Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, May 14, 1888, Image 3

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*•' *>*<’tj- Mrla-rholy Varan. Erery ud]‘r>r who has to deni with ptiroly litaiwjr* contribution. will iwnr witii '-i that him4x1 tin of tlio tpi-res oITc;i\l by young writer* nowaday* an rtf this ii’iirlmily im-km.-noly class.* To look over tlio nmm, .cr.|4* in a slngio inohtiug’s lngil would !,u.l ono to tup. * twee tt sort of moml ..pestilence had jumiKsl tlio quarantine tlio night beforo and Uescamlwl upon America, depleting it* victims' live* of oil that was fresh, youthful, hopeful, and pesslmlzlng them, aa It 'rere, beyond care. It is AohlAchl Aoli I over O&d ureet again, every trims-, later giving 41* owh version andapplica- tiou. Pbema and stories relating to Christmas and Thanksgiving with a true ring of gladness and good ch&r in them are rare; white autumrt leaves, par* ticulariy the ‘‘sear” variety, are as popu- ' , lor mediums for the transmission of- woes os were the Sibyls of old. There is real ’trouble enough in the world, a pitiful God knows. Let us have tyords of sympathy, of grave,’ sweet coun sel 4“ our sorrow, you pen wielders whom wo. admit to our inmost selves at times when no living presenoe oould be borne.: Tell us, if you will, of your own sad experiences, and how you found con solation in them; remind us,and woshall - be grateful, tliat life is a solemn, earnest thing, by no means to bo laughed at or lightly tripped through; .but do not call Upon tis to shudder over vaguely impiend- tag tetr^*; do not scrape from your palette the living colors of crimson petal, and golden maple bough, and the chang ing sheen of the rainbow, bidding us sol ace ourselves with mist and ashes of rises. _ It-is tho feet of him that bringeth -good tidings that are beautiful upon the mountains; he who pubiisheth pence is ‘tlie true benefactor of ,his f6U0w men.— Willis Boyd Allen in The Century. , ' . 1 : Customs ot tlie Albanians. Among the Albanians exist bitter feuds that have been bonded down-from gener ation to generation, and when men meet of those two families there is bound to btfa fight that will last until one qr the other is dead or disabled, and these feuds often have their rise in (lie qkurrefy of little children, or women over tho.water foun tain. They have a <S; To of unwritten laws, which gmyr.i their intercourse with each other when enemies, and tytey never deviate under any provocation. If their worst enemy goes into a tavern, cabaret or cafe, and sits down beside an other man, they regard him as under tho; protection of that man, and in their eyes it 1 would be making him commit op un- pardonablo breach of hospitality to attack one under hfy protection. Also, if they hap pen by any means to touch the hand’of tho man they wish to kill lie is henceforth a friend instead Of an enemy, and if ever you or yours have eaten in company with an enemy he' is obliged to forgef bis enmity and bo a friend thenceforward, and being friends among the Albanians -means being more than brothers. An Albanian will never stab a man in the back nor shoot from an ambush. If ho cannot fight fair and -square, he doesn’t want to fight. He will not leave a sick or suffering animal by the road side; he will pick up a crust of bread wherever ho sees it, and pray, fbr tho wicked person who made light of Such a. perfect gift, and placing it up on somo high place ho will deal tenderly with all, weaker than he; he will not {brink water standing up, for {ear of appearing to despise that great blessing, and he will oourt a maiden as love lorn as any other man, in spite of his warlike nature.— Olive Harper in Courier-Journal. Moral Touching In Schools. One very good plan is something like the following: From two to four pupils are selected, and it is mode the duty of each to look up and copy a short* moral sentiment or maxim to bo read at the opening of the school in the-moniing. Another set is selected to present i imilar maxim* the next day,- and ih this way all the piuiils are selected in turn.. When tho pupil hSs read or ropedted his senti ment -to tlio- school it is.illustrated or commented upon by the teacher till the meaning is not only clear but well im pressed. After tho rendingfof the senti ments they are copied on the^black lieard, where they remain all day, and each pupil in tho room copies - them into a blank bonk. After the first day tho teacher calls upon volunteers to re;>eat tho sentiments given on preceding days. Five’or six sentiments may be called up in review each day. Some pupils, not much accustomed to general loading, way find it difdcult to look up now sentiments; but let it bo understood that if a now one cannot bo found an old ono will be accepted. Under judicious management there will be no trouble bore. Children do not like to be parrots, repeating the words of their mates; and when review sentiments aro presented they wilf be quite sure to bo suqji as deserve repetition.