The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 15, 1914, Home Edition, Page FOUR, Image 12

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FOUR Pcilplt!l}^GU)S BAPTIST. Harmony Baptist Church. Praarhlna nt 11:3o a. m, and 7:30 P m.. by Kav H A. Johnson Sun day arhool 330 p in. Good mimic at all tba service* to which you are moat cordially Invltad. Crawford Avenue Baptist. Thomas Walker, pastor Preaching at 11 a m and 7.30 p m Sunday school at 3 p. in W F Bentley. Hupt. Prayar mealing Wednesday evening at a o'clock. Woodlawn Baptist Church Chafer avenue just off Walton Way, It K I. Harris, win tor Sunday school at *46 a. m„ Ralph VminKbloo<!. hu* P*rint*nd#nt Children'll service, con ducted hy pnntor. at 11 » m r#k'ii l«r pr**io bin* nervlcf* at * p m TV V. P. IT. at 7 |». m. Prayer tm ctlng Wed* nendny ni s j». in. The public • ordhilly Invited to »ll tl)«9f services. First Baptiat Church. Preaching at 11:15 hy the pastor, t>r M Ashby Jones. Theme, ’The In vaMmont of a T.lfa." At the 8 o'clock service t>r. Jones will preach on the subject, 'The <*losed floor." I'raysf aarvlot Wednesday at 6 o’clock. Second Baptiat Church. O, P. Ollliert pastor. Preaclilna by the pastor 11:16 a m, theme "Tliv Seeking Ghrlst: ' 6:00 p m., theme “Manhood Our Greatest Need.” There will l»e good music at each service Sunday s> hool 10:00 a. m. Harara and Phi lathes clasaea meet at 10:00 a. m. Public cordially Invited to attend. CATHOLIC. Bt. Patrick'# Church Masses at 7. S, 10.30 a. m. Rosary, sermon and bend let loti at 6 p. m. Sacred Heart Church. Corner Greene and McKinnc Sts InTharge of the Jeaiiit Fathers Low masses begin at 5:30 f.:2n 7;;io and 9:30 High inaaa at 11 o'clock. at thn mass Rev. Albert Vlever, S. J, will preach the opening sermon oT the mission. At K p. m there will lot Rosar>, sermon and benediction. Dur Ing the week the iiilsHlnnurlca will hold services every evening m the same hour. Saturday excepted They will give short instructions every morning after the r.:3u and K o'clock masses Instructions to the children begin Monday at 1:30 p. in. and will be given dally, except Saturday, at the samp hour Then-, will he no Sunday school on March 15th and 2tnd CHRISTIAN. Christian Church. Heventh and Qrrrne Ml Howard T. Free unnouncra lllhle School al 10 00 a. «r. pTHrhlng al ll:]tfa. m, “Dlvlnn Partnership— a Dedication." and ut x p. 18., "Satlidied With JtlUI.” Wo man's meetlna at four o'clock on Mon day afternoon Mid-week aervlee on Wednesday at * p. m. Public cordially Invited, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First Church of Christ, Scientist 311 Colon Rank Building Service*. Sunday morning at II o'clock; Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 12:]6. Reading ropin open dally from II to 1 o'clock, except Mondays. The public la cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the read ins room. EPIBCOPAL. Church of the Atonement. Telfair and lltli Streis jlev. t’liaa P Holbrook, rector Third Sunday In I>enl Holy i ominunlon at 8 a m Morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock Evening prayer and address at 6 o'clock Week dnv services. Evening prayer, except Friday, at u p m Evening prayer anti sermon rridav at 8:30 p. ni Tha Church of the Good Shepherd. The Hill. Archdeacon Johnson, rec tor. Third Sunday In l-ent Holy com munion at 8 a. m Morning prayer, ante-communion and sermon at II u. tit Sunday achool at 4p. m. Evening prayer and addrea* at 6 p, m. The fol lowng Lenten service will he held this week Wednesday. I-ltany at 10 a. ra. Thursday, holy communion ut 7:30 a. mm. and also at 10 a. m Service with abort address at 6 p. m. every day ex cept Saturday. St. Paul’s Church. G. Sherwood Whitney, rector Third Sunday in March it Holy com munion 8 a. m. Sunday school #:45 a m. Morning service and sermon 11:16 a. m Confirmation lecture 4 p. m. Evening prayer 8 p. m. Week Day Lenten Services. Monday*. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday service# at 6 p. m. Wednes day evening at 8 p. in Thursday, holy communion at 11 a. m. LUTHERAN. Bt. Matthew'* Lutheran Church No, 648 Walker street Rev. I'. J. Rame, pastor. Divine worship at 11:16 a. m. and at 8 p. in. Sunday school at 8:45 a. m„ Geo. II Gercke, super intendent. Tha;e>' Missionary So ciety will conduct a Week of Prayer leginning Monday. March I fit li. Meet ing In small Sunday school room ev- i ery evening at 4 o'clock, except Sat urday. Final meeting in church Sun day evening at 8 o'clock The Willing Workers will meet Monday evening .it 8:16 o'clock. Mid week se( Wt nssdav evening at 8:15. Everybody welcome to all tlies services. Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Preaching at 11 a m by the pastor. Rev J. B. Derrick and at 8 p. m. a * peels I missionary service will he held under the direction of the Women's Missionary Society. Sunday school at 8:46., Mr, H. C. Ixvrlek, gupt. Church la at 557 Greene St. Everybody Is wel comed METHODIST. Broadway M. E. Church. Corner Rroad and Mill sircei. Rev. C. M. Verdue. paator Preaching at II o'clock a. m and again ut 8 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school at 9 M m m., Wilfred C. i.yeth. Supt Prayer service Wednesday evening. 8 o'clock. You are Invited to attend all of these services. St. John Methodist. 710 Greene St. Rev. S. P Wiggins, pastor Sunday school 0:45 a. m. Preaching 11:16 a m. and 8 p. m Morning sermon by Rev. \Y T. Ham bry, P E. Evening service. Illustrated Lecture. A cordial invitation to all. Asbury Mathodist Church, Sunday schoid 9:45., W. A (tarns, superintendent. Preaching 11:16 and by pastor. The morning servlca for children. Service in the evening for the llaraeas. Wednesday evening, at H, le. lyre by Itev. \V. It. Dillard, of Ht James church. Subject, "Little Jack Horner," Vou are cordially Invited to ultend these services. PRESBYTrRIAN. First Prssbytsnan Church Corner Telfair and Seventh streets. Ret Joseph It Sevier, D.D., pastor. Divine worship at 11:15 a. m. and at g p. m, with aermotia by the pastor. At thi. evening hour the pastor will conclude hlg sermons on ITedcstlnu* tlon Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. A rot dial Welcome to all services. Reid Memorial. WAlton Way and John* Road. The 1111 l Morning service at 11 ain Evening service at x p. nt. Sunday s< hool t p ni K. S. Johnson, sunt. The address I > the Adult Bible Glass will bo delivered this afternoon by Hr .lot It Sevier Attractive vocal ami orchestral music and everyone cordially Invited to attend. Greene Street Preebyterian Church. Between 17th and 13th. M M. Mac* Herrin, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m Morning service and sermon 11:15, "licltef In the Second Homing oft'hrlst, a Spiritual Tonic." Vesper service at 6:00 at which the Rev. H I*. Wiggins, pastor of St John Methodist church, will preach. C. K. at 7:00 p. m. Mass i c.-tlng of the congregation Wednes day evening, 8:00 o'clock Everyone Is cordially Invited to attend all the ser vices Sibley Presbyterian Church Corner Eve and 11 road streets. Regu lar services Sunday at 11 a. m. and at 7:.'10 p. in. Sunday school at 4 p. m. The Adelpldan Harara class meets with the Sunday arhool. Pray er meeting Thursday nt 7:30 p. m. I'nlcsH further announcement, there will be no lantern lecture this week. A mission lecture on "The Hall of the World" will lie given Sunday morn ing. The subject of the gospel Her-, mon on Sunday night will he “The Virgin Who Took No Oil." All are welcome :tt our services. Come. COLORED CHURCHES BAPTIST. Cumming Grove Baptitt Church Th.. 11111. Rev. 11. g. Mi Gatin, 11 1)., pastor. Early prayer meeting at 6:30 o'clock. Preaching itt 11:80 o'clock. Sunday school at 4 o’clock. It. It. Wright. Biiperlntcndcnt. Evening ser vices Preaching nt s 30 o'clock. Monday evening, March 16, la Ilia beginning of the revival meeting. Probably preaching during the week. To all of these services, the public la Invited. Union Baptiat Church Rev. T. II Dwelle, A.M., paator. Preaching at 11 a. m. and at X p. tn„ lo the parlor. Sunday achool nt 12:30 p. in., 1.. E. White, aupcrlntcndcnt. Central Baptiat Church. Rev. R. J. Johnaon. paator. Early prayer meeting conducted hy Brother A J Smith At 11:30 a. m. preach ing hy the paator on 'Soul Fatness." At 3 p m. Sunday achool, .W (\ Jones, Hupt. At K p. in. aermon by paator, theme. "Terrors of the last day." our revival continues and Rev. H. G. Wal ker, It D. will preach during the week. All are Invited. Macedonia Baptiat Church. TnIRKH street. Itc\. W. \V Jones, paator. 6 o'clock prayer meeting. Den. .1 Wilson, tl o'clock preaching hy the paator. I o'clock baptism. 3 o'clock communion. 4 o'clock sacred hand con ic it A grand address K o'clock preaching . Rev. F W Walker The public Is cordially Intlted to all ser vices. Thankful Baptiat Church Rev. I. tv Pinckney, pastor. Early pr;iv ei meeting at 7 u. m. Preaching at 11:30 a m. and at S p. m. