Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, October 23, 1888, Image 2

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- CntANGE KINI9 IN JAPAN. FV*l l«n|in »l— nu Onnsaw A 81 rang* I'Hwl <«N»W W( In Yokohama U u long bmUmidealM the "BUMd," bmwuWd it «K>h and by • JpUy or pier called the "Ha tola," with a plnisant woudiil lilU to Um left known ai Uw "BluIT." dotted with white house*. Tlie harimr or b»y Usslf b a circle at | water jxrlutpa three miles wile—big enough »t any rate to be so rough in windy weather tliht the ships liaro to get up slenm and go to tea for aafetr. To oome now to “ftrst Itnpnasions;" there are, of counts, two kinds of them. There ere the mere sense Itnpteeslons, the things which strike the eye and caa os strange, and there are the ‘‘first lm- prcsslons," which mean the conclusions springing to the mind when the exter nals are first understood. The former .class of these “first lmpreeeions" getter- ’•By attach themselves to very trivial matters, but they are often not the lees entertaining for all this. - The first thing, for instance, that I noticed in Japan was the enormous hats of the coolies, and next the ludicrous combinations of European and foreign dress worn by many young members of the middle class. A pot hat, a cotton wrapper ot bath gown—tho yukato—a pair of long stockings and boots—that was a common mixture, tho wearer ovidently and rightly tldnklng that he had adopted the best points of both .systems. An hour after landing, too, a re mark made to mo by on educated Japanese gentleman on- the Belglo recurred to me. I had awed him if the coming constitution for Japan was likely to intnnde tdaMtqr -jury. "After you have seen Japan," he replied, with a ■mile, '"yea won’t ask that question.” I mean by this that 1 was struck with tho tact that the common people of Japan, OBUrtHbluf and clover ana civilised as they are in many ways—the bowers of wood and drawers of water and pullers of jerlnkishas—are upon a different piano from tho common people at homo. One might say that thoy live in two dimen sions, whereas trial by jury, not in its origin, but In its significance today, is a three dimension idea. Moreover, the rulers ot Japan sco that trial by jury is often a failure or a farce with us, and thoy have no wish to educate tho people up to it In Japan there are almost as many re ligious festivals aa in Spain, and one of there—matsuri is their gencrio namo— was being celebrated tho other day in the Japanese town. I went to look for it with my dcteotlvo camera, and when I met it 1 could hardly beliovo my eyes— it corresponded more to one’s idea of New Guinea than of Japan. Upon an ordinary bullock cart a raised platform and scaf folding twenty feet high bad been con- and bullock and all covered msM FILL 11 WINTER TO €K! Throw aside your old clothes, sml *provl< yourself with something new, seasonable os «trll*h from the old reliaUa clothier, JAS. 8. WRIGHT, ..Corner Newcastle and Monk Streets. >t stock of season - .’in tho Northern town with Clothing, Hats, SSOBS Gents’ Furnishing Goods, - " NECKWEAR .i Jtli HOSIERY Which' were purchased for cash, and conic quontly can bo told on okwest margins. AV-Snlts mads to order from cheaper than from s tallorjand fit guaranteed JAS. 8. WEIGHT. - ■ mneb I am Just back from Mew York, where I have sc oured the largest stock ot LENTS’ FlIR.MSfllM: LOODS .. post ured. whOa "half a dozen musicians twanged impossible instruments and kept up an Incessant tattoo on drums. Chil- dreu' wild with delight crowded up among tho performers and clung liko flies all over tho cart, and only that Provldonco which takes care of them, to gether with drunkards am! tho United Staten of America, preserved them from making a Juggernaut of it. On foot arouml-tlio baslii, os,tho whoio structure is called, were twenty or thirty men, naked