Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, August 21, 1879, Image 3

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I The Gazette. Local Flashes. ('i'ods look line. ]Monty <4 rain jt| (XI per annul}). -*r ~ ■ 'l’li,. **dev il” MX" that i m f’owart i lead. j-j,j.>v the grapes while you ran the v ill Mw'oii he “'one. Miss <’ornelia Flicks is at Sulphur Spi 11114' ■■s 011 a visit to re Ia ti \'<*s. ‘•’Salt and Uattei * ” eases are flow the rage with the colored population 'it the w< rk.s. The cool weather ol the past h*xV days .jiiving the pleasure seekers troiu the j-prj !};-!*• Mis. (lilheTjt and Mrs. MeAmos made r 4 \i>it to tlietl- brother at Sulphui Springs last week. • • 1 ’low—plow well—manure.'’ This v;is ('ato’s reply when asked tlit* secret id successful farming <o‘o. R. lordan, dentist,left this nun 11- |br the count/v w here lie has been .died to do some dental work. i)j, Rroek has bet'll to our village lu ice this week, he is attending Mrs. 11a lileluirst who is quite siek. Peaches are coming into tow n every ■] iv. aid there seems to he not such <} Icnicitv as was predieted. Win* is j‘ that cannot afford to take ■ licir home paper when they can get it lor ■ ic i< 1 w price ol one dollar p r year ? II Wisdom is better than riches. \\ is- Bun guards thee, hut thou must guard ■by riches- Riches 'diminish in using ; Imt wisdom increases in the use of it. I Friends send us tbe nows, .ve don’t ■ ’’lit some 1• h 1 t_r winded article in which ■here is not any point, but the news in v an section, in a short concise manner. I. < ■ I he M vzf.ttk office has heen nmvt'd t*> the law office ol .1. l,unipkin. W’e Haven’t got “straighttrueil out” yet, hut Bill he in “full hlast/’ next week. i Mr. \V. I', ffogi'ts passenger agent for Me Nashville road was in otir mids\ last ■l"H(lay, lie is as jovial ;is ever, and just H' hii\ions for the jetple to go \\ est. I A young man in I>rfghanj>ton, X". V. ■'"M*(l a silviii half dollar into liis mouth ■' please a child, hilt the surgeons could *•' ! g*l ii out of his mouth to please anv ■ mlv. I bt*e ;itlveitiserineul' in anolFier column ■ \.(. ('atron. ii volt need any fruit ■ ■) might he to your interest to sec 9R inhlres.s him lietoic juirchasing else . ere. IN omig woman, he womanly, and when .. m <] VVi,, ft toeat corn pick if up and chew M ' I lie col). This isn’t f ashioimhlc, |B f u ! |n cares for fashion when green B : 11 is about. B'F'lin Woodson, colored,was arraigupd B fort's ter, Monday, on ;t 1 ‘ 1 burglary; hut the prosecutor to make out a ease tlie prisoner >| s discharged. < a ' l ' ,IH ‘ Dazf.ttf. and hand it over to B" dicti l that is not a suhserihet and . } ,u take it, that it is wortliy td I F’l'l'" 1 1, ami will amplv pav him for lu * ‘“vestment. * y . I' 1 kv of produce is lower at this * l lli "c have known for a longtime I . 11 ' " Ul >try friends would do well to 'Mg'' ,IJ) nw bile until prices are better. ■ generally is glutted. H tlle indications theyclloty le t) "'" ll " ll Ok- in crease in Menijdiis, riri'- 1 ' M s s *vciuse to leave their lints ■ ’ l' ll -‘lei ing it seems to remain ■ '■'."' lL ' cU ' 11 Jistliet, ur.d face thedan ■ ,a " lti,v e the city, such isthechar- | u '-'l tie.' colored jaiojdc. 1 wo Irjsi.npMi traveling 1 on tlie li.dt - more ami ( )}iio milroad track, r ime to a "li e post, w hen one id them said : *• I'iad • isy, Fit. Mere lies a man }I) f vents dd. Ills name was nijj < es from ia!ti m ore. ' ! '> . 