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m., L, G. Harmon, superintendent. I’rayer meeting Tues da> night It V. iv G Thursday night. The public Is cordially Invited to all these services. Springfield Baptist Church. Rev. Janies M Nabrlt pastor. Theme for II o'oloof, "Power of Spirll At :l vi’clock the f>sth anni versary of the Trinity Moral Society, one of the largest benevolent tnstl lotions In the city. Theme for 8 o clock "The Power of Wood." Our revival Is now going on. Preaching each night by Rev. W R Forties, president of Georgia Missionary State Convention. You are urged to come and bring your unsaved friends. Tabernacle Baptist Church. Regular Sunday services by the pas tor. Rev C. T. Walker, D. I> The ex ercise of luting of the corner stone of our new church building will begin at McGregor Hall. Haines Institute build- Inc. at 5 (10 o'clock p m . at which time Rev. M. Ashby Jones, the distinguish ed pastor of the flrsl Baptist church, will make an address, followed by Dr. David Gregg Mr Nichols. M liutler and oilier prominent tourists At 4 o'elo. 8 p in., at the Institutional chur. h building, the ceremonies will be held upon laying the corner stone by Grand Mast or Mason Dr. 11. R. Rutin, of Atlanta, tin. Friends and visitors are cordially Invited to attend the corner stone exercises for the af ternoon and the services for the day. Prayer meeting ti a. m. Preaching ser vice 11 a. m Corner stone exercises 4 p. m. R Y P. C meeting 7 p. m. Preaching service S p. m Hal* Street Baptist Church, Early prayer f. a. to. Preaching 11:10 a. m. by Rev. E. W Washington, and 8 p in. by Rev Win Pope Sunday school at 2 |' m. I shers prayer meet ing 5 p m R Y P C. 7toSp. m. The revival will begin on the fourth Sunday Rev Furman of Hamburg S. C Is expected to preach. The public Is Invited The pastor is betier. Rev. J. W. Williams, pastor Rro. M. 1,. Green. C. C St John Baptist Church. Kills St.. Harrisburg Rev St N Thomas, pastor Preaching at 11:3(1 a. hy Rev E. Hlatmer and at X p m. by the pastor. Tuesday night confer ence Thursday night preaching Come one come all. you are welcome. Beulah Baptist Church. Preaching thts morning hy Rev Morse at 11 o'clock. Prvaching tonight Jby Rev. Sapp nt 6 o'clock, Sunday school this afternoon at 3 o'clock. II Y. • I*. U. meeting at 7 o'clock. CONGREGATIONAL. First Congregational Church. Corner Jackson and Gwinnett Sts. Rev, John T. Clemons, pastor. Regular servleo Sunday: Preaching at II a in. and preaching at 8 p. in. Sunday school at 4 p. in. Christian Endeavor at I,3ft p, m.AII are Invited to come. CATHOLIC Church of tho Immaculate Conception. Manses nt K and 10 a m. At 6 p. in. rosary, nermon ami benediction ser ) mon by Father Harthlen. »n the Sac rament of Baptism. Monday at 9 30 a. j in., solemn inaaa of rcipilem for the j rest of the soul of Most Rev Paul Pel let, superior general of the Society of the African Missions Wednesday at K p. til , rosary sermon and benedic tion The sermon, hy l ather laiuhe, will he on the House of Go<l. Friday at a p. m.. Stations of the Cross. Every morning during I*ent, n ass at * o'clock. EPISCOPAL. St Mary's Church. 915 Teifan Street, near Campbell Street Rev Kamuel A K Hnleman. vicar March 15. 1914, third Sunday In l,ent Services at 111 a ni and •> p. m Sunday school at 12:30 ii m Our Lenten services will be continued as usel. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, ni ti .4' p. m. and on Wed nesday at 7 P. in . The HI. Rev. F. F Reese, D D , w ill visit St. Mary's ion Sunday March 22, 1914 at. 4 p. m. All are Invited and are welcome. METHODIST Bathsl Methodist Church Rev. A. M. Jordan, pastor. Prayer meeting si 6 30 a. m. Sunday achom ,nt 10 a. m. Preaching at 11:30 a. in.. I by Rev. J. K. Stover Preaching at i 4 p, m.. by Rev. L. P. Lankford, puator jnf Zion M K. Church. Allen Ix-ngne at 1 p. in.: subject, "Well-stored Mem ories.” Preaching at a p. m. This I* Rethel'r Rally Day. All mem bers end friends are urged to come out and help us. Zion Methodist Church. Rev. 11. Phllbert Lankford, pastor. Revival services are now going on. be lievers and unbelievers are especially Invited to attend. Dr. C. O. Carson, pastor of Clinton chapel. A. M K. Zion church. Rock Hill, S. <?., Is ex pected to be with us Monday and will remain daring the week. Dr Carson is a great preacher and sweet songster. It Is hoped that Augusta will give him a good audience. The pastor will preach a special sermon to ChrlHtlnna In the morning and one to (lie sin ners at night. Morning subject. "The salvation of sinners the desire of Christians" Night subject, "The sin ners' day." All are cordially Invited to worship with us, Trinity Methodist Church. The Rev. W. M Gladden, pastor. Special services all day on account of the revival now In progress. Preaching at 11:30 a. m. and k:3O p. m. hy the pastor. Subjects of Interest each ser vice. Sunday school at 3 p m. At 6p. m. evangelistic services liy the Kp worth League for the yuong people Revival services each night tills week. Ml are cordially Invited. Let all be lievers come and bring their unsaved friends. PREBBVTERIAN. Christ Presbyterian Church. Corner