Arlington advance. (Arlington, Ga.) 1879-188?, June 10, 1881, Image 2

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THE A I) r s ■ S JA l J* tinnyoroy qa. .1. X BK. E. _ - IX, Fill , «>.* A _____„ TiiM 1’APKll n.ey I i. . Pro. P. itou i.u. vertielns Hiire::ii(i>> 8 '-■-■''I •< Line ci ntieel.' in."* it in .vrw YORK. We will send (lie Advam i. t! Savannah li Vet A’ a twelve nrai 5 ft>l vl. 70,So2 5m vi a: a 1 in C oil t J it ' •« t ; ill ill Tim J. o 1 w 1 .wit i etvd a :■ -> on r or the Oil/ in (. A Re v tele r'tte been reColtily o|-g;i|li/,i Hi N with H »>api.‘ai of O') I 0 ) Mr<. lie •> ret a Su-ph o of A “a final lad Wivk. He. 1 nil i I ■<*)Ji*Vf ll t-i lm dine !v atlribiLnhlo giief :u l excitement over ti e • I'. ! ,,i ill! 1) irirt, ft. S, SlPj li 'll , V. e drowning in F. nt li.ei v t i ;( wimehme s me. It i3 fai 1 th ,t Omni • cciiii'ed tint iio wiii newr again become h candidate ny political " ottieL Now he’s n Ptobabl ' he wanks to buy a far and a lew pigs, and a coon d >g. Reports fr.mi the Norihw. t ind cate an uiete . ol ' iuS 'Cts, mid pile of llicentoinolog eoaitni i .li and the prod iinati >n i- , tiiO s-<i it ■ of the ajri .Illtiui't, f s s nr locust i»!»’;!.' con Of tile did.’: Cllt COM = herlllsof the Mat > will b.- held in t- Ltd !, ii th ill*of July next, lor tin’ pni j.o-e of .idoj 1 log mraS'ires 1 -ading to the im r chief ml iii.d speedy e.vee.i lion of the ci im cal ia'.v of tlm Suite, and (Bb’li'otiur m ttev; a. may como hetorb Uio eemontion. The H d ineeMag o’ tie* Tnt cm i tiiiid S-ns ’ School Convention takes place a Toronto, Canada, this year on the 2 - 2ud ins’. Arrangement’ have been mads to Carry delegates from Atlanta to Toronto and return for §39.10, tickets good for thirty days. The party will leave Atlanta ot) the ldtli ou a special trail). Mr. Vonuov “predicts” a wet .luce, with frc.p'iit severe wind and thunder storms, and probable frosts between theothulid 1 0 11 of the month. He kivu: ••The ‘.uorUi wators’ arc only coining down now, which is an indi turn of a wet Juno. The wannest -part of June is likely to oeoui between the 29th and doth wli n tli' heat may be exes he.’’ Affairs in Ireland threaten trouble. There is an immense popular iudiga- tien there straining to find vent. The toeiies attending Uo forcible evictions by tiro lniUt.ry arc of tile mortinflanuv 4ory ebaiacU r, and nothing but the in ilufiueo of Urn priests aud the great for betuaneo far shown by the ntili t.u y prevents an outbreak The I3iit- i»li government, liowevar is preparing lor lough dealing aud this week will have a forun of thiit.y thousand solders in Ireland. No man need bo surprised lo hear of a conflict and bio. dshed tiny day. TeUuraph and J/cssriu/n’ 111 Uiis county is a man eighty-six years old who Walts live util 's to mill twice a taout li and carries one bushel iif cor a; tilts fourteen children ami Mhlps eight of Ihcnr whenever they need it'.lifts now a wife twenty four yAi's of age; has bwit m .tried fourteen times; ItaV used tobacco fifty years; g.te drunk rogul.nly nt every court aud eveiy Christmas; never cursed but oiieeiu life; loves toh<ar.go«‘d pleach¬ ing, goes to church regularly; votes the Democratic ticket; can whip any man of bis j;,,,.’ji years and weight y|ate „ ¥ t lU ul skull i ub, and never paid a lawyers fee nor a doctor’s bill. .ls/ie/i”i'0 (A. (.’) Courier The Hon. Samuel ,1. Til len, upon lit'ing mtci r>'gated in reference t permitting bis name to lu \ l .ecd be¬ fore the N-w York Legislature for Gougi'tiisionul Seimtoriul hollers to fill tin' vacancies “that vO far n« he was concerned nothing would induce him to Consider the place him self— uot even the unanimous \\ tu of botli houses; .nid in respouso to an til fusion to his r.s on d In - he sdd that it would uniko no ? nee if Le held a guarantee by the Higher Tow- ers o i hi. go ..1 health until the end of the jnnetet iFh century. Moreover, bis ail vice had already been given that it \va> the nv'st honorable course for the Dcmrie.atk' party to refer the rep¬ resentation of New York m the Senate to the net s: * people in the fall