The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 06, 1914, Page TEN, Image 10

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TEN CHARLESTON & WESTERN CAROLINA RAILWAY CO. (KfUctlv* Jin. 4. 1914.) T*'» following arrival* ini departure# of train#, Union Kiailon, Augusta. «*., n« well *» connection* with other com pnnle* am mmp y jl'fn n* Information ■ nil or* not gusran'red Daparturaa. 1 in A. M. No. 6 Dally fiw Anderaon 11:00 A M Nn I l tally (or line Fpartanbnr*, flirenvitls, Aahevllla, 4:25 P. M . No * Daily for ypurtan burn. Greenville, it* IIS A m . No. 4« t'nllv fnr Beaufort port Royal and Charleston, tOO I* M , No 4! (»:• lly for Buofori, Tort Royal. Chatleaton, Kivnnnah Arrlyno. 1110 P. M. N". 2 Unity from HparUn burp. Ornnvllli. Up. T.OS P. Si.. No 4 Hilly from Hpartnn bur*. Aahevllle. 1215 r. M . No 41 Daily from Hmii* fort. Port ibiyil. Chur eaioti, and Hevannah. (20 P M No 42 Dally from Beau fnrt. Port Rnval nnd Cbarleama tno I*. M No t t'lltv from Anderaon. KRNKPT william*. Genet-., I I'amnur Agent ft* Prrmtw.iy. Augusta <ln. POLITICAL NOTICES HA VINO HKKN NONMINATBD AT A mupfi m* rlluk *f th«* voter* of the Fourth Ward, I h*r«*bv nnnounrr my* eels j» for Council, eubject to the Whit* J’rlinary. Tu#* FM Fun !. H T>AVIH. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. Notice Ip hereby given t° pH rtwlltori of the pptnte of Lucie W. Htffel, letv us •aid County, to render In an amount of thrlr demand* to me within the time prearrlherl by law. properly made out And nil pereonp indebted to •aid dereaped * r e hereby req'i#»et**d to make Immediate payment to the under pinned. Thla, the 13th dav of Fehruar , 1U1«. FliKh OKHBKBN. Faeroutor of Lucia W. Htoffel. F II 2ft 27 M <1 "t|r-e |p hereto g|v« n that the un derpinned will truiipfer fifty aharep of Georgia R» A Banking Com puny atnrk, *t muling In tlte name* of H. A Wfjodwnrd, T. Wo *lwnrd and Jamep Htillman, Trnnleep of H. A. Wood ward. after due puhlhetlon of thla no tice ap required by lew. WILLIAM WOODWARD. Fxerntf»r, Katate of Horali A. Woodward. M ft 13 20 27 Swappers' Column WILT, SWAP A FIVB-PA3BKNOKH automobile, In good condition, for horse and huggy, piano, lot, or anything of equal value, or will aril cheap. Ad dreaa Mack, Swapper*’ Coltuun, car* Herald. WILL SWAP ONK HEAVY IKON HKD and on* National spring, two now cot ton mattreaaee made from beat of whitn cotton, for groceries of equal value. Au dreea Iron Bed, Swapper Column, cure Herald, will riv ai ■ <«.\t: km »tm SHOW cnae, alimit 3 feet aquare and 4 fret high, 3 dlvlatona. Will awnp for gro ceries. A(tcllt an Show Caae, Swappers Column, cure Herald. WILL SWAP ONK BPKINU KO.IK Rambler b cycle. good «a new, for milk cow. Addreaa Cow, bwo pur a Col umn. rare Herald. 7YTLL SWA" 150 PURPLE TRAHINtt Stamp* for IDO Octagon Huap wrap pera Addreaa ••Octagon," Swapper* Column, care Herald. WILL SWAP EXCEPTIONALLY (loop 7-year-old borer, buggy anil barneae. for Runabout automobile. In good imndi tlon Addreaa Hoiar ft Huggy, «Wup pera Column, care Herald. BPKK ORPINGTON COCKEREL, KINH bird for It ired Hock cockerel, earn#' At r™ "H." Swapper* Column, ear* Herald. T( > EX' II \Ntit 3 PIECES MTTE of pttrba furniture for on* good m mbntor Kor particular* write •‘Vurnl ture," care So ippera Column, Auguala Herald. WANTED - TO SWAP HAH Y MAX w ell automob le. In flrat-clnaa condi tion, fu ly equlrptd