Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, February 07, 1888, Image 3

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TOWN tire FOR CHILDREN. VkM * » Natural Life. PhjrafcUtu and moralists alike am that town life is unhealthy, unsound, and that bat for the fact that the waste is made good by the regular infusion of healthy country blood, the race, os found in the dtlra, would rapidly deteriorate. Dr. PotliorgiU, of Condon, has recently prepared a paper In which ho shows the “effects of town life on the human body,” and ho opens it with tho assertion that thosubject is “not ono calculated to flatter our national vanity.” He ac counts for tho degeneracy of tho race after tills manner. “Prowess in knight and .peasant alike was tho one thing to be desired. But with tho development of commerce and tho march of civilization, a change came over the spirit which moves men. The activo brain was seen to be even more valuable than physical prowess. The in vention of gunpowder left the stalwart warrior shorn of much of his advantage on the battlefield. Then the discovery of steam completed his discomfiture. The day of tho big man has passed away, and given place to tho smaller, active brain toiler. In these days of steam power,, an acute brain and a lissome hand are much more desirable than a brawny arm. Tho selection of the fittest has taken another direction in the last few centuries.” The injury, this writer asserts, begins with the very existence of the child and continues to the end. “Instead of the quiet, monotonous life of the country, the town child lives amid perpetual ex citement.!’ Further, he says of precocity, which, to the average parent, seems sc .fill! of promise: “The physiologist looks on it with suspicion, and the family medical' attendant knows that such a child is liable to tubercular meningitis (water on the brain), and can estimate the risks it runs in the ordinary maladies of childhood.” Dr. Fothergill runs counter to the general opinion concerning food. He says tho premature development of the nervous system tells upon the assimi lative oi-gans of the town child; in con sequence ho can not digest pastries, dumplings and cake,' and so feeds on meat, fish and bread, which he can di gest. Ho says: “The disturbance of tho nutritive bal ance by precocity lias starved the diges tive organs. Indigestion has started an undesirable dietary; and excess of nitro- genized waste hosted to the reversion of the liver to the early primitive uric acid formation. This, in its turn, entails a long scries of morbid sequences. ’ ’ Here is a melancholy condition, truly. What wo ought to eat we cannot digest; what we digest simply entails a “long series of morbid sequences. ” We cannot follow tho whole argument of the writer, but we present his conclusions, which are not altogether hopeless: “Town life is not a natural life. - If it has certain advantages, it also has sundry drawbacks. The perfect development of tho digestive organs has far reaching con sequences, as we havc'juat seen. Knowl edge must precede conduce. The realiza tion of the fact that the digestive difficul ties of town dwellers lead them to adopt a dietary which is injurious in iter after results, will cause them to correct it. Already, indeed, we see many blindly starting out on a new track in tho spread of vegetarianism, along with the ‘Blue Gibbon.’ In this action they have not waited for' physiology to pronounce an authoritative opinion; but have acted on their own account, guided by some in stinctive impulse. Modifications in our food customs are required for town dwell ers. They should have food which will nourish them and sustain them, without any bad after effects, and which they can' digest. Possibly, too, before long it will be found that some modification of the existing scheme of education is desirable in tho interest of the' weaker children. Possibly, too, it may be found that little town mites expand when restored to the country, and can lead a more natural life than that to which, at present, they are News for Suffering Women. Mimvrv, Ga., Feb. 20,1887. Mil. M. A. Buiogs: Some tine ego I bought flvo bottles of your Nunn- better Tonic PiUs for my wife, who had been sn invalid for four years, suffering with general debility, great weakness, great nervousness, loss of appetite, thick, sallow complex a fullness of tbo stomach. She suf fered from suppressed menstruation (monthly sickness). Five bottles of the pills made a new woman of her. You may be assured I recommend them. Yours respectfully, J. G. Scruggs. For sale at wholesale and retail by Lloyd & Adams,' Brunswick, Ga., and at retail at all points on B St W and E T V- <fc G Railroads. Call for descriptive advertising matter. AND SURROUNDINGICOUNTRY. Stair «r Eighteen Experienced and Skill- mi PbxUclans nnd Mnrvcoiu. ALL CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY.— Patients treated hero or at their homes. Many treated at homo, through correspondence, as successfully as If hero In person. Come and ■tee us, or send ten cents In stamps for our "Imalid.’ Guide-Book," which gives all partic ulars. Address: World’s Dispensary Medi cal Association, 083 Main St., Buffalo, N.Y. V For “ worn-out,” " run-down,” debilitated school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, houec- rs. and overworked women generally. Jcrce’s Favorite Proscription is the best of all restorative tonics. It Is not a “ Cure-all,” but admirably fulfills a singleness of purpose. et potent Specific for all tlioso being a mosl r Chronto Weaknesses- nnd Diseases peculiar to women. Tbo treatment of many thousands of sueh cases, at tbo Invalids' Hotel and Surg ical Institute has afforded n largo experience in adapting remedies for tbclr cure, nnd condemned by the growth of large towns, ich o which exercise such a malign influence upon those who dwell therein, and es pecially those who are bom and reared in such towns."—Courier-Journal. Ships or Amorlctu Tho following is a late computation of tho ships owned by and flying tho flags of tho Latin-American .countries; Sail ing vessels—Chili, 185; Brazil, 100; Ar gentine Republic, 08; Mexico, 44; Uru guay, 84; Pern, 31; Hayti, 20; Nica ragua, 24; Venezuela. 11; Colombia, 7; Salvador, 5; Costa Rica, 4; Bolivia, 3; Santo Domingo, 2; Honduras, 1; total, 404. Steamships—Brazil, 82; Chili, 23; Argentine Republic, 22; Mexico, 14; Peru, 5; Uruguay, 4; Venezuela, 8; Hayti, 2; Costa Rica, -2; Ecuador, 1; Santo Domingo, 1; Honduras, 1; total, 1C0-—Chicago News. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription Is tho result of this vast experience. For Internal congestion, Inflammation and ulceration. It lx a Specific. It Is a powerful general, os well as uterine, tonle and nervine, and Imparts vigor and strength to tho wholo system. It cures weakness of stomach. Indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous prostration, exhaustion, debility and sleeplessness, la cither sex. Favo rite Prescrip tion Is sold by druggists under our positive guarantee. Boo wrapper around bottle. nniAff me ■.«. dr six ROTTLES PRICE $f.OO, for $s,oo. Send 10 cents In stamps for Dr. Pierce's largo Treatise on Diseases of Women (160 pages, paper-covered). Address, World's Disfen- saby Medical Association, 603 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. Aevco’s LITTLE ANTI-BILIOUS and CATHARTIC. LIVER PULS. SICK HEADACHE, Bilious Headache, Dizziness, Consttpa* tion, Indigestion, and BlllonsAttacks, Purgative Pellets. 25 cents a vial, by Druggists. clothes, and at once buy A NEW SUIT JAS. S. WRIGHT, Corner Newcastle and Monk Streets. Franco's Bounty for Wolves. It is rather odd. considering the ago and denso population of France, that that country should bo compelled to pay boun ties to prevent an increase in the number of wolves, yet that is what it has been doing for many years. In 1882 428 were killed, in 1883, 1.31C; in 1884, 1,035; in 1885, 000, and in 1880, 700. Tho bounty now is $40 for killing a wolf that lias at tacked human beings, $30 for ono in young, $20 for a male wolf, and $8 for a cub.—Cliicago Times. Tbs Paradise of Dolls. Saxony and Thuringia are tho home and paradise of dolls. Tho annual pro duction of dolls' stockings alone in Sax ony is 35,000 dozen. Thousands of shoe* makers find constant employment in making dolls' shoo. Tho export of dolls to Ik. n !....4. Ttaiico ami America u very larf-r. nnd Increasing every year.—Now York Trl'Kine. I have just received an elegnnt stock of senson- ablcTgoods selected by ’myself in the Northern markets, and can snpply the town with Clothing, Hats, SHOES, OVERCOAT* M Gents* Furnisiitns? Goods, NECKWEAR AND HOSIERY Which were purchased for cash, and con so uenty can be sold on closest margins. ^M^Suits made to order from samples, much heaper than from a tailor, and tit guaranteed. JAS. S. WRIGHT. PUTNAM’S Liven' Stable! Corner Monk and Oglethorpe streets. J JY patron, and tho public can ret awuredof . iccnrlng from my .table The Finest Turn-Outs AND THE JIKsr SERVICE. A " onler aoheiwd, (and .iiti.ioctlou guaran- AT. PUTNAM, I call special attention to my Largo nnd well selected stock of General Merchandise, consisting of ke?»?