Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, November 06, 1888, Image 4

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W: 4 ' vr m Iflll KEEP OUET AWT LO\li Iwmi or list, M« or Break, Ctaor * Chawed HZStE WE 0-0! . Our goal is Trade, and we’re bound to get there if there is any-power in prices and virtue in values and benefitsJn bargains. Commencing MONDAY, NOV. 5th, and lasting one week, we offer the following Sit down on the high-priced dealers and come to s«i ua! have ev erything wo advertise. We won’t be jn«t out when yon call. Jl iT«I»8 BARGAIN*: You will havo liiinoed.arOreat Catch If jQn fail to take in our Great » Slaughter Sale 1 - f*3 Black silk worth 91.75 for $1.15 yd Black ailk worth 91.50 for 91.05 yd Black silk worth 91.25 for 90c. yd. .Tricots in all leading shades, 66 inches wide,'worth 91 for 80c. yd. Henriettas in the leading shades, 40 inches wide, worth 85c i'o*69oyd, Henriettas in fasi black,' worth #1.25 for 1.05 per yard. Henriettas, pure silk warp, worth #1.40 for #1.25 per yard. 25 per cent, reduotion in black cashmere. ‘ Brocade worsted,T5o. a yard. '"A Mohair, solid colors, 12^c. a yard: Dress extenders, 10c. a set. Bodice steels, 8c. auwt. LADIES’ HOSE. A lew bargains in this ^pArtment are—• . lisle Thread...... Striped lisle thread.... 25o 26 dozen fast black............ ,15o 25 do*, fast black full regular... .20o 25 dozen extra value V&. 25o Fin striped, fast colors, full reg. .33o French ribbed, fast colors33c MISSES’ AND CHILDREN’S. iBxtfa long, fe»t blaok. Onr success in tbii department nas gono far beyond • Onr- expectation bnt it is no wonder when jrou consid er the fact that we guarantee every £ lr wo sell, and sell them at the j prices: ladies’ Kid, in leading shades, at. 65c “ “ « “ 95c “ “ « *“ $1.16 Plushes and Velvets. Gennine silk Plush, worth $1.50, for ,$layatd. Genuine silk Velvets, worth $1.40, for 91 * yard. Veliwteeh, worth 75c, for 50c jt yd. Novelty Striped Velveteen, at 65o y<J- COSSETS! YES, CORSETS! ’ Oh, we hkVe bargains in then^too. Dr, Warnoris Coralinc 98c Ur. Strqng’sTrioora 99c C. M.A.O...; 90c Coiffildhn,, 75c Electro Magnetic 47c And others we have not time to men tion. DaMjUt at. Damask at. Duwik at. Damask at. .26o per yd . .30c per yd . ~i40c per yd 50o per yd Extra Wide Damask at... 65c per yd We call your speoial attention to a lot of remnants in damask worth 75o a yanK which we are selling at 42c. 50 doz. towels, assorted grades, at remarkably low prices. ValUu, IN ALL LEADING STYLES. We can sell you a Jersey for.... ..45c A Jersey worth 91.25 for $1.00 A Jersey worth 91.50 for. 1.20 A Jersey worth $2.00 for 1.60 Ana all tho fine grades at same re ductions. 15o .....20c French ribbed, assorted colors.. .25c Brilliant Lisle, •• “ ....42o One lot of 50 dozon Lisle thread, sizes from 5 to 8, at remark able low prico of...: 10c DOMESTICS! 10-4 Sheeting at... 10-4 Sheetingjbest 4-4Bleaching at. . 4-4 Unbleached 21c yd fSfS We solicit a call from, ope and all, and Comforts, Comforts. j’obwill cse thick, heavy, warm cous in shivering eold weather y< smIb i make you comfortable.^ For one and all. The following are a. few of the bargains in this de partment: . jg. Blankets at jjfflo Blankets at 1.45 Blankets at 1.50 Blankets at 1.76 Blankets at .