Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, November 20, 1879, Image 3

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THE CZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ove Year, in advance. .. SI.OO Bix Months, “ 50 Three Months, “ *,5 To Business Mkn. —A good adver tisement ina veil circulated neswspaper is the best of all possible salesmen. Ahhivai, and departure oe trains. No 1 Mail & Passenger South Leaves. Chattanooga - - - 8,15 A. M Arrives at Risins Fawn. 9,10 A. M. No 2 Mail ii Passion dub North Leaves Rising. Pawn - - -5,2 G. P. M. Arrives Chattatooga 0,301’. M. r - ■iOMXMr*' -rje Ka*yg—wu GEO. B. JORDAN, Local Editor. LOCAL OPTIONS. Now is a splendid time to butcher your hogs. llsavcy rains fell Saturday and MOlid AY ■ Subscirbers can pay their snOferib tion in wood if they prefer to do so. Mr W. M. Cnlley loft for Tennessee last Sundaj to seo a sick sister. J. P. .Tacoway and wife, Miss Cftrria ■will go to housekeeping to day. A young man by tho name of John ]’opr, shot himself last. Tuesday acciden tly. Prank Lewis killed last week a very fine buck near here, he weighted 130 lbs tret. Mrs. Lumpkin, and 11. P. Lumpkin lias been stuping with the editor for a day or so. Mr. and Mrs. T>. K. Marsh spent sev eral days at Hanna’s Springs the past week. Mrs. M. is still improving. Watch out, you who have not paid your Taxes, Mr. Moreland as Exofiieio Sheriff will call on you alter the 25th. Our paper is necessarily delayed this week <:>■ a e-mu and. of the absat cf both editors, and a large amount of job work. Next week we will begin tho puldPa tio of* market report, giving the prices of ad kinds of barter. This will ; c a couvcuince p) our subscribers. The Construction train on the A G B. Rail rood is cleaning out the diteheq, .'dong the line of road piepairing for tli e heavy winter rains, Tho farmers of this county Ins rr.wn more wheat than, any years, for several. 'They have, a* * general rule put it in Fetter. Our local editor mounted the tripod on the 11th inst, and has not been seer or heard of since—Oh 1 George where ait f iTOU ? Honor RoU. M-Camv failed to make to* appearcnce at Treat ail Tuesday ISt Is to audit claims against the Prising Fawn Iron Cos., Our friend W. U. Jacoway and family got caught in the storm Monday nigh' 'nd had to get a pine torch liglit, to *iglrt him down the mountain. We did not see the stars fall last r l hursday night. Why they did not all is a mystery to us—but we suppose I’rof. Tice must have Leon sleeping. Send in more subscribers—Tat i onize l Your nome paper—encourage home eu -1 erprizc—and ii need be stop other pa per, but never discontinue your home paper to make room tor an other, We glad to get, the letter fr n our young friend I,’. S. Coleman, lie also send us two new sul • cri’-T.s with t!ie cas.i, lb !) ir a w wthy young man ( .nn iue apprdciaie his etforis in our behalf e would be giad it he would write every week. NOTICE. The hearing of evidence by Robt iUcCamy hstpr. Auditor in the case of, j. C. right u( o. and others, a.aiuist Ihe Rising Fawn Iron Cos. and othei V--.S adjourned until Monday Deeemhe | at ten o colck A.! person inter* estcl will take due notice thereof. I Cr Trip iTlorgamiHr and tViidwood. On the llth inst. we hoaided the freight train, having Mm-ganville as on; destination. We airived in due time and 1 mud the good people in that sec tion doing well. Puiing our stay at ibis place we