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Publitbad Daily sad Weekly at
T, ii. »UtI A MMtItwiU PrtyrtrtoH.
. annum. T5*T . »
iiffESSHJ'MBafflFrir »Mon»w«, and
Official Organ of City and County.
\; The new scavenger carte are cov
ered over, which 4b a big improve
ment. /'•. , ■■
Council proceedings and Grand
Jury, presentments take up our space
to day-—hence thc scarcity of home
matter. - V
V Ice cold soda water 'at Lloyd A
Adams.. <
Macon Telegraph.—The Bruns
wick flro company spent the day In
Albany on their way to Dawson to
the tournament They are a nice-
crowd of boys.
As the warm weather increases .the
* patronage of the street car line in
creases and the little mules seem to
enjoy the tun as well. At least we
so judge by their lively movements.
Cali on Lloyd' Sc Adams for fine
oigars and tobacco.
The Norwelglan vessels in port-r-
(and there fere quite a number,) are
flying all their bunting to day.. This
J^Ahe anniversary of their “Declare-
Mi of Independence”-—a kind of
'July” like ours.'
is editors will bo here
furnish vehicles to, take thein and
their ladles around during the after
noon will please meet at the- Ogle-
, thorpe Hotel promptly at four o’clock
sun time.
Two large—What is? Why that
-stock.of Wall Paper at Porter’s—so
lie will sell at close figures 4n order
to reduce it. Now is your time to
get it chcsp. Gloucester street op
poslto Advertiser-Appeal office.
Interest, in the revival meetings
continues and the congregations grow
as the week moves by. Rev. Mr.
Blanton is an earnest, devout man
and seems to have hut one object bo
foro him and that iB to do ail the
good he can.
Butterick’s fashion shoots for June
arc Aow ready at A. Kaiser & Bro.
The.visit of ilie press to-morrow
is fraught with much of good to us
if we treat them well. Let us show
them that wo wclcomo them to our
homes, and thoy will go back to their
respective pooplo and tell them of
Brunswick, her people, her Hotel
Oglethorpe, her street railways, her
beach and her Hotel St. Simons.
Then let us give them a hearty wol
Trusses, single and double, for sale
by Lloyd madams.
And nqw come* 'the news that
Brunswick goes back to sun time
next Saturday night at 12 o’clock,
so. that Sunday's hells will again ring
by mean or sun time.' The advocates
of standard timo applied to the wrong
tmdy to gw what they wanted. If
they had. gotten Cook's mill whistle
to consent to blow at; 6:30 and 11:30
u in and. 12:30 and 5:30 pm. they
would have the mitre easily fixed the
matter. Cook's mill regulates the
lime of this town.
mediate relatives of the parties being
present, among whom were tho
mother and brother, Eider Preston
Waite, of Dorchester, Ga. Mr. Waito
has just graduated from Princeton
Theological Seminary and takes bis
bride immediately to Ramey, Pa,
where lie tias abb urge.
Still no nuns from the Dawson
tournament except by “word of
mouth” (torn train officials. These
state tbst'our boys failed to win on
both runs. It is strange they have
not wired us, as they promised. Pro
name they prefer bringing their own
news.' M ... .Jib'
If you want the genuine Epglish
tooth brush, call on Lloyd A Adams.
If you werojold that by going to
New York City you would inherit
a large .fortune, you would borrow
monoy if you didn’t have it, drop ov
orything here, and tho next train
(for you wouldn’t wait for the steamy
or) would find you on your way to
the ii.Vtrnpolls. Is not that so ?
Well, now, we wish to tell you that
there is a messenger hero in Bruns
wick wIht brings a message from a
King to every young mnn in Bruns
wick—a messenger sent to toll you of
something far bettor than an earthly
fortune, which time can dissipate; of a
free gift to you of eternal happiness,
that you con have for tho taking.