Somebody's Head ir> Level The following from (he AWang N and Advertiser expresses on in¬ dependence of the wishes and fancies o f the “Sfirlekers of the North’’ (the hull-headed politicians) concerning the actions of .Southern people, that every Southerner should feel: ‘ One of ont Georgia exchanges, i) 1 during a contemporary for lmv- exposed Mitiafaction at the recent 1. in-hing of the negro who murdered Maj. Betl a, in Early County, remon titrates as follows: “it is jost this sort of thing (inclining I lie lynching) that has furnished material for the hnekers of the North to feed upon. Now it is not our purpose in this arfi cl (f to join i , ;uc with of flier of our c - 1> owi'ii contcwporur'n H upon the ijueitiou ;it i sue 1 et seen them' but w« do di-sire to say that \V3 are sick and lircd of the disgusting habit that the Nonthem press has fallen into of pus radiug the sectional public opiuh>n of tiio North liefoio our own people as soumibinx dr.■•allnl—s-omcUmig tlut wo should tremble before and r> g.ud a tiling sacred aiul supreme—; n thing always to lie consulted and nev- el’ to be ( trend, d: Co'ifonnd ivo.lionnu the llic "shriekere otthe North!” Let them hnek to I heir heart* . , Content; . . and . i let na go along and manage our own affairs .mill regulate our own society to suit ,,, people . and ourselves. , »*6 are tree its »U«h w e ought to first consider our |»';»»«"”< <*. >■'"* i ‘loniofetic cbiirac tm. It we coutiuuc j {() tl , dge and In mile .very time a } :iiik(e frhrit 1 8, wo m od never ox- pool, to In nr the lust of Ids shrieking, nor to be treut.d ns anything else than pit .fill iiin n ies ly him. We are n<> advocate of mob Jaw, but whenever j we go lo dciioniiee it we shall do so upon higher grem nds Ihan that taken by those of our contemporaries who in sn li holy horrer of the opin- ions of tiie p. opie of the North. This sort of toadyism has got to be chronic with the people of the South and it. is high time that they should learu first to consult their own opini-ms about their own affairs. Tim. sooner we maintain common self-respect, us a people, in this way, the sooner will we receive the consideration and respect due us at Ih Imu.lsof the North, A General Swindle. 'CtieSthipmeut of^tmuged ixau from the West to the South has b. en.geuer ally corn plained of, and advices from imrchunta and farmers show that a general swindle has been perpetrated. The matter is made more grievous from the fact that when shipping, a bill »f hiding is sent out from (lie West which is c.dleoted cm receipt of the corn. Thus our people have been paying full pries for damaged corn, and so no appears. If a damaged or fraudulent bale of cotton is shipped from the South it is traced from Liverpool back to the very plantation tivin v. hence it came mid the party prosecuted. This is iu direct contrast with the Western man who ships us corn, for w hich full price is paid aud no recovery allowed for damage. Tins is a question that calls for at¬ tention ami consideration. It affects our mircltants, millers, farmers and in fact everybody. We call see just now bnt one remedy at hand, aud that is a general produce and mer¬ chants exchange, one of the chief rules of which shall be .ho payment for no shipments until examined, and wo think do a public service in calling on all interested to cunvassthis question for their o\vu and Uio public good. -Augusta News New York Legislature—What They are Doing The Republicans in the New York Legislature are still trying to effect adjournment. They seem to think this the surest plan for Couklmgs sue- c sq as his chauccs with the present members are slim. It is stated “that the Administra- ti n men are confident that some re- emit compact lias been agreed upon between Conkling’s friends and the which the election of . Democrats by t wo Republicftn Senators is to be pcs:poind, if it cannot le defeated, If is certain tligt an attempt is to be made to reconvene the Denioenils iu : caucus, and that the main object is to bind the Democrats to vote all the first opportunity for a motion to ad- jhuvn sine dib.” The