Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, December 04, 1879, Image 3

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THE GAZETTE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. o\k Tkak, in ad-ance Six Mostlrt, “ SO I'it ur* Months, “ J 5 To Brstxicss Mkn.—A good adver tisement in well circulated neswspaper i* ihe best of H possible (talesmen. AhUIVAI. AXO OKfARTURK OF TRAINS. N<> 1 MaII. it PkSStNGKR Sot'rtl I.SAVES- < € 'hattanoour - - - 8,15 A. M Akrivhs at lirsiNo Fawn. 9.19 A, M. No 2 M ah. dr I*AsKNii£ North T.kavss llisi.ho Fawn - - - 5,26. I*. M Chattatooua 6,80 I*. M. | I—..- IJI GEO. B. JORDAN, Local Editor. LOCAL OPTIONS. See new sheriff snles in this issue. .V blind preacher was in town this \veolc. On last Sunday evening an infant of Mr. Andy Bangle died at this place. Wo hop* “Jules” will write iu ev ery week. Dr J, A. Hail,of Colinsvillc,Ala. was in town this week. 9 l he ad. of Fisher Bros, of Chffttanoga will appear next week. I. on is ▼iII e Courier-Journal anil Dade County Gaaotto one your Tor $2.25. Good offer, isn't it? W. L. Allison is doing a big tiling in tin hip- Jnrlit of Wind. Isn't it time yo* wore laying in your Clirist nms tricks ? U.W.Cureton.ono of ctir energetic merchant*, is running a beef market at thc Works. Wbnt is going to bo done nbont the new dum b ? It doesn't seem to be finished. / We want thousand subscribers, and we in tend to have tbciu. P.ead the outbid of the Cassette and you will learn things you never knew be Toy e. What are we going to do Christmas? We mint here some fun of some kind. Urent excitement prevails in Chattanooga over the body snatching depredations. Mr. John Pittman, we are glad lo iearn, has giv n up the idea of going West, and will re main in old Dade fur a while longer. Correct. The business boom has struck this place and the merchants who advertise are getting a largo trade. Hurrah for Tilden and Hendricks ! ► When you go into a printing office don't read the Manuscript that is intended Tor publica tion: it is very impolite. Wo notice that.,Fricks 15ros. have recrived a large and well selected of shawls and blankets. We gave Bill a reception last Saturday night, Xv icrc wine and toasts flowed freely. “Ditto, liill.” We had the pleasure of shaking] the band of fri nd W. B. Autos, this morning, who is on a •visit to the “old folks at home.” l'ke White County Expositor came to us in half sheet this week. What’s the matter boys ? We are still •elding new names to our subscription list and dropping some old oes. Let ’er roll. Wilkinson county is destined to be a great fruit raising section, so says the Southerner and appeal. Toni Alley, It. (J. McDonald, and Clarancc Recce are happy—they don’t have to emigrate. Our ritizens were entertained a little while last Tuesday by the exhibition on offr streets of a patent washing machine Mr. W. I*. Gilbert is quite sick this week, we are son v to learn; hope he will he better soon. W e notice a great many wagons load ed with barter coming into town this week. •Since tin* furnace question is settled our trade will liven up, we think, and money will circulate more freely. The cotton factories of Augusta have more orders ahead than they can till and hav* on tile heavy orders for export. Dalton’s cotton receipts are about one thousand six hundred bales ahead of th •am* date la t year. \V. R Jordan; who lost a foot on the furnace railroad a year of so ago, has received au artilieial one, which promis es to he very serviceable. A bank in Rome has received $60,000 in American twenty-dollar gold pieces and they are being paid out for cotton the same a* greenbacks. Mr. M h. Ridley, of Wildwood, was with us a few days last week. Mr. Rid lf v is an intelligent gentleman, ami fur nishes interesting weekly letters from M ildw-HVI. Come to see us asaiio ‘•Bill."' Our circulation is increasing at Mor ganville.and we want a letter from there every week. Body snatching has been carried on • o,a considerable extent in Chattanooga ami the parties engaged in it have been arrested and are now in jail., Several of our patrons have come for ward and paid their subscription this week. We hope that many others will follow suite. “An liunino mnn is the noblest work of Hod" —but it ha* been