The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 14, 1914, Home Edition, Want Ad Section, Image 1

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WANT At* SECTION U VOLUME XIX. No. 73. You will always find bargains In meats for cash at— HAIR’S MARKET Phon« 542 Ellis and 6Th Sts. MYERS & MORRIS Succsstort to Joo Evans Dry cleaning, pressing, dyeing and repairing. All work neatly done. Work called for and deliv ered. Phone 2166. 1241 Broad AUGUSTA PHARMACY 1231 Marbury St. Phone 263 Kull line Drugs. Patent Medicines and Sundries. Courteous attention. Right Prices. Motorcycle delivery. FIRST CLASS TAILORING Cleaning, pressing and repairing. All work guaranteed. Let us make your next suit and save you money. WILLIS & JENNINGS 1721 Broad St. BICYCLE TIRES AND REPAIRS I Have a Complete Line. Call 817. C. F. SUMERAU 1285 Broad. TESSIER’S PHARMACY 1281 Broad. Phone 1166. Dr. L. P. Tessier Prop. B. L. Lewis, Mgr. FRESH MEAT Call 1951 for anything in choice fresh meat. Sausage a specialty. Prompt delivery and courteous treatment. DURST & COMPANY 12th and D'Antignac JAS. P. RICHARDS Sale, Feed and Livery stables. No. 712 Ellis Street. Bell phone 32. Just received a carload of buggies. Can save you money on buggies, wagons and harness. SHIELD'S MEAT MARKET 1649 Hicks St. Everything in choice, fresh meat. All home killed. Try our Sausage. Complete line of cold drinks. We deliver to any part of city. FIRST CLASS TAILORING Cleaning, pressing and repairing, for ladies and gents. All work sat isfactory or no charge. Work call ed for and delivered promptly. Phone 3228-J. 728 sth St. Wm. KELLY PROP. C. r. KOHLRUSS Manufacturer, Importer and dealer Sn Marble and Granite Monuments and statuary, Headstones, Cop ings, Iron Fencing, etc. Contrac tor for Dressed Building Stone. Comer Washington and Ellis Sts. Operated by Electric Power, and latest Improved pneumatic tools. Phone 796. Augusta, Ga. SHOE FIXERY WORK DONE WHILE YOU WAIT By Modem Methods and Expert Workmen. Work called for and de livered. Just phone us and we will do the rest. We Guarantee All Work. We quote these prices: Whole Bottom sewed on for SI Men's Half-sole sewed.. .. .-75 C Men's Half-sole nailed 500 Ladles' Half-sole sewed.. .. 65- Ladies' Half-sole nailed 350 Children's Shoes tacked. 250 up Sullvan's Rubber Heels 450 Cats Paw and Spring step Rubber Heels put on.. 35 c Panthei Rubber Heels.. .. 25 c J. GOLDEN. Prop. Phone 3265-W 1044 Broad St. Look for "Ad" on top of page in Phone Book. THE AUGUSTA HERALD J. J. JOHNSON Phone 3456. 726 9th St. Fresh Home killed meats of all kinds. Poultry and eggs. Deliv ery anywhere In city. I tnako a specialty of aausage. THE HENRY HUTT CO. ‘‘Plumbers of Merit.” Plumbing and Heating Contractors and Supplies. Show Rooms, 611 Broad St. JAMES J. MURA & CO. 317 Jackson St Phone 1531 Fancy Groceries, Fresh Vegeta bles. Fish and Oysters received daily. I vet us know your wants. THOS. S. GREEN'S PRESSING CLUB Flub rates, SI.OO per month, en titles you to one suit cleaned and pressed each week. Cleaning. Press ing and Repairing. Phone 962. 910 Ellis St. J.C. ANDERSON'S MARKET Everything choice in meats and fancy groceries. Prices right. Fil tered gnsoline, 20c gallon. Phone 2358. 208 Broad SL THOMAS H. STEED TAILORING CO. Phone 1571. 546 Kills St. First Glass Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing for Ladles and Gents. Indies' Coat Suits cleaned and pressed in first class style. All work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered promptly in City. Summerville and North Augusta, . R. L. SUMERAU Phone 2386. 