with wliol ehleld, top mngneto. fit" light* it I anti carbide, gootl ilrea, for IK luifaepower Maxwell cur, with twi> upright cylinder*. In g'*od condition Will I tv difference or will aril Adreaa Mux, Swapper* Column, car* Herald. * WILT. SWAP A LOVELY HAND KM broldrrrd habv a.ick. never been need, for a boob of Purp'e Trading Stamp*. Addreaa Hnby Suck. Swappeta Column, care llerald. Mill RW'P 60 OCTAGON SOAP wrapper* for *lO Purple TYadltig Stamp* Addreaa X. Y. Swapper* Column, rn'e Herald. WANT TO SWAP LOT IN Sl'MMKß vllle, Hickman Road, feneed and liedged, for lot tn lower part of city euwal value. Addreaa Lot, Swapper* C lumn, care Herald. WILL SWAP: It NIC 120- E< lO MANDY lj>B and one X-ltay Incubator for grain or grncertea, anything of equal value. A. I). H. WILL SWAP D.'t'O STALKS OK HIH- Iton cane for any thing of equal vain* that I cun rail for the tame amount at ?Hc per stall. Addreaa Cone, Swapper* Column, rare llcrahl. KOK list'll \\.;r t iNR TRIO Ol pur* Indian Itunner duck* to ex change for chS'kona of any kind. An ewer Duck*. Swapper* Column, care llerald. WILL SWAP SAMPLE CASES. UOOD condition, leather covered; one t* edit able for doctor’* uae, or vinegar a-tlea m»n, and one I* autt-tble for Jewelry or toilet article anleaman. Exchange for range, wood atove. oil atove or aome thlng of equal value Addreaa Sample Caere, Swappta a Column, care Auguata Herald. FOR BXCHANtlkr’l DETROIT JEW eI gtta atove for blue flame ttll cook afov*. one large Acme Hornet hot Idaat heating atove for Mandy Lee Incubator. Addreaa H. II . Swapper* Column, tare llerald. WANTED TO SWAP A HORSE. lIAII - and rubber tired buggy, ft* lot or anything of equal value, or will aell cheap Addreaa Horae anti Huggy, Swap per* Column, ear* Herald. M ILLSW AP ONE ItAUY SIDEWALK caet, been uaed a abort While, awap fer t, ton of co« 3 or either caah. Addreaa Sidewalk Carl, Swapper* Column, car* Herald WANTED. ' 1 KN< w THAT WR ARH U K.. 4 Rroad *tr«**t with « romp lln« of piano*. plnyrr-planoa, Vlrtrolaa, guitar*, mandolin*, vtolonii and all kln<i« of imiiMcal inulnnnrntH Cattl or credit. W. IV Manning Mu»lc 00. WANTED SITUATION—MaIe WAKTEP WBITION AS ASSISTANT bookkeeper and Invoice clerk; now em ployed; desire change ben? references Address: X !., care Herald. ANTE!*: HOOP HGO K K KBI' KFt with knowledge of typewriting desires l’> sltlon. Address U. O. W., cars Her* • WANTED—Boarders WANTKD: TABTJC BOAR!) Bill rtilea reppormhle Apply 701 tJreena Ptreet or phone 2731. HOARDKIIH WANT FI» AT '79 IlROAl); K»*od clean rootiiP, hot and cold wa ter. a home-like Itonrdlne ttmiaa; elan would like to have * f*w table boarder#. I'rli-ee i *vum triable WANTKD DOAItDKIIN liAROK FCRN lahwd rootiiN with or without hoard, ta ble IwiardetP Alai* two room* and hah for Debt houpekeeplne. Itefere»u ep re quired fill Oreene ptrut. f’bon© .1530-J. WANTED HELP—MaIe and Female. WANTF.It MAID, mm*Filt AND r>ook, wliite or rototra*!. A«ldrepa W’tli refer#ti» I* ft- Ikxx 552. WANTED HELP—MaIe illlYH WANTKD AH MKSKEN’GKRK. Mum bn sixteen yenra old. Apply Pm tel Telegraph Cable Co. WIN 16.00 IN I AHII OH A *IO.OO PAY rnnnt >in a piano, by gueaalng wnnt X 24 meitn*. riniri Mnrch 141 b. W. P. Manning Munir Co. WIN 13.00 IN f* A Hll Oil A 110.00 PAY mrnl on u iilnno. by it'irnilny whiif *54 mm mi (*onlmt Homi March 141 b. W. p. bbmnins Muilc Co. GASOLINE ENGINES REPAIRED IH Yurit (lAHOMNK KNUINK CKAI K r-d? We will nmkr It nn norxl n. new. Wr fin all kind of itnniilinn rn*ln« work. MHchrll llr|mlr Co., 45J llrf«i*l Ht. Pla-ne 1554-J. WANTED —Miscellaneous WANTKI* TO HI TV A MfSTUITM-HIZK ehenp bore*’. Wtn Carpenter, 6W7 (IroHd Ht. I'rone 3.'