Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, September 18, 1879, Image 3

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I rH E GAZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. K Vrak, in advance. • • ~*l.OO H Months, * - ■ Business Men. —A good advcr ■ im( . llt in a well circulated neswspaper ■ t ] u . best of all possible salesmen. I MHASi OPTIONS. I The health of our county is good. I Court will probably adjourn to-day. I Cotton-picking has commenced in the I The price of client is advancing—- I™, in declining. Mrs. Dr. Fricks is visiting her father t MeLemorc’s Cove. v The photographic tent Was put on K-}„><>ks for T rent on on Monday. I \Ve again solicit short, spicy corres pondence from all parts of the County. ■ The welcome sound of the hammer is Kraiu heard on the new public building. ■.The town this week is almost depopu lated, the Court at Trenton monopoliz ing everything, m What a dinference in the gait of school | Any going after a bucket of water and j flat going out at dismissal ! ■ „\Vc return thanks to the little chorry- l ro e cutter who returned us a pocket ■printing office the other day. | The concert on Friday night was not I pecuniary success. The manager ne -Ipc ted to advertise it properly. Subprenns were served at a very early Hiotir on Tuesday morning, and some of Aur citizens were “ caught napping.” I® W'e notice Irom the Calhoun Times hat that the people of Gordon county ire in favor of working the public roads taxation. Mr. C. W. Millican informs us that ie has twelve acres in coCn on the Ta tim farm that Will average forty-live mshels per acre. George 1C Jordan returned on Satur- Slav, from a visit across the mountain, A here he was attending to professional Aim irs in the dental liner ■ The editor, publisher, etc., being in ■l'Teuton this week, the publication of AVis isstie is Jett to the tender care of a ■'‘typographical tourist.” Chickens arc bought in this market at fii(u 1 ‘Jcents. After they are stall-fed on Avmd a few days, dealers generally make Pa alight advance in price. J. \Y, Cu rtf ton <fe Son have their new ■wool carding machine completed, and Hare now ready to card your wool on Abort notice and in good style. I. “ 'i'lie city is vefy healthy and clean,” Soccasionally startles the readers of the ■Chattanooga papers. Do the compos ■itora keep the line standing ? A new business bouse has opened up ■in Rising Fawn. In the absence of an 1 advertisement to guide our memory we ■ fail to remember the name, street or I mini her. ■ The Walker County Messenger says jjbat Mr. P. Bird, while on his wav home from La Fayette last Saturday, was thrown from his buggy and badly, I though not seriously hurt. The frequent switching of trains and whistling of engines and the long rows of freight cars around our depot, gives ample evidence of the substantial busi ness boing done by our iron furnaces. I A life-insurauce agent essayed to pay the Gazette a call the other day, but on f ■ reaching the foot of the winding steps I in front of our office, pulled out a mem orandum book, wrote “extra hazard ous,” and departed. . A frequently used crossing near the depot is almpst constantly closed with | freight cars. It’s probably too much I trouble for an incorporation to see that be ears are uncoupled and a passage I " ay left: for teams and pedestrians. I be trial of some colored parties took place on Sunday. The assault case, we understand, was compromised. This trial and compromising of cases on the Sabbath is a matter that might stand som£ wholesome judicial investigation. W c arc in receipt of the first number <d “The Chattanooga Chronicle.” In their bow to the public the publishers state that it will be a genuine local ex positor, and owe that will give all the uevs, irrespective of party or politics. Ihe typography is very creditable. We "ish it success, and place it upon our exchange list. iWaiTiagcs and Deaths Married —On the 10th hint., at