1205 Broad St. We are in our new storo at 1205 Broad street and cun supply our trade with anything in First Class Bicycles and repairs. Also a com plete line of hardware. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Cold drinks, choice fresh meats and vegetables. We make sausage a specialty. Prompt delivery to any part of the city. LEWIS & WILLIAMS Phone 3526 Cooper & Phillips Sts. KELLY’S FRUIT STORE Phone 3228-J. 455 Calhoun St. Choice fruit of all kind. Fresh vegetables, cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco and Ice. All kinds of cold drinks. Quick delivery to any part of the < ity. WM, KELLY, Prop. J. N. BARNES & CO. 1740 Broad St. Phone No. 743. Wholesale and Retail Groceries and Hardware. Everything at the very lowest prices for cash. Free delivery to all parts of the city. New Spring Goods Have Arrived. Have your Spring Suit made before the rush. Maker of High Class Clothes only. H. FREY The Tailor. Harison Building. MODEL STEAM DYEING WORKS Experts on Cleaning and Dyeing. Suits made to order; plain and fancy sewing; bats cleaned and blocked. Work called for and delivered. Your pat ronage solicited. Phone 1141. 908 Telfair St. THE ONE PAPER IN MOST HOMES—THE ONLY PAPER IN MANY HOMES. AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. SATURDAY AFTERNOON. MARCH 14. 1914. VEGETABLES GRIMAUD’S Phone 1305. Hell Popper, Rgg Plants, Celery, Spinach, Many other good things to eat. Let ns know your wants. CENTRAL FISH MARKET , Wholesale and Retail FISH AND OYSTERS. 217 Campbell St. Phone 1246 J. M. FENDER General merchandise, country produce of every kind. Frost-proof cabbage plants, 25c per 100, or $1.25 per 1,000. Also nice 7-room house on Monte Sano for sale, $3,500.00. Rents, $30.00. Phone 2935. SPRING NEW YORK FASHIONS AND MATERIALS are now shown by KOENIG, The Tailor. Rooms 408 llarison Bldg. Phone 182. Who is in Augusta for the season. Suits made to order— s3o.oo and up. Suits in force remodel ed. * UPHOLSTERING. Furniture repairing, caning and upholstering. Carpet and matting cleaned and laid. Furniture crating and packing a specialty. JOSEPH GUNBY Phone 3083. 619 Ellis St. VERDERY. The Hatter Hats Cleaned and Blocked. Pana mas a Specialty. Clothes cleaned and pressed. Phong 42. 306 Campbell St. NUMBER PLEASE? 401. Marks Grocery Go? YES. This is Mrs. E. A. Wig gins, 728 Broad tStreet. Please duplicate my last order for 5 lbs. of your 25c coffee. Please send it at once. We find this coffee to lie real good. WELDING I have just installed the very latest <im proved Welding outfit for welding all kinds of broken Castings, Steels, Brass, Cast Iron, Allu minum, etc. All inado as good as new parts. Agents for Reading, Standard, National, Pierce and Messenger Heavy Service Bicy cyles. Easy terms. All work sent for and delivered promptly. JNO. F. BRICKLE The Bicycle Repairer. 226 228 Campbell St. Phone 1914. If You Don't Get More Answers—You’ll Get Your Money Back. The Auqusta Herald guar antees to refund the money you pay for any WANT AD that does not bring more answers than the same ad in any other Auqusta news paper. HAIR DRESSING PARLOR 420 Jackson St., up Stairs Shampooing, Manicuring, Facial Massage, Scalp Treatment, Hair Dressing. Combings made to order. Typewriters Investigate the L. C. Smith & Bro. Typewrit er, for five years ahead of all Competitors. Ball Bearing, Ever Wearing. No. 721 Broad