Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, February 15, 1888, Image 1
T. G. STACY & SON, PUBLISHERS. — BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1888. I ■- Published J«ujr ua Weekly u BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA, “THE CITY BY THE SEA.” T. 9. STACY * SOU, 141 ton a* 4 Proprlslon. Subscription Retest Dally, by mall.ordcllTered by carriers within the city, |4 per annum) Wee*- IV' II nnp annum I per Annum, . Advertising Kates extremely reasonable, and made known on applteatlL_. Advertisements' for which no definite contract payment exacted accordingly. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF CITY. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNTY. OFFICIAL ORGAN op MARSHAL. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SHERIFF. OFFICIAL ORGAN op ORDINARY LOCAL NEWS AND GOSSIP. There were just 43 arrivals yester day at the Ocean Hotel—not 10. Fresh country eggs at 20o per doz- n, at E. 0. Futch’s. tf Bay street is now sholled nearly to Cook’s mill. This is a big im provement on the heavy sand hereto fore mot with on that street. Fresh garden seeds and onion sets at Lloyd & Adams’. ‘ * ■ Judge Lambright don’t allow peo ple to disturb his court more than $5 worth at a time. When a party has violated that much he pays up and then takes a fresh start. Conductor Mark Verdery is sl6w- ly improving from his recent railroad catastrophe. He still feels the bad effects of his grand leap last August, on the Albany river trestle. * To Rent; The store now occupied by the Marlin Dry Goods Co. Pos session given March 1,1888. Appl- to M. Miohelson. * - The Oglethorpe’s parlor- has been treated to several hundred dollars worth more of elegant furniture. No one need care for a handsomer par- lar than is to be found there. To Rent: A comfortable house pleasantly located’in Southern por tion of the city. Apply at this of fice. • Supt. Haines went oat to-day over tho lino of the B. & W. to look after its needs. If he will tarry awhile nlong several points wo might men tion he could write up a large book on “needs.” Our stock of patent medicines, per furnery and toilet articles is now complete. We can save you money on everything we sell. Lloyd & Adams. A gentleman reached the city to day from Jacksonville, and says he could learn nothing there about this city. Wouldn’t it be well for -our railroad and steamboat lines to do-a little advertising in that direction? Lloyd <fc Adams are soiling their entire stock of blank books, receipt books, and everything in the station ery line,at absolute cost. Call on them Mrs. William Berrie left last night for Milledgeville to nurse her sister, Mrs. Taylor who is sick. Billy says: “She took some of the children and left the rest fer me to take care of.” Guess she left none that could not take care of themselves. Capt. George Fahm, of Boston, Go. is in the city on a visit to his mother and family. The town has grown so in the past few years that the Cap tain had quite an experience last night in finding his way home from the show. Says ho thinks he must have traveled “at least 26 miles.” Guess his figures were considerably exaggerated, but nevertheless they show what progress is being made, when a man who was raised here gets lost in flndipg his way home to hie mother’s house, and ho plumb sober. SHOP REMOVED. I have removed ray tin and general repair shop to my residence, opposite the ice factory, where I will be pleat ed to receive any orders. Chas. A. Hoyt. * The Minstrels Last evening were pronounced fine by those who witnessed It, The mtf- slo was particularly fine and the ac robatic feats superb, particularly that of the india rubber man, Who stood upon two chairs, leaned over backwards and picked up a tumbler of water from the floor with his teeth, and drank same as he straightened up again to bis original position. , Boabdebs Wanted.