Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, November 27, 1879, Image 2

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H •' GAZETTE. RISING FAWN, ga.. F lay, ]\ov.97th, J 879 y •*> mmiaii i r—y n—■ i—■iumhbbpih ii in-fm nirrr a Xm - th Carolina negroe’s fair at <• a grea* success, and reflects lit on that class of the pop it la i e Stat, 1 -cent rulings of tlie Post Office went, the following commercial c, arc admitted into ilia mails U classjmatter, at otic cent per in unsealed envelopes: ted papers cf legal procedure filled writing, deeds, waybills or hills . bills, invoices, Lank notices and ' ioas documents of insurance com pawn s Dade CotmJj. 'are publishing a Dade County G and we propose to stand up for, advocate the claims of the county. * jive below a few reasons why, in pinion, this county is not in a prosperous condition, and why the should spend their money at W.-., s a deplorable fact that a great people do the hulk of their trad oT the county ; impoverish be county to the extent of their There is no reason why you and go out of the county to do your >g, for we have good business men, m . .in buy goods just as cheap at -* , as you can elsewhere. This , f doing your barteiing and id ling at home, and then when you /■ t a It tie money go to Chattanooga or v 'e .> i. to and spend it, is suicidal to the s t interests of the county. e county is small, but is a prn county, and if the people would to build it up and keep theit mon at home instead of laboring in the dte direction, a great change for v ,letter would tako place in county "ufairs, and our people would be more tosperou* and happy. As regards education our facilities tie good, and your children can bo edit in'-od at liomc, saving you the ■ sending abroad, and the tuition you -y contribute* that uiucli to the generS dilating tund, and instead of impov erishing the county, it aids materially - : building it up. A e propose at some future time to ■kc this subject up and discuss it more thoroughly, for we cannot expect to In - prosperous and thrifty people so long =o we pursue a course detrimental to <9 interest of the county. We hope the readers of the Uazettf, ■ II give this matter a careful and pa nt hearing, and instead of throwing it a*ide, take it up and study it, for it . of virtal interest to each and every meu of Dade County. Several persons, in Deer Head cove, Yf e arrested this week by the United States Marshal on warrants charging th’-.'o with violating the timber aet, by pee ing tan talk on the land they had enteied under the law. We were in hopes that after the trial, an the federal court at Huntsville Ala. several of our citizens a short time ago upon the same charge, and their ac-quital would put an end to this wholesale ai iet of our people. Wa are again called upon to record other arrests. And again acme of our people be can led a hundred miles from home, and go through a mock trial, come clear and re turn home, minus what ready money thy had and what their friends could' get for them, arm leaving & big bill ol cost for the government to pay. It is strange, that the authorities do not put a stop to this persecuting oi peaceable and law abiding citizens. Cannot our immediate representation in Congress, Dr. Felton, in connection with the representative from north Ale. do something for the relief of these