The Calhoun County courier. (Leary, Ga.) 1882-1946, May 09, 1884, Image 1

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% All I! hr *r 1 VI i/ol, 3 . The Courier. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. rubscriptiox rates. .One copy, one year.............. A l SO ODecopy,sis months............. 75 t bQ One copy, three months........... (STBICTLT IX ADVANCE.) advertising RATES. space. | 1 * j*'™ | 3 m r» m 1 i— I Sqaurfi ft 1 00 ? 2 50l$ 500 ft 8 00 ftV-iOO i6oo « " 75 4 00 8 00 noo 3 W 30 5 00 13 00 18 00 £5.00 \( Col’n 00 8 00 10 00 35 00 ">■> 00 n “ Si 00 10 00 25 Ch) 85 001 r>,0 00 10 00 15 00 35 CO 50 00 1 100 00 \ ■One. inch construe* a square, and there are twenty squares in a column. Special notices in the local eoluinnt, ten cents per line for each insertion. Professional cards Inserted 58.00 he dlviated a year .The aboAC rates will not froth as they have not beeu made with a view to reduction . Advertisements must take the run of the paper, as we do not contract to keep them in any particular place. Bills are due after the first insertion, and the money will be called for when needed. matters of Abort, communications of on respect¬ public interest and items uews fully solicited from every source. •Ill advertisement;- emanating from pub. lie officers will be charged for in accordance with an act passed by the late General Assembly of Georgia—75 cents per huu $rcd words for c&ch of the tlvst toui iuser- -ions, and 35 cents for each subsequent insertion. Fractional parts of one hun- ired are considered one hundred aud wordg, sig¬ path figure and initial, with date nature, Is couuled as a word. JESSE E. MERCER, Editor aud Publisher. Eailroad Sohodula. r.LAKEt-T EXTENSION. Leaves daily at 7:30 i a. m.; ar- ' Arlington at 8:30 a. m.; arrives at tves at 9^39 arrives at Albany at Leary at a. m-i 'Leaves 31 banr at 4:20 arrives p. tn.; at arrives Arlington at Learv at 5:58 p. m.; Blakely at 8.U at 6:57 p.m.; arrives at p. m. _____ County CSpGotory. Sr PERNOR COURT. Hon ^ iB. Bower. Tndsrc; J. W. Wallers; TI - Soring tCnn cqiTveBes <3» &• secOn.1 r* Monday in .Im le . Fail terra on in Dt»:emi/er. C OUNTY OFFICERS. Gl2£ Tax' CoilS,°EJom'I; Treasurer, tax C. Receiver, Thos. F. Conlray; J-T. II. Gee; County School Commtemrniei ; County Surveyor, C. P Norton, Coi- .Beck; Gadson. oner , A. G. COUNTY COURT. Quarterly . . , L. G. Dart ledge, Judge. ses¬ sions 4th .1/onday in February, Monthly May sessious, .^Au¬ gust and November. every Ith Monday. COM MISS TONERS R. R. jZriSS&iftX in . B. e„,. moutU. JUSTICES OF THE PE.i CE AND NO TAR TES PURL IC. 574th District-—R. J- Thigpen, J. P.; C. E. Bioi.kcr. N. P. and Ex-officio J. P. held third IFednesday in each Courts month. Wilkereon, J. I. 1123d District—J. L. second John nasty, N. .P. Courts held Thursday iu each month. ; C3t»th District—J. O. Price, J. P-i N. W. Pace, N.P. Courts held third Saturday in each month. . P. 1383d District— J; N-; Price, J. Courts held first Saturday iu each month. R. R. Davis, N. P. J. _ _ P, C. l. 7 1316—Tho*. W. Holloway; 2nd Saturday Smith 1 N: P* Courts held "'StThS'H. N. Courts held 1st atuiuay Cordray, P. in each mouth. • iaker Couaty OSreotary SUPERIOR COUliT. B. B. Bower, Jud^c; *T. IF- TFaltsrs, So¬ licitor General: B- F. HCdspeth, Clerk, gurin term convenes on first Monday in . 0- Monday in No¬ May." 7 FaB •‘.it/ term on first vember. 