- 2.00 Blankets at 2.25 * And on to $12 a pair. ®S^We offer ten per cent reduc* tion from the above prices to hotels aad boarding houses who want a large quantity. BED AND WHITE FLANNELS AT A BARGAIN ! FAST COLORS, atSoayd. Canton flannels from 8c a yard on to best grades, very cheap. Comforts at Comforts at-.... ComfoSts at.. Comforts, sateen areas bnyii store. ^^QTHlNa whVtwilLyott, who#re not buyi want forts! Comforts at 70e. Comforts at Sf Comforts at v C°m|ts at yft'-whjjfr25' Comforts at!!!!.!!!!. _ !!lV6i fro^Ofu*. Comparlnnd and take Hats, Hats! ders from oar out of town customers given special attention. liyvwiHyon, who#re not buying clothing from us, go oh paying high prices for|jRStbing, we have the la test strips ont and. guarantee to save you aFleast 20 per (lent on all yon btiy frorti ns*. Comp around and take a look ntour business suits for $9,50. OUTH AND ||lDBBNS same low prices, we have to the best silk. We have all of this 1 the citM «Bs»*1*twt'Wyles t - ami ban' sell nit, andioan you a good Derby Hat as low give you Polo mips to match. l $1.25. . ' . . it is no trmible for us to show them our stock. Polite and careftil attention - r ’ •" - • dried Shirts at... .45c “ ....60c “ * ...70c i •“ V - >" - . ....85c This is the best value in shirts yon ever saw. Come around and examine than, and also see ohr flannel shirts. UNDERWEAR! The most .complete assortment £n white, .red and dark colors and fancy striped ever shown by any house in the city, and ifjHpprices are not lower tban..othemnk for the same grades, we don’t ask vou tobuv them, to everyogfe. »; | he The Livest Town in the South! Offers Unparalleled Opportunities fon Business " * and Irivestment! fae offer for solo the following City and Country property: * OLD One lot, with largo two-story dwelling and out houses, also one eoiuge and out houses, every thing comparatively now ant la goodonlw. , One-hall lot oorner HanaSeMtaaA Albany its. Oril Bay lot UxUO, with hnlltlnA-'' .. One lot on Oglethorpe si roet,:and building,, loOna lot oa Gloucester street-eplpndld business One Bay lot 80x100 with two-story brick bulld- inpLjeceiUly erected. Will sell cheap forjtho ^Three lotion Grant street-^gOjOd l>nslno%Joca- ^Sjilend^dbulldlngsltc, north corner Oglethorpe hi tot corner Gloucester eat Albany streets; t One lot on Albany street. ^Portion of Trust lot SOxlOO-eplendld building One lot Mxua corner Uhlan and Howe streets with Improvements. - , IoPwkUO “ <l e! ***“ t t**Wence on Loo don street. One Bay lot and two stores situated thereon— good Investment. -Iff Hanover Parle. Vorydesl- IWP «OT rBvKIO&OOe w two- on Newcastle street, nqw ^.nsine- lot on Newcastle street, near' Oner’s NEWTOWN. Three lots, tdxtU, with new two-itoty build. IWf and oot honson. faring Court Bouse Sqi ct vvator trout, with warehot-.f c 20x70 nn-t One lot on itovnolds street, sc.\W Three water lots at ilie root^if L street, aheap. Very nd Loudon streets, wit! ought at low figure. ouybi louse. Can bo Besides the above Wo have a largo variety of TOWN COMUONS lots, which wo will eollat ile- oldcd bargains. ’ COUNTRY PROPERTY. About <0 acres of the richest lands in the coun ty, ono mile from heart of city. 81x acres elearod, with house,pour miles from city. MO acres ot best land In the edflnly, with twelve room house, nine mUeiftrom the city J ot farming land, with splendid two. largo crossing. cured ver^ cheap. lOadresotgoodolay tTOnarswol land at" verytav^ 1 from court bouse.' Can be so- very low. ,000 Acres Florida Lands- fig, DS gras- Two loU^wllq elegant residence and out houses “’ BORCHARDT & LEAVY, R-eaJ. mstate AAgonta SOI Newcastle Street, BRUNSWICK,GA. STATE OF GKOltGIA—COUNTY OF CtYNX Notice Is hereby given that tbo undersigned * r tdtho noxt Legislature of