Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, January 09, 1879, Image 2

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Dade County Gazette. RISING FAWN, GEORGIA. TDIEM¥ J JAM. O, 1879 HOW lEOT WENT iP SAET RIVER. It all happened on new year’s day. As the light streamed down long and level through the gap in the eastern hill tops, and changed the panes of the cot tage lattice into so many glittering dia monds, the villagers might bo seen col lecting in small groups hero and there. ’Tis election day and the goose hangs high, and the gleaming stars of the god dess hope streams along the sky of all those devoted individuals who love the people so ardently, and the leading word ‘‘success,” trembles on all lips, Then they begin to vote, and all day long they swapped, traded, pulled and hauled, and there was a horrid buzz, jolt, jostle, splatter, splash, and an occasional whis per, “how am I running '?” The day was gone over to its majority where ages upon ages sleep, and like a blood stained conqueror grown weary of renown, the day yielded up his scepter and crown to the approaching night. Weary, wan dering thought tried to rest, blit alas ! mighty forms will sink beneath the ru ins of the night, and some will whisper, •‘time, time, thou art the thief that has bereft me of my hope.” Now the dark mantle of the first night of January siumbeis in solitude above us, wnile the fleecy, tlouds hang about the mountain’s g brow as on the outposts of cre ation. They begin to count at Trenton, the county seat, whilo the I are beingiiedto the willoWs prepa -a Lory to convey the (Ideated office up salt river. It seems now * fjeari boats in. the‘bosom' sell with deep -r emotion, and a vague unrest people, and ev ery stroke of the penman’s quill the funeral toll of the solemn Ml. At midnight they were commanded by the stoni man of the law to launch their boats for the land of ntmvnt” where no demagogues are permitted to live, and where the inhabit mis av so tbit they ftlno officers. They were a sad, woe-be-gone, sorrow-stricken crowd, hut the command is imperative and they must go and live on “hard tack” during the voyage. Now they are pulling out with those who have expeii ence on the river to steer. We climb to the balconies and cry the long roll, fare well, friends, farewell, The curtain falls. Take Your ESos&e Fapsr. How of'en has this matter been urged upon the people ot our county, and yet how often do some of the best farmers and business men positively refuse to sub scribe when solicited, urging as an ex cuse that they not able, that times are too bard, Ac. ITow this is certainly a very poor argument upon their part. If a man owning probably two or three hundred acres of land, and stock, and implements necessary to run bis farm, is not able to take his county paper,lie had better sell out, ‘dock, stock and barrel, and go te hunting and fishing for a liv ing. What a groat pleasure to have lit erature of an elevating tendency continu ally within the family circle. A man had better make a great sacrifice or econ omize in some other direction, than to let his family suffer for metal food. A good newspaper in the family is of incal culable value. The children, instead of growing up wholly ignorant of the great questions and enterprises of the day, are enabled to converse intelligently upon all sublets. There are many men —farmers and" others— pf this county, who are per fect easy so far as this world’s goods &ic concerned, who have never patron ized the Gazette to the extent of one copper, and yet they are Manually re ceiving the benefits of a focal papG i-* their midst in many ways that they J*re . uwt iwure of. We are laboring for the moral, intellectual, financial and relig ious improvement of the country. VA are doing what we can towards attract ing men ol enterprise and capital to ■chanty, who will develop the count* y *( i.ud vet ilc men who aie tl ami will share more than all others in the good to he derived in the building up and improvement of the country, are the ones that stand hack and persistently re fuse to lend a helping hand in the sup port of the paper. THE YOUNG PROFILE. It doos seem reasonable that we could get up something of interest by which the young people of our village could spend their