Arlington advance. (Arlington, Ga.) 1879-188?, July 22, 1881, Image 2

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THE ADVANCE A HI.ISO TOW CA J. JONES. i Editors. E LEHMAN, j FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1881. nr - THI8 PAPER may he found mi tile at Oto. P. Kowei. 1 . f’o’a S-'WFpapvr Ad- ♦ ertfeslng Bureau(10Spritee Btreei.) alien iiIrtrlOHur eonlruetd can he made tor it lu _VE\V YORK We wHIs-tk! the Aovaxce and the Savannah Weekly News twelve months foi ?;t. net x. Stev- ns is wi lling aiiitlier The flrangers>vcn. to b taking new life in Tex a. Platt has b-iet, * I fi.” and he is now ns “suinii” ns Billy Muhoin*. Th»* fust bale of cotton w .a received lit Galveston, Texas, s Hie days ago. hi d sold for St 25. Mr. Thomas II. Fmmnn, a pro.mi*- ing young man of Da whom died ->f cry- i ft chm, in Ituhliu, on the 18'I* lost. 'Ihe potato crop of tin- Unit-dSlates wilt it is I elievcd, reach 125 000,000 bushels this y -at-, v lined at ?P 0,000,- A gentleman pf O-irtersville Is suing the telegraph ei>m]iany f- r $25,000 f->t the non-delivery of two mess ig-s tent from bis dying wife. Emory -S’pcer was married at Wash- Ingtqn city, on the evening of the 1 H,h inst., to Miss Eleanoru I). Morgan, daughter of Dr. J. E. Morgan, of that city. The Burnosvi.le AV»-« thip.Rs the Legislature can fi ul plenty of places Ul squander the peoply's money with- nqt throwing liny of it away on tin Kimball cotton show. C-urfct. The Savannah News says ‘a car load of watermelons wiys soil U-'V" ycolur- «lay for $11 and live car loads for $30 per an. As the freight was $25 per ear, jt will l-ti scon that tho shippers did qor realize tiny bomuizn. Tlie dead lock in the New York Legislature was broken Saturday by t be nlocli--s of Warner Miller to suc¬ ceed I’liitt, Gonkling’H “pie came very near being {molted” on Moudtiy. Sapnutii iceeiv-si 5t volos aq-1 51) uas the requsite nnmhcr for elect ion, i Tlie piwident’fl condition continues favorable. Home physicians expn-s.s the opinion that tlw ontlcal polnt is jMiBsod, and others say if the ltr-sident continues as well througli the week ns he has been for the past few days, lie will he able to sit ijp nud egt Ins meals by next Suulqy. Tho runmr that has been enrrent for some time past that Governor Col qnitt wouhl U- in tho rats- for S.-imtn- rial honors against Hon. Ben H. Hill, in thu next campaign, is contradicted by a gentlemen who is in a position to know. He says that in no casa will the Governor be a candidate for the genatorship —Kopiy Cow iyr. The town of New Ultn. Mm., eon fahiiug 3,500 persons, was wrecked by a cyclone of the most teriftc nature on tho evemug of tho ltitli inst. Over JUKI buildings were demolished; up wards of thirty persons were kilted and wounded. The dynmge to prop¬ erty is estimated at four or live thous¬ and dollars. A New Yoik correspondent of (lie Atlauta Oonstitutiou says, ‘Boiled down, the politi,;il audits is this - I'lesidout Garfield, who was getting tolerably popular lure with the busi- ness class has suddenly become the most popular man in the North since j Lincoln, lie w ill U: reuounuuted if J belivis and docs not ulterhischaracter aud bids fair to eke out the declining years of the republican parly. If re¬ nominated the prospects of a southern mftu on the ticket with him arc strong, und General Longstrcct in that con¬ nection is the most prominent in n good many mind -. ! We have no doubt that some insane persons have boon executed, white | many murderers have - scaped the pre scribed penalty for their crime ou no coin.t- of the < rrotieiitts conclusion the jury that they vere not ja their right mind. 11 seems barbarous and c-rne! to bang’an in.