Wont you, at least, go and hear the
message sent Item the Great Kidg to
you? Come to the Mothodlst Church
to night, and hear what it is tho King
has in store for you, and if you don’t.
Brunswick, Ga., April 16) 1888.
Connell mot. Preset, Iiis Honor,
John R. Cook, Mayor pro tern pre
siding, and members of Council Mach;
den, CrovaU, Penniinau,' Berric, Boat-
wick and Atkinson; absent: Mayor
D. T. Dunn and Aldonin Fulton.
Minutes of the last regular meet
ing were iegd and confirmed.
A petition from H. Frigging and
others claiming that'llJ.-Minehnn
had not oomplied with 4&c law in bis
petition to Council ask{%to transfer
his liquor heenso from A. 30 to N*?
46 Bay street, Md askjpgtfint a com-'
mittco bo appointed to Wfcjlntb the
matter, was received
committee consisting]
“nlnift and' Bostavich
titfem .from MvS.
others, asking that 1
'or the sale of liquocj
f rescinded, was i
Irrod to same, eommitt
Petition read from F. i
and others, asking
bo placed at the corner <
and Howe streets,
referred to tho commit!
drains and bridges.
petition from V.
others, ‘'jBatcsting
brick sidewalk on east
inond street, was rcc
ferred to the commit
drains and bridges.
Petition rend from!
May Term, 1888.
Tho Grand Jury for the spring
term of 1888, beg leave to submit the
following, their general present
mentis: V ~ '. ;
We congratulate tho county of
Glynn upon, the era of prosperity
in all matters that pertain to her
advancement which appears to. be
with ns all the present term, our rap
idly increasing population, commerce
aha property valuation, all tending to
tho general welfare-of thq citizens.
The matter of crihtii
penring bofarestbis■>
ing so slight as to h
a small portionoiv<
sourco <
by a eommitt
,. tbflse of the several
‘ the peace are pronounced
correctly kopt. and those of the Sher
iff, Ordinary and Clerk of Court
correctly sad neatly and in a compli
mentary moirter.
The roof of the Rlsiey building
needs some repairs, and also some
glass in the windows. Tbs academy
should be painted, and the court
house needs it sadly. The grammar
school and county jail %te in a ggod
condition. We would-' recommend
that the repairs.Ingested be made .
The roads of the
fd condition
ing us<
asking Council to leaso i
strip, of Town Commit
and re
oiy streets,
1 a certain
the satisfaction of knowing what it is
you havo rejected. “Come unto me
all ye (young or old, male or female,)
that aro weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest,” and “Him that
cometh unto Mo I will in no wise
cast out,” aro the words of a friend
of yaura, who, while you wore "yet
dead in eln” died that you might
Uavo eternal lifts. Are you so care
less of this matter that you won’t
ever come and hear about it? Lov
ingiy. Two Friends of Young Men,
Just Received.
A new and handsome lot of fancy
goods, embroideries, ladies’ hats, etc.
Call and see them before purchasing
elsewhere. Mrs. C. Busuee.
■if !
!,0(K) yffl he Mf
_ favor a^toASIuking.
*m of court, it-i? presumed,
, if enough, to-'beet and defray
S rwbU-njpk.JNove^t
-V :
i at Evelyn,
ges, s®d
rOiond- the commissioners to
matter their early attention,
1 'ftfethc railroad crossings lead-
ito'the city, whioharein needoT
elecuon returns.
Our committed op examination ot.
election returns rejfcrt flndinr ^
same. correct, the resolutions* nere-
witVattaclicd are part and pnrcH of
these general'presentments number
ed from 1 to 5inclusive. .\
resolutions. V-.
Renolved, That this Grand JuVV ,
horewitli repomtaend . the re
election of J. I. Carte£(»SoUoUor >
General Of the Brunswick circuit,for
the ensuing term, f ■ " . <
Glyuu Superior Court.
Judge Brown is still dispensing
justice to the deuizens of this county.