gathered several news items and made some new friends for the Ga zette. On the morning of the 3rd inst. tlso kitchen of Mr. Joseph Kelley was con sumed by fiie. It was only a fe.v feet from the dwelling, and it was thought at one ti ne that it was impossible to save the dwelling from the devouring element, but fortunately it escaped with a slight scorching. The origin of the tire is un known. A telegraph office was established at this place ou the 12th inst. On the night of the 13th three patient watchers, Mr. David Tittle, MBs Hue i ittle, and ye locale, kept vigil,anxious ly awaiting the appearance of the won derful meteoric display. Promptly at one o’clock we stationed ourselves in the front yard, with eyes strained north of east, and in this position waited and watched; but no meteoric display glad dened the eyes of the weary watchers. At 2:30 o’clock wo sought the quiet of our little beds, mentally exclaiming Oh, Tice, thy name is Fraud ! Fattening hogs are penned arul look ing well. John Clark and family, will leave next Monday for Oak Grove, Texas, on a visit to ins father. Mr. P. A. Holley drove a fine milch cow to Chattanooga, a short time since, and sold her for $27. The Sabbath school at this place is in a flourishing condition. On last Saturday night some fiend in human shape entered Join. Clark’s hog pen, anb killed one of his finest hogs. WILDWOOD. On Monday evening we wended our way to the village of Wildwood. Heie no found Mr. J. R. Cravens busily en gaged in bis store, lie is proprietor of the mills at this pface, and is doing a driving business. He is assisted by Mr. C. C. Anderson, a young man oi seem ingly good business qualification . We met tb* immortal •‘Bill Flips” and found him to be a pleasant anJ so ciable gentleman. He is a. very p< 1 11- lar gentleman, in proof of which we need only to say i' h a -irtain y oung ( ?)!ad v fraipueutly sends him bouquets neatly arranged, together with poetical effusions of loves Ac. Wo spent tkc night with Flips tit ilie resident of Mr. R F. Lea, mill got there jtmt in time to fV;>-t on hogs her. I ami which we enjoyed very much. Mr, Lea is a good Christian, gentleman,and lias an iiiteresGg fnndv, Werfpent awhile v.ith Mr. Peter Tit tle and family, Mi. little is a snccess farmer and hard working man. lie owns 320 acres of valuable land which contains in ore in abundance. Among those prominently spoken of a candidate for representative is Squire Wni McGill. We have no doubt but that the Squire could make the race ever succes.vfslly. \Y e met Mr. Mitch Pope, a jovial, in telligent gentleman,and one who is wed informed on the current events of the day. There are other things we would like to say, but time and space forbid. Our Wlldweati Letlcr How nice it is to be * great somebody a Prof. Tice for in-dance ; we are one ol a great many that are now singing I prases? to his Professorship, we met a goodly number of our friends at Mrs- Parises, and ‘-j*i uj with the stars” but they failed to go off and—well of course wo played snap and k—ns it was only snap, we don’t care if be would prophesy evrv wek it it would only g*t up a sociable. Mis* Minnie Johnson, of "Walker Cos., !