Newspaper Page Text
Connections of
Jas. TsdcCreery & Co., 34th Street,
Lord & Taylor, Fifth Avenue,
New York Citv
We can buy and sell cheaper
than any dealer buying alone.
The following recently ap
peared in a local advertise
ment other than ours: “The
selling prices of any store de
pend upon the buying prices.”
This sounds the note of
what we would say to you.
We are one of forty-odd
stores through the United
States and Canada. The con
sumption or patronage of these
stores is that of more than 10,-
000,000 people. When stocks
are bought for the stores, they
are sufficient to meet the de
mands of this enormous army
of people. You can readily
see that goods secured in such
quantities may be bought
cheaper than a merchant buy
ing for 1,000,000 or 10,000.
There is our answer and
yours. That is why it is to
your interest to buy through
Unless it contains several features, which the
average person considers trivial. There are many
instruments, encased in the finest woods, which are
not worth having because they lack these essentials.
White’s piano department, the largest under
one roof in the South, is stocked with the finest
pianos made==carefully selected and tested by our
own experts.
You may be sure, when buying of
White’s, that the instrument is much finer
than the ease.
In the department may be found the
Pianos and Player-Pianos May Be Bought Through The Household Club.
The New Millinery for Spring
and Summer
Now on display in White’s, is full of charm and dis
It includes exclusive hats from celebrated design
<ts in America and abroad.
Georgette, with charming high-crowned oyster col
ored straws and other captivating little hats;
Jeanne Lanvin, who has brought forth the Hand
kerchief hat, as stunning as it is odd:
Evelyn Vernon, whose taste is her chiefesf charm;
Marie Louise, than wliotn there is no more' individ
ual originator; .....
Joseph, of French name • but decided American
Kursman, whose willow plume insures his popu
larity with American women.
Come in and see the hats.
Notions Not To Be Forgotten
Pearl buttons, sizes 14 to 30, plain and fish
eve, regular 10c a dozen; Monday price ..
Guaranteed pearl buttons, fancy and plain;
sizes 14 to 24, values 15c to 25c, on sale
Monday, a dozen 10£
Pearl buttons, first quality in seconds; all
sizes; regular 5c values will be placed on sale
Mondav two dozen for
W here Baby Lives These Days
In the Out-of-
The little ones lives in the
carriages. They should be
roomy, clean vehicles, such
as you find at White’s de
Baby Carriages, with wil
low bodies and tops, made
with a large roll about both,
are priced from sls to S4O
Perambulators, green or
brown, are priced from
sl2 50 to $25 00
Collapsible Gocarts, from
$5 00 to sl2.
Steinway, the Kohler & Campbell, the
Waud, the Kranick and Back and Belming.
Piano players the manufacturers equal
ly as well known, we also carry.
1,000 dozen good quality pearl buttons, all
sizes from 14 to 30, on sale Monday three
dozen for 5^
Fish eye pearl buttons, sizes 18 to 45, 3, 0 and
12 on card, regular 15c values, special
price 10c
In the Nursery
The crib is where the lit
tle body rests, and great
care should be taken in se
curing sanitary cribs, mat
tresses and springs.
White enamel cribs, with
seven - eighths continuous
posts, and drop sides; Na
tional link springs, which is
usually priced at $lO, we
will sell for $8.98.
Brass eriks, with one
inch continuous posts, drop
sides. National link springs,
30x60 inches being the di
mensions, may be bought at
prices ranging $25 to $35
Crib Mattresses, covered
with fancy blue tickings,
are priced at $.”>.00, and will
be sold Monday for $3.98.
Tivo Specially Priced Pieces
of Furniture
A Modern
Made of Mahogany, Golden
Oak or Bird’s K:ye Maple,
with a -12 inch top, oval or
square mirror. This dresser
is plainly marked $35.00.
The special price is $29.98
With the seasons. It is necessary when the sea
sons arc extremes.
By way of specially pricing Spring‘floor coverings
we will place on sale Mondav
Which arc the regulation size, !>\l2 foot at .. ..$6.50
36x72 inch rugs to match will bo sold for 75^
Also in the regulation size oxl2, for $3.50
36x63 rugs to match for 50<^
Place your order for awnings now.
