Daily advertiser-appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 188?-1889, January 09, 1889, Image 4

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& ; w: -.v Mi* a*4 wa*i? « BUU.NHWICK, Georgia, I "ini onrr ir m «ba.” ». ■. mci > m, intii rwf»i>iir>. Oflleisl Organ of City ud Conuty. Mr*. Robinson, of Atlanta, is In the city on a visit to relatives. The noon passenger trains on both roads reached ham to-day at the name hour. More stores are needed tn thla city, and more residences too. Demands ' for them oontinue. What baa beoomeof the cotton factory? A little news on that line would be relished by the readers of the ’Advertiser Appeal. The Ocean hotel will be a daisy place when the present work is finish *d. We will need all the hotel rodm we can get this winter. The daily arrivals at the Ogle thorpe now number already eighteen to twenty. In a few more days rooms will be as scarce there as hen)s teeth. |. Hr. Bolleap, who has been Super- Intending the eleetrlo light plant, left *hU morning for other fleldejof 5 He' ia succeeded by Ur, Thomas fiobfnson. We had a call to day from Mr. 0. 6. Piper, of Jamaloa., He reports the whole oonntiy flooded with water, and the roads in wretched condition ftom the saute cause! Bishop Beck worth la expected to bq in the oity the last of this week and preach here next sabbath. We understand there will be several can didates for confirmation. Council meeting to-night is bound to be a lively one. Tho election of officers and the matter of salaries will be up. There will bo a majority and a minority report from the com mittee, and some lively discussions. Ur. Georgo Scarlett is in the oity to day. Mr. and Mrs. Scarlett have contributed two sterling young men to Brunswick's business, to say noth ing of their daughters, who Bpend port of their time here, adding much to society circles. They should be proud of their children. - , The Messrs. Dodd and Wey, of Atlanta, are in the city to-day pros- peoting with a view to establishing a wholesale and retail crockery busi ness here. They are live, wide awake gentlemen, full of push and will bo quito an acquisition to our city. They thiuk the Oglethorpe is just a bit ahead of the Kimball in point of comfort. Miss Sophie Thornbury, of kin dergarten fame, leaves to-morrow morning for her new field o? labor in tho Atlanta Femalo Seminary. She carries with her tho lovo of a whole school of children, and the highest esteem ancl regard of their parents. It is to be hoped that, she may some day see her way clour to return to Brunswick. Our loss- has been At lanta’s gain. Oglethorpe National Bank. At a recent meeting of tho stock holders of tho Oglethorpo National Bank, tho following officers were elected to serve for the nest twelvo months: ( OFFICERS. ^ M.,Ullmsn, president; w. E. Bur bage, vice-president; J. L. N. Hen man, cashier; John D. Wright, assis tant cashier; Lonis Fleming, teller; F. S. Bauder,,book-keeper; George H. . Cook, collector. * directors: M. Ullman, W. E. Burbage, D. Glauber, John H. McCullough, W. E. Kay, J. P. Williams, Savannah, Go., Dudley T. Morton, Baltimore, Another Baggeatlon. Httjjfijfri at»sri. . The writer to vitally Interested in all that concerns the health and proaperity of your beautifhl and pro gressive city. This interest most be my exonse for' obtruding on the notice of the proper authorities, some views on the vexed queeilon of sewerage. Now, I acknowledge at the outset my nnfitnese tojudgo of the practi cability of adopting, and executing a perfect and effectual system of sewerage. My engineering know ledge to qnlte too email to venture an opinion on this point. It is urged by many that the topo graphical features of the oity offer an inanperable hereto success. If correct in thoso views, then it follows that the .result of a system of sewerago not successful, would U6 to the growth of the* city and disastrous In the lost degree to the health of the oittoens. To avoid the possibility of such an error, the suggestion is made that a systematic plan-of deodortoatlon and aubaeqnent removal of o'ffsnaive materials be adopted. Such a system would possess some advantages too obvious to mention, While avoiding totally tho risk of hopeless injuries, resulting from a possible failure of the sewerage aya- teth,*- i - • • *\- Under the plan proposed the offen ding matters could be easily convert ed into a substance, utterly inoffen sive, as well as of a recognized com mercial value. In short, the material sought to be gotten rid of by being washed away into tho waters, to contaminate the food products there in wonld be converted into material for enriching the land, and thereby increasing the products of tho fields and gardens of the tillers of the soil. To tho writer, it does seem a per- version'of tho first principles of Poli tical Economy, to thus destroy, at great cost, and admitted danger to health, those substances which chemical science may transmute into tangiblo wealth, and which mechan ical skill may transport without offeuso to the plaoes whore thoy can