moments profitably. Can’t we get up a reading club and recite some quaint old story or a piece of poetry se lected from the best authors. W e don’t think it would be a compromise of the dignity and intelligence of the lawyers and doctors of our town to come and pa - ticipate m such a literary enterprise. Though you gentlemen may have search ed the fields of science, scrutinized the imponderables, measured the fluids, weighed the solids,dealt in dry abstracts, handled curious technicalities, yet there is more to learn. Despise not the day of small things-. The Tpag Tree and ISs Sym bols. We ha frequently heard of the Upas tree, a native af the forest of Java and he neighboring isle, of the genius I nti arts. The secretions of this tree are pois onous. Itfhas also been fabulously re ported that the atmosphere surround ing it is deleterious, and that all the vege tation within a radius of several yards dies from the effect of the poison arising from this tree. It is said farther that animal life is in great danger when brought in contact with its destroying influence. Whether this be false or true there are profitable lessons to he gleaned from it. When we see a dissipated and wicked man wielding Ins damaging influ ence in society we are made to exclaim, in the language of the Episcopal Hitual, good Lord deliver us from tills walking upas of society. Then if one *pf these demoralizing upas trees of society wields such a dai§agiifg influence over a com munity, just think of five or six of them in onelittle town, to say nothing of their agents, whom they have employed to stir up a miserable pandemonium on earth. Churches, Sabbath schools and society, don the who 1 # armor of defense and let us battle for the right. K -,WS. Crlcaccd Ocr Ei* cSaasagcs. Last Tuesday was the sixteenth anni versary of the battle of Murfreesboro. A negro man got drunk and froze to death on Christmas eve night, in Hunts ville. Mexican'dollars are only bringing Bt .cents in the duller, in Nashville, so wc arc informed. The vVJker county Times says the young ladies of that county are consid ering the propriety of “petitioning xhc Legislature to pars an act to proven* young men from marrying, until they are able to support wives.” Y\ eh enough, but how about the young ladies’. —Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser. It is now said that Gen. Grant has no IVc Jen! id aspirations for 1880; in is for Mr. Cclß&vg Las no Presidential aspi rations for IsoO; he is for Grant. It i added, however, that neither of these cov •patriots will refuse the Republican nom ination if tendered him. Mr.Carlisle is in his eighty third year. New Year’s day was generally ob served in Washington an 1 New York. The New Orleans mini was to hav. commenced active work yesterday. A fire in Tuscarora, Nevada, on tin -Ist, destroyed a block of buildings. Loss $ 10,000. The 17th of January will be the an niversary of Ten. Erankun’s birth. 1c is said that Dean {Stanley will re visit America soon. General Grant arrived in Dublin yes terday, accompanied by Minister Noyes Six thousand live hundred persons are receiving relief in Manchester, England. Two thousand rail makers in South. Staffordshire, England, have been dis charged and great destitution has re sulted. The Katie Putman company disband ed in Virginia, and have gone to Nev. York io reorganize. Minister Welsh’s health is i.hnrit is thought the English mrflToi wjl he, vacant soon. The Minnesota Hotel and eight small er buildings in Portland, Oregon, were destroyed by fire on the Ist. Loss $20,- 000. A dispute at a party in Floyd county' Kentucky, resulted in Noah \\ atkius killing Green Wade Hamilton. The steamer Caspian, on her last trip took out 203 dressed turkeys for the En glish market. Two men have been placed in the Mc- Minnville jail to await trial for a mur der committed during the war. The Maryland penitentiary has brought into the state treasury over $6,000 above all expenses. The number of deaths from scarlet fe ver in New York will probably be greater this week than last week. A strike occurred a few days ago at the Lake Fiddler colliery, Shamokin, Pa., because of a reduction of wages. Placer gold diggings were discovered : n Alvira street, Los Angelos, Califor nia, a few days since and a claim