Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 08, 1889, Image 2

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On Ilm lw«| round tt th* l>*2sr t I firmly rltotia ss» test, | ,W„ And looksd up at thsdta, vast dtoMM TbMoadnair Mmionwi IcttobadUD my vision grew weary, 1 climbed till my brain we* oa first Yet I wr» mhmI to get .’asssssssttsr~ : .. And when I grasped dnuly enotiMt +i - „ Amt irhea I traned Untilr aoothsr I found. undervelrakiitboni. Till ray brain grew weary of plann '*1'* And mybsert strength togon l« But Just when my hands were unclasping a pear now no wwi pmw ronmit When my hoped, coming nar k from the future Were sinking again to tJ n to the ground— W Benched backward a helping handTH And, refreshed, encouraged and atrengthera I took ooca again my stand/' V ’• ■' And I wish—oh. I wish—that tbecUmben aild never forget Would uerer forget os they go That, though trearjr max raem their climbing, There lealwaye some cue below. —Ella Higgtnson. , iVonr good city last — fiATlio Glob—Democrat an of carious coincidences con- rith dreams. Strangely enough, anight or two afterwards, as lwas com ing cast on a sleeping car, I dreamt of meeting a friend, a lady, whom I had not satyr far sawntosn yean, and in the morning I sat directly opposite this very lady in the dining car. I had not thought of her. but who will say that did not her tdresenco in the next car have some subtlo influence over my dream the night before? /Speaking or dreams, I will tell you of smother one, of a ludicrous nature, not many weeks ago. I dreamt that I was a.boy again, and was engaged in the rather common juvenile diversion in the country of robbing a farmer's water melon patch. JustnaIwosinthoootof making off with one of the finest melons . in the patch I saw the farmer npprooch- g, with dog and gun. ing, with dog and gun. In vain did I tug at the melon, hoping to get over the fenco ahead of the advancing dog. The barking of the brute awoke me, and 2 found myself pulling with all the en ergy at my command at the head of my lb-month-old baby, which I had mis taken for a watermelon, and whose cry hod filled my dull ears with sounds like the barking of a dog. Tho poor child hod been dreadfully abused, and I re solved never again to sleep in bed with a A. M. Heston in St. Louis Qlobe- baby.-A. I Democrat. Hondo Add u • Preservative. Borocio add only acts when present in a only largo quantity. It prevents tlio growth and multiplication of germs, but does not kill them even in a 1 per cent, solution, i milk gi Experiments with milk gave very un isfoctory results, os an addition of 4 unsit- If* Easy to Dye WUt BICHMOSQM 4 C0„ figrttyfoo. ft. Per (Hiding or Bmnsiag Fancy Articles, USB DIAMOND PAINTS. Biddr Mher, mjiijte. OffrSr. Only to •peaks. IP TVh ISM 1 TO INVEST IN Hie livest Town in the South! Offers Unparalleled Opportunities for Business and Investment! We offer for sale the following City and Country property: OLD TOWN. One lot, with lai 3uses, also one cottaso and oat houses, ev thing comparatively new and tn good order. every. One-hull lot comer Mansfield and Albany sts. One Bay lot 45x180, with buildings. One lot on Oglethorpe street.: and buildings. One lot on Gloucester street—splendid business One Bay lot 80x160 with two-etory brick band ings, recently erected. Will sell cheap for the money. Three lots on Grant street—good business loca tion. Splendid bonding site, north comer Oglethorpe nd Gloucester streets. Lot comer Gloucester and Albany streets. One lot on Albany street One lot 00x180, corner Union and Howe streets with Improvements. One lot pad elegant residence on London street cent, borttclo acid only preserved the milk for four days. Horseflesh may be preserved for six weeks by tho use of 8 per cent of the acid. Dorado acid is supposed to bo harmless, but recent in vestigators, including the author, prove it to bo dangerous, as it strongly nets upon tho mucous membrano of tno large intestine. A dose of four grammes kilted a large rabbit, two grammes made a dog - very sick. y Tno acid is much used In Sweden for , but cases of ’ occurred in that preserving fish and milk, poisoning liave already occi country. Long continued use of tho acid . is not favorable to good health, and at all events its addition to milk should be S rohibited.