Georgia II assemble on tho first Wednesday of the passage of a local or ape- which is as follows: - . irate tho Turtle Biver Ball- iinnwSn the county of Glynn, and to an- ild ItUroad Company to construct and maintain a line, or lines of road entering into and having a terminal point in the city of Bruns wick Inlaid county, at any point in said city southof J street and westof Ellis street, aad a terminal at the “Now Dockf’ on the east Mak of Turtle river In said county, and a terminal terminals al any pointer point^on Turtle rlv or St. Simons Sound, or any river or. sound creek eaatwnnlly of said Ellis street In si . county, and a terminal or terminals at any oth- GHiNTSTfcrifeT. nq pgpBH ifneceBsarr condemn land for mm -^Oglethorpe Lodge, No. ft, meets. Fhursdsy night at their L'dstlo Hall ilsonts store. Visiting brothers are tod. _C. ’PfEELLEE, O.C. A L. ofH.—Magnolia Council, No. 1105, Am- (1. crican Legion of Honor, i lourth Friday nights of each mi . _ . .. , , . Wif. CBOVATT.Commander. J. T; LAM BRIGHT, Secretory. . it necessary condemn land for the purposo — right of way, and terminal facilities; to uso tho right of wny of other railroads entering said countv or city; to authorise said Railroad Com-, paiiv to lay tracks and' operate its railroad la certain streets of said city of Brunswick; to au thorise said Railroad Company to buy, hold, jss thorisc said Railroad Company to buy, hold, lease, Improve and sell real estate; ana to nu> thoiiso said Railroad Company to Issue bonds, ftho undersigned and for other purposes.” Ami that it is the Intention to makbaid application to said General Assem bly after this notice has been pnbllsccd and post ed as required by law. October 31,1888. The foregoing nl door of t|w Court I J. S. THOMAS, R. R. HOPKINS; - ^ i FRANK D. AIKEN. Oct. 81,1888. •' PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Notice of Intention to Change j Name. STATE OF G EORGIA—CouxTY or Glynn. A LL persons Interested are hereby notified that I have filed my petition to tho December term 1888 ot the Snpcnor Court of said county S&SB l&u^rT^M'Src 0 : P, G OODBREAD. 1 Neither... WwW O* 11)0 z eetorr of Secret Societies. AND A. 1 tn eaei very Tuesday night at tbolr hall over lOhambcr; SI lestly Invited. „ _ . JAMES B.CANNON,N. G. J.E. IiAMBBIGHT, Secretary. ldght up stairs ln'Clfy Ball.' V. R. MITCHELL, ChtcLof ' ‘ DjlSSOLt Its plseo of manufacture near Wayn j, amt Its cl articles of copartuersl , md formed- ofAWm. ■ ■ county of Ulynu, and Mrs. V. V. Hack, county of Wayne, isto-rtav by dissolved—the said Mre.C.V. Hack i said firm, anil the said Wnt.Crovatt debts and liabilities of the sahl. 'ART-V. — _ inary G.C. Ga. .mount of $2,178.48, as In their articles of il llou of this date mentioned, the ciht JIlv. ( . .. Hack agreeing to pay all debts of thp said firm In sot said sum. This October W- excess c -3L- &MSCEA CONTRACTOR AMD B . BRUNSWICK, Qk.. Brunswick, in said county of Glynn,o , . ' cles of copartnership of date May formed of Wm. Lrovntt, .of 'ttv J. A. If TTS, Physidai\ and Surig8«i\. Flans and Specifications FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. Siren. Hordern . OITATIQN prompt stlcnUon. Ofik lla.rn.aadS tolp.m. SHfcsos of John Strlekland, decoseod, has applied to the undmaffied ftwlcttcia dUmhaory. from yaldad- CV^Specisl ah throat had lung*. the 0.v*tcra in all style* at all il o Brnnnriek Dining Parlor. Thl, I*, therefore, toelto all per- awaawxrw fta; aSajSKSIBX.WKS.-a This August 4,188*. Ordinary Gljim County Oa. jfl