Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, February 15, 1888, Image 3

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Otmurt Sepulchral Mate*. . 1h» German houm trs entirely want ing in 4m OomfortaMe warmth wo an MMMftMMitDln America. thdrseptil- chral.Arliito porcelain stoves, twelve foot or so high, dupenao almost as littlo heat os cheer. Solemnly erected In tbo cor- new of the room*, they peeeent on that (when one la lira homesick uiood) is remarkably dispiriting, and often they produce tlio samo effect on one's spirits of tlio aa would the near neighborhood monuments and gravtstooea they ao strongly resemble. But tho bed furnish' ing is os oppressively warm as tho beat of tho white, ghostly stoves is l ^ insuf- fleient. The great elder down quilts, that always form the outside coverings, areas thick and heavy as feather beds. Bcsido tho sweltering heat that these thero cannot but be the suggestion that very likely they may already have done duty for several generations. But those who have always lived in a country of vulgar progress probably do not appreci ate the conditions of living in a land where oristooratlo conservatism prevails. It is not nt all likely that houses In Ger many will be warmed by steam pipes or furnaces,' or anything but their colossal white stoves, for several hundred years yet.—Hanover Cor. Boston Herald. Ice Sailing with Skate*. Ice sailing is the latest amusement to take here, and it has become very popu lar. I do not mean with boats, but with skates. The skater crosses two sticks binds him and coven them with can vas, making the whole about she feet by one or two in extent He places this sail against his back and runs his arms through the stipks so as to hold it. With a good wind he can go twenty miles an hour over smooth ice, and he can tack and beat against the wind, just os in sail ing a boat. There is a ten mile surface at CreveCceur lake that offers elegant sport. It is very exciting, but it requires some daring to start in, aa the rapidity of the skater is opt to terrify the man who has never tried it In skating with the wind one's eyes water, but one can see quite well enough to avoid holes. There would bo little chance of being saved if you did blow in. However, it is an easy thing to blow across a three foot hole in going at a high rate of speed. It is very exciting sport, and require very little practice to master its intricacies. It re quires comparatively smooth ice for good skating. If an obstruction is met with your fall is pretty hard.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Mon Wearing Varied Color* Again. Gontlemen are slowly but surely drift ing back to those days when light and fantastic colors were necessary to a hand- ' some and well ordered toilet. Tho ladies are no longer to monopolize tho gay hues with which the rainbow is decorated. In the animal kingdom the gentleman mem ber of the family generally puts on the plumage or wealth of hair and fur. For proof, behold the lion and tho gold or sil ver pheasant. I say gentlemen are slowly but surely drifting back to those days of blue silk coats, yellow veste, green knee bfeeches, laco collars and wristlets, etc. Don’t you believe it? Examine any new tailor mado suit and seo if a pair of trousers are ever mado up nowadays without a gay colored pieco of V shaped silk inserted and joining tho waistband in the back. A finical gentleman would not wear trousers that did not havo this literally entering wedge. The crimson nccktio is already tho proper caper. These colors are bound to widen and engthen until they cover the form of creation’s lord.—Cincinnati Times-Star. The Babies of Japan. The little baby is not offered its natural . nourishment for three .days. During this time the liquor of boiled rice is fed to it I And it is not tilbked daintily up in soft ' wliito blankets in its clean little bed, but set up in a small tub and covered with coarse, dark comforts. ' The only relief it has during its infancy from this uncom fortable position is-When it is put on itt mother’s or some else’s back, inside their clothes, and taken out for an airing. It is claimed by the more enlightened now that this constant sitting position, or being crowded against some one, with shoulders thrown forward and chest S ressed in,'is ono reason why almost all ( Japanese are so extremely narrow- chested. It is anything but pleasant to see a 3-yenr-old strapped on tho bock of a 4-year-old, with head (Bhavcn, of course,) thrown way over to one side, tbo unhappy little victim fast asleep'with the hot sun streaming on it, and flies feasting on the dirt which is almost invariably part of a Japanese baby’s face.