be sold at fair valuation. Thq sug gestion may or may not be a practi cal one. If is offered only as a pos sible solution of a question of vital import Inquirer. Md. Stove Wood For Sale. Oak, Pine and Lightwood delivered In any partof the city. Orders left at Greer's stable or Brunswick n rug Store promptly attended to. . N. Dixon. Come to Visit Us. Many of our citizens remember Mr. Henry Clay, the Portuguese, who used to command a whaler that came into this port many years ago. Ho was so well pleased with Brunswick that he commenced putting out his money here. Ho helped Judgo Nel son build the Oeean Hotel, aud has loaucd others money on Brunswick real estate. He is here to day with his little hoy lookiug after his invest ments. Mr. Clay showed his faith in Brunswick long ago, when wo were only a village, aud he has never repented of it. A ValcafttM Maarleaa. . The late excursionists from Ameri cas to Brunswick went bone happy, if we may Judge from the letter of one of the party in the Recorder, the doting sentences of whloh read thus: • . v- - After an early,, but bountiful breakfast, we left for home. All in s ohorus voting that the Oglethorpe Hotel could not be excelled for good fore, nor the people of Brnnswiek for their hospitality, and that the Peli can Comprtaa takes the cskes, and vsiy flat ones at that That onr journey to the sea will stand as • bright epot on lifo's voyage to Illu mine the waste of years. That we would bo much In onr own light not to duplicate.the Oglethorpe house. That we shall be grateful to each and nil. corporate or personal, who contributed to our comfort and pleasure. „, F»u Sale: Several horses and mules. Also 600 cords of wdod. Ap ply to J. B, Mtoehaa.. are T _ ^ zajies si. cannon, n. q; J. E. LAMBBIQHT, Secretary. A., erican Lortonof Honor, meets soconci sod fourth Friday nights of each month. w n, T .^ 0 ,„tH-. CRO l ATr ' COmm ' tader - J. T. LAMBRIGHT, Secretary. . i T O. H. M.—Okcfoonokco Tribe, Improved Xe Order of Red Men. meet* every Sunday night tip lUlniu City tlall. • ' r f- J. II. CLABK. Sachem Vi R. MITCHELL, Chid of Record*’ AN ORDINANCE To preacrihejnwhat manner vessels shajl be moored or made fast at the Wharves and docks within the limits of the city of Brunswick, and to provide a penalty for the viola tion thereof. SxCTtON 1. Ee it ordained by tho Mayor and Connell o* the city ot Branswtck, in Council ma- tcmbled, nntl ttlahereby so onlameil, that (Tom and after tho lint day of April next it shall not b* lawful tor any sailing vessel, steamboat or ateamshlp to be anenored, or in any manner made fart to, or lie at any ot the wharves or dooks within tho limits of said city, at right an gles with the current ot the tide, in the harbor of said city, irnd In the manner rally knoYrn and called “Head or to lie or be moored across the stream in said harbor, tint the aamo shall be moored, an chored or made fast in s. cl- manner that all said vessels, steamboats or steamships shall He and ba In such position as shall have the bow and stern thereof upon a line parallel or noarir par allel with the water front of such wharves or docks, or at angles not exceeding IS degrees with ■uch wharf or aoek, nt which so.d vessel, steam boat or steamship [mar then bo lying, provided nothing herein contained shall apply to o.- affect any vessel or steamboat lying at any wharf and whoso bow or stem does not project bevond the wharf to which koch vessel or steamboat is then made fast. Sec. 3. Bo It. and It is In like manner further ordained that tho master of each and every ves- eel, steamboat or steamship, vlolning the pro. visions ot the foregoing section shall npon con viction in thepollco court of udd ct.y.pay aline not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be impris oned in thoeiialneang ot said city for a period not longer than tptrty days, for each and every offense, and each dav that any vessel,%teamluat or steamship shall be so moored, anchored or A KAISER & BRfi. CHRISTMAS 18 OVER AND NEW YEAR GLOBE ON HAND AND WITH THE NEW YEAR WILL BEGIN •i Our patrons end tbe worthy public st Urge will tU> well to come and see ns before we gfet through with stock taking. It will save you money, as we are sure to make sneb concesionson tbs goods as never heretofore beard of v. " ‘"'i " . Anything'and Everything; ;• ’ . s: ... la one and all of our conq-artments will be sold mighty cheap. Yon never will believe it until you <-<nie and convince yoursel. DRY GOODS, CLOT KING, GENTS’FURNISHING GOODS HATS, OAI'S, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, CAR- PETS;i,OlL CLOTHS, MATTING, RUGS, MATS, and lastbut not least ur BtcniiiBiiip siinu ua bu uiuoivn, nnciiureu or mado fast in violation of the preceding sections of this onlinaucn shall be considered ’ distinct o once. aud deemed a Sec. a. Be It, atu tt It ’.n like manne.