1 jiprp was some < \e;t t eiiie||t created on Mateii island last Sunday evening 1 y lie announcement that t he e was a genu ne easy id yellow lever at {Stapleton, t is sjihpo.sed to have come from Ila van a op tin* steamer Saratoga last wok. 1 he raeted meeting' that has been .1 progress .ft Can' Spiiugs, eotulnete I V Rev. Stephens, and Rrazcll ebised last Sunday. We leant t lie meet ing was a good iiie, and resulted in the convic tion and convertion ofmauv. t hit’ t ole 1 'it v liiend snvs : We wer*' son y to learn t hat t lie paper had changed hands, lor we leel an interest in otn county paper, .and we lmpi* that it ma\ still continue to us the same source o; pi autre wishing v<>u iiinv have grand success in votii enterjirise, your lideml, Fat. W ith (iie I(’il stroke ol her s;ie!a.i.i:i she shivs her dozen, and leaves them weltering in gore at her teet. On list Monday morning, at the spring near her lathers’ Miss Retlie Amos, kil t'd twelve snakes, it was a good dav lor snakes, ru much courage is ml*Mum to be found iu a young lady. FarUc* desiring dental \v n k iluiio will hear in mind that Dr. George l’. dordan leaves the lit .si ot Sept, to he absent soim* time; therefore t hey would do well to cal! a lid ha‘Vo their work done immedi ately. All work done by him is wnran'ed. We want the people to hear in mind that under the new management the sub scription price ot this paper has heen re duced to idle dollar per annum, and we hope the citizens of the county will come forward ami suleeribe. Wo will spare 110 pains ti> make il a hist class paper and worthy of yonr support, llojTihit' stiff air. Fowlers extinsie work, lias ad vet isod so last that lit* is emit intially crowded w ill remain a tews days longer. Pictures’ large nr jjiet lot s' smnll. For mllmiiiis case.' or tuitw against tbs will- I'll make tboiu nice. Mint makr tin*in m*at. Ami mount them too, to look so sweet. So Wring your faini|y,or a party, Tbe mother wile or else sweet heart, Anil grarulpas’ darling tittle }rt*t, Don't gait its truly face to get. We get out tlie paper this week undei most tmlavnrablc circumstances, the en tire ol’liee being in a state ot contusion occasioned bv moving; thereloie w e 11>j>1 * ativ deficiencies in this issue will be ov erlooked. Our next issue will appear sparkling and blight, and wo would ttr gentlv request every citizen in Fade to come loryvard nml subscribe. Bt;aEE. d’liere was ;i match game of hnse ball played at ( Uoverdahr last Saturday, be tween the “Mosshacks ’ ot l ronton, and the •‘Uough-nnd-Re.ady.s r ' of ( 'loverdale. (irent interest was manifested in the game, and excitement ran high. r I he following is the result of the game. “Mossbacksp’ ' " " Id “ RoiTgh-andTtcadys,” - - Fb We call vour attention to (he follow ing club rates : For a chib of ton subscribers, we will send the G azkttk one year to each .sub scriber for 80cts. Fora club of five, at SI.OO each, we will send one copy free to the getter up of the club. The money must invariblv accompany tbe club. We hope our friends will make an effort in our behalf, for tlie above rates are extremely low. Te hardest thing that is given man to do is io wait. Action, to a healthy nature, M joy. Give a man scope ami room, let his powers have free play, ami whatever difficulties lie may encounter there is an uplift to cany bin over them, it is the being shut off from opportunity, the having to stand still, that is the real trial, ii is said that the hardest tiling for soldiers to do is to stand still under the enemy’s tire tv it bout returning it. The whole task of the soldiet is an easy one compared to that of his wife who stays at home and waits. M. >. -i. A . i >;m ami m-u iier ret 1:1 a 10 all v t hunks k Mis. Men tv S<iy."’i * 1 km kotit mountain lor a e.nto <>l grtig.e.s 'l‘tiesday . 