Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 15, 1888, Image 3

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> uretLifuta llVHMit Wo in RunIs promts —t MOHljr. In Uw rural iu. ■ **2»» Ow^Tirtwipii . I therefore the bon* and sinew is with W paoplo. Only about 5 p at. of the peManta can rood and writ How havo tba ordinary instincts r --n and woman. “ Uous, ignorant and not a wonder. They liaro been a too peopto scarcely longer than the hlaofca of America, it being durii slavery time* in the Ui Alexander II taud an okas* giving the white slaves of Russia wero not slaves in the sense of being owned, body and soul, by their landlords. Tho land which they occupied was the property of the nobil permitted, when onco located on a farm, to leave it permanently or to go beyond a certain distance, even temporarily. No schools were provided for the peas ants during the time of slavery, none are provided now, and then, as at the present time, the design of tho czar, influenced by the nobles, was to keep them in the densest condition of servitude, and ignor- anoe. Their earnings' on the fame are gauged by the landlords so that they have just enough on which to live. As no moons wore provided for the elpvation of the slaves when they became serfs, they have remained exactly whero they wero found, and for all practical purposes they might just os well have remained slaves. It is generally believed that the czar’s act in emancipating thorn was to gain diplo matic favor abroad.—St. Petersburg Cor. New York Mail and Express. A New York Tenement Iloaie. There is ono building—a tenement—in town hero which holds 1,200 persons. Not more than one citizen out of p hum dred intelligent New Yorkers can tell you where it is. Thoro is one block here In which 8,600 men, v eat, sleep and work. Not moro than oho man in any of the big social clubs posst bly can toll you whero it is. Yet that one house, with its 1,200 inhabitants, is larger than many a country town, and tho Bingle block, with its 8,600 toilers, would bo considered a good start for a city in some parts of the country, and would covet acres and acres with cot tages, stores, factories, streets and road ways. Tho life which is suffered byUu who are thus crowded together is not seen'nor understood by the happier ones who have their homes in pleasanter parts of tho great city. Except for wandering curiosity or for tho fashion of “slum ming,” there aro thousands who would never know tho sight of even the streets of the east side. The inhabitants, too, of the ovcrpopulous districts are too hurried in the constant struggle for bread to have time to more than note the worse distress of their neighbors. An eviction is ro new thing to them. Thoy havo seen too many to think about the latest one that is taking place on tho sixth floor.—New York Cor. Chicago Times. iM — : _L_ A Word to Flit Taken. It must, however, bo remembered, that the continued use of aperient pills ren ders on increase of the dose a necessity, Habitual pill takers consume largo quan tities. Indeed, after a time, they aro compelled to do so, for, failing the usual daily dose, the patient becomes really ill, and his faith in the little box of pills all the greater, and he is thus compelled to persevere. Aloes, which is the ootive .in gredient of many nostrums, is always dangerous, and especially so to women. The symptoms that follbw tho habitual ubgoi the drug ore well known to medi cal men and are peculiarly distressing. Tliero is, howover, ono chance for the pill taker. Pills ore often quite inert when the? ore either coated or havo been mode some tlmo. On placing suoh pills in acidulated water they will remain un- dissolved fqr days, even though they bo violently agitated. The lecturer 'on pharmacology at tho’WaotminstJr hos pital tolls' us that when pills .containing active ingredients are ooated it is by ng means unoommon for tho coatings to take-three or four days to dissolve. Al though the most powerful drugs are fre quently contained in them, the quantity is, as a rulo, very minute. This is es pecially the casein tho so called podo- phyllin pills.