Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, February 14, 1888, Image 3

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A SNOWSTORM. »WTTTT M VMV pRyi Above, Um dririag stormi Mil. Tb* earth It IMMmM M IN trik| >il>WSlWMSii>M» Tu farm* hi) s«V afl bw ffidffi. Out «•. oatw mM.la tbaheut or ltd* dim elemental *■ Bit calmly tranquil. nr.MNut When tuck* ibe puo with tlonalvr jar. Wo look Into rach other'* cyca, And «m a friwdly HM which aaya, While oa the snowy Cossack Hie*, •■Rsreye without, hero quiet Man." Thl* Klimt, uuexprrased delight Growa brighter so severely set i Heart warm ai ‘ Thoroseofl nwrwinnnrHii i against the snowy whites >f Joy burn* wanner yet. Than wintry tumult* disappear, their dreariness partako And all their Ita own Illumined atmosphere. —Thomas Gold Appleton. Protecting Theatre* front Fire. As n precaution against Arc, sotno scenery nt onoof tho Brussels theatre* was coated two years ago with a compo sition largely consisting,of alum and asbestos. Recent experiments- with tho scenery so prepared demonstrate that tho canvas can thus be rendered perfectly in combustible. It is said that this simple application does not interfere in any way with the material upon-which tho scones arc painted, nor does it have any prejudi cial effect upon tho colors employed.— Chicago Times. The- Supply of Peanuts. Tho supply of peanuts comes almost wholly from Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina. Virglpia Is tho tanner peanut growing state, averaging 8,000,- 000 bushels yearly. Tennessee comes next with an nverago of 800,000 bushels, and North Carolina’s production averages 160,000 bushels. The estimated supply for 1888 is 8,800,000 bushels, which in cludes the nearly 000,000 bushels of last year’s crop which still remain in tho market.—New York Mali and Express, New Uso for Ico. “I’m going to Maine after a consignment of ice for consumption in Washington,” ' said an nvenho denier to a new reporter nosing around for an item. “Indeed!” exclaimed tho reportor, pulling his notebook, “that’s something new. I didn’t know beforo that ico was - a remedy for consumption.” Tho city editor saVcd the reputation of tho paper.—Washington Critic. American Women Writer*. Tho tjueen, speaking of American wo men writers, Bays Mrs, Frances Hodc Bui-nett is devoted to old armor; I •Mary L. Booth,'of Harper’s Bazar, to old coins; Mrs. Frank Leslie, to luces; Jen nie June, to rare china; Anna Katharina Green, to illuminated books and old mis sals, and Mrs. Mary Mnpes Dodgo, to raro prints.—Exchange. Would Cost Too Huoh No, Patti lias no babies. The family hare decided that they can’t afford it. When they realized that it would cost the youngster £100 every time ho wanted his mother to sing him to sleep, cash up, or no concert, they decldod that no baby could stand, it without mortgaging tho nursery and fitting*.—London Tid Bits. -Lond Tobacco’* Absorptive yunlltlrs. A leaf of tobacco laid for two hours within six foet of opon kerosono will bo found to be as rank ns possible with the smell and flavor of the oil, and oven when dried and pressed into heavy hogs heads will toko tho odor from other arti cles in the hold of a ship, even from sugar.—Now York World, Oldest Meeting House. Probably one of the oldest jneetlng arid houses In the world is tho Bangurii church, in Norway, tho ago of which is 800 years. Tho pagoda like structure is covered with shingles and an inch or two of tar. Runic Inscriptions, interesting to scholars, oro on tho building.—Now York TVibune. Capt. Cook's Dentil. The dnbound volumes and logs of tho ships Resolution and Discovery during Capt. Cook’s voyage, wliiph wore found in tho British record office, contain at least ten separate accounts of Cook’s death. They give some curious variations from tho accepted narrative.—Chicago Herald. Non-Speaking Telephone, A non-speaking telephono 1b exhibited in Pittsburg. A sensitive pinto presses ngaluRt tho lnryhx and glands of tho neck, and as the jaws are moved In con versation tho motion sends the words along tho wiro as distinctly, as tho tele phone now in use.— Frank Leslie's. Mimllng Oyster*, A company bus Icon formed in Mary land which devotes its energies to muzzling oysters. A patent wiro con trivance known os on oyster lock is used. An oyster which is hermetically scaled will retain its flavor for months after leaving its briny bed.