'i In* gt apes are simp!;, ••p eu did. I iii*;e was ui.ile a van.eiy and i was inip*issioic to doyiih* which wen' th<' I>(’:■'!. Pnch piescjits as these -are as much to !*r aj'jdeeiaiet! the •'•*>l l whis jM*r> ol aiigois \.'lm the* wciiit . and lot .s;i k eu. Again we say many l! 1a 1 jks am Ito tkoso who ■ lest. e to ja 1 . - eiuise .iiiy of this ihdjcioiis Rtrt. we wijuhl -advise v iii l<* go to Alls ryaa. ?b;K’ Ljd > IHSP Jl i) n<‘V ;s t l*'m; <■ \s! 1 1 will make a hist e as: French call hand sowyd bool, lor if'd.thl. A gaiter for s!i. Ladies hand sesvel ki>! shoe s•>. Feggeil $•! - Scotch edge Roots a speciality. .Mso Fog i\ip Roots I null n.iH) up. (>ur work will *• mpare with any, he lit, st vie and wear. Ad work must he paid for ! leaving the shop. 1 hose at a dsianccoan have tin ir work sent sun ieet to inspect ioii. Ru os sent for self men. moment. Fronton, La. 1 • il. Rolk‘l‘l sidi. C'Pi’iPilFnUM. \\’e (lie uiuh'isigned eertily that W id am News.hi is a hrsi class web diggei in dill or rock, and also to wail up wadis, the pubnc well he dug tit 1 rentmi, was done exact i v aecoiding to .irder, and w ean recommend him to any and ail tha' want well.-, dug or repaired, dames \\ . I ’dev ins, .\. . Met', 1 . 11. R ('oie, .tlohu F. Jacoway, W M. .F'fco wav, Andrew Riown, >l. ( . Smith, W . S. Tavhd', R. F. Majors, llug'ii Alli son, N. \\ . f ole, \\. !I. S u 11 1 ni. We the undersigned certify that sir. Now son. lull v complied with his con tract in digging \yei!s tor tis. and they give nor feet s 1. islael ion in every respect M <'. Smith, T. 11. R. ( u;e. .July ’JSth, IST'.). A IINK SKVVINH MAI II INK (JIVKX A WAV. W'e propose to gi\ea line sew ing ma chine to tlie voting lady, or young gen tleman. whow il 1 send is * l>-> !•*•-•* • i ”**’• her ol subscribers Iroiij the lirst ol gust; t > tlii' first day of October. ’I he cash must accompany every name, we will keep a list of the names, until the tijue expires, and then wo will publis tljem. Renewals will he Taken; also all kimis of produce will he received w hen delivered at ativ depot 111 the county. N S Z'y. ..... . ■m - (gin; TIM K ANlr IdUKCT COX NT.I TtON S l>i't ween ;; 11 sorTinvFSTFRX rmi-is *A niMthe VIRGINIA SFRIXMIS.’ New h oi k, Fhiladelpliia, Ralt imori' anc \\ ashington. Tiinornn slkki’ing caks oallv lie t ween VMKSRriRf & CliATTAXooti A Purchase ymir Tickets via. ALABAMA BLEAT SHtTIIELX 11 It For all Points North ami East. od miles shortest route to vi< KsniTin, JACK soX, MF.UIDIAX ami ;’,j miles shortest route to NKW OKI.FANS, MOIH Ll'., I'KXSACOI.A Kl'l'Al'LA, MOXTOOMKUV Ami all points South and South-west. Direct connection at Birmingham wit.: S.tN Bailroml. Be s.iro tluiyour tickets read via TIIK AI.AISA.Ua OItKAT SOI TIIKIIN ItAII.UoAT) Trains leave I’nion Passenger Depot at H.ffl a m. daily. (’has. F. Rai.l, M. R. Mounisox, Ben. Superintendent, Ben. Pas. A Ticket Agt Chattano >ga, Tenn. Chattanooga, Tenu BALLOON STORE! Stajde and Fancy DRY GOODS, SEW ” G MACHINES Of All . inds, Needles, Oils and Attachments, Butterick’s Paper Patterns, Buy the White Sewing Machine, as it is the Best in the World. Send for Samples and Prices, H. H. SOUDEH, Chattanooga, Tenn.. ISFas'isica'M Ssoi'i*. We v\ i! I |nv one dollar per htisiid fm ill g m.l wlteal tie i veivd H> n> wi.lnii l!;e ii*• \I I!iiTi \' (I ,’s. up ueeoUlltS: \\ il! jij\ '.hi cents in goods ,il lollnw prices ; e .h'e > and (•’lbs* to the dollar, sugar 11)jbs In 1 In* dol'ai'. ilnmost irs i Hid S ecu Is j a rd. pi i til s ,> to IF, cents per vard, Ini gnu> shoes if 1 .1 11 to $ ! .lh> per p.