Arlington advance. (Arlington, Ga.) 1879-188?, August 05, 1881, Image 2

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THE ADVANCE 1 UJ.TVGTOX, GA. J. JONES. Editors. E. LEHMAN, == AUGUST 5. 1881. FBI1)AY, THts PAPER maybe "tv. found on (he »t O*o P RoW.Lt Newspaper Ad- AKtVYOKK. i........■ 11 ■j, and the We a ill send the AD' anCJc Savannah B’eeWy News twelve months foi 83. _ Worms aie destroying the corn crop ill Home parts of the Stute. The Georgia State Horticultural Society i* in aesnion in Atlanta. A new kind of chewing tobacco i* rdi.d C iixistsncf/ We suppose be¬ cau*c lt* a cl a-v-wdl, Hot). James 8. CJihmsn, ex-Coa gressman and ex member of the con- jt tit lilt*.- Cong re-8, is dead The condition of Mr, Hayes, "ho at Dover mms weeks ago by Dr. W. R Durban), is quite favorable to aaily nov. ry. It is stabd that Felton will not be a ci. ml id-. ie for Gov.inor. as rumored. He will make an attempt to recover In* lost power in the seventh district. now says that be ft els con viret d that G< d di e* not want Gar¬ field to die. H. there fore regrets buy¬ ing caused him so mncli pain, and his family ho much grief. Blind Tom is said, when at bis home in Georgia, to remain alone with Vii* juiiio and play day and night. He plays about 7,000 pitces by ear and picks np new ones every day. Ogletborpo Echo: ‘Judge Gilliam ba* a poplar tiough four feet deep, fonr Mset wide and about forty feet long. It was dug out befoie the wnr, aud used to suit bacou down in.’ The death is announced in London of George Borrow, author of the “Bi bio in Spain,” and well known for hi* associations with the Gipsies in Spain and elsewhere. Ills age was 78 jr*»rs. Of the 500 deaths in this city from the effects of excessive beat, tbrte- fv.urtb, if not a large proportion, me mineable to the intemperate uso ol iu texicatiiig liqmrs. — Cincinnati Ga T*t!c. C*#fc ib.'K<db, »f Etiltmla, Aki., pulled from his sixty-•*« *cr« wiiter- melon patch near that city, one day rw»utly. 10,000 melons, the largest number that was ever pulled from » single patch in on® day io the State of Alabama, Hnot the entire South, A great astronomical ooogra s is to be held ab fltrauabnrg in September, at which celebrities In this science Is expected to attend. The capital of Alsaoa, is aaid, was chosen a» the place of meeting as possessing an olwerva tory furmatd with all the Inst a,) d newest instruments. A plague of rats bavo appeared near ttagnuux, in France. Innumerable swarms which seems to come from the .direction of Lyons, have invaded nntuy cruamones, doing great damage to the crops. Some fttrtneis have killed from five to six thousand rats in their fields iu a single day Augusta Evening News: ‘Jerry Norton, a Georgia convict, escaped from the stooksde at t|m Dade mines Wednesday morning by jumping in a car which stood at the toad of a Bleep descent, opened the brakes, and the car moved at the rote ol a mile a min* nte for ten milc*,tlnwev»ding his pur mere.” Slate School Commissioner Orr has decided that pupils who cuter a pub¬ lic school, and tatra* it for auy cans© whatever cannot enter another school for tho balance of the term. They forfeit their pro rata c.’ the school land by such action. It is important, tbtfp, for parent* to select schools and teachers of standing. Oglethorpe Echo: “In 1847 Dr. Ben. Willingham and another gentle man. of Lixrugtou, bought fifty aetes o! laud in the heart of the pr sent city of Atlanta for $1,500, but when pay- day came they backed out, do cidingJUiut it would never to much of a place, anyway, Their purcliasj in eluded Veachtna street, running up to the Jvimbal House. ’ A yonug married lady residing near Hie tatoraacte, at Decatur, a few days ago while leaning against a fence over¬ looking a cut on the Georgia railroad over 25 feet deep, with the child of a relative iu her arms, was precipitated to the bottom of the cut by the giving way of the fence. V itb great pres ence of mind she made no effort to resist the fall, but managed to keep theobild uppermost Both e^xiped but it was a narrow escape. The Legislature. Among the foa’fors of general iu* tere*t b*-fore it we quote the following: The bill increasing the salnies of Judge* was tabi d. A bill to make the first term of court iu divorce case* the trial teiin. A ....... b.ll has to passed , . Ur restrict , . , the „ n d *'"" 0 ' ■"“*« The Senate passt-d the House bill exempting dentists from jury duty. There are five negro members iu the present House, m the last ttore were only three. Somebody ha* even introduced a bill to punish public officers for drunken¬ ness, by removal from office. Iu the Ilo'i-e I)r. Brunson introduc¬ ed a bill for the sde of the Western <fc Atlantic Bail.oad at auction. A bill bus passed the third rending to grade the terms of teachers