The Calhoun County courier. (Leary, Ga.) 1882-1946, April 22, 1898, Image 1

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CT!)c €d!j0iwn Count!) Courier VOLUMEXVI. Calhoun Co. Directory. SUPERIOR COURT. Judge—W. Solicitor-General—W. X. Spence. E. Wooten. Clerk—W. J. Ragan. Sheriff—L. H. Davis. Regular terms, second Mondays in June and December. COUNTY COURT. Judge—L. Solicitor-General- D. Monroe. Quarterly sessions, 4th Mondays in Feb¬ ruary, Slay, August and November. Monthly sessions, 4th Monday in each month. COURT OF ORDINARY. Ordinary—A. Court, first I. Monroe. each month. Monday in COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Henry J. M. Wooten, Turner, J. B. George. Court, first Tuesday in each month. Treasurer—Thomas E. Plowden. Tax Receiver—J. B. Steadham. Tax Collector—C. J. Davis. Surveyor—W. S. Short. Coroner—W. A. Mjinry. School Commissioner—J. J. Beck. JUSTICE COURTS. Morgan—112;!rd district,—J. N. Daniell, J. P. \V. E. Harvin, N. P. and ex-officio J. P. Court, second Thursday in each month. Arlington—574th district—.Tno. R. Mills, J. P. William Ray, N. P. and ex-officio J. P. Court, 3d Wednesday in each month. Edison—1816th district—Jas. R. Strick¬ land, J. P. Everett J. Bass, N. P. and ex- officio J. P. Court, 2nd Saturday in each month. Leary—626th district—Harper Daniell, J. P. M. A, Bunch, N. P. and ex-officio J. P. Court, 3rd Saturday in each month. Williamsburg—1283i-d district—G. B. Perry, ,1. P. C. J. McDanial, N. P. and ex-officio J. P. Court, 4th Saturday in each month. Euiianks, Cordrav—1304th district—Will J. P. David Wimberly, N. P. and ex-offi- clo J. P. Court, 1st Saturday in each month. CHURCHES. Methodist Church—Rev. J. W. Arnold, pastor. Preaching 2nd Sunday in each month. Sunday School every Sunday at 8 o’clock p. m., W. A. Buckcom, superin¬ tendent. D. Miller, Baptist Church—Rev. J. I. pastor. Preaching every 4th Sunday. Sunday School every Sunday at 9 o'clock a. m., G. W. Harrison, superintendent. TOWN OF ARLINGTON. Mayor—H. M. Calhoun. Councilmen—W. A. Beekcom, W. E. Saunders, J. E. Toole, J. S. Collins, W. B. Clerk—C. Taylor. IT. Parramore. Treasurer—R. O. Nixon. Marshals—C. H. Parramore, T. L. Ray. WSIMSS ABB PROFESSIONAL CAPS. NEWTON: HOUSE, MORGAN, GA. 6. M. NEWTON, Prop’r. Offers to the traveling public the comforts of home. Good fare, nice bods and polite atten¬ tion. Livery stable in connec¬ tion with the house. H. L. MILLER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ARLINGTON, GEORGIA. Office on Bailroad street, next dooi east of G. L. Collins’ store. Calle answered promptly, day or night. Charges reasonable. E. K. RAINEY » DENTIST, ARLINGTON, CEORCIA, Office upstairs in Carter Building—front tf room. febll-96 II. M. CALHOUN, Attorney at Law, ARLINGTON, GEORGIA Will practice in the courts of Al¬ bany and Pataula circuits. Prompt attention given to all business. j\ cr. beck:, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MORGAN, GA. Prompt attention will be ^iven to all business entrusted to his care. Collections made a speciality. Mon¬ ey to loan cn good security. G. H. DOZIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Morgan, Georgia, Will practice anywhere. Rice duller Three miles north from Cedar Springs, 5 miles Southeast from Hilton Station and 12 miles southwest from Blakely. TOLL: i-6 and Hulls, or i>s and Return Hulls. Shipments, in lots of 10 bushels and up¬ wards, to Saffold, Ala. Mid. R'y., Jlilton Ferry, Station, Central R'y., or Porter’s Chfittfiihoochcc rivBF) with frPi^ht free of prftpsid, charge will be draved and returned for drayage. W. C. SHEFFIELD, Springs, Gn jan21-98-ly Cedar HOUSEKEEPERS Know that when it comes to SOMETHING GOOD TO EAT that the place to find it is at, my store. I carry everything in the Groceiy line and my prices ure low enough to meet the low price of cotton. One IDollstr will buy 20 lbs Sugar, or 17 tbs Whole Grain Rice, or 8 tbs Best Roasted Coffee. Nicest line of both Fancy and Stick Candy to lie found anywhere in Arlington. The nicest Crackers to be had in the market—Fresh every week. Tobacco, Cigars, Cheroots and Cigarettes. Envelopes, Tablets and Box Paper cheaper than you can get them elsewhere. gAF" You are cordially invited to call at my new stand—fourth door from the corner, Railroad street. If you don’t see what you want, ask for it—if it is a good thing I’ve got it. FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS every Friday night, in season. GOODS DELIVERED FREE TO ANY PART OF TOWN .whites J. S. PRATT, Arlington, Ga. AGENT FOR TROY STEAM