Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 07, 1889, Image 1

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tott;,MON! BRUNSWICK, G. STACY A SON, AS SEES BY OTHERS, . The visit* ° r #ear«i Georgisre- jtablidans tjprVfadisnpi have itaKejT the n*i6r. ij^geMgU'V .«&*»£ to the cabinet’ But C 1JLAS, Bade, who is jtnetftfyndifiji this connefiC tlon, ibe; ,'^or is eiv Governor Bullock. Jftdge Emory Speer would be a capital selection. AlthougiTa young man when be re ceived his appointment from Presi dent Arthur, be soon took his place am<>ng the ablest qif southern judges. Mr.; Bullock is a man of controvcr- si^ abd while Col. Buck has served' iff''congress, be is not very well known through the state. Georgia, howevea, has a very slim -chance for a cabinet appointment. The plum, if sent south at all, will go to a state -h aving a smaller democratic niajori- ® or Christopl nu Itteord, ncerning HU a former visit. Change is seen every where; Vacant lots a year ago pne how Covered with handsome brick ■tores and beautiful residences, and we will.say 'that tfio'xesidentes 'hre i. not cheap old style barns, but purely modern 1 jb^IId|ng8 in all their ap-' - ALL*4B01JTTHE ra pointgjgiljs^ . presenting a pleasing sight to a man who admires the ‘.beautiful iu architectural designs. • ' We estimate, of course not accurate I1 ly, that at least three hundred i'Vfibnses have been erected within ten Grand New Year . months. More houles tb&h M/ontezu- ma, Oglethorpe, Marsballville and . Fort Valley contain, all told. Now this shows wonderful ^progress, and it is more surprising when we tell ■: the reader that Brunswick has no ' rich agricultural back country to [»' pour wealth into her coffers. It v comes from snipping and business Tuesday, dapuary, lafe Mnny wilt be the exclamation^ of surprise and astonishment that will fall fzoin the lips of countless hundreds who wiltinspect the Emporium Hail of .1. Michelson on that GreatBargain Day^ ,; On the first'of'January the jute bagging trust expired, and there was at once a sharp decline in thb price of the article. The trust cleared an enormous sum, for in spite Of sub stitutes and delay in marketing the cotton crop the. fanners were com pelled to pay heavy tribute.to the shrewd fellows who organized and managed this combine. Then Ik no reason why the tariff should be con tinued on jute bagging wtteti the protection thus affbrdcd Bw^lWs the means of oppressing ttn gotton planter. It' is not believe<jUta|t the from the interior. ; ‘In company with a The insignificantly low prices at which everything will be id on that day will create a sensation ali round. Will be sacrificed at slaughter prices. If you value, your inter est, do not fail, as you will miss the GREATEST; BARGAINS rivter fcnown if you miss.the Great ^Bargain Day at J. MICHEL- ipmriiir- - • ■ ii W ' ■* TUESDAY, jANTTARY li fe&p ' * OGLETHORPE Pahneitockl TsnniWlgl dnjnriat lor it. ill tiiiidv w mw childfrom In OPENING PERMANENTLY LOCATED AT . . ST. SIMONS MILLS,Ga. Twenty iwaw prsctloalaxperlsoes. JELLICO COAL OX TUI KUKOPRAX FLAN. jk.*s^3 S F. JOS. DOERFLING ER. HAZLEHURST& MASON Bay St, Foot of George, iend we had the pleasure of a ride j£j>Vef the city and its environs, thus ' giving us additional opportunity to .note the building boom. Not less • than fty houses are now in the ‘ course of erection and carpenters are itly in demand. WageSStners e gqoA pay and ]tra<$ ifl.fively the. time with the retail'mer chants;' * Mr, J. C., Calhoun, one of ’ ' n, inform us that trade was always lively, even .. up to 12 o’clock on Saturday night. He is a very efficient man and his employer appreciates his services. No where is a drive so much appre- 1 dated and enjoyed as on the “Boule vard.” It is a broa.l, level shell drive, nearly four miles long and as smooth as glass, forming a circle through Newcastle and Gloucester streets, passing through the grove of cedars, stately oaks, the city park with its mammoth fountains, flowers and evergreens. The drive continues around the marsh, giving the rider • a glimpse of St. Simona and Jekyl Islands in the distance, and a view of old ocean in its immensity and awful grandeur/ The city has com- ' presses, water works, electric lights, gas and other conveniences necessary !/■ to advance modern city life. .Our brethren of the press treated ,us kindly while in their city. Col. Stacy continues to enlighten the peo ple with his Advertiser-Appeal. His f: trade reviews have done much to at tract oapital and trade to Brunswick, and the people of that city can never K, repay him for Ma work'. The Sicezo and Morning News con solidated during our stay in the city and the people expect a live morning paper, and Cols. Illidge and Brob- ston possesses the ability to issue a *"• first-class journal. . The City Council allows the cows to run on thq streets, and this is the K only Criticism we have to make. Strangers, generally, will never have a very exalted opinion of a town where they have to wade through a L patch of cows to go visiting or to .church.' The Chicago police notified Mrs. ^Parson* that