—Saturday Review. Tonfclsts In a Hurry. “Though Romo wasn’t built in a day, the American tourist expects to see it In two,” said a gentleman who-returned tho other day tom a summer Bpcnt in Europe; “andthosamo thing applies to other points of interest. I met scores of Americans who told mo about 'doing' Paris in threo days, 'as if that was time enough to look even through tho Louvre. The general idea most of there tourists havo Is to got a more vision of any town or place and read up its history, so as to be able on returning homo to talk about it from tho guide book. standpoint. An' eminent artist whom I mot in Romo re buked ono of there hasty fljtting birds of passage in my presence. Tho traveler was about to leave Romo after a week’s visit r What have you seen hero?’ asked tho artist ’Why, everything,’ was tho responso. ‘Oh, you have dono well,’ rejoined the artist ‘I havo lived hero six years and have seen scarcely tho be ginning.’ ’’—Now York Tribune. Tho Old- Fashioned Cork. It is a curious fact that for nearly two centuries inventors liave in vain tried to improve upon the tight fitting cylindrical cork. Nothing has yet been produced to supersede the cork that Dorn Pcriguon devised, and which is used today, as it was 176 years ago, in bottling cham pagnes. It is cheap, if is effective, and tn cither of theso qualities nono of the modem eccentricities in bottles ond'eorka can touch it.—New York Press. Kevi ftp SaflferlNs Wn Mobvex, O*., Fob. 20,1887, . Bona time ago I bought flvo bottles of your Nuun- bettsr Toalo mis tor tay wife, who had been an invalid for four years, Buffering with gsneral debility, great weakness, great nervousness, loss of ■partite, thick, sallow complexion, a fullness of the etomaoh. She suf fered torn suppressed menstruation (monthly alckness). Five bottlea of the pills made a now woman of her. You may bo assured I recommend thorn. Yours respectfully, J. G. Scbcoqiv For salo at wholesale and retail by Lloyd A Adams, Brunswick, Oil, ana at retail at all points on B «fc W and B T V * G Railroads. Call for descriptive advertising matter. CURES AM. HUMOR*, - itlon. r itoTtbo °1. r Thorough] J ioMm - CONSUMPTION, ast stages of tho dtsoaso are reached. ■SSMSH marvelous fatal disease, whcnl cclebratod remedy i thought, seriously sumption rmino ns too] from its won streuatltenliif anti-lillioiis, tics, is uncnMVH consumption, but] eaiei or mo Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If yon tol dull, drowsy, debilitated, hare irown s or oust- l beat or low spirits > annoUte. le, yoU are suffering tom lyspopals, and Torpid ItouNitc.H.” In many of these symptoms are expo- snail oases only part rlenood. As a Dr. pierce** eorerr «rpjjreU food, Shortness of breath. Bron. ’ Itls, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and idrod affections, It is sn efficient remedy. , Br^Rtnaatn*j at $1.00. or Six ten oonts in stamps for Ur. I’lcrco's n Consumption. A chin ns. I'm Dlspousary Medici.I Amo* lou, OKJ iloiu Street, Uutr.w.n, N. Y. w $500 REWARD Is offered by of Dr. Sago s lose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss ol lands of esses tormlnnto In consumption. is«iassr»8js5s.*ta«» and Catarrhal Hoadaohe. M oonts. And also your.wholo suit ot old summer Enlothos, sml at onoe buy - A NEW SUIT smit mm clotiing ——FltOM JAS. S. WRIGHT, Corner Newcastle and Monk Street.. To the Citizensof Brunswick AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY. I call special attention to my Luge and well .selected stock of General Merchandise, consisting of I have Just received an elegant stock of season able goods solcotod liv myself In tho Northern markets, and can supply the town wl tli Clothing, Hats r .'SHOES, OVERCOATS UMBRELLAS, Gents’ Furnishing Goods. NECKWEAR AND nOSIEBY, Which wero purchased for cash, and conn went y can lie sold on closest margins. mm*Suita ntndo to order front samples, mnch ohelperthan from a tallorjnnd lit guaranteed. JAS. S. WRIGHT. J. W. NUNN, PBACTICIL WHEELWRIGHT And-Jturlnge Repairer. Work I , * branch of my business promptly attended t Shop In rear of Oonrt lloiisu, on UevnoH. street. nnlH-t T. O'Comton, la. T. O’CouAor & Co., INSURANCE AGENTS :FIRE! MARINE! ACCIOENTl! , REPRESENT THE STkDNOHBST COMPANIES OP THE WORLD. aatlMy k.p{ m s*2!