—Rooms largo and comfortable. First-class fare. Termsmoderate. Apply to Mrs. J. A. Bell, corner Gloucester street, op posite Episcopal church. Off For Washington. Judge Atkinson, Mayor Dunn, Al derman Madden and' Mr. W. E. Bur bage, tho committee appointed by Council to go to Washington, at the request of Congressman Norwood, left this morning, and will appear be fore the committee on publio build ings Friday, to lay before thorn tlio needs of this city. They go well heeled with facts and flguies. Policeman Cut. Olllcer Davis Dubborly was cut in the faccjast night by a negro named Warren Kenny. Dubborly was try ing to arrest Kenny in Ponder’s sa loon for some misdemeanor, when the negro plunged hi% knife into his jaw, cutting a long gash. Though an ugly wound it is not considered dan gerous. Kenny is still at large. Lloyd <fc Adams can sell you the best hair brash 0u the city for the least money. All Aboard For SaT&naah. Tho B. & W. R. R. will place on sale excursion tickets from this city to Savannah and return at tho duced rate of $2 for the round trip on account of the Jasper Festival. Tickets will be on sale Feb. 20, 21 and 22, limited to five days from date of sale. Wanted, a carrier hoy. This office A That Compress. Messrs. Bush & Campbell, the great cotton compress men men, are again in our city, looking over the situation before putting up a com press here. Wade in. gontlemen, and don’t be afraid, thore is no need to fear, Brunswick has laid aside her baby clothes and the cotton is cer tainly coming here next winter. If “Old Fogey” will read the Jour nal of this morning again he will find that the information as to President Garfield’s mother, furnished by that paper is not a “a telegraphic dis patch.” Such information docs not como under tjic head of “telegraphic specials,” as he ought to know if he reads them. Young Fogey. Run Over by Street Car. Mr. Dan Randolph’s little hoy was run over and badly hurt last evening by a street car near the ice factory, His leg is pretty badly cut, but we trust tho wound will not prove seri ous. Little boys cannot be too care ful how tho play on streot car .tracks. Only One More Week. The Marlin Dry Goods Company will offer “Bargains” only one more week before dosing the establish raent, and there is a probability of closing up before Wednesday night. In view of these facts we would ad vise all who intend calling, but who have delayed their movements to do so at once and get the benefit of buy ing at actual cost. Dont wait forth) last minute. Mabun Dby Goods Co. Fob Rent: Twelve rooms over the Co-Operative Store, suitable for two families or for a boasding house. Every convenience at hand. Apply to D. J. Dillon. \ LENT. J Editors AnvanTitgi-Amat, . To-day, Ash Wednesday, is the first day of Lent, and so thoroughly docs the spirit ofEpUeopalitnlam rale throughout tho community that, even though its adherents are-lit a minor ity in the United States, every where gayetics have oome.to an end,' and till Easter Day, balls ihd dances and feastlngs will ho carried on, if at all, on the sly, as if people were sshamed,at being known al breakers ofHhathafi.now oome to A'recog- hue# law of society, and^ healthy law at that, as even dancing and feast- .if too ESTABLISHED 1876. I am Closing out my Entire Stock FALL ANS WINTER i&i- . . ■ + . . ing pall upon their “total long continued. Since early this moral worshipers have assoml three churches belonging copalians and Roman Ci each of which the begin “Great Forty Days” has with tho rites appropriate to tho oc casion. At tho Romalji 'Catholic church the faithful wore - signed on thetf. foreheads with aV rbss, the thumb of the Priest being- lipped in the ashes of the palm, hi seed last year on Palui Sunday, blest id as so* crcd ashes this morning^ iprinklcd with holy water, and dulyiumigatcd with incense. Over each kneeling pen itent were recited in Latin,tho words: “Remember, O man, that, thou art dust, and unto dust shElt-* thou re turn.” In the Anglican .elfcrch, and those in communion with her, these ceremonies were dropped at , the Re formation, as experience proved they tonded to superstition, evemeducated persons attaching amaglcajj-efiflicacy to the blessed ashes. Her ceremonial, though plainer,is tho more impressive from the fact of its being conducted in a tongue and manner understood by the people. The word Lent is derived from the old Saxon .word “Lenten” or Spring, as the Fast of Lent always occurs at that season of tho year. In the Ro man Missal it* still retAins its Latin name of Quadragesima, or space of forty days, and since the second cen tury the Lenten discipline—always observed in the church, since Apos tolic times—has been of obligation on the faithful. Tho Greek church in sists on a corporal fasting fifom sun rise to sunset, which is literally ob served by all, except the very young, tho very old, and invalids, and in cludes the most rigid abstinence from flesh meat. In tho Roman Church, what with the most delicate cooking, tho most expensive fish, the