1 ' COUNTY COURT. , Monthly ( John O. lEevvy. Judge. se.s- eious held first Mondays—Quarterly scs- Sions. ' “ • COMMISSIONERS R. R. W IF. Williams, T. H. Caskle, J. W. |.Thayer, W. L. Speriin. t-’ourts held ou first Tuesdays iu each iivtrh. CO JNIY T OF! IC ER S'. Ordinary, W. T. Liviu rsfo.i; Sheflff G. a R. B. Odom ■J, Calloway Tax CoUactor, L- Tax Receiver, J. 't. ‘Woui: lr-.,,aui‘ci, G. ‘ ovvell; Surveyor, C. D. Lrovtrr; ’ D. Hall. n.)r B. Justices of the peaue Asd -' v TARISS PUDLTC. , , . 971st District—S-. J. Livin^tou, J. P.; W. c. Odom. N. F.: Courts h’el-1 1st Sat.- ■jrday in each month. 900th " District—G- T. Galloway-A; 3ud P.; T. It. C'askte, -V. P.; Courts held Saturday in each month. 957th. District—ft. D. Lamar, -T. P., H g. Johnson, N.P. Courts held 3d tSutur- day in each month. 1123 District—L. J. Mathis, -J. P.;E, ;"cCulluii- , P. Courts held 4 th -Vatur- N.. Sr rt> Coactsd Lodge, F. & L M. No. 42, Meets 2rd Saturday] each month. S4?o’ciock p. m. J. J Beck. W.M, £• ^ Gb itf' 10 ' S.^ ; £. Harper Daniel. Sect’y. S. Barbie. Tyler. ce* Geo. H. Dozier, Attorney at Law, IBLIMT8R, GA. J. J BECK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. MORGAN, GEORGIA Proirpt attention will be given to all business entrusted to his care. loaned Collec¬ tions made a specialty. Money feb 9 8?,. on oSod security. I. H. Hand, M.D. J. H Hand, M. D. Drs. I. H. Hand & Son, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. • H.Uaud tv Offiee at the residence of Dr. I. .Bakercounty. Post, Office address Mil¬ ' 34 8 ford, Ga. apr m Br. L« S. Graves, Practicing Physician ■Will answer reasonable. calls,-lay or u ighi. My charges are L. S. Graves. feu 8 tf. Lea y, Ga. ■x. A.W. Turner; WHOLESALE DEALER IN Cittars anfi*Sniiff, 8S Hutherry Steert, G5. Macon, Ga. Send him t»onds your for orders, th e lease ;u. get best m V. j u l 13 83. tf. T. W. Hammond Livery anl M Mgs. stock and comfortable vehicles, _ Teitus moderate. feb 8 tf. _ ___ ~L, L0EW f - 7 . Jeweler j • • Wachmaker and •0 Corner Broad and Washtugaon street, at S. Mayer <55 Glauber.) ALBANY, GA. All work sent to me will be" prnmntly dohf* find wnrrantfd. Satisfac¬ tion guurant' ed wh<ro others fail.% A nice selection of JEW liLR "3T always ou briud. jul. 6. ly. THE BhCST OF ALL. Effl ui FlilSL dr. Hayg od, Puof. McInto-h, CoQlam8 1 ne Cream of afl :he 0'her Hynn.and Tune 1WU. Rounu and Shaped piote and Ndte ed 1 s V;; L1 , m T reqd of fit?cent , an i l tli- W- r l Edition on 20i-> nts. If not -atiafactory may be at our expense. For sale by booksellets. i or special terms, ad- q ress \y PublisbtTS, ,f; Bl BKE & CO., MAC05, Oa GA., FRIDAY, MAY, Hot Lost b»t Gone Bef re- My little ehild, with clustering hair, Strewn o’er thy dear, dead brow, Though in tiie past divinely fair, lovely art 'bOft now. . * Go ' 5 b >‘ de g* g ent,e 8 ° ul ,- brightly , shimmering On wings; , Yet near thy clay thy .mother’s heart All woakly, fondly clihgs. M,v bcaute<)UH child, with lid-i of enow Closed o'ar thy dim blue e.'as, Should it not soothe my grief to know They shine beyoud the skies? Above thy rileut ect I kneel, With heart hll crushed and sorb, Wnile through the gloom these sWeet words steal: ‘‘Not lost, but gone before.” t My darling child, these flowers I lay On locks too fare, too bright. For the damp grave mist, cold and gray, To dim their sunny light; Soft baby tresses, bathed in tears, Your gold