she would not be al lowed to speak. So Mrs. Parsons iwent ahead and spoke. Sho wildly [ prediotod that rivers of blood would flow, end said that there ought to be a rebellion once every twenty years. [The poitoe beard It all and did noth* fng. Mr* Pereont ovldently bee 'hicogo by tbe ter. work's of in' in speculative schemes was raised in tbe London market, where the offer of high rates of interest caused Eng lish investors in foreign securities to forget their disastrous experience in Peru, Ecuador ' and other Soath American countries. The crash, if it comes, will be the outcome of over speculation, such ns has more than once brought financial distress upon our own country. In the end, Argen tina’s great and solid resources will make her strong and rich, if she should continue to be blessed with settled government. One of the features of the coming carnival at New Orleans will be a grand cotton palace. It will repre sent all varieties of cotton in differ ent stages of growth and the many forms of its manufacture. The palace will be so artistically con structed that its projectors make bold to predict that it will surpass in beauty all the famous corn palaces of Western cities. Dr, Dowling, of NeW York, says there is more heart disease than for merly, but that it is not invariably fatal, as many grave cases entirely recover? Mental overwork or excesses in eating and drinking will bring on the disease, and it can best be avoid ed by taking exercise without fatigue nutrition without stimulation, and amusement'witbout excitement. A cargo of 3,000 tons of southern pig iron was received at Pittsburg, Pa., one day last we&k. It was ship ped from the Cumberland river fur naces in Tennessee, and was divided up among several Pittsburg estab lishments. -It is said that Carnegie’s oompan^ have been using southern iron for sometime. An Elegant Substitute For oils, salts, pills, end ell kinds of bitter, nauies medlcinos, te the ve ry agreeable liquid fruit remedy, Syr up or Figs. Reccommendedbylesd Ing Physicians. Manufactured on- y by the California Fig Syrup Com pany, San Faanoleco, Cal. season, but prud motive that can be imagined for their failure to try another squeezing operation. f < -w . ♦ » A piano tuner who jays that pianos frequently deteriorate because they are allowed to become too dry pre scribes this remedy: “Keep a grow ing plant in the room, and so long as your plant thrives your piano ought to, or else there’s something wrong with it. Just try it, and see how much more water you will have to put in the flower pot in the room. Some people keep a huge vase or urn with a sopping wet sponge in it near or under the piano, and keep it moistened just as a cigar dealer keeps his stock. They keep this up all the time tbe fires are bn.” .. Europe is to enjoy another beauty show. It will be held at Tuftn on the 26th of this month, and four tempting prizes are offered. At the last show of this kind in Europe there was a lively scrimmage between- the lovely creatures who sat there to be stared at and “scored” like so many blooded horses. Extra police wiU be on hand at Turin, and hair palling will be strictly forbidden. ‘ The word “electrify" will probably take on another meaning when the new York method of .execution be comes more genferal. A twentieth century orator may not feel compli mented when the Telegraph says he electrified” his audience. GRANT STREET. J. R. MINE HAN, Prop’r. ' (Successor to II. S. McCrary-) ' Me Horsed Be® or Saddle. ,y**ll orders .nr DUAVIXQ promptly at tended to. Open dny nnd night. Gonnpcted with Telephone Exchange. DIVIDEND NOTICE. First National Bank, Brunswick, Georgia. * • VMIE Board of Director! hare this day declared i a dividend of Four par emt. OBMaml Week forpiut ux meatht-pernM* on nnd after Janu ary loth pros. JA8. lt Kill! SMITH. Decider. — — YourMy, TO YOUR FAMILY IS TO SECURE FORTHEM A HOME I am offering houses and lots In the citv and arms and Inna near the city for ct.h or time. Will seU ono' two-story house, six rooms, on Cochran avenne, for 11,000. Fire, Life and Accident lunar ALSO BONDS OK SURETYSHIP. Apply to W. B. BURROUGHS, 401 Newcastle street. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Mracite and Ibdms BRICK, LATHS and SHINGLES will keep In stock of V.' ANTHRACITE COAL, Red Ash, egjr nnd Chestnut size, an l Free-' bam, white Ash. r • •• • • Of BITIMUNOUS COAL Steam and family lnmp, the latter sat table tor grates. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOB And nblo to furnish In Any quantity. Also keep constantly on hand Nos. land* SHIN GLES, tho abovo at market prices. Terms In variably CASH. r BAY STREET. BBUN8WIOK, OA. PUTNAM'S Livery Stable! Corner Honk and Oglethorpe streets M V patrons andlhe public oan rest assured of securing from my stable The Finest Turn-Oats AND THE BEST SBRVIO K. Your order solid tod, and satlifaotlon guaran A. T. PUTNAM, JUST RECEIVED By A. J. MASON & A OARUO OK ORANGES, COCOANUTS, BANANAS, ' BTC. ETC. Direct from the Bahamas. ALSO A OABLOADOF v •' Fiol&led. T. Q’Souior & Co., INSURANCE AGENTS Fffttt MARINI I A001IIVTV