the residence of the bride’s father, by the Bov. .1. H Parrott, Mr. E. li. Bates to Miss BaHie Morgan. Died —On the 18th inst., an infant son of John A. Cureton. We tender to the bereaved parents our sympathy in this their sad bereavement. Remember, parents, that “ your loss is its eterna gain,” and that you have a bright amt shining star in the better world, beeon ing you to its rest. Let it ever be a re minder to you that you may again look upon iis bright face if you but will. —On the 13th, near Morganvilie, of typhoid fever, Miss Josie MeCullum. The finishing touches are being put upon the bridges along the line of the Alabama Great Southern, and that over Lookout Creek is receiving due attention. The main wood-work of the bridges along the entire line will be weather boarded and then covered with tin, after which the entire structures will be painted a pure white. This will give a most pleasant appearance to the eye of the traveler, and cannot but add to the popularity and profit of the road. We understand that the depots arc also to he painted some timo during the fall. The bridge-painting is under the super intendence of Mr. Joseph Gsell, an en ergetic and thoroughly competent work man, who at present has his headquar ters at this place. It is leported that on Wednesday last Hanna Springs, including forty-five acres of land, embracing the spring property, was sold to Messrs. Morrison, passenger agent of the Alabama Great Southern Railway, Lawrence, agent of the Vicksburg and Meridian road, and Jones, a hotel man from Jackson, Miss. The price paid was .SIO,OOO. The Ala bama Great Southern will build a branch to the springs, ample hotel ac commodations will be prepared, and it it is expected to fill the place every year with visitors from Vicksburg. Especial attention is directed to the advertisement of 8. Rosenbaum, Chat tanooga’s wide awake merchant. Pur chasers from this neighborhood, when visiting the city, cannot be too careful itt the selection of their houses before buying. All that Mr. Rosenbaum asks is a visit and an examination of his goods and prices, to convince the most skeptical of the truth of the assertions he makes in his advertisement. When in the city for the purpose of Lading, by all means favor li'iu with the first call. The card of the Eblen House, Chat tanooga, will be found in another col umn. It is an old established and most favorably kflown hotel, where good ac commodations are furnished at reasona ble rates. W bile sufficiently conven ient to the depot for all practical pur poses, it is yet far enough from it to avoid the racket, dust and impurities of such city localities. \ isitors from this section can find no better place in Chat tanooga for their headquarters than the Eblen House. Last Thursday the Gazete office was the recipient of calls from a perfect bevy of females, representing vividly and truthfully almost every type of American beauty, from the bewitching brunette (probably the most perfect .spe cimen of Southern beauty) to the blue eved blonde; the motherly matron, the middle-aged, and the lisping infant, all combining co form a first-class group for a first-class artist. Our Wildwood correspondent, “ Bill Flips,” writes a good tetter, and is re quested to favor us with communica tions each week. We are sure the readers of the Gazette in his neighbor hood Will appreciate them, They should be mailed in time to reach this office on Tuesday. We will endeavor to be more punctual with you in future, Wil liam. Statistical. —In 1878 the total taxa ble property of Dade county was $709,- BiJl ; number of polls, 549. This year it is as follows ; Polls 549 Acres of land 103,605 Value of land $400,524 City or town property 22,407 Money and solvent debts 01,UG Merchandise 17,635 Iron works 60,000 Household furni urc 24,699 Watches, etc 2,940 Horses and mules 70,891 Plantation tools 10,125 Cotton, corn, etc 2,260 All other property 2,694 Total $675,291 