was all my t>wu! Ah, weary months/ ah, weary years! That I must drirfell alooel My only child I hold thee still. Clasped iu my fond ktubrace! My love, my »w«?et! how fixed, bow T^is chill, smile upon Miy face! The grave is cold, my clasp is wand, Yet give thw up I irsntt; And birds will arog when tby loved form n i Lies mouldering in tho dust. My angel child, thy tiny foot „ Danes through my broken dreams; Ah me, how joyous, quaint and sweet 1 heir baby pilfering seems! I hush my breath t" hear thee speak; ; I see wake'’to thy red l.p-part, But fe. I thy cold, sold cheek Clo-e to my breaking heart. Soon, soon, my burning tears shall Nor tnn.y tiiafu> tears my sSn! reoiill To earth-nsy, Go(l forbid! Be happy in his love, for I Resigned, though wounded soro. Can hear IIiu ungels whispering nigh; "Not L st, but gone before.” Fannie Forrester in Exchange. Up Michigan avenue the other day a butcher was trying to purchase a verv tair looking lior-e which u farmer had driven in buiore a <‘iie-horse wagou Aft* r a good deal of talk the butcher deel r d lus oeii* f that the horse was blind. •Try iiiui.” replied tii^ oW; ei. “Try Iiiui in any way y**u <iesir«, and if lie s i>iind I’ I criY. || him to •, ou •” j . •‘lean tell by opetvngan umbrella befoie him.” ■i< f! ) ‘ All right, bringon vonrnrobrella.’' One was brought out and the butch¬ er sto’od in front of the horse and sud¬ denly eliot it open. The animal was not blind. Every one who noticed his conduct agreed that he wasn’t. He gave a sudden start of alarm, wheeled short around ami the way J»e left pieo- eB of that wagon on the next two squares interested a large floating population. The owner was bouuced out aud received a scalp wound, but he was no sooner picked up thau he raised his voice is high as the house¬ tops and cried out: “You bet that no butchef can bluff me on a blind horse."—Detroit Free Press. "Yon idiot! Can’t you understand plain Enclish? I want a glass wAier—- wafer to drink—and I want it quick! 1 , In d- speration the w aiter bunted up the proprietor and told him the story. Th“landlord looked puzzled, an-1 en- t w rcd the dining room hi-ns *lf and ap¬ proached the stranger and said; * Excu-e me, sir, but toy wife ,is a little hard of bearing. I will trike your order-” "I ord-red a glass of water— nothing but straight water.” a ,„ r „ pliw , the “h it Icao’t accommodate vou. There iM s " little 0 ,11 f ' ,r tho-e foreign drinks e that it doesn’t pav to k-op Vm. We’ve got some pi m-Kentucky whi«- ky in .he bar if vo i c<n get slong on tIl at ” . The stranger finished his mttl in si lens* A PATTI REHEARSAL. It may not bn generally known to the lower classes that one of Adelina Patti’s peculiarities is that in private life she is continually experimenting nnd practicing the details of, her erV The great Mis. Sidr ona is said to bkve considered "all thj world’s e stage" so literally wit^ that she "ordered, a be«f- fteak the air of a tragedy ftps*," but the great sougatreas avails hsieelf of even more trivial ^nd prosaic toci r deuts to t*$t her ideas of artistic eft feet. Tha other evening a hall boy rashed breathless into the office of the Paine* Hotel, aud informed Count Smith that there was a craxy vu man iu No. 999 on the second floor. The Count hasti- ly repaired to (ha room indicated, and which proved ta be one of the roOma of the Patti suite. Getting no re- sponse to bis