of pub¬ lic Schools according to their examina¬ tions. A bill is before the legislature al lowing tenants to file the “paupers affidavit,” in the levy of warrents for rent. A committee has gone tip to Catoo¬ sa Spring*, with a view of purchsing t for building branch of the Lunatic Asylum. A bill allowing defendants in com¬ mercial fcitillzers to prove that the said fertilize is were worthless or poor iu quality. A bill to aut horize tbo various coun¬ ties to determine by vote whether school or not the county shall lie taxed for purposes. A bill has passed the third ri adiug to have the children of the city and county public schools vaccinate] be fore admission A bill has toeu pj>«ted in the Geer* gia Legislature prohibiting minors in this Hf ito from relniling liquors for another or for themselves. Tc exempt cotton tolled by ginners from judgement, Ac. Also, a bill to define the line of adjoining crops w here there are no dividing fences. The Cbm mitt' o on Penitentiary re¬ port a bill for f he totter government of the convicts, by the appointment of warden*, etc., to superintend convict Cutups. A t'll.has hi -n introduced iu the Legislature to regulate the sale of pis¬ tols, and tv levy * tax of til on each pistol sold. Tlda would Bring some revenue. A bill has passed the House chang¬ ing tire time of electing county officers to the same day win n State officers are elect*d, viz : the first Wednesday in October. Tlie favorable report on the bill fo appropriate 820,000 for rebuilding the North Georgia agricultural college at Dablonega will probably secure its passage without serial * opposition. The Legislature is iu for reform. Gen. McDonald, of whisky ring fame was iuvited to take a teat on the floor, but the vote was reconsider d, and the Geueral asked to leave the hall BOAS ON THIRD HEADING. The spr dal order was the bill lo render more efficient the inspection of fertilizers. The biP, after being amended in several particulars, was pa sed. The feo for inspection wa« at 25 cents a ton. Under a suspension of the rub s, the Hocre took np the bill to abolish the County Court of R’lidopb, and the bill pass, 3. The bill of Mr. Will inson. io pro¬ vide for compensation for jurors in county courts (the nune as traverse ju¬ rors in Superior Courts) passed. The President is steadily improving, and the attending physicians arc more hopeful than ever. The bullet ba* been located by an nparatus known as the “induction balance,’’ami found to be iu the front wall of the abdomen, about five inches below and to the right of the navel, and juA over the groin. Tins is the first instance in which an imbed*d bullet has b in a :u ratcly and definitely located without pmbing,nud hy purely scientific meth o,ls. There is no intention on the pert of thesorgeous to perform au oj erat ion for the removal of the ball at present. So long a* it gives no trouble it will to allowed to remam ; n it* pr< sot position. The question of the dispo¬ sition to be finally made of it w 'll be considered when the Prsident shall have '•(■covered his strength and is out of danger. The contracts for extending the Ma¬ con & Bruoswcck railroad to Atlanta hare been closed and work will be com meco d at an early day. The distance from Macon to Atlanta by this is 93 miles—ten miles shorter than tho pres¬ ent connection, the Macon & West th Splitting up of the Plantations. The Baltimore Sun, of .S’.tnrday, say*, “the process of subdividing the large plantations into smaller farms U going ou steadily in the South, even in the states where the old system hud taken the deepest hold. The hard- working firmer, who follows the plow , lim8e , f jf) 6rmvding ont the .......... ,**, .ho in a. *a am day* scare dy took the trouble to direct the Operations of Lis laborers. In Mississippi, for instance, there were 12.84b plantations in 1800, and the avernge number of acres in each wa* 370. Ten years later there were 03,023 farm*, the average»r-a being 193 acres iu 1830 the number of farm.*, was 75,- 205, averaging 185 acres each. While the aera of cultivated laud is less tiiau it was in 18G0, yet the production of cotton is nearly twice a* gieut. The census of 1890 will doubtles* show a still greater change in the domestic e ouomy of the South, tts indicated by a large nutntor of land owners and a vast increase in agricultural products. According to this showing, Missis¬ sippi lias nearly doubled the numb-r of her farms since the war, and, with Ls land in cultivation, shows an in¬ creased yield of cotton to nearly double what it was in 1860. This gives a lively idea of a force led and Hie tame force driven. The one is uuder the eye o. the employer, and if he ba a very efftctive hand ready seta the measure of the day’s work. But it is not more the efficiency of the labor than