Dade County gazette. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1878-1882, November 25, 1881, Image 2

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Vfot Counts tfrijtttt. RISING FAWN, GA. : SStfB m.iwi - Mr - t --m n- *•. . 'jj-' r " •■ ll,l CEO. A. JORDAN, EDI! -■•■ SUOIL ZiITVV,\Z: EE 3: ACCfcll ET'S’EW < It won Id be very dangerous and 3itglily improper for any creditable newspaper to advocate tbe absolute ac quittal ut Guitean, the assassin ; and it is iar from our intention to do so. We believe be slioulo be pun is bed to j the fail e.vtent ol too law. He has committed a crime Against tbe law and tbe nation —lie took the life of our chief executive, and we, in common with all law a hiring tvtizens, condemn bis action and demand bis iawitil pun nicnt. While this true, yet there is another view that can. to say the. least, be hu manely taken. Of course, we expect to be taken fo task tot what, we now write, but it is an honest opinion, con scientiously expressed. If llteie is any technicality in tbe law which would acquit Guitean had he assassinated a private citizen; i! lie would have been adjudged insane and acquitted of the charge of tnim er Lad it been a private citizen lie assassi nated, be should he acquitted now. If the law is inadequate ; if there a e technicalities which would p event a conviction it the case wcie other lb. a what it is, remedy tbe law ; make it applicable and adequte for all emer gencies. Guitean should not be made suffer fora defect in tbe l,iw, if pdv there is, even though it was the presi dent he assassinated. We do noi want to be misunder stood. We are opposed heaitily to the insanity plea, and we are opposed to technicalities being raised in any criminal’s favor, but it is done ; and many citizens, whose lives were as dear as that of President Garfield’s, have met their deaths at the hands ol the assassin, who has escaped punish ment, simply because of a slight tech- nicality in the law. If a technicality will acquit one assassin it another, regardless ot who it is is as sassinated. Remedy that technicality. Make the law so plain that it precludes all possibility of a serious technicality being raised. It would be a ftigtna to let Guitcau go unpunished, but no greater stigma than already tests upon us for letting ] thousands of other criminals who have committed as grave crimes as he, go unpunished. If it is a greater crime to assassinate the president than it is to assassinate jrrivate citizens, make special laws to protect the president and prescribe greater punishment foi the murderer taking his life. Again we say we deplore and con demn the assassination of our presi dent. We think the assassin should pay the penalty with his life, but we thiuk the law should punish him. We do not believe he should he hanged for killing President Garfield if lie wonl 1 be adjudged insane or acquitted for killing a private citizen. It needs no argument to convince in telligent people that our laws are de fective. Justice often fails to be meted out to criminals in consequence of those defects, and they should be remedied, and that at once ; but we hope the law is sufficiently clear of tlefcls to convict and punish Guiteau—not specially be cause Le killed a president, but because he took a human life, is an assassin, and deserves the severest punb h’.nent. A Tariff Argument. Chicago News' Protectionist—l (eli you sir, that the inteiests ol the country demand- Free trade?