knook. be opened the door and was aatonisoed to behold th* diva, pale and disheveled, clutching a chair for support aud gazing at hito with a look of froseo horror. In a tone that thrilled the hotel officials heart, she warbled ‘‘It is be; quick, conceal yourself Ia this cabinet!” sod with a terrified movement she closed a closet door, "A-anytlung wrong?" gasped the amazed bill stickqr. entering the room. Tripping gaily toward, him, the pri¬ me douna smiled fondly, let, out a co-pple of high O's it the chaudelier, and murmured eon ezpveuione: } Be seated, dear father. Y°R long fDUSt. Indeed »*e fatigued by your walk Ftom Rouen.” ,, i ■» •‘ W-h-iv-t?’’ stammered the bewilder- recorder at mythical •Vxtrsa.” The singer ioataoth changed bar de- meaner to that of a proud woman struggling witn rage aod jeslonalv. Alter a couple of indignmit cadearas *j w hrillcd a recitative: " have sou* for you,Marquis Ihave.beeftivbtwdi fo ft CH8 ® *** Jewels, «uu u*». „wiiwi Ib tbe Crlmiual! ’’ And with glaring eyes and otii|tretobec finger she pointed to a dress lying upon the bed. “A woman!" oried the Chesterfield of the Register, now con¬ vinced that the twenty dollar ticket boom had turned the diva’s bead. *T don’t see any woman!” “S-s s-lii" chanted tho star, in low tremolo notes, full of agony and des¬ pair. • Dost not heat bis, blood, Still drip ou the iflarble floor? He lies in ihs alcove yonder. Come let n* peep at him. Five siillet'os in his Ipreind, H<*w Venice will shout to-uiorrowl" » ’f * . And shf drugg* d the trembling man to the buy window. 1 ) •'I—I don't ay* anything,” falt|erefl tjis, autoc^t he of could the counter, make meditfat- running ing how a start for the door. But the absorbed artist beat tins wiili her little foot for ,a moment aud proceed* d al.crescendo., hnreheart? Wouldst lietray n«; then, Traitor! It is thou uloue shaft fire tb* ' r palace. Here is ttyf gtiard tereb— £ alone will the postern. And the handed the champion hand¬ shaker a match, and. seizing a proper- i • ty dagger from the mantlepiece. placed her buck against the door, *i< meanwhile running the scale iu a' man¬ ner that made the very walls crack. "Now, if I yell out tut help. I ..sup¬ pose I’ll be murdered.” groaned Snciith who was bathed in a cold perspiration. "This crazy woman will slice me all rip.” Just then bis eye fell upon the fire alarm button, , » t “Certainly I’ll fire the palace!" hq raid aloud, and lighting th# match,, ne applied it to the aforetmid safeguard. In a few seconds^the. door was burst open by rik porters carrying could Babepck extinguishers, aud before he pre¬ vent it had made a fl ibby wreck ,6f the Count’s awe-inspiring shirt-front, besides almost squirting Patti’s heed off her shoulders. , ..... The Count rushed out to telegrapn for the Lunacy Commiaeionere, and itl to»>k itlf-the diplomacy of Maplesop, who arrived just tlietT to sqnaremattera The Count was finally pacified withf tho K irt ot a dozen elegantly embroid- ered fror ts, but they do say that he has since given the diva a wide berth, sad sever hesra h#' : <de#*rie vcieS hi the court yelling for her ebamberaaid or more towels, without hiding behind a reek and shivering like a dog »»«!. Joying • bone —Derrick Dodd, In San F>aucueoPo*i Has* H o®« fc *ks oldest iosUtnllea la the wor,d - f .before geveruaeak aystrai wvre^otaed, oar first parents dwelt iu pvr fee t,. hay pin*, s in