-ane poison.bat, on the other baud,dejusiye defens e ought not to be allowed to prevail in cases. One great step against tlm lia- 1 liillty to error ou eillier side of this solemn question is practicable, aud that is, that a prisouer who is acquit- tvd on a charge of murder upon the ground of insanity, shall remain a prisoner for the term of his natural life. It seems to us that a proper re gard to the aafe.ty of humau lifo im- , peiitively deuiauds this ch mge in the Jaw. A’eic York Sun. . The President's Opportuaitjes ” The recent attempt upon the life of President Garth 11 has suggested many uch-mvh w i>n' cr i a.lickn aiiu.H upon ur i (lie " u retuf '' ion wn Iwt>'een ti e Adm hi 1st ration and t»<e South. end wlrtt efT.-ct, }[ any. ' this affliction would have upon the re : lalionsbip. Writing under the bead- ing above quoted thn Savannah Nru s iys : ‘‘The li-’ui f t) lU s,,,, i, |j , H -one .mt to the stricken Ex.•rutiv, n l its coudcinmition -if the atroeioiH nasi sin h -s be- n hearty him! universal. K- uUiern inanlio d- ulk* I for t his->{- pretwon of feeling, and loyalty to the j lei r-tf.'io nppl ineiited ;he I that humanity prompted. The Booth j I leS n.y- touch that die juju i l. fitly i,l may rise lor.-I from of ic »'"« vigor. IV hi «• s-e-l-es not t*\}»f‘c a t a political mijJtnuMim, /slieiio h lopk for such a course of the ad mm is ! (ration, which the ITtsideut can liig-dy nbajic as will l c evidence l he woi M that pc a; and h u nion v must more reign* within our horde IS, 'fbe people were never So much of om heart nud one. mind, ns on the w hen the s.- inlet I bread on w hich the BreHdetn’s life wi-8 hanging threatened K,| nP- Wtirii the President emerges from the sick room, and oino more assumes the discharge of his duties, he will stand confronted with sueli h-, no Ex-cutive since ton has had presented to him. lie c m use them or iguoie tin in. Ho has the clearest- pr-wil’s tl-iit the people of the South has high hopes of tho Union, and are tvs devoted to the Federal Gov eminent as any in tho Im-il. ID «Iu'W«oI a ilistmution t-.» hlmr for tho Country, mill if he nct-dul eneotinige- iiicut he has had it in alum-lance. Tliqf In will fiiltilj lit-- promise of the tiiaiigmal both in letter and spirit we firmly believe. No one expects him, however, to he any less a Republican, nor w ill his op¬ ponents be any lens Democrats in eon sequence of the sympathy which his peril excited. While our respect, for the inuu has bieu increased by bis he¬ roism and endurance, we Cannot for¬ get that he is the lead v of a party that has laboied stremiou ly tor tho super¬ vision of right and justice. We expect no concession. The South asks only what- tho Constitution war rents. All w<- tak of him is to see that the laws of the Union bo - verywhere adminis¬ tered faithfully end impartially; tint the loos ness in the pnbtie service be corrected aud puni-lie l, and that the execution of the Fideml status lie confided to men wo;thy of coididor.c ■ and fl te-l for their duti'-s. Tne ><>uth is to day as firmly wedded to the Un iou as New England, and is entitled to pneisely the same treatment at, the bands of the Federal Government. If he resolves to ex-cute the laws in the right spirit, lie will bo cr-liaily supported. The measure that he may suggest for the welfare of the country will be criticized prec sely as they would have boon had he never seen Guitenu. If in keeping with tho geuitn of th - republic, they will be approved and supported; but if deigned, ns much of the Republican legislation Ins been, in further the ends of party or tin inter¬ est of the corporate power, to tin det¬ riment of tin! people, they will ho con¬ demned. We expect, no sen time dal compliance on tin part of Mr. G it 'ie'd with tlio spasmodic clamor now going on for reform