Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, May 05, 1888, Image 3

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, Tlir Tnwtlm of mitaro. M, h MuJIn A III TllO JV*llilt ilnlM«|XNOgiCttl a rwetn-d n l»v*eut of • very valuablo inten-MiiiK Httturu tllCDURll tint R*o- «ro*ity of a IVimhii Imitkcr, Sir Januadjl jgtbbnl.il model of out) of tlio "lowert of ttlnice.'* tn which tho Patwn bury U*lr dead. AmWIng lo tho religion of . tho ^onaMrlnua, the tlun Herod elo- mwitfi—flrv. earth and water—nro not nllowoil to lr dmocmtod by dead badieo, which* accordingly, an given to bird* of a^^'ssaftarsiK drcumfercnco of 800 feet. At tho top of tho tower l* a platform (loping toward the center, when a ciatem 100 net deep ie placed. The platform to divided into three equal porta, eet apart far the bodice of men, women and children. As eoan a* the naked corpaee have been placed, flock* of vulture*, which an alwaya hov ering round, begin their ghastly meal, and before long only tho bare bones are left. These are «wept into the cistern by means of water, with which the platform > to flushed, and after the bones an dis solved in the cistern the water posses through four subterranean canals and to then disinfected by means of a filter— last Tsar's Immigration. I got a glimpse the other of ternoofl of the proof sheets of the forty-first annual report of the Castle Garden - emigration commissioners, to bo presented to the legislature. The total arrivals at tho port for the year were 450,845. The alien immigration, compared with that of 18G8, shows an increase of 83,501. Of the aliens, 841,038 were adult males; 100,040 were adult females, and 08,780 were children of both sexes under 13 years of age. Their nationalities em brace almost every country on the face of tho earth, including the,following: Malta, 308; Syria, 175; Burmah, 170; Turkey, 160; Armenia, 161; Iceland, IBS; Australia, 88; Arabia, 33; Japan, 18; South Africa, 11; New Zealand, 11; India, 8; Egypt, 4; Sandwich Islands, 4; Java, 1; Morocco, 1; St. Helena, 1; Peru, 1.—New York Cor. Philadelphia Ledger. „, • • Novel Tout, for **erk. Sausages, coo!:o i i>v half raw. highly spiced, aro an i.-.l of German cookery. In order to prevent tho Ger mans from exposing themselves to a number of bad diseases incidental to pork, the authorities insist upon the pigs examined before being offered for salel A peasant was arrested for evading this law, and upon being naked to explain, said that ho had a most accurate method of determining tho soundness of pork. The pastor of tho district was always hungry, so the peasant-always Bent him tiie first sausage inode from each pig slaughtered, and a week later called to inquire his health. If it was all right tho pork went to the market, and ex amination fees.were saved.—Now York Sun. _________ Utterly Devoid of "Bosh," A close observer and' student of human nature whalias been thrown a good deal with William D. Howells, the novelist, de scribes him entirely as "a man utterly de void of ‘bosh. ’ ' Ho is a hard worker, who looks upon his profession os worthy of the patient drudgery which a successful editor or lawyer lias to perform in the fulfillment of his duties. He has no affectation. He looks like a successful business man. Common sense is the basis of his charac ter. If ho never burns with ‘the fever of genius,’ he finds inspiration enough to win success. That, after all, is the real test.”—New York World. RHBUMATItM 98 nilgj WWIII KtSL'TSSd. KIDNEY COMPLAINTS ggyggjwwsEiwS PYSPlMiA : CONSTIPATION: ns lows IM USA Xtocommsoded bjr nrofoational and business VnkBiii. Ibnitch wen. mna for book. Rh.um.ti.m7Dr.. Price $1.00. Sold by Drantsu. m» of the KMcuya. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO, Prop’s BUULLNUT05. VT« M. MICH Great Reduction in Pricesl Where Terrapin. Aro Found. And now for the terrapin. Here Balti more is way ahead of New York. In metropolitan restaurants they do not cook the terrapin os wo do here at its home. But metropolites, on the other hand, nro not crazy over the dish like we are here. Terrapins are found in heavy marshes. The bog is in most cases very deep. - The terrainn is not accommodating. Ho doesn't come up to you and let you walk off with him. Oh, no! His terrapinship simply buries himself deep down in the mud, and you must needs bo an expert if you would lay hands upon his shell. These marshes, like all other marshes, are littered with little tufts of sod here and there. Tho hunter steps from one to the other and drives down a long pole or spear. Then he feols around cautious ly, and an expert terrapin hunter can al ways tell the moment his spear touches 1 the shell of his prey. Then tho spear point is shoved under the terrapin, and bit by bit ho is fished up to the surface to be captured in a net such ns is used it> j crabbing. The best terrapins are sold i ' Never Before Soldjat Such Low]Rates! For the coming Fall and Winter we will be able to offer oar onitomen . most complete line or the various article, mentioned below, and at auoh remarkably low prlcaa that you have bat tagtve use oat ” ■- J -rare over boforo offered aa we now prelent lu oar wboli Hardware in Every 1 line, House-Furnishing Goods, PAINTS AND OILS ' In all varieties, including Mixed .Points, Doors, Sash, Blinds which will give Earners’ Implements of Highest Quality, Mill Hardware, Building Supplies, ICE CREAM FRKhZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY GREAT BARGAINS .IN Cook Stoves‘for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves, FRIEND O THE UUUaKVVIFE, Wood And WlUow Wire In every drelgu. lu Crockery, olatit, Tiu mid Agate Were we have e fine end large assortment. which we are read* to offer at bottom price*. Wo will bo pleased to ahrfw our utock at alUimea. Satiety youraelvca and na by giving ua an early call. 1&. MICHELSON. augli-ly Aug. F. Franklin. J. A. H. Jone FRANKLIN & JONES, Dealer. Broter and Comma Merchant. Day, tain, Feed, Peer, Bacon, Mill Feed Generally. Car-L *<ots a Specialty We Compete with any Market in Quality arid Price, and Mean just what we Say. Hodges & O'Connor. After mio year’s trial Itps’now an acknowledged fact that wo Keep the Purest and Freshest Drugs in the City. Our PrescriptionSDepartment Baltimore for about $25 per dozen.— j la without doubt tho most romjjeto, na the j» mount ofwork done demnnatptiv*. "'«• nj^o guarantee Ever * j —“ ■- 1 ■ ’ ’•’ *“ Baltimore Cor. New York Evening Sun exactness and dispatch, vs thi. ilopnitmcnt Is under tho personal siiimrrishm of the eldest prescrip clerk known to the Brunswick public. Neither uru we conllmM to imy i ' ' ' ' The People We Bliss. Tho causes for which different persons are missed by their intimates are various and strange, and considerable interest might bo uroused by a minutely detailed list. For instance, that child who has over been the greatest source of anxiety to its mother invariably creates the largest vacancy in her heart by its ab sence. The friend whom we aro apt oc casionally to accuse of boredom often fills our thoughts when ho can no longer worry ns with his stale jokes or his ri diculous importunities. Tho quiet individual who silently enters the office as though his feet were alwayB encased in rubber shoes, closes the door gently after him and os modestly seats himself at his desk and becomes en- 4 grossed in his work, ip forgotten allay or two after his stool has been filled by an other man; but tlio noisy, mercurial chatterer, who does more work in five minutes than another in an hour, who then becomes a perfect nuisance to Ills plodding companions by hto thoughtless, idle babbling—this man is tlie life of every company ho enters, and is missed , more than Ids friends liko to own. . . __ _ , pb ,-lKtan’i pro ■ serrations, Dill, as has bi'm ilomoiiBtratcl, nro thoroughly prepared to All anv unit nil that may bo written, mill If you fuvor ub with u rail in this lino wo will guarantee satisfaction, both an to quali ty nml price. Wo nlao keep a full lino of soaps, tooth, hair and nail, cloth and blacking. brushes, combs, nml toilet article", and In fact, everything Hint goes to make up a first class drugstore.] Wc aro also Proprietor of the OGLETHORPE BOTTLING WORKS, Where wo manufacture i.omnn. Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla and -Strawberry Soda Water, which wc S uarantoo to bo as pure ns any made. Our Ginger Ale Is recommended by physician,, amli we avo no hesitation in assorting that it is ns good ns any Imported in the market. Call and give us a trial ,.ndlie convinced that what we tell you Is truo. L. D. HOYT & -DEALERS IK- Latest Styles Am! at Bottom Prims can bo had by railing on d. B. WRIGHT, Comer Newcastle sod OlouoMter St. OfY STOCK OF HATS, CAPS AND SHOES, NECKWEAR AND BENTS’ FDRKISHIN6 ifiOflDS Is larger than t have had In many masons, and anyone can ret assured of boing suited. Call tnd examine* Suits to order from (ample*, and fit guaranteed. ; j. B. WRIGHT, ; Newcastle and Gloucester Sis, Brunswick, Ua. Lawyers. QBOVm * WHITFIELD, ’ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ^Practice in All tho courts of the Brunswick Clr oult. Offleo In Crovatt block. lobs NEW mil SPEW SWTS JAS. S. WRIGHT, Corner Newcastle and Monk Streets. I havo just received an elegnnt stock of season Isle goods sulected hi ” ** markets, and can snppl able goods selected by myself In tho Northern .— ------ Ilylthe town with - Clothing, Hats, SHOES, HATS, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, NECKWEARIAND HOSIERY Which were purchased for eaah, and conse qucntly can be sold on closest margins. JQV~Sutts mode to order from samples, much oheaper than from a tailor, and fit guaranteed, JAS. S. WRIGHT. Profession*! Directory UraUifai. Sc H«ILLIN«H(IKA1). DENTISTS. DU tl.If fit NON, j * LOCAL DENTISTS. « OBc* In Kaiser block, over drug .tor* of Uoy 4 A. A Adams. D. ATKINSON, DENTIST. OiUce up atalr. In Wright’* new Physicians. BBafOBD,'*. D„ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ding; residence on J.W. Bennett. A.L. Groover. JgBWffeW « GHOOVEK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW OMoeln Vanulo Building, Up Stairs. McCRARY’S ill, 1 ^jcu6l Sal© ORANT8TREET. SEAISUN B0UTE. BRUNSWICK & S A VANNAH AND WAY LANDINGS, Steamer St. Nicholas will leave H.v.nuah for Bruuswlok every'IDs*, day and Friday at 4 p. in. * Connection* mtdc with I.. « W. and E.T.. fc O. RaNToads, and .tcmm r "Crni'kor Boy" for 8itilla Landinga. 'I'h- McDolaa" touches at all way points listw. en unmswlcli and .Savannah I, Agent. FOR SALE. The Hermitage Island, Plantation and Dwellitt fVMIE dopant two-story, eleven-room house, . . and ninety-nlno ncrcs of dmico laud, on Hcr- mltngo Islnmi and tho imdn hind adjacent. 4t acres on tho island. Only eight miles from Brunswick by water. Situated on n bold creek. Yachts can land direct at the bluff. Splendid live ouk groves. An elegant place for n gen tleman’s winter residence or hunting lodge. Only three-quarters of a mile from Uno of B. & W. If. Titles perfect. Call on or address, for terms, J. M. DEXTER, lm lloal Estate Agent, Brunswick, Ga Nothing Second-Hand Second-Class. Best of’ Everyhing r guard ntccd in overv Instance. The ladle* are es pecially Invited to give him their patronage, the gentlest hone* being kept for their tue. : All Orders for Drawing PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. JEWEL HEADQUARTERS. J. A. BUTTS, Physician ar\d Surgeon. o* FPICE northwest cornorof Nowcastlo and _ Gloucester streets, lately occupied by Dr. J. W ilson. Culls left with UocVwoll. tho Druggist, will receive prompt attention. Odlco hours 0 to 11 n. m. and a to S p. m. Uctidencoon Glouces ter street, ono door from Union. Ca^Spccial attention given |to diseases of throat and lung*. HARDWARE. Steves. 0 uns, Pistols. Cartridnes,^ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. SASH, DOdRS, BUNDS *Bn i preri (=*f=t and V/a^ron’i Dr.IB. McCASEItL, PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT ,. ST. SIMONS MILLS, Ga. Twenty year• practical experience. L.J.Leavy&Go. kUCTlOK ARP COUHIMOS KKRCHAim, ARB annuboPUMinM^nm. i^PECIAL attention gjTcn to iurwdy return, guano .{pvHmggK-Amu t KICIMiiD llBERLfflTBR, PRACTICAL Watch later an j Jeweler!' - *# ■ .■ I can Mil you from my well .elected (took the finest and beat goods ever brought to this city, and at prtoea that defy competition. Every Article Guaranteed. If you jvlsh to save money call at my place of business corner of Monk and Newcastle streets My Watch Repairing DKPAKT5IKNT I. complete. I turn out none blit first class work Give me atrial. R. OBERLAEUTER, Rbunswick, Ga Try gl Fieoe And you wlU havo norther. , Beef, Poil:, Kj*. ump*% ^tc*> At.WAV* ON HAND.