The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1914-current, March 15, 1914, Home Edition, Want Ad Section, Page FIVE, Image 21

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SUNDAY. MARCH 15. Mutt Could Stand for Everything Bnt the Wrist Watch - - By 44 Bud" Fisher 1 ’ ' : "j .. „ ~ p “ 1 "°?? h " rM * T tk6 sujclu oß6iteQ| * . r AR£ At>oP”tm<o TH€ J - f A / op «*«««* -««s t :s BWTtN o l»° 2 rrrr—-^ U..D«.c,p«H,ep -Hw? SP66HS, mut4— I "»*•« .Oowt : r p ■ n ” 2 ) i 'i'j ■.!■■,.— j .* —c^ 77ie People Will Go to the “Movies;” Many Feature Films Being Presented at First Class New York Theatres New York. —Much has been written about moving pictures as a substi tute for the drama and perhaps the subject has become a bit wearisome, but I feel that the present is a par ticularly propitious time to get a few thinks on the subject out of my sys tem. There are several feature films be ing presented at tirst-class theaters in New York. "Smashing the Live Trust.’' holds forth at the C.arrtcs where that peerless actor Richard Mansfield staged his production m by-gone times. At David Betasccs Republic we can now see a highly thrilling films. "The Sky Monster," and the pictures flicker on a sheet stretched across the stage where we recently saw “The Woman." "The Governor's Lady” and other Belasco productions. The New York Theater, where Ziegfeld used to l resent his "Follies" is now showing “The Three Musketeers” done in films. "Educational.” At the Park Theater, where a cou ple of years ago "The Quaker Girl was housed for a long run, we have ARE YOU fl VICTIM OE BLOOD POISON? Do You Wish to Be Cured of Your Disease and be Sure That It Will not Return? / TMMifrrilr J mjfiflf&r * . '' ;? ' ', We use the newest anti latest treatment for Rlooii Poison nnd Skin Diseases, Prof. Ehrlich's (of Germany) NEOSALVARSAN, or "914, 1 the Improved. We successfully treat Ulcers. Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Rheuma tism, Gall Stones. Piles, Rectal Troubles nnd Unnatural Discharge*. No man Is too poor to receive our best efforts; no man is so rich that he can procure better service tha n we are qualified to give to the speclul diseases which we treat. Our office Is permanently located In Augusta; OUR BEST REFER ENCES ARE OUR CURED AND SATISFIED PATIENTS. If you want Free Consultation and advice, skillful, scientific and conscientious treat ment, COME TO US. The following di*ea*ei are among thoee which we successfully treat; KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES. NERVOUSNESS. RUPTURE, ULCERS AND SKIN DISEASES, BLOOD POISON, ECZEMA, RHEU MATISM. PILES, MSfULA AND CONTRACT ED AILMENTS OF MEN AND WOMEN. PILES We rure piles without the knife: without detention from business; without coutery; no danger. No one need suffer from this complaint when this humane, cure Is awaiting them. BLOOD POISON. We use the newest mid latest treatment for Blood Poison and Skin Disease*. Professor Ehrlich's (of Germany) NEOSALVARSAN, or "914," the improved and all other latest cures recognized by the medical pro fession Neonaivarsan and these improved remedies are absolutely safe arid harmless, and can be administered In the office painlessly and with absolutely no 111 effects whatever. ULCERS. We care not of how long standing, we cure them In a short time. ECZEMA. Plmnle« Erysipelas, or any eruptive disease of the skin, promptly cured. BLADDER AND KIDNEY TROUBLES Under our s; stem of treatment show signs of at one •. We want every man that ts suffering from ACrTK AND CHRONIC DICERS BROOD POISONING. VARICOSE VEINS, OR ANY SWELL ING CATARRHAL DISCHARGES. RHEUMATISM IN ALL ITS FORM, iTWt STRENGTH AND VITALITY BLADDER AND KIDNEY CONDI TIONS ECZEMA. PIMPLES. ERYSIPELAS OR ANY ERUPTIVE CON DITIONS OF THE SKIN OR ANY ASSOCIATE DISEASE OF MEN, to come and have a social chat with us. We will give you, FREE OF CHARGE, n thorough personal examination, together with an honest and scientific opinion of your case, and sacredly confidential. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5P- m. Sunday, 10 a. m. to Ip. m. Call on or address— DRS. GROOVER & REGISTER 504-7 Dyer Budding. Augu*ta, Ga. a highly exciting and so-called “edu cational” motion picture feature "The Drug Terror." Victor Hugo's "Los Miserabies” flickers on a sheet in Carnegie Hall, while "Fire and Sword," a sensational film, with aid of a fife and drum corps is doing nightly duty at the old Harlem opera House, which has succumbed after several sucessful seasons of stock. The Criterion Theater, where Robert Hilliard made his long run last year in “The Argyle Case." is now the Vitagraph Theater, having been pur chased by the motion pltcure concern of the same name, and is now devoted to feature Vitigraph filmss. At Web er’s Theater, a film called “The Gamesters” is drawing large crowds, and at Daly’s and the old Herald Square, where many of our ramous players have trod the hoards, the -or dinary programs of four or five pic tures are presented from noon until almost midnight. The Vnion Square Theater, one of the old landmarks on Fourteenth Street, which has been devoted to vaudeville for several se.v , is now a "movie” house. y far* jwjnt *' t? , * This list does not include about; 100 theaters which are devoted to a mixed bill of small vaudeville anl moving pictures and more than fifty “hole in the wall” regenerated store rooms, w’here one may see a program of movies for a nickel. Little White Lie. Accordingly, when one of the big theatrical magnates dropped a busi ness remark that the moving pictures were not making inroads on his busi- j ness, I for one, concealed a sickly ! smile and hoped that on the day or judgment, that little white lie woul 1 not be held against him. The films are hurting the theatri cal business, they are taking money away from the regular managers and any manager who makes a statement to the contrary is merely talking to holster up his own courage, like the small boy who whistles as he comes home in the dark. There isn't a big manager in New York who will turn down a chance to “get in on a good moving picture proposition and several of tbem are already interested in feature films. Charles Frobman is the controlling spirit in the Famous Players Film Company, which recently produced "The Pride of Jennlco,” in the movies with remarkable success. As to the Reasons. Now as to the reason why the pic tures draw such crowds while the legitimate actors very often play to empty seats. In this age of the high cost of living, seats at a theater, which surely must be reckone i as a luxury, are almost prohibitory in price to the man of average means, it is impossible to get two Seats tor a first-class production for any amount less than $3.00 while in most cases they will cost $4.00. Any of the feature films referred to at the beginning of this letter can be view ed for prices ranging from 50 cents downward, and Tor most of them tse highest price is 25 cents. The con clusion drawn from these facts is perfectly simple. People will go to the movies because they can obtam an evening’s entertainment at about •one-eighth the price they would pay at the regular theater. The managers cry that they can not reduce the price of Beats owing to the tremendous expenditures in volved in making a first-class produc tion. Huge sums must be spent in stage settings, higli salaries are paid to our stars an.l the advertising hills are stupendous. I am not an expen on tlie financial end of the theatrical business and would never attempt to tell a manager how he can reduce SB expenses and the | rices of his seals, but this one thing is sure, he win have to do It in some manner or tue other or watch his business go to the film houses. SPECIAL NOTICES Webbs Lodge No. 166, F. and A. M. THK REGULAR MONTHLY COMMI' cation of Webbs Lodge No. 166, F, and A. M. will he held In lodge room, Masonic Tem ple, Monday, March 16th, at 8:30 o’clock p m. Members of Social Dodge No. 1 and vlst lng brethren arc cordally and fraternally Invited. L. G. HEATSE, W. M. Ml 6 