*4ft, FOR RENT—Rooms Ft IH RKNT • • TKI FATTt I I 1 newly furnlpbeu. elean room*, week or month; reasonable FOR RKNT: FTIRNIHIIKn ROOM Tt * eouple fir voun* man. with or with out board. In private family. Address F. It., rare Herald. WANTED—Board GOOD i:< aim AND BOARD WANTBD bv a young man; must lie close-In. Address M. W., care Herald. FOR SALE —Miscellaneous. FOR HALF: THE WKIJ* KHTAHI.IHII cd meat bualneNn of the late K. M. I>eap, Including all furniture. fixtures and tools and three-year leupe on attire and tealdence, 313-1 G Jackaun street. Ap ply on premises. FOR s w.K I! ARE O'l D BOOKS OF all kinds and anything that la a book. f»e Iquest s. 213-2 iii 7tli Street. I'llt BADE one show case; two Nlielves, four tables and one counUu-. F. < *. M<ft tine, Auetista, Ga. FOUR TOY mODIJBft. ALL MAI.EH; price very reasonable. Apply 912 Fen wick street. Mi:B SMITH NORTH AU gustn. has ffir sale, fine antique mit boganv Hbeveton sideboard, three hand some tables, at 709 Ellis street, city; bu reau, washstund, chair, bronzes, at 450 Broad. FOR SALE tft H f* B-PARSENGKR automobile, first-cl »ps condition, four new tires Will »« lr cheap. 1). F. Boone, 527 Broad. FOR SALE OARICK'S PROLIFIC Heed Corn, improved and selected un der direction of government expert. Led variety testS 4>f ten varieties past two years Yields hundred bunm-is i»er acre under favorable 4'ondltkhi* Price $3 per bushel. I7ncle*Hatn big boll cotton seed, 1 l-lti staple, $2 per bushel. L. C. Chap pell, Lykesland H. C. FOR SALE—Poultry w I HI I L Mi l R IaKGHORN fi»r f*o cents per setting of 15; fin# stock. Harlem Poultry Yards, Harlem. Ga.. F. J. Walton, Proprietor. MRS LI’LA HHIUDER, 1519 FENWB K street. FOR RENT—ReaI Estate Ft >R RENT i UtGE HTt >RB NEAR Enterprise Ft dory, on Greene street. Apply 1313 Broad stn'et. Itße II • i INt i 1 i ni IS STRBBTi s rooms and bath, garage, modern Im provements Reduced rent till October Ist. L. J. Henry. FOR UKNT; FURNISHED COTTAGE. Moderate! price, near car line; go<>A location lt» Summerville. Address 11. F. M , care The llerald. FOR RENT FIRST <i.\ss RBBTAU runt on Campbell str«»et, newr Union Station and new government building. Including furniture, fixtures and com plete restaurant equipment. Reduced rental until Oct<*her. Apply to Goodwin A I>uvull, Union SitvlngH Rank Hutldtng. FOR RENT BTORAOB ROOM. 30*25: centrally located; can be used for oth *r purposes. Apply Q. J. T., llerald Ot flce. MRS. T S. PRITCHETT. 1-061 CHAFKK avenue. FOR SALE—ReaI Estate FOR SAI.IC CHEAP CORNER lUCKS him Wrights, good paying grocery business, stock nml fixtures, nice four room house attached, large barn and stable, storage house, good horse, two wagons, one huggy, coal, wood and chicken houses, two sets harness, num ber nice fruit trees, fl> over garden, etc. I ot N4xt3s. All for $3,650.00. Hackett & If 1 FOR SALE FARM* r UIMB B South Caro’lna snd Ge«WgU. any stse and location. Houses and lots ft! all parts of Augusta for sale or exchange. Terms to suit. Cochran A Mason. Real Estate Mint Renting Agents, 214 Mar bury. FOR SAI F " IN 'NORTH AUGUSTA. 