pen-, pie. We believ they c and ve ask l>r. Felton to Use Lis influence to Lav thu arresting oi persons, for j.eel.’i.g tu. lark ou lands tiny l ave entered t: hill lor bliq ed. Ou the -lib instant I)r. W. 11. Felton wrote a letter, for publication, giving bis v iews on the political situation and future outlook of the democratic party, bills letter was construed by most of of state journals to be an open avowal of lepublicau principal*. And from tlie variou* telegrams that was wired through the state, we could but con clude that it was true. But as we diil not wish to do the Dr. an injustice, wc have refused to notice the matter, pre fer mg rather to see the letter and learn for ourselves what it contained. Dr. Felton is a shruda polititian, knowingwell how, when and when to strike to promote his own interest. We do not find in hi* letter are open and manly avowal of republicanism, but rather a fling at the democratic party, from which lie sever his connection. In the beginiug of his letter he says he is a Jeffersonian democrat and in the next breath arrays himself again* the democratic party. Now Dr. if you are a good democrat, don’t try to destroy the party but rather to purify it. We know tliat tha demo cratic, as well a all other political par ties, have made,.blunders which slieuld be corrected. It is not * wise policy to attempt to destroy tlie yarty aimply becansed it has acted injudicious in same things. We have learned from sad experience that it is better to attempt tlie correc tion of error, and the satisfaction of wrong, under the law* cf tlie country, within the constitution, iaside of party organization, than to sccccd. Political parties are a necesity, with out which a republic cannot long endure and it'should be onr aim to keep them pure, and not try to destroy think ing thereby to purify it. dense and purify the old ship and it will cary you through safe! y. Thia is the way Const lion puts it,“Falcon Belton is for Grant, because, he says, Seymour is too fine as man to receive the democratic nomina tion—or word* to that effect - Colonel Luther J. Glenn reses to ex plain that ho iv. for Grant to beat any body but Srvmoei Ei 1. 1 - arose t-r r sxpTaTn" hl vote FoFTTire , t aying he was - ‘for anybody to beat Grant” W 1 Mil A.19 A IIP. The situaliosj -I>i*. BM-iicas, S’?*'. .TliSler, iuid oihct* S^otiars’ ’W hat in the world is the matter ? Is the country safe or not? What’* hap pened since New Voi k w as busted up by the independents that creates such a restless rumpus among the saints ? Is there any great issue before the masses? You must excuse me, 51r. Edihor, hut I’m one of masses myself and 1 want to know. Dob Toombs seems to be very mad about something, hut that dont sig nify. He has been mad before. Ho he unit mad with me l dont care, for i like him, lie’s got a great big heart and loves his state and her people, bur, 1 think he attaches too much importance to his opinion. ho denounces the union its tmnks we dont got justice under it, and >ve dont. He’s rich and old and can afford to say what he thinks and a good deal he dont think, but wo poor devils dont dare to. We havent got time. Its nip and tuck to make meat and bread and clothing for our children, pt dont pay to tell them yan kce radicals what wo think of cm, and so I take it out in thinking. Onetime a school-master whipped