* visiting, in the neighborhood. ' John lea, left this morning with about ten band* to get out iron ore nea, Uoltcv all Teun. Mrs. Ji ab MeCullnm, of Chattanooga was visiting, in the neighborhood las! week. IN e are s wry to note that onr Sunday sliool is about to fry out. \Y want to know how many of tl i# neighborhood will volunter with its, to go and clear the trash nd r.ubisli from off the grave yard at Sulphnr Springs Churcli, au.l appoint a eommittee to raise momev enough to fence it, what do you say gentleman, lets try a clear con cience once just to sec how wo will feel with it. Bii.i. Furs. Hamilton House, Cor. Market and ISixtlt Sts., XT:a t til noop. 'EYsine*<*. J. f L RAGSDALE, PROPRIETOR. CENTRALLY LOCATED. TERMS SI.S<TPER DAY Eblen House, D.S. STOKES, - PROPRIETOR, Nos. 134 .and 130 Market Street. Cast Side, between Glh and 6th, Chit U ;t uoogn, T-r s* njs'-jec. i’ES'TLi.s TT'ins-'ofi;■ looted 1s the business • .-.f.K f tho oily, when in Chattanooga e sure to giro it. a cull, 46-im Fvlorning rlevvs Serials A .A E W STO K Y JUj t Lady of Savannah, THE SAVANNAH WEEKLY HEWS Of OCTOBER tdi will contain the first chop ■er ef a ,'nry < t thrill: 1 teres t, entittfd AnabeTs Secret BY MRS. J. O.I!ItYAN Wo desire not to anticipate theplensur which the readers of the Wr.Kfu.v Knits will derive from the perusal of this charming story, and therefore v i'l not speak of it bore further than to say that ia the management of an original and intellect/ ;mere- : in. plot, not less thai.'in her powers of de.cripUon, her life-like iltdiiita tions of character, and the pure moral lotio ofhpr reflection.-, the accompli-hod nnth.-r giv; > n -m --rance thai’sho inherits the goniuz’of her gifted mother, Mrs. Caroline Lee ilent/., whose work? of fietioft hare been univers: P.v admire ! and still rank among tha most popular American books of their class. ‘Anabel's i-ocret is de veloped iu California, of which State the author was at one time a resident, aud her vivid de scription of some of the oat wonderful scenery of ill at picturesque region arc among the strik ing features of tile story. The new serial will run through some eight ... desire to have the story < <wjdete -could scrip in their subscription at once. SHh.-eripG.-n $2.3 yew, $1 for six months. Money.can be sint M by Money Order, Kegistored Letter or Express, at our risk. J. H. EATELL, Savannah, Ua. sJI§'JLO " aSaLiL —~is~~* fc y •-•X--; - r-Kv ; ' ’A - ■ f£.q.vis3 THE EASIEST SELLIK3, THE BEGT SATISFYING If? (rdroduotlea ant? World-rßewned repgt&iias? was tiie tisatGkiaw ia high pricee h..aet<isftf, TKG’E ARr. K 0 SECOND-HAMD WKITt fcACHINHS IN THE BSABKET. This Is s very Imperisnt mansr, as It U a wvS* known enc* uiioisputad tact that wa.ty cf tea so cat ad Krst etises machines which x'B oSersd so chtap now-a-Oay* are thoss that havs fceoa r*- 1 tensed l. tab.n !ek Jron* csstswers :' rr -.•**) r.r.d rebuilt sad put upsa the market us saw. TH£ WHITE 13 TK" C* AMY SSWiSa 'TACHIfeE NtiW I.F-t 4 THE HAItKCT. IT IS ibt.Cr; TKAK TBS FAMILY HA- C- ..i-i Of .rit SiWQ£.:, Hi>.YL kr.ii Mr£ftd 1.. it COSTS HOKE TO HASSUFACTUM THAU ElfiiEß Of TltS AFOBESAIU *AC!£S. g- ... viTIiOCT.CvI ii ifo- H>wnvAia OU fei i t. t o WCikXMAKSHIP S3 liNSURPASSSS. lo nofc I-yt fsy other bofora try in3 tha ’WIIIT^ Friios S3i Terms liie SaiiMtr. AGLETS SAUTED I ifkite Sen'inff machine Cos. f CLEVELAND, ft. CH ■ F ' - Mu' ' TliHiVi'X'l, 52.4. T. H. ROEBRTSON, - PROP’R. The al vl us< 1 s jus been opened, deed Fare, food bed . kin ; i: i.ti. u mid moderate charge.