was lo cated at once. The Maine Legislature has organized by the election of J. Manchester Haynes as president of the Senate and M. I ■ Frank as speaker of the House, Senators Teller, Cameron, Kirkwood- Bailey, and Garland, of the investigat ing committee appointed under Blaine s resolution, have left for New Orleans. The ice factory'of Jacksonville,Flor id a, has reduced the price to one quar ter of a cent per pound. Judge Charles T. Sherman, of Ohio, father of Mrs. Don Cameron and broth er of Secretary Sherman and General Sherman, died last week. The number of failures in Great Brit ain and Ireland in 18/ 8 were i 5,009, an increase W. B. Nicks and Robert Brown have been appointed revenue storekeepers and gaugers for tiro filth district of i ennes see. To OziT •CorrCSpOndeßfili*. State facts and news items briefly, but never seek to advertise procssions and trades in correspondence that is publish ed gratuitously. Never make persona! allusions that will give offence or wound feelings. Quit skovt off when jrm gft thror.jff^ conclusion’ ccvera’ times like preach^ksometimes do until tncy weary their hearers. These suggestions are general, o' course, and arc made fieJy -as they do not apply to any of our present correspondents. — offcid as sug gestive rnc.iely they arc worth. Sweet IVIJt ?>£€*. T lic day had declin£l, and the Janu ary wind bad folded it;; pinions and lain town at the feet of twilight. Ine sun with its gorge* usness anil rauiancc bad Iropped down like a gem behind the brow >f the mountain, and a tew stars came trembling out and sat down round the noon who seemed to glance at her blue krone with the pride of a queen. ’Twas bus as we walked rapidly over the fro wn ground in company with Prof. Slier ill and others, in the direction of Mr. Gulley’s, a few nights since, where we had some excellent music and a socia time generally. Apology. We must apologize to our readers for the lateness of our paper for the last two weeks, and hope they will bear with us luring this cold spell, for it is impossi ble for us to make much headway under tHo circumstances. We are in a very arge room, and if is impossible for us to boat it thoroughly with one fire. Ydo are working night and day, and if it doesn’t got any colder we will be out on time hereMter, and with a much better Kiper. \\ e intend to maun tin* Gazette a first-class county p.ipn* fo. 187 U, and we h< ] ( yo v. ill illy to our support. bM-oy A cr. I Awaaee. This furnace is being successfully and satisfactorily run undo: the a,.'e and efii fient nianagem .out of Col. (*. E. Wells, receiver. Mr. L. >">. i h.iyar, foe al le secretary and treasurer, keeps too books In nice business style an ’ promptly once i month make-i up las payrolband pays ill the employees mgre. ;mack or silver, *very cent that is duo them; nonce they ire contented and happy. r i heauthori ies thought best to bank the furnace . lirough the Christmas holidays, but Mr. Perry, the principal furnaceman, lias re timed from his home in : St. Louis, and will put the furnace in blast again to-day 822RK815 £ JfcLEjS For S ale. I have on hand as fine a lot ot p lir? "* ■ pigs as can be produced, and at pr : os o sn. the times. To the farmers of Seqim-. hoc \ and surrounding country who desire to nny>:< their stock of hogs, a fine opportun ty i? n '' presented. Everybody is invite it.- e;n * see our stock. No trouble-hut always pleasure —to show thi m. _ „ , IT , S'. !!. Inckupol’ . Phellmoun d,Tenn.. Age nts Wan ted. xhe Usual S7O Machine Reduced to s2i . ;$l5O Per WeeK Made EASY. “THE FAMILY” SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE The cheapest-! ind best in the World. 3 Too o*Doubq!i t.' fl Superior jlovits • lies Horizontal Shuttle Motion, with string Frame. Self-adjusting Shuttle, whith New An tomatic Tension (novel feature.) Extra iong. large-size Shuttle, easily removed. Extra large-size Bobbin , holding 100 yaadi of thread, doing away with the frequent rewind ing of bobbins. The shuttle Tension is diitctly upon the thread, and rot upon the bobbin, as in other machines, and is invariable, whether the Bobbin is full or nearly empty. The very Perfection of Stitch and Tension The up-pet and lower threads are drawn together and look ed simultaneously in the center of the goo -s fonningihe stitch precisely alike on both soles o. any thickness of work from light gauze to leather Four motion under feed—the only reliable feed known; feeds each side of the needle. New soil adjusting “ Takcjup.” “No tangling of th-.ead or dropping stitches. Great width of Arm. and large capacity for work. Adapted to al! th wants of family serving, without resiticti- n. Simplicity and Perfection of Mechanism. Interchangeable working parts* Mauafs.