of Telfair and Cummings Streets Rev .1. S. Ellis. pastor. Preaching 11:15 a. m Wednesday evening 7:20 prayer service. A cor dial welcome tu nil. Baptist Settlement Work Is Meeting With Success The Club Will Meet Weekly and Will Be of Great Help to the Mothers of the Mill Section. Tho Baptist Settlement Home on I'curl Avenue, under the direction of Miss Daisy Cummings and the Hair list women of the city. Is meeting with great favor In the community. The people are giving It a most splen did patronage On Wednesday the ladles organized a Mothers' Club The dub will meet weekly, and will lie of great help to tile mothers of the mill section. On yesterday afternoon a sewing club wns organized '1 his will have as its object the training of the young wonon to sew and (io other needle work. A story hour will be Introduced also as a leading teaaire of the work for the children Tills department will be In charge oT .Isa Ruby Tommlns The home will soon become a center for the young and old who wish to come in touch with the best of life Miss Cummings has greatly delighted the leaders in the movement with her devotion to the work, And the tad and skill with which she has managed thus far. GREENE S BYTE RIAN May begin evangelistic MEETINGS MARCH 29TH The Greene Street Presbyterian Church Is planning to begin evange listic meetings ..lurch 29th, Joining In with the simultaneous meetings to he held hy the churehes of the city The evangelist who Is coming to as sist! he pastor Is the Rev. IV 11, Co man of Tennessee who has been highly recommended as a preacher of real spiritual power who proclaims the truth with clearness and unction Wednesday evening of this week every man In the church, as well as women, are being urged t i atiend a meeting to he held In the lecture room of the church, to make definite jilans to organize the work, and al together to get ready for the coming series of meetings. It Is planned to hold some cottage prayer meetings In several sections of the city. The Greene Street Chnreh Is joining tho other churches in the hope and prayer that this Is the time for a general »] trltlial awakening REV S P. WIGGINS AT THE GREENE ST. PRESBYTERIAN At the six o’clock vesper service of the Greene Street Presbyterian churv'h the Rev S lv Wiggins will preach for the past<# Dr. Wiggins is one of the most successful of the Augusta minis ters. and is beloved not only by the congregation of St John's Methodist church of which he has ben pastor for more than a year, hot is admired by the whole city. The hour of this ser vice makes It possible for a great m nv to hear this gifted preacher, and It is hoped that a large congregation will be present. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Sues For Death of Fleeing Husband m V V * ' ' [: * - k'; - >4 ■_ My NSc*, ■gyPfoj/mrSM' ■ JK Vfl r ' fyi' lift ' Mine. Navratll. Nice.—Mme Navratll, the Nice mil liner, whose husband was lost on the 111 Tated Titanic as he was fleeing to America with their two children, who were rescued, has entered BUlt against the White Star Line for $30,000 dam ages for the loss of her husband. In answer to the suit, the White Star Line declared that Mme. Nav ratll was a Hungarian and therefore the matter did not come within the jurisdiction of the Nice court. The court, however, has allowed Mine Navratll three months In which to procure the necessary papers to prove her Frenrh nationality. The Little Milliner is In need of money with which to rear and educate her two children. It will be remembered that follow ing the sinking of the Titanic, the two children were cared for by a New York society woman uneil they were Identified by Mme. Navratll from pho tographs of them published In F'cbt.i newspapers. She went to America and brought the children back with her. SEC’Y HESTER'S WEEKLY COTTON STATEMENT New Orleans, La —Secretary Hester's weekly New Orleans Cotton Exchange statement, issued before the close of business Friday shows an Increase id the movement Into-slght compared wilii the seven days ending this date lust year In round figures of 19 “*•). n de crease under the same days year before of 71,000. and an Increase over tho same time In 1911 of 79,000. For the thirteen days of Much tile totals show an Increase over last year of 29.000. a deerease under the same pe rtod year before last of 189,000 and an Increase over the same lime In 1911 of 113,000. For the 194 days es the senson that have elapsed tbe aggregate Is ahead of the 194 days of last year 713. oil"; behind the same days year before last 765,0 11 and ahead of 1911 hy 2.277,000. The amount brought Into sight during the past week his been 186,642 hales, against 167,230 for the seven days end ing tills date last year, 267.285 year be fore l ist and 107,64 S same lime In 1911; nnd for the 13 davs of March It lias been 338.071 agaiOst 306,562 last year, 527.