in the civil some i. II ■ must coutlno liiin.solf to his party in tili ng (lie oflicts. The organs that clamor the loudest for reform would grow hysteric w-To he to appoint Dem oonlts to office, and his party would not eucourage him in doing so. lie can punish raicdity, and that we expect him to (1 >. lie cm rise to a full appreciation of the dignity of his office, and that wo feel he will do. He can say to our people, ‘‘you arc my countrymen, as brave, aslowul aud as law-abiding ns any citizens of the republic. There is one law for till. and while I hold uiy office you shall n °t have causa to charge me with shortcomings in (Is execution.’’ This wo trust he will do, and if he c.-siys the task ho «ill have the support aud encouragement of every honed ciii 1 n. S-iys the Oliuitanoga Time- < f Sun- day; A party of distinguished Geor- gians, composed of Maj. Bacon, Speak ey of the House of IL present itiva s, and thirteen memhois of the Legisla- tm\\ piss-d through the city uight eu route for Nadiville. The par- iy go to visit Belle M.-ado farm u.mj to inspect the Shite capital, with a view to reporting on the advisability of ting a similar sti iutnic in Georgia. Tltc party is composed of the choice g-ins of the Georgia law maker*. •HUTTO” A mono -piiL H tuns, July 20, ’31. ArlnujUm Advance: I hearty, / bat hot and hungry. II , >»»* , i Uftt wcurred , , to me why ... liter- ar« i»o bills in Calhoun; the rear-on Ih obvious, H ere r-erc none over nftei Htewart was made, I arn at present elevated, and if it was uoi’for obitev- i alion, I could b ok down upon your ! Imrel head stretching away down the I hoiizm of Bu lei’s coiner. 1 wish 1 i " iis -o’ 1 ' (wo, The Comet has split and so has the j K publican party. The Kids ought to | kute the Conkling, and buy out i U* comet; this would give tin m a oiic’ to b old upon, but they cun j ; ! «'V. T1,e r reaeli 1 ' hl their nfc perihelion '"J; 1 again. nn 1 n "' r : j uut that wu lo\e (»ui- ; ti • ■ W1 mom, but the stalwarts less. i With Arthur at the helm, the Couk j would be boss and soon rim this ship ! to hades, und that woulil necessitate ! the nation to Guit-teaii way with him. Ti-cro in nothing new up this way I except my suit. I Watei mellons on ice and ripe spring chickens are plentiful, Other fruit in proportion, hut I never go there. Pretty girls tire in deni mil, and so arc palmetto fans and cucumbeis, I’aragoric and plums have had their sea ion, and cream and peach s arc in Bine fronts are fushionahlo, so, also, arc greenbacks; but of all the losisly sights are the slippers and hoes of so many colors that uro of.cidud d'y (V) displayed so often on the streets, and j " h'°E accidentally often slip ou the apple of the eye Burney, I guess, has resumed the rod and hits 20 to the rode. If lie had four of the latter ho might have an acJm-er, If any of your readers get rusty in my absence I would recommend Wil¬ lie Emery to them, but when they go to Morgan they must keep straight, for O milio Che ney records all de ds. go ad and bad. I saw Unole Billy Davis in Morgan on County Court day. lie seems to be smalze-1 at the proportions of the “rolling mill” at that place, and thinks the man who hung those split saplings at the court house ought to swing. I think the same. Uncle Bil’y was very much pi -used with Cart 1 -ge’s part, also liis slit rw, for they tire hiigainsti¬ tutions. The session was fn-ngm w itii ui -mentons expectation. Some civil oases were disposed of and those in Durance were remanded to hail on il July Session. The most hit- nesting feature, and perhaps the mont conspic¬ uous in tho nation, was tlie game of three up, as played in open court by tbroe of our ra.