Tho jury in the Littlefield caso after
staying locked up two days and
nights were discharged to-day at
noon and a “mistrial” entered up.
A case of honeymoon infelicity
was disposed of this morning;Stephon
Forril recently married n wife and
after a few days of unhnppinqps Mrs.
Ferril essayed to depart, whereupon
her liege lord did somo promiscous
shooting with his little pistol. The
hit pronounced him guilty -utd the
Judge after a sharp reprimand con
signed him to the Georgia peniten
tiary for tho space of three years.
Ladies remember I am at tho old
stand, Gloucester street, with a most
complete stock of Embroidering Ma
terials, Patterns, Banner Rods, etc.
Mns. W. E. Porter,
Opposite Advertiser Appeal office.
Syrup of Figs ,
Natures own true laxative. It is
the most easily tnken, and the most
effective remedy known to cleanse the
system when billious or'costive; to
dispel headaches, colds and fevers;
to cure habitual-constipation, indi
gestion, piles, etc. Manufactured on
lv by tho California Fig Syrup Com-
IW.«.r Henry J. BM. ft tta Her. j X$$fS£? * **
J. 1.11. W.lto, of Utorty po., Ga., ’
Her. Abbott L. fe.LSSSKS'jSf S££*24|£
B. Ebol, of Brooklyn, N. Y. No cards. yy e can save you money in all
'J‘'. >e marriage was quiet, only the im- lines.
Toilet soaps perfumery and all
fancy articles are being very cheap
ii.\ Lloyd Sc Adams.;
.Mnrrihd, May 16th, at l o’clock p.
ni!, nt the house of the bride's father,
c juu uiuuujr in mi xiy iw
LlotdAAdaus. I merits,
Town Commons committee.
A petition from a largo number of
citizens, asking that sun time be sub
stituted for standard time! as in use
at present, was received and granted,
to go into effect‘Saturday night at
12 o’clock, and the Marshal was in
structed to ring tho bell by sun time
at that hour, Saturday, May 19th.
On motion it was decided that
Mrs. Martha Hall and family be fur
nished transportation to Fernandina,
A committee was appointed, con
sisting of tho following citizens: J.
H. McCullough, S. C. Littlefield, J.
E. duBignon and U. Dart, with the
Mayor and Council, to investigate
and suggest a permanent location
for tho quarantine station.
Tho matter of repairing the quar
antine docks was referred to the har
bor committee, witli power to act.
The committee on cemeteries was
instructed to havo the latches ou the
gates of tho cemetery repaired.
Mr. D. Glauber was elected as a
member of the Board of Education to
fill tiie unexpired term of H. J. Read,
Accounts approved by. tho finance
committee were ordered paid.
Council then adjourned.
E. A. Nelson,
Clerk of Council.
Notice to Property Owners.
Notice is hereby given, that the
books for reviewing tax returns will
bo closed on May 31 1888. All prop
erty not returned on or before said
date will be aduenisca for sale as un-
returned property. E. A. Nelson, •
Clerk and Treas., C. of B.
Notlco to Tax-Payers.
Tax-puyers arc hereby notified that
the first quarter taxes are due and
tayable on nr before May 31,1888.—
Sxecutions will issno against all par
ties failing to comply herewith.
• E. A. Nelson,
■ Cl’k and Treasurer, C. of B.
Being More Pleasant
To tbc taste, more acceptable to the
stomach, and more truly beneficial
in its action, the famous California
liquid fruit remedy. Syrup of Figs,
is rapidly superseding ail others.