County Courting:. The honorable Superior Court fer tin county of Dado met at 10 o'clock Mon day, his honor, C*. D. McCutchen. Judge, presiding. A. T. liackett, the Solicitor-General, being netessarily ab sent in attend nice on the impeachment trial of W. L. Goldsmith, Gol. G. E. Shumate was appointed Solicitor pro tern., to servo during the absence ol the Solicitor-General. The twenty men selected as the grand inquest of the county selected that effi cient gentleman, E. T. Rogers, as their foieman, and after listening to one ol those earnest and forcible charges for which Judge McCutchen is noted, pro ceeded at once to chase the wrong doers. Owing to the sickness of Col. E. 1). Graham and 1). A> Walker, a goodly portion of the business of the court was necess ari 1 y conti nn e and. The way his honor traveled thiough the docket Monday, every one was ot the opinion the court would not continue during the week. The following eases were disposed of ; J°mes M. Sutton against J. \\ . Cow art ; settled by the parties. E. 1). Gra ham *t al. against J. W. Cowart ; bill for injunction ; restraining or der rccindcd. A. 1L Hanna against J. 11. Evatt; settled by the parties. Mitch Pope against J. E. Patterson; certeorari; order to complete answer The First National Bank of Chattanooga against M. A. B. Tatum, administrator of the estate of R. A. Tatum and James A. Case; complaint ; judgment for plaintiff against Case. Solomon Cross against J. B. and CL M. Wilkinson ; complaint; judgment for plaintiff. The State vs. William Ford; indictment for misde meanor ; discharged on demand. F. Mi- Street vs. G. W. and W. L. Stewart; notice to establish copy deed. H. C. Morrison vs. It. A. Morgan ; complaint; judgment for plaintiff. T. J. Lumpkin vs. Joseph Carson ; petition to foreclose mortgage; order to perfect service. Gains Blevins vs. E. \\ . Forester ; dam age to stock ; judgment. State against George Byrd ; furnishing spirituous li quors to a minor ; verdict of guilty. State vs. Wm. Warfield ; burglary in the night time ; found guilty and sent to the penitentiary for ten years. State vs. Mancrva Ganett ; larceny from house ,* verdict of not guilty. Alexander Mc- Lean vs. Andrew McLean ; complaint ; order appointing G. E. Shumate audit*-, to report on questions submitted at next term of court. Eli J. Sager ct al. ver sus Peter Hevner ; motion tor new trial; time given to prepare motion. Wc notice in attendance upon court, in addition to the local attorneys, Cot. W. H. Dabney, of Rome ; D. A. Walk er, G. E. Shumate, and S. A. W. John son, of Dalton ; E. M. Dobson, of Chat tanooga ; Byron Pope, of Jasper; H. Lumpkin, of Lafayette. We also notice upon the streets our friends A. Mctlau, of the Walker County Messenger; R. M. Morris, of the Catoosa Courier, and J. T. Whitman, of the North Georgia Citizen, each busily working in the intcrestof his paper. They a?e all nice gentlemen and deserve liberal patronage. T. J. L. From Wliitcsidc. Whiteside, Sept 15, 1879. Editor Gazette :—Around our quiet village the sun is throwing its biilliant rays of hope to-day. Yet it is now— yes, almost now !—when autumn shall unpaint those beautiful flowers that pa raded their fragrant blossoms but yes terday. They are like young noblemen, to-day their cheeks are painted with health, to-morrow punctured with death. How beautiful in summer to take a ram ble through the mountain gorges, look ing on and ever remembering that God, with his omnipotent hand, created all those beautiful little herbs that show their tender taccs to mankind ! Then it makes one’s heart sad to think of giving up the earliest impressions of our child hood days. W. M. D. Our ambitious but youthful disciple of Faust (W. S. L.) was in sore trou ble on Friday last. He wrote and re wrote an an invitation to his perfection, but to muster up the courage to send it he couldn’t. By the time he has grown accustomed to nursing babies and hunt ing paragoric in the