- 421 yesr before last and 191,581 same lime in 1911. The movemsnt sliv-e September Ist shows receipts at all Ended States ports 9.075,2X7 against 5,667.134 last yesr. 10,506.230 yesr before last and 7.- 553.037 same time In 1911. Overland across the Mississippi. Ohio and Poto mac rivers to northern mills and Canada 938,271 against 911X25 last > ear. 948,32 year before last and 776,215 same time in 1911; Interior stocks In excess of those held lit the dose of the commercial year 575.425 against 539.021 last year. 446.181 year before last and 425,219 same time tn 1911. Southern mill takings 2,333.000 agninst 2,092,428 last > ear. 1.756.733 year before last and 1.590,617 same time tn 1911. These make the total movement for the 194 days of the season from Septem ber Ist to date 12.921 986 against 12,210.- 408 hist year, 13,387,464 year before lust and 10.645,< xx same time In 1911. Foreign exports for the week have been 115,366 ng.dnst 95 X3O last veaV making the total thus far for the season 7.270.251 against 6.925.294 last year, an Increase of 344,960. Northern mill* takings and Cattuda during the past seven days show an In crease of 1.592 -u* compared with the corresponding pet "d last year, ,t Jo I their total takings since September *<t have decreased 111.326. The total takings of American mils Nrttli, South and fan ada tints far for the season have been 4.410.04, r , against 4.2i>2 3S!> list year. These Ittolude I,!U by Northern spinners against 2,149,659. Stock tit the seaboard and the 29 lead ing Southern Interior centers have de creased dm tig the week 31.656 hales against a decrease during the cotVe sponding period last season of 31,424 and are now 150,334 larger than at this date In ISIS Including stocks left over at port and Interior towns from the last crop and the number of bales brought Into sight thus far from the new rVop, the supply to datfAt' 1 ’ -T' I ; against 12,52 In I - for the Tame period last year, KICKAPOO WORM KILLER EX PELS WORMS. The cause of your child’s 11ls —the foul, fetid, offensive breath The start ing up with terror and grinding of teeth while asleep—The sallow com plexion—The dark circles under the eyes—Are nil Indication* of worms. Klckapoo Worm Killer Is what your child needs: it expels the worms, the ctnsc of the child’s unhealthy condi tion. For the removal of scat, stom ach and pin worms Klckapoo Worm Killer (.’lves s ire relief. Its laxative effect adds tone lo the genera! sys tem Supplied ns a randy confection children like It. Safe nnd sure relief. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co. Phila. os St, Louis. Ou»rar teed. Ttuy a box today. Frlce 25c. All Ltruggists or by mail. MESSiAH TO ASK FOR THE HEATHEN Tlie Redeemer Has Not Yet Asked For Kls Inheritance. ACCORDING TO DIVINE PLAN. World-wide Dominion Promised Mes siah—Th# Conversion of tho Heathen Bhortly to Bo Accomplished—Mes siah’s Conguect of tho Nation*—Tho Arrow* of Truth Will Reach Men's Hearts—From the Quiver of Divine Wisdom, Justice and Love—Fore# to Be Employed In Putting Down All Opposition—Death the Last Enemy to Be Destroyed Forever. March B.—Pastor Russell's discourse today related to that feature of his free Phot o- Prnmnof Creation which refers to the answer to Je sus' prayer. The text was: “Ask of Me. nnd 1 will give Thee the hea then for Thine in heritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession.” (Psalm 2:8.) He sold: Our text Is from one of the Messi anic Psalms. It represents our Lord as making known to Ilis people the Heavenly Father's decree rewarding Him for His faithfulness as our Re deemer, assuring Him of His exalta tion to thu Kingdom, and declaring that with fhls will come the inherit ance of iiL the mirth, with power to subject all things to the Father's will. He was to have it for tile mere request —"Ask of Me.” As a matter of fact, this world w ide dominion ha* not yet come to Messiah; the heathen are not yet Ills Inheritance: the uttermost parts of the earth are not yet Ills pos session. Indeed, as the Prophet de clares, "Darkness covers the earth, and gross darkness the heathen.” When we remember our Redeemer's love for the. race, the love which led Him to lay down Ills life to seek and to recover that which was lost, we are at first inclined to amazement that He has not yet asked the Father for Ills inheritance of the heathen. We are astonished that He has permitted the Prince of darkness and the relgit of Sin and Death to exist for more than eighteen centuries since He suffered, "the