as to their legs, their faces chalked, with straw hats n yard wide, many col ored t uulcs, in which scarlet predomi nated, decked out with paper streamers and flowers enough to rnako a Sioux • chief despair of himself, dancing along to a very rudo chant and at every step hanging upon tho ground a long iron bar fitted with looso rings. Tho colors, tho song, tho danco, the musio ami tho clanging iron formed to gether nspectaclo os barbarous intasto as possible, something wholly different from what ono had supposed tho gontio culture of tho Japnneso to bo. At tho timo I was greatly puzzled, but subse quently I learned that this mntsuri is not so barbarous ns it looks. I took it to bo a serious religious ceremony. I found that it had just as much to do with relig ion an mi Italian carnival has—that is, it was horn of religious feeling and lias entirely forgotten its ancestry. Bud dhism, which is the religion of tho com mon people, has always ployed to tho gallery, 60 to speak, and tho priests of today mako money out of thomatsuri, partly in tho ahapoof tho coins which uq thrown into‘tho tcmplo ponds and partly from their shore of the subecrip- tnnsof tho well to do peoplo of the neigh borhood, by whom tho festival is sup ported. Tho affair is thus a Japanese carnival, whore people drink sako and S lav the fool themselves or watch others oing . •, exactly as at Nioe or Venice. Siuiicount of "first impressions," too, would be complete without an illusion to the grace ana charm of tho Japanese women. Tho first timo one sees a couple of prottv and prettily dressed Japanese girls walking abroad under their huge variegated paper umbrella, with llimr elaborately dressed black buir, their per fect titiv Imnds and fir;, their large brown eyes—set obUqutly if they are “Ixt::-'. : with their Ucntc, soft tone.. i.nncute. nt.-i i'.iv heavy flat ■ilk <K . ,V‘. asl round t.ud round their waist and ending in a coto^il bow be hind; with their funny motion on their clipclapping pattens, hair undulating ran and half waddle, and their merry laughter and clutter—when ono sees them for tho first time, I ray. ono is usually delighted enough to follow them up and down for half on hoar under a fine proton*} of losing one’s way or look ing into tho shops. At least I ilid, till I succeeded in getting n snap photograph of them.—Yokohama Cor. Now Yen World. FALL AND WINTER That I have ever handled in Brunswick. I call special attcntlo.i to my Hats, Shoes and Neckwear FLANNEL SIIIUTN AND HANDKERCHIEFS, Latest Style Collars aoi Cat FULL LINE OF Clothing! SUITS TO ORDER. ISffICK 1Y TIE ffl! The Livest Town in the South! ?rs Unparalleled Opportunities for Business . and Investment!* • fe offer for. sale tho following City and Country property: TOWN. and eat J*"* r&9jr Ons-hnlf lot corner Mansfield and Albany iu. Oco Bay lot 41x118, with bonding*. : on OlMhnrpi ffiraiUtn^bfjlrtfrss i Gloucetter street—eplendld bnaineaa on Grant atreet—good bnaineaa loca- Glonccater and Albany atreeta. on Albany atreet. i of Treat lot SOxIOO—eplendld bnlldlng lot 00x180, corner Union and Iloweitr mproTomenti. lot and elegant realdence on London atreet. Able tor residence* H “ 0Ter 1> * rk ’ VcI 7 desl- Lot 80x90 on Newcastle street, near Catholio church, with nice residence. Threo lots, 00x180 each, containing 4 new two- story houses, near school house. Business lot 80x90 on Newcastle street, near Chandler’s brick. Business lot on Newcastle street, near Greer’s derctplhiug, nndevery- J.jB. WRIGHT, Corner Newcastle and Ulouccstor St WJJCbU&Gol, -DEALERS IN SADDLES & HARNESS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, RUBBER AND Leather Belting, Rubber racking and Rose, Note Leather, Calf Skins and Shoe Uppers, Trunks and Traveling Wo call especial attention to our Heavy Team Harness for the mill amt turpentine trade, which we