so long since our gave lias rested upon one, that we give this item as a his torical fart, and not one deduced from person al observation. The vegtable nmrkel is steady with a modcVtale dcuinud. Butter eggs and chickens are in good demand. l*oik in good demand at 5 and 6 cents per pound. The (leorgia Railroad Bank, of Au gusta. lias been designated by the Gov enor as t u e State depository for 'hat sec tion of country, iu accordance with the urarraid bill, which passed the Legisla ture at its last session. Athens Banner: “A countryman, a pair ot pants, a coat, a twenty dollar bill and a .lew all got mixed up resterdar in a trade until the countryman couldn’t tell whether he whs the pains, coat twen ty dollar bill or tin' Jew.” W hove mad# arrangement* wiih the I.ouin ville Courier diurnal to club that paper wi li the Har.etl*. Tlio priea of the Courier-Janrnal iiian* is two dollars, but \vs will sand liorli pa pers one year for $2.25. This is n good oppor tunity to gat your home piper and one of the boat weeklies in the country for n small priea. Cash must accomphny all namci. Dr. Fricks came into tlie office last week and subscribed for two copies of the (.\zt tit:, one of which he sonds to Dr. T. Y. I'aik, Eagle (..’lift’, (la., and the other to his sister, Miss Cornelia Fricks, ('assandra, Ga. Bully for Doc; lie appreciates the paper and shows hi* appreciation in a substantial manner. Let others do likewise. Dr. S. M. l’rothro, an eminent den. list of Tennessee, was married in Chat tanooga last Tuesday night to Mrs., Fannie Kennedy Dr. Prothro i* au ex cellent gentleman and we wish him and his bride a happy and prosperous voy age down the meandering sttcam of life. We hope our correspondent “Jim,” of Morgativille will continue to furnish us frequent comuiiinicatiuiis. They are very interesting, and we ap preciate them very highly. We would iie pleased to have a good correspondent at Trenton one who will write us the news in a brief, pointed manner. We learn through Mr. G. M. Crab tree that a huge Bear had been seen lately, learktng through the woods in the Sitton, gulf—and taking off large sized hogs. We understand a party went Irom Trenton last Tuesday in scroll of Bruin but don’t know what success they met with. His appearance created quite an excitement in the neigh borhood. The local editor of the Dade county (Ga) Gazette has been sitting up with the young ladies watching for the **** to fall, and then has the audacity to complain at Tice, and call him a fraud pooh !—5 alley Herald. Look here, “fellers,’’you ought’nt give us away in that kind of style; beside, we cant remember calling Prof. (?) Tice a fraud. No, never. Fee a,l. of M. it C. R. R. This is a first class road and ofiers inducements to those desiring to go west. J.M. Sut ton, well known to our | 0 >pl* is [ aasen gei agent, at. Chattanooga. We con gratulate the M. it C. R R. on secur ing his services, for they could not hare found one more suited for the position. Jim is a perfect gentleman and will give you full information in regard to any thing you want to know about the west by addressing him at Chattanooga. We are needing a little money. We want to make sonic improvements in the paper, and in order to do so our friends will have to give u* a littla help. How many of our subscribers will respond to tlris call? If you cau’t pay all, send ua in a part We propose next week to publish the name* of those who respond in a roll of honor, and we hope onr friends who are indebted, will help us soma. This i* not intended as a dun, simply a call upou our subscribers for assistance. An exchange in a neighboring town contains an account of a sad affair. It says that a certain man in that town, wln> had never advertised, was found dead under his counter where he had been lying for two days. lie was acci dently discovered by a small KH who I went in to get a nickel elmnue 1. As he never advertised, people had fo g itten where Ins store was and hence unholy i happened to discover the corps until de composition set in. Carteraville Fr*e Press: “Mr W. II Hood near town, lias m ide this year, with tint help of a boy, eight bale* of cotton on ten acres of inn !, two hundred bushels of corn and fifty gallons of a* fine syrup as we