-*-Emmerich, Chom. Zeitung, .0.70; L. De K., The Analyst. Looking Ahead. A story is related of tho lato F. E. Do- hfehis is quite cl the veteran railroad man was lying at the point of. death ho made a dying re- . -quest. He said to tho attendants at his bedside that lie wished them to seo that strips of c k bo nailed to the bottom of -the pine box that would contain his cof- “1 realize," remarked tho dying 11 uavo man, ••that Oakland cemetery will to be abandoned as a place of burial some day. and all the bodies will be token up and moved away. Now, I don’t want my bones dropping out of tho box all over the city while they are them off to another cemetery, > the • and sold like tohave you make the ‘ box strong enough to hold them.” It is understood that tho somowhat odd v quest was complied wjth.* large eagle.; The shot broke tho bird's wring, but left U otherwise unharmed, and when he went.to capture his prise it made* spring at his face, and had he ' «6t warded it off with his arm hit eyes would have been put out by the savago bird. As tt was ft gripped his arm, and drttoitei liis efforts to free hinadf ho cdold uot shake (ho eagle off. Celling to his friends, a short distance away, they came and killed the bird and then pried its daws oat of the flesh of hie fore arm and leg, which were badly lacerated. He wan helped homo by his friends ahd medical assistance summoned. IT is arm eight f< Palter badly swollen. The ingle mt-muiml t feet fawn tip to tip.—IMs tloiiu* lot 00x180. One Bay lot and two stores situated tfiereon— good Investment. Lot 00x180 south of Hanovor Park. Very dost- rablo for rcsldcnco. Lot 00x00 on Newcastle street, near Catholic ohurch, with nice residence. Throe lota, 00X180 each, containing 4 new two- story houses, near school house. Business lot 80x90 on Newcastle street, near Chandler's brick. Business lot on Newcastle street, near Grcor’s stable NEW TOWN. Portions oflthree lots, aggregating 87%xl60 ft., l Beynolds street, with buildings. Three lots, 90x160, with new two-stoiw build- ut houses, facing Court House Square. log and ont 1 38S£ feet water front, with warehouse 26x70 and One lot on Hoynolds'street, 80x00. Three water lots at the footjof L street. Very cheap. One Dixville lot, 46x120, corner Cochran avenne and London streets, with 6 room house. Can be bought at low figure. Besides the above we have a large variety of TOWN COMMONS lots, which we will sell at dC' oided bargains. COUNTRY PROPERTY. About 40 acres of tho richest lands in the conn- ty, one mUe from heart of city. Six acres cleared, with house, four miles from city. 900 acres of best land in tho county, with twelve room house, nine miles from the city. 18J4 acres of farming land, with splendid two. ■yni '“ " J J ‘ 1 ~~ *■ cured very cheap. 10 acres of good clay land 4 miles from city 729 acres of land at Lulaton, on the B. A W. R. It., 89 miles from Brunswick. Large new well buUt honso located thereon. Owner will sell at very low figure, being In want Of monoy, Also three small farms not mentioned above- very low. 3,000.000 Aeres Florida Lands- We have also been appointed agents for Florida Southern Kailway lands. Florida Commercial Company’s lands, and St. Johns A I-akc Eustls Hallway lands, aggregating more than 8,000,000 acres of choice lands located in nearly every county in the State, suitablo for farming, gras- upwards. j range from tl per acre BORCHARDT & LEAVY, ]R,@£tl Estate Agents 301 Newcastle Street, BRUNSWICK. GA Glauber & Isaac, immission Brunswlcli, Oa. Office and Wareroom in the former Freight House of the B. &. W. K. R. noxt to Freight House of E. T., V. & G. R. R. HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Salted and Shored Meats, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Meal and Grist, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hay, Mill