Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, October 12, 1888, Image 3

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POPULATION. Valuation of Property. $1,433,677.38 2,572,113.00 6,000,000.00 .. 3,500 ..10,000 ..20,000 Lot 80x81 on Oglethorpe street near ManiOeld. Two reaUence lot* near Boulevard. Lot 80x00 corner Albany and I streets. Lot 80x00 come'. Wolf and I etreots. Anyone can Uoutdo his money In twelVa months by purchasing ultbor ot tho four tracts ot acreage property I offer tor sale on the Point. - 80 aores ot high lands lust north ot the city. One two-story li-roomhonse In northern part At eUjvwlth five lota—cheap. New two-story eight roomihoujo In New Town Two two-story houses on itealrabla ilk 180 tee' from Boulevard. Can bo. bought for 83,600.-' New alx-room-houseon Boulevard—cheap. ! Desirable lot on Btebmond street, between Honk and Mansfield. Three ot those desirable new cottages on Coeh - ran avenue, between Georg,and London streets. Store aud dwelling corner G and Wolf streets. now rented for »25 per month, 81,250. New dwelling on Neweaistie street, with lot GOx — agon Newenstlo street, w .situated In business portion otcity. room house. , Six seres with bouio near B TV ft’G docks. : Ci feet frent on Cochran &vonne,18Lfeet from be bought street oar line, for 8838. tl,XX) will buy nine lots almost In itro ot the oity. Lot oorner London street and CochJfcn avenue 80x188, with the house. Three stores on Bay street. ' Track farm on boli salt orook, i)£ mUea from laid to the renting of prober iy. torpe and - First National Banks. Agency, Hww a Pmmrsmm t, tvi i(4' The Men id Ikwv tlip ivur ey. •kwamur. tibo tho Baule of Gottyabtuv, ftsttle of Sliilult, Mattie of Chlelai.iiaugn, ■to:, ora pointed appears very bughabio tea pereon who know* how tho work is •oeonipIMwd. Tho Buttle of Gettysburg and tim Siege of Paris imvo lxx*n shown for aoveral yonra on opposite side* of Hubbard court, in Chicago, and the stock paid largo dividends. Each was adver tised as the work of. celebrated French artists, futlier and son. and lira popular Wen is that these gentlemen pointed them. Tho fact is that, beyond ft general out lining of- tho work, which was probably faithfully made after maps procured from nuthentio sources and a general direction of tho plan of the work, the artist in chief had very littlo to do with it. No , man engage. I in a battle sees it, and an accurate painting of two armies in com bat is impossible. The general features only arc knpwn. For instance, in the Gettysburg painting there are accurately defined the roads, Crown Hill, Little Crown Hill, tho wheat field in which a memorable charge was made, onpof two buildings which were headquarters of tho leading generals, nnd^with^reasonablo accuracy, picted P \vith 1> cxcellont perspective. But the details of the battle, the actual dash of arms between this and that division ” ' is left a good deal to tho i'riE ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical imai Are DUmoad Dyts. They excel all others ia Strength, Purity sad Fsitnett. None othen are just is good. Beware of imitations—they are made of cheap end inferior materials and give poor, weak, cracky colors. 8#colors; xo cents each. 1 . Stsd postal for Dys Book, Ssmpls Cant, directions for coloring Photos., making tho fiasst Ink or rilutng (to cu. a quart), etc. Sold by Druggists or by T - WELLS, RICHARDSONS C0„ Burlington, Vt, For Gltdlag or Bronring Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Sliver, Brants, Copper. ‘ Only so Ccate.^ mm 1 cuwea i 11 Nauralgli Nervous * J|gj Prostration »ALA. BamrrwsM, gea Jacinto, Cal. "Afar tufa, .fa bot. fa* «f P»fa. T . Celery O-gj^Umatred bMiiHvrinsm So. th Coen inti, N. H Rheumatism Kidney DIeeaees *li has doae me more good fcr kidney disease Sua soy other medi* doe.** Gko. Aduott, fifcu* City, Iowa. • -*Y D All Liver Disorders "Ptfae's Celcrj' Com. pooad ass been ofgrc.it benefit for torpid lifer, Indigestion, and bilious* neaa.