Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, November 13, 1879, Image 3

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THE GAZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. •Ovk If r. in ad-ance <!1.00 Bin Months, “ od Tiirki Months, “ To Ik'siN'KSh Mv.n.—,V good adver ti-foment iu a well circulated licswsjuiuet is the l)'*st o! all possible salesmen. CEO. B. JORDAN, Local Editor. LOCAL OPTIONS. Wheat is worth $ 1 .‘JO. •Air. J. T. Park is express agefit at this point now. W. L. Allison is shipping wood to Chattanooga. The Valley Hearll is enjoying a good loco! advertising patronage. New corn is selling at 53 cent* per bushel sack concluded in CliiUtanoo |fi- AVw letrn that Mr. Charley Millican, (Vriir work the farm of i.r 8. Cross n xt year. Several loads of barter from the rnouutain, came into town the lirst of [the week. .The waters are lowor than they have Been any time during the ye*r. Well •re very low. l,ant Tuesday was pay day at the fui haca and. Tom Alley was kpt busy ha nding out the “chinks.” JVlrs. AL and. Allison is spending a few day* with its thi* week. She ap pears to be sn good health. 1 Frick# Bio*, have purchased from Air. Harsh the vacant lot that lies in front tolf the Tatum homestead. ■ is it possible that children of our town ■.-> to be deprive of a Sabbath school ■tiling the wiutar ? we hope not. ■ Oiir farmets are about done gathing ■ un. atnl the genera! exprestion “i made more than l thougat l would.” i Delinquent tax payers would do well to come forward and pay their taxes a* M-.* Moreland close* his books next ■until. ■ Air. Alenlor and family Who have been lining in ih# Williams property, have iu uved to the heuse lately vacated by B. 8. Pearson. ■ Jeptha Shaw a nice yohng gentlemati Sun McLemorc’s cove, is persiding ■hind the counter at Ericks Bio.s Jrp tha is-a good clerk. W a want to say to our readers That we in tend to improve the print of th3 pa) >er. dust bo jiatient a little while, and we will give you a print. .j(r; .)• 8. Allison, has purchased tin JBlHams cottage and moved in our Wo welcome Mr. Allison’s qSily among us, and hope they will hml it both pleasant and profitable. want tlie people of Dads to le in*mi)er that tlie subscribtio'n price of is only one dollar per year, *'nd that we will take anything in the product line in pay meat of subscrib tifto. H"he Postoflicc department Is giving I’oai lit aster about ts much work s tlipv fan attend to. From the amount of work done at thin place the Postmaster ought to receive a good salary but lie dean. would be pleaed to have a good Correspondent at every postoffice in the County one that will give the new* iji a and [pointed stvla. ••pill Flips is t good contispoiidcnt. The local editor is at Morganville anti JY\ ildwood this week, and any item of interest that cornea under liis ob eervniton will be reported. JIo hopes to form aciiuaintanco of “Pill Flips,” our W ild wood conespondeni. Win- doesn’t somebody that has got th money build some dwelling bouses. A e lould bava one hundred more fam dissßicni if they could get houses to ' 1 |u. We have citizens that ai* Bo look after thii thing, and we mpetl ey will do so. Business every where is reviving. Our merchants are carrying good stuck*, ami will sci 1 you goods just as cheap as you can get them elsewhere. We hope wo will be able to present to our readers ihe can! of all one merchants, at which time we will say more about what they can do. Mr. B. Ix. Alarsh, who has for some time been clerking for KefcheiVule and Bi own bus resigned bis position in the store preparatory to starting to Texas to visit lus children. Air. Alarsh has tilled his position creditably, is 4*'grod citizen, and we hope that Lis visit to his children wijl be pleasant. Alls. Alarab will Accompany him. V> • notice that Mr. Ross Battle one of the preprietori of