7* j room cottage for horns or Investment; one block from Hampton Terruce. Appl> II M Wall. Unit SALK IN NORTH AUGUSTA 2* story frame house, 8 rooms, lot f*6x feet to nllev, with corner lot 100x94 feet Joining same premises. stable, buggv shed, cow stable, chicken house, tool house; $2,500; terms, SBSO cash balance same ss rent. Rhone 5585-W. ; MRS ALIKE HOLMES, 645 WOOD-! lawn avenue, LOST AND FOUND LOST TUESDAY EVENING, Bit tween 9;30 and 10:00 o'clock, hark Brown fur muff, handkerchief tn muff pocket marked Emma K torn bard; In front of Mre. lleorge Krustu* Whitney, 945 tlreene alreet. Reward if returned! to 945 tlreene atreet. LOST, IN BUSINESS SECTION MAR 4th. airing of amber bead*. Rewant for return to Buckeye Cotton Oil t'o., .n't P. O. Rox 725 Ittsr < \SII WEDNESDAY \:i 1 tween 30K Green* alreet and Bon Jevi Hotel lady'# at ver meah latg. Reward If returned to Herald office. ■j iicEN rr t'N MARCH STH, f\t large Jeraey cow with short h'Wnal Owner can get aame try phoning 995-WI HI Druid Park. ' THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. FOR SALE—Livestock r<~)h HAI.f: KINK HAIiDI.K lIfiHHK, blah brwl, v-ry »i>ll«b »n<l «.ntle, npl.ixlM tnr I*dlM' liw. «n •■*f-I>llori»l --iV fin. bfffklng how. A«1«lri-*» J. K ('lancy, *l2 Kill* nr.rt. l’bon* t*«S. KOlt ■ 41. K TWO : M* tNTIIH* OI.H Hurts male pigs arid several young White Wyandotte Cocke. W. 11. Baxley* Ifephitbah. Oe. I 1 ■ i \|.l lIiRSKV IH'LL, U ELI. bred. Call phone 513. AUGUSTA GLAZING CO^ RK< OK AIX KIND*. HKTTINU D.ATB OI.AB*. hkpaihino ciiunni windows ok I.KAD AND AHT OI.AHS. HKPAinINn SHOW TAHKS. lIEPI.Ai’INO AI'TOMoBIIJD WIND HHIKI.nH A KHBCIAkTY. 444 lIHOAp. rAIII. I*. KAO AN, MOR. PHONE 71. MUM. K. K. OKTKII, 154 ft KBNWIOK Ntreel. FREE DIRT. liIRT KOR KIM.INO I.OTH OIVKN tiny. An<ru*ta Cab ft Trankfnr Co., 220 Kill* ntrrnt. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FOR ELECTRICAL WORK CALI, THE Ingram Electric Co.. Phone 1351-J. Prompt, courteous efficient service. WIN fLftft IN CASH OR \ flft.ftft PAV ment on a piano, by guessing what «*;,4 means. Ci*ntest closes March 14th. W. P. Manning Music Co. PIANO BARGAIN. TO QUICK BUYER* r'M»d upright piano for cash. A. A. Thomas Plano Co, t»39 Broad Ht., Au gusta, Gn. WIN 93.00 IN CAHII OR A flft.ftft PAY ment on ;• piano, t»y guessing what k.'*4 means. Contest closet March 14th. W. P. Manning Music Co. WAKE UP AND OPEN YOUR EYES SPEND your monet where you g«*t value re rfived ill whole soles, half soles, ladles* turned soles and rubber heels, also band-seweil work a specialty. W. Gold en, 1006 Kills street. WIN f.'i.ftft IN CASH OR A llft.ftft PAY meftt on «'» piano, by guessing what fts* means. Contest closes March 14th. W. P. Manning Music Co. WF. HAVE A NUMBER OF USED pianos. In go'd tone and Ume, |6ft, $75, sK*o and up. Ueed parlor organs. In good condition. $25, S4O and $65. Par ticular attention given to tuning and re pah- orders A. A Thomas Plano Co., 639 Broad street. Phone 686. W!N~ss.ftO IN CASH OR A slft.ftft Py\Y rnent on a piano, by guessing what 854 means. Contest closes March 14th. W. P. Mann ng Music Co. TRUNK HOSPITAL. OUR TRUNK DOCTORS (AND THEY are good ones) can put your old dis abled trunk or grip In first-class condi tion. A new slat, lock, clamp, etc., and Its in condition for years of service. Cost is small. Give us a call. Augusta Trunk Factory, 736 Broad, opposite Monument. WIN §6.00 IN CASH OR A 910 00 PAY ment on a piano, by guessing what 854 means. Contest doses March 14th. W. P. Manning Music Co. MRS K. B JAMES. 