the closer economics and the better management that are prac tieablo ou the small farm, where the eye of the proprietor follows every interest. The tec's are taken care ol and kept in order. The system of home economy is kept up. The close, methodical planter se- s where he can save and saves it.JIIe knows what for a~e will be nt J. 1 and doe* not permit it to spoil iu the field. Ilis corn and fodder do not run to waste in the feed¬ ing. Hi* mule* do not suffer from thirst or neghet. Hejueps tia-k of every roan and every tb'iig. His farm aud all its surroundings show the ilif fwence between an effective and or¬ derly condition and its opposite. Few men have the ability and i.i- dustry to keep close watch of a large farm and many bauds, Ik is moie labor than a rick man is willing to do; while the young, aotivd and poof man feels under hoods to do his bfat, for he has got a fortune tt> make. Wo hope the system of sma’l farms and small fortes will gow till the South swarm* with tin Bi—rivaling each other in their thrifty and neat appearance—showing sung houses and boras—trim fences, picture quo gar¬ dens and frnit orchards—pi asant and prosperous neighborhood*—good so¬ ciety, good schools and ehurchcs, and all the comforts of a high rural civili zatiou. These thiags are no more impossible in the Southern States than anywhere else, they will mark an im¬ proving popnlatk a. There are already to be observed throughout the conotry some import¬ ant advances, and we may be sure that example and emulation will soon make them more common. — Tel. & Mess. Americas Republican: A fifteen year old son of Rev. Rogor Raines, color* ^ who lives on the line between Sumter and Schley counties, calk! bis step mother a Ho last Sunday night when shoved him out the door, He remained out in the dark for a few and his stepmother was pas¬ out the door to milk her cow, the st. tick her twice on the head with stick that he held in bath hands. — i "sanltsd woman ’ay seuselo- * and for a day, aud is having now. Ttoro is neither physi„ nor sheiff in attendance yet aud it is doubtful what the results will be. -.*■*«—-- On Tuesday eveuing litst, as How¬ Clarke, genera! supervisor of this of the S. 'V. tt' ! lrgad, was up the road a few miles above on a crauk, with several he was met in deep cut by lum train under full speed. Clarke knew his only safety was to jump from the crauk, which lie did, followed by his hands, when the eugiue immediately struck his crank breaking it into thou Santis of pit cfs. It was a narrow es¬ cape .—Cuthbevt Appeal. L - - ----* Mr. Jemlson, of Bibb county, has introduced a bill in the House of Rep¬ resentatives to increase the salery of the Governor to $5,009 per annum, the salary of each of the justices of the Supreme Court to $4,000 per annum, the salary of each the Judges of the Superior Court to 88,000, and the sal¬ ary of tbo Attorney General to $3, 000. The Telegraph and Messenger uiys the indications art? that it will be¬ come a law. And MORPHINE Habit cure a in JO to.T0d»ys. Tenye.rses- txbll.htd; iono cured. Write st»t InKctM. lit;. Mak.h, Quincy, Kicb VA SSOR COLLEGE, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. For the I.iberal Education of Women. Examinations for entrance, Sept. 14th. Catalogue sent on application DA’AN, to Register. july29-2m W. L Dr.W.T. Murchison Tenders his professional services to the citizens of Arlington nrd vicinity. Wlien not professionally absent he can found at liis residence or office in Dr. Ewell s Drug Store. aprly TO FARMERS and THRESHERMEN If you want to buy Threekere Clover Holler $, Hone row ere oi Hoi/eoee (uitlu r Portable orTrac. lion, to uae foi'threahiuK, purpose), buy sawlntj lb( or for yaneral Eooater” (roods. TA, "Starved For Pric, Beet it and the Illustrated Chet pssl." Pampl hlsts Ust free) to The Aci-tiiaj (sent write Mansfield, 0 & Taylou Cohi-axt, rLilOlUViv DChlCinhlC For SOLDIERS widows, fathers, mother# s o\ children. *fbousamia yet eatitled. PeMione give* |for low of finger, toe.ejr* or ruptnre.vartcoie vein! PATENTS procured for L'dBStmTv- Inventors, 8oldieri iand land warrant# heirs appl/for procured, rour bought rights and at eold. fioldien Send i for’^ne Ciii*en-8oldier, once. (stamps Bounty laws, blanks M and Pensio| and and instructions. ,Wt can refer to thousands of Peneioners and Clients J Address itrys. N. w. FltzaperaidACo.PRMcioN LoekTisAftW,Washington. Patent D. 0 Notice, OUR RATES OF STORAGE For the present season will teas follows : lteceiving and weighing 35 cents per bale. Turning out and marking 25 cts. per bale. /Arayage Free. If stored longer than one month 25 ets. per month for each month. Thanking our customers for their pat¬ ronage, we extend our promise to treat them light. Yours 7/espeetfully, CALHOUN & CO. Arlington, Oa., 3ug. 1, ’81. FRtE To Everybody. A Beautiful Book for the Asking -o- By applying personally at the nearest office of THE 8INGEK MANUFACTUK- 1NO CO.