CHAS. A. CUMMINS, Sec'y. THK FRIENDS OF MR. GEORGE W. Hummers hereby announce Ms rand - ilu-y for Council from the 6ih Ward, subject to the Rules and Regulations of the White Primary. J. M. KOON, CANDIDATE FfRS councilman, sth ward. Subject to White Primary. TO THE VOTERS OF THE FIRST WARD. I TfEREBY ANNOUNCE MY CANDI - for the City Council from the First Ward, subject to the rules of the while prlmarv. sun-ts C. GORDON LAMBACK. Sanitary Grocery and Meat Market i A choice aupply of Fancy Groceries and Freßh Home Killed Meats at the Lowest Prices. Your patronage appreciated. Quick Deliveries and Prompt Service. L. HOPKINS, Prop. Phone 1917. 1811 Walton Way. W« Give and Redeem Treding Stemp*. IHE AUGUSTA HERALD. AUGUSTA, GA. Ml 1 CONGRESS Washington.—Pay in congress. Senate. Not in session, meets Monday. House. Passed agricultural appropriations bill, carrying $19,000,000. Adiourned at 5:50 p. m., until noon Monday. RESEMBLES CHOLERA. Douglas. Ariz. —A strange disease, resembling e’Oolera in tlie speedy death of its victims. Is reported at .lecorl, Chihuahua, a district just freed from an epidemic of smallpox. Persons arriving here from terrritory adjacent to Chihuahua said that re cently a collection was taken tip in the city of Bneanora, Sonora, to pur chase medicine for ersiients of the affected area. WANTI-H: NAMES ANT* AI*T*ItF.SSIC> by mall order houses: big pay; home work: information for stninp. Direct Ap peal Co., Plymouth, Ind. Ml. r >p For Salc== Real Estate Attractive lot, Walton Way, 135 x 280, $35.00 foot; McDowell street, 100x165, S2O foot; Broad street home at attractive price. See my list. J. G. JEFFRIES 213 Union Savings Bank Bldg Phone 137. Hot Weiners Cold Drinks and Fresh Home-made Pies, at 116 Campbell St., Breed love's Place, next door to the Arm ory. HOLLEY WAGON GO. Builders Of All Kind? of High Grade Wagons. We Repair end Paint Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, Automo biles on Short Notice. Good year Rubber Tires. Horse Shoeing. 502 and 504 McKinne Street. TELEPHONE 803. Builders Attention! SLUSKY’S Rubber Shingles $3.75 SQUARE Made of High Grade Asphalt, Mineral Rubber and Felt. Fire proof, wear and weatherproof. Especially attractive for bunga lows and residences. David Slusky 1009 Broad 8 t Phone 100. Shad Shad % Yemmnssee Shad, Spanish Mnck ercl, Tied Snapper. Trout, Hreatn, Blackflsh and Mullet; Norfolk Oysters. Wholesale and Retail. For Prompt Delivery Phono 1077. Jno. /If. Bush 721 9th Street. The Capitol Case FOR LADIES AND GENTS. Everything new and first class. Our Regular Dinners are served to none but first of all. OPEN ALL NIGHT. Phone 3005—W. Read the “Wants” A BIG BARGAIN One of the Most Desirable Lots in Summerville—For Sale T have a Tot in Summerville for sale that is a good proposition for some one who will act NOW. It’s on the south side of McDowell street,, a few* •tops west of Milledge Road, and two blocks from either car line. Tt so lies that nothing short of a sky-scraper can obstruct the view east and south. It’s 100.0x200, just tlhe proper size for a suburban borne, or two bungalows for rent. It’s on the right side of the street for comfort on the front porch in the afternoon. It is the only lot in this neighborhood of nice homos that can be bought. Ask the price of lots of this size ho situated and you’ll be convinced of the merits of this one. The price ifc $2,300.00, and is “DIRT CHEAP.” Terms can be arranged. WILLIAM SHERON 305 Union Savings Bank Building. Phone 168 L Phone 1581. LOTS FOR SItLE Two on Walton Way, crest of the Hill with beautiful view Size 100x200, one on corner. For price and further particulars see. J GEO. W. HARDWICK Real Kstate St Ilians. NOB Dyer Building WATCH FOR MV AD ON WKDNEKDAV. 50,000 —5 FIVE PROPERTIES Two on Broad street, large frontage, running through to Junes at root; Warehouse Lot on McKlnne street; Five Acres near Summer 11 111 Road; One Acre on Summer Hill Roail. I>f»ts on K.nst side MeKlnne street. CHAS. WARREN DAVIS Real Estate and Insurance. 218 Dyer Building. FIVE