—Mary E. Beedy in The Century. For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. * ku¥h rum. Criery uk] CM. the Msmtnrai to- quiet* the iwnnm rfthw. curing Renrtsu Woaknete, HyMerta. sleep. fame. It drives bet UmmIwmMi bumottof the blood ponO’XtxmcurtrhtaK it, sod so overcoming than durum* reuniting from Impure or iunuv op -Sued blood. • A LAXATIVE. ActtaftraUdhbutsurclyonthobonre!, It cun* habitual ooasHMUon, and - A DIURETIC. In It* composition the best sod most acUvodimeticsof the Materia klodlca ore combined scleBUttcmlly with oth<* cffcctivo remedies tor diseases of tho -kidneys. Jtcanbe isUSdontogtra quick relief end spoedr cure. Hundredsof testimonials tore bwoSbMlred sho hare ut*d Uita ranmdr with ■nslll. head for elrstdsn^alrin* WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Prop's BURLINGTON, VT. Great Reduction in Pricesl s- Never Before Sold -at Such LowIRatesI it Ibrlheoomlng Fall and Winter we will be abb to offer our customers a moat complete line qf the none articles monUoned below, and at each remarkably low prices that ycu have but to give us a call be convinced. No snob inducements were ever hglore offered se we now. present in our wbpleeale and all stock w . Hardware in Eye$y Line, IIouse-Fnrnishing Gtnxls, PAINTS' AND 01 « In all varieties, including Mise/i ikiiuts, Doors, Sash, Blinds, which will glvd beet satisfaction. farmers’ Implements of Highest Quality, Mill Hardware, Building Supplies, ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRLGEn A TORS, CUTLERY, GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves, FltlKHDO THE HOUSEWIFE, Wood and Willow Ware lu every tl<*#ign. It* t.'rocket y, <»Usp, i'iu large assortment, which vr* are reatlv to offer at bottom price*. We t all times. Satisfy yourselves and us by giving us an early call. Spring Clin?! Latest Styles And at Bottom Prices can l>c had by calling nn J. B. WRIGHT, Corner Xcwcastlelsnd Gloucester 8f. Professioiui Dcntlutsu * nnt,klNunMh.to. * DENT! si». Mrt rsrv’ HW ;my stock of HATS,-CAPS AND SHOES I NECKWEAR AND HilH iOOOSS , !■ larger than I bsvo had In many ee aeons, and nnvono can’ root assured of being suited. Cull andcxnmlnc. Butts to order from samples, and fit guaranteed, J. B. WRIGUT, Newcastle and Gloucester Sts, Brunswick. Ga, NEW WLISBSPRI1 SUITS Throw aside your old clothes, and provide ourself with something new, seasonable and tyllsh from the old rcllablo clothier, JAS. S. WRIGHT, Corner Newcastle ami Monk Streots. tuglt-ly m:. avEioiiHiiLSonsr. Au& F. Franklin. J. A. H. J ONE FRANKLIN & JON'ES, Sealer. Mir aM Ceuaissoii iettaiit, I lmvo just received an elegant stock ot season able goods selected by myself In tho Northern markets, and cau supplyfthe town with Clothing, Hats, SUITES, HATS, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, NEOKWEAttJAXD HOSIEHV Which were purchased for cash, and conso qucntly enn be sold on closest margins. i)^-Snits mrnlo to order from samples,muol cheaper than from a tailor, and lit guaranteed. JAS. S. WRIGHT. lay, drain, M, tar, . ' Mill Feed Q enerally. Car-Lwo.,. ^ots a Specialty We Compete with any Market in Quality apd Price, and Mean just what we Say. * SEAISUlN ROOT! BRUNSWICK & SAVANNAH AN!> WAY LANDINGS. u ..:\^t^Ynrr£r~‘ 4 ' Steamer St. Nicholas W ill leave Bavatmuh for llrmisvric* every Tueo* day and Frldny at 4 p. m. Coiinri’tlous mstjo '‘•W 1 W.’hurt K.T.* * G, lUiirofu’s, «ud st<’iiit;v. -Liaclior Uoy’* for hfttills Landiityi*. • bf •• tt. Nlcuolfts" toucbiv at all way points bstwi uti Uruiiswick nml ttwaniith. For rates of freights r.uU pahr*HK«? f Apply to 'V. F. L»GNNIM*N,Akom. ^ R<! %lsMe LOCAL DENTISTS. Ofttcelii KnUrr bhic1i ft over drug utorc of Lloyd RAftattts. D. ATKINNON, DENTIST. Ofllco up stairs In Wright’s new < 1 ins. I’bygicIauH. |J HVRVOKI»,'M. D.. PHYSICIAN -US’D SUKGtOlF Office t ,i stain In firecse building j ■ si root, opposite Mooro’i VtSKn 0 ; lawyers. QltrtVAT-r lc WHITPIBLD, m ATTORNEYS AT LAW. A . I.. Groover, J. W. Bonuctt. .jgENMKTT AJ GHUOVBR, - ATTORNEYS AT LAW. OlUr.o In MatmiyiBnlldlng. Up Stairs. "MM McQRARY’S And .Sale ■m GRANT STREET. NEW VEHICLES, Nothing Second-Hand ‘ Second-Class. or Hodges & O'Connor. * year’* trial it|la,now on acknowledged fact that wo Keep!;: the Purest and Freshest Drugs in ,the ’ City. Our Pre; erlption^Department Why Time I’ovei Sn Swiftly. Jolm belongs to n race wiioso mcrabors for centuries have enjoyed tlio jireutl tlis- tinction of being permitted, to sixiak twice, but that is rt^>rivilego tvl licit John hasrnever yet ottompted to avail liimscJf of. Tlio other day ho worked no r,teadily that ho too no note of tho flight of time and the closing hour arrived before ho wns ablo to realize that the afternoon was half gone. “Well, well, well," said tho' old man, in a bowiRlercd sort of fashion, “it rnust be tree, as I’vo licard, that tlio days grow shorter as a min grows oldeK I can’t tinderstand liow it is tlmt hours slip by so fast." Ho stood for a moment in sileut and almost mourn* ful contemplation. Then tho light of im idea siowlv diffused itself over his broad, honest face. “Tiuit’s it.” Ilo «ifd, still in a reverio; “that's it. It must be them Uttlo round ninety cent docks—they tick « Cost,"—••BBtaUci’ > ln Brooklyn Ewte: Is without ilou’.tt tln» most complete, fis tiic amount <*f work tlano fleninasirntes. e n!«o guarantee exactness niuliUsimtrh, rsthls ilep.'utmonf l>» iimler the personal mi »ei ' i-mn of tlio ulitust prescrip tion olerk known to the''llrm^wiok piihlir. Neither ai*o we contimom to any one physician’* pro- riptlons, hut. as him been demonstratotl, an; thoroughly in*epan.'»l to till any‘ami all that may bo *' “ «U In thirillne wo wllfguanintee sntlsfactlon ? lmth a-to quail mu. « writton, ami it you fitvor v. tv am! price, we also kco combA, ami toilet nrtieh*^. are also V**oprictorof tho with i „ mn. Doth ns to quail- full line or ;-oniM, tooth, hair ami nail, cloth nml blncklng brushes, *! in fact, everything that goes to make up a first cln«s «1rng store., We OGLETHQ&PE ..BOTTUN^ WORKS, Where wo manufacture i.em^n. Ginger Me, Sarsaparilla ami Straw berry J Soria Water, which we ? ;uarnntoo to be as pure a* any mail.*. Our ‘ linger Ale is recoinI by physicians, and] we i.°.vo no hesitation in asserting that it is as good as any Imported in the market. Can and give us a trial .<nd be convinced that what we tell you Is true. L. D. HOYT & CO., FOR SALE. The Hermitage' Island, Flaitattoii aad Dwell _ and ninety-nine acres of choice himl, on Her mitage Island and the main land adjacent. 42 acres on the island. Only eight miles from lirunswlck bv water. Situated on a biildoreok. Yachts can faml direct at the hlufl*. Splendid live oak groves. An elegant place for a gen tleman’s winter residence or hunting lodge, Onlv three-quarters of a mile from lino of II. & W, IC It. Titles perfect. JCall on or address, for terms, J. M. DEXTER, . f!l-!|m Ileal Estate Agent, Brunswick, Ga Best of Everyhing* Tfbx’T full to cull on Bam McCrary whan you' 1J want anything In his lino. IIo gnuvnnlocs kuoiI iurn-outi, best altcntlon, and satisfaction guaranteed in overvinstnneo. TiiolmUcainoc.-i- All Orders for PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HEADOUARTEiiS. IlimililD OBBRIJGIflllt, PlOCflOSI. r d. A. BUTTS, Physician ai\d Surgeoq. O Kl'lCU northwest corncrof Newcastle and Gloucester streets, lately occupied by Ur. J. Wilson. Calls loft with ltookwoll, tho Druggist, will receive prompt attention. Olllcc hours Uto 11 u. m. nml :l to 5 |i. m. lteiddciiceon Glouces ter street, one door from Unton. f^-.special attention given to diseases of throat unit lung-. —deal; ks in HARDWARE Stoves f uns, Pistols. CaVtciunes, • AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. jSASH, DOORS, BUNDS a.nci wagons I)r. 1B. McCASKlLL, PBBMANENTLV LOCATED AT ST. SIMONS MILLS, Ga. Twenty years practical experience. L.d.Leavy «&. Co. Watt Maker and Jeweler I can »ell yon tiviui my wtlLutebted stock tlie : Rnost mid host goods over brought to- this city, and at prices that defy competition. Every Article Guaranteed. If yon wish to save money call nt mv place •»» business, annwroflltttt *nd Newcnetlo streets My Watch .Repairing' OBPAinnBNT Is complete. I turn out none but OrstolaM work Give mo atrial. ' R* OBEltLAEUTER, BRUNSWICK) Ga j/hf I AUCTION AND COmiSSIOB I OESBBAIi COUECTUO AGENTS. ABTSkTIMtS-ArekAt OffUte. . V V . 1 r et’S-. V BAUMGARTNER BROS., _ BCTCBEBS AND GltEKN'GROCERS, AKE a specialty ot Ucllclons Fat Beef re* . celved dally from Armour’s Stock Yards In ;ngo. It 1, delicioiislv Fat and Tender, and Is sold Twenty.live 1‘er (V-nt cheaper than same meat can bo bouglitolsewhcre. Try a. Pioo© • And von will hove norther. Beef, Folk, s-tE isrus, Etc., -H'-^ AT.TM io OS UASD.%-: ‘fjw