£«fi3J^^ P 5fe^ na ^ #WlU “ 8lU “’ v * lT * t, J 8ob, ‘' And.ln|t*ci sverythlag My Millinery Department OmsmenU,:Blbbooe and,Trlmmlngidot leoaroandmansgomentof avorypopu- SHOES J&.2XT1D BOOTS Of every stvlesndlqnslltr. My shoos wlllmako friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell thcmsclveson (heir own mcrllajevcry lime. They aro ttret-eUe^phroughout In style, quality and (MriigiMMdiigGwAi FURNITURE! GROCERIES ! MyGrocory Department yen will Sad by 'examination to bo the most oomplote ever oflbroil to tho public, consisting ot Fancy and Family Groceries of tho beat that the Eastern and Western mar kets afford. I have also Just added i, full spick of HARDWARE, CIMW TOOLS, BUILDERS' MITEItULS Nails, Hinges, Stores and Heaters, Paints, Whito Loads, Oil, Vamishof. Wood and Willow Wnro. Hollow Ware, Orookory and Glass Waro, Tinware, Hamoss, Saddled, WiiljM nml lirldles. • J. MICHEL8QN. M. MI CHELSON. ' Great Reduction in Prices! HARDWARE Never Before Sold at Such Low RatesI For tho coming Phil and Winter wo wrtrb* able to offor oar oustoue.-.i s most compl.t. Uuooftha various articles manUonad below, end s. .uoh remarkably low price, thet y„u tuvn but to give us t osll to b. coavlucod. No such tndaoem.nU won .ever bcioro offered as wo new prcasal lu oar wholesale and -‘-■t.tookof Hardware in Every Line, Hoiidc-Furnisiilag Goods, ; PAINTS AMD OILS In all varlotios,inclutling Mixotl Paints, Doors, Sash, Slinds, * 4 \ 4IV1 b-si Mitl-UotlOU. Earners’ Implements of Highest Quality, Mill Hardware, Building Supplied, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY. GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves, FRIEND OF THE HOUSEWIFE, Wood tnd Willow Wars la every design, tn Crockery, Oleee, Tin end Ogels Were wo beve e Sue end Urge Meortment, which we ere reedy to offer st bottom prices. WO will be placed to .bow our .took el ell itmee. Satisfy yourselves sod ui by giving ua an early call ASSemlla M. MIOHELSON. NEW DRUG FIRM. Having Purchased tho Drug Business formerly conductci by Dr. Joorgcr, and temporarily by Lloyd & Adams, wo have put in a . *•* Complete Stock of Drugs, Clnicals, Patent Mines, Met Melee, Soaps, Ftc.' • ' Wc arc prepared to servo the public in any lino pertaining to our busi ness. Having every facility for COMPOUNDING PRESCRIPTIONS, we will raako a specialty of that branch of our business, only Competent and Reliable men Icing employed, and only the Very Best and Purest Goods BeinglUsed. GIVE US ONE TRIAL, AT LEAST- WB GU R -NTEE SATISFACTIO. d. T. ROCKWELL & CO. Madden’s Building. Professional Directory MOBtHk HOLI.INe«RltAn, DENTISTS. A DnALKAfnorr, 1- * LOCAL DKNTIST8. * Ariemf Ksleer block, °rer dreg store of Uejtf J) •. ATKINSON, DENTIST. OMs* up sUIra I a Wright’* as w bullring. riiynlci— gimniD, n.tv., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON] onaa up stain In Brecio bull Lawyers. 0 k UriRfflMD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. PreetlM to oU ths courts of thu BruuswWiClr out, Offloe In Crovott btook. tabs gBssima n HOOVER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OStoo lu Uamlo Building,'tip Stun. JEWELR HEADQUARTERS^ KICIMRD IIBEKLIITBRA IPBAOTIOAL) tho city, ipetluan. Every Article Guaranteed. My Watch Eepairingl DBPABTBIEflT Is complete. I turn out non, but OrsteUss work Giro mo atrial, H. OBEltLAEUTER, Bbuxswiok, Gl. YOU CAN SAYU MONElT BY CALLING ON d. B. WRIGHT, Comer Newcastle and Gloucester St., —rOBTOCB— • Fall Suit tod Overcoat I lmvo Just received an' elegant assortment purchased during my roeont trip North, whlon f offer at barga{ns. My lino ot Soft and Stiff Hats for Men and Bojs Cannot bo exeallsd.' Call|and oxnmluo my $3.00 SHOES FOR MEN, Equal to any sold clsowhoro at It, GENTS’ FlIltSlSHIMi GOODS Whit* aadltariot underwear, nil grarins, ho- slcry, gtovu^shlrts, neckwear, suspenders, etc., * Suits to^order from samples, and lit puarantoed J. B. WRIGHT, Nawctstlslanri Gleuoostor Sts, Brunswick, Ga. BAUMGARTNER BROS., HltRIIM AID ammOBOCtBS, ' - m awubtiwh* iper thsn Mm* •wfoc Try a Fieoe, And you will have no other. Beef, Poi k; Sansav “j, Etc., liTAU ill eslvt Chicago, ft le le ealriTwenty-Sro __ meat eon bo bought elso' ALWAYS on hand. SEAISLAS B0UTE. '%• . " RRUNSWIOK & SAVANNAH AND WAY LANDINGS. Steamer St. Nicholas Will let** o***na*h for Bra oewtek every Tie#- *y end Friday «* p.m. ConaecUoaa mede with B. k W. aod E.T.. * 0. Btllroade, red ateama*’•OirekarBoy far Betfll* Ltndluae. Tb» -at. Nichole*” touche* at all way pain's 'MtwsM- irilTiewtck and Hevsnoah. rev^affralghured^g.^^ SPECIAL RATES TO DARIEN. Cabin ps—qua JJe D*ek|5l»-^ -*0-