-i.r. ihe n’om e, are Ihe prices ol lending nilieii*-; we sell < * \'* rvl*■ in g in pm portion, \\ c ask v>ui t<> call and see lor yoi) i'sd \es and do imj lake ot her peoples Word for it that we sell at high prices. Ii ood supipi vol I) ani 11 i‘oii sl au 11 v oil ha’iij. .'••ii tons litijir H o.IK) per humlred llis.baotMj I'd ei ills per pound R 'speei follv Nanus, Smi ni A I’-iuiW N. :7 M-t. JA?v'Es A. CASE, ill) LEE & GBIFFiES’, —,\ S'. \Y- G-ash Store, TRENTON, GEORGIA. J;i ,pi\v nssiMM ited with and, 2 1 . Il’OTldl ill Lii-ims-s- lor the nlxiv* mimed firm, Hud dn re .'peeHiiUv iji'ile my eld IViends Mild customers to cm!! .uml see us when I hey need smy tiling in i geiiciMl line ol merciiM ml i>e led ore pure li mGit g elsewhere. We cmu m.iKe it to your interest to Ihiv I'.om us. lor the good< we vepsesent were luiiiglit in lurge ipi oc.ities and tor ensh. Be memher ll;;it l hi.- linn :ire the gciienil sigenls for Oliver,- Ciiilled Plows, have si coiii ptelelv monopidi/.ed the jdow Hade, and no oth er persons are allowed to self them in this see lion o! t!>o coiin ry only Ly I liei r eonsen i. Book (Hit I’oi us: we are coming around to plow some I ii' you In*lore the fall season anives lor turuiug lands for vfieat iV.e. thout $lO would induce us to leave the plow with you and leave our selves -oon (after dinnei i. We will pay in cash the highest imnk'-t price for all good merchant aide wheat w hen dejiyered in apy of the depot? in this ’ county. GI*ARMIANS SAMIM HKIiKOI A 1 > \ l>K C'H'XTV. I‘,\- viiMure of an nrder id the enutl ol () rd jmit v, i will sell before the c<.utt house ilimm in Freiitoii, on the first lues day in September next, w ithin t te legal hours of sale, the fulhivving real estate of F. A. Fat um, lor the benelit o! yre< Lbgfp. : 4 # i .it x ,c M-mi .No s olio olio oL(> and Di) acres of 1! , .h), in I lie 1 Ith district and 4th .section ol Made count v. Also one undividei l rig ht h land Nn's Ilia 121) Mm in tlie TSTh district ami 4th ol said county. Forms cash, ibis Aug ith ls< I .R Soirr. F. Tatum, <dunidiau. # (iIIORUMV DA DM roFXTV, Whereas, W O’Neal administrator on the estate of E. \\T%)’Neal tate of said county and ceased, has applied for leave to sell the ren e.-tate lieh%ging to said estate,tor benelit ol liyirs awjl (■editors. . All* concerned are hereby notified to fife their objections, if env exist, on or before t lie first Mondav in September next, else leave wi 1 be granted the applicant to sell said real estate. This July -Is! IS7S. J. A. BENNETT. Ordinary. (J K( )!!