ev- r ruv or used. B•- sides he will m ike in nv uisat than he will 'iced He is out of debt and i able to hold his cotton, lie also had two tenants. Billie is the kind of fanners this country need*.” About three months ago, says the Co lumbus Timeti, a little daughter of Mr. A. G. MeCrarv was taken suddenly ill and continued to grow worse until she had lost nearly all her flesh and ihc pa rents had almost despaired of the child’s life. A few day* ago he Jiought med ical assistance, Mid the child was given s me medicine which caused lier'to throw up a button, which all the time bad been lodged iu her throat. She began to ini- [ prove at once, and will seuti regain her entire strength. It will be remembered that a short time ago we published an account of a terrible beating inHictel by one Abe Morrison, colord near Macon on his wife. 'The woman has since died, but no effort has been made to arrest tbe murderer, who it ie reported, i* somewhere in the neighborhood of (’ocliran. A colored man has written a letter to the Macon Telegraph indignantly demanding that Mormon be caught, trivd and hung. Thif, he says, is the universal verdict among the Macon negroes, and he con cludes his letter as follows: “Hang him! hang him! Let his blood be upon us and our children—Sav. News. 'The Savannah Weekly News of Nov veuiber 29th contains the first chapter of an intensely interesting serial story entitled Sombre Monde written by Miss Mary Bose Floyd of Daily Grove Fia. To the lovers of fiction, this story will be a rare treat. It will run iu s juio ten numbers of the Weekly News. Subscribtion price only $2,00 a year, SI.OO for six month* published by J. 11. Estall. Savannah G.a., Remember the Savannah Weekly News is one of the best Weeklies iu the State. We are sometimes pleasantly asked to pupii.shed certain little personal matters and are told that such tilings Kelp t fill lip the paper. Now, be it known that an editor is never at a loss for matter with which to fill a paper; his only dnicultv is iTi deciding what to leave out. Our table is always covered with exchanges, and aj paper never goes fc to press ' without something being crowded out that the editor desires. Even after article are set up they aie often left out because tlie paper is full. Never tell a newspaper man to publish anything you i wish to see in print under the plea that he needs something to fill out his col umns.—Merriwether Vindicator. The, following truly remaikablo story wo get from the Columbus Times: “Rather a strange incident occurcd on the plantation of Mr. O. C O’neal who lives near Cataula dopot on tin Colum bus and Rom* Railroad. While one ef his hands was picking cotton a f*w days ago a strange bird almost white with a red head, dropped down, seemingly from the clouds into"the basket into which the negro v'as emptying cotton from his wallet The bird was perfectly tame, and made noeffort to get away. Tho ne gro called Mr. O’Neal’s attention to, it and he picked up the bird and carried it home with him. For several days the bird ran around the houeo and seemed to be delighted with the children. As O’neal started out f o the field one day last week the bird jumped up on his shoulder, and he carri*d it out with him but while on his way the bird jumped down on the ground, ran along in front of him for a short distance, and then suddenly flow up, and continued to fco up and up in a short circle until it was out of sight. He has heard nothing of it since. Tliia bird was aean by some of the most responsible citizens in that neighborhood, who will testify to the above facts.” Atlanta has another sensation. The Constitution says: “Thursday night an okt negro woman; a resident of the ward sent for officer Moss to come to her hoiite as soon as possible. The officer not being at home when the courier ar rived, a message was left for him to come to the old woman’s house as soon as he canic in. This officer Moss did, and upon his arrival there the old woman slated that during the afternoon a negro j mail had came U> her house withs bas j ket, in which he stated was some 1 eof. |and asked the old woman to allow the basket to rematn in Ir r ht:si until he went up town and came back. While the man was gone the old woman was stiddentlv seized