the Jewett (Texas) Advance, has sold his interest in tlie Adv a nee to his former partner Air. Bate man, preparitoiv to entering other fields. Air. Battle leaves us in the dark as to the “new fields” and we think we have a perfect right to guess, so his new field must be the “Border” or probably only to Tvler. The Advance is a bold and newsy paper. NOTICE, I wish to say to my patrons that my connection with the Gazettk will in no way interfere with my dental practice. I will continue to make my regular trips, and will he plaaved to have any party needing dental work to cal3 at my office where I will always be found, except when professionally absent. Col. George B. Boyle of New Yoak spent several days in our town this week. It will lie remembered, that Col. B. first commenced the erection of the furnace at thi# place. It i* due to his energy and iudominsble will that we now hdve atthis place a blast furnace cecond to but few in tin* country, and to none in the south. Col. 8., we suppose was looking after his interest in the property, s* it is by decree of the U. S, circuit court, to be sold on the first Tuesday in Dec. next to satisfy moitgage bombs. If the Col. could settle all debt* against the property be would do u good service to ti c many creditors. New Biooraphicai. Dictionary.— Prominent among the valuable featurvs of the New Edition of Webster’s Una abridged Dictionary, just issued,is the “New Biographical Dictionary;” com prising about 10,000 names of ancient and modem person# of renown, including many now living. It gives us the pronun ciation of these names, the nationality, profession or occupation, dott of birth, and if known, date of heath of each per son. From its conciseness and accuracy it supplies a want long felt in this direc tion, and adds very greatly to the value of this always ualuabie work. Oar Wlidtvood Letter • The yellow fever is over, and now to think that we mast have a case of Grant so soon, at. arc inform that he is coining South, perhaps to develop the southern end of his “boom” “Life is real life is earnest,” but let ’r rip Butler got beat, one drop of consolation. On* of our young men still profits in going to tlie mountain every Sunday to .get a cool brez ; (did i ever—) The Ilev. Mr. Tucker preached here yesterda j. Messrs. Dobs, McCollum, and 'Com et •ok, all of Chattanooga were the guest of B.F, Lea, Sunday. 1 till Lea, lias gone to Fort Payne Ala., to sell goods for Dr. Jan. Cravns. Byrun Pope, of Jasper Tcnn., was over last Sunday “swining on out na bor’s gate.” The Morganvsile saliool has closed, and the debating club collapsed. We have been standeng fear and trembling every since lasrweek, expect ing tint “in itrim ):iial” wave Jord told us about; Oh: if it was to reach us— Well, just so no barm course to our “yaller” dog—(that purp that jumps on the Gazette and tares “Bill Flips’,’ column, cut ior h cut > 'I liis time cupivl triump* in Chatta nooga one of our representative there writss to bis gal “and if tins be thy decision, fare well to our friendship, fare well.” “Go west young man go west.’ Bill Furs. Fo: irivr: lit iU' There are numer ous remedies that cure sometimes and become trusted its useful, hut none have ever ptoved so edoetual—eared so many and such remark ild’c cases—as Di- Ayer’s medicines. The Clicny Pectoral has restored great numbers of patients who were believed to be hopelessly affected with consumption. Ague cure breaks up chills and f> vtr quickly and surely. Ayer’s Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla eradicates scrof ula and impurities of tile blood, cleanse* the system and restores it to vigorous health. Bv its timely use many tionble so ne disorders that cause x decline o* health arc expelled or cured. Ayor’a Pills and their effects are too well known everywhere to require any commendation from us hero.