Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, March 30, 1888, Image 3

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.with your ■mM.'MhiAi . Kowfowe TO A VETERAN, IMMtlMllVWM rwmr Mated dttfte rod et drat . jM—nuwi—t ■ fighting the mil cause * Of land and UtaMty, UmmAhI natlihl ■mIi fmiMPnNMIl WWW pww W»i I hdnlaaaa* mfiiamid the dark wH Si HB aim 4y and well yon faced the teWipaii'a atrife, But to lie rank.'neath Mads of qotnmon life. Your prtdo acorns pity, yet kmf hard tlio fato To lire through all—oBly to dlti too late! —A. 8. L. any In The Century. Ttu Cai*i Unlimited Power. <1 httvo no sympathy far the police, but much for tho czar. No man could be placed ina poaitkm of such gnat tempta tion os he—a terrible temptation, with unlimited power over tho lives, the wealth, the consciences of 104,000,000 subjects. Everything they have is his. Ho owns, theoretically, every grain of wheat in the country, every drop of wa ter, every horse, every acre of ground, every piece of gold or silver, and even the clothing they wear. Tliere is nothing that is not his. What he wants he takes. That is the doctrine of the autocracy. If it is a life, very well; if it is the daughter of a subject, os used to be the custom in olden times, sho is his; her father was only her temporary guardian; if it is money, all the saint. The czar's officers call upon- the.governor of a district for ’1,000,000’ roubles. They get it, and as much more as they can for themselves, to pay for the trouble.—William Eleroy Curtis in Chicago News. Xetru for Sufforimr Womwtt. Mmim. Oa., K*K 20.1887. Mu. ftl. A. liuiuut; 8umo Mum ago t bought five bottle* of your Jfui better Tonic Pin* (hr my win,» had been an Invalid for fhttr yean, •uflbrlng with general debility, gnat weakness, great nervousness, los* of appetite, thick, aallotr complexion, a fullness of the stomach. Sha suf fered from suppressed menstruation (monthly stekneia). Five bottles of the pills made a new women of her. Yon may be assured I recommend them. Yours respectfully, J.G. Scruggs. For sale* at wholesale and retail by Lloyd A Adams, Brunswick, Ga., and at retail at all. points on B A W andBTV 40 Railroads. Call for descriptive advertising matten PISTOLS, Odors of a Chinese City. .All Canton smells to heaven, if one ' * will accept it that that realm ever views this noisome cesspool and sewer trap of the Chinese empire, and Coleridge, with all his training with the smells of Co logne, would find a lifetime too slv rt to count and classify the separate o .< -. of Canton. The Pearl, or Canton, li .er, beside which the city is built, and on which a great city of boats exists, does not pretend to wasli Canton, and the wildest fable and legend could never in vent a Hercules omnipotent enough to attempt the cleaning of it. The actual sights of Canton.'the temples, pagodas and things put down in the guide lv are most disappointing, but fill one » Ith admiration for the literary travelers ho have made so much of them.—“I.ulia- mah” in Chicago Times. A Mechanical Giant. What is believed to be the most power ful and efficient tool yet made, is the gi gantic hydraulic forging press of the At las works at. Sheffield, of which Krupp of Essen lias ordered a duplicate. It ex erts a nominal force of 4,000 tons, though its actual maximum power is consider ably greater. The work is made ready f6r the great machine by three furnaces, eacli cajiable of heating an ingot of 100 tons, and two traveling cranes, each eas ily lifting 100 tons, convey and manipu late tho forgings. Ono man operates four valves to raise, lower, advance, re tire, move sideways or rotate tho forg ing, and another man regulates the strokes of the press with the utmost deli cacy and accuracy.