-st pious barristers. The cards had been well Sheffield and for t-ie cut for Deal, Esqr. M. won. Col. B. understood how to finesse and lead the Juan which caught the Jack. This wo aid have counted high. Jack for tho Colonel, but Col S. took cm by surprise and played the Boss •‘trump,*’ which took the Queen and made tho game; bat tho Judge here b oke up the fun by playing the duce. Waters tvaS not present, and luckily, for he would have wet the deck and spoiled tho cards, hut waters came down just in time to see the ar rained Slnte for home. If you have any widowers down thero who are in the grass nud wflnt to guft out send them up to see some of tho grass widows that are here. 1 met a deaf and dam man yester¬ day, and feeling olmritable, 1 gave him a n-iclu, whereupon ho said: ‘‘Mister, wiit it buy ». drir.k?” Of eouvse I willed. Y"Ur correspondent attended an c cream festival last evening, and had friz pudding for supper and hot rolls. I always take my eggs “soft boiled, ” but grapes goes hard with me. If this makes me any kin to D. M. W.’s Hutto then I am otherwise; I am alone m the world I wish you would find out from Prof. Wane wluit the temperature a man’s body is after eat¬ ing a saucer full of grated horse rad¬ ish, There was a man at the hotel who took a mouthful for ice cream, aud because he couldn’t put it out. be flung it out and said to it: ‘ Now, blaze, d n you.” 1 siv you advocate an artesea-i well for Arlington. Ball, (his ia»tiie b st thing you could dofuryotir town. If you had such a well your town would fare well and bid well to do well, and your ptxiple would think well, and drink well, and eat well, rest, well, and sleep well, look well, feel well, and get well, and be well, and stay well, live welj and be well off. Moreover, they would be well-bred and well-to-do. Your suggestion augurs well, aud you would do well to write well und speak well, talk well and slug well, und make the welkin ring well till the well aligns bore a well well down into the eat til’s j ing# j*t»<*jin» of pnif, living fpark- il0 « m0,,,jti,in wat *‘ r ron,c , P 0Dlin * mal •«-“ simi-tine Rp,, ” ,ng well ’ nichskvbizh h -' " a : Then 1 ; D con.d It ? well water 3 f" «< -1 III your a ' ul bul welcome to strangers with a more hearty 1 wisb-yon-wt-ll. But I am unwell and must eloso. Farewell. Yours the same. Hutto. r. s I say, you must pinch the Devil f-rr me, and t< II him to lie more particular in “setting me up.’’ If hc- makes me sj e'l words wrong that Blakely feller will be after me. H. In the House of Itepiesentatives on ttie 15th inst., Mr. Northen, of Ilan- cock county, preient-d a monster pe¬ tition, in behalf of tho Woman's Christian T-mperance Union, asking the General Assembly to pass a gen¬ eral local option law. In speaking of this petition, the Atlanta Con-tti/ulion save: The memraoriul was sent up in a large I a. lief, which it filled. It was run out all the aisle and then th°ie was enough left t-> carpet a good sized room. The petition was 000 feet long. It contained 3'J.OOO names, corning from every county in the State. The unrolling of the petition ciea'ed quite a sensation, and as it was unfolded th« re was continued applause. • ®.— The Jackson Herald says: ‘During the storm Tuesday, a double-barrel shot-gun belonging to JiTr. M’illiam Gritfeth was discharge.! in an unusual manner. The gnu was loaded and hanging in a rack over the door, and during a, Ii -avy flash of lightniniug l-oth barrels went off of their own ac¬ cord OPIUM And MORP1IISE Habit cured in 10 (o 30 days. Ten } r earses* tablishedj 1000 cured. "VViite sfcat ing case. Dk. Marsh, Quincy, Micb GILMORE & CO., LAW & COLLECTION HOUSE ■ 629 F. Si.j Wastiingtoiij 9. 