—Scranton (Pa.) Times. Hamilton House, Cor. Market and Sixth Sts., Tennessee. J. H. RAGSDALE. PROPRIETOR. CENTRALLY LOCATED. TKR MS Sit.SOPER DAY Eblen House, D. S. STOKES, - PROPRIETOR. Nos. 134 and 136 Market Street, East Side, between st'n and 6th, (haUanoo&a, Tennessee. Douse is located In the business center of the citv, anil When in Chattanooga be sure to give it a call. 46-ltb Morning News Serials A IV S*: W ST€5 ll Y 7/y a Lady of Savannah. THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS Of OCTOBE R -4th will contain the first chap - tor fa story of thrilling interest, eutitlod Anabel’s Secret BY MBS. J O.BRYAN M'o dcsiro not to anticipate the plcasur which the readers of the AYekult News will derive from the ])erusal of this charming story, and therefore Will not speak of it here further than to say that iu the management of an original and iritenee!/ interesting plot, not less than in her powers of description, her life-like delinea tions of character, and the pure moral tone other reflections, the accomplished author gives assu rance that sho inherits tiie genius of her gifted mother, Airs. Caroline Leo llentx, whose works of fiction hSve been so universally admired and still rank among the most popular American book* of their class. ’‘Anabel’s Secret’* is de veloped in California, of which State the author was at one time a resident, and lior vivid de scription of some (ifthe a ost wonderful scenery of that picturesque region are among the strik ing features of tho story. The new serial will run through some eight or ten numbers of the Weekly. Subscribers who desire to have the story complete should senp in their subscription at once. Subscription a year, $! for six months. Money ca* bo sent by Money Order, Registered Letter or Expross, at our risk. J. 11. KSTELL, Savannah, Ga. ANOINTING TITR HEAD. An Olvl Custom to be TtevlYesl. The anointing of the head and beard with perfumed oils was for centuries mark of hospitality among the Greeks and Romans, and in some instances the most expensive oils wore used for that purpose. Guests and travelers had their hair an ointed with olive oil, spikenard, myrrh, or other preparations, and no doubt an agreeable perfume pervaded tlie apartment when the hair dressing operation was com pleted. To this day it is common in the Bast for travelers to have th<-ir heads and beards anointed with olive oil, and this cus tom will undoubtedly be revived in the West —even in tlie Far West—-when the virtues of Cahbounk are fully known and appreciated. It not only has desirable qualities as a hairdressing, but in its re markable virtues as a hair restorer it far exceeds the spikenard or the myrrh of the ancients. It is nowhere recorded that the baldheaded Greeks ami Romans had their sliming pates covered with a luxuriant growth of hair by the use of the oils com mon among them, but it is demonstrated Cahbounk does work such wonders, and in reviving the ancient custom of an ointing tlie heads of those who visit us, or remain for a time as guests, we will not only show our hospitality by copious dress ings of IJaruoi.ivk, hut in the case of those who become bald and gray we enn confer everlasting obiigtui ms by “ p itling a head 1 on them of which they need never lie ashamed. Caubvlisk is *old by uii drug gists. KTNC'S WATTFR GIK.X.. <* Tle'ne was a waiter-girl in the pulace of thegOlympian king, and handed around the ambrooia and nectar anc, superintended the royal hair dresser as Le took down the ladies’ back hair And rubbed the shiny pates of the old bald-headed kings with Garbo line, an extract from petroleum, deodorized by a secret process withoar* ;he aid of acids and alkAies, djKgtitftilly perfumed. It gives that soft and silky texture so much to be desired by those who pride themselves on their wealth of luxuriant hair. By its gent!"