—lt’.- all ronsenee, sir, all nonsense, \\ hat this country wants Protectionist—Mere bosh mere bosh! A man of our :*ge ought to see that— Free 1 lader—\uii have the appear ance of a sane man, hut you tali lit,; an incurable idiot. Can’t you see that Protcctionist-Oh, you are mad! ir ad! mad! A school-boy can figure out that if it costs the American consume: mm ifII UOiS £ mkiL. £if.<‘*i’*liiiS I-t'lit-rs From Various Sources. MORGAN VILLE. The icy baud of death with his eide. lias visited the land of living and taken away one of earth’s bright est jewel t, which has cast a shadow ol sorrow over the once happy home of our now bereaved friends. Carry Ann, in fa it daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ross, was called from earth after a burning fever that lasted some ten or twelve days. She died on Nov. 11th, aged three years, six months and seventeen days. Little Annie was a bright and happy child, and was ihe light and joy of its fond parents, and of ail around. She was spared on earth for a short life, to tie taken away foicvcr. Alas, she is gone where she wii! never know ot trouble or sorrow, and where she will never he the victim of scorching fever or dtath-like pain. Yes, gone to a brighter world beyond, to make her home with th *• Blessed Savior, singing with the bright angels iorever. Giieve not, dear pappa and mamma for your dear babe, for Heaven will now seem nearei to you, for you know you can go to meet your little Annie, but she can never corne back to you. Dear sister and brother, may your lives be as Itev’s: bright and happy, and when you are called away, you can go to your sweet baby sister to be parted from her no more. Hope ou, bereaved parents and friends, for soon will the time come when you cun all meet in Heaven to be one united family again. Farewell, sweet Annie, your spirit is gone to God, while your body rests in the cold gi ave. One by one the death’s roll numbered, Kneeling fjuud the throne of God ; One by one yve soon must slumber, ’Neayh the cold and icy sod. J( r. A Mohri 'On. SiualS AtssJ Fowl;? 3 Ortlfis. Postmaster General J.. ncs lecotninends in his rcpoit, a scries cf cheap postal orele s for five dollars ami less, to ta<e the place of fuc- ] • ional cvvency •in the t>. asmit'al of gins', sums through the moils. No ’tao’d is to be keot of lie nume of the letniiter or of t :, e] pa tee of a *lO. ~l cider which i* to bo p.iyablo to (no beat er i . tic i[*naied money-order ofliee at any time w> niri hreo months \ om the month o is- ee. It p osen Vd after >tie c pipa ; on of •ee month" fi m Ihe 1. st day of the moat’u of issue i: (o bo cashed onlv upon Ipav ucntofan neidi ional feo, cqu. I to the ! original fee, for oveiy thiee momh or to 1 ion of hree months in excess of iha' period: iti lobe sold to ■ he public for a fee of th;ee oen.s and no duplie, ec.n be issued of a a losliJ onler los in Ihe m, ils. The pos al orde is o be eon ineii -o sums unier S>i.) end i i> no intended as a h 'ts.i tuto lor mo.'cy orde: -o" lilre am. jl p.