9, Make Collections, Ne-rotlate Loans and attend to all business confided to them. Land Scripts, Aol tier's Additional Home¬ stead Rights, und Land Warrants Bought and sold. TO FARMERS and THRESHERMEN If you want to bay Thrtshen Clover Hollers, Horse Powers oi 1 F.nsinee (either Portable or Trae. tton, to use tot'thre6hina, purpoBen), buy eawlo^ thf or for (reneral Rooster” floods. Tin “Starved Cheaperty ParPrle, ilf. 1 t is tr.e Illustrated Pamphiete List and write The Ati-tmaj i (sent free) to Mansfield, 0 Tayloii Cobi-aky, PENSiO^lS widows, For 8oi.Dir.RS fathers, mothers children. loss of Thousandsyefcentitled. niptnre,varicose Pensionsgirei vein/ for finger,toe.eye or pensioners or tm y Plneaau. Thonsands of ani PATENTS soldiers entitled procured to INCREASE for Inventors. and BOUNTY, Soldiert land warranto procured, bought and sold. Soldfcn t and heirs anplv The for Ci^i^en-Soldier,’ yoar rights at onoe. Send stamps for , and Pensior and Bounty laws, blanks and instructions. Wt Patent AU'yb, Loo£Taox588.WaehingtoB,D. Beef! Beef! I would respectfully Saturdays announce to the public that on of each week, when the market will warrant if, I will have for sale NICE, FRESH BEEF At four aud five cents per pound. I will also furnish Ice Cream and Lem on ad ■ at all public gatherings ou short no tice. Respectfully, J. JM. PUTNAM. Jit'y, 15, ’SI. BARBEE SHOPS 1 would repeetfully inform the public that I am better fitted up to do their work than ever. I have just completed prepared mybath- ing arrangements, and am now to furnish you w ith a nice, clean bath at any time. Jly prises will be as ioltows: Single Shave;...... ......15c Cutting Hair....... .....35c Champooing....... ......35c Bathing,....'....... ......35c Respectfully, HARRISON BAI/.Y. Halbeht E. Paine, Late Commissionee of Patents. Uenj. F. Grafton. Story B. Ladd PATELl *3?S- PAINS, GKALTON * LADD, ;• t'oeneys-at-Law and Solicitors of American and Foreign ’Patents. 412 Fifth Street, Washington, D. C. Practice patent law in all ts branches the Patent Office, and United the Supreme aud Circuit Courts of the Stales. Pam¬ phlet, sent free. deolO-tl Florcston Cologne. Blscox A Co., Chemists, St. Y. PARKER'S CslN^ER TONIC !manv Ginger, Bncha, Mar.drake, medicines Stilllngl* known and; other of the best are com¬ bined so skillfully in Parker’s Ginger Tonic as. to make it the greatest Blood Purifier and the ; BestHealth and Strength Restorer ever used.' It cures Dyspepsia, all Rheumatism, diseases of Neuralgia,; Stomach,. ■Sleeplessness, Bowels, Lungs, and Liver, Kidneys, Urinary the Organs- land all Female Complaints. with Consumption | If disease, you are wasting the ToNicto-day. away No what, or. any use matter your symptoms may be, Tonic it will surely drunkenness,; help you. ; , Remember! This cures entirely, is the Best Family Medicine Ginger ever Preparations rnade^ and' 'different from Bitters, best curativeprop-| lother Tonics, and combines bottle the druggist.. •ertiesofall. Buy a 50 c. of your None genuine without our signature on outside' jwtapper^^idrscox^^o^^hemjsts^^ewVbrl^ PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM the citizens af Arlington aliJnt arj vicinity. ' V, i en n ot -profeMfoiially he can ^ found , at Ins residence oi 1 office in i >r . Ewells Urn? Store ~-1------~ aptly ^------------ FO * ...... Bw QW OX* TEAK THE PHONOGRAPH Contains Local, City, State, National and Foreiglin news, and the best publHi- ers intend to make it the weekly in flie South. For a club of ten and ^10.00 we send one copy fete. The Daily Phonograph Contains all the news of the lay in a con-lens- d form, and is the lest paper in tho South for the price. Terms:— $6.00 per annum$3.00 forsiv months; $1.50 for three months; 00 cents for one month. . The Daily and weekly will contain full Legislative reports when edition that body is in s ssion. and Daily has the Supreme