< i 1 A —Dade < 'orvrv. Ordinary's ofliee, June 7, I S7 Whereas, Thomas J. Morgan, guardian of the persons and property ot Edward 11. aim 'A in. I . Wade, ie|>resents that he has fully disehnrged his tni't. and prays lor letters of dismis sion. All persons concerned are hereby notified to fije their objections, if any exist, on or he tore the first Monday in duly next, else letters of dismission will he granted applicant. ;>2-4t. J. A. DENNETT, Ordinary. BK'klc Khcrifl S'Ucw. Will he sold before he court house door in the town of Trenton, Dade Cos., foreash, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit, one ii ndi v i iled half interest ol lot ol land No I*7 in the 10th district and Ith section ot Dade Cos. levied on as the property of Mitch I’ope, to sat isfy a Superior court 11 fit in favor of John L. Di vine, vs Mitch Dope. Property pointed out by the defendant Mitch Dope. Also at the same time and place, lots of land \'os. 33 34 to and part of 3.X, in the ISf 1 1 district and Ith section of Dade Cos., levied on as the property of Larkin Pipy no, to satisfy a superior court fifa in favor of John M. Ilillcspio against Larkin Payne. Property pointed ont by deietid ant. AI so at the same time and place, lots of land Xus. 33 and 34 in the 1 Sth district, anil Ith sec tion of l)adc Cos., levied on as the property of Larkin Payne, to satisfy a superior court fifa in favor of Adams Throne & Cos., against Larkin Payne. Property pointed out by defendant, this July the 30th IK7U. .Jamns ML IJlkvjns, Slips iff. Hamilton House, .! . 11. K lVoj.’r. s'Vr. Market mul Sixth Sts., CItATTANOIHiA, - - Ti:\N. t'KNTItA I.LV LOCATED, erins: JSO Per Pity. \ A f ]\/J ]\J rv* # V ■ 17 1 ■ JiO W nJv/1 f, n;.\rT!.’AL !-! 1 {r a mh'K W e I !~D i cr g. e r, i ll FA T< )\. (i A.. is jnoj >n rot! to ilk; wt*ll>. on sliort notice . 111 • I on Will l*l l** eneli well l<> lot sup plici wiili ;i !4<m.! sticim of nmlo. I’:*’- lies Inn ini;- wells In <li ; would do well t sop in • ludure nnt imcl in:;. gar “ i (emeiii ler ! i lisiu e pvol y well I* ;i!F>rd •> feel oj w.der duiiitu nil seasons nr I ! in u i i)s, it; I), i c!i i ;\;e . in i le. fit ) |*| ;i iid nl <| I. Limb done on liorl Mnl ice. o 4 -1 Hi . Webb Tatum, A "on l for Britton’s Nursery Kstill SruiNcis, Miimm.i; Tcnx.. 11. -is nil i> ill*l snl fruit ;in<i m ?Mm;t'd:ii l iocs consist in”' id 111 c liuesl i|ii;ilii ies nl curly, till' Mild oilier y;ti iclios nl IVjiph, Aj'jtle, I V;ir, W ild (Joust* IMiim, (lienv, mid MiivHiine- in l lie huil line. I liMVCM j *!; 11 linn|>, find U ill |m? I (Mtlld s<title lime tljjs sensnti lr tin* purpose nl esidiiie' tns'N. or jnrtios uMiitjtiir trees will [dense notify me Ml lliis plnee. \N ill sell m( prices t<> suit llm iinrd times Mini yiiMiMiitce mll Iruit to le ms represented. IMpnse licnr in 1 1 find t lie and jll'erence in 'my - iny, from a citizen ol tin* cm titv Mini luv iiii4 from some one vou novel <>ff to j esc MLpijn. • - Flini. VOTERS’ mhM . nrc tlj' l niof t beautiful ,n ve ! ‘ ,t " ,< rerlVot in f A J-m tor.v V' i'.v |n v ’.y .TLsy -f ( (thHM Blop wiu< )l V ?> a <ine imitation fifth* and Hniiimi ’V t; I Is ’*av.-M of Beils tunvri r ’Ji|l''^iMv : ll k i:t vrrfrrt harimnjy i 'Hide !► 41-vi-- —■ -r;:lfitUj fj stifrrt is atl Altelij eWtrffyinp. V/A- V'ii OK <Tf KS TJt I A l. " , ' IJKKT.S, roNCi:::- TO, VKSPSTS, CEVPBNMAIi CHI.HP i, otiC!;K*;TtciiN (iii.rtrs ( iiapkl, fa ya’utj:, sdrvEeiu, oriiCiir uni hgi:- IX) 1 it, Oiu; \vs, in I*ni<ino I reie ii t usi * c.niC :U> mtl I'Y "f V'lll IMJ vih urci.t 1 - of too.-; Jhitnblo for I'\KIM>X or t’nt ic'd. WATERS* S’J eerb ?tir-or Tori SoiiveaSrOr^hs Tie* c i.-nvi <f <••■*> ] KiClliAFinlSoKM ill-*' u;AL>; :.r, _M. ut i,r- vuriiy of torn* mid 'w j'i Iff,! Per;V { tnreiniil'im. M i: \t k v. j: i. vi.o w f"r'k ' ASll oj#. inni n.H> ~ i- : ir.