following is the Combined vote ot the Senate and the Assembly, taken on Wednesday; Jacobs, 50; Cockling, di; llogtns, 15; I>»\ulley, 1; ^ huelcr, '21,; Cornell, 19. A female clerk, representing Jas. E. Cargill of Columbus, Ga ,is cut on the load. ITEMS OF NEWS. Cbimxus i'XiOM OUR EXenANGRS. Peaches me selling at §12 per bush- el in Atlanta. The demand for railroad hands sweepingDecatur , conntyof ,, farm labor, , , so says the Democrat- In some sections of the State Corn |, iH hem partially destroyed by a worm tbut boros into the stalk and sUclt-i out its life. A rumor 1 as 1 ecn circulated that the body of a Colored woman was found in the river swamp a few days ago, in a briar patch. Her body of was a e. Gr almost resembling green. It was sup¬ posed that she lutd Inen stung or bit- ten by snakes, In m tlie fu'ct llmta <» neighborhood. An attempt to burn Mitchell county’s court house, nt Camilla, was nvide on Friday night. Two bottle* of kerosene oil were r mpted on th°(foor- fa.-ing of the ordinary’s office and on file, but ttie alarm of tire was givefi in time to save the building. A reward of five hundred d iH.irslkis been Offered f,, r Hie appreh.-nsiou of the guiily par- lino a calf in Montgomeiy county Ins « ", Vf> ] 62S ,r >‘ friw fifth ]<•« " leaves the ■ !>ndy half way between the -Titer of u, e iL.clc and the hip bonei. When a » down the left siile; bnt when t he cm f |j e8 down, the leg which is I lie. s-une shape of the front h'^s, fold tip. Thu . lively and ]| w as bom May fit li, si i d is very playful. It is the property of.Mrs. (J, .Unhand il widow hdy. The Dawson Journal learns .that a little negro child on the plantation of Dr. B. It. Iiit ves came to its deafii C'lie day last week under very peeul ir cir- cimistuiiC ’s: It seems that a cat. 1 ad caught a garter snake and carried it nlive into tl.e lioiise where the child wus sitting alone on the flo >r. The cliild in its admiration for the Miakc took it np in its hands and was bitten by the reptile on the arm, and from the effect of the the bi.o llm child died. The Forsyth correspondent of the Telegraph and Mestenepr tvpfvts that during the funeral servlc-s®* F. N. llano’s, at the M^'fliodist G) |f el), the rod oa th ' Stapl.) was struck ^ ning but conducted it. safely into the ground without doing any damage to the olinrob. It created a profound sensation in the audience, id the minister caised to speak instantly, and for n moment the most profound silence prevailed. A circumstance which renders the incident a rem irka hie one is the fact that there was scarce ly a cloud, and the sun was shining brightly. Ctarenoe little boy in I. .arena county was killed one day list week in n wrestle with a play mate. The Dublin Gazette says his .Lath was a strange » „ one, indeed, (Mil shows ltow mysteriously man is mace and i>y what a brittle thread lie is Ipun.l to lifo. Not even a pebble wus to be ta „d wheve „„ T,„ B „«n,l «, a soft and sandy place and lucco it, is hard to say what was the direit cause of his death. The bov.s wars nearly of a size and when they fell, they fell on their iaces, locked in . eadt otneiS arms. The fall was a “dogfal. ” After th fell VOUDg Dolniny rofit . the ^ move(J b ,, fc ma , e n faint cry,gasped twice,and \v‘ue raied a pale corpse. Marietta Journal : On Moiday last a large crowd of colored pe.ple from Atlanta came lo this place t>" attend the Ftd.-ra] decoration. Nowhere ou their peracis were any pi toll exposed to view, yet one or two qm.vels soon brought to view drawn pistol! aud in one instance a drunken felloes'cmed determined to use his pistol ti spite of all remonstrances, auri would have done so, but his iintagdist got out of his range. Again, that Veiling, when the 7:30 o’clock train piled out from Marietta with the crowdM col- j i | excursiouists, . . some twenf oivu were tired from the tiaiu, and a (ariitta young man came near being not by i one of tlie stray balls not misjng rods his head two inches. Seveiill were thrown from the train, and pic old genUeroftu was hit on the he: ------ -—~~-r r — T G T EO/fGIA, CALHOUN COitTY.