Arlington advance. (Arlington, Ga.) 1879-188?, April 22, 1881, Image 2

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THE AOVAV 5 At 1 Aia.iyoToy, a .1. JON KM. I Editors. K. LEHMAN, { FRIDAY. APRIL 22. DjfcL THIS I’Af'h;; maybe found in dt ' ‘ New* jOeo. I*. KoWW.f. A cv« Yertising bureau (ID Spruce tic uiude t. r it Y .dverttsing cfuntrarta can f >i *r ATdV ts. We will you! the Advamk ami the Ra vauiiiUi fi.d'y .veiw tweivc tn diths for £1.00 c.isii The 1.^. 1.tore of MicMgan has passed a law making bugging a penal ofT. ll'tc. ’ > Ks Fi’.'rtidcut Hayes is eaid to be employing Ida loisure in Writing a his¬ tory ul bis adaniiiMitratiuu. The .State debt of Tennessee is about twenty-seven million dollars, mostly incurred on account of railroads. Mr* John (looter, near Grei-neville, T**nn., has a chicken wish four 1 g=, all ol which it uses in locomotion. It is tlitee weeks old and doing wn )l Pohtinnstei'Ai *n( ral Jutie '; 1ms ia- oed au order to the effect that f ms or la hels attached to samples 'd luercuan- diso inft.y have the price and width of the goods prinfed thereon. The richest immigrants who come to this country are the Bushian nouites. Twenty families of tli^b people recently gave the Treasurer of Castle Garden ?87,00£) to keep for them over night. Lunn Whittaker, col., who has boon confined in the Quincy (Fla.) jail for some time, charged with the assas¬ sination of Jos. McJnnkiu some yearn ago, was taken out and lynched, last Sunday morning, by n bi dy of r.ia;k- ed men, A New Orleans special from Little Rock states that a merchant named (ioodloe mill a telegraph operator named 'Wallace, went turkey hunting near Newport, Arkansas. (Ioodloe. who won a r«>d necktie, was mistaken by his comrade for a turkey in the bushes who fired upon him and kil led him. Ex-Senator Lrueo, of Mississippi, wjistondered the Brazilian ni- naud declined it, on th« groun the country was unhealthy, > mid not take his family tliore .Do on the ground Hint in Brazil a colored man would not be well received. He will be provided with a good position in tho UnitecLStatcs. On the 7th instant the Price Cur¬ rent published its mnnunl ntafemern of the stock of provisions in the country March 1st. It shows an aggro gate stock of 414,8215,000 pounds of meat including pork, or 54,400,000 loss than tit the same time last year, 'pj 1( , meat packed in the West since More It 1st is reported nt 335,000 hog* to date, against. 700,000 hogs for the same time last. year. Reports made to tho Department of Agriculture state there is an increase of nearly four per cent, iu the acreage of winter wheat. Wherever tho con¬ dition of the growing crop is referred to, it is given ns below the -average of last year. Live stock, though poor in flesh, has, ns a rule, come out of the winter in fair health. Local disorders of the lungs and stomach are reported, but no widely spread diseases. The town ot. Glover’s G ip, West Virginia, is in a state of panic over the Alarming spread of smallpox. The disease was brought there by a young man from Pittsburg. Physicians are nil sick, and tho body of a young wo¬ man who died was left tvnburi d. Tho Governor was telegraphed for to burry the dead, but replied that the coauty Authorities should attend to it. Trains pass through town without stopping. A few days ago tlm North Alabam- iuus witnessed ^ a novel sight. , A worn* came walking into town, carrying a well-grown two year old chiM in her anos, followed- by a boy about four- teen years old. who was driving a cow on whose back were strapped all the worldly possessions of a family save tho calf about eight months old, which was ridden by a shoeless urchin of five or six summers. They were from Hardin conoty, Tennessee, and were going to Marion, in Alabamma. It Js said that the cause of tho fail¬ ure of tho Citizen’s Bank in Atlanta was a number of debts for which property instead of money had to be taken. This property could not be converted into cash. A recent court decision gives the State priority in the settlement of bank claims. This dosed/ An assignment has been made. It te thought the loss will not be severe. Plant Less Cotton and (Jet Better Prices. Our farmer*, in dead of planting i'-s.