Just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God.” But perplexity In the matter might well be answered by our Lord's reply to the Sndducees: "Ye do err, not knowing the Scrip tures, nor the power of God.” As we como to understand the Scriptures more fully, and to appreciate how the power of God will be exercised in bringing the henlheu under the domi nation of the Redeemer, the eyes of our understanding open, and we are enabled to rejoice accordingly. Why Did He Not Ask? Our Lord did not nsk for His great power to reign nt an earlier date be cause He knew the Father's Plan, and was well contented with the Divine times and seasons. He had no wisli for a change in this. lie did not ask to receive the heathen for an inheri tance at the beginning of the Gospe! Age. but has been content to wait, and to plnce that request in Us due Nine. In harmony with another feature of the Divine Program which must first be fulfilled. That other feature is the selection of the Church, the Rride of Christ, the members of His Body, it pleased the Father to make our Lord not only the world's Redeemer and King, but also the High Priest of an under-priesthood, the Bridegroom of the Church. His Bride, the Elder Broth er of these saints of glory whom the Father is pleased to develop during this Gospel Age as New Creatures in Christ Jesus, to tie sharers of His suf ferings and of Ilis glory to follow. Meantime the heathen have been suffering no injustice. Born In sin, shaped in iniquity, condemned to death, they have been having expe riences with sin and death, and going down into the grent prison house for periods of linconsciousnesa—until the Redeemer, at His Second Advent shall call them and all mankind from this great prison-house, the tomb. This lie foretold, saying, “All that are In the graves shall hear the voice of the Sou of God. and shall come forth.” -John r. 'JS. 29 I!. V. Fair Trial la Promised All. Not only will this luclude the Church of the First-born, who have been ap proved of God. and who. passing trial now. will come forth unto life eternal, but It will include also the remainder of mankind, those who have not had God's approval, nil of whom, because redeemed, shall cotne forth unto Judg ment-trial. A fair trial will be theirs, to determine their worthiness or uu worthlness of life everlasting by the manner in which they shall receive, or by tlielr rejection of. The Christ of God when, during the Millennium. He shall be made fully known to them. It was also part of the Divine pur pose that the whole earth should be filled with people: and hence tlie bring ing forth of a progeny is a part of the Divine will for mankind. The few short years of the present life, with an experience of sin and death condi tions, will In due time be supplement ed by the glorious period of the Mil- USE HERALD WANT ADS. lennlum, ...■> ...uni o,.port unit, c for lessons of righteousness and Us it wards for obedience. Its correctly "stripe*,” or punishments, will be to the Intent flint so many as |s>sslWv rouy ultimately be entirely recovered from detail conditions and brought Into full accord with God In Christ. Rut those who demonstrate tbelr till willingness to come Into heart sympn thy with righteousness will he utter ly destroyed from amongst the people ► Acta 3:23; 2 Peter 2:12. Th# Mora Excellent Way. 80. then, our Lord's reason for not osklng sooner for the henlhen ns Hi - Inheritance nnd the remotest parts of the earth ns Ills possession, was that lie knew the Father's Plan to lie a different one. the more excellent way; and He delighted to do the Father's will. And so with all the followers of Christ. As soon us they ascertain the Father's glorious Plnn of Sulvntlon. they find It to lie soul-satlsfylng. and greatly prefer It to any plan of tlielr own. Undeveloped Christians, whom the Apostle designates "babes” In Christ, are the ones who are continual ly praying to the Heavenly Father for a change of the Divine Program, im agining that their wisdom and their love In respect to the heathen are su perior to those of the Infinite Creator. Nearly all Christian people have had their experience with such ignorance; and we are glad to suppose that the Heavenly Father laid not the sin of such presumption to our charge, hut rather, sympathetically appreciated our Inter est In the heathen, although He must have depreeuted our lack of reverence, our headiness, our highminded as sumption of more than Infinite wis dom! We are not saying a word agninst missions—home or foreign. Quite to the contrary, we believe that every Christian should Inlior with heart and hand to do all in bis power to glorify the Father and the Redeemer, and to enlighten