ,j from verv ( hirk to ,, n iron-gray color and no cause can , l)6 ascei tained tor it but the result of the severe l'rigbt. We have often voa(1 of such but this is the first case of the kind that has ever come to our | knowledge — Hampton Weekly. Americns Recorder: In order ^ « nuii \}"* Burkli-ilter^ f't^e^Me^ 1 J, aVeTn we wil) shite ^ „ent, e men ZITLder U e Sd cHy 1,1 l 'i e i ' he J“ er * e ^ c ^ , 6 f t^’ ’ j 1,10 ofllUe,s of Clfty pi .v " nd n l Rando, « o P h j counties, prevented the meeting of the parties and so far peace lias been k'i ^ ^ d ? \ IT ,! ! ‘ a earnestly ^ h hope they h may n socceeJ. those who are eagerly awaiting to hear the result we can only say “pos- sess yourselves with patience” and j trust that wise council may prevail. List of Letters Remaining in the Postoffice at Leary Ap»i! 1st, 1881; Jackson, Hattie Brown, Fannie Bvssel B. J. Brown Lizzie Scott, E. M. Byrd, A. E. Took,Josie Collard R A. Walters, Sarah Davis, Jon. R. Washington, Lizer Dean. J. IV. William, Richard Hillman, Ben Williams,Fannie Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say advertised. If not called for within thirty days will bo sent to the Dead Letter Office. J. E. MERCER. Postmaster. HARRIS! a s. HARRIS —IS— STILL RECEIVING Large shipments of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS & SHOES* ~\ HARDWARE, CROCKERY, GROCERIES ETC., ETC., He will tell you all about this TREMENDOUS STOCK in this space next week. HARRIS. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Ar " 4M»W ... ..igbtuj.a °* ><»Hr K-st by a sick cufiri suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so. go at once and get a hottie of M US. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYllUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer 'immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake iw. *.«*. «■«:; " 10 ,!,s cvei used it, who Will not tel! at once that if will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief ami health to the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe to .use in all * eases, and pleas.-,,, to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest anl) l>est t'emnle physicians ami nurses in the United States. Sold every where. 25 cents a bottle. octl5*ly 1733- 1881. --- IAS0KIS hM ANJ] FAIR! —AT— Otlethorpe Barrscis, Safannah, COMMENCING Masonic Fraternity —AND 'iUE— LADY FBfENOS of tbs QKDER rirni3 EX KIRI! TON will tic the largest articles contributed from all parts of the Union anil by the people of Navannah,there will be a inagniticent display of FANCY WORK ard other t ilings donated by the ladies. The occasion will he in every respect what its name indicates—A GRAND BA- A ,! { i ' N,1) IAIR- r -worthy»of the people at p al ® e , ' Vocal and Instrumental Music, BEADING TIH5ATKICAI.S, TUE BOHEMIAN GLASS BLOWERS and ot her entertainments will form features of each evening’s exhibition. SPECIA L EXCURSION RATES over all railroads and steamer lines to Savannah during the Fair. ■ms i m. ; m m B M mm lit Jw Mi • -j K A TRUE TONIC A PERFECT STRENQTHO’SER.A SURE IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re¬ quiring a certain and efficient tojlic; especially Indigestion, Energy, L'yxpcpA.t, Enriches I.ilcr- miitent Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lex!: of e/c. the Hood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They ac t like a charm on tlie digestive organs, removing all Hear:burn, dyspeptic symptoms, Tlie only such as Tasting ihe Food, Belching, Heat in ihe Stomach, etc. giv« Iron Preparation that will net Llnclcen the toetli cr headache. Sold by all druggists. 57rite for the ABC Book, S2 pp. oi useful and amusing reading —sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, MJ. m m § . u i ii <\ Of f} % PAtV ,o> 1 INF PAINTS, jgg PERFUMERY, OILS, -Jj FANCY" GOODS, GLASS, PrescriptiOBs TOILET ARTICLES. PUTTY. —o— CAREFULLY' —o— COMPOUNDED FRESH All the popular Nipt AT ANY TIME, Day. Garden Seeds Patent Medicines or OF EVERY KIND, Kept in stock. Guaranteed to Com* Up. G STO^ ’ BY GEO. R. EWELL, Practical Druggist and Chemist, ARLINGTON, GEORGIA. Tweaiy-One Years’ Experience in the Busiuese. Graduate of the Maryland College of Pharmacy, Class 18f}l, Prepares all Pharmaceutical Preparations and warrants them of standard strength and purity. Other drugs selected with great cure aBd purchased from most reliable dealers and sold as low as a man can, to deal honest and pay liis debts. Bine Cigars and Tobacco a Specialty* A GENTS WANTED for the best anil 5&S a j publishing: Company, Atlanta* Ga. inarT-itm r N EOROIA, Cat.iiocn County -John vJTT. Pace having applied to be appointed of guardian of the person and property '\ mnl 6 ' !ark ; a niiwir under fourteen years s® Court &££ Ordinary a (, the next terra of the of ro be held after the expiration- of thirty days from the first publication of this no- tiee and show cause, if any they can, why John T. Pace should not be intrusted with- ' ' MONROE, Ordinary., ALFRED I. April 4th, 1881. 4w t busines noiv before the public/ You can make money faster at work for us than at any- thing else C'apital not required. We wilt- boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. You can devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare moments. No other business will pay you nearly as well. No one willing to work can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Cut lit and terms free. A great opportunity for Address- making money easily and honorably. Yjuje& Co,, Augusta, Maine. Calhoun Mortgage Sale. WILL By SOLD before the Court House door, in the towu of Morgan, on the fust Tuesday in June next, M«»* •*■■*} 0mm* mk. «« Showing piopeity, to-wit. One hundred and fifty bushels of com, more or less,five hundred bushels. of cotton seed, more or less. 3,U00 lbs I fodder, more or less, oue thousand I Jlllll five hundred stalks of sugar Cane, more or less, GO gallons of syrup, more j ( , SSi two thousand pounds seed cot- ' uni, more or less, two bales cotton, marked (M. D.),one grey horse named. Jake, one buggy, one mule named Allick, one two-horse wagon, Tennes¬ see make. Levied on under a mort¬ gage fl fa issued from Calhoun county- Superior Court in favor of P. B. Boyd vs. C. J. McDaniel. Property desenb- e<1 mortgage and in possession, of defendant. W. W. GLADDEN, March 29, 1881. Sheriff.