Feed, Apples, Potatoes, Onions, Oranges, Lemons, &c. Consignments solicited. Parties wanting oall on me before purchasing elsewhere. Wool, Ac. anything in my line wlU find tt to their advantage to Highest market prices paid for Hides, Fnrs^tvax, Never Before Sold at Such Low Rates l nigh Priced straw. A resident of this city *uM unlay:’ have bought apples of farm, « that were of the beet Clara—<gixHl all tin- way tn the bottom of tlio barrel Today I round theta barrel of ennk* l pun-hiiM'.l id n ■ who is a pillar in u t lmr« h .van a foot of straw. It i< i,<u gra il* actually im> liiwW. tjte rate of $t.fiO per imr- Min fihawapwiten (of fit l/wls)—Ob. yes. I biii iiroud iff our city. We have chan,"id the saying tor-** f eaylng about Knphw to "Kw fit. Lulls anil.lie. ^ MIkm Urorismi (nf (lilcagiD-Indoni!! b It mi *m:iu ii?—Aiuerica. Great Reduction ifi Prices! Fanners’ Implements of Highest Quality, Mill Hardware, Building Supolles, I0E OltEAM FRKhZERS, REFRIGERATORS, CUTLERY, GREAT BARGAINS IN Cook Stoves for Wood or Coal, Oil Stoves, nuiXDo Tniotoswm, . magWtreusysr^eral^. fuCreek.ry,QIms,pi«M»rsMWv...k.vss 1...S4 SfB® wDvfi w* Ww Vwfiy I® ^fi®. fit w™ w*w ™ ™ ®v*w »U4«M, MsOsiyrMrMl.MM4«.byglvla#mwrarly(Ml, M. MlOHHTLiSOlT. REAL E POPULATION. 1884 : 3,500 1888 10,000 1892 20,000 Valuation of Property* 1884.. . 1.11,488*77.88 1888.. .; 2,672,113.00 1892.. 6,000,000.00 / FOR SALE! 65.000 acres of Timber Lands on line of Railroad. Thousands of acres of cypress lands. 50.000 acres of Timber in one body; good as can be had in the State. CITY PROPERTY. One corner lot, 80x90, with 160 foot street front, ' (street. Excellent stand for any Most deslrablelresldence lot 90xl90;trontingon two.strcets near park. Six room house on Upion street Three Town Commons lots near Ur. Gale’s, eheap, cheap, cheap. One lot|trontlng canal. Tvro water fronts In New Town, with railroad rannlng.on line of same. Stord and dwelUng corner G and Wolf streets, now rented for 126 per month, 21,260. New dwelling on Newcastle street, with lot 60x .situated In business portion of city. Ono of the most desirable lots on Newcastle street south ol park. Exccllcnt|buslness lot 60x180 on the Bay. Modern cottage with lot 00x180 on London street. A pleasant homo in tho best part of city. low figure. Four room cottage In Dixville with lot 90x100. Can be bought cheap as owner is anxious to sell. Two story hoasojust completed on 1st Avenue. Truss lot on Boulovard In two minutes’ walk of post ofilco. Lot 80x100 fronting l-allroad and adjoining lots on which the Oglethorpe hotel Is situated. 2300 will purohoso six Town Commons lots In one body. Lot 80x86 on Oglethorpe street near Mansfield Tw esldcnee lots near Boulevard. Lot 80x90 corner Albany and I streets. Lot 80x90 corner Wolf and I streets. his Anyone can months by pure acreage property I money In twelve jf the four tracts of for sole on the Point. 60 acreslof high lands lust north of the city. One two-story 12-room house in northern part of city, with flvo lots—cheap. New two-story eight room house In New Town Two two-story houses on desirable lot 180 fee,' from Boulevard. Can be bought for $2,600. New six-room house on Boulevard—^cheap. Desirable lot on Richmond street, between Honk and Mansfield. Three of those desirable new cottages on Coch ran avenue, between George and London streets. Smnll farm of sovcntccn acres;thrco miles from Court House. Truck farm of twenty-ono acres with new 8 room house. Six acres with house near E T V A G docks. 66 feet front on Cochran avenne. 25 feet from street car line, for $326. *1,200 will bny nine lots almost In centre of the city. Lot corner London street and Cochran avenne 90x180, with tho house. Threo stores on Bay street. Oak Grove Plantation, containing 2,000 acres of tho best farm lands in tho State, io (miles from citr. Also Farms and Farm Lands situated in this and adjoining counties. do Trouble to Slow Property. Careful attention paid to the renting of property stnc "" References, Oglethorpe and First National Real Estate Agency, V 1 216 Ntwaitie Street, • Brunswick. Ga