-i cotton and morn g>ain, are plant- mg more cotton ami less grain, mid, consequently, they overrun the lnark- ct with cotton and get nothin:-' for it. and buy their grain, j> lying an nutrage- mis price fr.v it Ix-ciuisw of its scarcity. If 7,000,000 hales of cotton are mad the fanner get- antiv- rag *::f ten cents wild per pr.uud for jt, when he would realize from 18 to *>y cents par pound if tl,m w,rft0 " : v ’ ''W |f > - * ouU1 11 I|f,t be il «*'««• h u " »« raise morn gmin and k*^s cotton. The Macon 71 • •/< »,o/ ' a./' r lias it down right, in the following: ■’The Kaleigh oi thinks that the increase of cotton acreage spring will lie about fifteen p?r <>•••«/ There i< nothing to warrant such a crop, l ifteen per cent, 5ucr<tv-e will not yield one cent mcome tlmn tlie present 'erea. The chances are that, with a corresponding crop, it will produce less money. Ken.pose fha' the incoming crop sfmll produce about fi 8(K),000 bales, which it. ace ms likely to do. Micon'will give about' a f j ir aver- age price for it at 0j cents—say i*41 a hale or #266,000000. l.ast year cot Ion wliK " 01bi1 Y2 cents, oi 5->-l a 5,iU "- Ulti tl,e cr0 P ^ 5,757. J07 bales war *'0 li, i about #.)20,.- .)i),-l.,8. f'hat is the way we v^ork it. We raise and gin and pack and transport nine hundred thousmTd more b.l and get fifty or more million dollars less for it! (.’an anything be more absurd? If the determination of the size of the cotton crop were left with one financial interest, not more than four million hales would lie raised next year. When the Dutch East In¬ dia Company find they urc raising too much Java coffee to command a good price, they have two ways of disposing of it. One is to lock up the excess and hold it for a short crop, and the other is to burn it up in furnaces made for that purpose. They have rib idea of raising coffee to lose money on it. JJnt we people-ofthe .--onih have litle practical Idea of doing anything else, Colton lint is many times nmre iudis pensabie mul valuable than eotf- e. Ji is far fnore * xclusivi-ly a product of one country. The Southern people could just as easily get twenty cents a pound as leu cents audit would make- us all happy and comfortable. -We could live IJief.tUy and pay our debts. But wuiply .ill of us are stung gling to swell i lie crop to the larges; possible dinionaiona, under the silly idea that wa can make more money out of it, w\: ruin ourselves and toil fivin year’s end to year's end without accumulating a cent of profit.. Jt is hardly probable that next year wo can be so foolish as we mean to be. After three or four years of gigantic crops il is time to look fora small one. ft is not according with the usuai operations of nature to have a long succession of abundant crops of any kind; and this year there is so far evciy reasonable promise of short crops generally. For the last seven years wo have boon piling up our cotton crops from 3,882,000 to 0,501),- 000 bales or an average of 460,000 bales increase a year. Thorn must be n check to this sometime or other, and this spring seems to present as fair a chance for it us we ever saw. This may help cotton a little; but with another increased crop next year cotton will become a drug *. If n were possmlp , for - producers , to agreo among themselves to reduce pro duetiou they could all produce enough (o be e vne rich, but since all are deter- |nJn0il l0 ,. r0lhu . 0 a „ lhey ojm . 