-om s b't is to be is3ue l cone ,'cn !v wi ii ihe ordi nory money order o hot.. reio’ er woo de sires lo sent. 6m. '1 sura by m. il will have Iho option o ; pu cho ng a po .1 ot. er ’or and cents, o. wj eh ii be lost. a ccolic.;*e entire belts edo a money orde for the J ’me amoun '""o - can 'fj fo- whi bin t.. eof los a drp' .e ’• jjv.m'ed* in the one e-e ie ris . l. ten ov be , cni ’ ter if :ec oo es > do v: ; !i the o hoi -seine d-;>, t aitn . tu.uts he entire ’e-pou .ibili’y 'or ihe ra mi io i and payi iee of tho amounf o de ■5- n*ted pry-e. Vi uve looted ove - the con v.noes o prevent , am' in he u•• o' thes g.ual* o de and been uck with heir co- do' 1- ne-s a .ibutto b olule sue e •,. - o-i;,* ■ - will gricntlv beneb, he in. ses of iconic hi a law to (..try s vcceommend ion into eHoci., —Chattanoo -a Times. .■1 Wnrßsissg Jv# Saairmser* A Washington special says: “One of tnc self-sty led Southern Republicans called on the President Wednesday to urge tlie retention of Secretary Hunt in tlie Cabinet. He was not very much gratified with his reception. The Pres ident said: You are undertaking to pre scribe a member of my Cabinet foi me but I do not ibink 1 can take pre scriptions of that kind.” The President fm ther intimated quite plainly that lie did r.ot desire any volunteer advice on ' the subject of hits Cabinet; that tliosi | whose opinions he desired would bt asked to give them. So far as Secretary Hunt ns concern - ( ed tbeie is no probability of his ; email.*, ing but it is not unlikely that ha wi i be provided ior e saw here. Secretaiv • Lincoln says the President has nweri mentioned the biihjectof ot tlie i b. ifiaei ! to him, and he has no idea what the! President’s intentions are wit it 1 ' to hi . A f- ien 1 of th • president, vrlu* had h conversation with him k, b< . says that one thing may he relied !, 1 leg.t'd to the C abinet n'f’eh is that no petson wh . i, ti viag 1 to get in the Cabinet, either tliruuvh his own c.iorts or those >.f his friends, will succeed. L HERE WE ARE! O Pounds GrOOB set** pas m & 1 Ifs msa pH wa 1 H wjm FOR A DOLLAR. All clhc-r mentis r.t exceedingly low prices. I want all the Putter, Fggs, mul t.hicken I can get. Will pay the highest market price for all kinds ot marketable barter. LIVE TOPICS OF THE TIMES. 1 tint Stalwarfcs. Savannah News. The new civil service rule is to be applied to tho South— 1101:0 blit stal warts are to have any official pie. A Was’ssaKg to Jitiiteatj. Memphis Appeal. If Guiteau doesn’t loook sharp fie will succeed in giving the jury at; im- j pvession that be is a cro s-graiued, i’i- 1 ln-etl vicious brute, with an ugly tem per that might lead him to do almost anything in the most willful and ma licious manner. Oitght io Hu* iSissiged. Chicago News. Those letters written by Guiteau to President Garfield, Legging lor the Paris consulship (“vice Geu. Walker, removed”), we suppose, are not the strongest evidences of the fellow s in sanity ; if they arc, ke ought to bo strung up without delay. lie ought to be hanged not only for the terrible crime winch he committed, but a att awful example to the grand army of persistent office-seekers who make the lives ot our presidents miserable. Guiteau proves in every manner pos sible that all the elements of a miser able cur, a contemptible vagabond, and a low-filing, underbred scoundrel can be found in his composition, and that blackmailing was only one of his nu merous ways of “getting along iu the world.” it is lamentable that the fel low is allowed now to make such an exhibition of himself, with bis vil iianous jokes and grimaces, before the country and before the world, and it is still more lamentable that iu the city of Washington, where his diead fill crime was committed, people