1461 ESTES ST. LOOK AT THESE SHOE REPAIRING PRICES: RAW Rubber Hcds 25c Men’s Half Soles, sewed..7sc SI.OO Men’s Sewed Soles .. ..75c Men’s Tack Soles 50c Ladies’ Soles and Rubber Heels 75c Ladies’ Sewed Soles .. . ,65c Ladies’ and Children’s Tack Soles 25c to 50c Tread Air Rubber Heels ,25c Sprinq Step Rubber Heels 35c Cat Paw Rubber Heels ..35c Osulivan Rubber Heels --45 c Shoes called for and delivered. Out-of-Town People Use'Parcel Post. ALEX RAE. Phone 323 236 9th St. MEAT MARKET REAL BARGAINS IN FRESH Meats for cash at M. T. Hair's Market, 6th and Ellis. Phone 642 Builders Attention! SLUSKY’S Rubber Shingles $3.75 SQUARE Made of High Orttde Asphalt, Mineral Rubber and Felt. Fire proof. wear and weatherproof. Especially attractive for bunga lows and residences. David Slusky 1009 Broad St. Phone 100. ANTIQUE FURNITURE CJ,AWKO<<T KIDBBOAItD*. TKA TA bl*a. e»rd tuble, d**k*. hl*h po*t b-d*. lny<k oa***. fvndori, ut.dlron*. candl*- aflck*. l’pho;*i*rln« and rapnlrln* F Kenyon. *l2 7lh Bt. Ifbon* tilt*. FINANCIAL MONK.Y TO I.ENI) ON UKAI. KATATR. AnguaU Real Eatat* Co., *22 Rroad »L % For High Class Individual TAILORING A. H. MIEOEL 219 7th St., Leonard Bldg. 1.»: V KTK.4M fT.KANTNU AND PMBBS- Ing ladles' and men's garments of all kinds Indies' suits and dresses altered, a spei lalt\. Paris Dry Cleaning Co., 121 Koilo< k etr* et. Phone 3038-J. SANG LEE LAUNDRY 20* MrINTOBH ST . OKKICH aT 4ft* Jarkson Bt.. real to ('bop Suay R«»- tmurant. Diona 2(11, Hang L.*a, Kaop. WIN »S.#« IN CASH OR A 110.00 PAY tn,nt on n plnno, by RuraalnK what 551 mean*. Conl-at nloaes March 14th. W. IV M inn In* Music Co. A Good Work Shoe, mad* to moaaure from Solid Calf Skin £ f v Leather Augusta Shoe Repairing Phone 943. 96b Broad PAW Rubber Heel* 25‘- Men's Sew Sole* 75 u $1 00 Men’* Whole Soles SIOO Men's Tack Soles 50 ( Ladies' Soles and Rubber Heels 75C2 Ladies’ Sewed Soles, Leather Heels 65C Ladles' and Children's Tack Soles 25 r to 50 c Tread Air Rubber Heels 25^ Spring Step Rubber Heels ...-35C Cat Paw Rubber Heels 35^ Otullvan Rubber Heels 45^ Your Shoes repaired while you are at home. Work called for and deliv ered. J. SAWILOWSKY, Prop. QUALITY OF THE HIGHEST is represented in Mark’s Fresh Roasted Toffees, at 25c, 30c and per pound. We guarantee your satisfaction. Telephone 401-402 r nn L,: ’ s rUUfs ARB £oo£ s Wholesale and Retail Tin Shingles, Tin and Rubber Roofing. W.B«Toole & Co. Tel. 264. 935 Broad. “Let Us Cover Your House” Used Automobile Sale One Rambler Runabout, $25 00 One 4-Passenger Oakland, ('no 11*13 Overland Roadster, Two l.ittle Four Roadsters, One 5-Passenger Westcott, One 5-Passenger Marlon (New). All ears In first class condition. L. C. Edelblut 651 BROAD STREET. ROOF LEAKf H**« your work don* by agpwt erced tinner*. All work glean per sonal attention. My price* art right E. A. DEMORE. Phon* SOM. 121 Bread Bt SHOPS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW Designed to place before the Public the Merchandise, Craftman shlp and special service offered by the Exclusive Shops and Specialty Stores not usually Advertised automobiles. Ma*n»to end rarburator wor '‘ \ *p«cl„lt>'. Talrphona IMI. phon* 2075-J All work *u*mnt*ed. Cheeseborouqh Repair Shop Th. Rad Front *** Broad »«• AUTOMOBILE TIKES I.ara.M atork ln „Awfl.T a tout 1-tlrra four J}!, h C oet ing and repairing It The nurft completely equipped shop nnd competent workmen. Davis Tire and Rubber Company AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT Whan your car need* repairing bring It to ua. _ „ Wa keep s*nur Eleefrie Re f-Pta Klertrle I.lghta and Geneatora In good repair. W. C. GUNN. Phone 2S*7 722 Reynold* Rr. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Protect your automobile In the Royal Inauranca Company, of Eug -I.xnix Ptrongeet In the wor,<l atirea against Fire, Theft, Llab’ Dty. Property Damage, * nd Co Damages. We n’eo laa”® accident and health All at the low eat adequate rn**e. J. V. H. ALLEN A CO., •Phone 411. 121 J*ckeon St. PAINTING We have opened a first class Paint Shop, and can 3ttend your wants at verv reasonable cost. NORTH AUGUSTA WAGON CO. Just across the Bridge. AUTOREPAIRING Electric Self-starter and Ignatlon experts. All work guaranteed. B F. BOONE. Phone 826. -*27 Broad. BOARDERS Accommodations, nice rooms good meals; rates reasonable. Phone 1824. 1034 Broad St. BICYCLES Agent for READING, STANDARD, NATIONAL. PIERCE. We have the best equipped repair shop In the South. JOHN F. BRICKLE, 226-28 *th. Phone 1914. CIGARS. For Bigger, Busier Augusta Smoke F. A. W. CIGARS Patronize Home Industry Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co. Makers. COAL KIMBERLY COAL Second to none. IKy Oak and Pine ».ove Wood. Hill delivery. W. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780. DRY CLEANING ROBERTSON TAILORING CO., 1001 12th St. Phone 126*. Ladies’ and gent's clothes clean, pressed and dyed. French Dry Clean ing a specialty. All work guaranteed. Work called for and deliveied same day. Electrical Contractors Auto Supplies Fresh Batteries Weekly. WHITNEY-EVE CO. 1033 Broad. Phone 1316. GRIMAUD'S VEGETABLES We send out nothing but the freshest of vegetables. Received dally at. GRIMAUD’S .Phone 1305. Georgia Electrical Co. House Wiring and Electric Signs. Let us quote you. 933 Broad. H. B. MITCHELL, Mgr. IWAI/TON PWPmNG gompaWl stcSfr i “WE PRINT TO PLEASE”. J MASSAGE MANICURE HAIR CUT SHAMPOO = GET IT AT= HICKEY’S 221 JACKSON ST. GARAGES IVEY'S OARAGE Phone 3197. 304 Washington. AGENTS FOR HUPMOBTI.ES Five years' experience with Chalmer* and Hopmobllea. CARS FOR HIRE PERROUX aTjONES Augusta Garage Repairs, vulcanizing, supplies. Free air. Open day and night. I.argent In city. 720-22 Reyneldi Bt. Phone 120. GASOLINE, 18'/20 Motor car: washed and polished, 25c. <oo. UNION GARAGE 563 BROADWAY. GARAGE—REPAIR BHOP. BTUDEBAKER DEALERS. 7TH AND REYNOLDS. PHONE 376. AUGUSTA MACHINE CO. HARNESS MAKER W. W. SIMS 647 CALHOUN STREET. Harness making and repairing % ▼nllses and S. E. MARSTON’S Harness and Shoe Shop. All work done by hand. 738 Ellis St. N. W. SFI.T.IVAN. 116* Broad - Harnss maker nnd Repairer. Work neatly done at moderate prices. I can save you money on custom made harness, "markets G .S. Smith, Native meats, beef pork, veai, country style sausage, staple and fancy groceries; fresh produce. Phone 68. 218 Center St. MATTRESSES MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN. He makes your mattresses level and square. New tick made free. Return mattresses some day. Phone 191*—shors 1151 Marbury street. MATTRESSES" I have complied with the regu lations of the Board of Health, I can make mattresses at your home, In or out of the state. L. J. Murray, 503 Broad St. ’Phone No. 666. PAINTING CONTRACTORS For reliable House Painting and Decorating see E. B. Smith & Son, 7ft! Moore avenue. Estimates cheer fully furnished. Work guaranteed; city refrences. PIANOS A. A .THOMAS PIANO CO. Phone 686. 