- tured of fine polished steel Positive Motion, guarteciug cev ainty o' Work More readily comprehended thin any other machine. An easy working tre No exertion needed Is always ready and never out. of order. Is not a “new’’ or’nrfvied machine, hut one uha,t has been .hor ugh v ies ed for years, and has an established nput.iti- a through- ut ;_th fc’vgrid* as the lieiiable Family Sowing Ma e line. Is an easy and pleasant machine to operate, cqwires the least cme. prrduces every vaiiny rf work, and will ias n.Uil the next century ; e oins, Strong, simpb , raj id and < filc.ient. t se it au.i you will use no oilier. Agents sell therm faster th nary other it. consequence I their Gjeing “the best at the lowest price. ’ Call at office of tiiis t aper ami examine one or oreorder from US' c this paper. Machines sent ffr exfrminatior. be fore jotvment of bill. V- < minted a years. R- ) l in order sn e of charge. ?>i ue v 1 t*i unhed ai t once if not perfect. Ir.aun ments to Clergy men, Teachers, Storekeepers, etc., to act as agents. Horse and wagon furnished free. Ad dress, ... “Family” £h? t ttt,tc ’Machine Cos. i ,).i Bn>a lwv, \ . rvlc. j j 1211 UGHT ’ RT ™™ Tho Ds3T, LATEST IMPROVES, and most 7HOROUSMI-Y constructed S El f / 9ft Q fit A£ K 2& £ crer invented. All tho wearing parts are mads of the EiE<s A STEEL, CAREFULLY TEKIPEIs2:3 and are i ABL.S*. It has tho TE^TP ION; Jt Pfi.i tho jl JLJfe{*■£■& 12’ G>■*'£*■£■•&{ R has tuo Easi©st Thr©©doc2 SffmttSo* Thr. T!OHB t TIS are "WOTTED without 'RUNNING or UJS THiiSADINQ the MAOHIIfII. It hr a a S 311'-SETTING NE.3iiX.IS; 15 has a 2' i Alj lor regulating the length of Batch* WITHOUT TESTING; !• as a BFAOJS under tho arm; J* 3 S. xind hr.a more points ot Liaa i*i; ether lnactmea combined. a AV* Agents wanted in JocaMtiCs vrtiero wo aro not vft p ro,o la tocl. Johnson, Clark & Cos. SO UHlOft SQUARE, K.T (a;. id : v 1.,I::■ ■::lj^®“ c' M • i :idt i Keeps constantly on hand a full line of STAPLE AND I A NC Jf DRY GOODS ARID r OMSj CLOTHING, J Hats, cots and I Also a full snpply of all kinds of •jf i® f% B O I*#*! tSifS "l 53 *■ tF%&S SIK y y k Cs? tUs cp & £ £*li |£ k X&? p H |3 & '*t ' / * QUEENSWABE, FURNITURE, STOVES & A hM All of which I propose to sell CHEAFEII THAN ANY OTHER HOUSE IN TH^Kfc^ Headquarters for Barter ami country produce, for v,L:eh I. v.-.ty —M.uiaf.icturei?h)f ftmFdthlers iggjdß&Kß&jto. Yr; -• T>. ", ■■ i t taajMt . ■' J : .Mwm / v : w L J '<W t - " ~ ■" ■- ... jmi u - -■ > ;; ■ - - C ... I ~ v*.jp Wholesale und relail dealer, in ** C-,-, „.. p P L- ' m #5 ‘T S £F f* YlvbMS bi uL£i iriawo It C j !i -* * 1 v * \ * Manufacturer of G.lvnniz' 1 and Oeet Iran, Connor, Sica,n(.oat and WrtllUry C. r p.ra CHATTANOOGA, ' TENN. J .... s ms£- fl **<*■fttul.'.-. -•■ i-aavtia •* • J , nu GEO. M. PEpKiNPAUOH. A, A AUL L. , i-pyrrufiyr PfVf.V CtlAi li : d*hUrihSiZi-i!.i tef’.kLki >. mi vi.m-V r. Horse; and Wagou Furnisl to Agen.e. ahh p* * \ rnti m iJ Lj L* Ou * Wa-** * A * * V 1 “ MANUFACTUS,RH6 OF at W' yna LtJ L3 U ct is fc wL * * 4B ■ Dealers of Fancy Groceries, Cigars, Tobacco, Foreign and Salesroom —2)l Market Ftre t, Faetovy opposite A. k Depot. Chattanooga, Tena M ©iMPUOsTY 9 &3PEBIOBITY MH ® mm&ll mm : i taprswraih Septebar, $8! i , Having rrrarri ior the derrafcit ofthl* ■ |p w un wiM to to. I4 I TI important Improvefn©r?ts || f 1 i feiul I'otvri llr taiidirg the VXTOr, hp lonfecnf j || jj PI ||| I' ctr (1 air - :v 'Fr o iv tk ; > mivrk^M. ’33 Jf IB crlc l 1 •' a Lc: tc f Ycluntccr wl fneasg-va jfel; V’ V :p l ‘ c:ii *7 t! 1m fr ii gratcc F ‘ :C > A “- a Vo:uFrfal ***** o/ ‘ “.•; tV v V< v “ :> l h.u-ydif r a i b ' Lj ■ ." . jy* for Illustratccl Clrcuktr oad. Trices. I Don’t buy until you have sooty macbin< blj the World, —the tverKs-.: ' JJ victor s£w;mc ng/,cmiit.d sill>l>i'JP r VO SVN, Us>'' twd N J*. -idi# aud