me for ringing the hell in recess, when, the tact was, 1 dident ring it. It was another fellow, and it bore on me so I vowed to whip that school master if ever 1 got a man. Well, he died, and that settled it, but those- everlasting yankces dont die Theres always another crop on hand just as mean and devlish as the first and we cant whip ctu either, They’ve got all the money an i money whips evert lring. Dr, Miller, sayswedve been raising wrong i ?uen, dial we ought to have marie the fight n the states rights question, and it aint too late yet. I'm gludMaint too late for that? aques ought to be settled. Thu only difficulty I see about it is how w- re to get ;i before the {>-' pip in mas.- meeting fir the dcotor says eonvonti- n wont do. Who is to call pro mass meeting and who will fix the tiuiu mid the place and prpare the platfoym and exhort the mourners. If the thing has got to be ib.tu poi>tane..ns,. wont we have to organize a little disorganization to make the different meeting • an-l pla '-irm sponfane togr-thei ? At y w-:y will suit me, so- H jhan; llue cbiidicu- Alrx Stephens .-.ays the great issue before the country in one finace. Dr. Pel-ton says that question is settle all right. Alex says we can go farther and fare worse than te take Generc' Grant. How much further? We went mighty nigh the infernal regions when we took hem be fore, and if there’s any “furthor” than that I dont know it. Ben iiill says the north wholly inisundejatanils the spirit and temper of our peopls and he has writ a longsletir to prove. Well it was a verp good jetter and ought satisfy cm, but they wont be/ieve him no more than they believe tie was a union man before the war although he has told cm that 2,C00 times aud very time st stick like a pin in the craw of every secessionist", it the state. I never did line ti have a thing (browed up to me than 'wo or three hundred times by anyfcods. Dr. Felton says the party lenders are ruining the country and that extra session was a mighty had thing for us. Well, maybe twas General Gor don says it was, and he oppose it with all his might. But maybe they are mistaken. If we did lose a few votes by it the sofilh ain-t respon sible for it. But I dont see where we lost any. Ohio went against us, but that’s no new,thing. The majority was only three or four thousand, and tl.e republicans bad all tho advantage of ofires and money to work with. I think we did pretty well in Ohio, dont you. But they say Now York went agaenst us. Well, she dibent, if you count Kelly’s vote onto Robimmu’s. It was the independents that broke us up over there. They will ruin anythibg and bust up anything, and then ge up on a stump and hol ler glory, and write letters and say, -‘I told you so.” They remind mo of some amateur soldiers who pretended to fight in tho Into war. While tbe r-Yganizcd army stood shoulder to •shoulder and fought’, bled aDd died in the ranks tcgather, a lot of dodgers and desorters was going around over thii country calling them selves independent scouts—regulators—aud they robht and everybody that had anything and demoralizec the women and children wherever they wen i. If the federals took any of cm prisonnars the wasent lighting agains them, hut was only ’‘regulafior,” and when it got too hot for cm at home they general glided over to the other side. I nuvor see an independent noja-a-days without a mclancholly feeling of alarm they for fear they - will sooner or later fall into the hands.of the anotny. On the who.e, I think the democrats is doing very well, considering. I’m not alluding to the Jeffersonian democrats for I dont know much abot their polite?, unless its like old man ( Rotors, who say .