** Euxaukth C. UOALL, Quechee, Vt. iVARE. »?■ . * . ! I O Never Before Sold at Such Low Tho artist-in-chief hires some men to pot in the sky, other men to put in the trees and foliage, other men to put in the meti'ln action.' Attention is paidtO developing this or that memorable inci dent, as in the Gettysburg painting, the picture that is t ^^lng enoag^orarSase the most Intense llrteirestWtfio part of the old soldier. I remember standing by the side of a veteran at the Chicago picture of Gettysburg. Ho was explain ing to a companion the dethils of tlia fight, in which be had bornoan honor able part. ‘5'SayBifl,'’saicMie, “at that stono wall there I lost my hat, and, by gosb, if there ain’t the old hat lying there yeti” Tn painting pictures of bat tles shrewd artists never fail to bestrew the field with lqet lmts, muskets uud canteens.—Artist In Glotra-Democrat. Y Teaching Dogs Stage Tricks. The pointer is the most easily trained of short hair dogs. The bulldog is much more intelligent than is generally sup posed, and, while less ferocious than is commonly believed, none is capable of greater affection. Mr. Stevens insists that kindness is the principal factor in training dogs. Other fanciers, however, have long contended that brute force only can bo relied upon. Most stage tricks are done by cues or signals, without attracting the attention of tho audience.' “Borneo” selects any num ber given by one of the audience. Blocks upon which the ten numerals are painted are arrayed in a row on the stage. The - dog has been taught to commmoeAt the Great Reduction in Prices! Farmers’ implements of MUfHardware, Building ICE CREAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY GREAT BARGAINS IN the throat by the master, unheard beyond the footlights, is a cue for the dogtopass the first, second, third, etc., until-he reaches tho correot block, .gilence then gives consent, and the trick Is successfully performed. It required two years of pa tient training to teach Borneo to pick out those numbers, his trainer said, although the dog is a remarkably bright animal.— Newark Advertiser. Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal* Oil Stoves, FRIEND O THE HOUSEWIFE. ___ find Agate War* we We will be pleased to show our atook at all times. Satisfy yourselves and us by giving ua ad early call. M- MICHELSON. AUG. F. F»ii>RLm Dealer, Broker and emission fflercM la;, Drain, Feed, Four,. Bacon M<ll Peed Generally. Car-In**.. <ots a Dr. YSSjto ofMmpianting! We Compete with any Market in Quality ar\d natural teeth in place of those lost has proven less successful than was hoped, . as th^ roots gradually undergo absorp- j tion. causing the teeth to loosen and fall j out after a year Ob two.- '" v * ; ; A Gang of creeks. j It was pleasant to look at the gang of ; Greek immigrants that had been brought , to Castle Garden by & steamship from ; one of the Mediterranean ports. They had como from the* Vicinity of ancient Athens to try their fortunes in New York. It was evident to any one who looked at their garb as they set foot upon our shores and meandered through Ait- : tory park that they werff very poor peo- i pie, whose lives had been very hard, but; you could not find on this globe finer . specimens of any raw of mankind. They would have made models for a sculptor. ■ Their figures had been cast in ; an antique mold, worthy of the time of Pericles; their limbs were lithe, their | features classical, and they bore them selves proudly aa they glanced around at thi novel scenes of the locality. Tho im migrants from Greece who- landed at Qatfi Garden last year numbered over 600 men and women.