their £den boatk, wh|re, bao^ spring and autumn danced In hand; where aAmmsr always rested. But pUses of residenee araaawwaU tiplisd till they are like the «ands of the seashore for n8tuber. Ant they ere not all homes. Though it fes not our privilege to walk ami.1 the bean- ties of that primeval dwelling plies aod pluck the golden fruit from it* fair trees, there Is a tree whi«h, if it grew in every hone, would soca brighten the hopes end gladden the hearts of the weary by its fragrant*, by its luscious life giving trait It would make home lovely, and the sun of happiness would never set there. It is (he "free ef life," the leaves of which have the t»wer tehee! all ihr disorders which are like cankers to the faAppraeas of bank life. 4 Stately pal- oces, freAc.ed walla, Brassels oarpois, and tna.lo of the ricbeet usledf, are not what make tha homft, Even soeh a place ns this may be cold; cheeriest .nd Mia.lll*. J, Ml, r«l ho*. tb.rU.<U|i«l w«. MW , biMIu, '«* - b««. Th, vio, e1.A ». b... witbin it..Mb. ««tbh, But the brightest is the ieetest; the lovliaat charms fade, and evaa the lee- best, happiest bornca cannot resist the ravage, of time, Tnosa whe ‘grew in beanty, side by side," and 411ml one one house nouse *hh im glee, rise wb«». where nr# they cow? Ask old Ooees. an^ ho t.nawern ri .re o. loe oenp. end she •noth,. f« TV'' "f"* How i to. ;' ,C * ‘' roams! In the ehnrck yard the geeen gross ia again growing oyer mover’s grave, that yon port often wet with yoor tears, and Wber? yon have often prayed the prayer aU Ueght yon— "Their graves are s^efed for and wide By mpnnt, and «tream And sea.” t Sometimes wj.ftnd the geH„bnt t>> # hirda have taken tbaig flight lot often ere the parents "silent and lone ,r , onoe tke rooma.aant back ^he eehgss Of reflf'Ctlcin glad young here, irpiesa. when V-b»t* they look *v>® for ta into th^ ‘ibitried past*— . AH •■X>> raggi'd little atocltingyto be darned, at the toes; > No pile of rowdies trfiiMren'e to fee elo^hef; <f<jne, Made no of No- little trooble. to be aOotkad, Ho little htnds te fold, Ho grimy flngqr* to bt w»ahed, He atorlve to be told. ” ^he Jjon* earthly heroes sire whdfa ekly shadows ftfq heavrnly paraijr! home, exiatenev will tie with eternity whvre the "parting hand" is neves fondly pressed, and Where saod^red eettbly hP^aa will loin in e bleat fix. eter- aal reuni 6 a.—II. B. Otrra.— ■ ** v f ./‘Nr -V * < !, "Wbat flni yon baggiag aronfld h^re for?” asked a pupoegtan of a sp*. p;rions looking ebarreisr. who was lonhging I’m/nst ebont thy pwsbad. ‘ ‘Ob, Waiting, " Meekly re- p!ird the m*u * , I * ,, The officer moved ou, hat kept fl dose watch, on the waiting .man, and presently beheld bit. Augers earning into too close proximity with a gentle¬ man’s watch chain. . luaiaHtly the arm of law was l**d heavily on the would-be thief’s shoul¬ der, fad the policeman asked: < “What have yon been waiting fcr?” Seeing that be was caught tha stiao- g#r replied; *Tve been waiting for KD opportunity." , “I've been waiting, aao," again spoke the effieer. ** What for?" ‘ To see that yon get eothing but „ in opportunity; we have both been satisfied, m> come along and wait till court meets to -morrow:” and as tha key turned on biro, the prisoner bsgas whiatlioo, ‘‘Wait till th# elouda rail WIDOWHOOD. ' Z I-thiAkft must be % fi nice thing ha be e yesna wi<W* hee»d this re- mark t{ie ether day in a group of