— 'Whereas Jfrs. Rebecca W. SI'lthan), administratrix of W. J. Steadhaa.trepre- sents to the Court, in her petitionilty she ha tiled and entered on record, that state' fully administered IF. J. .S'teadham’s pereoj 1 This iV, therefore, to cite a!! < on- cerned, kindred and creditors, tteliow cause, if any they can, why said frii .^linis- her! tratrix should not be discharged dis administration and receive letters Septbcr ] | mission on the first Monday in j This June Term, 1881. MON'KC. ALFHJ-D I. junlO-Sm Ordlry. Sav. Fla. & Western R.R. Gkxkuai, Maxaof.h’s Office, / Savannah, May 2'ith, 1880. ( S ^Passenger \S AND AFTER SUNDAY, May will 23rd, \ Trainis on tliia lload run as follows: NIGHT EXPRESS, Leave .Savannah daily at.... .4:?!o p.m )r iv c at j egU[ it tt , *' ,f ,. . , • Arrive at Tbomasville “ “ Arrive At Baftibridgc “ “ Arrive at Albany “ “ -^nv£ at hhje Oak^^ ti It ,2:oo a.m .. ( ^ ,7:oo a.m .. at Jacksonville “ “ .. .7:50 A.M I,cave Tallahassee . . .. ,l)Mo r.jt Leave Jacksonville tt .5:8o p.m .. I-cave 7-ive Oak it .11:15 cm . t i ,4:oo r.M .. j/eave BafnbrMge it .. .4:oo P.M Leave Thoinasville 11 . 7::!() p.M Leave Jesup li .0:30 a.M Arrive at Savannah l ( .9:00 A.m No change ofcafsbetween iS'avannab and Jacksonville and Savannah and Albany, Pullman Pa luce Sleeping Cars daily be- tween Savannah and Jacksonville. and Albany without change. Fernandina Passengers from Savannah to Gainesville and Cedar Keystakethis train. train. Passengers for Darien take this train. Passengers from ,Vavainm li for Bruns: wick take thistrain ; arriving at Brunswick G:oo a. in. Pa f senders leave Brunswick atS:oo p.m., arrive at Savannah Too a. in. Passengers leavintr Macon at 7:lo a. in. 0» ,! y tneludinK .Sunday) Florida. connect at Jesup with this train lor Passengers from Florida by this train connect at Jesup with train arriving in Macon at 6:35 p. m. (daily including ,Vun- day.) Connect at Albaay with passenger trains , both ways on .Southwestern Railroad to and from Macon, E^faula, Montgou cry, J/obilc, New Orleans, etc. 3 a»SJ 3 ing: forCfoluinbusoevcry Tuesday and *S'ut- afternoon. Close connection at Jacksonville daily (.Sunday excepted)for Green Cove Xprings, j j Nr. Augustine, Palatka, Enterprise and all laiKiiH’js cn Nr. John’s river, j Trains ou 11. & A. R. 1!. leave junction, going west, 11:37 a. m., and for Brunswick ! at 4:4a p. m., daily except .Sunday. ' Trough Tickets sold,.Sleeping Car Berths secured at. Bren’s Ticket Office, No. 22 Bull street, and a.t .Savannah, Florida and Western Railway Passenger Depot. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN—E.LVTLRN DIVISION. Leave Savannah,.'Sundays excepted7:00 a.m L eave McIntosh “ 9:40 a .m Leave Jesup l l 12. -So p.m Leave Blacksliear O.o5 f.M Arrive at Dupont tt 7 :oo 1>.M Leave DuPont il 5;3o A .m Leave Blackshear it 9:5o a.m Leave Jesup tt Loo p.m Leave McIntosh S:o6 p.m Arrive at Savannah 5:4o p.m WESTERN DIVISION. Leave Dupont, .Sunday “ excepted G:oo a.m Leave Valdosta 8:17 a.m beavr Quitman u 9:45 A.M Arrive at Thomasville . i 12:oo M. Tliomasiille tt 2:‘!o c m lim ■% f- '0»v».’»aiY*.v-f 5:23 at J ilia oy, " t .1.) Jl.lO. Leave Albany U fi:3o a .m Leave Camilla, it 8.48 a.m Arrive at Thorn:ievilfe, “ i 1 :"o a.m Leave 7'homasyille, “ 1:45 p.m Leave Quitman, • W *3 ■.58 p.m Leave VabloRta 5:17 p.m .triive at Dupont 7:3o p.m J. S. Tyson, .Vaster of Transportation II. S. 11.4TAILS', General Manager. Mothers! Mothers !! Mothers ! !! Arts yon disun ited at night and suffering broken of your rest by a sick child 8eti iV |, oft j e of MK8. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve 'Lo poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake ltl)0nHt T here is not a mother on earth \ V | 10 lias ever used it, who will not tell at onoe that it will regulate the bowels, and give vest to the mother, and relief .,|j and pleasan to the taste, an 1 is the prescription of one of the oldest s" 1 ’ best female, physicians and nurses ’/i ‘he United States. Sold every whet’. 