—New York Even ing Sun. . The Schools ot Greece. There is a visible Greece and an invis ible Greece, and the visible Greece is a hot bed of pfopag&hdism. Education is the weapon she, is losing with immense power in every country which she hopes to call her own. There are large schools carried on vigorously at Smyrna, Con stantinople, Baton loa, Mfc ’Amos, jan- tiinn Roxana (Macedonia), in Crete, and in many isienrie of the Aegean. Tho Greeks are well aware that in the end in telligence wins 1 the-day. When-tho crisis comes educated men will control ^These schools hove been established and are supported by private funds, given mostly* by Greeks who have grown wealthy outside their own country. Thoy ore so many frontier fortresses which aroallfhu more powerful because they employ weapons of peace. Tho Turk has no counter weapon except that kind of oppression that aw char acter ovefyday to the fovMbte Greece. Ills neediest to my that thtopropagan; dls/nbason immense MMtfanarycucct ^•re’rem. oatho vislblo Greeco, and aU over tho ibeord therm# of now forged . caiiimdiwo in her intellectual armor?. • Price, and Mean just what we Say. Glauber & Isaac. Brunswick., G-a. Office and Wareroom in the former Freight House of the B. <fc. W. R. R. next to Freight House of E. T., V. <fc G. R. R. HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Meal and Grist, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay, Mill Feed, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Oranges, Lemons, &c. Consignments solicited. Parties wanting anything la my line oall on me betore purchasing ;clsowlicrc. Highest market Wool, Ac. line will find It to thol'r advantage to prices paid tor Hides, Fnre^ Wax, Hodges & QfGon After one year’s trial It Is now nn acknowledged fact thnt wo Keep the Purest and Freshest Drugs in tie Our Prescription Department Is without doubt tho moat complete, ns tho amount of work done demonstrates. Wo also guarantee ‘ personal supervision of the oldSiit prrecrip- are we oonmic.l to any ono nnyslclanr. pro • IB THE TIMK TO INVEST IN B RUNSWTCK * j REAL ESTATl 1884 1888 1892 65.000 acres of Timber Lands on line of Railroad. Thousands of acres of cypress lands. 60.000 acres of Timber in on$body; good as can be had in the State. CITY PROPERTY, One eornor lot, 80x90, with 180 foot street front, in Nowoastlo street. Excellent stand for any Most doslrable;residenco lot OOxlSCQfrontlng on vnlfttreetfl nnnr nnrk. twoistreets near park. Six room house on Union street Three Town Commons lots noar Dr. Gale’s, cheap, cheap, cheap. Ono lo1|fronting canal. Two water fronts In Now Town, with railroad running on line of same. Ono of tho most dcstrablo lots on Nowoastlo street south ot park. Excellongbnslncss lot 80x180 on lhe Bay. atrect. A pleasant homo in tho best part of city. low flgnre. FonrroomcottagoinDixvlIlo with lot 90x101 Can bo bought cheap aa owner la anxious to sol Two story house Jiujoomploted on 1st Avenne, Truss lot on lioulovard in two minutes’ walk of post ofllco. <“ Lot 80x100 fronting rallroud amt adjoining lots on which tho Oglethorpe hotel ia situuted. 8800 will purchase six Town (Commons lots in ono hotly. Also Farms and Farm Lands situated in this and adjoining counties. Jo Me to Stoi Pripty. Careful attention References, Oglet exactness and dispatch, r* this Uepaitmcntte under the |i tlon dork known to the Brunswick public. Neither i script ions, bat. as has been demonstrated, arc thoroughly prepared to 1111 any and n rltten, and 1* 5011 favor ns with n call hi this lino we will guaranteefatisfAction. r von iavor ns wiin n can m mis miu we win gnarawecpabiNnnuuu. tv and price. Wo also keep a full lino of soaps tooth, hair and nail, cloth and bl combs, and toilet articles, and in fact, every thing that goes to make up a first dass are also Proprietor of the ture Lemon, Glngor Me, Sarsaparilla and fits u wbciry Boda W( pure as any made. Our Ginger Alo is recommended by ph~ in asserting fhat It Is as good as any Imported in the ranrtect. ndoe convinced that what we tell you la true ay be astoqnali- which s, and 216 Newcastle Street,