Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 04, 1889, Image 5

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AN 0U> TMCkSTER. Citctm • Tartar to the itnwt, to a waiting car. Tbo was ao In mo In both front legs tbo old fnuno quivered as if It were going to unliingo every time ho Cautiously put uls foot on tho pavement. It did mem hard to forconn old nntmnl like thin to work, and a crowd of people, who bad speedily gathered, were heartily glad when tho benevolent man seized tbo driver's arm,' and, showing a badgo of Vi**- tho Society for tho Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, threatened to arrest him If , be persisted in mauling tho beast. “Show Hilly some kindness?" said tho driver in response to tho stranger's sug gestion. “Shure that’s what ails him. He's had too much of it. Why ho'U swallow kindness quicker than a mouth ful of oats und siiow his gratitude by elcoping twenty-four hours out of a day. He’s the biggest roguo in New York, and I'll prove it to you. Whoa there, Billy! Hi! YII Whoopla!” Up went tho horse's ears as if he had heard the voice of an old friend. Tho • driver patted him on tho back and whispered: “You won’t have to work today, Billy.'' Tho chango was magical. The old nag was a 2-year-old again. He started toward his stall without »trace of lameness. Ho was turned about face toward tho car quickly, the lameness re turned in a jiflfy, and lie looked as if he wasgoing to snake oil his skin and die. “This Ts an every day occurrence," said Mr. Parker, the superintendent of tho stable. “Billy is an old trick horse and used, to travel with a circus. Ho has an innate hatred for work, and becomes lame every time that he is taken from his stall to take a turn with a car. He fooled usuli at first, .and I had thought 1 had been badly stuck in buying him, but I soon found out lie was shamming. The lameness disappears as soon no ho is hitched up, and be goespn his journey at good speed.” “Havo you any other horses with peculiar antics?” “Yes, plenty of them. Wo get many well bred animals, runners, trotters and jumpers, that havo had their day. Every beast of degreo has a weakness of 6om’o sort that gives us trouble, but we don't havo time to pay attention to their whims and they soon find it out and be come old stagers. The car stable is the last station to tho bo.nevard, and wo get a haok at all tho broken down plugs going in that direction. They are fed well and carefully looked after for the sake of economy, and a driver who is caught abusing a horse will be instantly discharged. Horses havo to be trained for this work, and it takes several months to get them into shapo to stand tho wear and tear of rough pavement and exposure to all sorts of weather, A green horse that is not handled with care will wind up in tho hospital after a week's steady work.”—Now York Tri bune. AN ORDINANCE To provldo for the holding of an , election by the people (qualified voters) or tho city of Brunswick, to detcrmlno whether or not bonds shall be issued by the Mayor and Connell of said city, for tho pur- pose of procuring means wherewith to supply satd city with an ade quate and proper system of drain' age and sewerage, with necessary and sultablo publlo buildings and quarantine) grounds for the use of ■aid city, and for tbo prosecution and completion of such other pub lio works os maybe deemed ad vis able, and for the retirement of the present outstanding bonddd and other indebtedness of said city, and for sanitary and other pur- poses: wbsuas, It It essential to the Mfei publlo Malta, becatue <;f tho tntroduc use of waterworks, and , the increase) of „ population in the eitjr ot Brim. . .. •apply csld city with a comprehensive and ado qnate system of sewersro and drainage. Ann WnxBias, Ths city of Branswiok be* i grounds for snob purposes isyorsnd Councilor the " si Brunswick hare not the mesne wherswltl crocure the aforesaid necessary Improremeuts, , and tor sanitary purposes, or to carry on tbo benefit and improvement of said city; and for .tho retirement of the present outstanding bonded and other Indebtedness of said city: the revenues arising from taxation of said wholly Inadequate for the purpose* aforesaid purpose* can only bo obtained by the issuing and sale of bonds of aatd city; therefore, Section l, Be it and it is hereby ordained, by are now proviuen ny »«*w ror mo holding of elections in said city for Mayor and Alderman, for the purpose of determining whether or not bonds of eniil eitjr, for the pur. Qualified. During a conversation on a railway train a well dressed old fellow became interested in a young man. “You are just starting out in life, I suppose," said tho old follow. “Havo you any idea as to what you in tend to do?" “Nono whatever." • “What would you like to do?" “I don't know. I don’t think that I have any especial fitness for anything," “Got no leaning toward any calling, eh?” “None.” “Why, then, havo you left home?" “Well, the truth is, I was bored. My brothers and sisters are musicians, and their playing annoyed me.” “You don't like music, then?" “I dc8piso it.” “Can you sing?” “Not a note.” “Young man,” said tho old fellow, speaking with emotion, “you need feel no further anxiety concerning your fu ture. I will give you a grand oppor tunity. I am tho manager of an opera company, and I want you.”