(or by postal card, if at adistance) any aeluit person will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a New Book entitled GENIUS REWARDED —OR THE— Sturt of Die Seviw Mine, containing a handsome and oostPy steel en¬ graving frontispiece: also, 28 finely engrav¬ ed wood cuts, and bound in au elaborate blue and gold lithographed made -rover. handsome No charge, whatever is for this boon, which can be obtained only by appli¬ cation at the branch and subordinate offices of the Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co. Principal Office, 34 Union Square, maytj New York. $1 Tie Weekly ONE FOR YEAR. Ftaoiraph THE PHONOGRAPH Contains Local, City, State, National and Foreiglin news, and the publish¬ ers intend to make it the best weekly in the South. For a club of ten and .•iflO.OO we send one copy free. The Daily Phonograph Contains all the news of the day in a condensed form, and is the best pap. r in the South for the price. Terms:— ¥0.00 per annum ;¥3.00 for six months; ¥1.50 for three months; 00 cents for one month. The Daily and weekly will contain full Legislative reports when that body is in s- ssion, and Daily edition has the Supreme Court reports in full. Address, W. T. CiusToniEit & Bro., Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. AN INDUCEMENT! NOW IS THE TIME TO BSCKJBE When you can get THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS, of the oldest, ablest and most re liable newspapers iu the State, AND- Advance FOR $3.10 PER ANNUM. SECURE THIS OFFER BEFORE IT IS TOO L ATE. KENTUCKY MILITARY INSTITUTE. 41 Farnidale P 0 Franklin Co Stale , Ky.. .\ six miles from Frankfort, lias the most healthful and location in the full and aide College Faculty Sept, and expenses as moderate as anv first-class college. Thirty-seventh year begins 5th For Cata¬ logue, etc. addVess as above. COL.K.D. ALLA/N, Superintendent. , OPftCLOFINE East India Cholera Cure. Warren to give ted Instant belief in Cramps, Cholera, Choler a Mokbis. Opocloflne is something: that has never been offered before to the Public, but is >Far- rk.nted, and is no Hcmbco. Sold by ail Druggists. Price, Fiftx Cents per tattle. Prepared by 0. E. Cadv & Bao.. No. 1305 Eastern Avenue, Cincinnati, 01io. Tbole Proprietors of Sara toga Bitters.]__ JU • _ OX.XD ETU LIABLEi The Neatest Par and Only Billiard Saloon in Town Kll THIS CARD, THEN CORE SEE FOB TOIBIILF, At Saxon’s Bar and Billiard Saloon Yoi can pt Fine Wkiskies, Brakes, fines, Ciiars, Toteo, IPXJIE^IE ALCOHOL For M.dicinal Use, and, in fact anything usually kept in a first-class bar. With several years experience, I think I know something about liquors, and when you ask for a good article and such is not furnished you, it will not cost yon anything. By keeping a first-class bar, I receive a large patronage, for which I aru grateful, and solicit a continuance of thesame during 1881 My BILLIARD SALOON, which is arranged in the most convenient and neatest style, is never closed, and there is Borne one present TV. to T. enter SAXON. a game with you. Respectfully, it or tub m ra best buk WEBB & HIGHTOWER Come to the front again with more goods and prettier goods than has ever been displayed iu this section. Any and everything you want kept constant¬ ly on hand. We call special attention to OUR STOCK OF DOMESTICS, which rivals competition in quantity, quality and beauty. OUR HEAVY STOCK OF DRY ROODS should be examined before purchasing elsewhere. EXAMINE OUR NOTIONS and you will surely buy of us. Something Nice for the Ladies : Kid Gloves, Fine and Fancy Hose, Ladies’ Imperial Marino Vests, Collars and Cuffs, Ties, Fichus, Perfumes and Toilet Articles. SHOES, SHOES, SHOES of all sizes and iu great variety of style. Don’t fail to examine them; they will be sure to please you. Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. In this department we have anything you want. Over 500 new boxes of fine collars just received. A handsome lot of Gents Ties and bcarfs, all of the latest styles. A full line of Gents 1 Hose. The Latest Thing On Ice—Our Stock of HATS. We never fail to sell when we have an opportunity of showing them. A11 sizes, men’s, youths’, and boys’, from the cheapest to the finest. We are daily receiving fresh supplies of FANCY and FAMILY GROCE¬ RIES. FINE CANNED GOODS a specialty Iu addition to the above named articles we keep a large lot of GLASS-WARE, SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, • feC., AG. A full line of HARDWARE AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES on hand- Chairs aud Bedsteads a specialty. One and Two-horse Wagons always on So ,“ di ^^ ‘ ”* oct-ly WEBB & HIGHTOWER.