- tonic action the roots are strength ened, view life, new color, and beauty are secured. It will perform all that is claimed for it. # Hundreds of certilicntes attest its value. Sold by all dealers iu drugs and auodicinea. Majors House, TWEVrOY’ 5a .a. T. H. ROBERTSON, - PROP E. . The si eve house ha* fust been opened. Cmd fare, food hot!-*, kind tttonf'on i, i nodeiete charges. (live m i cull. ( Tl * or rlik DADE COUNTY C A T E TIE, PUBJSHKD BY Thomas J. Lumpkin, AT RISING FAWN, GEORGIA. DEMOCRATIC IN POLITICS AND DEVOTED TO TIIE IN TERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. TERMS, SI S*F.R IN ADVANCE. Administrator’s Notice. GEORGIA—Dade County. Ordinary’s office bet. 7th, 1579. Whereas, W. C. O'Neal, administrator of E. W. O’Neal, deceased, represents to the court in hil petition duly filed and entered Jon record, that h has fully administered 15. W. O’Neal’s estate Tlfi j therefore to cite !1 person* eoueernad, kindred sad creditors to show cause, if any tbuy v, ;i, why said administrator should no: be '....n.V.1Vb" ■ ad-’.inistralion, and receive lottarj of dismission, on the first Monday in December pert. ‘J. A BJjhYh^y?T, Oct. 8-td. J^miary. Administrator’s Notice, GKORUIA—County. Ordinal* office, Oe. 7thyip79. Where*,,James S. Kennedy, administrator ofli. L. Kennedy, deceased,“lias duly filed his pstilion for leave tinsel I the dower if Kiev Kennedy, (relict of Kennedy) cornicing of one hundred and ten e* of lot of land No. 32 and forty screx of lot No. 41, all in the 10th district anil 4th lotion of ssid county. These arc thsrcßre to notify all person* con cerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before tlie first Monday in December next els* leave will be granted the applicant. Oct.9-td J. A. BEN NETT, Ordinary. AUDITORS NOTICE GEORGIA DADE COUNTY. In obediauce to an order of the Superior court of said county, in the case of T. C. Wright A Cos. et al vs tiic Rising Fawn Iron Cos. ,t others. Notice is hereby given that 1 will proceed to hear evidence from the parties at interest, on Tuesday, the 18th day of November next, at the court house in Trenton in said county, as to all matters submitted to me in said order. Parties interested will govern themselves ac cordingly. This Oct. 15th 1579. s(l—4w It. J. McOxuy Auditor. Printers fee $2,50 AI) MINIS T RATO R S N 0 TIC E. GEORGI A—Dads County. Ordinay Office Nov. 3d, 1879. Whereas AY. 8. Taylor applies to appointed administrator De bonis run on on estate of Druiqla Taylor deceased. Those are thereforo, to notify all persons concerned two file their objection if any they have oi or before the first Monday in Decem ber next, else letters will be Granted the appli cants, J. A. Bennett Ordinary. GUARDI AM NOTICE GEORGI A—Dsd* county. Oidinury .Office Nov. 3d 1879. Whereas Andiew Brown guardian of the property of John A. and Louis J. I,owe applies j for a discharge from his guardianship. These are therefore to notify all persou eon ! corned to file’their objeetiens if any tbrv have i tin or before the firs- Monday in December riuv olse letters dismusory will'be granted the ap plicant. •- J. A. BENNRTTE Ordinary. G EORG lA—Dade County. Ordinary? oflier X"\-. 3d ! s "9. Whereas .1. It. WJkison, npplii - for letters guar lianseip for the) property of .1 allies and Lunis J. Lowe minors h<‘i of J a i.e- p, Lows These are therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their obje "lions if any they win on or before the first Mond 'y in D■ ■■ mbci next elselcturs will b granted the a pp’ii-au*. ... BKNNTT. Ordinary. 