laagh* mg girl., end ty^ght of the import «aee to kg seethed to each carelessly •pokea wards. V I •*: i 4 Do yon know. gv,l*. what it la ta be a widow? tt la to be tea .time* more open to comment «rid criticism than any young l*dy co»Jd yoaffibly hf. It is te have usee gas* a. *pa paa«, Aral at yea, then it, year widet’a <wp. »»- til yijtfr seg|itiyp oprw* quiver trader the lx}flioUen It is ta h**e oee id. usturkd person say,"* wonder how long ehe will wait bvfore ska gunfga •igaint" egd another answer, "CaUi shegoteejpowd now,aoi chance, | suppose P It k ttya ta rearin'* glance of reel sympathy, genially from the l.ambleei worn** Iba* yon meat, gad feel yonr eyes 411 nnir^fcad (ktihe token, eg rare tbei It in, «M for^ It is in have yonr dear fashion bl* Meads condole witk yop after the following fashion: "Ol|. well! its a dreadful low. W#know ypn’d feel ft, poor dear." and in t^e ne*t,bre*tf>, *jtpu will lie ,nre to marry again' and year w*dow’» cap in very breaming toy on.". Bun it i< mure then \aisi to be a wid¬ ow D IB to mins the strong arm that you have Jesus J upon, the tree faith *h#t yon kneio could aeegt fail, yotk. 4 ” <**>■—*»*■»»ltw« WI « I, .* M **?**» TTH H*"~ *!•»*• •« T: **£*?? the ioLfclalf vbJL’* It .iig frirast fac* earth ««« Iffr,him. . 22 It is to 4 gbt with a miahi**-»row m£m eea maw with tbe that.overwhelm ” ltn#m &-.«°™- . driM , n M bn^a «, p«.»es but » Bafc;,thsiik that seme haewen, it ia yet mere tb»a this to, (>e a widow It i, |o f«eJ that the aonl whiab . a part of yunr living 6 q earth le amongst the bias**! now; to know that In the spirit-land he ijifxp yearna fof, yonr preseooe, that even bfo. lipa have uot IbrgotUn tu syllable the aaerwd name of wife, that fils Miuory, yon' p»re and true, gntrda and vrrnpa In its maetle of prctOoiion: that if you, too are food win and true rq the C^nod Father wed for you after awhile, <o the far e untry, wiie»» yonr lover Waits, and where eurt^L ibe bapte that have t>e«n severed pu wiii be reunited in heaven— 8 av. Hewn - The waiters iu the dining-room of Ih* P*xton H'.tel at Qaiah*, aro mounted on roller skates. Tke greatest okj«tjpo was been .|bs; ^ol«* they mads, this ka# b»gffr ovsreoip* by nt((ag %composition «4#s! jfithaffsa- iblf, surface. If ike experiment piovss I •«*»*• klH«* *kiH» till iM adopfsd at a number of ^fastda and gnnroev resorts, partly onaooount of the bov- slty of tk* tiring and partly to fasrjli- tata tke esrvios. It la all right a* loaf *• the waiter keep* bis fast under him but when H gocs to slip op the dn I thud and soattsrsd. provision ia tick* suing.—OhJesgo ^ribune, Farmsr hse a iittjo limb; ft* flasgi tariffed too low; and **ery whack,, tt« farmsr govs that md ia stir* kjJgo. It followed him to Wwibiugtotf, Into tha esuoo* school, which tpads CsrhsI* and Morrison say: A This isprstty cool,” The speaker Gageiy shook hi* headland Wisely shook his head, and wise)? gased .cfcotri and to bis trm trad# pnpilssaids. •’Torn teat Meant,* creature out I" But when that fright¬ ful lamb bwa-cd, and round its eye- bells toraed- that free ttri<; jwncus, bsdlr «ctred, immediateljr wliawwwL And now they fear this hufrb. which terrifiaa them so, iwtenda t» sennd its fearful ba-a agaia ei Chicago. Detroit Pest. Indian story-tsifers • very oftai pvw their ourrations eatirslv ia sigm latt* goage sad the laughter of their hear* , will often .be tb* only audible s<rud