^ rt tfl»%n^&^ ovo,Uc410 8uk *’ VclTCU4ttobc *’ M '* n * Uo ‘ My Millinery Department I. filled with tho latct.tylea of Ladles’Hau, Itmmnli rti ■n1|TilmlziB)l lar and fashionable ralitlnerll'mtfrom Ulniore"** ander °* rB ***management of a very pope- SHOES BOOTS Of every style andtquaUly. My .hoe. will make-friends, outehino rivals, win ylctorio* and eell thenuelveson their own mer!ti|ovcry tlmeJ|Thoy — . elegance. Don’t fall to get • pair. ’ are firat-olosafithroughout in .tyle, quality and I have Just recolvod a very tlai-go 6tockof Clothing and Gents’Furnishing Goods of tho latoat cut*, colors, etc., Undorsuits, Shlrte, Collars, Cuffs, Hate, Caps, Trunk., Valises, Umbrellas, bo. FURNITURE! by|all \ GROCERIES ! My Grocery Department you will find by ’examination to be the mo*t oo'mploteever offered to the publio. consisting of Kuuey and Fa-ntiy Groceries of tho best that tho Eastern and Wostem mar kets afford. I have also Just n'kloil ;.m: rick of HARDWARE, CARPEMS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS' HALS Nalls, Hinges, Stoves and Heaters, Paints, White Leads, Oil, Vamlshos, Wood and Willow Ware. Hollow Ware, Crockery and Glassware, Tinware, Harness, Saddles, whips and Bridles. J. MICHELSON. ■■■Ira Professional Diwctorv V ® WmwwiWWmBWB WWW J _ MIWUII ■ DENTISTS. (IBM, mat room over Moore m McCrary- km. fold * LOCAL DENTISTS. ^OfletjU Kniaer block, over drug .tore of Uoyt n D.ATKIRMN, * DENTIST. OUce up stairs In Wright's new building. Physicians. JJ iBURFOIlD, 1*1. D., PHYSICIAN AND SDEGEONJ Office np Btulra In Drecicbul Newcastle 'street, opporito home. •Lawyers. 0* k 1 W H IT FIELD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Fraotloe in all tbeeourtiof the BraniwlekClr alt. OOoe in Orovatt block. frfbs J.W. Bennett. A. L. Groovt jgBNNBTTI* OBOOVBB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW oniccl lu Mamie Building, Up Btau». JEWELRY HEADQUARTERS. RICHARD (IBfiRLAGRI PRACTICAL! Watch Hater nil Jeweler! I can ull you from my well scleoted .took the. flneit and be.t good, ever brought to thU city, and at price, that defy competition. M. MI CHELSON. Great Reduction in Pricesl HAH DW ARE, Never Before Sold at Such Low RatesI For the coming Fall nnd Winter we will be able to offer our customers a most complete line of tbo various Article* mentioned below, ttud at »uoh romsrktbly low prices that you hare but to give ua a call to be convinced. No such Inducements were ever before offered as we new present lu our wholesale and Hardware in Every Line, House-Furnishing Goods, PAINTS AND OILS In all varieties, including Mixed Paints, Doors, Sash, Blinds, ' 11 v oi s which will Rive best satisfaction. Farmers’ Implements of Highest Quality, MiU Hardware, Building Supplies, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY, Every Article .Guaranteed. If you wish to tave money eaH at tnv place of bualncM, corner of Monk and Newcastle .treat* My-Watch Repairing DBPABTHENT Is complete. Itarnoutnonetiutfirttelam work • Give me atrial. H. OBEttLAEUTER, Brunswick, Ga. YOU CAN SATE MONET BYioltLIKGON J. B. WRIGHT, ■- Corner Newcastle and Gloucester St., KOIS YOUIt Fall Suit and Overcoat. I havJ Just received an elegant auortment inseu during my recant trip North, whleh 1 GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves, * FRIEND OF THE HOU8EWIFB; Wood and Willow Ware In every design. In Crockery, Glass, Tin and Agate Ware we have a fine and Urge assortment, which we sre ready to offer at bottom prices. Wo will be pleased to show our stock si all times. Satisfy yourselves and us by giving ns an, early call. M. MICHELSON. Aug. F. Franklin. J. A. II. Jone FRANKLIN & JONES, Mr Grater aM Commission lentati, Bay, (in, Feed, Four, Bn, Mill Feed Generally. Car-Lo*~ uots a We Compete with any Market in Quality apd Price, and Mean just!what we Say. 'MU-ir. purchased during my recant trip offer at bargains. My line of Soft and Stiff Hats for Men and Bop Cannot bo exoelled.*Call|and examine my $3.00 SHOES FOR MEN, Equal to any sold elsewhere at <4. > White and scarlet underwear, all grades, ho siery, gloves shirts, neckwear, suspenders, eto,, at lowest prices. ‘Suit, to order from samples, and fit guaranteed. J. B. WRIGHT, Newcastlejand Gloucester Sts, Brunswick, Ga- BAUMGARTNER BROS,, BUTCBIB8 AND QBKKfi GROCERS,' BRAKE a specialty of Delicious Fat : JILr—, . . ■- Fat And! a l’er Cent cheaper j t elsewhere. Try a. Flep©, And von will hava no .othor. Beef, Poik, Sausaffpg, Etc., ALWATfi ON BAND, SEA ISLAN ROUTE. BRUNSWICK & SAVANNAH AND WAT LANDINGS. Steamer St Nicholas V 111 Jmy» Hayaauih Ihr Bruamriok mry »«► i ■■■■ I III and B.T.. *1 Brilreod., mud atmm ne-M.1 Landing. «fci SPECIAL BATES TO DABIEN. Cabin paw.*«.■■■» Deck passage *aaa#....*.i*#aaa....**C