manufacture ourselves from best selected leather. Come and see us when in the city, orsend us your orders when in need of nnythihg in our line. All mall ordors receive careful attention, and satisfaction Is guaranteed. W. B. MELL & CO., IDS and 100 Congress St., SAVANNAH, Gn. Your My TO YOUR FAMILY IS TO SECURE FOR THEM A HOME. I am offering houses and lots in the citv and arms amt land near the city for cash or time. Will sell one two-story house, six hr *--* r ouse, six rooms, on Cochran avenue, for IbSJJ! Fire, Life and Accident low ALSO BONDS OF SURETYSHIP. Apply to W. B. BURROUGHS, lot Newcastloetrcet L.d.Leavy&Co., AUCTION AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENTS. OPECI AL Attention given to collection of rema. k? Bnatness and consignments solicited, and speedy returns guaranteed. Office next door to A ovanrtsKit-Arrxai. office. d. A. BUTTS, I Physician ai\d Surgeor\. I VWk"* Wilson. CaUs lett with BochirelLtbe Druggist. I »III receive prompt attention. Office hours 9 td II a. n. and 3 tofp.m. Residence on Glouces. Ivr .trvct. one dour from Union. . ^TtSFT 1 * 1 Niven loTuseascs of o-raat and lung*. office fe#t W#tCr tri5nt ’ w,tl1 W***’* 0 ”* ***f® And One lot on Roynolds!*reet, 88x90) Three water lets ipt tootfof L afreet. Very .SffiSf&SSlWJSBSSSlSSK! elded bargain*. * COUNTRY PROPERTY. . . •. . .. ij ■;> ; .)» ■ 1 About to sores of the rlobest lands In the coun ty, one mile from heart of city. ^£Rx acres cleared, with house,VIour miles from 880 acres of Lest land In the county, with twelve room house, nine mlle^from the cifyj m, sugar > crossing, 4*4 miles from court house. Can be se cured very cheap. 10 acres of good clay land t miles from city. 720 acres of land at Lulaton, on the B. A W. B. R., 89 miles from Brunswick. I.nrgo new well built honse located thereon. Owner will sell at very low figure, being in wont of money. Also three small farms not mentioned above- very low, 3,000.000 Acres Florida Lands- Wo have also been appointed agents for Florida Son them Hallway lands, Florida Commercial Company’* lands, and St. Johns & Lake Eustls Hallway lands, aggregating more than 8,000,000 acres of choice lands located In nearly every county in the State, suitable for farming, graz ing. fruit and vegetable growing. Pino, cypress, and codar timber. Pricesjrange from $1 per acre upwards. NEW TOWN. Portions offthree lots, aggregating 87Wxl60ft., on Reynolds street, with buildings. lots, 90x160, with now two-story build ing and out houses, facing Court House Square. Twp lots, wltq elegant residence and out houses on Norwich street. • We solicit a portion of the patronage of the public, and those who wish to place their property upon the market, as well as those desirous of pur chasing, will do well to call and sec us. BORCHARDT & LEAVY, iR,ea,l Estate Agents 3<|I Newcastle Street, BRUNSWICK, GA. L. D. HOYT & CO., -DEALERS IN HARDWARE. Stoves C uns, Pistols, Cartridges, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS ■Bu wri and Wagons taluk, Haifa ifa Vutn lifttj, WAYURois 8HOKT LINK. TIME ( AMD IM~rrFMr KOVi Uth. 1817. A LL trains on this read are ran by Central A mandat'd Tiro*. I'assenger Trains wlR Mara and airlve dally »»follows: Win INDIA FAST MAIL. Losses 1* Iv 11.81 pas 18:80 n m lv JseksoartU* Iv 7i88 • B AiMpmlv gsoiord Iv Idtem tMpmer Tamp*..........hr UlOpn PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE, ** j reSTp'S* X*y Wsst....Lv Monday and I, _ Than, pm 1 Lr Tussdsysndl PMdsy.pm * Ar " •Xv I Wsdassand Pullman buffst can to sad from Mew York sad T “ H *‘ NEW ORLEANS EXPBESS. lliMsm sr CsUshsn. ILOOoood sr Jacksonville.. 789 *B lr JackonvUle..........lV t0;10 sta lv Waycross sr lliOipm lv Vslaoeta lv pm lv. Quitman.........lv pm ar. TbonuavUls lv pmj, .......lv lli26aa 8 Hew Orisons visPeosACoU. . vi■ ? : .>*• EAST FLORIDA EXPRESS. 