Street. Phone 2537. North Augusta Drug Co. Phone 5. North Augusta, S. C. Who fills your prescription*? Wo bundle absolutely the purest drugs. This Is something you can't afford to be unconcerned about. Get the best. We have anything In Pat ent Wc also have u com plete lute of" Toilet Articles, Sta tionery, Cigars and Tobacco*. Phone us and we will call for your prescription und deliver promptly. Spring Cleaning Special prices on all cleaning, pressing, and repairing. Dyeing of goods made of wool, cotton, silk iulr, felt or linen. We clean and block hat*. Plain and fancy Bowing done. Indies' Suits, 25c up. Men’s suits, 50c anil up. Model Steam Dyeing Works 908 Telfair St. Phone 1141 CALL J. M. SANDERS For best quality of choice Fresh Meats of all kinds. Beef, Pork, Voal, Chickens, Kkkh, Sausage our specialty. Phone 1417 1750 Broad. Delivery anywhere In the City. for Home furnishers Facts most genuinely helpful to the economical eye. Whether you are planning to furnish a house complete or to purchase a single jdeee of furniture you should bear In rnlnd that you can buy cheaper from us because our expenses are small. A portion of the house rent, clerk hire, and other expenses which is Included In tho price quoted you at other stores Is not Included In our price. Artistic new furniture of quality that will appeal to all home-loving people. w. tThall furniture Co. Phone 3056-J. 1852 Broad St. CLIP THIS ThU advertisement worth 25c to anyone subscribing to two or more tinea through The Walker’* Magazine Agency 217 7th Street. W* Buy Green, Surety and Purple Stamp*. BOSTON HATTERS 219 Jackeon St. Any old hut made new while you wait. Chiming and bleaching hiding Famuium n specialty. Panama*, 50c: Fella, 50c; Straws, 25c; Derby*, 25c. BICYCLES New wheel* from $25.00 und up. Second-hand wheel* from $3.00 and up. Tire*, nondrle* and repairing. P. K. TANT 215 Kollock St. Phone 2728. WEST END MEAT MARKET Phon* 3337. 1862 Broad. \V«» carry n full line of choice Fresh Meats, lloir Kara and Snouts. Pig Tails, Chitling*, Hog Head Cheese, Tripe, Pork anil Mixed Fuiimhkc. We make delivery any where. Phone orders receive prompt attention. WALL PAPER Both foreign and domestic . Awn ings of all kinds. W. C. RHODES & SON 2027 Fenwick St. Phone 6856-J GASOLINE ENGINES Binder*, Mowers, Binder-Twine, Waterworks. CHAS. W. HOGREFE 452 Broad St. FANCY GROCERIES and Fresh Home Killed Meat* nt l.owcst prices. Prompt delivery. SANITARY GROCERY & MEAT MARKET Phone 1917. 1611 Walton Way. sl4 BUYS THAT EASTER SUIT ON CREDIT Tailor-made Full* from $14.50 up. Where your credit Is good. KUENEMANN TAILORING CO. 414 Campbell St. Augusta, Ga. FIRST CLASS PRESSING CLUB Dry Cleaning, Dyeing. Pressing and repairing. Satisfaction guar anteed. Work called for anil de livered promptly. MASON & WADSWORTH 214 12th St. Optometrist Specialist in Fitting Glasses My office I* equipped with every modern facility for examining your eyes and supplying the Glauses to meet your Individual requirements Office and Store, 956 Broad St. THOMAS FURNITURE REPAIR SHOP 910 Telfair Bt. Phone 1141. Furniture Repairing, Upholstering. Shipping and Packing a Specialty. MILLINERY Spring Opening You are cordlqlly Invited to our 1914 Hprlng Opening, next Friday and fjuturday. And see the season's newest models In Ladles’ Hats. THE Le SETTE Millinery and Notions 1766 Broad St. DINE AT TIIE BUSY BEE RESTAURANT 657 Broad St. Wheru everything good to eat is nerved. Wo serve special Sunday J tinner. Our regular dinner is the best in the city. Meals sent out. $6.00 PER YEAR—S CENTS PER COPY. Biyson’s Pressing and Tailoring Club. i Mir work mind give *atl*raet|on. A trial order will convince you. Now located at 805 Ellis Street. “A THING OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER." Then why not beautify your home' We are headquarter* for Wall Paper. House and Sign Paint ing. J. W. BOWICK Phon* 2284. 