—Babyhood. News for Sniftering Women. Mobven, OA. Feb. 20,1887. Mb. 11. A. Bilious: Borne timo ego I bought five bottle* of your Nunn- better Tonto Pills for my wife, who had boon an invalid for four years, suffering with general debility, great weaknoss, great nervousness, loss of appetite, thick, sallow complexion, a fullness of tho stomach, she suf fered fh»m suppressed menstruation (monthly siekncsB). Pi vo bottles of the pills mado a now woman of her. You may be assured I recommend them. Yours respectfully, J. 6. Scnuaas. For Bale at wholesale and retail by Lloyd A Adams, Brunswick, 6a., and at retail at all points on B <fc W and E T V & G Railroads. Call for descriptive advertising matter. AND SURROUNDlNGICOUNTRY. I call special Attention to my Large and well selected stock of General Merchandise, consisting of CURED AU HUMORS, from a common RTotch, or Eruption, to tho wont Set .'lulu. Salt-rheum, Fever -soros," scaly or Rough Fever-eoros," scaly or Rough Skin, In short, nil diseases caused by tvsd blood are conquered by this powerful, puri- fyimr. and Invigorating medicine, ureat Eatlutr Ulcer* rapidly heal under its be nign Influence. Especially has It manifested Its potency In curing Totter, Roso Rash, lolls, Cai “ iRoile, Carbuncles, Soro Eyes, Scrof- 'ulous Soros and Swellings, Hip- Joint Disease, White swellings, Goitre, or Thick Neck, and Enlarged Send ten cents in stamps for a largo treatise, with colored plates, on Skin Diseases, or tho same amount for a treatlso 0 «TXJE 1O RUOOD 0n iS THE . T,IFE.*> Thoroughly clcanso It by using Dr. V lores’* Golden Medical Discovery, mid good digestion, a fair skin, buoyant spir its, and vital strength, will be established. CONSUMPTION, which is Scrofula of tho Lungs, is an rested and, cured by this remedy, If taken be fore tho last stages of tho dlseoso are reached. From Its marvelous power over this terribly fatal dlseoso, when 8rat ottering this now ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ’ •' , Dr. celebrated remedy to tho public, Dr. I’ieroh thought .seriously of calling It his “Cou- a medicine which, from Its wonderful combination of tonic, or strengthening, alterative, or blood-cleansing, nntl-bilious, pectoral, and nutritive proper ties, Is unequnlcd, not only ns a remedy for consumption, but for all Chronic Dis eases of tbo Liver, Blood, and Lungs. If you_feol_dull, drowsy, debilitated, havo on face or body, frequent headache or ness, bad tasto In mouth, Internal heat or chills, aKernatlng with hot flushes, low spirits and gloomy forebodings. Irregular appetite, nnd coated tongue, you are suffering from fudlgostlon, Dysiicpsln, nnd Torpid Elver, or “Bllloiisncsa.” In many cases only part of these symptoms are expe ls As u remedy for_j\!l_ such rases, rlenccd. Dr. Pierce’s Golden medical covory is unsurpassed. For Weak Iauiu», Spilling of Hood, Shortness of Rrentli, (iron- hltls, Asthma. Sovoro Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an efficient retnedj. Sold nr DnuaaisTs, nt $1.00, or DOTTLES for $5.00. book on Consumption. Address, World’s Dispensary Medici elation, coa iloln aiieet, Hrrr,v $500 REWARD Is offered by tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. If you havo a discharge from tho nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of smell, taste, or hearing, weak eyes, dull pain or pressure In head, you havo Catarrh. Thou- - nlm' ..pressure , . ... sands of caeca terminate In consumption. Dr. Sago’s Catarrh Remedy cures tho worst cases of Catarrh-“Cold in tho Hoad,” and Catarrhal Hcadacho. CO cents. clothes, nnd at once bur A NEW SUIT k ° f t * Nov4,Ue * ta 8Uta ' **"•■**••’ •»**«et everything My Millinery Department ' , Is filled with the latest styles of l«dtss’ Rats, Bonnots. Ornaments, Slbboni very descrip tion. Tills Department yon will And under the care and mastgeir ar and tashionablo milliner just from Baltimore. SSSCOSS -A.3JT3D BOOTS Of every style andlqnaUty. My shoes will make friends, outshine rivals, win victories, and sell themselves on their own merftutovcry timo4frboy are flrst-oUsHphrougbout In style, quality and elegance. Don’t fail to get a pair. 0“ c WHITVIRLD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW; Praotloe in an the courts of the Bruns wlekOlr cult. Office In Crovatt block, fobs J. W. Bennett. ' A. L. Groover. gBNSBTTRt GROOVER, ATTORNEYS AT. LAW . I have Just received a very Barge stock of Clothing and Gents’ Furnishing Goods of tlio latest cuts, colors, eta., Undersuits, Shirts, Collars, Cun, lists, Gaps, Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, fto. FURNITURE! I propose to surprise the Phblle in having the handsomest and moat elegant .took of furniture over brought to Brunswick, bosldoa Carnots, Mattings nnd Rugs. I also keen tho DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES, which Is oonstdorea the BEST byfall who have trlod thorn. GROCERIES ! My Grocery Department you will And by Examination to bo the most complete over ottered to tbo public, consisting of F mcy nnd Family Groceries of tlio host that the Eastern and Western mar- afford. I have also just added fa,, - tuck of , CMtIWIiltS’ TOOLS, BUILDERS’ MILS Nalls, Hinges, Stoves and Hoators, Points,While