• “Mneh boliticks ant to sell mooch lager beer and poot monies in mine pog j get.” I suppose Torn J iffersou did have some great general principles in his day, but they are all dead issues now aud tho estates has been admilistered on and sold out. One thing is cartain. lie wasent an independent deuto : erat. I dont know any very great issue that divides the wo parties now, hut I’m not going to desert my friends, issue or no issue, its human nature to takes Sides even in a dog fight. Tim* about is fair play anyhow. Tits republi can* have had ail the offices and run the ma chine leng euoujh. They ought to resign usd politely ask us to step in. If they were gentle vw.-mtel, fjj-g 1 -el ■ ■ —> -jM a various man. Now I like Mr. Hayes pietty ill and sbe’s a splendid wet an and we’ve got to Ink* another president from that aide I’m for cm. Mf. Editor; — FI ttiariag myslf thsi a !•' items fn in out- might be of interest, to st least, abortion of yonr i’#:td*r*: I have concliutacl to dxop you a line. Everything and everywbodr is moving along liannoniously little transpire* to mar th* tranquility, or mo- 1 notony of our neighborhood Tb* health of the people is excellent. We de not j know ol'a person within ii!es of here,! who is seriously ill. And if any one is j in search of health, we advise them to com? to Morgauville. Our new minister, Bro. Mack Camp bel, juenched yesterday to a large aiib| attentive audience:—The übjct of bis discourse was, “what is man that thou urt mindful of him?’” he preached the “old, old story” in such forcible, yet simple manner, that “the wayfaring man tho a fool, could not ere therein’’. , If yesterday*’ sermon wa an ea'rneet el what is in store for a* this year, wo are to be wonderfully blessed, in the way of good preaching. In the congregation yesterday, we no ticed the familiar face of our friend Hickman of Chattanooga. He w*, of j course, accompanied by hi* charming bride, nee Mis* Vlary Fowler, who, if possible, looked more lovely than e\ er. We don’t think vre can ever quite for give Mr. 11. for taking undue advantage of our youthful timidity, in “coming down like a wolf in the fold” andjearry ing oif a* his prey, our T . Our Snbath school is a fixture; —-the attendance good, and many of the juve nile.- show a familiarity with iho Bible that would do credit to older people. The school is still presided ovar by thru good old father, in Israel, Bro Bennett. We have no week-day school at pres ent. Madam rumor whispered to us ( confi dentially) a ten days ago, that it wed ding would take place near us 1 efore tho ch strung holiday*. W# trust t r young friend C -, will remember as. Mins Minnie .Johnson, of La fa yet re, is visiting in our neighborhood. Him is the goes.i. oi Mrs, Mitch I\q e, i Jim. i A 3s f A IS \ .if! A GREAT SCdTHERN RAILWAY I QUICK TIME AND DIPI-XT CONNECTIONS Between all SOUTHWESTERN CITIES And the VIRGINIA SPRINGS, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore ant Washington. THROUGH BLBKITNG I’AR3 TiaH.Y Botwecn VIC K S BURG & G H ATT A NOQG A. I’urchase your Tickets via. ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN R R For mil Point* North and East. -w 53 utiles shortest route to VICKSCURG, JACKBOV, NSRIDIAX, and 34 miles shortest route to N'KVV ORI.F.ANtI, MOBILE, I’ItKSACGLA. EUFAULA, MONTGOMXRV. Arul nil points South nnd Beutli-west. Direct oonueotion at Biratinghatu witi. H. ii N. Railroad. Bo sjre tliat your tickets read via. TO 1C ALABAMA GREAT SOUTHERN RAILROAD. Tfains leave Union Passenger Depot at 8.36 a. to. daily. Cham. P. Ball, L. B. Morrison, Oeu. Superintendent, (leu. Pa*. A Ticket Agt. Chattanooga, Tenn. Chattanooga, Term. VATESS’ ■aßfflP 8R6A83 /jSsSjx sir® the most beautiful ti* stj In and perfect *' "\v - tono ever nmde.Tbi y *w"sfc’f■ a•*?. DMe hove the celebrated K S'J.JA' "'-• „ C.’oreerto Htop which i SSK-j&iknL&j- A A;":A f'alinelirdlatieni/Cw V A Human Vrlce, or.d 2 W 'wt-ffil oclri ve aof ilcM* tuned •'iS’Js'ySjn tn perfect harmony ~,j Ut with sArsMda, .nd.'*<tr , it&tip tii • 1 cDi et it nuvifdcul t ST. • o’ectrlfy; . V/A --XVEID-* runiflSA, TOvVEMPKK. CBN- A UTINNIG. * >I!M- E. OKCITEd’i'EI- G-v oNCiii.MEsn \ a- frv’i x. • - \-w • pri-s favoiut:-;, ‘4r.-• 7^ BOL’VBXia, DDfa- ,-s.v;/’ i H V : C. ” r VA' French Caeec, coui~ S'ltjFo''vT ; - biu purity of \ OIC'INM vuh creat J ▼•lameiy’tnnct euit- j> ■*>;' • > . • ! •i) able fur i’f.Hty..,- ’ r . •* -?•••’'.4... CUI Ut il. . ’ waters' u -a Magnificent uIM EMBIIIOim tteSf“wdt? , '7 WATERS’ ->-*4 Superb Sfirror Tcp SouvenirOraa i The cones of the- t S INl'vli'is Zi lasL■ 4 i*e:i‘.tlf;!i I'rtn-K fj KICK!.YIfIiSISH& .’Vkaldhl in h,)UI> BI.AtTC ti.-ft'XitG-l WALNUT, end re kfSf: 'i-' i'' , J .'’'N y markable alike f'-r thff purity <*f ton® uad “"o ' - ’■ l * “STr-- ■’ neyfect mecitanlam. EXTREMA LOWAv CASH re 0,1 install ment*. VViil eM a better instrument at a low. r prico thun any otiier ho-jaetaike U. WATERS’ PlAFdijS 1 and Upriiht?* are the BEST At ADI'., tha Tone, Toaeb, Viork* sn)ishH> arwi Unssrpassed. War. rntftf and for SIX YEARS. PUK ES Extreme ly 1 .ovr for Cash. Monthly Jnstaffments re eei <‘d. * A liberal discount to Troche s,ltiniter> f Chvr~hes,flch oU,Ie > , etr.AtJENTS WANTED. Special Inducements tothe Trade. Illustrate *1 CntnloFues lUnilod. Second-hand Pianos .fc Hr.',,ns at <IK EAT KAKUA' MS, edict:t Music at Half Price t M<-oe at 1 cent a pave. lIOKACK IV.t TEKJ*A:SDN.<, H£au!>>4 Dr uters, 40 if at Jl-iiU iatruet, iitwl'uii z ji j u.—..a, ai. .1. ..A vtjM $ ; ) '**** - - vi V-'? ■ ywwrizfe ' * y ’ •• • 'V \ u ■ • • ’ ijy en m \ :n ifS t*. :t>j. s> 2 LiH O was Pi •2 * -JJ . 4 *w • ISiSTasoa. EC CO Tour Fschi CoJorecl T'Y Cj. Now added. SUPFLKS-S.ETiT ofcvr 4 NBVf V- C2lß3andlStauiagy, la.duiir,,-; such a# l- come iatn ns* during !:i ■ ft e- n VY'.r* —tinyof tv hi • btre.a four *i ,n -ere in *cy A-op. h dicliotuu/. BiognaxiMteti 7 1 otioasary of over 5>TCt3 NAHEH OtNr-l' ' r'or'enf.aiv'icmr - rti-.ri srr. i-- a : r mans now llrjng. (titi../ fiisma. I'.-iKii r-cixiioa, lb u/estuon %--i 1- no! eac.-.. GET TH£ jLAXxAT. *r."‘£'T t:i>!TJO.S' e ... ....'iDfr-! of j.’v over H <jfj 1.-VW words nu n- *; ‘ -~r. T,S| BOV. in p lppleV'.en’. has tnu **- ,!? !ci 1 nJ ibia. w..:i i11.,,-or '. I-.-; T -ctioTisry. .'■ - vir ct V V V7OO ?•< rad l'oricm. GET TCS ETaIT iirlon ot best i-a iktu:- y o' Iho Ecj ii,n v-vsr pu&iishod. vitni'.io-is ;,'• ntwsvs l •’<••• cor.ood?T to 1J Urix.