—Arkausaw Traveler. Superstitions of tho Stage. “A cross eyed girl is death to good luck on the stage,"said thoohl showman who was in a pensive and talkative mood Saturday. “They are dead sure to bring bad luck —a regular hoodoo, and no mistake. Lota of us won’t travel with ono in tho company. I won’t, if 1 know it, and I reckon I do. Tho opera company hero this week, though, don’t think so. J no ticed a twist in ono of tho eyes of the clTorus. Another bad ono is a yellow clarinet in tho orchestra. Td rather play in front of a loaded cannon. Crickety! how I suffered! Ono night when I was playing down in Jersey Hooked over the footlights and saw an old fellow with a black wig on his head blowing bad luck at mo out of tho nozzlo of a yellow clari net. I was hoodooed for sure, and didn’t get into luck again for over six months, and then only by picking tip a horseshoe in Pittsburg, Pa. 1 know lots of tho boys who won’t face one.’’—Lewiston Journal. Tbo Camera Caught IIlm. A burglar entered a houso at Water ford, Ireland, and after purloining every thing ho could find ho prepared to ro- movo a large photographic camera that was standing oa a table. In somo way he touched off a magnesium flash light attachment that was part of the and fled precipitately when tho flared up. Tho next day it was foum that tho camera had taken tho photo graph of tho burglar. The negative was ' in tho howls of tlio police, and by favoring tho Issue of said bonds, bour upon their faces the words, “For tho Issue of bonds,” If the vote is in favor thereof; or. If opposed thereto, said ballot shall hear the words “Against the issue of bonds.” Tho managers of said election •hall be appointed by tho Mayor and Council aforesaid, at their regular meeting tr be held before the day named for the holding of said election; which said managers shall, after the close of sahl election, ascot tain the result and certify nod deliver the returns of said election to the Mayor and Council aforesaid, by whom. In the tircsencc of and together with said mana gers, the result shall be dually declared and re corded at the next meeting by them held subse quent In Hi" dote of said election. er.c. x. nc it, ana n is nereoy in ukp ms further ordained, that the Clerk of said Mayor and Council shall advertise In all the gazettes its aid they quickly nabbed their man. It showed tho burglar with a jimmy in ono hand and a box containing jewelry under liis arm, whilo he carried a sack over his shoulder with valuablo pieces of plate, books, eta, and was gazing at tbo flash light in open mouthed amazement. —Buffulo Cburier. election, and of the purposes for which the same Is to be held, the amount of bonds proposed tobeissued.and tho purposesfor which they are to beissued; the rate of interest safd bonds are to hear: how much principal and Interest thereof is to be paid annually; and when ami at what date said bonds are to mature, and to he fully paid off anddischargcd. SEC. 8- Bo it and it is hereby ordained by the authority aforesaid, that It la the duty of the Mayor and Council of said city, by subsequent ordinance or ordinances, to tirovldo a sinking fund, whereby and from which the means shall ho provided annually for the ultimate redemp tion of the bonds aforesaid, if authorized to he sued by the result of said electl >n; and in -o!, I dlnnncc to provide for .hu i-see or the bonds and all tho details pertaining vo their issue negotia tion and sale. Sec. 4. He it and It is hereby, in like manner fnrthcrovdainsd, that the notice herein le-fure required lobe given by the e.-.rk shall specify that said Mayor and Council proposes to Issue bonds of said city tj tne amoen, of two hundred and forty .liousand dollars (f.hi.i.jO) <,. sue], por tion of that sum as may hotleeined necessary liy snlit Mayor and Council a, any time; the uro- ceedsof the sale thereof to he used for the pur pose hercinhulore specified; ami the same to hear interest at the rate of five per centum per an num, if it Isfouud that a sale of such bonds can be made hearing thet rate, hut If no sale cm he effected at live percent Interest, then the same shall bosr Intelest at the rate of six per cent per aniicni. The principal of said goads shall be paid ns follows: fJ tae first year of their issue, $1,500 lue second year, $2,0) i the third year *2,. 