Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, December 18, 1888, Image 4

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PaMMNxI Daily u<l Weekly it > M«I<UNSW1CK, . GEORGIA, “THE CITY BY Tim IU." I. M. met « SOX, UlUnut rntrietm. ■tatMutiOBKMMi Daily, by mall.or dollverod ftHritKmiu the city, $4 per annum; Week- Attention, Tax Payer*. Tax Collectors Hiram J. Head beg* ua to say to you that he will oloso bia booka “for good and all" to-uior row night You have therefor, ent more day of grace. Americas |gd Olilclal Organ of City and County. # Christmas Express. Hr, P. yv. Fleming, agent of the Southern Express Company, desires ua, In view ofthegreftt rush of ex* press matter always. forwarded and . received during the Christmas sea* .non, to impress several points upon ; :(the mind of, the public. v * First. Pack and mark your .pack-? , -ages well, or they may* in the rush, <be broken or missent Second. Get your packages to the •office as early as possible, and don’t wait until just before the train leases. Third* In. delivery; the driver will •offer a package for delivery bat once, and if charges are not-paid, package |will be returned to the office -and -consignees will be compelled to call for same. No favor or friendship will be shown in this matter.* Fourth. Don’t expect the agent to oblige, you particularly, because^ he a friend of yours. He is handling other people’s money, and is held to rigidly responsible for every cent of it Mr. Fleming has a notice in this issue putting forward the above facts in positive terms. While on tlie subject of express •service, we would recommend to the , managers of the company that they take steps to give Brunswick a ser vice more in keeping with her size and importance than she now has.— Brunswick is growing, and growing rapidly, and yet her express office is ■run pretty much as it always was.— ' The office is willing and anxious to give the best service, but they feel themselves unable with present facil ities. The railroad and telegraph •companies find it constantly necessa ry to increase their forces in this city and the Express Company could do * the same with propriety. As Christmas is near at hand, I would ask all those •who Intend s-ecolvlngor shipping packages >y express, to‘do so at once. Packages of all dads should be securely marked and packed to nsnre promptSsllvartse. Ship before the rush, Wanted: A live enorgetic sales man to begin at once, or January 1. Address, Enquirer, city. Schools, Sewerage and Public Buildings. Thursday night the citizens of Brunswick are invited to meet at L’arioso Hall to hear the discussion .on the subject of issuing bonds for sewerage, school buildings, city hall, etc. Hore now is an .opportunity for our people to get together and talk over these questions heforo we voto on the subject. If these things are wanted and there is no other way to get them, and wo lfiust get them, then let us vote that way. As we said a few days ago “light” is what is wanted—here is a chance to get it, not by a one sided newspaper ar ticles, but by a free open discussion, asking questious and having them answered—not in a spirit of who-is- the-sharpest-fellow, but with a desire to know the truth. Let every one go prepared with the questions that worries him most, and having asked them, receive tho answer, and then acton it. Col. Goodyear has ven tilated his ideas fully in the News. “Old Fogy” and “Oldest Fogy,” have said their say in the Advertiseb- Api’kal, which has told “where it stands.” All are honest in their convictions. What we want now is to eomo to an agreement, and act on it as one man. The steamer City of reached her dock this morning laden down to her' gunwales with cotton. Go to Henry T. Dunn’s and at the display of fireworks at prices cheaper than ever, s The biggest Variety of plash toilet sets, odor, msntoare, card and col lar and caff sets is at Henry T. Dana’s. -,. •• . « t - Toa sets, caps and saucers, vases, water sets, ’ all kjnds of decorated