can be found in large numbers who will smile and laugh at tlie whelp, and en courage him occasionally with what sounds very much like applause. Those are probably the same people who a few weeks ago were whin jug 1 about the martyrdom of Ihe president I and crocodile teats over the ; nation's On genu 1 principles, J tire mouar tho disgraceful scones in 1 Judge Cox’s court are ended the oet | ter for the good name of the country. A man named Wm, Jones lias been arrested and held in $5,000 bail for shooting at G Chattanooga's anual city election was held last week. H, Clay Evans was elected Mayor, m' li. I. ti. IJlxASkii, D i.-’ tiller of tm whisky, Smiths, Dude CoUbty, Ua. I have now on haal a quantity of ! year’s whiskey which I e.ffcr f v sale le.w. My ilistillvi v will bo raatting from first Decomber. yv i- to net s'.-.g; .: :o rs f >r :'atr-nts. Caver.**, r. * 1.5., oiiyi .j.-hts. l >r ti.,- Mrii.-.d t-ta;, -• (’a--io.a. 1 1 t. u-temet, fra: it-.-. Ucrtnaa'-. etc. V, j i.H.ei U,:irlj ye.-uw’experience. i 1 .,-: N',.' i.!,j,,ep tr.i .;:ch us are r.oticedlu tber-ci I s ]'" " r m-.v. , Th-s Virgo and splendid i)l-u --i: t- i -Kly ear .■ ;*.•.<>-, vear.s.iowstbiG’n.o-.'esa ttitei i-id i rr, anil im* an eDur-imn ; rircu.a .lon. /ii,.' S8 MU N X & e e: Psteol tors .Bull’s, of SEEMU-,, \Mcaiev.v. 37 1 ;uk i.p,-, lla,. kat).)'ii. l atoatsfre*-. Employment TO SAL A m m'J®3 ARTI CLE, "t" r V n,,r !!J ' Tcl ' a? tho rich, the old #:-• well -t< Hie *, the wife as well the hns o u 1, the your.g maiden as well as the you-lu UiTu, ri K - giri as well as the b.,j, in;,;, just as -1 earn a hov dollars in heart ein’doy nieut. as t,‘ sit around the house and wait for oih-r t., earn >: tor hem. Wo can give yon employment, nil the time, or during ymir spire hours only: trnvling, or in youVown neighborhood, among your friends and a,- ; iiritar, ■ s. Tf you do not care for einp'oy inent. v •> can impart valuable in, ''orma.'lon to ..oil ,and curt. If. will cost you ooiv or,c e. nt fra postal nut !o wriie f„V „nr 1’,.., |n-ct-is, ~lid it tony I>£ the uuho* , luuki,. y i a g „.l many and, Iry. n ' :i. :rlec this opportunity. Von and not have to ii lost , !.,r- -uru ofoonev, ‘ ; run a great rl.-k ..flooring r. will'.,. ■" *' ‘ :,t :t :l ‘'.a an easy matte, t . ,p.. (•-. IV. ?I<>. to *lOl- t, \r. ■ ~ .... T ' ?i at, i, , tilel la .epeiineot hllsioess. 1:- uvim -1 !e, r'%>. ligl.tfarv •: • > and p; , . aide- . • ; ; ■ lli: ,r. after ?? •i\V . f.. j, ;o\ ■ \ \ IT for ill vh i eugacViih us. We v II m;.- j.i i.-e y m in? you w 5 >• u lor ivLi v , v,ev er wrote to us he for, • Wr , 'ii> '.a :.- Ki:i:s.' Address. ilUCKili'E 'IT'. CO. -> ttaie .u:< paper.) JJ v . -Jm /* /f~\( lnomo, Landscape, Mohs Hose, Ferns, “ Motto, Floral, Blue-bells, etc., curds, 10c. GEO. It. MOORE, Trenton, Qa. WEST! _____ In making arrangements to move from you old to your new home, it would be well to consider what has been done lo render such a journey not only cheap, but as pleasant ami fi from accident and danger as human foresight and skill can make it. I>\ l construction, equipment, and good management, the Nasfivifle, Chatta nooga iSt. Louis Railway merits yum full confidence, having the very best rock ballast, steel-rail, fishbar joint, iron bridges and most thoroughly con structed roadway, with air-brakes and other appliances to secure safety, speed, comfort, and sure connections. With its superior through coaches and sleep ing ears, it lias great advantages ovei other lines, an 1 is enabled to offer tlie lowest rates which can be Lau. *cw things of interest and importance wt j mention for your information. 