—Arkansaw Traveler. Electric Motors for Light Work. It is stated by an electrical journal that no less than 8,000 small motors have been sold ,bv different companies within tho past year, and that 4,000 others are in course of construction to meet the in creasing demand. These motors range from a half horse power to ten horse power, but it is mainly for doing light work in printing offices, machine shops, shoo and box’ factories, bookbinderies, knitting works, bottle washing, pump ing, dental lathes, and for ice cream freezers, coffee mills, organs, etc., that they have been brought into use. In these employments it is said that tho electric motors are gradually supplanting the steam engine.—Now Orleans Times- Democrat. The Greenlander's Newspaper. It may surprise the reader, to know that the Eskimo of Greenland! edit and publish an irregularly issued newspaper in their own language, yet With is tho fact, and it is a creditable fact flespito the journal's name— Atavgjigdlivat Naling- inarmik Tvsaruminasassumik' Univfeat. In a country where tho sun risfes and sets but once a year, it may bo hard to tell whether it is on annual or a daily publi cation. But, whatever its period of issue, somo good hunting stories are told in it.—Frederick Schwatka in Outing. * LEFEVER TRAP GUNS, Colt Guns, CHAMBERLIN TRIP AT BOTTOM iMUi'B PALMER BROS. SAY ANN S-BBR * t* M. MIOHELSON. Great Reduction in Prices I Never Before Sold at Such Low Rates! SrthssssriatIhUsotWlatar wa will he «bia ti offsr oar aMMan a moat eomptata llnaoftba ailiiSishIhiilWwiesw* r~s»w«»bty fewertaaa that rH MjpMeSNaion nisijsnl ai MsskBBBuw ***r tutor.offer.!um» pratenl luour wbolml.M* a , . *. 4^ Hardware, in Every line, lIouse-Fnrnishin&Goods, PAINtS AND ' tobaeoariaead. In all varieties, including Mixed Paints, Doors, Sash, Blinds, which will giro bMt .MtlsfacUoa. larmers* Implements of Highest Quality, Mill Hardware, Building Supplies, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CCTLERY. GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stove^for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves, FMENDO THE HOUSEWIFE, Wood sod WiUow Ware In .Tory design. In Crockery; Glut, Tin and Amite Wire we hire * flno and largo uiorpnent. which we «« ready to offer at bottom price*. Wo will bo pleased to ,how our .took at .11 Ilmen Satisfy yourselves and na by glrlng u, an early call. IMI. MIOHELSON. Itentiata. MSUR * I DENTISTS. s «««•. frost room orarllVoof* * MrCrary* a DtaLUApub, ' LOCAL DENTISTS. ■t limit" Kfc4 ** ,Woek » OT#r drof«tortS*Us|* 1} O. ATKINSON, ‘ T DENTIST. •MIos Sp atatro Is Wright’a new Phygiciang. |J l8DBFOttD,ia.in„ PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEONJ, -jffJf fiwisiBt—slsHHitfT borne. w •4* * \ Lawyers. Acg. F. Franklin. \ J. A. H. Jone FKANKUN & JONES, Dealer. Broker and How to Kill Infusoria. Tho nnimaTculro that find an ocean in every drop of impure wpter can bo de stroyed by a current of electricity passed through the fluid. This was done in a Pittsburg laboratory. There is no sal vation for tile infusoria short of a light ning rod attached to each of their infini tesimal bodies, terminating in a ground connection. Drink nothing hut shocked water.—Pittsburg Bulletin. Wit and Humor. . If wo were to draw a sharp lino of de marcation between wit and humor, wo would say briefly that wit is from the head and mainly artificial, while humor is from the heart mid distinctively nat ural. Wit may sting, hut humor soothes. Wit may moke sport of human Buffering or frailty, but humor is always sympathetic.—Drake’s Magazine. Glass Changing Color. It is found that nearly every kind of ; gla*s, especially that containing man- • ganesc, is liable to a change of color by ^ * tho action of sunlight, but tho glass can \ bd restored to its original color by heat. \ Stained gloss in windows that has •-changed tint through solar action can us bo restored by heat.