china, can bo found at Henry T. Dunn's. • ; .Syrup of Figs Natures own true laxative. It is the most easily'tuken, and the- most effective*remedy known to cleanse the system when billious or costive; to dispel, headaches, colds and fevers; to cure habitual constipation, indi* gestion, piles, etc. Manufactured oh iy by the California Fig Syrup Com pany, San Francisco, Cal. For sale by Lloyd & Adams. New Advertisements. Southern Express Co. * prompt tfcliYeriM. Ship before’ the rush. there is danger of their being delayed, as itmas. No lrlcnds will 1 know, as cash will be required before packages are forwarded, should the charges be desired prepaid. My driver will be required to get the freight charges upon delivery, and if not, packages will lie returned to office, and consigners will have to call for them. Do not ask favors of me, as there are numerous losses incurred in this jght will be received from 7 a. m. to 5:30 p. m*. standard time, at which time the office doors will be closed. Observe above and be governed accordingly. P. W. FLEMING, Agent Southern Express Co. FOR SALE I Horse §nd Buggy. Y XMASlf’ A. KAISER & BRO. Hat* Placid on Sal* Fob S COMING WEEK The largest aBsortment'pfthe following Goods, at emOfmougly reduced prices, to give everybody k chance to buy a- . u Good, Useful and Suitable Holiday Present! STARE AND WONDER 1 1 25 doz. white, drawn, worked Handkerchiefs at. 26 “ I “ “ “ % “ . 20 “ It “ embroidered “ “ , 10 « « « « « . IQ « 41 44 U 41 io “ •* « “ “ ! 60 .“ colored bordered v a *■ 1 - .... 10c, worth 20c MADAM, You are Wanted- ’ *% What For? Who Wants Me?" They! “They Wont You ” Who are tboy? Where do they live f* They are % ...12 ..16c -.20c .26c vSBe 5c The largest and best selected stock of Silk Handkerchiefs at 50c Jerseys! Jerseys! Jerseys 25c 25a 30o 400 60c 10c 75c j ,* r'&b r 1 lot of Jerseys, fast black, plain, at.. :\ .45c, worth 75c $1.25 1.50 pleated front, all colors... K U • (I fancy braided braided, at 70c “ fancy velvet front, at 85q “ silk .. -1.00 all wool, plain, at ? 1.36 “ “ 1.50 . 1.75 . 1.90 . 2.25 . 2.40 .. 3.25 beaded 3.50 And all the balance of our large stock for the coming week to be sold at the^peapest prices you ever heard of. If you don’t want any Handkerchiefs or Jerseys, yoiywill find plenty of other goods at suitable prices. Wc have the Goods, and they will be sold, and those who come first will have first choice. 2.50 2.75 2.90 3.00 3.50 4.00 450 the 22ml day of December, 1888 at 11 o’clock a. m.,one OKAY MAKE, sound and gentle, works well in harness or under saddle, and a free mover. Also one Fancy Two Wheel TOP BUGGY, nearly new, and one set single HARNESS The'above property can be seen and treated lale by calling on for at private si L. J. LEAYY & CO., Auctioneers, FOR FALL AND WINTER That I have f ver handled in Brunswick, special attention to my Hats, Shoes and Neckwear FLANNEI. SHIRTS ANU HANniiEBCIlIKFS, Latest Stjle Collars asS Col. FULL LINE OF Clothing ! Neckties in Michelson’s. groat variety at J. m Macon, Ga., Aug. 1,1888. I have UBcd several bottles of Bradycrotino for headache, and ha'vo given several bottles away to my friend* who uro sufferers from this trouble. I have nevor known a sin* ffle c«*e that It did'not cure, and in (be time stated, 1 consider it a. *rcat medicine. Respectfully. l _ T. D. Tinsley, of the firm of 8. R. Jaquos ii Tinsley. SUITS TO ORDER. A line assortment of underclothing, and every- J. B. WRIGHT, Corner Newcastle and Gloucester St* Tutt’s Pills FOR TORPID LIVER. <35 BBO. OGLETHORPE STABLE GRANT STREET. J. R. MINEHAN, Prop’r. (Successor to H. S. McCrary.) Gentle Horses, Bail or Saddle. orders lor DRAYING promptly at tended to. Open day and night. Connected with Telephone Exchange. Your Duty CONEY & PARKER Wholesale and Rctatl dealers in Antlracite and Hitonns Coal, BRICK, LATHS and SHINGLES. will keep in stock of ANTHRACITE COAL, Red Ash, egg and Chestnut sire, and Frce- burn, white Ash Of BITIMUNOUS COAL Steam and family lump, the latter