500 the fourth year lo.ioe the fifth year, $:',r,oo the si: th year $4,. lie seventh year, $' ;0" tile eigth year. 1.5,duo the ninth year, ».i,5ou Iho tenth year, tit.- • the eleventh year, the twelfth year, $7,mo the thirteenth year, $7,500 the four teenth yen:, #8,u: . Lie llrteentli year, 1,0,500 the sixteenth year, and .th... 'I yer year for the remain ing rears sunt hood. ,n c ran; hut tho int re.-t •hall be paid semi-annually as is accrues upon tho first days of January and July respectively in each year, until tho maturity of the whole of said bonds; and that tho whole amount covered- by the issue ot said bonds shall become duo and payable at tho expiration of thirty (80) years from and after the day of their date. ' runt tmt the Interest thereon shall -gera semi-annually, niton the first rtaya of J nsrr and July raapecursly In each and at HreMfetlM maturity of the whole ^ the whole of aald bond*. If at the oil July respectively I year until the maturity of l bond.; and the whole of satd shall lieeome due amt of thirty years, from at date; provision being tret nance of aald Mayor and expiration ■tr of their proper ordi- wejhe |iay« men! thereof, at tho maturity thsrsiof. by moan* of and Ihniugh an annual slaking fund. ■This December Wh, A. D, ot: Mayor City of Brunswick, B. A. NELSON, Clerk andTreaaorer. Malory S. S. lie NEW YORK & BRUNSWICK SAN ANTONIO, WILDER, STATE OF TEXA.S, WILLIAMS, and after Sept. 28 th, 1888, one of _ above steamers will leave New York every Friday at 8 p. m., arriving in Brunswick follow ing Monday. Returning, leave Brunswick every Thursday afternoon. Close connections at Brunswick with B. A W. E. T., V. & G. and A. I*. A L.railroads. Through bills lading signed to Atlanta, Albany, Americus Macon anu nit interior points. Insurance between New York and Brunswick, one-Jlfth of ono per cent. Freight ami passage ns low as by any other line, /or freight, passage and general informa tion apply to THOS. FULLER, Agent, Brunswick, Ge SEA ISUND ROUTE, BRUNSWICK & SAVANNAH AND WAY LANDINGS. Steamer St. Nicholas On anil after Monday December 10th will leavo Savannah for Brunswick every Monday and ■■’lmrsday at < p. m Connections made with B. h W. mad E.T., tfi, .Railroads, and steamer “OmekatBpy*- for Batllla Landings. The “fit. Nicholes” touches at all way points between Brunswick end Beyenneh. Forreteeof freight* end pasitge.apply to W. F. PENNIMAN, Agent, ANYBODY! this ordinance be and the same are hereby re* pealed. Passed In Conned this 20th day of December, Attest: E. A. NKl.roN, Cl jrfc D. T. DUNN, Mayor. NOTICE OF ELECTION. In accordance with the authority and direc tion, to me contained in an Ordinance of the Mavornnd Council of the City of Biunswlrk, entitled, “An Ordinance to provide for holding of nn election by the people (qualified voters) or the City of Brunswick, to dcteimlne whether or not bonds shall lie issued by the Mayor and Coun cil ofsuul city, for the ,turpo«e of mocuring •™"‘* —*•* tk an n ,j_ essary and suitable public” buildings amf qimrn- tlne groundsfor the use of said city; und for the prosecution and completion of suco other public works as may be dee.ned advisable; and for the retirement of tho present outstanding bonded and other indebted ness of said city; ami for sani tary and other purposes,” passed in Council on the 20th day of December, A, D., eighteen hun dred ana eighty-eight-Aetice is hereby given that an election wld be held, at the cuv hall of said city, within the hours und under the rules governing general elections fur Mayor and Aldermen in said city, on the 221 day of Jan uary, 1SS0, for the purpose of determining whether or not bonds of said city, for tho pui pose of said Ordinance specified, snail he issued i y the Mayor and Council of the City of Brunswick* The ballots cast at said election shall, iho.se fa voring die issue of such i>ond«, hear upon their faces tho words “For the Issue <£ Bonds,’ and t ioc opposed thereto shall in like manner bear t.ie words, ‘‘Against the Issue tf Bonds.” The amount of bonds proposed to ,>e [>• sued, if an horfced by the people (qualified vot i, ii “ - cm) at said election, is to l»c the sum of two bur* dred ami for; v t.iousand dollars ($*'*o.Ot.)) prims'* f ial. or so much tner. of as may become ncccssaiy n the Judgment of said Mavor and Council to a<> complisn the jwrposes in said ordinance contain ed and specified. The proceeds thereof are to be applied to the procurement of an adequate and proper svstem of drainage and sewerage, necer* sary and snitable public buildings ami quaran tine grounds for the nse of said ciiy, the prosecu tion and completion of such other public works ns may do d.