-onlalncd that >11 oi-d'nancct or parts of ordinances tn conflict hoi ewith, bo and the same are hereby ropcalod. Passed \»1 t dented tn Oonncll Jan. 2, 1882. Attest: D.T. DUNN, Mayor. E. A. Nilson, clerk ot Council. The Cows! The Cows! Some of our citizens are bemoaniDg that tho cow ordinnneo don’t keep somebody's old Mooly out of their flower garden. Mr. Torres has abandoned raising flowers altogether and now Mr. Elliott comes to ua with the sad story that some cow came into his garden two nights ago and ate up his choicest youug flowers now ready to bloom as soon as spring opens. The time has arrived in the history of our city, when the cows ought to be made to stay at home. Moore & McCrary’s Specialties. Specially selected seed Irish pota toes, JuBt received. More of that 25c. butter. White cane, Georgia syrup 75c. per gallon. The common cano syrup 60c per gallon. The Wrong Cow. Through mistake of our butcher a butt beaded cow was killed not be longing tons. Marked crop and half crop in one ear, swallow fork in other. Owner please call and sec us. . McDonald & Dean, SEA ISLAND BOOTH BRUNSWICK & SAVANNAH AM) WAY LANDINGS. Steamer St. Nicholas On ami nttcr Monday December 10th will leave Savannah for Brunswick every Monday and Thursday at 4 p. m , Cui.ncctlone made with B. A W. aud E. T.. SO. Kallroada, and eteamer “Cracker Hoy’- for Battlla Landings. The'-tit. Nicholas” touche, at all wa) points between Brunswick and Savannah. For rates of freight, and passage, apply to W. F. PBNNIMAN. Agent. Can be bought for the next few weeks at prices which will insure a great and immense sale. KAXSEP. eSc BEO. FOR SAIF and REST. FOR SALE. | For Sale or Rent. Twenty Town Common lota 78x100 feet near the Railroad Tank, on the Installment plan at from five to ten dollars per month. . Several Dixvlllo lots, situated on the Street Railway, at from live to ten dollars per month, 44*100 feet. Four brand new three room cottages on Town Cdtnmons, comfortably and neatly finished In side and out. Call to see me It you wish to purchase or rent on easy terms. Wm. S- BRANHAM, Office Up Stairs, Scarlett Building. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. CEOROia—Gum ootrrrr. Agreeably to an order of tho Court of Ordinary ot Ulynn county, Ga., wllrbe sold at unction at the ruort honae door of aaid county, on tbe first Tuesday in February next, within the legal hours of sale, an undivided,one-half interest in all that tract or land sltnate In said county and State, and tn tbe city of Brunswick therein, and In that part of said city called tho old town, and known as the southern one-third (VO of the eas tern one-half of old town lot No. 64 on the cor ner or Mamfleld and Grant streets. Sold at the property of Tallnlab Mallory, late of said coun ty, deceased. Terms cash. This January 4th, UW. MARIA ftlLLORT, Administrator de bonis non. Hodges & O’Connor. After one Tear’s trial It It now an acknowledged fact that we Keep the Fittest and Freshest Drugs in the City. Our Prescription Department Is without doubt the most complete, as the amount of work done demonstrates. We also guarantee exactness and dispatch, rs this depaitment Is under the personal supervision of tho oldest prescrip tion clerk known to the Brunswick public. Neither are we confined to any one physician’s pro scriptions, but, ns has been demonstrated, nre thoroughly prepared to fill any and all that may be written, and if vou favor us with a call tn this line wo will guarantee satisfaction, both as to quail- tv and price. We also keep a full line of soaps, tooth, hair and nail, cloth and blacking brashes, oombs, and toilet articles, and In fact, evcrythlngthat goes to make up a first clast drag store. We are also Proprietor of tho , OGLETHORPE BOTTLING WORKS. Where we manufacture Lemon, Ginger Ale, Sarsaparilla and Strawberry Soda Water, which we guarantee to lie as pure as any made. Our Ginger Ale is recommended by physicians, and we have no hesitation in asserting that it is as good as any Imported in tho market. Cal^and give us a trial «nd bo convinced that wbat we tell you Is true. FOR SALE, A FARM CONTAINING 240 ACRES Of high land and a large body of marsh lands. Seventy acres of this farm are now under culti vation with loo acres more that can be placed under cultivation with very little expense. Said farm being on 8t. Simons Island, about three miles from St. Simons Mills, and about same distance from St. Simons inlet,and reaching across the Island from tho ocean on one side to tbe water of Back river on the other side. The farm contains a good frame house and outbuildings. J. J. 8PEAR8. DIVIDEND NOTICE. First National Bank, Brnnswiek, deorfffa. r IK Board<4 Directors hare thlsday declared a dividend of Four per cent, on capital stock T* eaNCMtlvanaa, tkomadlrinsaanH ESSSrsKSr* Tonic, Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tati’s P11U pa—ns those ganUtias U aut galawt dagrtti uA Speedily Restore SaezxSaSsyBSg!* Everywhere. NOTICE. KelUwr the Captain, owners or consignee, will awsstajsaJKSXiir REMOVAL! MW QUARTERS I can now be found in my new stand > in the Scarlett Block, WHERE XT STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, BITS, IMPS, Dry Goods and Notions WILL BE FOUND MARKED DOWN TO BED ROCK. D. T. DUNN.