dark, he can look back to his youthful days and wonder why it was. M. O. Bunn, representing the Chatta nooga Commercial, was in town this week and gave us a pleasant call. Mr. Bunn is a clever, genial gentleman, and to those wishing a Chattanooga paper we would say, take the Commercial. Oar Wildwood LrUrr. Wildwood, Sept. 9, 1879. Editor Oazetkc : —News items in this locality are scarce. Quarterly meeting is over, and chickens have be come tuorb gentle. Mr. (’ravens’ family have returned from the mountain, where they have been spending the summer. Our public school is progressing finely. A friend of ours has shown us a note, found near Morgan ville, written by s jnie pd >r Cupid-smitten creature who probably has palpitation of the heart. Won’t some kind philanthropist give “John” a word of comfort? We “ know ho\V It is ourselves.” He says to his very dedr friend that “ he leaves this question td her consideration —that he knows they \VoUld live happy—that out in the cold xVorld, billow-tossed, etc., he never could rest contented unti he laid this important qitbstion before her ” Now, Mr. Editor, We want to know how to go at it td induce the Georgia Legislature to investigate this matter. A protracted meeting is now goitig On at Morganville. We understand that the Baptists will commence one here on next Saturday. Charles C. Andcrsofi is expected home this week from Forsyth, where he has been spending a week with his parents, (or some one else, don’t exactly know which.) John Shambling and Joseph Cart have left our midst for Missouri. We have not learned whether they intend to remain there or not. More anon. Bill Flips. Attention is directed to the card of the Cross House. Everything is kept fastidiously neat, and as the culinary department is superintended by mem* tars of the family, the edibles appear on tlie table prepared in a manner to tempt the appetite of the most fastidi ous epicure. The landlord, Mr. A. B. Lee, spares no effort to make guests feel perfectly at home. WEBB TATUM, AGENT FOR Britton’s Nursery CSTILI. SPRINGS, MIDDLE TENNESSEE, Has all kinds of fruit and ornamental trees, consisting of the finest qualities of early, late and other varieties ot Peach, Apple, Pear,Wild Plmn, Cherry and anything in the fwnt I have a plate and will be round some time this season for the purpose ot selling trees, or ] arties wanting trees will plejkc notify me at this place. Will sell at prices to suit the hard times and guarantee Ml fruit to be as represented. Please the difference in buy ing from a citiOTn of the county and buy ing froniftsonic one you never expect to see agaitl 29-6 tn Farmers 5 Store. We w ill pay one dollar per bushel for all good wheat delivered to us within the next thirty days, on accounts. Will pay 90 cents in goods at follow prices : coffee 5 and Gibs to the dollar, sugar lOltis to the dollar, domestics 7 and 8 cents per yard, prints 5 to tW cents per yard, brogans shoes sl.lO to $1.25 per pair. The above are the prices of leading articles; we sell everything in proportion, We ask you to call and see for yourselves and do not take other peo ples’ word for it that we sell at high prices. Good supply of bacon constantly on band. Sitton’s flour $3.00 per hundred. Bacon 10 cents per pound. Respect fully yours, Smith A Brown. 37 4-t. Southern Medical College. The grst session of the Southern Med ical College of Atlanta, Ga., will begin on the 2nd Monday in October next, under the management of an excellent board of trustees. The faculty is com posed of eminent men in the profession, prepared to instruct students in all the branches of the medical science. For further information, address R. C. Word, M. D., Dean pro tcm., Atlanta, Georgia. Administrator 5 * Sale. GEORGIA, DADE COUNTY. By virturc of an order from the ceurt of Or dinary of said county, will be sold on tho first Tuesday in Ootober next, before the eourt bouse at Trenton in said county, within the legal hours