-. Clive me c.iil. i'KOKPIK TVS OF THE BADE eOUKTY Gs A<L zi 1 t rLB IS HKD BY Thomas J. Lumpkin, AT RISING FA WN. GIK iRR !.' . DEMOCRATIC IN ?' T.ITIGS AND , HKVOTL!) TO TRIO iN TERFSTS OF ’FEE * rEorj.E. v ,TO3 TSNk G 1 FSTv AWL,73 - r \ IN ADVANCE. Ad in in Ist Dator’s No Li co. GEOIKJIA—Dade County. Ordinary’* office Oct. 7‘h, TS79. - TVberea?, W. 11. O'Neal, adwinintrator of E. |W. O'Neal, deceased, lop.vcssnt: to the court in fhii petition duly filed and entered-eti record, 'that he h:i fully administered lb W. O’N’mil’s c.-iate. This i? therc-forc to cits ail person- concerned, kindred and creditors to show caiire, if any they can, why said administrator should no: b>- A charged from his administration; and receive letters of diitnUsion, on tho first Monday in Daremhr.i’-isxt. fj. A. BENNEt’T, Got. 9-tit.., Ordinary. .wav -r A iii ii ■ i strato !moe, GECKOIA—D, te Ci uni^u Ordinary’s . (See, Oe. 7th, 1879. Vt ::rr!s, Jamc fi. Kennedy, sdiuinisfre tor of H. L Kapiiico.y, de.-eased.*has duly filed I petition for . ceil lh*- dower of 3 ; icy Kenn> It, ( ivl ct of If. L. Kennedy) consisting of one hundri - I ten t'-res of lot of land No. th of said county. Thsse are therefore to notify ell persons con rned to tie. if any they have, on or beforeßie first Monday in December next else leave v, mbe granted tL * applicant. Oct.9-td J. A. BENNETT, Ordinary. A FDFrORS NOTH E GEORGIA DADD COY XT V, Ir. obe lixnce to an order of the Superior er.urt of said county, iu the cure of T. XVriirLt Cos. ct al vs the Rising Fawn Tri-n Cos, .V lthcr?. Notine is hereby given that 1 n " proceed to hoar Tvidcnoo from ili par' - ia intu on Tuesday, tie- i -'-7 day November aest. at tho court hou-e in Treutnn in .raid county, as to all matters subiui-iled to ;-h- in said nr.lor. Parties 1 selves ac cordingly. This l ot. loth lt-79. sn—4* iv. J. McfliVf Auditor. Printers foe $2,50 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. GI3OE OIA— I >a d9 Cou;ty. Ordinfty Oi-'co Nov. 3-1, IS7O. Whereas V,'. S. Taylor applies to appointed administrator Do bonis noli on or. estate of Druioiln Taylor deceased. These are therefore to noti r y al! persons concerned two file then- objection i: any hey have ov or before the fpst Monday in Decem ber next, e!s>o lcttira will be Gra .ltd the appli es nts, J. A. Bkwett Ordinaey. GUAEDIAM NOTICE 1 GEORGIA Dude county. Oiilinary OfTi'-o Xov. 3d 1°79. , Yi’hereas Andrew Brown gun.diiin of the ; property of .Tobn A. and Louis r . f. : ,we nppliee for a dis-harge from bis g'-arKl;- n„h a . These are therefore In noti.y a’l person ean eernod to file-;!-.. i 1-j. •••rtis if nr: th*v 1 are on or before the firs- .i nday iu I)- ember uov clsc latters lisiuissory will-be yraut-- tin. ap plicant. J. A. BENN’TITTE Ordinary. GEORGIA— Dr ’..! ( unty. Ordinary* Offi.-t- Nov. 3d 1879. AT herons J. }?. TVlkis n, applies for letters o guardian-,-ip for t, ’ p. ,j n;y of Jame* and ‘ Louis J. Lowe mine's h< is of.lames P, Lowe. : These are th -, I’.ro to notify all pcrsoi * coni-i-g.-il to file ti- A ■ ji- , ious if any they can oil or Lei ore , lii . ,v.,, -■ ,n Deei mber next S3 letters will b granted tl n nlieaht.. J. A. I’ENNTT. O.d lit, v. s w <;■' irr ~0 fp F* %a m* & cl be i & tn .-,-e > 7 S’:"" v| ■ >F*W * ' ' .. i ;• ; • t’•'■ ' • '’ ; .•: • • • rj:'' - W ' • i , ■ ! ’ ’ 4 - \ " ’ •? V 1 i • - . -f- • - ir I ) l ■ - • ' V • X Lv- - • •„•- W- . F-tW • - w.. ) X- ■■ * ' -v.