2a cents a bottle, oetlaly PENSIONS XKS5 8ol?i"rg enUtlod to INCREASE and BOUNTY PATENTS procured for Inventors. .Soldieri laud warrants heirs apply procured, for bought and sold. Soldier! Send i and your rights at once. stamps for The Citizen-Soldier,” and Pensi / ''' •md Bounty la-vrs, Wanks and instructions. W, can refer to thousands of Pensioners and Clients < PIteTt fftst wsa TO FARMERS and THRESHERMEN If Clover you Uniters, want to Horse buy Threshe Powers oi- 7** Engines (either Portable or sawing Trac. f tion, to use for purposes), threshing, buy the ' or “Starved for general Booster” goods. “TAf Best is the Cheapest.'' Pamphlets For Pric* m — *7 IJst and Illustrated i ( (sent free) write to The Avi.tma 1 Lab--„uJ Sjaoo 4 Taylob CoiU’Axv, Mansfield, C $ (1^' J Sc25 * h_ - Oil L-V:thovr a L v -v JaUj OaS xjV} Vi t O man-'anid-'cvKs horsft"roW«ir*»A UV < •* 2' A :.d Kccn-Drillir-jj Ai Gil- = v . f 1 c OH F •? s n vj i slice f'vouT K«hh i .»i? L'J.’b.S f:. .. I 1, 1 .Hi.”. ClliO. _ mm&n iV DAVID LANDBETH & SONS, Philadelphia, Pa. - \\ 0()T v JJ ! \\ (^OT V /V,XJ ! " ' * - ^;'; ,f r I't'G’fttcd to 1 atmlo all the TV \. < < L . in tins and adjoining counties. will pay the highest cash maiket pace. CALHOUN & CO Arlington, G.a , May 3, 1881. ME At tMEAL! For Sale or Exchange at the Mill. No need going anywhere else to hay meal. In the future, we shall keep on has 11 good supply of the best and prettiest white meal. ! LUMBER! BY THE WHOLE SALE. The ginning being over, we are-giving our entire attention to GRINDING AND 5 SA WIN (I, and van, on sliort notice, grind as much corn and saw as much lumber as yoif want. TbanKlul for past patronage, w e remain Truly Yours, SON. feb8l-ly X, W. PACE & NEW ' SPRING GOODS. --AT-- 11- 3- GO 'TNT' IPS f - I hike pleasure in saying to mv customers that my stocic oi s him mm gCxUS Is now Full and * Calico Sheetin'’- Checks, Notions of all kinds, Ladies’ and DRYGOODS such as Gentlemen's SLOES A VD HATS. READY-MADE CLOTHING. PL A NT T vN TIO 2ST SXJ'^FXiIES A full stock of cony, BA COX, FLOW!; SVGA]!, COFFEE AND TOBACCO ‘ always on hand. o Ail Kinds of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. --o- A Full Line of PURE LIQUORS, Guaranteed.. I will soli all goods mention in this advertisement as cheap as they can fie bought anywhere else. Is it. not foolishness to slop your plows to haul goods from distant towns, when f guarantee to sell them, almost at your own doors, for the same money. ami .My motto is “Live and Let Xive.” Thanking ail for past favors, I hope, by fair honest dealing to merit a continuance of the same. Respectfully, E. S. JONES, ' apr22 Jonesvillc, Callioun county, Ga. £m mm mi mm U A TRUE TONIC A^PERFECT STRENUt tiEfifER/A SUFtfife3 IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re¬ quiring a certain and efficient tonic; especially Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Inter¬ mittent Fevers? Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Energy, etc. Enrich ett the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. They hii.Ti act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all Heartburn, dyspeptic symptoms, Til© fy as Tasting the Food , Belching, ITcat in the. Stomach, blacken etc. OH Iron Preparation tllat will not the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write fur the ABC Book, S3 pp. of useful and amusing reading —sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, AW. BITTERS <1^ OZu % 4/ I’AtV' 0 lRLE paints, PERFUMERY, Oil S FANCY GOODS* GLASS, PresGriplisns TOILET ARTICLES* PUTTY. —o— CAItEEEI-T.Y —o— COMPOUNDED FRESH All the popular Night AT ANY TIME, Ray. Garden Seeds Patent Medicines C or OF EVERY KIND, Kept in stock. Guaranteed to Come Vg ^XTQ STO^' BY GEO. B. EWELL, Practical Dni '^ist and Clxemistr ARLINGTON, GEORGIA. Twsnty'Cfae Years’ Experience in the Eustuess, Graduate of the Maryland College of Pharmacy, Class 1861. Prepares all Finn maceutical Preparations and warrants them of standard strength and purity. Other drops selected with great care, and purchased from most reliable dealer - a!J( j so j ( j , 1S j OT ,. K8 ;l mati ean f 0 ,j ell ] honest aod pay his debts Fine and Tobacco 1 Specialty cigars a