of sale, lot of land number 611 in the 10th district and 4th section of said county. Sold as the property of E. W. O'Neal deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms maue known on day of sale. This Ist Sept. 1879. -1-4—41 W. B. O’Nkal, Adm’r. J. ESTIY & COMPANY. BRATTLEBORO, VT. Our new Organ, expressly designed for Sunday Idhwl*, Chapels, etc., is proving- a G-R.33AT SUCCESS. Be sure to send for full descriptive Catalogue before purchasing any o ili cr. THE LARGEST HOMS (OF THE KINO) ON IKE (LOBE Illustrated Catalogue sent free. Ay er's Cherry Pectoral u 0k Hi| *r|j* reputation if has attained, in eousotpienri: oi ’.lie niarve.lhms cure* it has produced during the iast hall' routin'y, is a sufticient assurance to die public, that, it will to realize the happiest results that ran hr doiri"# In almost every section of country there are persons, publicly know ;i|w ho have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases ol the lung’s, by its Use. \ II w ho ha\ e tried it.vkuou ledge its superiority ; and where its virtues are known, mimic hesitates n* to what medicine to employ to relieve the dis tress and suffering: peculiar to pulmonary affec tions. (ftiKttu.v I'i riiiini. al -ays afford* in ?tant rebel', and performs rapid euros of the milder v:n iei ies of bronchial disorder, as well as llic more formidable diseases of the lungs. A < a safeguard tociiildren, amitl the distress ing and i sense-i which beset the. Throat, aml (.'liestof Childhood, it is in valuable : for, by it s timely use. multitudes are rescued and restored to health. This medicine gains friends at every trial, as the e.ures it is constantly producing are too re markable to be forgotten'. No IVunify should be without, it, and those who bath truce Used it never will. Eminent. Physicians ihrO'hglio'ftt the’ country prescribe it, and Clergymen often recommend it from their knowledge of its effects; rnriwnrn tjy Or. J. o. AYER & CO,, Lov/eff, Mass., Practical .usd Analvticnl Chemist*. SOl,l> P.V U.t IPC,:,;isTS I YI-.K YWH FIJI* T H E WILCOX & WHITE ORGAN CO. Meriden, Conn . U. S. A. Jit 1 mm mils HHii ■MKiWikalM #j-.v:sh! • ■WiM Blfli 4® Wm zt' "Children’s Blow Pedals,”! Adjusted or removed instantly. Invented and Exclusively used by this Company. The most popular Organs of the day! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. “fhe Wilcox & White Organ Instructor” is the BEST and CHEAPEST in the market! For Illustrated Catalogue. For Diseases of tho Throat and X,unKS, ehcli as Coughs, Coldb, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. The Whit© —IS — THE EASIEST SELLINS, THE BEST SATISFYING Ssiillacit I Its Introduction and Worid-ntnownod - reputation was the death-blew U Mg** priced machiaes. THERE ARE NO SECOND-HAND; WiiiTE MACHINES IN THE MARKET. This is a very Important matter, aa K U a wtW* known and undisputed feet that many tf tha aa called first-class machinal whk ara with #• cheap now-a-doys are thoaa that Mv* beta Fa possessed (that Is. taken bock froaa gadgwri after use) and rebuilt and put apoa lAt Mart it aS THE*'WHITE IS THE PEER OF AWT MWHM MACHINE NOW UPON THE MARKET. _ IT IS MUCH LARGER THAW TH* FAMILY f|A CHINES OF THE SINGER, HOWS AND Wit* MAKE. IT'COSTS MORE TO MANUFACTUII Imm EITHER OF THE AFORESAID MACHtWIjt ITS CONSTRUCTION IS SIMPLE, POSdTnfl AWS DURABLE. ITS WORKMANSHIP IS UNSURPASSED. Eo not Euy any other bofora try ing the WHITE, Prices and Terns Made Satisfactory. AGENTS ‘WANTED 1 If Mite Sewing Machine C*, j CLEVELAND, a • if. . i BEATS Tup* tvl ft:. ANO plii&^yiSENuaAijifAL EM OFSiRf 0 BV All .AOTOWATKJ. OII\tCT. aLpER EECf ACTION IN fVI HV PART tW TRljtTlOMPplfeKjVffAß, NCfTAN TRUMt mh ready i o. SEWtHtfINESrQFff.^VtE^QDQDS, GIVINC [NHRI SAT ISFACt t [VERYMACHINETXiLIWGITS'OWN STOBY. SECURES IM MEWATtSAIiS.HEfICE THE BEST MACHINE (OB AO'.-,- TO.SttLWND FObEiUSTRATEH CIhtULAR AGENTS T AVERY MFC CO Old Newspapers AT FIFTY CENTS A HUNDRED, AT THIS OFFICE.