—Chicago laY M*k wlllk AKU STILISH MG SUITS Throw aside your old clothes, and provide yourself with something new, seasonable and sty lish from the old reliable clothier, JAS. S. WRIGHT, Comer Newcastle and Monk Streets. I have Just received an elegant stock of season able goods selected bv myself in the Northern markets, ami can supply't^B town with Clothing, Hats, SHOES, HATS, Cents’ Furnishing Goods, NEOKWISAIt AND HOSIERY 'Which were puirha-«*d for cash, nml conso. quently can be sold on closest margins. JEF'Sults made to order from samples, much c.’icaper than from a tailor, and lit guaranteed. JAS. S. WRIGHT. Dr. A, B. McCASXILL, ^PERMANENTLY located at ST. SI MONS MILLS, Ga. Twenty years practical experience. Hay, Grail, Feed, Pour, llaoi, Mill Feed Generally. Car-Luw* iiots &, Specialty We Compete with any Market in Quality apd Price, and Mean just what we Say. QIOVATI * WHITFIIW, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Prsotles la all the ooarti of the Brnnswb cult. Oflloe in Orovstt block. fi J. W. Bennett. A. L. Groover. £B9IBTI1* GROOVER, ATTORNETS AT LAW. ^OBo^l^ltomloJBnJMtoKj^^Btair.. McCRARY'S -A-xid. Sale STABLE, GRANTI8TREET. THE BRUNSWICK CO. Is a Permanent Institution, AND WILL HANDLE ANYTHING YOU HA VETO SELL; Send in jour goods. Give them j’our orders to’sell your household property and anything else you have to sell. Mr. Bowyer will’treat'you right. Any reference you need from them you can get- Quick sales and prompt returns is the motto oT THE BRUNSWICK AUCTION CO. L.d.Leavy & Co. AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENTS. DISSOLUTION OF •ship. PARTNER* _ nlsh ami M. Knight, uniter the flrpi name of WALSH & GO., In thin tiny dis solved. The business will tic continued by the undcnlgned, who will collect nil blllnnnd pay all debts. All order, left at tho store ot II. T. Dunn for painting, paper hangingand decorating of *11 kinds will receive prompt attention. February Si, 18W. SAMUEL WALSH. Hodges & O’Connor. After one year’, trial lt|is now an acknowledged fact, that we Keep the Purest and Freshest Drugs in the .City. |Our Prescription Department Is without doubt tho most complete, an the amount of work done demonstrates. We also guarantee exactness and dispatch, rs tills depnrtinent Is under the persoiml supervision of tliu oldest proscrip tion elerti known to tlio Brunswick public. Neither nro wo conftnort to f Is without doubt the most complete, as the amount of work done demonstrates. We also guarantee ... - • —* ■ 1 ‘‘i>n of the oldest prescrip any ono physician's pro tnorongniy prepareu (o nu any ami all that inn *" written, and if you favor us with a call In'this line wo will guarantee satisfaction, both as to.( (v and nrion \v« filer, L-nnn n full lino nf son lift, tOOtll, h«il* !U1<1 DAll, Cloth AIPl blacking bni hlngthat goca to make up a first class drug stf»ro. arc also Proprietor of the| OGLETHORPE HEWSTGSK, NEW. VEHICLES, *fcss* * -—ke, Nothing Second-Hand # or Second-Class. . •Best of Everyhing' D ON’T fail to call on! Sam McCrary when yon want anything In hla line. Ho guarantees good turn-outs, best attention, and aatlsfactlon guaranteed m every Instance. The ladlca are es pecially invited to glre.hlm tholr patronage, the gentlest liorsea being kept for thelrose.l All Orders for Braying PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JEWEL B Y HEADQUARTERS; luiitD ^iHRLwea, BOTTLING WORKS, Whore wo manufacture Lemon, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla and Strawbeirv Soda Wfcter* which we guarantee to l>e as pure as any made. Our Ginger Ale is recommended by pbysiclaiii*, unu we nave no hesitation in asserting that it is as good as any imported in the market. Oall and give us a trial und do convinced that what we tell you is true. t L. D. HOYT & CO., -DEALERS IN- - HORSE-SHOEING! the Oglethorpe Stable., I am prepaired to do CORK*. JOSEPH W. SMITH. Reference: T. A. McKclllnr, Oglut!u>r|w Ktahlcs HARDWARE. Steves G uns, Pistols, Cartridnes, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SASH, DOORS, BUNDS ‘Biifl’oiAA and. Wagons iFHAUriOAL I can aell you from my well (elected stock th« Quest and best goods over brought to this olty. and at prices that defy competition. Kvery Article tiuiminteed. If you wish to^ave moncycatl at my place ot usluess, corner of Monk ana Newcastle street. My Watch- Repairing DKPAHTMBNT tarn ont none bntltn K. ORERLAEMER, • BltUNiWlOX, 1 BAUMGARTNER BROS. IUTCHEBA AND GBXKN GkOCEBU, Try a> Andrea will have neither. Beef, Poik, Sausage, fife., AJLWAY8 OK HASP. . » V