1)othfMg lnit po0r cr „ ps can orovide them a market for it.” *<»-* A \ r.Hvnif’riKle 1 ' MNIKh \ v W.iG, i n ifon ■ disp-.teh sa\s. It is 11eely slu ed ^ Kl ** tJ)0rc i,rc str ' )n S probabilities of ■<. reeoristructiou of the t.abinH, so as ko bvmg its entuv membership more :!1 !U ’ cor ‘* *“ e 1 festoont ana with other - u » that the *• Abinet as at present m -do up was n °t Uuj the personal choice of tlie Resident himsclt; it? fact it is some- <l'»estionable whether, if left himself, he would h-.,v - fleeted more than one man out of the whole list— Jfi. Blaine. 1 ho others represent no less than four distinct elements of the ^'Pnbhoan party and^wm-c accepted T frrS1 t ‘ l ’ nt " at [ lU \ sr ‘^^ €! ^ 10u ofoth in tbe l h ^° thttt a oomw °- misd ^ C ab,uct wonkl rostore :uui ’* m ‘ YM th^cff-M tnd the President is reported to be about and not undertaken to please GEORGIA NEWS. amon i; iyoyhasokx o; thi There u not ait unoccupied A i - ling in Macon. The Macon & Brunswick r.Ylrcad authorities wiR erect a new flight depot at Macon soon. K ht hundred shares of Georgia railroad stock dd Dst Friday for all 1 54. ( eutr.tJ lvuiroi.d .stock so.d at ItiJ. Mr. M u-htai (Quinlan, a ijiiint, vmi'- fensive citizen ot Augusta, v a a biu- tally murdered list week by a m.-.u mum <1 Jacob Train. l(L.i.bulge intends to make a big snow itfc her ,Spring fair, which v.i he held on 17th. wb. opiug thuus up la the De ‘100/ The ladies oi tiio QtiUnoan Jibrarv WiiJ hold ;l fdir on the dtii of Juno j w the purpose ot l a.suig money to com- pk!,..i and iuriJtili iiieir library buikiing* T‘iw.*y arc working in a good c;.»u:-t uttU we wish them suoctsy. The Iuifeniatiotmi Cotton Exposition has been made a portnaueut organiziv lion. Tim following named geiitiemun have been ei-cied permanent oflii 'Sl'ta ’’° a 1 Brown, President; ;*>. T *v. - • mau, ireiiourer: J. VV. IlyckluaD Seerotary. A special to the Engim-cr-S'in give-, the paniciiivrs of tin- a-,. m, tiuirou Sunday night of Malsoti IT; ton, aged 7o years at bis home m -Ma- rion county, Ga. A young man nam ed O. P. Jones has boon arrested on suspicion. Cause of the killing un known The residence of Mrs. Cbason, in Decatur county, together with kitchen, household fiunituro end smokehouse, containing 5.00!) ponuds of Iniiiu niivk: co at., wan .L-atvovi-d b.y fire TU weel;. This i» in-Ded a heavy loss, especiull’ to a widow, during times him these. Dogs are killing sheep very fast il) v SUi3f’ Oi' COnnl’V. , v. , VVO'V I'.ppro OI , ’ ’ the ,, country . nearly has , one er more dogs, which, when not fed by tb.eir owneis. make a meal of some while man’s sheep. The white men are get- ting rid of these pests by killing every one they get a chance at. Farmers about Arlington are eating strawberries, hut tho editor of the A.- vaxtb don’t got i.ome rondbim by deni vairtn-rs yet; ynst wait a loelle, _ Misbter Editor. — Savannah Penny 1m, l. Yah;bill we almost -Vin’t wait some more; we done get- our month ml mid strawberry juice, and don’t know but that we will get it ml some giere when dot farmer comes to town r.<- vcek . A , , tramp * stoppped . nil night 59 at , a honse , m . Hancock county, , and , next morning stole , , a watch , , from „ tho ' * • he lodged. The tleman ,, with .., whom , , , , „ loss , was not , discovered until the tramp had , ,, been gone some time, when ■ set , out . . pursuit, and the owner in overtook . the thief just as he , was tract- , mg the wiui-.i ..o n negro; wner-mp n the tramping the:I wms taken into the woods hard by and given a hard thrashing, and then t, urned loose. Dawson Journal: We have been at some pains to carefully inquire as to the outlook for the fruit crop in this sec Don. From information which vve have received we conclude that the recent and frequent spells of cold weather thiz'"ear Jnd n^t monflhan vi ioui\h ot a ciop, it tlu\t . will .... uuituro. , ,> lmns anif nl , plcM ar0 not vetv seri , offected and a nrettv ' ’ fair cron ' and " ' , 1 cherru, ^ . ub:!;s3 , , rre b,i . greatly ^' { ^ hurt. . Yestmlny Mr. AY. II. Turner, brother-in-law of Mr. Nelms, went dovrti to Butler to get Squire Rtv- unfc , a negro under , sonteace'of „ w..i ^,.. 1 ,.. i--, tho penitentiary. Squire vi-.-.