-iter man in smy oil.rr I ii-tauifcry. lusuaiionn, 1)300, about lt-rr“ t-nirg „T. n -nji.iy so ru ai.y cti.vr lucitocary. rn T> ; ■’/ rj < <'cmmonflod Vr B’,:p*ts Of > A'.OJ, Siuii 5} a S 'hooi*, — rvhout r! 1 i Public Schc-oi*. iu Lt>e 1.8. Pictfoflur/ ./? Dirtiousinr.—thi< flvc^xha Tan> wi:h Pronurf Nation. *'° es ” bi *n Kai T'-wc. of- •‘ r *>•“}< -;"j j Fi!b!ish<a by o. & C. . M:-. XI 8 O ItZSTErS fiSTIC?-*! C T ISSABi - . JG*O Haras Uj-.9. COO Jir.nrutl-.-n. A CfsEAT OFFER FOR HOLIDAYS H! XVo will ff rin.i tho JIOI,IH \Vo <li.y> of 1 (| IH.IXhS &• OHt. at K vTUAIiIIUIN Utt f OH' ti- toi'Bforco.->li.l-.l'L.i .'iiUDOKUANSS 3- •V fltots iif ri'oi’n fetis, 3 HctM with I**lll IJnsn ti-'-l foti|ilc.-*SO,Sin..*MSO. i a< t '<>, l M l: 3.?. 7 Octavo il JtiSSK.A OOI> IM.t.NO*. i!3O. i 1-3 i!SU!>.v.ari nfd f*i :•** • . .ns. Ail KMT HAMID. nluwiinUiU iUiitui's AI-tilrH. ;,!v.v,’ nr half lcir*-, flOif U I' V. V •* <V bv>.s. , .-tnii.n.ri.j i)u..(ii> ) ID r.. 1 llU.j.i. \ • TTS v vr; - - _ -y vj . V *rn tT T w >. t i- Ou W v.*’ Ii I_* ivJ i 5 EMWIV, - “ - - CL£. I would respectfully call tho atti-iition ol the piMple to the luet ! have o|u.*ti ed a large and well M-ieeted stork of goods at Hisfituf !•'• ,vn, tvhiHt were bought by an old aud experieiteed iiicn-iiaut, at bottom ligiues. Viy stock i.s fiesli .and iiotv, well selecud, eoiisistibg in pari of J W~\ o /T >. (' 1 11 I < w | -j- aiif i h dn v: U JLii JL njl 1/ ii j -L x, ii 'jx. ‘ JL e2S)sj Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, JfcZSiL JL" %/' £*/ > ...) 33 You can ftlwavs find at any c- taldi.-doneiit a l.ti e -1; of choice f* pi f-) :f* ttr ""T o i | L Lei A \ .4 SLu ii Which will be soLd ;w low as a fin t-cla ~ article c at 1 ■ bought. • ,_n vu. a Butter, Eggs, and Chickens. I want all your Butter. F.irjvs. and Chickens, for winch i will pay one-fourth in caslt and the balance in goods at tiie very lowest prices. I will take all hinds of produce or barter at the highest market prices la ex change fur goods. C E !> *Tr r-a p K V i/a 1W and 0 . 5 ,-c/ tie • i ■"* H'A M f*.- t i-a a! i ** a ’W Uasa Ki? 6 M & til t* 1a V: a * Xovfi-fim. €i 3-iO. Vi. T. .T. LUMPKIN, ) ( 11. I*. LUMPKIN, Rtsixii Fawn. \ \ I.:nyLitii. l r i ? s s T T\?r rp v> TT : r^ ii Ji Lui!/rs\L' ATT ORN E V S A 4 LA W, RISING FAWN AND LAFAY ETTE, GEORGIA, Writ, pay pi 'impt at ten ii pm to the cob ot inn ■ ci-iini-and all runted to their care,in the sevesal >• e>u.rr.* for the cmui'.tics of Dade, )| T alkc*, Chattooga anil Cati 1 -tf. J. <w. BiAtfiE, i t Jor’y &■ CLakcl' -.s if-L;iw, RISING FAWN, DADE COUNTY, GA. Will pr an the Superior C urts of Dad Walker arid Catoosa, strict nitration g'n ..n *< t'i collection of i:’:<im.->, or other husir..-*s in trusted to liis care. 1-tf. Vi . (Lh .D .a € . t 'i, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TRENTON, DADECDUT-Y, GA. "WILL pra -fire in tin counties of Dado Waiher and Catoosa. Collection a >pe ialtv. GEORGE B. JOBSAkI A£A M A Fnwn, - Offer* his professional services to the peuph of Dade county and urroundiug country. tiff' All work w*RiAXTBI> in i-Vi-ry parti-ul * Office at residence, corner Church and Ala bitmd streets. iFRUtT USEESTiii-v Do you intend to plant Fruit Tsbbs tiiis Fail . Do you vvant the best ijuality of trf".