Try it One bottle will prove Re
ney, which, UffiSfreot MUM _
indebtedness of 269,160. We boo : no
way by which the county can at pres
cut compromise thoso bonds, but must
wait, and with tbo hope that tho
steady growth of our taxable prpl>-
erty throughout the county wilt
tinue to enhance in value, thereby
a year or more enable us to pay tb
Bnlanco in hand of Trcoanror De
cember lit., S'4»1S
Received from State school tax
and coupons 4lMt
Stato school tax Ills IS
roii tax ST...twn
Total receipts
Total disbursements
Balance on band May 1st, 188S Bn IS
We would recommend that the
present system of paying over funds
tor educational purposes to tho treas
urer of the county be changed and
that all funds for this purpose be
tinned over to the county school
public school.
One hn ml red and eight applicants
have necessarily been refused admit
tance to our public suhoolsince Jan
uary 2nd, 1888 for waut of seating
capacity in existing buildings.
As our city is rapidly growing and
mure children are pouring in daily,
we think it advisable to recoinmend
that the building known as the Nci
son Grammar School be raised one
story if practicable, which will cost
about -21,200, aud seat 150 more
scholars; also that an addition of two
rooms, to cost about 2700, and seat
100 more pupils, be placed on tbo
Academy building. This outlay will
enable the Superintendent to accora
modatc about 650 white pupils. We
would also suggest that us soon ub
practicable a lot be purchased some
where in the southeastern portion of
the city, wherever considered advan
tageous by toe Board of Education,
anti a bouse of seating capacity of 200
pupils be erected thereon. The col
ored school building is aufficicnUy
large to accommodate all present ap
plications.*^ Desks are required at
both act.ools, and aa single are pre
ferred at the white schools, we rec
ommend that 400 be purchased tor
their use, Md tho double-ones nowin
use be donated to the colored school.
We farther recommend that a suita
ble building be leased for temporary
nse in event the commissioners are
unable to carry out the recommenda
tions of this Grand Janr by October
1,1888. •
schools, as well as 1
ed tito Grand Jofy. through a com
mittee from tho bonrd of school com
missioners,. that the public school
room is totally inadequate- to the
present; population, causing many
ohildren to be' denied school privi
leges in consequence of the abseuse
of seating room,, and;
Whereas, This condition ofaffairs
bears evidence of being worse, as our
pophldttfifeijincreases, and we fully
realize fKf some steps must be tak-
t at once to meet tho necessities of
ie case, and, ,
WntpxAS. From the report of the
Commissioners of Roads : and Reve
nues, it appears absolutely impossi
ble for tbo county to supply funds to
erect propor-'bulldtngs, and.
Whereas, The city-of'Brunvrick
in heir corporate capacity hah already,
expended a sum approximating 23,-
500 and is not in a .condition to do :
more at present, *nd
WhereaS)' The public Schools of
Brunswick possess one fir morn lots
of city property that are bringing in
no revenae. .
Be it Jiteolved, Thfet'this Grand Ju
ry do herewith recommend to the
School Ci.inmi?sinners that Bay lot,
held in trust hem 'and.others, if '
necessary, bo sold, And, the proceeds
of such sale bo applied to the erection
of pew or suitably additions to-pres-
ent buildings; that inour judgments
no better use cun be mitde of the
school property, fend thus do a jus
tice to tlit- children of the many tax
payers, whoferofet. presfint debarred
from school pl:ijti)vgc$ a,nd, furtheg
that this appears to us to be the on
ly feasible plau by which the difficul
ty cm be remedied. ‘ "
Whereas; There is no game law
in this county, except, such as pro
hibits the hunting on'thb land of an-'
other without his consent, and where
as is not a sufficient protec
tion to the game, therefore,
■HftntAordy Thnt the representative
of onr county lie requested and re
quired tb draft and use his best ex
ertions to have passed such a law as
will thoroughly protect thc-garue of
this county.
Resohrd, That the thunks of this
Grand Jury are herewith tendered g
His Honor, Judge James R. Brown
for his very able charge and Hher
courtesies, as also to Solicitor J. I.
Carter for attention to this body.
Resolved, That tbc clerk of this
body bo paid the sum of 215 for ser
vices, in addition to bis regular pay
(continued to fourth page,]