- tiaat he was iu for a decade of labor, ami rather than eudnre it he took >. pocket knife and cut out both bh eyes. jj e afterwards eiaraiod that it wax doro by running against splinters in the wall, but marks of blood upon his kuifo aod other circumstances disprove this and prove the first statement.— yr r . Turner returned without his man. _.7c7c«/r^ * and )?,.<■■ '?r*»-^-rr~rrrr-r _,y singular c.ise was before a Mississ- uj P l C0Ult „.„ nt ., l l0W f ( ,„. <u ( i 4V vs „ A &°- A pianter . * - . deci ded to plant his lauds in g™ 88 seed and raise stock iustead of cotton, His His neighbors, neighbors, who who all ail stick stack to to cotton cottoi ' applied to the conn for an iujanctiot i mtr:lia th y lu:Uer ^ e i;s.H'iFiF'kF; «. but sj^d* over nmroandi^pbn- ^ttons .mo unfits tho ground for cot-; too. The injunction wax granted. The At! n LV>,-i of Tuesday mg ni. si ■akine of the* defunct Citi-’s ISauk, sa In eh a dwys. ndgo Ilillyer, yes ferday, id tl. petition of the at- torncy gener. i for an injunction, The paper sets forth the fact * tat the .State had a deposit of :? 16.': * >00 l n the bank an i test the assignment id< d for the payment of deposi¬ tors in preference to the -Slate. it then pray (he court to grant an os ■ iler ic-sii lining the ansi CtfcVfc s, Messrs. Hill and Thomson, from the execu¬ tion of flic assignment as thereby tj, e .state would, in ail jirobibikty, lie forever debarred from recovering its money. Judge uillycr after hear- mg tin motion grunted a teinpnra> v for an injunction nhould pot be gran- ted. —Wr * Judge Treat of the 11cited States court at 1st. J.oni*, has decided that the Singer sewing machine patents having expired, any body has tlie right to nianul'acturi! Singer inaeiiines. The suit was for a violation of the Sm- ■ ■ ' ci'b auu: • i ■ mtifi cannr-t ere- Y: a i.i'.’Yicpul, for the ivacfcicai e::- tension of a patent beyond its ega.1 term under theguiso of a trade mark. T!:e various sewing machine V-v • ! an cnciTmms up'.u ilu- v.-'T'-y and their expiration cannot fail to.reduce the price of the nm- chinos, which have become a ty in every household. The inventors wore .long since amply rewarded for their mechanical skill employed in the manufacture of these machines. •* * —- Mr. J[. E. Abby. under whose iianagement Mile. Sarah Hern laird 1 li.-M mmle her starring tour through the United Stales and -Canada, eeinmurnealril to tlw N.av York pa- l- rs the information that the actress :i;ru;‘G,YGiGt-I; •' time ...” the management will have ceived from the engagement , between S,50,000 and $110,000, of which hardt will take back to Paris about, #200,000 as her share of the must cessful draremt-io engagement ever played in this country. It is under- stood that Mr. Abbey will also pocket at least #75,000 as his share of the profits. ------------------- Some over zealous people sc-era to think it wrong for • Democratic St-tia to pair with Repubiieau Senators when the contest, is so Tins is a great uiiinake. Tho democrals can preyeufc the Republicans from ever electing Ruldlelmrgam if they can keep ft dozen Republicans, * ’ or even , lass, paired . , all „ the ,, time. . If the .. Dem- ... o -rats , had . , a majority . it Mould ,,,, then , be . eliacge . oeniust . , nocuator „ , a vary crave that h® . ; Dit .. trie , majority . , at . the mercy nnbustenng . . but , win , ot ,, a . minority, n in . the , minority, it .. seems to . us that ,, . a senator can pair off an*, come borne, and , do , jast good, . perhaps , better , . as tV(U>k i , !uln ifi)0 vema ; n iu p j u ,. e . Vkomasrilk bint :-.rprice . ------- Mississippi has had a big cyclone that went through it,(-.tearing a track about two hundred yards wide for a consid eraid® distance, carrying destruction to almost everything iu it* path. It entered the State on the west, near Commerce, and went eastw-mlly to Hcruado. Dr. L indei'dale, of Lander. ™ ^ ininrctl and dtc-o A vted for ..,,7 b t - 8 V and 'Sailing pu-torai liooks. and n, b !U, I'rices rcducpd 33 per cent. Ni.tiorr ^ ■ Atlanta, Ca. busines now before the public Ton can make money faste r A at work for us than at any- tf ,in r ^fo :U ,1 ’ r !L r i ,:;r, ' d ' '’ Vl v ' i n K . rtVoU. n>.i.e ll UilV , Alld U{»Vart1s T.Klfle , a lumv.'