-s, tha will produce tho finest fruits? Do you want trees raised hero, and that, will t suit this climate?—A. G. C.t: .ms Agf. for V/. B. Storar’s Nursery, Chattanooga Trim., can sup ply you with apple trf-i s, hist variety oft: nit. one and two yours old (a!! grafted) at I2rt to 15 cent* apiece. Peach that will ripen from the Ist. of June to Ist. of October, best rarities one year old tmdod tret: 15 to 25 cents "Spiero. Peary, ChertJe:’, Plum--, Aprieo - ;, Quince Gi'spes, iStruwbcirics Ac., al! of t!i host, ;.nd *i lair prices. Call at the Nursery, or adjrcss • A. G. Catron, 42-3 m Chattanooga, Tenn. VMiN <kj -: ’ - T Cjt_ '' hi . ' 4 • j'* w , S'*- '■L; • ' • .; . ji ■- ), .•' -i at MA , y pT TQM ixi ai i Obi JLj- 4KJi 4, No 151 Marks S'roof, West side, Ectweee Eth and Eh, -i, nunnAi- fr' l; l,i is etivL’v.bai'tj t 5..5 iN.otiCik.i-i ’f hoop oonatniitly on lmn-t -n n’sortmct o Co.drills ati-1 Iteming Srovrs, which we will yell at bo;, mil piiccfs t* 1* ea.-1.. biivc ud a call bol Di pt.-1 elm. i tij. .-1-H-t-hcre.. \ TT Ar? f ■” r 7/~'* 7T I C\ I T 7 T l iAlltvi I '.■ A Ont-L. . The titiilorsigncil offer.- 1-*r sale th" Tattii* 'a- 111. all tog Ter or in detach-il pi: ftona. [ t-'.j*- further ini' . u'l.if •■!. in-ply to ora.Mn- . 1 x. j b Mi-;* e. ltiSl.Ml 1 A . .N, Ci.l. PATENTS! To Inventors aV*d Manufacturers; establishkli l!-!)'. CILMCRE, SMITH e.t CO., SOLICITCmo 3F PATENTS 6-. AITORMZYS AT LAW AMKHK’AX AND FORIHI. N PATH'NTH. No fee- in advance, nor until a Patent fal lowed. N o fetv* fur I’rtlimim. ■ *■’xrim iba I ini*. ■ ■ pcc i --I i uttenlvi ici.-r-i to Int-.-r: renc cases ■ ■ . i . in ■IT i-i-iii 'Li.- *. find a;I litigation appertaining to Patent* or I iivi iifimi ■-. Semi *tamp for pamphlet <>f .- : xir pages. GELMuUib isMlTl; a k 0., 9 I-ulton si., N. W.. Vi u.diingtcn, D. C. -r Li ni\ \ r ’ n -a -i. i/iJ Li L O if Cu.j CHATTANOOGA, TZ\ ON., Dealers in ‘ ' El. MCTI’KS F? 'X 7V r-v , t - Jm.. HaM 4 W A U-'j • ‘wJ r /A !!i s.A e. Our stock i J too 1. rge t<> Biutt-:- rate. An extua inatimi ia .roli y-, .1. . AV:.. YOUr* :ev : T. M. Robertson, * n ly, r f I*. n <c ’.. *f- iv, \i O + ; j -W •'• 3 V-T ’b '.. v. '“.w i*j i '.N'J-Y::: ’ c>:.v , A .It make a f. . o or -*a.'tc-r (of ?2.u per pair less ti.. ',-u.* ... .a AH w-vk viiri-:-ii(ei). it- ■' r->. |. a- a ally. AH work must be paid for be Arc it lei-es the shop. l or 1: . tea appleatiuo. Fin 9 Arc ..tadcry. Hlij.inger block, 234 and 2"9 Market Street/ between Bth ami Utb Streets, CHAT T A N 6 OCA. iT £ HN. Dealer in all kinds ot PEaote§TapS; ;., . 1! i ‘ v v’vtt.s C.- Utl V Lis -), Gilt, Black Walnut and Host-wood 'T-T— ""T- fz "" ’ <•''*^l .V.D* ■* '. - A.. . . ."I . $ ALBUMS, CiIHGAkBS, STE;iEO3COPES and views, IX (IKK.IT V.\ I- 1 H’i V. Mo matter if it “rain or !Y uc,” ' . thir Gallery yon an g.-od go-r-.Y. For adults tho doudy wmitl■-■);• pveforred. 1 :.:-u vi.-h 1.. give notice to i! <• public* tins a- , fo- .j.ying •. ■! - nlargiug any old faded l'icture* ere mu tirpnssed. Special attention given to l’oi-fraifure in OIL, VAhTEL, CIMTON, INDIA IX K AND V.'ATlit CO I,OKS. ALL WORK JH UUABANTEED. I’lease Call asd :I*amink Hn-rcniEjm. THE CROSS HOTEL. 61 A. 1* A. D, LEE, - - PROP’R ct r. gr'. '--r of tin In.) - hotel r<-?pcctf;r ts. i Gnui.n ot t. <• vise, ot loriii p f- :>s. t i-d '1.% -I a * f ' 'l' I Mo . < '■ r -•- ni : - .go -.1 :. Iv* a ii-i ie and rea oiiiijic LLai _vi. __