1 lit | question of baggage Las always been 1 troublesome to pas-sengeis. The rub of this line is to check free for each per son twelve years old and over one hun dred and fifty pounds of baggage, 00 a | sisting of wearing apparel amt bed ing, securely packed in ti links or medium size boxes well strapped, and seventy five pounds each for children between five and twelve years old. baggage should iic plainly marked with the name of tho owner and tlie place to which he goes. Tickets 'should l-e purchased fioin or through reliable parties, and you should see that the) 1 are try the route and to the plaet ! you want to go before paying for them I Remember that passengers haveiht ' right to select their route, and It K the duty of Ticket Agents to accommodate ! passengers with tickets by tbe rout* 1 they wish to take, when it is possible I for them to do so. j You can secure the cheapest rates l I Arkansas, Texas, and t Ik- great Noi tii- I west by applying in person or writing to Albert 1> Wrein , Fass. Agent, X* . 1 f Kirnbail House, P. O. Box “ 1, A;- ' lama, Ga.; Wm. T. Rogei*, Pass- Agent, and Jim, 11. Peebles, T iek-. Agent, Chattanooga, Tenn.; T* m 1 . Fowler, l’as:-. Agent, and Wm. 1 . March, Ticket Agent, Church slict H<*pot, Nashville, Tenn. We lH’ei with pleasure to the editor and publish er of this journal. W. JL. S?33S<’>, 1 Sept. 25th-tf. Gen’] Pass Agent jil:kll>1 and Ixo ha H lit* 0 ESTABLISHED 1844. oia mi -.-’f-: Ke#.*, Hoi ,! UE'Ta-i So.^?ra£a. mt * ■ pi v WJ -d 113 WATER BT., REWyORS. T'nc whitest, nicest and best goods made. Guaranteed pure, superior in quality and stylo of package to any brand in the world. Takes less quantity to do the same work. Ask your grocer for it, and have no other. ir% HL&H lil / , LJ „, BEES®? >- -xZWRM HItf¥SPS PI I lOtal BROWN’S IRON BITTERS arc a certain cure for ail diseases .iroqniring a complete. tonic; espe cially Indigestion. Dyspepsia,, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite, _ laose of Strength, Eack oi Energy, etc. Enrichea strength ens tho nraecies, ana giveo new life to the nerves. Acts Like a charm on the digeftiiC organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, frucli as tasting the food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by ail Erug giet., i ; SI.OO a bottle. BROWN CHI Ml CAL, CO. Baltimore, Mi. roathat <) Iron BHtran m rr.- .- Tr. t> f wt,r.u. Cos. nnd save er>. m-<1 red line;, aud ir:. ■ v • 'eo **„ per. V J Aft _ OF SiVSITA I iQ NS. rri> ftun is:’! * *> [ ; i unb wS el tslL i ityfLo L? t v erg-£^:~f WALKER IRON So COAL COMPANY STCRE, Full Stock of s Dry Goods and Notions, Ad a*. Surprisingly Lsow Prices. A HO3BY LOT OF LAB&SHATS, LATEST STYLES.AM!:' YV^'.T pnt4*.r A CiTTSFEETiI S'ffOilK OF Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hsto, ac. DOMESTIC T ROCK-BOTTCm. Best Prints (g 6j,cts, Block Coffc, Flour .t o at Prices. Good Coffee, Seven (7) Tamdsfor One reiki. a chi i zrnpy *:• cfcc r-fii *?v *> v i~T: All kinds of Comitry Produce. Wanted and h • tst Paid for IV 111 p %'J for G rrl Pi’tee ids JPhcts, Chickens, Id @ Poets. ?sx~Al! Goods Given in Exchange for Country Prod a, Frank O. Wert, ATTORNEY AT LAW SL! is l tmog n, ’£'a ii is. (WEST SIDE MARKET STREET.) Will practice iii the Courts of Chat tanooga and adjuiuiiig Circuits. Wid pay prompt atlentiein t<> the collection of claims and all business entrusted to tnycar . jn'.y 4-’Bl-ly. r^dlAdMiiiEeMSJk bP# ! § A:} - l Eli? AG]- IViAR.A R^-IiSTEffED, tom after tho conch bag teen nd inved. P \ i!T* *•’ * T),’n’t be deceived by fieslers . ft. H i who try to p.itin o:!’ Rock xnel Jive I>r Lawkf.nck s Mah'inY e>l U, ItOCiJ and RYE—which is the only .Mfi!*lOAT’al> ar. tiate made—tba gem ioo b .an PRIVATE I>lS Propriotary Stamp no par- bottle. Put up in Quart Size Battles. Price SI.OO. TOLU, KOCX A EYE CO., Prop’rs. CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by DRUCGtSTS and GENERAL Jiverywhore. m. ivsia e. miux cf lto imi, 4S'/d irt-cistT JJr, - ?o'iv;1e:-, OolttlSei .-.3 5 m Sjioui Vt iimr Cry4*J. yrf'. o ;/• • --fV^ . .. \ % # £?■ ''? :\ Pfg ■ r-.i :•/ A fi r-p- o j .< ') v-. -A. ... ] \ A- ■ Y"”' . j : '- • -r' •< '"■ ,N- *V; ’ ’ - : ri’ ' " i *.i -v v v-• • • L * ■ - *• ' y.y.A j rZ y / /Ar S/A --y/dtz/SO? IS Woman ccn Syar.patsalsa with V/omstii LYOSA E* Pm VgglTAHi-Fl , In ft T’osfiivo '‘im c furoll ihoAQpftldß.l ( . i ipl :*. ' m* s V/' ■ Miro'ii(ti<>i ItMurl v *t ft* in aic i • \ • . It will euro cm.!; <ly tl.e worst f*n *I. u;n*o (.Vni plaints,al!evarifin^Jio?t r.l ' .ecru tlou, fuul I *1 -plaeninor:;*, r.i: I tlio r< r>soener;t Bpinal Weakii'b3, anil in i*art cuir. ly .plt; Uk! t ti;e Ciiause of life. It v IH dlHMplve cm’ expel tumors fiorn Uir ".terns In an cai-ly stage of c*. vrl ] rnont. ■ •;n toc-.n* Ceroushumorotlici ive! ’ket! vory > i<xi It removes faint’to. Ur for Ptlmulonls, c:ul rcllovrs v eu.P <of t rtoH*n. h. It CUr;S Plorttlrn;, IT*- •’••o’.os, T . r.r:*' -hUon, General I)eLility, Bloe.'lcat i • ‘i, l>o. icst.i-'U f-'-d In-i -gestlon. That feeling of Imaiii: $ tVrn, - >. w', \t and liockaclie, la always |.eii!*.r :F i!(!y cured ly if.; It will at all times am! ir’.<• n!! oi-'-un * * i r■* In Larmony with the lawn ti nt !'■ ■■ rt u th ‘ l • •." :t '- For tn©cur©of Kidney Co.Riiaiiit3 C oh. b viMa Com pound Is until r\'r° r - a nd. I.YT>IA K. PIXKH\M’ YE C VT\: ~.V. CViV POUXDiJ prepare l at S3S hm i V * Lynn, Mass. Prica Sly Ig*; ’. f ' C’• *• f ’ ■ -r;a in the form cf pills, elsolnilii i. *’.• o , o rcreipt of price, 1 ,re;M *. ?I : '*hw freely auswors all letters of I rev fry. S* id i ; -‘Ui la let. Address; os above. Mention tki. > . No family photild be without LYI'T \ F. V ' ’ V’-J LIVEIt PIIJS. They wire c *i . . and torpidity < p th*- live r. .t ( _ &T Solil by a!! Pn P n’fnm; c "v; J : W. .if f S. *t -f -mi V ■- v. pv ini j' a c i<\ i ”;r • Jlu.lH !i JtV. Ki ■. s' ■ • . t - DAILY PA33iiNJ2G TKA: A cnjr-Vq i l> lon tc..<l after N' \ i-' 11 ■ - 'vS:!R hh isst H fi.ti . ..j GOING WEST. ITiattai" ii!. if. [.iii vrr veil • ti I • :.a “ “ I’ecii lit- 8 ■' j nm 1 •• Curia h 7 M “ 6 ’ ' “ MiildtetfeiT) 1.31) " “ G; ail mi 1i0n... 5) 12 “ 7.'.' •• “ bi.-iiiiiuis 1 .ns pm 2 ... : <• *,”.< (•'; : VCT t > • ti- .j c- iii* l ho i fi j. To M.u;;iMs. I.itlle !’*'<-k, lint ‘-'a : / * ik 1 i:t >hrt‘vc[i :t h'!e* . M.aisle Cl I.iiji r> Pole B e eel :*s !■ ■,ri \ . e.i tll Ans la - /!• dtG ! tf-i ’ MILLS tho SherH ■ , f ; i ) V It a ,\i ifi.A .5 j. Ll - ', . ; ■ f. JV - \ 0 Ol Hits RGU i-I. 7: ■ : ", ? Ni ■ 0 ’■ '' 1 • ’’ 5 \ l, v jI, . s;; c ~ . . ' .i; ■ h 1 ’ * 1 • i. J 1 v-■ '.o * 1 b-i.. a ii :„y till'.-) It .vet . 