(*ii*t>. \V[l sell a su*tter iinstrnmcr.t at a lower price than n.nv oilier house ot M*Tf. S. WATERS’ PJfIKOS (i .Ti& 3TAI>K, thr n’orn*, Toueh,V. ork inan-ini]* <(</ P urn I iiity l'iisiirjmssed. M'nr* ranteil lor SIX YKAiiS. I'KK t.S K\tmm.'. ly I.ow/or (’ii:ah. AKaithlv InMallme.its re eeive.l, A lit/e nl <liseoiint to i-<\ch' ,N>‘ i-tsri, I’h irrhr. ,S<’h'-i>l ,>, r/c.ACCNTS Special liulueernentH to < he Trade. Illnstru tef (iat:iloKu*s .Hailed. Secoud"!mnd I’iiuios & Or ,r niw 'M U !{I;AT !:A IKiAINS. Sheet .Music st Hall" Price; some at 1 resit a llO.v VCt; WATIiuS A sons, .lluiiPi-n. and [)t*ulcri, 40 Lust I4li h'Xsot- N'nr Yor l . THE EIGHT-RUHNIHG '>' si'! •'} qfi ~j£rjy^J%l. Tho BEST, LATEST 3M PROVED, anil most THOROUGHLY constructed SEWING MACHINE ever invented. All tho wearing parts are made of the BEST STEEL, CAEfeFUP.LY TEMPERED end are ADJUSTABLE. It lias tho A UTOMA TIC TUNS JON; It him tho j AIUiUST BOBBIN; It has tlic Easiest Threaded Shuttlo. The ROBBINS arc WOUND without HUNNJiNtt or UNTHREADING the MACHINE. It Jn.t a fI'S'LF-SETTJNO NEEDLE; It lias a 1)1 AD lor regulating the length of stitch, WITHOUT TE-STINp; It lias a LARGE SPACE under the'ami; It is NOISELESS# find hat more point s of EXCELLENCE than iiVi other machines combined. Aj'Aeonts wanted in loealitin* whQrn wo nr© not represented. Johnson, Clark 30 UNION 3Quj3H||jjf SOMETHING S Glad Tidlntrs to Dl<l-hca<]J^^^&. The other day Mr. M. I Pe trnlia, Pa., stepped into MeClll^^BPpi mr . rriaey, on the corner of Sixth Avenue and Smithfield street, Pittsburg, and purchased H bottle of Carboline. While there he ex hibited the top of his head, which bore evi dence A once being bald, but which at present, from the use of Carboline, as lie states, is completely covered with a strong crop of utiv hair, fully one inch long. Prac tical tests ol this wonderful hair restorer aje being made daily, and its remarkable virtues found to far exceed anything ever before introduced, It has been demon strated t vit Carboline docs work great wonders in giving the bald head a luxur iant growth cf hair. It is sold by all drug gist* CcdoEiveiOt" < ures ('oon);m|it] n u- .1 t| ther Otlu Fatty vrij.ioovs etxuoMTEO (Norwcuiun) Cod Liver Oil Immediately A' Decoy j i lid lluilii . I"|# ii> System. Win-'OSI'S CAimoI.AIEU (Norwegian) Cod Liver Oil la rotahuxl liy lh AVnile st h. I. K ee IVoiii I' •pleu.siixt Ths f Is U* *SA(l<ly A* vr golf It-tneid. var.rsoirs cakbolated (XorwcsriaiOCod Liver Oil i uri'd Column j< lon, Si rofnlft, p, Kia.ii lie Inn, ( oneln, Cold* All T.cno an t Cewrrr' tiovat. c .mi’Eaists and i a reiiinrivaid v clli -i nf lii uoi> l’l itiKiru and cliecL* the ltavagen in D mcu. e. \ t CAKIMILAI'EO (Norwegian)Cod Liver Oil lo Hold onl .* iti W si tiottle* 1 Willson 1 epolled with ;i double 1..” Kcmi'iulxs" tho word “ Cauhi'l.\tko ” in ■ r (ci* n ; from your Idrugyist, and insist on having th ; ri lit Kite] Send for cjr -iilac f t > th j Croedoti rs, GUEMP MANUEACTURING CO,. a. PARK PI.ACE, NEW YORK. bSsrV JiUcriAN’s y&Z CARBOLIC BALfd OIMTMEJJT BcEt Salvo in tho World. Trade JlurL. Quick and Startlin'; Cares. It Ideals Without a Scar. Allays Pain & Stops Bidding;, Soothe*) a Bn n or Scald. Head# ft. Cut L<iko Ma^ic. Draws Poison out of a Wound* BUCHANS’ CARBOLIC BALM OINTMENT CONTAINS NO GREASE AND WASHES OFF WITHOUT SOAP. , ll acts Instant’ij awl litre Hajic. For Mull lliuWnu, M rn TliroHl, l i -ers, limn*, Scnli*, luts, Wound*, Him, (jo• e • yes, I'o!