non-pro hibition of spirituous and fermented liquors, and tho dispensations even from abstinence from flesh meat, except among the religious orders, fasting is nearly nominal. No re striction is put upoii amusements, nor are any extra devotions preached up as of obligation. In the Anglican com munion tho season is very strictly observed. Fasting and abstinence and self-mortification are inculcated and practiced, though tho church leaves it to the consciences of her At a Redaction of 20 per dt. ’ Flannels, Blankets, Bed Comforts* tftf* ' • • •> '-JnX 'l/.V •' \ * - " derwear, Corsets, .Ladies*and Gents’Silk. lEmhreltafoetc, _ . | J. MIOHELSON. people how they shall follow out her lii teaching. As a rule these extra observances assume the form of works of charity and mercy, denying oneself of luxu ries and giving tho proceeds to the poor, more frequent attendances at the sfervices which ore always in creased during Lent, and greater time given to private devotion and self examination. As a rule, mar riages are not celebrated daring this season, a rule more rigidly observed in tho Anglican than in the Roman communion, except by the royal fam ily of England, nearly every member of which has hecn married in Lent, the Queen having imbibed the free views of tbo late Prince Consort on I do jtbis in order to make rootn lfrr my Spring Stock. I mean exactly what i say ■ * # I . ' _ ; _ ‘ -J : and ask you to call and be convinced: My goods are offered at prices that are in the reach of all. Life is short, and if you Want to enjoy it, <£all and see the great bargains, 1 w ill give special bargains, in Cloaks, ga V •r' this as on every other phase of eccle siastics! discipline. In London the theatres arc closed by law on Ash Wednesday, on which day likewise the members of the Houses of Lords and Commons attend service at the Church of St. Margaret, Rector the Ven. Archdeacon Farrar, adjoining Westminister Abbey, that being their parish chnrch, and listen to a sermon appropriate to the occasion Ash Wednesday is of more mod ern date than the Fast of Lent, which really begins next Sunday. But as no fast is ever observed on the Lord’s Day, St. Augustine anathematized all who should follow such a prac tice; Pope Felix III, in the year 487 first added the four days from Ash Wednesday inclusively to complete the number of fasting days to forty, of which thcsoa8on actually consists; Popo Gregoiy the Grent in the sixth century introducing the. sprinkling of ashes on the first of these four ad ditional days,* hence called Dies Cin- crum—Ash Day. This practico the Council of Beneventum in tho year 1091 strictly enjoined on the whole church as of obligation, the English Reformers abolishing it, “as being a mere shadow, or vain show.” R. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys- epsia and Liver Complaint? Shilon's italizer is guaranteed to cure you. Hodges & McCauley, Druggists. Dr. A.B. McCASKITX, PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT ST. SIMONS MILLS, Ga. Twenty yean practical experience. LJ.Leavy & Co. AUCTION AND COUUMION EIBCNANTt, AND GENERAL COLLECTUS AGENTS. New Advertisements. Additional Quarantine Rule. Bnle It. Any ponon or penons loitering arohnd re«iel* under tbo Quarantine Foie. In small boats or otherwise shalTte held guilty ol a vlols.'.oi of tho Quarantine Regulation.. Adopted February 10, 1888. * E. A. NELSON, Cl'k of Coano'l and Secretary B. of H. Hard Coal Jn.t received by schooner, and now unloading, a cargo ol SOGOOAL. Call at onco and leave your order, for hard *“»rdle LITTLEFIELD & TISON. NOTICE. T HE nndenlgned, John C. Bather gustos O. Bacon and W. Itintar 1 all ol Bacon, Bibbconnty Ga.. hereby | „ as required by {aw, that they,have formed a rail road companv torb the “Jacksonville l Company." The ohjept and purpose of s to constr oct, maintain and operate a mill it and passengers, I i county Ua.iOn t . .. ^ themonth ofBean point la said oottnty Of Charlton, or county of CamdqSipn tbb lit* dlTtd^gthe^tateaol - tho transportation of f ginning at a point In Wayne Altamuha river, opposite to t creek, and ex lending tnrougl gla apSfelorldnt bald point to railroad ro be projected and from JaekM>ovUIe,'tn the neet wlth said railroad For the purpfieA of dompfot!) ? ulilMtmMinv sni) tit . -ii^mnjnny and of the tame. . articles of association a will at tl'« proper time LADIES Do VowtOwn Dyeing nt Horae, with' Peerless Dyes ! They will dye everything. The/.nre sold every ;\