Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 05, 1889, Image 2

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I- DEATH OF 1*AT O’NEIL A THRILLING CHAPTER IN THK HISTORY W VAU UNMOWItV. n* amt nn «r iw, to wma *• toto* Warn AttoM by » Crw* af MtoM by Mm rWJm OMmw. IT; about fifty of _ »tho hum theatre In _ ; the performance no diffl- . __aut 4(000 town boya bad assembled. A note was passed around among the - mtepalsnn of flro wosnSadMUf which served to augment the number__ tho rioters. When the performance was over tlio students remained In the theatre. Presently they formed In line, two by -two. and. proceeding to the door, were met met by Mai. Bfaeall He told them to proceed quietly to the college. The students In fine crossed over to tho south jfo.ii.ef Chapelstrtot and proceeded toward tho collego. The mob followed. When Trinity church was reached a volley of stones and brickbats wore hurled by tho mob. Sovcrol of tho students were struck and knocked In sensible. . . ■«- a hob or over (500. Proceeding n ehort distanco farther tho collego men received a second volley. Directly after this a portion of tho mob, which had hitherto occupied tho street, made a rush for tho sidewalk. Immedi ately four or five pistol shots were heard, fired, it was afterward asserted, by tho students. Within two minutes of this time a cry arose that a man had been slict. Maj. Bisscll observed a man near him fall to the ground. Ho raised tho body from tho ground with tiro as sistance of tho bystanders. Upon exam ination at tho poltco station, where it was taken, tho body proved to bo that of Patrick O’Neil. Ho had received two stabs from a largo dirk knife, and lived but a few moments after the wounds had been inflicted upon him. Ho was ono of tho ringleaders of tho mob upon both Thursday and Friday overlings. When tho mob learned of bis death it becamo frenzied. About 600 or 600 men rushed for tho arsenal, broke into it and dragged out two cannon. They loaded these to tho muzzlo with powder, stones and brickbats and dragged them to the city green. Another portion of the rioters broke into tho churches and rang a general alarm of fire, which brought immense numbers of tho people to tho scene. Wliilo at tho corner of Chapel and Church streets Maj. Bissoll mounted on ordnance carriage and addressed tho mob, ordering it to disperso. Tlio rioters replied that /they respected tho chief of nolioe. but must haVo blood for blood. Mol. Bissell remained on the gun as tho mob dragged it toward tho college. While bn tlio way up the Btreot tlio rioters, in their eagerness to get at their student enemies, tailed to keep a dose watch upon Maj. Bissell’s movements. Before tlio college campus was reached both eannon had been spiked by tho police, under the leadership of Maj. Bissell, without tho crowd being aware of it. Tho police, during the transaction of these events, hod surrounded tho churches and prevented tho further ring ing of bells. • Tin: mayor restores order. At 1:30 o’clock on Saturday morning the cannon were brought into position and trained to bear on South collogo, whore the students had intrenched thorn- eel ves. When it was discovered that tho guns were useless on attack was made upon tho building with paving stones and brickbats, Tho structure was badly damaged. Tlio studonts lay low ana made no response. Cries of “Bring out tho murderer!” resounded in every direc tion. At this juncture tho mayor of tho city arrived and addressed tho infuriated crowd. He pleaded long and earnestly for the eauso cf order, anil promised that the City authorities would immediately take tho matter in liand and bring tho perpetrator or perpetrators of tho crime to Justice. Hia words proved effective, ana the crowd began slowly and sullenly to disperse. By 3 o'clock Maj. BisseU was ablo to convoy tho cannon to tho jail, and by 4 o’clock tho city was quidk A court of inquiry was held on March SOt 1834. No witness from the town was Called who was near enough to OtNeil when ho was stabbed to bo able to testify anything of value concerning the iden tity of the perpetrator of the Act The jury finally came to the conclusion, as ,«Apreased In their verdict, that “Patrick O'Neil come to hia death Friday evening, tho 17th of March, A. £>.1854, from wounds received by nim at the hands of pome person or persons to us unknown— ) wo bold Patrick O’Neil being at the time engaged taj and leading, aiding and Investigation was not pursued farther, inasmuch as O’Neil belonged to the low est class of society, and no ono reemed to care very much for him. Public sen timent seems to liavo been with the students.