■ •on* Miigi m> lii-o , rtitrhwi’ft Kin, tlia||ied Hand*. Si ivfts ] mi Soie :, and unv and ov'sry nth r purpose lor which a Salve or Ointment ia i bo inuai, tin** ctnn’s Ca bolic JK*lm ointment Llhe only preparation that can always ho relied upon. I io a ho i.ititul Jolly-co u*ed ardfle, sold in i(las* bottles with the ;.hova - tra 10-m rk.” without whidi jjoue ii {(onuin ■. Soto it that your iiruy(- gist gives you Hcchav’s, h* ahuyo dt*S'*rlhed. rir cn arM sdut lx*eo on ap plication to the .'hauufac turcl’s GUEMP MANUFACTURING CO.. 2J I'AltK FLACK, KLW YOitK. BLACK AS TEE FAVEN’S WINGS jg*. IS KIDDER’S Raven Indelible Ink. KBBiP Never iilots ! Flows Freely! ’lfflfiKßifrSk Nevar Sproa drt ! At wav a Ready! Ferfect Black ! No fuss or trouble ! It is used ' rr by all druggists and station ' _/ ers. Uuemp C’., —-'USSeITOSf- XV* ‘22 Fakk Pa.vce, N. Y. An Agreeable Aperient & Refrigerant. This well-known preparation is fifc-hiv recommended for Hkapvchk. Sickness of tho Stomach. Henrt juj n. a;ul all eompliiibf* arisSmr from .leiditv. BilionaamJ Malarial Fevers. It roots the blood ano re^utalus the bow •ls. It iso. favorite medicine forehiliiren, nmi ifsjtcidity in 1 ‘-went taste make* it cooling and refreshing- I'ut up li ti v<2. bottles. Prepared *w A. POSEUR’ ROVR. Chembt*. K. T. iU?E!l!Oa TO EDEP.AL WATERS, SEIDUTZ POWDERS. M. Co4oCtV€)lDift. “ remedy la so certain to mire Consu mpt ion as pnre Xorweginn Cod Liver Oil, Carboiatwl l*y Wilhon’x excellcpi process.“—Dr. JVnit. All consumptive patients aro earnestly invited to give Willson’s Carbointed Cod Liver Oil a fair trial. It is easily and readily digested whore all similar preparations are refused by the stomach, and im mediately enters into tho circulation, acting spe cifically upon the decaying lungs. The nutritious properties of tho oil sustain and build up tha sys tem, while tho active curative proj>ortiea of tho preparation complete tho work of healing. Willson’s Carbolatod (Norwegian) Cod IJvar Oil never gets rancid, is free from unpleasant taste, is retained easily by the weakest stomach and is sold at tho price of tho ordinary Oils. It cures Consumption, Scrofula, *Asth.m, Bron chitis. Emaciation, Coughs, Colds. Hemorrhages and all lung and constitutional complaints. Asa Blood Purifier the Carbolatod Oil is remark ably efficient.* Its use in Scrofulous Affections, Rheumatism, Rickets, ft c ,is strongly recommend ed. Its purifying power is wonderful iu Consump tion—depending, as it frequently does, upon Scrof u ous taint. It acta upon the rational theory of Immuiuatelv Akiikstino Decay whii.c. i r Builds vp the System, enabling it to throw off the disease. Bold only in wedge-shaped bottles. ‘ Willson’’lß spoiled with a double “ L.” Remember tho word •’Carbolateil ” in ordering from your druggist, and Inalst upon having the right kind. 4* Guam- MVu Cos.. 22 Park Place. N. ¥. I ORFICE N? W- 4 ’ * !Stj ® Cincinnati . o.y .’n' H ‘ . r'*.V * fe.C. N E ; BfTsIGER, Manager A GREAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS!!! We will during the HOLIDAYS ditpotejof 10ft PIANOS fc ORGANS, at EXTRAORDINARY liOW prices lorcudi.Sl’LliNni I) ORGANS 2 3- 5 sets olreedu !Sbo, 3 nets with Sub Bass ainf Coupler 880, 2 set* SoO, 1 set S JO, 1 set SOe. 7 Octave all ROSEWOOD PIANOS $ 130,4 1-3 tl<> Si tO, warranted for SI.V years. AGENTS WANTED. Illustrated Ualalojfues dialled. 11l lisle at half price, HOI/ ACL WATERS SONS} DiiU - 14th.jSt.jN.Y*