Leads. OIL'Vamlshos, Wood and Willow Ware. Hollow Ware, Crockery and Glass Ware, Timvaro, Harness, Saddles, Whips and Bridles. J. MICHELSON. M. MI0HEL80N, Great Reduction in Pricesl HARDWARE. Never Before Sold at Such Low Rates! Pttftuianal Directory DentUta. MM.mimjmibaO' ■ DINT I sts. GOTO, front room over Men. a iMiCrnry’ Tli*, MWji A •®at,«m»ami4 LOQAL DENTISTS. * Adams' KklKrbloc>c * OY(r dru * •«>** ***** n D. ATKINSON, DENTIST. \ OflMe up stairs la Wright’s now building. Fhjglclans. JJ'IBURVOHD, nt,.D„ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON] Offlco up stairs in Brocas Mi IsweosUe •street, opposite Lawyers. •Office]In Mnunlo Building, Up Stairs, JEWEL B¥ HEADQUARTERS. latcl Mater I oan sell yon from my well finest and best goods over li“ ‘ it prices that defy oom r Every Article .Guaranteed. It you wish to save money call at mv. place of • business, oorner of Monk and Newcastle streets My Watch DEPARTMENT H. OBERLAEUTER, Bbunbwiok, Gk. ? YOU CAN SATE MONEY BVJCALDNG ON ■m. For tho coming l-’sll snd Winter wo will bo ablo to offer our customer, a most complato lineoftbe various srtlolo. "itintioned below, snd s» snob remarkably low price, that you havo but to give us a call to be convinced. No .nob Inducements wore ever bofore offered as we now present In our wholesale snd retail .took >( - Hardware in Every Line, 1 House-Furnishing Goods, PAINTS AND OILS In all varieties, including Mixed Paints, Doors, Sash, Blinds, . ' 11 V I . which will give brat satisfaction. Earners’ Implements of Highest Quality, STYLISH WINTER CLOTH JAS. S. WRIGHT, Comer Newcastle and Monk Streets. I havo Just received an elegant stock of season- .jlofgooits selected by myself In the Northern markets, and can supply tho town with • People of Alaska. Governor Swineford eays in his annual report that there are 80,800 peoplo in Alaska. Of these, 37,500 are uncivilized natives, 3,750 civilized natives, 800 Aleuts, 1,800 creoles and 5.000 whites. Tho year was regarded as an exception- i yew oily bad ono in 'regard to temperature, but tho enthusiastic governor, who was acclimated in the northern peninsula of Michigan, says that ho has not changed his opinion as to the general salubrity and mildness of the climate. And this seems to bo borno out by the statistics of meteor ology, for it cannot bo said that a cli mate which ranges from 8 dogs, below to 77 degs. above is harshly cold or scorch ing in its heats.—New York Mail and Express. ided Money and Caro Wsstsd. If half the care and money on pet dogs in Washington we to the care of needy and deserving chil dren, somo thousands of these might be rescued from wont and prepared for use fulness in life. Wo suppose foe prefer ence for dogs is all right, since society i>y its acts rays so, but somehow it does not socni to fit in nicely with par exalted Christian civiliriitlon.—Washington Post. Clothing, Hats, SHOES, OVERCOATS M Gents’ Furnishing Goods, NECKWiSAH AND HOSIERY Which woro purchased for cash, and conse uenty can be sold on closest margins. “'“"•Suits made to order from samples, mnch gjU Duivo iiiiniu luuiuu tiwiu raiiijmis, iiiuui lumper than from a tailor, nm| lit guaranteed. JAS. S. WRIGHT. PUTNAM’S Livery Stable! Corner Monk and Oglolhorpc streets. . securing from my stable The Finest Turn-Outs AND THE BEST 8EUVI0E. order solicited, Jand “thfinrtlfln gnuran- A. T. PUTNAM, Mill Hardware, Building Supplies, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY, GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves, I FRIEND OF THE HOUSEWIFE, Wood snd Willow Ware In every design. In Crockery, Glass, Tin and Agato War. wo hsvi largo assortment, which we are ready to offer at bottom price.. We will be pUaacit to show c all rimes. Satisfy yourselves snd us by giving us an early call. Mi. MIOHELSON. Auo. F. Franklin. J. A. H. Jone FRANKLIN & JONES, Dealer Mer ail Cooaisn Merctat, lay, Mi, Feed, four, Bum, Mill Feed Generally. Car-Lu*- isots a Specialty We Compete with any Market in Quality ai\d Price, and Mean justlwhat We Say. .'snlf-lY. d. B. WRIGHT, *v m Comer Noivcastlo and Gloucester Sf„ Fall Suit and Overcoat. I have Just received an elegant assortment purchased during my reoent trip North, which 1 offer at bargains. My lino of Soft and Stiff KtU ' for MiB and Bojt Cannot bo oxeoUod.tUall|and examine my $3.00 SHOES FOR MEN, Equal to any told elsewhere at |4. Whlto and scarlet underweari all grades, ho siery, gloves, shirts, neckwear,, suspenders, ete,. .Suits to order from samples,and fit guaranteed. J. B. WRIGHT, ' Nswosstlojand Gloucester Sts, Brunswick, Ga. BAUUQARTNER BROS., BCTCBEKS AND GBKKN GKOCKBS. eelvert da Is siSfTwonty.flve 1 meat oan be bought elsewhere. Wry a . And you will have tio pther; Beef, Poik,SausaJ?ps,Etc., ALWAYS.ON HAND. BRUNSWICK ASAVANNAH ANDWAY LANDINGS, v! -N. Steamer St. Nicholas ■ W in las vs HsTsnuth ,n>r day sad Friday sis p. m. Connections msdswtthB, points between ' V. . • . SPECIAL RATES TO D, •P*l" A