—New York Times. 1 Q*r TH£ ONLY Brilliant Durable Economical Are Diamond Dyes. They excel all others in ffitftgth, Purity sod Futneu. None other, art juittl good. Beware of imitations—they an usd* of cheap tad inferior materials aad give poor, wfak, croeky colors. , - 36 colors; to cents each. Bend pMtal to Dye Book, fiaapl* COM, direction* for coloring Photo*., addat lb* fiwl IskogMuIug (10 eta. a quart), etc. Sold by Dnwttot or by WELLS. MmnOSOM CO., Burlington, ft. fat Gliding or Broostag Fancy Article s. USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Braoio, Copper. Only 10 Cents, yggpJJJLI."-. IT TI16 Iivest Town in the South! Offers Unparalleled Opportunities for Business and Investment! We offer for sale the following City and Country property: OLD TOWN. jpL^vf CELERY COMPOUND CURES j PROOFS Neuralgia Prostration “Ator erief sUfr*. Rheumatism |3IIU1L HtimflMM. South Combb, N. H Kidney • Diseases ”lt has done ae awe* feed fee kidney dtoae* the* ssy ether ««#• rise/' Geo. Aston, Sioux CUy, Iowa. AMD "Paine's Celery C*t*> gound ha« b«n of jjtaa, All,Liver Disorders bouses, also one cottage and out houses, every thing comparatively new and in good order. One-bait lot corner Hanelleld and Albany eta. Ono Bay lot 45x180, with buildings. One lot on Oglethorpe Btreot,Jand buildings. One lot on Glouccater Btreot—splendid business location. One Bay lot 80*100 with two-story brick bnlld. Inge, recently erected. Will sell cheap tor the money. Throe lots on Grant street—good business loca tion. *l louccstor streets. Lot corner Gloucester and Albany streets. Ono lot on Albany street. Portion ot Trust lot 00x100—splendid building One lot 00x180, corner Union and Howe streets wltb Improvements. Ono Bay lot and two stores situated thereon— good Investment. Lot 00x180 south ot Hanover Fork. Very desi rable tor residence. Lot 00x00 on Newcastle street, near Catholle church, with nice residence. Three lots, 90x180 each, containing 4 now two- story houses, near school house. Business lot 30x90 on Nowcostlo street, near Chandler's brick. NEW TOWN. Portions oRthreo lots, aggregating 37)4x150 ft., on Refolds street, with buildings. Thrco lots, 90x150, with now two-store build ing and out bouses, facing Court Bouse Square, J8JK feet ws'ter front, with warehouse 26x70and office. One lot on lteynoldrttreet, 80x00. Tbree water lots at the foot|of L street. Very cheap. One DlxvUle lot, 45x190, corner Cochran ave and London streets, with 6 room houso. Can be bought at lew figure. Besides the above we have a large variety of TOWN COMMONS lots, which we will sellat de cided bargains. COUNTRY PROPERTY. About 40 acres of the richest lands in the coun ty, one milo from heart of city. Six acres cleared, with houso, four milea from city, 960 acres ot best land in the connty, with twelve room house, nine miles from the city, 18W acres of farming land, with splendid two- orvV “ ’ IP TVi: TIJIF lu INVEST IN T-r. RTSAL. ESTA POPULATION. 1884 3,500 1888. 10,000 1892 20,000 Valuation of Property. 1884 ..-......$1,433,677.88 1888 2,672,113.00 1892 6,000,000.00 enred very Cheap. 10 acres of good clay land 4 miles front city. 729 acres of land at Lnlaton, on the B. A W. B. K., 89 miles from Brunswick. Largo now well bnllt house located thereon. Owner will sell at very low figure, being in want of money. Also thrco small farms not mentioned above- very low. 3,000,000 Acres Florida Lands. Wo have nlso been appointed agents for Florida Southern Railway lands. Florida Commercial Company’s lands, and St. Johns A Lake Eustis Railway lands, aggregating more than 8,000,000 acres ot oholce lands located in nearly every county in tho State, suitablo for farming, grac ing, fruit and vegetable growing. Pine, cypress, and cedar timber. Prices range from $1 per rci*c upwards. Two lots, witq elegant residence and out houses in Norwich street. BORCHARDT & LEAVY, Real Estate Agents 301 Newcastle Street, BRUNSWICK. GA- Glauber & Isaac, ■Bii" ' « Brunswick, G-a. Office and Wareroom in the former Freight House of the B. &. W. R. R, next to Freight House of E. T., V. & G. R. R. HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Meal and Grist, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay, Mill Feed, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Oranges, Lemons, &c. * ug anything m my line will find it to their advantage to 1. Highest market prloe* paid tor Hides, Furs, wax, febll-ly FOR SALE! 66.000 acres of Timber Lands on line of Railroad. .Thousands of acres of cypress lands. 