Court reports in full. Address, W. T. Ciustopiier A Brio , 324 Broad St., Atlanta. Ga ADAPT ACTKTP East India Cholera Cure. w “ rr |?ve <r t U1 OUIiIIa livJUa Instant belief in Cramps, Cholera, the Public, Cholera but Mourns. is IPar- Opoclofine is something that lias never been offer-d before to bEnti:i>, and Is no Humbug. Sold by all Druggists. Price, Fifty Cents per bottle. Prepared by 0. E. C'ady & Bro No. 1365 Eastern Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio^ [Solo , july2v-4t Proprietors ot Saratoga Bitters.] ■s OLID LIABLE ! The Neatest Far and Only Billiard Saloon in Town REAS ims GARS* THEM OS M SEE FOR YSURSILF. At Saxon’s Bar and Hilliard Saloon Yon can pt M Whiskies, Brandies, Yto, Ciprs, Toliacco, PUBB ALCOHOL For Medicinal Use, and, in fact anything usually kept in a first-class bar. With several years experience, I think I know something about liquors, aud when you ask for a good article and such is not furnished you,, it will not cost you anything. By keeping a first-class bar, I receive a huge patronage, for which I am grateful,, and solicit a continuance of the same during 1881. convenient ani? My BILLIARD SALOON, which is arranged in the most neatest slyle, is never closed, and there is Some cue present to enter a gams with yon. Respectfully, W, T. SAXON. -o- WEBB & HIGHTOWER Come to the front again with more goods and prettier goods than has even- been displayed in this section. Any and everything, you want kept constant¬ ly on hand. We call special attention to OUR STOCK OF DOMESTICS* which rivals competition in quantity, quality and beauty. mi HEAVY STOCK OF DEY GOODS should be examined before purchasing elsewhere. EXAMINE OUR NOTIONS and you will surely buy of us. Some tiling Nice for ihe Ladies : Kid Gloves, Fine and Fancy Hose, Ladies’ Imperial Marino Yests, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Fichus, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES of all sizes and in great variety of style. please Don't fail to examine them; they will be sure to you. Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods* In this department we have anything you want. Over 500 new boxes of fine collars just received. A handsome lot of Gents’ Ties and Scarfs, all of tha latest stvles. A full line of Gents’ Hose. The Latest Thing On Ice-—Cur Stock of HATS, 1 A1 tVe are daily receiving fresh supplies of FANCY and FAMILY GROCE-t RIFS. FINE CANNED GOODS a specialty- Iu addition to theabovo named articles we keep a large lot of GLASS-WARE, SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, &G., &G A full line of HARDWARE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES on hand. Chairs and Bedsteads a specialty. One and Two-horse IVagons always on hand. Come and xee us. No trouble to show goods. What you don’t see ask for. Respectfully, oct-ly WEBB & HIGHTOWER. Ladies who appreciate Barkers Elegance Hair and pmitv ‘it are using article sold for Balsam, is the best restoring gray hair to its original color and beauty. may20-1 m FlllE To Everybody. •O- A Beautiful Book for the Asking- By apolvin-r personally at tfie neare.A office of 7’HK SINGER MANUFACTUR¬ ING CO. (or Ijv postal card if at a distance), any adult person will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED -OR TIIE— Story of tie SeiiDi lackiie, containing a handsome and-costly steel en¬ graving f rontispiece; also, 38 linely engrav¬ ed wood cuts, and bound in an elaborate- blue and gold lithographed cover. No- charge whatever is made lor this handsotne- booK, which can be obtained only by appli¬ cation at the branch and subordinate offices- of the Singer Mauirfactuilng Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co.. Principal Office, 34 Union Square, York. may6 New