LAUNDRY. I 1 I I IS THE BEST PLACE IN ALL THIS SECTION TO GET Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Beers, Cigars, Tobacco, &c. CJflP'Our stock of Case Whiskies is very large and of tlie choicest brands on the market. When you wish a bottle of whisky for medicinal use, come to see us. We have a splendid large Refrigerator, and for Draught Beer and other cold drinks “we are the boys” to call on. Our BILLIARD PARLOR offers a pleasant place to while away a dull hour. Prompt, courteous attention and the full value of their money given to all customers. || W. B. TAYLOR, Proprietor, ARLINGTON, GA. Tan Receiver’s Notice! Georgia—Calhoun County: Providence permitting, I mil be at the following places, on the dates named for the purpose of receiving tax returns for tlie year 1898: MORGAN—April 5th and 23rd, May 3rd. WILLIAMSBURG—April 14th and 28th, May 10th. LEARY—April 9th and 21st, May 7th. ARLINGTON—April 16tli and 26th, May 14th. EDISON—April 12th and 30th, May 12tli. CORDRAY—April 7th and 19th, May 5th. TURNPIKE—May 6tli, in the morning. CASEY’S STORE—May 6th, in the afternoon. WHITNEY—May 17tb'. MANRY’S MILL—May 19th. JEFF—IVIay 21st. gjgr Remember to return all property owned or in your possession March 1st. J. B. STEADHAM, TAX RECEIVER CALHOUN COUNTY. Oak^Hall^Bar and Billiard Saloon. NEXT DOOR TO G. L. COLLINS’ STORE. We invite our friends to call on us at our handsome new quarters, where they will find an ETIRELY NEW stock of Fine Whiskies, Wines, Brandies, Beers, Cigars and Tobacco, which we guarantee to he the’best to be had for the money. A splendid line of CASE WHISKIES for medicinal purposes. Give us a call and you will receive the best of treatment. J. S. COLLINS, Manager, ARLINGTON, GA. Not and persistent useof the umn's of a newspaper will draw trade as nothing else can or will for those who ARLINGTON, GA., FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1898. Address to County Chairmen. Hon. F. G. duBignon, chairman of the Shite Democratic Executive Com¬ mittee, lias written a letter to the county chairmen throughout ilie state explaining in detail how pri¬ maries shall be conducted, tickets prepared and delegates appointed. Tlio letter in full is as follows : Dear Sir-The Democratic State Executive Committee lifts called two conventions, one to meet June 39th, 1S98 to to nnminuto nominate nondidn canclittatcs tea tor f,.,. governor, secretary of state, comp¬ troller general, commissioner of ag¬ riculture, state school commissioner, attorney general, prison commis¬ sioner and state treasurer; the other to meet July 20th, 1898, to nominate candidates for a chief justice of the supreme full court, term an associate justice for of six years and an¬ other associate justice for the the unexpired term of Justice Atkinson, viz: two years. Tliore are, under the call of the executive committee, to bo two distinct primaries, one Juno 6th for governor and state house officers not judicial; the other June 23rd for supreme court justices only. At each primary tlie voters will cast their ballots directly for tlio candi¬ dates of their choice for tlio various offices to bo filled, and the county Democratic executive committee are to appoint the delegates to the two state conventions, the respectively, from among friends of tlio successful candidates. Your attention is called to the fact that the three places to lie filled in the supreme court, are separate and distinct offices, as above indicated, find tlie ballots for these places should be prewired according¬ ly. I send you enclosed a correct form of ballot for each of tlie pri¬ maries, leaving blank lines for the candidates’ names. Permit me to suggest that for the general information of voters you request the party pipers published in your county to print this letter and also the two forms of ballot sent herewith. In this way the action taken by the state committee will be brought to the attention of all mem¬ bers of the party, and there need bo no mistake or misapprehension as to the proper method of conducting the primaries. Respectfully, F. G. duBiunon, Chairman Democratic State Execu¬ tive Committee. FORMS OF BALLOT. The ballot for the primary of June 6th is as follows: For Governor, For Secretary of State, For Commissioner of Agriculture, For State School Commissioner, For Attorney General, For Prison Commissioner, For State Treasurer, The judicial ballot, for the pri¬ mary of June 23rd, is as follows: For Chief Justice, For Associate Justice (full! term of six years), For Associate Justice (for unexpired term of two years), AN ENTERPRISING DRUGGIST. There are few men moro wide¬ awake and enterprising than W. E. Saunders, who spares no pains to secure the best of everything in his line for his many customers. He now has the valuable agency for Dr. King’s Now Discovery for Consump¬ tion, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is producing such a furor all over the country by its many startling euros. It abso¬ lutely cures Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at above drug store and get a trial )Kit¬ tle free or a regular size for 50 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. 