with a terrific attack of cmiost v to see what kind of beef there was in the basket. So she took the cov er ill", and much to htr horror and, there was, beneath a cloth Coveting, the body of a negro child, (hat appearances led her to believe tbe child 1 i': ' hud been dead several hours. The old [Woman place the cloth bade over the t body and replaced the cover of the lias I kot. She then sent for officer Moss to conic to liei at once, intending to have the negro arrested if lie came back after the basket. While t lie mesaenger wan away, tbe ne gro came after his basket. She engaged the negro iu conversation hoping each moment to hear the footstep* of the offi cer upon his arrival. The messengar tc turued and stated that the party was not in. The old woman then told the negro that sh#had . xaminad the contents of the basket during bis absence and knew what was therein, and asked him what he was going to do with the body. The man staled that as soon a* night came on he intended to take the remains to the cemetery and bury them. 'l’He old woman stated to the negro that he cotihl not do that as the keeper would not al low him to in intci tin remains there without a cart.heate of some sort, and without the permissi in of the keeper he could not get access to the grounds, as the gate* wore always kept, locked after dark. The negro took hi* basket and left, requeuing the old woman not to give him away to the police, which she lias not been able to do from the fact, that she had never oeii the negro before and did not know who he was.” SILD. Tle Rising Fawn Iron Fur nace VRlcd a! Lust. *l, C’. Warm r, 3*nrt ha ;er -A .loUiliGUidn, The furnace at this plate was sold ’ast Tuesday. Great interest was man ifested by our citizens, and everybody was anxious to hear how “the thing went.” Mr. J.G. Warner, of Nash ville, wan the purchaser. Great anxi ety prevailed among some of “the hoys” B ll><-. I'ornaiU!. and wlien the f. Uoivinjr telegram was revived it caused^ rejoicing. Atlanta. Dec. 2. L. S. Cot.yak. Rising Fawn. 1 have bought the Furnace; will be there iu a day y so. J AS. C. \Y AIIXIII. Excitement ran high at the furnace, and after the abovlk dispatch was re ceived the about getting up a “jollification,” which took place at night. All Ihe hands, both white and black, assented together and cele brated the event by the sho ting of guns and pistols, building large ben fires, throwing turpentine balls, it?. arrived at the furnace we found Messrs. Reece, Alley, McDonald and Costello, the prime movers in the affair, busily engaged in getting things in shape. The “stag” dance was a very enjoy able affair, and extremely funny. The dancing by the colored men was good. Dick ’Thompson, in his jig, “brought down the house.” Il was a very pleas ant affair. At this writing we do not know the particulars of the sale further than that Mr. Warner bid tlie furnace olf at $1 JO,- 000. We are glad this question is settled, for we believe substantial improvements will now be made. Subscribe for the Gazkttw. iH A Ilk FT iiLTOKT Tho following is a correct atntcment of the rnliiij- prices at this place, amt cun be relied on. Corn.- 50c. "’heat ~..51.10al to. M ei| l oiafiO. Butter 18a20. Chickfns lon2o. I’otaUas, [Sweet] 40uf0 Iristf. 500 Onionp 7 o Kealkers ;iOuJS Tallow 5 Beeswax ...... llislH Applis fgr en] 7t>n t .00 “ dried :i:; 3 Teaeies “ :t |-2 Ginseng 75aH0 Peas,' ( lay 75 “ mixed 4 5a50 Ragi, clean cotton I vi'SN I £ HiWvUn \3 l V FRICKS BROS., Proofs, FIW Y, - - - IhA. We lifj leave t eav to tho j*ee,ile of Da.Je eoiutti find i irrn undinj; <• unfi- fbai • nnit on-hnrid, root nre oonrJnnlly receiving, mve of llie large, t mid In . ! eoiiirlvli u„ HKN H'KA 1, M HitCIIAN DIS I>T over offered to the f>eo|>ln of tlii* s efinn. I* ii i Jmr-'SA fe to go iolo details, but submit tho I'ollowlng iflrmed gniies and ]>r:ccs for your -• u lion, Wc are not “blowing.’’ Imt will do Just wliai wc advertise. , Cloaks ! Cloaks ! Cloaks ! W* Ware a nice assortment ef if •.ik- from to The* • no hin j tly' f alc*'jt them.* Cloaks, hut arc good,. suhst:rifini £ood<. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! 1 titrgr find well selected stock of Shoe., from :ttf rent* iiy V. C invilr . m |>eei:i tion to this depiiriment, and believe :m examination would repay .ycu. Clothing, Clothing, Clothsr In great!