Ills fellow-men respecting the Cross of Christ, and the blessings which it secures. But while willingly, gladly serving the Divine Cause, “In stant in season and out of season,” we should “learn to labor nnd to wnlL” We should learn that the laboring un der present conditions is arranged chiefly for our benefit—for the develop ment In the minds of the Koyul Priest hood of the sacrificing qualities and the graces of the Holy Spirit—meekness, gentleness, patience, faith, long-suf fering. brotherly kindness, love. "Worker* Together With God.” Let us be sure, dear frieuds, that any theory of ours respeetiug the heathen, or any other feature of the Divine Program, which in any degree implies superior wisdom, superior energy or superior love on our part, as compared with that of our Heavenly Father and our Redeemer, must be wrong. The sooner we learn to pray from the heart, “Th.v will be done," the better it will be for us. the more shall we be able to get into harmony with our Lord, and the more shall we be used as His ambassadors and representa tives. Tbe wisdom of man Is foolish ness with God. and the Wisdom of God is foolishness with man. Hence we must not take the human stand point In Investigating or reasoning upon the Divine purposes and Pro gram. Rather, we must go direct to the Word of God, that we may be taught of God, that we may discern the beauty, the harmony, of His plaus. —1 Corinthians 3:1!). It is written that “obedience is bet ter than sacrifice"; and this being rec ognized, how careful it should make us to inquire what the will of the Lord Is; to search the Scriptures, that we may there ascertain the Divine Frogram, and be found in hurmony therewith! There we find that the Lord's present work is the completing of the Royal Priesthood, the Royal Judge, the Royal Prophet, the Royal Mediator, the Great King, for the world of mankind—for the world’s de liverance from the bondage of Sin and Death, and their assistance back to harmony with God. Thus seeing, we shall have patience In respect to the heathen, and strive now to make our own calling and election sure nud to lay down our lives for the brethren. In assisting to build them up in the most holy faith, “until we all come to the measure of the stature of a Man In Christ"—the great Mediator of the New Covenant, of whom Jesus Is the Head—the Church Ills Body. Converting the World. When will the world be converted? When will Christ ask for the heathen? When will the Father give them to 111 m? llow long. O Lord? The Scrip tural answer, dear friends, Is that It has pleased the Father to select the “Jewel” class during this Gospel Age by means which the world would think foolish—by means of the preaching of the Good Tidings. But His Program for the future Age is different. There are millions who have no ear to hear tbe preaching of the Cross of Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:18.) There are mil lions who have no eye of faith to see the glorious things of God. In fact, according to ttie Scriptures, only a Little Flock, comparatively, can he brought Into accord with tbe Lord un der the conditions of the present time, because sin abounds, because Death reigns, because Satan, the Prince of this world, now works antagonistical ly In the hearts of the children of dis obedience. Hence it has pleased God to have a different method of dealing with the world of mankind In general from that which He has adopted in dealing with the Church in this Age. In the next Age. force will be used, and not merely moral suaslou. Force will be employ ed Ln putting down the reign of evil. Satan will not merely be requested to desist from deceiving the world, but will be bound for a thousand years, and be unable to deceive the nations. USE HERALD WANT ADS. SUNDAY. MARCH 13. I Likewise, mankind will no longer be Invited to accept Christ, nnd to give their hearts In obedience to Ultn, but on the contrary, they will l>e compelled to be oliedleut A« It I* written. "Unto Him every knee ahull bow and every tongue confess, to the glory of God." Offers of grace will uo longer l>e held out. with reward for faith nttacbed; Instead, knowledge shall fill the whole earth, its the waters cover the great deep, (i’ldllpf lans 2:10, 11; laa!ab 11:0.) As u result, no one ahall then lay to hi* neighbor or to Ills brother, Know thou the Lord! for they shall all know Him. from the least unto the greatest of them.