—Now York World. lfowi fbr Nttlfertiff W< . H1M7. Mb, U. A. liutoui: Homo Unto bod 1 bought IIvo bottlM of your Nunn- better Tonic Pills for bit trifo, who hid basil an invalid for four yean, ■uiforiBg with gcBeral debility, great weakness, great BorvoacMBB, loaa of apnctlte, thick, aallow complexion, a fullness of tho stomach. Sho suf fered from suppressed menstruation (monthly sickness). Fivo bottles of tho pills mado a new woman of her. You mny bo assured I recommend them. Yours rcspeotfolly, J. O. Scruggs. For salo at wholcsalo and retail by Lloyd St Adams. Brnnawlck, Ga» and at retail at all polnta on 11 * W and E T V A G Railroads. Gall for dcsoripttvo advertising matter. blooil um conquered by this tioworfuL purl' lying, mid Invigorating medicine. Ureal llaii it a Ulcer* rapidly tail under It* be nign Influence. Especially hast! manifested Its potency In curing Teticr,no*o Rash, iBotln, (furbiittcloN, Sore Eyes, Serol- pious Sore* and NwellliigH'HIP- joint Dlsoase. Whits Swelling*. Goitre, or Thick Nsok, and Enlarged Olaiida. Send ton cent* in stamps for a largo treatise, with colored plates, oa. Skin Diseases, or tho same amount for a troatlso 0 ULOOD° n iS THE LIFE.” Thojrcughlyelijiiiso.ltbjr using Ur. »'lores’! Holden Medical Discovery, and goof led. strongth, will bo estubll CONSUMPTION, .. . 1§ bo died. whloh is Scrofula ot tho Luna*, Is ar rested and ourvd by this romody, If taken foro tho last stages of tho disease are rend rvclous ] , its marvelous power over this terribly fatal disease, when first offering. this now * * j - ” i "i,Dr, gtegtodram, of calling It Ills « sumption Cure,” but abandoned .that namo as too limited for a modldne whloh, from Its wondorful combination of tonlo, or ... ..—.r — blood-cleansing, ts uncqualcd, not only ns a remedy far umptlon, but tor nil Chroula DU- oases of tbo Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you feel dull, drowsy, debilitated,hnvo sallow color ot skin, or yeilowlsh-brown snots on fuoo or body, frequent headache or dint- ehlili, afibrnatlng vrlthhdt'flusUea.low spirit* gM “ •ad gloomy forebodings, Irrcgulsr appetite, and coated tongue, you aro *uirerlng from IndlgoationiDy npepala, nnd Torpid Llvor, or “Blflouiiuais,” In many cp*c* only part of ttar B jnced, As a rem< r. Pierce'* ool Bor.T) nr Dnuaajwrs, at BOTTLES lor VO.rio. Bond um cent* In shunts ^for Dr. rieVco s book on CoiiRumptlon. Atldrc**. World's Dls»onsai-y nicdtei.i tn»o- . elation, 003 Main Street-, Bvrr.u <>, N. V. $500 REWARD liavo n discharge from offonilvo or oUicrwtse, partial Iras of taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressure In head, you Imvo Catarrh- Thou sands ot oases terminate In consumption. A3r. Sago’s CATAimn Remedy on_res i ho woi oases of catarrh,“Cold in t and Catarrhal Hoadaobo. irst l.» , and at onco buy A NEW SUIT STILISH WINTER ULOTHW undingicodntry. >n to my Largo and woll selected stock of Goncral Merchandise, consisting of kSlM&ii!SB? My Ion, FaUBNovelUo* In BUks, VolvetsJRobea, aml|ln|fact everything JAS. S* WRIGHT, Cornor Newcastle and Monk Streets. I hnvo Just received nn elegant stork of reason lie 'goods selected h; *■“ “ “ ‘ markets, and onn snppl ahlotgood* selected liv myself In tho Northern dy the town with Clothing, Hats, SHOES, OVERCOATi M Gouts’ Furnisimii; Goods, NKOKWKAK AND Host KltV Which were purchased fur each, and ronso lent y c»n 1» sold on etmnit margin*. Suita mndq to oialcr hum wimple*, mnah heapertlmn from n tailor, ami lit gmtrnmeetl. JAS. S. WRIGHT. The Religion* Portion. *“Whnt is tho most religious portion of tho body!” asked Mnudio tho other day. And, no otto guessing the answer, sho told it: “The head, because it is lictwecn two temples."—Jo wish Messenger. Snnttory tnipeetton. ' London has a sanitary inspection com pany, regularly incorporated, that for a fixed fee inspects your plumbing and toils you whether you are breathing sewer go* or ordinary air.