Wo will recover the old frames <*r build new ones.
Telephone for our representative to call and furnish
Can You Test the Quality of Linens?
If you can, we invite your attention to the special prices we arc running in this depart
ment Monday.
39e 10-4 Defender Sheeting, limit 5
yards 27V&*
$1.50 27 inch hemmed Bird’s Eye, limit
two pieces 98^
25c and 35 Iluek Towels, all linen, limit
12 19<*
$1.25 72 inch all linen damask, 10
patterns 79<*
15c colored crepes, small rose patterns 7|/5^
$1.25 45 inch bordered ratine, grey and white
and blue and white 4?V
SI.OO 27 inch brocade crepe do chine, 25
shades 75^
75c 30 inch mercerized crepes, very sheer,
SI.OO 45 inch Bulgarian crapes, all colors
and white 69^
25 pieces of 45 inch French Lawn, values to
65c, for 19f
The Women's Apparel is Made to Please
Suits and Dresses arc made with woman’s most powerfif! charm—lit
tle frills and ruffles. The cases are filled with them now, and you are
asked in to see them.
We have selected several models which we think particularly at
tractive to describe briefly.
The first is a crepe poplin, with a two-button jacket, of' which the
sleeves and yoke are cut in a piece. The back is loose; the collar a Per
sian crepe; buttons of crystal; bindings, satin; linings peau-de-eygne.
The sleeves are seven-eighths length. The skill is fulh r than the skirts
of the winter, made with a ruffled tunic.
This model and several others in a full range of' colors and black,
are priced at $23.95.
A Bolero Effect Jacket
Is the chiefest and most attractive feature of a silk poplin suit, to
which the sleeves are full length and the skirt made with a triple tunic.
This suit and others of varying colors and materials, are priced at
The Draped Collar
Distinguishes a chiffon taffeta suit, the jacket of which is lined with satin, and the skirt
made tunic. This particular -nit is of black, but there are others of other colors.
They are priced at $31.50.
Characterize certain of the Spring suits, carried at White’s in silk crepe poplins. A partic
ularly beautiful one is the suit made of a strange shade of blue-gray, made with low kimona
sleeves, a loose jacket, square in back and Eton effect in front. A deep charmeuso sash of an
exquisite shade of the blue-grey, catches the jacket in at the waist.
The skirt is made with an unusual tunic, which is not visible from the front, but is made
deep in the back, ..
Freiqht is Prepaid
On goods bought of us and consigned to points
within 200 miles of Augusta.
In this way, and with our Mail Order Depart
ment at your command, shopping here costs but a
two cent stamp extra.
We solicit vour account.
Dining Room
With those convenient slip,
leather seats. The finish is
Golden Oak or Mission or
Early English. The chairs
are now priced $5.00, but
will be sold Monday
for $3.98
$1.25 81x99 Defender Sheets 79^
<;i/,e cotton crash, while and colored bor
ders .. -...41 fA
All Bath Mats marked 20 per cent Less Than
Marked Price.
SI.OO 10-4 all linen Sheeting, limit 5
yards 79*
$1.75 11-4 heavy white Spreads .... $1.29
45 inch white silk warp crepes, very sheer,
from to $3.50
$1.98 heavy French ratine, niatalcsse, mot
tled plisse, medeira homespun and serge,
at .. $149
50c flowered crepes and marquisettes .
100 pieces fancy Novelty Ratine and
Crepes, values t 051.75, for $1.25
100 pieces of White Novelty Watine are
priced, specially, from .. .. to $3.50
Means more sales; more
sales, more goods ; more goods,
cheaper prices.
“Upon the magnitude of
business depends the price.”
One of the chicfcst reasons
why we can offer you the great
conveniences of The Household
Club with practically no extra
cost, is that the Club increases
the volume of sales, and by the
process above, more sales
mean cheaper prices for all
The Household Club now
numbers many hundreds on its
lists. They are men and wo
men, young and old, rich and
poor, who have seen the reason
and convenience of that ex
cellent institution and are buy
ing for the home through its
If you have a friend who is
a member, ask him of it. There
is not a discontented member
on the large list.