>>•-; X ■;-\p ; j s'. } \ • • • ; 7,v'C;' :-.v-. .v-i G. . " - .. -.' •-?; •. -i t. •>*A Cj ( . •: A ' -WWi & ' ■' ' ' S "l-'K PrG /-•f -F • ■- ’t' • -j. '-11, r V: .. r- -v • - -: . • ? ■K . . /’•••-• ’ • *** - ’• /• 4 r ' BBATTLEBORO, VT. Onr row OvsTm, expressly doslg-iied for Sunday Scboolis Chapels, etc., is proving a rs-xl it. -il rz? & uooi 2 &ss. JR a suro to s nd for full descriptive Catslogue before purchasing any other. if \m Lilli (OF M 10) 01 THE SLOOE Illustrated Catalog-tie sent free, “FK2 WKiTE a BEwtHS Machine *3 mitt *£®T 02? AE.B^ Vr.rivakd ia Aftsaram, Unparalleled in Simplicity? ( j Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, /;/ Undisputed in the Broad Claim 09 eeiNQ ts , •VERY mtOT OPERATING. QUICKEST SELUNO, ’’ ~. KANDSOMEST, AKO Host Perfect Sewing HaoLine IM THE WORLD. | * | g 8 Rtv.'-L-. ■ ,i L;- : - ' \ - D? 9teWfcf?te fbSß'firtecn t’nc!-'. bote to Its excellence and su: cricnty ever other wuehines. end in submitting It tu the tr£{le we pot it bm* Us we-its, and in no Intltnee bsil ever y>:tfe.;.Yj Mi ts ua j reeut.hteacalioa ia It* Urn. The deamtf fsrtheVfh.tka tics Irsrsssed !# siteh Ec*s>.t that ua are y.oat cajpoellsil to turn eat StaEa-clilsi* - Sjb. &a.y to oiicrly til® <S.rxs.®mN.<Xl Fvwif wacblne Is warroated tet 3 years, and eoliifor *r f j, at lit'sroi <ii*coi>,ts, or upon easy S&'ateals, te sail the eonvoßioaoe cl cuetonart, osrAcstm iauiwooDm) tscsikht. white sewimTuachine CO., _ iii ?5S SitV.i Ac*, Cv.krjtar<d, OfcU THE I | I)v Jfl. i T-I u | I s * * £ 1 eUap J u iii sis e te ORGAN GO. JlScriden, Corn. U.S.£. ‘ • v dv ? a.-: ' ■ a-'' f J • Cl V ; .: J. -r r- i ( ‘ K:v V - j: c . -'■ : ': w G' : v ' Vow- L- F ' . • jk-.. ; '* ? La: ' ... A- ■ • . > “ o*X.I cC ■ pi- 7. * J "Cltlidrsn's Bidw P: ??’s,’’! WJastl#rf®B!3L'':-;.i!l|. lurnted sii’3 uses! by litis Cof^pany, The most popular Organs of the day! UNCALLED IU F-IALITY. “7Txe Wiloox & Wliite O Tp-tm 7-'-Mimct*> * " FH./' 7 in tfce il: : rlxot! Ssxul Fov I.i Hatful,Coialoifut. J~J. V li ’ 3 < T *VV ** . .. , ppptnyq j :....:i.y .L \j \j o u i. ell tj For Di.icr.sos of tho GAy 1 " ’7 I’bi-uit and Lungs, JC-M | f- .Pf- vt vt . - - . . * Gush as Coughs, Coldfe, |- ■- 11 rr, -r.'' Whoop’tis Cough, U . ■■{ . y* G G-vprx ■ . ib-onch tie, Asthma, i-y- ! -.- / - The ro-iiit.-itiini il l.ns nHuiV.c>l. in cnnsciiiicnce ul li-- .i-.ii-vi-'I in • cun It bus produced during the -1 ■ c i-:.i-y. i■: Kiifiic’ :p n-siu-cure to tlie u nun' to rcnli/.i- I lift luippie*t ,li that .!•■ I ' cil. In elm---t every :ci n i.. i-v 1 -i -- ire persons, publicly ..i,inv;,,M iiinn vc I*.-ci red ti'oni Mbinunignml ■ ii Mirnte-i u -c of the lungs, by its u,e. ■■ . , . iciv ii vi ! .I'-- nre licowii, imoni! Ik ill,ice is to a hit r.icd: ii. to employ to reiicve the die str.Ti -'lg [ii,-iu;li:ii Ui pllbiiuhiii-y itfToc i ’ v r> rnsut uj -••>• s :.i >i-ilx ia t rc : find la'i-fn-iiis' i ciiFiis ViT ihe -■ v.r :■*: -'li : ■ and i-o •' •• •-.- ucll iIS lie - !• nil - 1.-it.i disc:i of the luup-s. ■ i > --ii.i 'i -n, a.iilil the and tress • - t the Thru.-,: ;i ! •" e.-' of . 1); it.-ti,:.i-:y ii-;e, -i > - , cd . . i re toi Ijo I-.- iih. ' • - I (-Vi- l | Ul), ;is • I • ;:•! ■ p.-ndie-iiig ;n c ln.> ie •l" I' l * ■•• i. No i'liiiity .-le-ulil lit) c v. i:o have once used it never will. c .. "is dmi-i-.di 'ui the country turn i .a.cud it .!u.ii their ■ .ov ~ , .-i u= c-aV. ia. I- . Wife BY ’ 'Vin 'i t.-;.*,, Lowell, fvhes., * '' a *■. *i. it 1 (,’j ,t iriftstai. 1-7 • ’l Si V i> i Win lih liVA/AXfTftiV' ’-j i c D WAY Cop2 Jt *L , • - ■ _.g • # Of: I New n ?rs AT -\FVY CZ:iTQ A .. A3T2D vil A i Ji iJ * L.