—Now York Sun. PUTNAM'S Livery Stable! Corner Monk and Oglethorpe streets. . wearing from my stable The Finest Turn-Outs llinery Department of Ladle*’ llata.Bonnets, Omaraent*,'tUbbon* andtTrlmmlngaJof ment gou wlllflnd under the onto nnd managoment of * Tory popn- SHOES ^17S BOOTS I* filled with the Ini every deeerintton, tar *nd ftshlonible Of every *tvle»ndtqnatlty. My shoe* wtn make friends outshine rival*, win victories end wll ofegam>o'’liSn^fall'to gotn eidr Cry timogfrhoy ere flr*t-ela*4jthroagbont In style, quality *ud MDfttitsMkiiiMs Itiavo Jn»t received a very llargo stock ot Clothing and Gents’ Uumtihing Ooodn dt tho latoet I Bhlrti, Collars, Cuffs Hats, Caps Trunks VnlUo*. Umhrollss *o. outs colon, etc., Undersult*, 8h FURNITURE! I propose to surprUo the publlo In having tho handsomest and most elegant stook ot fnrnltnre r brought to nrnnswlek, besides Carpets, Mattings nnd Bugs. I also keep the DOMESTIC mm MACHINES, Whloh tsooustderallthe BEST bytall who have tried them. GROCERIES! My Grocery Department yon will find by ’examination to bo tho most oomploto ever offered to tbo publlo. consisting ot Knnoy and Pnmtlv Groceries of tho boat that tho Eastern and Western msr- ts.afford, I havealwijnstadded « n toekof HARDWARE, CARTRilii'ERS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS’ MATERIALS Nnljs Hlngos Stovos and Hoaterx, Paints'White Leads OIL Vamlahos Wood and Willow Ware. Hollow Ware, Orookory and Glass Wnre, Tinware, Harness, Saddles. Whips and Bridlos. J. MICHELS O N. M. MI CH ELS ON. Great Reduction in Pricesl . Never Before Sold at Such Low AatesI Professional Dirtttory » IXBtUtl. ^onui<kii" 11.1 n«»bfaV DKN'nS'A’H. - OjBm, front nmi erar Moor* A BStmit, * jLOOAL DENTISTS. * Admits* XUMrbknk '°™ drug»tor« of Lloyd D. ATKINSON, DENTIST. once ap stair* In Wright's now building. FhjrsMtiii* ->■ ■ JJ 1BCBWOBD, N.K, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONJ h «ai m Lowyera, pH • c tTHITFIffiLD, Attorneys at law. Praottco in all the courts of the BrtuuwiekCir etui. Oflloe In Crovatt block. ,, fobs '. Dennett. A. L. Groover. gBNNBTTI* nffiOOVEII, ATTORNEYS AT IAW. Oftlcojln Uannlo Building, Up Stairs, JEWEL If HEADQUARTERS. RICHARD (IBHRLAGHR, practical; Every Article Guaranteed. ttyon wish to save money call atmv placo of business ooraorot Monk and Newcastle streets My Watch DEPARTMENT Iscomplcto. I turnout none but firstclss* work Give me atrial. H. OBERLAEUTER, Brunswick, Ga. —I, * YOU CAN SAVE MONISY BYfCALLING ON For the oootlus fall and Winter we will be sble to offer our euetomen s most complete lino of the varlout entries -ceullunml below, end at such remarkably low prices that you bare but to give us s call oonvluood. No mioh Inducements were svtr boloro offered si we now present lu onr wholesale and Hardware in Every Line, House-Furnishing Goods, PAINTS AND OILS In all varieties, including Mixed Paints, Doors, Sash, Blinds, ' i ■ v I- h wnioh will ijlvo biit satUfaotlon. Earners’ Implements of Highest Quality, Mill Hardware, Building Supplies, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY, GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves. I FRIEND OF THE HOUSEWIFE, Wood and Willow Ware In every drelgn. In Crockery, Glaee, Tin and Agate Ware we have a flue and all tlmoa. Satisfy yourselves and us by giving ns an early call. !MC. nsOOHCETLiSOlSr. auaU-lT Aug. F. Franklin. J. A. H. Jone FRANKLIN & JONES, Dialer Ureter anJ Comaiissien Halt. Hay, Md, Feed, Four, Bwi, Mill Feed Generally. J. B-. WRIGHT, Corner Koweastlo and Gloucester St„ . FOUYOUR — Pall Suitand Overcoat ; t I hnvo Just reoalved an elegant assortment f purehasod during my recent trip North, which 1 offer at bargains. MyUneot , f . Soft and Stiff Hitt for Min and lop Cannot bo excoU6d.^Ca)l|and examine my $3.00 SHOE^ FOR Equal to nn; sold » White and scarlet slery, moves, shirts, at lowest prices, ers, eto., ‘suit s to ordor'from samples, and fit'guarantosd. J. B. WRigUT, NowcutIc(nnd Gloucester Sts, Brunswick, Ga< BAUMGARTNER BROS., §|j tit ■butcrken and WUKN ukockrh, . M HAKE a specialty of DoUcIonsYatJM ■ colvod daily from Armon!r’a|Mi Olilcngo. It Is deliciously Fat ari told Twenty-five 1’cr Cent cli ‘ tight elsewhere. * Try a* Pi' And von wlU have no .other Beef, ALWAYS OK HAND. •■v SEA *b-"_ BRUNSWICK 4 SAVANNAH AND WAY LANDINGS. * • V, % Car-Lb**- ^ots a Specialty ASD THE BEST SEBVIOK. f Wd COOlpete order solicit’d, Jund satisfaction gnaran- ] r Price, 'anli-lv. A. T. PUT5AM,i ith any Market in Quality ai\d Mean just|what we Say. Steamer St Nicholas ■oUta’StwSa ISmSSS W 111 lsavo SsVsnaah ,to Biiimdi, and «I«ubS •*( SPECIAL BATES TO