1.80pm lr........SsvsDtish..... ar 12.23pm LApm«r....,...JacWllg: ■Jacksonville. raT 8.-2* ......Dupoat.. LsksOlty... Ii28pa lv ,Leksta>y....-t,.sr HAAism tmv Bffiirfl 1 .."..jfclnesvto.... r ...ar lOJOhm or 8:88 am lv diSOaia lfctTi 8iWpmlv.... Live oak.........sr 7J0sa SitOpmlv. Dupont..........ar <;23 am lOffilpmar .ThomssvlUs ..hr tffiCaa 1:22am ar .Albany..........It 136am Pullman buffst cars to and from Jacksonville and std^ids via TbomuvlUt XlbsnT.Monlgomery ALBANY EXPRESS. 7:36pm It Savannah.,......ar 8:10am 10:08pm lv.... ..Jcsup..,.......Iv 3:16am 12.f0.ro sr waycross. lv H . JscksoavUla... .. .lv t: iffinaa ar. TffiOpm lv, ik‘ ....JscksoavUla....' ...ar Td H! «gte£=r3saigaagBE8 ■ Tito a m ar........ ..Lira Oak..........Iv 8t86p IO18O am sr.,.,....OsIunivlRe..........Iv8:t5p I0i«6 am sr.... Lsa«Olty..,,.....lT 8:26pm 2:68amlr ...Dupont... .sr 8.4f pa 6.30am sr .ThomsavUle -.lv 7.00pm ll.JOsmsr Albany. ..Irf.OOpm i at all regular stations. Pnllmsn palace ^ r g can to and from Jacksonville sod Sevan, nab. JESUP EXPRESS. 3.16pm Iv Savannah.... sr 8.30sm 8.10pm sr Jesnp... lv 6.28asL Stops at all regular and flag stations, * Pullman buffet ears JackoonviUe to Clnomnatl and through coaobes JaekeonrtUeto Chattanooga Pull sleeping cam to andfrsm Jacksonville and Savannah. ?h t ip connections, and through. Sleeping car bertha hnl -Station. HARDEE. Gen. Pass. Axt*. R. G. FLEMING, SnperlntenJent. feRUNSWICK MACON. A' TANO0GA, -VIA THE AT E.TM.JA. Hi RAILWAY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT SEPT. 80,18S8. Leave Brunswick 340pm 815am Arrive Macon..: 145am 6 80pm ArrlveAtlanta 810am 015 pm Leave Atlanta... S40ntn 12 20pm 1015pm Ar. Chattanooga. 1266pm 826pm 060am SOUTH BOUND. Idiavo Atlanta, 12 80 am 2 45pm [xiave Macon 4 00am 780pm Arrive Brunswick 1180 a m 2 00 a ra All trains run daily. .1. F. NORRIS, Tlckot Agt, Brunswick, Gs. B W. WRENN, G, P. & T. A., Knoxville,Tcnn. L. J. ELLIS, A.G.P.A.. Atlanta. Ga. SEAISUNDROUTE. m H WRITE SHIRTS A prominent Shirt Manufacturer has retired Horn business, and we have closed out his stock so low that we can give Special Inducements in both Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts. Shirts heretofore sold at 75c we will sell at 50c. Shirts always sold at $1 we will sell at 75c. Shirts worth $1.60 we willsell for $1.00 Now is your chance to purchase your Shirts while we have these bar gains to offer, which will be for only 30 days. Call and examine them, and be convinced that they are a bargain. J. J USSNER & CO. A. V. SCEALS, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, BRUNSWICK, G A. Plans and Specifications ! FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Bctt of references given. Leave orders L.D.H0Tt*C0. m«-3m. Dr. AB. McCASKILL, PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT s£SIMONS MILLS, Ga. Twenty y*or* practical experience. FatJiioarM BAUMGARTNER BROS., BUTCHERS AKD GREEN GB0CKK8, Chicago. It is deliciously Fat and Tender, and Is sold Twenty-five Per Cent cheaper than amt meat can be bought elsewhere. Try a Pleoe And ran «U1 have nojother. Beef. Poik, Sausa^ Etc., ALWAYS OH HAND. BRUNSWICK & SAVANNAH AND WAY LANDINGS. Steamer St. Nicholas W 111 leav. Savannah for Brunswick every Tues day and Friday at 4 p. m. Connections made with B. & W. and E.T.. *0. Railroads, and steamer -Cracker Boy'- for Satilla Landings. Th# «dt Nicholes" touches at til way points between Brunswick sad Savannah. For rates or freights and passage, apply to — W. F. PKNtinikN, Agent. PUTNAM’S Lifer) Stable!: Yh Corner Monk nnd Oglethorpeatroctf M Y patrons and the public eon rest sssuredof • sOcaring from my.stable The Finest Tjpi-Outs AND THE BEST 8BBVIO E. ^or order solicited, aud'satiafrmUoa gnarsn A. T. PUTNAM, T Q’Oonxoi, Jn. W F.Sntoxe T. O'Couaor & Co., INSURANCE AGENTS Fl»£! MARINE! ACCIOENTI! -TOTHM STAUNCHEST WMUNU