301 Mclntosh St. W. V. NOBLE 215 McKinnn, does first-class shoe and harness work. All work done by hand and guaranteed. FOR HUNT: STORK AND DWKUU- Ilig, IT3S Mllledgevllle Road: «- room cottage, at 1*35 Walton Way, gua amt electric light*; all conveni ence*. Phone 1656-J. FOR f<AUK: Sufi "Tit HTItKICT; 712 Calhoun street: *22 Telfair street. Plume Itififi-J. THE ACME TAILORING CO 7th and Ellis Sts. We gents fur Regal Tailoring Co, of Chicago, Ptilotl Made Clothes. Also first-class cleaning, pressing and repairing done by Md Minims. All work guaranteed. L. R. Padgett A L. P. Hopkins, Proprietors. GEO. W. TIDWELL, JR. JOB PRINTING RUBBER STAMPB PHONE 360 PRINTING ‘AS YOU LIKE IT.” Opening of the New PARISIAN SHOP 1017 Broad St. Undies' Novelties, all kinds of Irish ("rochet I-aees, Clluny, Madel ra, Venetian, Ihincheon Set*, Silk and Crepe de Chine Underwear. Ki monos and Tea Gowns. IF YOU WOULD SAVE MONEY and your clothes, and get guaran teed work, send your clothes to Electric Laundry 1203 UIIGAD HT. AUTOMOBILES FOR RENT When your ear needs repairing bring It to u*. We keep your elec tric Heir starter, electric light*, and generator* In good repair. W. C. GUNN Phone 2987. 726 Reynolds Bt. CLARENCE WIGFALL Successor to Dennis Wlgfall A Go. Phone 2936. 1151 Broad St. Dealers In all kinds of .Staple and Fancy Groceries, Stock Feed. Pro visions, etr. Goods promptly de livered In city and vicinity. We give and redeem Purple Stamps. Something good in ibis sjh'ipo every day. Velvet Ice Cream Not good or butter, but “ BEST.” Phone 3476-j. For Ladies Rubber Sole Oxfords, Soft Tan Calf, with rubber soles and heels, welted. Great for com fort. All sizes . $3.50 Mail orders have prompt attention. Jno. P. Dill & Co. 948 Broad Street Merchants Stamps. WANT An SECTION U Free Monday Only I will repair your tire free Mon day only, Itrlng thl* ad. I aell Rambler, Cnlumtdn and Iver John son It Icy clou, W. H. HOLMES 308 Ninth St. RUBBER TIRING Horseshoeing. whcelrlght and general repairing. Charges reas onable. N. C. ADAMS 92l Jones. AVOID FIRE AND ACCIDENTS Ry keeping your chimney In repair. If your roof leak*, rail R. I* UFIWIB, General Repairing Flxpert Chimney repairing. 1041 Broad Street Augusts, Gs. THE CENTRAL AND MONUMEN TAL BARBER SHOP Hair cutting to suit facial con tour. Children's hair cutting, 15c. Hoys over 14 years, 20c. PROF. AMONITTI, Specialist. 715 Broad St. Undoubtedly "CERTAIN-TEED” Guaranteed Hoofing is tho bust on the market. 15 years guarantee. Price $12.50 per square —fire proof. Peoples Lumber and Supply Co. C. V. McAuliffe, Prop. Phone 339. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES Bought, Bold, rented, or exchanged. Augusta Typewriter Exchange. Phone 2005. 408 Leonard Bldg. Welding We weld all Metals and Repair all kinds of ma chinery breaks, no mat ter bow large or small. The Old Reliable Weld ers of Augusta. Estab lished 1911. Southern Welding Co. 961 Broad. Phone 1332. IVEY’S GARAGE 304 Washington Street Phone 3197 Auto Repairing and Cars For Hire HUPMOBILES Tho Car of the Ameri can Families.