50.000 acres of Timber in one body; good as can be had in the State. - ' CITY PROPERTY. Consignments sollotted. Parties wanting nail on me before purchasing elsewhere, Wool, Ac. Tho washerwoman, like a poet, spends • good deal ot timo over a line and find, life full of hard rubs.—Boston Courier. Moderate work, nltenmiiux wit!, mod erate rest, given u hraiii w bn !i. liii ii •: tlio whole lire through, will i.,< i.tn|. the most ami the bent w« 1!;«1 v i.u-ii i. human Mug is capable. ’1:.<■ 1 n.ii-n ure to lie improved and develop.'11 .. 1.: ..li able exercise and muonabte rest. M.» one is a* cwcntlal an the other.—< .'nrvs. Wtofc . Dlgby—Aw’ve jawst thav.t nwl 1 v. eehcn.e taw teen {new mov.*! 1 *- i.v 1 .■%.*: maw clawtlu-s. daw yaw kw.* * Rigby - \Vliuwt in ID DFnj—Aw—give uv.*n nv '• , :. w 4iu*i—Lite. HARDWARE. Never Before Sold at Such Low Rates I Great Reduction in Prices! Farmers’ Implements of Highest Quality, Mill Hardware, Building Supolies, ICE CKKAM FREEZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY. GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal, OH Stoves, PBieano tbibodskwifx, Wood end Willow Were la every dedgo. lu croebtty. alee*. Tin sad tost* Were w# have a Sue osd large assortment which *• ere ready to Oder et bottom pries*. We «U1 he pleased to she* ear Meet st ell time*. •tUefyyeureelveeasdnsbyalviap ns tn early call. m. MioasrusoxT. One corner lot, 30x90, with 150 footstroet front, on Newcastle (street. Excellent stand for any business. Most dcsirabloSresldenco lot 90xl80;fronting on two;strccts near park. Six room houso on Union street Three Town Commons lots near l)r. Gale’s, eheap, cheap, cheap. One lotgrontlng canal. Two water fronts In New Town, with railroad running on lincot same. Store and dwelling corner G and Wolf streets, now rented for 335 per month, $1,250. New dwelling on Newcastle street, with lot 60x .situated In business portion of city. One of the most desirable lots on Newcastle street south of park. Exccllent|buslncs9 lot 50x180 on lhe Bay. Modern cottage with lot 90x180 on London street. A pleasant homo in tho best part of eity. Eight room house on A street—can be bought at u low figure. Four room cottage in Dixvllle with lot 90x100. Can bo bought cheap to owner is anxlons to sell. Two story houso Just completed on 1st Avenue. Truss lot on Boulevard in two minutes’ walk ot post office. Lot 80x100 fronting railroad and adjoining lots on whloh the Oglethorpe hotel Is situated. Business location on Oglethorpe street near Monk. $800 wUl purchase six Town Commons lots In one body. Lot 30x85 on Oglethorpe street near Mansfield. Tw esldence lota near Boulevard. Lot 30x90 corner Albany and I streets. Lot 80x90 cornet Wolf and I streets. Anvono can doublo his money in twelve months by purchasing either of the four tracts of acreage property I offer foreale on the Point. 60 acresjof high lands lust north of the city. One two-story 11-room house In northern part of city, with five lots—cheap. New two-story eight room house in New Town Two two-story houses on desirable lot 180 fee’ from Boulevard. Can be bought for $2,500. Now six-room house on Boulevard—cheap. Desirable lot on Richmond street, between Monk and Mansfield. Throe of those desirable now cottages on Coch ran avenuo, between George and London streets. Small farm of sovtnteon.aoresjthreo miles from Court House. Six acres with houso near E T V A G docks. 05 feet front on Cochran avenue. 25 feet from Btreot car lino, for $825. $1,200 will buy nine lots almost in centre of the city. Lot corner London street and Cochran avenne 90x180, with tho houso. Three storqs on Bayntreet. Oak Grove Plantation, containing 2,000 acres of the host farm lands In the State. 10 (miles from oltv. Also Farms and Farm Lands situated in this and adjoining counties. Io Trouble to Slow Property. Jareful attention paid to the renting of property. References, Oglethorpe and First National Banks- Real Estate Agency, 216 Newcastle Street, Brunswick, Cf&