—Jeremiah 31:34. Heathen Fall Under Him. Another Pea'm describes Messiah's triumph In the Mlllenn tl Age, saying, “Gird Th.v sword upon Thy thigh. O Most Mighty, with Th.v glory nnd Thy majesty. And ln Th.v majesty ride prosperously In the cause of Truth and Meekness and Righteousness; and Thy right hand shall teach Thee terrible things. Thine arrows are shnrp In the heart of the King's enemies; whereby the people fall under Thee." (Psalm 45:3-5.) Instead of people here, rend heathen, as in the original, nnd we have a picture of the conversion of the heathen as it will shortly bo accom plished. We are not to suppose the Lord will ride upon n horse, or that literal arrows will literally pierce the hearts of Ills enemies. We are to un derstand this picture to signify our Lord's triumphal conquering of the world; and that the arrows of Truth, which will go forth unto the whole world, will reach the hearts of men and smite them down. Even so we read that when St. Peter preached at Pentecost that the Jews had taken and crucified the Son of God. the hear ers were “cut 1o the heart”—with the lance of Truth. Thank God for such arrows from the quiver of Divine Wis dom. Justice. I.ove! We rejoice that the heathen will thus be conquered for the Lord, and thus eventually every knee bow and every tongue con fess. The work of dealing with the heath en, with the world—with all except the Church—will begin with the gen eration living at the time of the es tablishment of the Lord's Kingdom. In due time it will proceed and will ultimately include ull that are in their graves in the reverse order from that in which they entered. And the last shall be the first to come forth—“ev ery man in Ids own order.” or class. Deep Humiliation Is Yet Promised tho World. Too frequently do Bible students neglect to see whether or not their in terpretations are in harmony with the context of the passages under discus sion. Let us not make this mistake. Turning to the second Psalm, we find that following our text is the declara tion, "Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; Thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." (Ve''so 0.) The application of this evidently Is to the time of our Lord's Second Ad vent, when the selection of the Church shall have been completed nnd she shall have entered into His glory as the Bride, the Lamb's Wife, symbol ically pictured as the New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven. From that New Jerusalem, we are told, the River of tlie Water of Life shall flow freely, and whosoever will may freely partake of it. On either hank will grow the Trees of Life, whose leaves fire for the healing of the nations. And the Spirit and the Bride will say. Come; and whosoever will may come, and take of the Wa ter of Life. But in the meantime, be fore the nations, the world, will be ready for that blessing from the New Jerusalem, they must needs pass through a period of very deep hu miliation—"A Time of Trouble such ns never was since there was a nation.” — Matthew 24:21. As for the nations of that time, the extent to which they will suffer de struction will depend largely upon their own attitude, as is intimated by the verses following our text. Those of the nations who freely aml heartily accept of Messiah's rule wnl be cor respondingly saved from the breaking process. Hence it is urged. “Be wise, Oye kings of the earth! Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and ye perish from the way. when Uls wrath is kindled but n little.” But while this seems to offer leni ency, mercy, these favors are condi tional on the manner in which the Messianic Kingdom shall be received. Other Scriptures intimate that all the nations, not only lientlien but civilized, will lie found In violent opposition to the Heavenly Kingdom, and hence that ell together they will he crushed as the vessels of a potter. The Glorious Outcome. The Lord tells us that as the heav ens are higher than the earth, so are His ways higher than man's ways, and Ills plans higher than man's plans. And this we find true as we come to better understand the Scriptures. Who ever dreamed of such lengths and breadths nnd heights and depths of “Love Divine, all love excelling,” as nre implied and included in God's great Plan of selecting first The Christ -Jesus the Head, and the Church. His Body—and then through these bless ing all the families of the earth with, a knowledge of HUnself and the glori ous opportunities for life eternal. We make no claims of universal sal vation; for the Scriptures dlstinetlj speak of some who will die the Second Death, having proved themselves not sufficiently iu harmony with righteous ness to be worthy of eternal life —even after being brought to a knowledge of the Truth. But the Scriptures show us that when all the unwilling and dis obedient shall have been cut off In the Second Death, the whole venrth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God. USE HERALD WANT ADS.