1 & PIWBAPIV Wl baW ’i fa U <t& wUltSa J*§ll S a Our new Organ, expressly deeigued. for Sunday Schools* Chapels, ete., is proving n SUOOE3SS. Bo sure to send for full descriptive Catalogue Before purchasing any other. li URGES! WORKS (0! IRE DID) OH IRE GLOBE Illustrated Catalogue sent free. THE WHITE H - BEWIRS MACHINE THE SIE®T OF A2JU ( r _ -* x ■ Unrivaled in Appear ones. Unparalleled in Simplicity A Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim of mi*a tw •- —* <Aj*' VEST REST OFEEUS.TJKO, fiUCKEST SELUNQ, ‘ ’ £fA?I>SOKIKT, ATTZS ILoai Terfest SaTTing Kaclinc IH THS WORLD. f_ ■ Th |raa 1 ptNilaHb ef Via Whlta Is (h mod ew- Ifiioiita irifcuta to i( •xealienc* and juparlerlty evsr oihar maeStiaes. and In SKfemittlng fi to taa trade vse psl it open 1?3 Merit*, n nd Is ps Inatasc* hcsltcire.-jtteai:3 laitstenir. * Tb® t'trrtasd fertkeWSiH® has fseraaes-i te turch Cr.BSt.tai that no &ra caw compelled to tutu eat CtcaQ.plQV> BtaTrtag- * — ®V©.y t-Tte Ao.y to laxiyvlge tl'.S3 d.9ZrX*LX^&I E*ery tmecMse I* warrsit*fw S yssr*. E-sd Feld for e'sh at libvral di**cnu, &r opts tasy Mj-aKats, to suit U# earsfritAC# cl uuMcmora. VfAYfSJl'urra'irtTO!; SSSITCHT. mas sewimTmchine cq.. **' £SB Ay., THE WILCOX&WHITE obgaiv co. J Meriden, Ujp. AL £ k'~ „ >V, 'Cyx^r ,v _ ' v; •. .“ 1 "Citlldrsij's O'os Fsds!s,”l Adjustad orrsmovadinstanliy. looted and Exoiiistfgij Ksad by litis Company, The popular Organs of the day! UNRIVALLED II QUALITY, *' The Wilcox 6c White Organ Instructor” is, the BEST end CHI A.PI’ST isi Hah market! v _. Send For Illustrated G.dalopu. Ayer's Ague Cure, s For Fever and Arug. Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Fomittent Fover, Dumb Ague, Feriodteol or Bilious Fever, Ac., and indeed all the affections whjoh arise from m-.Jiu-i --ous, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. This is a coin pound remedy, prepared with scientific,, kill from vegetable ingredients, which rarely fails to cure the severest cases of ( bills and Fever amt the concomitant disorders. Sm-h a remedy the necessities of the people iu mala rious districts demand. It* great superiority over any other medicine yet discovered for the cure of Intermittent* is, that it contains no utii nine or mineral, ami those who fake it are free from danger of quinism or any injuriou effects, and are as healthy alter using it as Ij fore. It has been extonsiv- Iy empf -yed during the hut thirty years iu tiie treatment of these distressing disorders, and so unvarying lias been it success that it Ims gained the reputation of being infal lible. it i .in, therefore. b .u.ii-ly recommended a* a sure remedy and specific for the Fever anil Ague of the West, and the Chills and Fever of the South. It counteracts the miasmatic poison in niood, and lives tne system from its inllr.- ence, so that fever and ..gne, sin k.-; ercliilla, once broken up by ii, do not return until tiitf disease is again contracted. 'flic great \ ariety of disorders which arise from the irritation of lid-, p-d.-on, such a Neuralgia, liheiunntism, Ootit, Headache, liiindness, Toothache, Earache. Catarrh, Asthma, t’t pitation, Splenic A ffeetions, Hys-terles, Pain in the Dowels, Colic, paralysis, and derailire of the Stomach, all of which become iniermit tent or periodical, have no speedier remedy than A\ kii’s Ague Critn. which cure* them all alike, and protects the system from future Attacks. As a preventive, it is of immense service in those communities w here Fever and Ague prevails, as it stays the development of the disease i t iken on the first approach of the premonitory symp toms. Travellers and temporary residents are thus enabled to defy these disorders, and few wili ever suffer if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. For J.iver Complaints, arising from torpidity, it is an excellent rmned , ; it st.inulates this organ into healthy activity, and prod.iiees.many remark able cures where oilier medicines fail. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Cos. f Practical and Analytical Chemist*, lo niJj.L. .v.i s. BOLD nr ALL lJitUUUlbrs KVKUVWHE&K. AVERY >!■!. C } c N * • ’ u AT TFIF ! Y t. . A iUoiURED AT ,'iil'i ui x iCL.