-variety, which we are offering at remarkably low prices. We ean give yon sn i in fit, pr’rw, and i|iiai)ty of go,o(Js. 1 . In,the Hat line *ve cannot fail to please wit. W<‘ hare a good Hat fo AUAViinl Flannels in givit virjetv, from 25c. per v.ird, up , PRINTS, I= 3 JF?:IT^r ! '3?O Wo have a splendid assor ment of I’ririts, ranging ip jtrier from to T cents p i yard. IlopiSt slH'W —In large quantities. Blenching fn-n* 7 to ld'c. hb S oents pr-i yard. We haw ngiiod stock of Rubber Overshoes, at b-w prie .\oisotls.—A splandid stock of Notions at bottom piiyvs. ; l>nis*.-Wi! i lesire to call your attentfau foo| Drug department is vary complete, and to w.hjpli we give special attention. , , ui We have Hardware, (Xneenswfrw. Cutlery.' Aadd.les. Bridles, Be istrads, from gars, Tobacco, and in fair’- everything kept in a first-class sfiwc_ • Onr Uroeery department is very full, emliraning every thing ill that line. Wc novo i of provisioiis, iukl will soil ihem as io.w ns any body. . ~ Upper an-d Sole boHlher eonstantly on hand. Produce wanted, for which we will pay oh jasli. Sole agents in this place for the ••Pretty Perfumer” Cigar, the best five cent t the market. WKSELK FOR ONE PRICE ONLY. When iu town call at the { yhattanooga Storl 1 The white . - Sewing machine THQ ERST 07 - ilxrivalcd h Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity 7 Unsurpassed in Construct#*, Unprecedented in Popularity, And Undisputed in the Broad Claim , •> Wat TM / tkt *rr*T opebatin® „ QUICKEST KELUN6, ‘ ■ANDBOBBtT. AND Kelt Perfect Bswiag Kwhlni m THE WORLD* '. Th*ffrca f naputan t; *f Qu (YklHte tfv KMt aot*- *t3Ctao tritaite ta Ms exetdltnea an i *uperi*rity orar etfear rosetilae*. asi in cukmlttlng ft fa Iky trad* ca put it aiiaa it* narlts, and In nn inttmea kjoHie-fidfakaa to taOtij aiqre-xsaaiaMdaffaa Th# doersni t*rtfc* WWIs hat InerMtcff ta rxh MnrlMt that wa ara be* to tarn aat m£L C3aoaiylata tswy.dsvc ICticbtf rrwy Uvrc sxvAxa.\x* sms Ux Les£> Am.y to j-ij>ly ttii-a. <Aorrxr.r , a,I Caay ■aaltoa I* warrasl*ff (ae 8 yaart, ri Mid far trail at bfewei dlaaMcto, <tr * na to tad bba ot acrl*atara. •aTASEVYB 'ASi)’nr?jBKX?SB SSL-3T967. MITE SEWIKQUACHINE CO.. ~ \ fll Ml Iwii THE WILCOX & WHITE ORGAN CO. MerUUn, Conn. U.S.JL Si; > r *' jj r "Citildfsa's Biw Psda's.’T Adjiistafi orremovsiSlnstaiilly. lavaCiSd sitd Excluslrtif usid by this Gotspsny, The most popular Organs of the day! UNRIVALLED li QUALITY. “Tli Wiloosc & Willie Organ I ketrnctor” is the BEST and CHEAPEST in tlio saarket! Sm>l F'jr lUvsiraied Co.ialogv.. Ayer’s Sarsaparf &For Scrofula, scrofulous diseas pelas, Rose, or h ny’s Five. Kru] Eruptive diseas. skin, Ulceraticm. Liver, Stomach, r '. Lungs, Firiiples, ! Bo ‘,B, Blotches, '1 Tetter, Salt Itheun Head, Ringworm, SoreS. UheuTnatism, Neuralgia, the Bones, Side and Head, Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrhcef., from internal ulceration, and disease. Syphilitic and Mercia eases. Dropsv, Dyspepsia, Enir General Del/ility, and for Puriu Blood. 'J liis Sarsaparilla is a coml ii. . vegetable alteratives— Stiljingi: drake. Yellow Dock with* the of Potassium and Iron, and is t) efficacious medicine yet known the diseases it is intended to cure Its ingredients are so skill 11 bineil.' that the full alterative , each is assured, and while it is , as to be harmless even to childrf still so effectual as to purge out fr *.vßtein those impurities and con which develop into toattisome ilis Tbe reputation it enjoys is i- 5 from its cures, and the confidenc prominent physicians all over t! try repose in it. prove their ex] A ; of its usefuinese. Certificates attesting its virtu accumulated, and are constant!, received, and as many of these , .r--. publicly known, they furnish cm . . , ! evidence of the superiority of 1 taparilla over every other i. ‘ •• • medicine. So generally is it ority to any other medicine kuc r ': - ; we need do no more than to re public that the best qualities possessed are strictly fnaintaii PRTXPA RRI> RV Dr. J. C. AYER <st CO., Lowe I‘raetieal nnri A nalfttirul Ch ■ •000 jr all ukcgoist* bvkio • • I IK' '• I '■‘^l Old Newspai AT FIFTY CEiN’TS A i . . j THIS AT OFFH'T,