639 Broad St. Pianos, Player Pianos, Electric Pi anos, Organs. Graphophones and Records.—Everything Musical. PIANOS AND VICTOROLAS Phone 3327. 854 Broad. The latest styles the market affords. CASH OR CREDIT. W. P. MANNING MUSIC CO. POOL, POOL POOL, 21-2 Cue. Do Drop In Pool Parlors. 818 Broad St. reTTI estate If you buy your houses. lota and farm lands from me we both make money. J, B, CHAPMAN, Phone 2900-J. Ellis & Campbell Sts. REAL ESTATE Attractive bargains In city prop erty and farm lands. Ellis nnd Campbell Sts. J. B. CHAPMAN Phone 2900-J. L. F. GOODRICH Architect 122 Eighth Street, Telephone Augusta, Ga. 469. BIJOU THEATRE TICKETS FREE . Ton Complimentary Tiekets for Tomorrow’s Matinee. BERT SCHAFER in “WHOSE BABY ARE YOB” A Laughing Musical Tabloid. Find your name and call at The Herald office for tiekets. If Read Carefully the Classified Columns FRIDAY. MARCH 6. RUBBER STAMPS E W. DOd’gE~ Rubber Stumps. Seals, Badges. Sten cil*. Alumntum Check*. &c. 852 Tri lls street. PHONE 1421. STORAGE. We do storage. We pock and ship goods. We save you money on second hand goods. We live you money on new golds. We always have bargain* for you. HUGHES FURNITURE CO. Phone 656. 567 Broad. SEWING MACHINES LEWIS E. MOSLEY Phnnr 1R57 581 Broad Rewing machine!) repaired, needlea. perte of nil kinds; bargains In second hand machines. SANITARY HAIR~ PARLORS. Hair Dressing Messaging, Manicur ing. Phone 663. 946 Broad St. SPECIALISTS r>R. N. E AI.FORD. The only Tfesldent (21 year*) and Reliable r'peclallst In Augusta treat ing all diseases cf men, women and Children Successfully without opera tion. Consultation free and Invited. OFFICE 969 BROAD ST. THE CLOCK MAN J. C. CARNS 210 Centre Sr Watch and C'cx'k Repair Shop. Twenty-four years dally experience; ‘ens years nt this location. Guarantee work on guaranteed Stock TAILORS. HARDWm & GERMANY TAILORS AND RENOVATORS Suits Made to Order, phone 1622 213 6th Street. JACKSON & BAILEV Phone 1784. 3*3 9th. Street. First Class Tailoring, Cleaning. Pressing and Repairing. ""CHARLIE McLAUGLiN. " Clothes Cleaned, Pressed nnd Dyed. French Dry Cleaning a spe cialty. es SuPs and Skirts. Phone 2735. Cor. Jackson & Calhoun Streets. S.D~SPEAD SUITS MADE TO ORDER. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Phone 3076. 1149 Broad Street. TIN SHOP PHILIP L. MACK, Phone 493. 913 Ellis St Tin and Sheet iron Worker. Estimates given on all tin and she* Iron work. Prompt attention to re . pairing. WELDING SOUTHERN WELDING CO. Phone 1332. 961 Broad St. Welders of all metals, and all kinds of machinery breaks repaired car bon cleaned from auto cylinders with oxygen. WAGON MANUFACTURER LOWREY WAGON WKS. Established 1847 Manufacturers of farm wagons, carts and trucks, especially equip ped for repairing and painting. Corner Ellis and 9th. Bts. Telephone 1309-J Augusta. Ga. WOOD YARD BABY WOOD YARD DRY "INE AND OAK Stove Wood a Specialty, Quick Dellv*ry. C. A. KING, Mgr. Phone 2881. 840 Fenwick. WAGON SHOP BLACKSMITH WORK and HORSESHOEING E. T. EUBANKS IS Centre St. WALL PAPER AWNINGS T. G. BAILIE & CO. Phene 166. 712 Broad St.