Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, December 25, 1888, Image 3

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- W " _ nspMNim - - ■ H T ... Qa wan a night reporter oo a daily »labia way tolnter- M % paper and it came _ view two worthy ladiaa connected with one of our benevolent Inntitutionn on a subject of some importance, city editor told him to use tact make himself agreeable. As the i ter was not wanted for the next tion he could take his time and not hurry the ladiee in their recital. These were his instructions: at 8 m. he appeared at the institutio inmates of which had just been ‘ Ho seemed a very nice, agreeable young man, and.we thought he had known some of our patients, or hkd some idea of adopting an intent from the children’s vrard. My ssi* —. she Is a young lad/, wasa little nervous, as we have so few from gentlemen. But we gsked him out to see our house service, and he sung add read a chapter, and was very nice. Then we went back to the par lor and Miss wanted to excuse herself, hut I would not let her leave, and the young man I thought would soon go. „ “I wish you could have heard him talk! Ho told us all about himself and what a checkered career he had gone through, and Mias —— 1 quite sympathetic, but we both dreadfully worried. We did not " know what be wanted, and he gave us no chance to ask. I was so sleepy for a while that the smile froze on mv face, and I saw double. Then he made me tell the history of the institution, and that is my* weak point Every time my assistant. Miss -—, would attempt to go I would frown at her. We both knew that everything in the house waa going wrong. I could — the clock, but the young man sat with his bach fo it At At last it struck 21 Then he asked what time it was. I told him it was 2 o’clock in the morn ing, and then he let the cat out of the hag at last He told me who he waa. " ‘We fellows just consider this the shank of {he evening,’ he said. ‘Tou see, Fm an all night man, but I am afraid I have beenTieeping you ladies up.* • • “Wo both said: ‘Oh, no, no, no,’ for wo were almost stupefied, and much too sleepy to tell the truth. But we both wondered what his business was with us, and, do you believe it he told us in less than five minutes I He simply wanted to know if a statement in the evening paper of the night be- fore'was truer—Detroit Free Press. Frenchmen as High Livers. It is a fact worth noting that most of the families who were raised to high >ytho positions and profusely gilded by ; First Napoledn are extinct and that those which still exist are represented chiefly by women; The first empire and its wars did not play havoc with the dukes and the princes who sprang up around its head. The harm was done by the second empire, whose ideal was faird bombance. The higher class Bonapartists ate, drank and were nearly all guzzlers, and managed to soak any amount of fine wines at their lunches and dinners. The fashion in their time came in of having as many wineglasses at each plate as there are flues in a great stack of chimneys. When the appetite palled, the sorbet russe was brought in to act on the un fortunate stomach as a tonic, and en able it to go through as much more as it had gone through already. One of the reasons why Marshal Bazaino could not get quickly out of Metz, to bar the way against the Prussians, was that the emperor started before him v and so the road was blocked with service de labouche and the wagons carrying the belongings of his im-' penal majesty, which were truly im pediments. When the Israelites wero under a theocracy, and the chief priest’s sons ate as do city of London aldermen, the Philistines routed them. Likewise Marshal de Soubise waa im mortalized by his sauce for mutton chops and disgraced by his defeat— Cor. London Truth. Tha German Hotel Porter. In German hotels you come in con- mi Brunswick Wood Delivery Co. Torreua .SINGLE LOAD (Not I length; PER COED. SINGLE LOAD (Delivered). gag- PEE CORD. gnijE, earned MdjiSM anj | ooftt..,.......|j g Leave Orders with Hay wood, Gage <k Co. TEEMS POSITIVELY CASH; ^ * . “WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH 9 —OF THE- (Mmti (Wiling Boose f IS THE CRY'OF ALL. HE’S ALL RIGHT! He is selling goods at way low down prices. His immense Clothing Stock is unsurpassed in styles, quality and prices. Fine Black Imported Corkscrews, $14 per suit, worth $20. Fine English Melton Square and Bound Gut Sacks at $16.50, worth $20 and $22. m All Wool Sdotch Sheviots in double and single breast from $10 up to $13.50 worth $15 and $18.j Children and Boys Suits. I have the largest line in Children and Boys Suits from $2 and upwards. Boys’knee pants 40c. and upwards, and an immense line of boys, youths and mens’ Overcoats. HATS and CAPS. I have the largest line, and at very ' reduced prices Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. The finest and cheapest Shoes for ladies, children and gentlemon Trunks, Satchels, Umbrellas, Etc. Trunks and Satchels—all styles. Silk Umbrellas from $1.75 up. A large variety of Leather Goods in traveling companions and Cuff and Col lar boxes. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Unlaundried Shirts at 45c., worth 75c. Gents* Linen Collars at 10c, worth 20c. Fine Silk Neckwear at 25c, worth 60c. All.wool Flannel Top 8hirts from 75c. upwards. Aien'g uuico oacKets at, »z.ou. worm 9* uu. Also a full line of Cardigan Jacket, Ladies 1 and Gents’ Shoes at astonishing low price. Polite attention is given to all who give us a call. Perfect fits guaran teed, and qualities warranted. ’ Come and convince yourselves. We don’t say anything that we do not mean. We came here and made a success, and intend to stay and keep our reputation up on lowest prices for honest goods. £L W. APTE, PROPRIETOR, At Marlin’s old dry goods stand, New Castle street. BY TIE SEA! The Livest Town in the South! Offers Unparalleled Opportunities for Business and Investment! “ilvS We offer for sale the following City and Country property: OLD TOWN. and out Albany ata. octparaU 1 On,-half lot corner One Bay Jot 49x180, wll One lot on Oglethorpe atreetjand buildings, location* 011 GloncMter Btreet ~ e P 1<mdld buelne One Bay lot 80x100 with two-ttory brick build ing., recently erected. Will Mil cheap tor the money. Splendid building .1 to, north corner Oglethorpe ind Gloucester .tree t«. Lot corner Gloucester and Albany streets. One lot on Albany street. with Improvements. One lot and elegant residence on London street, lot 00x180. » One Bay lot and two stores situated thereon— good investment. Lot 00x180 south ot Hanover Fark. Very desi rable tor residence. bhurch, Three lots, 00x180 eaob, containing 4 now two- story houses, near school honso. Business lot 80x00 on Newcastle street, near Chandler’s brick. NEW TOWN. Portions ottthree lots^ngfrrcgnting 87%xlSOtt*, on Reynolds street, Three lots, 80x1(0, with new two-story build- tng and out houses, facing Court House Square. feet water front, with warehouse 8lxT0 and ffleo. •at One lot on Itev2old4»treet, 10x00. Three water lots atjtho foot|of L street. Very Ue lot, 4txU0, corner Cochran avenue streets, with (room house. Can be COUNTRY PROPERTY. Six acres,cleared, with houM,- four miles from it W^*o**olfmdn«!a5d, 1 wlttjpIend« two- jSSRSE.'Sh'! And very oheap.. y&yoheep.. .10 aeras of good day land 4 tttlesfrom etty. ^ . very RivS^t^N^^wantoYmon^ 11 *® U * Also three small farms not mentioned above- very low. ‘ : ; ‘ i' 8*000,000 Acres Florida: Lands- nieda upwards. Two lots, wltq elegant residence and out bouses in Norwich street. BORCHARDT & LEAVY, Steal Estate Agents 301 Newcastle Street; BRUNSWICK GA. 7 REMOVAL! NEW QUARTERS I can now be found in my new stand in the AUG. F. FRANKLIN, Beales Broker ail Commission Mercian Hay, (Mi, Feed, Four, Bacon, Mill Feed Generally... tact only with the porter and head *’ T1 ‘ * waiter. T1 to porter, is selected inquiries! coming the hotel, about the arrival and depi departure of trains, the sights of the town, etc., and you invariably get 'elyil and intelligent tepUes tpall your porter (poiv questions. The to pc 3 , however, in no sense corresponds le - ' ** * I w wud American idea of a porter, nor is he called upon to do the slightest physical labor. He receives guests, sera them deport and makes himself very useful in many wave; but as for lifting* trunk or oarryinga satchel, this S entirely beneath his position and his dignity;- The actual porter performs tins labor, and both of these officials expect and receive a fee on the waiter, who- thus makes sure of his fee.' -<r by hunters as the American buffalo is. Serna are already scarce to the waters that once teemed i wanton sports rarely re- Car-Load Lots a Specialty We Compete with any Market in Quality ar\d £rice, and Mean just what we Say. 'snll-lr. L. D. HOYT & CO., DEALERS IN HARDWARE. Stoves C uns, Pistols, Cartridges, . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SASH, DOORS. BUNDS ‘BufmcJaci and Wasons d. A. BUTTS, Physician and Surgeoq. sntfj.'n^ary.’gg •f m. and* to.* p. toTTSWlw* attention given to dlienee of L.J.Leavy& Co., AVCTIOI AM couunios nwum, am esBsau ceuscrus agent*. fintolALntte^glvMto^J^.gtreeu, Scarlett Block, WHK11E XV STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, HITS, CAPS, Dry Goods and Notions • WILL BE FOUND MARKED DOWN TO BED ROOK. X3L T. DUNN. J.M.DEITER INSURANCE AND Real Estate Arcent, BEFBESENTING—— EIGHT LEADING FIRE INSURANCE CO'S INCLUDING THE “SOUTHERN MUTUAL” OF ATHENS, GA., TRAVELERS ACCIDENT CO., of Hartford s BETWEEN—— 1 1W YORK & BRUNSWICK. SAN ANTONIO,, ' . * lyTLDEB, Thnndnv Afternoon. ClSrJ»SSS;« Brun.wtck vrithB. A W. E. T., V. A G. and A.P.A L.railroad,. Through , bill, lading signed to Atlanta, Albany, Amerlons Maeoa ana all interior points; * •Insurance between Sow York and Brunswick, tton apply to -ll- . THOS. SEA ISLAND ROUTE. km BRUNSWICK k SAYANNAH AND, WAY LANDINGS. ^77 ■ , ;• 77 StNithiolas EQUITABLE LIFE A8SUBAXCE 80CIETI, el ’ new Terk. Houses to Rent and for Sale, CITY LOTS FOR SALK Office In Kaiser Block, over First National ank. 1oo*It Notice to Stockholders. latloudBufof*' ailed to take pUe< * O’Ooxaea, Je, W. f. Snton T. O’Couflor & Co., INSURANCE AGENTS Fill! MARINE! ACCIDENTS .STAUNCHEST OOWASii 'V -' " *, ^ *' ■* : w : sE—rr' ' Try a Pleoe and von will have no other, tu Beef, Folk, Etc., ’ al.wXVe ON BAUD. - * imii i • »