'tll ‘ ;c: '-el! iliilt thc\ Hl'S.' lil'lfv. '' of eon steel umis nt t) 5 •Js. ;• i:*i going *lirot! ;h to *,.•• •. • t ;<•! nii bout detent ion. i "V-S„ . i: ;t i \J Li i lo v J; rlit*s desiring t*> prospect in i ■ ■*, sntn lioiin . Trip I'iekcts, ■ : , i.iiV i.L* !'’•> t • • i Vl‘i.sS at:'! Km I,fi-cm TiCi.f'a ■is boi'., :*e ad points in J. 1 1: u . .a : .si'll li, K ;i.s::S. etc . : 1 I :: M 1! p> iludj'U ! tie ket *- I; I in A- >' alii. - ■ y;; v. ."V t Avf Tta I or , . ,;f jolt a>. te* . iiies, lot,: ; : ‘c , ;•; ;*iv to :i. .'mi .-At, b: s-g’r ’- -t. f’l • ' j : : .'tii t’. M< Mil inn. •• ■: Ags, < ; 11 .;:•*> eg.e, Tenn .1. : •and. 0 t■’ K io - \ .1 n . T. :• ! > .miu, Ass’t G. b. • ' Tenn. * 7 (GJ 3 _ Ldei t: iLiiiliGL lUti a ' or *r • - ■ throat mr,y not F" n ti at.v.aut unt. it, ti' inniiintly at a s.vd t • ti . h > c-i - . But nc ;iecf la <•■ a :. !.iv ' ,• r.: :i* e ' (SieSiCt.r:it. ;vj r !'-ua't-'e h.'S I . tj. ei; ,' ! ‘-*X)VeI-Ccl v> hie a pe:: -1 sre -jori I.Jo c; ; rely ii HUCII CSSECIi : 3 •• Ui*.v .-'.a Kiuv:rt. The of t' - t’.uaM* • m v 1 Hi. it rjoaa-.ili.i Ji-.-rvq 13 :. it las t> O'l '. - i • , a:;<l 13 mo. i-, < v, Ii , ... •/ . '.... ..v-\. .... g -m-.- t .-• ■ . i.• ■: 1. : rag !'O-.i-'oh: IT i i : : i .. : -i : . ■ i*. • v.v.; .. I : r • ■> i • f:.;i ii o • ■ >r -• K. • ii :• ■. . I U . -i. . i a 1 Rv,..t it a. ..-.J' i: .cVy iar !. Ei ... • x. ‘t . r.-Hef 1 r : : .! i -..,s ir. r _>-i li I'- I ... . 1,1 liii.i. .’.--vj: , i-- 1 \ * .• e- t •->, ',.l'ai 1 f ora p. very t • • v a.; • J :i If . >: • time. T * . . ■ ... ii t.; ■. .- I'.av y -:. . i ive 1 ? i.i j l!.:-'...". X si' rev \. >i ~,t a. —i’. e>. I . I,f>w;-.a*r. o-e He ... l . " .(■ .... stoivu it.j n. 1 > \V.:'.w a >ro, in ti ui j. :'..s 1 ti.T-nianyiaa.-i • ■ 11: .s■• l; _ t itov.rui.irv.Hl . .i t ...I • 11.. ;. I I.i iiku Its 1-LlCfc.— n. 1 ; * tot . . .• , ... nr ii ard emup it 1 tl" 1> wmM not uefvltboi.. )'•- . i’ .. ~liberty Min' l , Va. rt—• li •\r \. ~11 HP l.—et Ptr; 1 n.p ; f. • : i 11 .T.viiiddia-it l-iel ."t ■ ■ . : (i— Oi.o.ilooPEit.V. ilmliti I.'“. ■ r vil Lh birm liit is, rnd my • IV . I’. ! .roil i ..Oil ll rc-:< '■ .■ '' f .( i V.' rdii-r Ito try yewpT/.s ; ; . r t ;..* a few cictt’.! was cotapl'aw . . J '. i frtn Oorhooti n: Yourr u ' :> Vi. r i hr- te* ) cn ".ie . a k ." ■ ■•.■.j. e. Tti fca* juu taeuia ’-' • . .i : ,sv . 1,1. i e...- V ii. it < >: writ f wt’:in "i’ .. id J. ■. r. riui 0* - u i- * ' in il 1.... ' V 1 tit-e'. ' 1 " i :,. :v, : -i, n-:d .1 your A - I-.- ... , ( -. ■■ on Sier lay. sue* • i . . iv i <:• !'r. It viv.b o. V; 1_ . i . -g ;t ooi Id lie known to no- S’i . ■■,•-.3 • ’oki-.-.v' bo many e liitor: r and • '. N : '- : : I. ill e <rv : •: avcrvtliF :• im*j. •- • i a *' -.•-- no- ■' ■" ,', ■ ■1.,,!,, : .. ! . usal-. Taari. ill - !' ■* r c.".. -: t SI.UO •ySII! GREAT . appetizer TOHIG, AND odush oan roR corns, CONSr?'PTK)N, ERONCHiTI.S ASTIfjVAp All DAe,t£CS CS* TII3 .TRIOATj CHEST j lyjjp LM3, i Tbe BALSA Riot 1 TOI.ll fc:>3 :ti wajrj I oet.'.i evo ■ t the o ■. et > f \veaj,*'ii< j wielcod by tbe ?id |tcsl I'e.culty j tho encroacLr.tnM !of ti;o nbovo Dls ; eßHf;,bwt!tli>wnt ;cr 1 tien aei advanta ! goouHtjr compor.nel j eel ss in LAWKsnoa j& llO'.TUl'i TOLU, j ROCK ami KYE. Iu jHooUiiieif Baj.s/.mio ' vrci'oriics affnrela a jdillubivc tilmulart, I api> amt tv ale, ■ to build up the Sys- Health of Ik -irna.i is Che Hope of the Race.