*emed advisable by the sahl Mayor and Council, tsie retirement of the present outstand ing bonded and other indebtedness of said city, to sanitary and otuer purposes, hh in said ordi nance staled. . . , , Hni<l lionds, if authorized to lie issued, shall benr interest at the rate of five per cent per an num, If an idvantagcoUH sale can lie made there of at that rate of Interest, hut if no sale can ILL M WINTER TO UK! Throw aside your ohl 'clothes, ami provldo „ mrsclf with something new, seasonable and stylish l'roin tiie old reliable clothier, JAS. S. WRIGHT, Corner Newcastle and Monk Streets. I have just received an elegant stock of season able goods selected by myself In the Northern markets, and can supply’the town with Clothing, Hats, SHOES Gents’ Furnishing Goods, NECKWEAR AND HOSIERY Which were purchased for cash, and conse quently cun be sold on closest margins. £|^Suits made to order from samples, much cheuper than from a tailor, and lit guaranteed, JAS. S. WRIGHT. Brunswick Wood Delivery 0 Torras’ Wharf; Bay St. SINGLE LOAD (Not Delivered.) PINK, sawed aqd split any U nglti I H PER CORD. PINK, sawcl an I split any length 0 Tl OAK, - •• “ • 71 Leave Orders with Haywood. Gage A Co. SINGLE.LOAD (Delivered), oVk** "S" “I u “«* fc Mj» PEtt CORD. PI Mi. ‘ a roil anitai lit any length y* TERMS POSITIVELY CASH. ‘WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH S. W. APTE, Propr., louse ?” --OK THE IS THE CRY OF ALL. HE’S ALL RIGHT! ITe is selling goods at way low ^down prices. His immense Clothing Stock is unsurpassed iu styles, quality and prices. Fine Black Imported Corkscrews, $14 per suit, worth $20. Fine English Melton Squaro and Round Cut Sacks at $16.50, worth $20 and $22. All Wool Sdotch Sheviots in double aad single breast from $10 up to $13.50 worth $15 and $18. Children and Boys Suits. I have the largest line in Children and Boys Suits from $2 and upwards. Boys’ knee pants 40c. ana upwards, and an immense lino of boys, youths and mens’ Overcoats. HATS nnd CAPS. I have tho largest line, and at very reduced prices Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. The finest and cheapest Shoes for ladies, children and gentlemen. Trunks, Satchels, Umbrellas, Etc. Trunks and Satchels—all styles. Silk Umbrellas from $1.75 up. A large variety of Leather Goods in traveling companions and Cuff and Col lar boxes. SPECIAL BARGAINS. Unlaundrlcd Shirts at 45c., worth 75c. Gents’ Linen Collars at 10c, worth 20c. Fine Silk Neckwear at 25c, worth 50c. AU.wool Flannel Top Shirts from 75o. upward*. All Wool Undewear at $2.50 a suit, worth 14.00 Men’s Ofllcc Jackets at $2.50, worth $1 00. Also a full line of Cardigan Jackets, Ladies’ And Gents’ Shoes at astonishing low price. Perfect fits guaran- We don’t Polite attention is given to all who give us a call, teed, and qualities warranted. Come and convince yourselves* say anything that we do not mean. We came here and made a success, and intend to stay and keep our reputation up on lowest prices for honest goods. ' ' Ss.f-w- API®, - - - \ PROPRIETOR, At Marlin's old dry goods stand, New Castle street. AUG. F. FRANKLIN, Dialer, Brier and Coiidod ME Drain, Feed, Four, Daeoa, Mill Feed Generally. Carload Lots a Specialty We Compete with any Market in Quality and Price, and Mean just what we Say. L. D. HOYT & CO, FatAriioiirlleef. BAUMGARTNER BROS., M Chica. is sold , meat aan be bought else where. BUTCRKUS AND GBKEI7 0B0CKB8, ARE a specialty of Delicious Fat Beef re ceived daily from Armour’s Stock Yard* in ago. ft is deliciously Fat and Tondor, and ild Twenty-five Per Cent cheaper than earns Try a. Flop© and you will have no other. Beef, Poik, Sausas^s, Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND. G. B. FLINT, Real Estate Agent, Cbovatt Block, Room 2. D esihablkcity and country prop. KIITY for sail) ami rent. -DEALERS IN- HARDWARE. Stoves Guns, Pistols, Cartridges,* AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SASH, DOORS, BLINDS ■BYiprpriftPi and Waefons d. A. BUTTS, Physician and Surgeon. O FFICE Newcastle near Gloucester atrccta. office hours 9 to 11 a. m. andll to fi p. m. Residence corner Union and Howe streets. Office hours I to • a. in. and 2 to tl p. m, Telephone c*]fjprdqM,rtnl attention given to diseases of throat and lung-. L.J.Leavy&Go., AUCTION AND COWSSIOH KXRCRANTS, AND GENERAL COLLECTING AGENTS. ven to collection. SPECIAL attention gt' O Ratines* and consignment* speedy return* guaranteed. ONI ADVERTISE It-APPEAL Office.