suitable for grates. WE A11E SOLE AGENTS FOR TO YOUR FAMILY IS TO SECURR FOR THEM A HOME. I am offering houses and lots in the citv and arms and land near the city for eatdi or time. Will sell ono two-story house, six rooms, on Cochran avenue, for $1,000. # Fire, Life mi Accident Innranr ALSO BONDS OF SURETYSHIP. Apply to W. B. BURROUGHS, 104 Newcastle street PUTNAM’S Livery Me! Corner Monk and Oglethorpe streets rest assured of A torpid liver deranges tho whole ays* tom, and produces * Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There U no better remedy forthese common dUeocee than Tntt’a Liver rate. Mb trtol will prove. Price, 80c. Sold Everywhere. . NOTICE. Neither tho Captain, owners oriconslgnocs will l>e responsible (or any debt, coutractcil by tho crew of tho Norwegian bark Zamtsa. ' IIAT.VKUSEX, Master. NOTICE. Neither the Oaptaln. owner* or consignee* will lie n-.|i«ii*lble (or any oobtt contracted by tho ertiw of tho Au*. bark OUII.IC. securing from my stable The Finest Turn-Outs AND THE BEST SEUVIO E. Your order solicited, and satisfaction guarnn A. T. PUTNAM. T O’Conhob, Ja. W F. Symons T. O’Counor & Co., INSURANCE AGENTS FIRE! MARINE! ACCIDENT! REPRESENT TUB .STAUNCHEST OOMPANIE OF THE WORLD. octlO-ly Annual Meeting. rfMIE regular annual meeting of tho Stockhold- JL er* ofthe Flr*t National Bank wlUbo held Broniwlrk, Ga., on Ttte*. _ or* of tho at tho banking bo ^ ... day January ath, UM0 between the hour ofit m. CIlfBIKlXAZ. and 1 p. m„ for Ike purpoae of circling Director* for Dm tnanlag yew. Ja*. liras smith, • Oatbier. BRUNSWICK BRICKWORKS. And able to furnish lu any quantity. Also keep constantly on hand Nos. land28HIN- GLKS, the above at market prices. Terrhs in variably CASH. BAY STREET. BRUNSWICK, GA. oF losing your child by permitting Worms to work out its destruction, when a child falls to sleep well, is restless, unnatural in its appetite and grinds its teeth, you have strong indications of worms; the positive euro for this is B* A* Fahpestock’s vermifuge. Ask your ls t for it. Its timely use may save your chile fist for it. Its timely from its grave.HBBHH And they want you and all dies to know that they are 88 inch , - • Henrietta. Cloths At'25c;. a yard in the leading shades, black included, 56 inch Tricot at 70c. a yard. .46 inch Henrietta Cloths at 47c. a yard.. Black Cashmeres at 20* per cent redaction, and one lot Balmoral Skirts At $1.29, wdfth from $2 to $3:50, and The Best Corsets foi|50c. ever made and Jerseys So cheap that every one should wear thein, and > Ladies Hose At lower prices than they were ever seen before and an Worth Spring Undervest 65c. for 45c.’ and Spiral Bustles OPENING OF THE Bay Restant, Ola Reliable ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. Where can bo found everything the market af fords, served in shoxt notice. No. 22. Bay street. F. JOS. DOERFLINGER. Dr. A.B. McCASKfLL, PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT ST. SIMONS MILLS, Ga. Twenty year* practical experience. G. B. FLINT, Real Estate Agent, Chovatt Block, Room 2. D esirable city and country pbop EUTY for aalu and rout. FOR SALE, FARM CONTAINING 240 ACHES Of high land nnd a largo body ot. manH land*. Seventy ncrwofthl* farm art now tinder cnltl- —■ more f— — '—* i very ll St. Bit vation wltbiod aon* more that can be placed under cnltlvetlon wlthyery tittle Said farm being on three mllo* from St. Simon*, ■■me dutanoe from St.SImone mo Use Mend from tbeoem gHsm water of Book river <m iSpfter^R. | ra reeihleg “tiS® rontnln* a pxxi sulbulbUng*. For 14c. and immense reduction all along the lino until after the holidays A REGULAR EYE-OPENER FOR THE GENTLEMEN. Overcoats and Suits. Pants and Underwear. White and Flannel Shirts. Hats and Caps. Unlaundried Shirts, 39c apiece. DON'T DELAY, BUT ME Before the assortment is broken up. Como now for we take stock -Janua- 1, and dont want the goods then if LOW PUCES WILL SELL THEM. J. J. Lissner & Co.. glf-NoTicE: Competitors pie make an * , note of this.