5 Stewart county went dry by about 100 majority in the local, option elec¬ tion held on Wednesday, the 13th inst. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure constipation and all stomach and liver troubles. W. E. Saunders, Ar¬ lington ; F. P. Griffin, Leary ; Henry Turner, Edison. Do not dare to live without some clear intention toward which your living shall be bent. Mean to he something with all your might. Thirty-five years make a genera¬ tion, That is how long Adolph Fisher, of Zanesville, O., suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. W. E. Saunders, Arlington ; F. P. Griffin, Leary ; Henry Turner, I Edison. increase your trade by a judi¬ cious use of printer’s ink? It has been demonstrated too often to need re-iteration that /\ A | _ ■ \ I J w \f j g~\ ■”* I 1 I C* •—■ A m W A w * BRANEN. Bi-aiien, of my dear, my precious boy, Source my heart's deep, anxious joy, What blessings shall I now invoke for (hee Whose holy impress on thy soul shall last through time and eternity) 1 Shall 1 desire thy hopeful life a cloudless Thy one fragile to bo, life's barque to smoothly glide o’er That rude tempestuous sent billows roll no waves, nor surging And dash in maddened fury o'er thy soul? Tha ohes ’ « n<l ^hor crown thy And heaven exempt thee from pain and strife? That sorrows, such us other mortals know, Ne’er touch thee with their wail and woe? Thy cup of joy and bliss be overrunning o’er, Till thou art satiate and exclaim "No more!” And shall I ask that every lioon you prize Be now and henceforth over realized? Ah! no, my boy, for thee a greater mead I crave, One that shall bless thy soul beyond the First grave. in early youth, “His then, with spirit meek, kingdom thee and its righteousness” I’d have seek. And may thy influence holy, be a beacon bright, Shedding on it bo all thy a heavenly task] each light. And may willing day, To cheer the weary traveler on ills way. And when the waiting angels come To bear, on snowy wings, thy spirit, home, Oh ! may they find thy lamp all trimmed Reflecting and bright, tile dazzling splendor of heav¬ en’s Great Light. How to Look Good. Good look.s are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital or¬ gans. If the liver he inactive, you luive a bilious look ; if your stomach he disordered, you have a dyspeptic look; if your kidneys be effected you have health, a pinched look. will Secure good and you surely have goixllooks. “ElectricBitters” is a good Alternative and Tonic, Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Ev¬ ery bottle guaranteed. Sold at W. E. Saunders’ Drug Store. 50 cents per bottle. 5 Pride creeps into the holiest and humblest exercises of self discipline. It is the supremost natures only tliat escape the taint. Buckicn’s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in tlio world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rlieum, Fever Sores, Tetter,Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac¬ tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. E. Saunders. Almost every one occasionally wishes that be was a 12-year old boy, so that lie could run away from home. Children like it, it saves their lives. Wo mean One Minute Cough Cure, the infallible remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe and all throat and lung troubles. W. E. Saunders, Arlington ; F. P. Griffin, Leary ; Henry Turner, Edison. Scorn no man’s love, though of mean degree. One of Two Ways. The bladder was created for one purpose, namely, a receptable for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by ono of two waps. The first, way is from imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from careless lo¬ cal treatment of other diseases. CHIEF CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubie. So the womb, like tlio bladder, was created for one pur¬ pose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of and very close to the blad¬ der, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience manifested in tlio kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passages is often, by mistake, attrib- ua/ted to female weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may lie as easily avoided. To find out correctly set your urine aside for twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indi¬ cates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary ef¬ fect of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp Root, the great kidney and bladder reme ¬ dy, is soon realized. If you need a mediejno you should have tlio best. At druggists fifty cents and one dol¬ lar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, up' >n receipt of three 2-cont to cover the cost of postage on the bottle. Mention Calhoun County Courier and send your address to Dr. Kilmer <fc Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. The first steel pens were made in 1830, WANTED—Trustworty and active gen tlomen or ladies to travel Georgia. for responsible, Monthly established house in $65.00 and expenses. Position steady. Kef- erenee. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company. Dept., YL, Chicago. NUMBER 19. Candler’s Grand Stand Play. Every fling made as Judge Atkin¬ son because he does not resign his place on the railroad commission is a reflection upon some of Georgia’s ablest mul purest statesmen, whose memory is embalmed in the hearts of the people. Alex Stephens, Bon Hill, General Colquitt, General Gor¬ don and Henry G. Turner did not consider it improper to hold ono office while seeking another, and only the fact, that, the law requires the Secretary of State to keep his office open every day except Sun¬ day convinced the one-idead pigeon rooster of its impropriety. He was forced to resign to gain time to mako a canvass, and liis grand stand play in connection with that resignation should win no credit. I was reading an advertisement of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enterprise recently, which leads mo to write this. I can truthfully say I never used any remedy equal to it for colic and diarrhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two doses to cure the worst case with myself or children.—W. A Stroud, Popomoke City, Md. For sale by W. E. Saunders, Arlington ; H. Turner, Edison ; Mrs. S. T. Clay¬ ton, Morgan. A little boy asked for a bottle of “get up in the morning as fast as you can.” Tlio druggist recognized a household name for DeWitt’s Lit¬ tle Early Risers and gave him a bot¬ tle of those famous little pills for constipation, sick headache, liver and stomach troubles. Industrious men nro poor, not be¬ cause they fail to make money, but becauso they fail to take caro of it. Wanted— Everybody and his wife to go to W. E. Saunders and get a bottle of Dr. Tiehenor’s Antiseptic, the most wonderful healing com¬ pound of the nineteenth century. It preserves the flesh, prevents inflam¬ mation or suppuration and hoala like magic. Pleasant its iierfume and stainless as rose water. Wc hope that the recording angel makes no entry on the authority of “It is said,” or “They say.” The farmer, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve is the host thing to keep on hand. It heals quioklyly, and is a well known euro for piles. W. E. Saunders, Arlington; F. P. Griffin, Leary ; Henry Turner, Edison. Dare to bo true. Nothing can need a lie. Jf4F“Go to G. L. Collins’ for dried peaches and apricots. LAYS MORE - £•«. M •BRICK a \ m : ; ? THAN ANYFJ V rs OTHER •i VONC VIEW LMl I * Aldany, Ga., Oct. 15, 1897. Dear Sir:—We shall be pleased to have your orders for Doors, Sash and Blinds, Paints, Oil, Lime, Ce¬ ment, Plaster Paris, etc. All our Doors, Windows, etc., are of the best workmanship and ma¬ terial, and made from Kiln Dried Lumber. A beautiful line of fine Front Doors, in Veneered White Pino, with Pyrograpliio Glass or the heavy French Bevel Plate Glass. Our White Lead and Oil are the best “Red Seal,” St. Louis brand, and the celebrated Carter White Lead, and the “Crown" brand of Linseed Oil. Location: At Weston’s Lumber Yard on Blakely Extension. Yours truly, WESTON &c CO. Long view Lime for sale in Arlington by L. F. MURRAY. Wall Paper Do you ■ expect to do any pairing? We will send you free u large selection of samples from 3f per roll up, all now color¬ ings and novelties up to date. We rxy freight. We want an agent in every town to sell on commission from large sample books. No capi¬ tal required. For samples or par. ticulars, address S. WOLF, 747-753Ninth Ave., N. Y. City,