-i-v the itvinF*. i.- Wen, women, ' vs " j ’' \.....’-re to work ,• wh. a' ttriu-’to tk.^work.’ or only'volc¬ •>• 10 - >nom.*«u. X» other busiuc-.i V'K un M make. wmnnocVpay’hy • ui;: ur; • once. Costlv Am nt and loss £;X;. V Tuck & Co.,Jia twtaj Maine. Mothers! , Mothers —-------------~r—;— !; Mo the is ■ \ ' -' ll ' 11 ? / u : i: a V!° ; ,'''.: ! nd Y , . with tlF’FcrncWinV 3 of cutting teeth? Tf so. go at once ■ 1 1 u bottco of 51Y tAk-iLOiV S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor l;ttle sufferer iramediately depend upon , t , K . u it; there is ,, no .. ........ mistake uhontit. 2’here is not a mother on earth who ,v h° has lu.s ever -wr used used it. it. who who will will not not at ’ r once that U;;ii it i! will v ‘“l regulate tho nowels, K and ami give rest V to ihJchikl,op-'rntlng the mother, aud relief U-M liM ™, and pteas^to the taste, and j„ t !ie Unit-'d Ft,.u-s. rJold -.-wry where. ..mts a bottle jy &W1 pfr- M w •A |fc • v? . ft • >| ffl sj ■ m ) i •46*# l-t •*< .Tor Sale or Bxc2i.ap.^e at tlie Mill. NY. need going anywhere else to buy meal. In the future, o shall keep oa hunt a good supply of and prettiest a bite meal LUMBER Nii lumber f - - - v BY THE WHOLE SALE. fne ginuiu'-; being over, we UV' rut ire attention to GRINDING ANI) SAW! H(3. amt can, on short not ce» grind as much corn and eu v.' as much lumber as you ant. Tlnuiafiii for past patronage, we remain Truly yours, feb8i-lv X. M T . .PACE & SON. zez i MKtN mew bprimg good :«*y -----AT- :k- cr* K.O> 1 CTOInT'ES * ! i tab:: pleasure in racing to my cuciomers that my st.ocK of ts aew r»U ani CWote l » h Galico, Sheet-in: ■' Y Notions of all kinds, Ladies’ and Gentlemen's SUES A.VD HATS. REA ox-: S ADI; CLOTHING. ~p><q .....' A 'XSYJTp ......x..\_ \ TTOAT ..L JA., A. i. GITPlPn--Y--ir-st~i ’ U Wi'^i-L-jXxLiC^ ' ' ... axuX;::! Mi " f nM:oy - yLnmi - A xd tobacco --o ----- AH Kinds of FARMING IMPLIMENT3. ° Full hue- ■s PURE LIQUORS, Guaianteed. ---o- I will sell all goods mention in tills advertisement as cheap as they can be bondl “ ,n ' v ! : C'i uni ' > to T 0 b T 0 s’i^ - 1 ' P ia 'vs jjlisf to rlv haul goods from distant honest My motto dealing is .’.G to menl ».et eontinuauce'OJ'the ;.i>e. ' Timnkb.g f«<~ 'm, J "hope ’ bTfaD au 0 ^ ‘ in a same. {pglvDxj, v s ®s §&m ii mi m Wbi & Mm m 'U m Wk w A TRUE TONIC ‘ TsS j-r 'cv Y 1 :! srmmTmmA sure .IEOH BITTEES sm. iugldy recommcncLd 1 J ■a.,CS a cert nd efficientt»nic; especially Jmllj Py*? f In-- '>%Ulati Fevers, erigthens TtVcid of tlie Appdite,Lomef mnselos, ae-f ■ life to the i vve: T the blood, charm £ tl-e dig ive removing new all like a on organs, L ", ivai Tfioonl,^ as TaAi'ig ikeik'fxi. i hikes, :t hcadaolio. Iron Preparation fluid ty ihtifc all <h will mot bin C ►£■ eii tlio A the Jj 0 t Look, i C pp- Y {}• vvrxf useful and.amusing reading —tait free. CO., Ealfciiuoro, MY?. I5ROW2S CRTMPAL :■-SR a; c*V m&**3»* :i Y. - H,H~" : ,. w m, 11 m w m m m ii m m A" o.TUU or. D t T v>0 V v g/ile ,Y- PAINTS, OILS. m Ihf PERFUMERY, FANCY GOODS, GLASS, Prearipitas TOILET ARTICLES, PUTTY, —o— FAKES'ITULY —O— } COMPOXISfDED j FRESH All the popular AT' ANY TIME, Garden Seeds Patent Medicines SSjlii if Baj. v OF EVBKY KIND, Kept in stock. Guaranteed to Come Up. ' Y Off" BY GEO. Il, EWELL, Practical Bniggist a-ad Chemist, ARLINGTON, GEORGIA. T'W8«ty.Oa0^MPS' txp©rtSROe W ihO SuslUfiSC. . the Maryland College of Pharmacy, Class 1861. Graduate cl Pre P ai * 31111 pharmaceutical Preparations them of standard Oilier drugs selected with great care and purchased from most reliable dealers and sold as low w- a man can, to deadest nod pay Ins debts. iTlfc. vjlgErw aw> -twAAts. „„J JL€> ImvoQ & tSpGC181ty a